Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Unforced errors

I suppose it's inevitable that eventually I would make a boo boo that required an already-published chapter to be edited in such a way as the story changes, or at least one aspect of the story. I mixed up two characters' histories and simply changing the name wasn't an option. This made me wonder, how do I prevent this from happening again? The short answer is that I can't, an unforced error is just that.

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Relationship Tags in Stories

Zoe Taylor is an amazing writer, and if you haven't checked out her stuff, well, you should.

But, having said that, she tends to write works that lean toward lesbian characters, which I've admitted before usually detracts from my interest in a story.

Her latest story didn't have the lesbian tag, though, so I PMed her about it to ask if it was or not before diving in. I got my answer, and everything was good.

Or was it?

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Delays to Tammy's Trials

An apology to those waiting for Tammy's adventures (and there are plenty of them to come) but I'm engaged in a complete rewrite of Chapter 31 and now see that I've made a boo boo in Chapter 30, by mixing two characters up. That's going to require a partial rewrite to fix as it can't simply be explained away.

It's all going to take some time and I'm hoping RL keeps itself at bay.


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New Kindles from Karin

In addition to my new BCTS story Angry Diary that's currently posted, I'm publishing some ebooks on Amazon. The first up is In Concert, which was first here at BCTS. One of two others from here will be published in the next week; in my time here readers have expressed their desire for Kindle copies of some of my BCTS titles (and I'm always open to suggestions!). As always, please-please-please post reviews on Amazon for any of my books, and any of the BCTS authors whose books you have (and we love stars!)

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Possible Editor

I am a new writer of TG fiction. My stories revolve around characters that use the services of a Beauty Salon for their transformations. Plots include womanless beauty pageants, filling in for sisters, curiosity of what it is like to be a female, spouse interaction. I know a lot of these have already been done, but I try to make them different in some ways. I could use an editor to help with punctuation, tense, and paragraphs. If interested please let me know at Thanks

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The ftp issues continue!

Clearly there is some external issue as it worked first try Sunday but midweek its not interested! Hopefully by the weekend my site will be updated with new reading and some exciting news for all the Gabfen.

There is a new chapter here on BC but you might have noticed the lack of breaks in recent chapters. Its not because of lack of code but it seems to be being ignored, does anyone know of any issues with
coding here on BC?

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lightoffury's stories are missing. lightoffury is one of my favorite authors. on crystal hall fan fiction, lightoffury has a link for lights whateley stories under the caption "lights big pile of crap". to me those stories are not crap. i hope that lights self-image will improve and that lights stories will be put back in bigcloset.

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A Surprising Amount Of Response

My second Kingston Academy Shorts has gotten a LOT more user response, and a lot more quickly, than the first one did!

So, I'd like to know: what about Ruby's short story (both before and after the rather important fixes) appealed to readers more than Jules' little mini-adventure?

Are there any characters in particular you'd like to see shorts for in the future, or other PFH mini-stories you think would be fun?

And, lastly: how many other people want to see the next chapter of Angharad's Princess For Hire: The British Kid? Show of hands?

*raises hand*

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If female reproductive organs could be created for MtFs.

It is something that I imagine many transwomen would welcome, but even if such was possible, there is the problem with producing eggs.

I'm working on a story that sees MtF characters given fully functioning female reproductive organs, but with their genetic make up, there is a problem concerning their Y-chromosomes. Eggs always contain X-chromosomes, for reasons I shouldn't have to explain.

If there was a way for the created organs to overlook the Y-chromosome, and only ever use the single X-chromosome, then that would be one answer.

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50 Shades of Grey

For those of you who read the books. It looks like this first movie follows book one faithfully. I see all sorts of snotty reviews but the movie is good, I think it appeals to me because of my own very twisted nature. I would want to be Anastasia and would be happy about some limited spanking, though going overboard not so much.

Welcome to my world.

I am not putting this on my FB.


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Broadband issues

I'm having broadband problems again as my fibre went down sometime last night pb (post Bike). I've spent time today, after teaching my over 50s IT class, trying to fault find but right now have no outside world connection using that route although my internal network is still up. That much is useful as my scribblings are not stored on the laptop that I use for writing, all my work is stored on the big beastie (12Tb of storage).

