Just taking a break from JoB- and SEE-related activities as random thoughts spark across my mind.
Hottest day of the year here in Switzerland, cloudless and 33+ outside (that's nudging 92 in the American funny thingies). So Di has chosen to do the ironing. ?????????
Anyhoo, I just clicked on 'My Stories' instead of 'My Blog'.
Thank you all for the comments and kudos on my latest.
I notice that my index, gazetteer, cast of characters has the most hits by far, and yet has the lowest number of kudos --- weird! Feel free to comment on it, and/or load me up with some more kudos!
I have of course updated it with the link, the two new names that appeared in the latest, and after some pressure in PMs, I have included some indicators to the riddles I have posed to some of you. There is a musical influence (or more than one) in every episode - usually a line or two of lyrics, sometimes a title, sometimes a theme suggested somehow by the piece. For example, the very first, introductory piece (the shortest and yet the one with most kudos - number 000) has a title which is a line from the Rolling Stones hit "Sympathy For The Devil". In the latest, Molly's 'poem' is a slightly altered stanza from a Chris Rea song - "Shine, Shine, Shine".
Just chilling with a cold beer right now, idly going through my 900 CDs wondering if my muse will seize on something for the next few episodes .....
Hmm .... I'm in the mood for some Joe Cocker.
Enjoy your day
I trust that you might get by with a little help from your friends...
Love, Andrea Lena
yep --- thanks 'Drea
Music as a muse
I got through the whole of my iPod playlist on my recent holiday in the US. 1721 songs plus around a 100 podcasts.
Listening to 'Trout Mask Replica' while driving across the emptiness of Wyoming (N.W from Laramie) was quite surreal especially as the next but one Podcast contained references to T.M.R.
(Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode's film review or wittertainement to their listeners, BBC, www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00lvdrj).
I did get quite a few ideas during the 6500+ miles of the trip but sadly they 'here today and gone tomorrow' (music reference intended).