Gaby Book 12 Prima Gaby!

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Yup, the next chapter is ready to read!


and read

Dahlia's picture

I have already devoured this next chapter and as usual am already awaiting the next. Thanks so much for the effort you put in.



Any update on the new website Maddy?


Maddy Bell's picture

of my hands I'm afraid


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Chapter 3...

…hasn't been attached to the story thread yet, so #12-4 follows #12-2. (#12-3 is here, but unattached; I had to go into the Search function to find it.)

Hope someone will go in and fix it.

Thanks, Eric

Gabycon ?

I simply love Gaby.

Since I'm coming from the USA, I'm doing a 10 day self guided UK tour before the con. On Friday I'll be in Salibury visiting Stonehenge and Old Sarum. I'll be heading to a B&B in Dorchester after the tour. What time is the Friday dinner?

Also, are bikes for rent available for Saturday? If I'm up for it I might give the ride a shot.

Looking forward to being there!

Jennifer Sue

Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!

Jennifer Sue


Dahlia's picture

And the other question is where is the dinner. I arrive in Manchester at 15:40 and will then do a mad dash down to Dorchester where I have reservation at a B & B. I very probably will miss the dinner but would still love to know when and where it is being held. It's still tenuous as to whether I will even get my visa yet.

Thanks for the info
