Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Anyone heard from StefB?

I was just wondering if anyone has heard from StefB (aka S.E. Bell). she has not updated her website in some time or posted on BCTS. I am just wondering if she is OK?
I had purchased all her books on Amazon and on her site she said she had another book in progess but that was over 8 months ago. I am wondering if anyone has heard from her, and how she is doing.

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Bike - sorry can't stay awake to keep writing

Seem to be perpetually tired these days, possibly caught my daughter's fatigue - only joking. Tomorrow is another hard day - in fact the week is, so I'll write as and when I can. My sincere apologies to those who anticipated more Bike tonight but I just can't finish tonight's episode.


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I have it ALL worked out...

With the continuation of the recent trend of writers/authors taking down their stories to publish them commercially, I will be the most popular writer/author to have stories posted here on BigCloset in the very near future. (In the Galactic sense of time, maybe even the Geologic sense.) At THAT point all the readers left here will be FORCED to read my stuff, whether it is worth reading or not.

with love,



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Thanks and FYI

Thank you to everyone who has bought 300 Rains since it came out. You all are awesome. I was also informed that it will be released in print format in a week or so, so there is that. But seriously, you all helped me get better as a writer and the success of my book does help me know that. So thanks.

Also, I am planning on revising Transitioning Home next, so it will get pulled at some point. I have a number of ideas for revisions so while similar, any version I put out will be different. Just wanted to let you know so it's not a total surprise when it vanishes.

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A Thank You and a heads-up - S E E info.

I thank you all for the enthusiasm you have shown for my tale of the Einnlanders, this was much appreciated.

Now I have taken a step back from writing, it occurred to me that Penny and Julia had between them expanded the knowledge of Tranidor - so I have updated the Tranidor Map - which is the sixth (currently) in the list of maps.

So those keen about Palarandi or Anmarian matters can now have a little more detail.

I have included the positioning of the Semaphore Towers and shown Junction Square, Main Street, Cross Street and so on.

All the best


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Price Drop on two Kindle eBooks!

Hi !

Just wanted to let everybody know that I dropped the price of two great Kindle eBooks!

I've dropped the price for both book 1 and book 2 of Hypatia's great " The Oracle of New Delphi"....

Both eBooks are now only $3.99 !

The Oracle Of New Delphi Book 1 and Book 2 By Hypatia
It falls to a brave few to rebuild the world, after civilization collapses! Follow the unlikely heroes that have to put it all back together. It makes it harder when you are not even in your own bodies when it all falls apart.

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Any Proofreaders With Free Time Available?

Are there any people here who would like to proofread the story I'm currently working on?

As I'm German I'm probably getting some idioms wrong or build sentences in a strange way. Comments on the plot would be appreciated too.

The story is about gynecomastia and, in a later part, lesbian romance in a high school setting. It's far from finished, about 8000 words now. And I'm a slow writer.


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New Kindle eBook and new Imprint!

I am very happy to announce a not only new Kindle eBook but a new'ish "imprint", the Sapphire's Place Quickie!

Manny of our best authors have given s great reading it the "short-form", rather than full size novel or novellas, so to this , we give the world the "Quickie".

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Author’s new Facebook page

Hi everyone this is just a quick post to let you know where you can find the release dates for the Death Dealer Saga. I have post it to my new face book page.

I will be continuing with my posts here at big closet but at the urging of more than a few of you I have decided to release the Death Dealer Saga in and e-pub format. I will post updates for any late or early releases of the books.

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Story Rules

When writing stories such as scify and such do we sometimes put in so many rules about ones character that we end up bogging ourselves down with said rules for the sake of the story?

By this I mean as we begin to formulate the story we put in some rules that we don't want to break, which is understandable. But when you put in to many rules does it seem to take the fun away from the writing that you decide to give it up or perhaps revamp the rules so that you have a bit more flexibility?

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Bikini Beach Story

I'm about three quarters of the way through a Bikini Beach story I know it's Elrods universe, his creation. But I do have a few questions which I guess is all about etiquette and protocol really.
First of all am I right in thinking that it would only be right for me to send him the story first? Although from my understanding Ellie Dauber is another I could send it too first.
Second if either of them are OK with the story how would I go about finding an editor or would they do that as well.

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Silly me!

I recently read a story about Whateley Academy about a young man that changed genders due to his mutation and his time getting there. When he got there s/he found his new roommate was a young lady that had been a classmate until another one outed her in front of her classmates. Could someone tell me the title and writer of this story so that I can go back and read it again, PLEASE?

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Character Sketch

When starting a new work, I take the time to develop my character, sometimes spending an entire day working up the character, his or her background, habits, preferences, etc. By doing so, once I pitch into the story, I have a firm idea how the characters in the story will respond to certain situations as well as having a touchstone I can go back to. There is nothing worse than having a character’s eye color go from brown in Chapter One to blue in Chapter Twelve.

Using this is critical when working with another writer, for it keeps both of you on track and in the same ballpark.

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Congratulations Heather O'Malley

Doppler Press would like to congratulate Heather O'Malley on a most excellent launch. In her first day, she has reached best seller status having the number #1 book overall in the LGBT Sci Fi genre.

We would like to thank all those who have purchased the book and aiding Heather's success. Hopefully when you finish this wonderful work you will be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon as well.

Screenshot 2015-03-06 20.18.08.png

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Future Bike-ing

As we approach 2600, I'll ask my customary question, do readers want us (Bonz, Whizz and moi) to continue writing this tale of convoluted undulations? I might add as far as I know the writing team is happy to continue if the answers are positive and our gracious hostess is happy for us to fill up her servers with such tosh.

A, B & W.


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Just a heads up for everyone.

