last weekend there was a post about no stories being posted . Everyday on the right hand side of the home page scroll down and there is a random authors list . I check this everyday and there are some very good older stories and some 1 time only stories that are very good reading , so someone goes to the effort to post them and we need to give them a look see.
Undecipherable Demographics
The site has changed a lot since it was first started, and I just can't figure out what people like here any more. Some stories that I think should do exceedingly well don't and others that don't appeal to me do.
Know what you mean, Gwen. I do think there are different kinds of trends in what people are thinking about and looking for in types of stories as the years of this 'new' Internet thing go by, and as the world in general goes through changes. Plus, you can't quote me on this, but we're getting older, and farther away in years from what "these kids today" are like. I do not know sometimes whether it is them or we very slightly older girls who are out of touch, maybe. It is a point of view thing as to which.
Anne :-)
I read less and less here
but there are some authors I'd read even if it was only a shopping list. However, I do approve of the random stories thing, it shows great taste - one of mine came up yesterday.
Older stories
I started to read stories from my favorite authors by going to their last page my read stories I missed when they where first posted