I've been talking with my Military Shrink about MPD, and realized that perhaps allowing the killer out to play would be healthy.
I'm editing this to make the TG element stronger, and intend to add an indeterminate number of chapters following. My muse has directed that this story will take an astonishing change in direction.
Look for additional chapters of "Moonlight".
Khadijah Gwen
Yes. Give into your dark side... (Just kidding.)
Getting in touch with your dark side can be healthy. And writing is one of the few safe ways to do it, without someone getting hurt.
Though, there are few suggestions one can do to avoid having problems. The same suggestions as normal writing.
Do not use any real names. Nor make any threats towards real people, nor organizations. And write nothing sexual with children. If you say teenager, and you want to add sex, make sure you state they are eighteen and older.
I have found these basic rules have kept myself out of trouble.
Yes follow your muse.
Just please indicate when you are finished so we haters of chaptered stories for just this reason can pick up what you've thrown down.
Metropolitan Police Department?
Sorry, I'm terrible with acronyms.
Multiple Personality Disorder
Before they thought I had GID, they thought I had Multiple Personality Disorder. In a sense, I think they are closely related, but my shrink out voted me. :) Keep in mind that I was still fully functional, just very depressed.
Letting "The Killer" out?
Jerry Lee Lewis?
SERIOUS old school rock.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Oops! Wrong killer. Catharsis is a valid concept. So if letting out some of your fears, rage, etc. in a constructive way would help I'd say go for it Gwen
John in Wauwatosa