Because Doppler Press is going to be publishing 300 Rains, I am going to be pulling it in a few days. The novel is different than what is posted here as I changed some of the prose by tightening it up and added things that I noticed were missing or not adequately covered. So it really has a different feel. I am pulling it on Thursday so be aware.

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Breaking out of the box

Yes, amazingly enough, I've posted two entries in one day. Don't worry, Erin, this will be it for now.

I've read a lot of arguments on one side or the other of the "Plotter vs. Pantser" debate, and so far, they've only served to increase my frustration.

Each side has valid arguments. The trouble is, I've tried both approaches, and get equally bogged down with each one--just in different ways.

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Clownfish Ch.9

Sorry for taking so long in writing the next chapter for The Unusual Clownfish, I got a little bit sidetracked by another DRU tale. That story is not finished either---I'm taking my time with it and writing it all out before I start posting. In the meantime, I'm trying to get back into Clownfish now. I was going pretty well with it back in October when I got to Ch. 9 and started mapping it out in my head. Unfortunately, it started turning into Divergent---good movie by the way, I'm sad to say I haven't read the book.

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Sorry folks

I don't know where the evening went, funny how it just disappears when you try to sort something on a computer that doesn't want to play. Amazingly, I stayed cool, calm and collected - then killed it in cold blood! Actually, I didn't, I got the cats to distract it and managed to fix the problem. I'll enjoy it while it lasts which probably won't be very long.

Will do a new Bike tomorrow computer permitting.



Take a look at one of my other bikes.

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Kindle emergency!

To all who have purchased my new book A Necessary Fiction (and thank you for that!)--

The conversion process duplicated some chapters' text and cut part of one. This was caught by Allison Z and thank you-thank you! I double-checked and it has been published again. The title page of the correct book reads: KBB2152

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A series of happenings here on BCTS

As last night saw the closure of Jessie's 2nd Book of the 'Death Dealers Saga'
And when I checked for updates before work this morning, I saw an entry by Amethyst, thanking the Closeteers, hey I know its not a real word but what better way to describe us, for worrying.
Also another blog that was commenting on incomplete/unfinished works.

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Even more new Kindles from Karin!

I’ve added two Kindle books, one brand-new and one almost-new, and the Amazon worker bees should have then published by this weekend. The ‘almost-new’ is Powerball, which first appeared here on BCTS, but this is an expanded version with over 20,000 more words—that’s over 35% larger!

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A H U G E thank you

to all of you have been so generous with your time to read my Einnlander tale, and to those few of you who took that extra time to comment.

Of course, I need to mention that I am overwhelmed by the generosity of Kudos.

Please be aware that this would not have come to light had it not been for the patient assistance of Penny herself, so she should carry much of the credit.

I think I shall retire for a while back to the Anmarian map world ---- :-)

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Author Chat Sessions

I don't know how many authors I've wished I could have talked with, but there are a LOT of them posted at Fictionmania. INCLUDING one with JACK CHALKER, famous SciFi writer who included quite a bit of TG stuff in his stories. They're all at Anne-Mal's Page at FM.


Catherine Linda Michel

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Unforced errors

I suppose it's inevitable that eventually I would make a boo boo that required an already-published chapter to be edited in such a way as the story changes, or at least one aspect of the story. I mixed up two characters' histories and simply changing the name wasn't an option. This made me wonder, how do I prevent this from happening again? The short answer is that I can't, an unforced error is just that.

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Relationship Tags in Stories

Zoe Taylor is an amazing writer, and if you haven't checked out her stuff, well, you should.

But, having said that, she tends to write works that lean toward lesbian characters, which I've admitted before usually detracts from my interest in a story.

Her latest story didn't have the lesbian tag, though, so I PMed her about it to ask if it was or not before diving in. I got my answer, and everything was good.

Or was it?

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Delays to Tammy's Trials

An apology to those waiting for Tammy's adventures (and there are plenty of them to come) but I'm engaged in a complete rewrite of Chapter 31 and now see that I've made a boo boo in Chapter 30, by mixing two characters up. That's going to require a partial rewrite to fix as it can't simply be explained away.

It's all going to take some time and I'm hoping RL keeps itself at bay.


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New Kindles from Karin

In addition to my new BCTS story Angry Diary that's currently posted, I'm publishing some ebooks on Amazon. The first up is In Concert, which was first here at BCTS. One of two others from here will be published in the next week; in my time here readers have expressed their desire for Kindle copies of some of my BCTS titles (and I'm always open to suggestions!). As always, please-please-please post reviews on Amazon for any of my books, and any of the BCTS authors whose books you have (and we love stars!)

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Possible Editor

I am a new writer of TG fiction. My stories revolve around characters that use the services of a Beauty Salon for their transformations. Plots include womanless beauty pageants, filling in for sisters, curiosity of what it is like to be a female, spouse interaction. I know a lot of these have already been done, but I try to make them different in some ways. I could use an editor to help with punctuation, tense, and paragraphs. If interested please let me know at [email protected] Thanks

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The ftp issues continue!

Clearly there is some external issue as it worked first try Sunday but midweek its not interested! Hopefully by the weekend my site will be updated with new reading and some exciting news for all the Gabfen.

There is a new chapter here on BC but you might have noticed the lack of breaks in recent chapters. Its not because of lack of code but it seems to be being ignored, does anyone know of any issues with
coding here on BC?

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lightoffury's stories are missing. lightoffury is one of my favorite authors. on crystal hall fan fiction, lightoffury has a link for lights whateley stories under the caption "lights big pile of crap". to me those stories are not crap. i hope that lights self-image will improve and that lights stories will be put back in bigcloset.

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