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Shortcuts Is Now a Complete Story

My Shortcuts story is done. I just posted the last chapter. For those of you who prefer to read complete stories, please give it a chance.

This will be my last long story here. I'm moving on. I plan on joining a writing group in the hopes of eventually publishing the old-fashioned way - on paper. I might still post a short story once in a blue moon if the mood hits me.

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Computers - aaargh!

I hate these bloody things, even more after wasting two hours of my life trying to get my old puter, which I keep for my role as cycling club secretary, to do something straightforward like send an email. Needless to say, it's now too late to start scribbling Bike, which means I'll have an extra few hours for my remaining brain cell to ferment further plot twists.

Sorry, but I've had my fill of electronic things tonight.


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read an interesting book

I just finished a very interesting book called "Trans-Sister Radio" by Chris Bohjalian. Its the story of a single mother and teacher who falls in love with a man only to discover he's transitioning to female, and the fallout that situation causes for her, her daughter, her job, and her ex-husband who decides to bring their story to radio. Its not a perfect book - it spends a little more time talking about the surgery than I was comfortable with, but its a very interesting bit of fiction, especially by a cis writer. I recommend it.

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Pickles: The Game

So, a few of you might remember my Pickles choose-your-own-adventure story I started here a few years back. I still think it was a really cool idea, but it never worked out QUITE the way I wanted it to, and eventually just got kinda ridiculous and dragged down by my renowned poor dedication to a regular posting schedule.

Well, I've figured out how to use TWINE.

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Mike and Ashley, Some Afterthoughts

First of all, I want to thank everyone for the great response to an old story converted to a modern world. My previous stories have never received the response that this one has. I know my stuff isn't main line, but I'm pretty happy with what I've done over the last ten years or so. Anyway thank you so much. I feel encouraged to write a bit more before I sink into senility.

The last line to Chapter 7, was very deliberate. In fact, I researched it to make sure I had it correct. I was surprised that no one pinged on it. Okay, where did it come from?

I'm waiting.

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It looks like I'm back in business with my site, why do software writers think we need more complex stuff to do simple tasks?

As regards logging in here at BC I'm no further along, as I've deleted my original links etc and started from scratch I can't see that theres anything else I can do? Surely I'm not the only one having these issues which only started after the last BC upgrade?

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So okay there's a new chapter up here, I am however still having log in issues here on BC and can't upload new stuff to either.

I've tried everything people have suggested without success so it looks like its end of the line for me posting stuff for free - i'll give it till the end of the month but after that I'm not wasting any more of my precious time on this planet trying to fix stuff. Doesn't mean I stop writing but the couple of hours I spend doing site updates will be better spent doing other things.


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You've done a disservice to a good talent !!!

When I first began to read "Whisper", I thought it was well written, and had some uniqueness to it. The language in the story sounded like a teen age kid, not some English professor.

Some where along the line I lost track of the story, perhaps when she went to Whateley. I respect the author that originally came up with the 'verse but since then so many have just dumped their protagonists there and gave up on the story. Now when it is mentioned I usually just stop reading it because I do not want to think of Whateley to be a place where good characters disappear.

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hurt my leg somehow

Soi managed to tear the hamstring in my left leg on Monday, last week, not this. Thinking nothing of the pain, for which I have a high tolerance for I went on with life as normal, including 4 days of work, in which I outworked those half my age. Went to a walk in clinic yesterday and got told I tore it, so I took my first day off of work in 9 years (counting the other job) and caught up on my sleeping was gonna write, but computer chair is not comfortable

WL try to get some stuff out soon, since I may be off work for a few days

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Sweat and Tears

I have decided to put this onto Kindle, with some edits and a copious afterword. The cover will take time to prepare, and it will be, well, relevant. The book is atypical of my stuff in one way, but in its emphasis on friendship, family and love, it is absolutely one of mine.

I worried a bit about being sued by the estate of a certain Dr Money, so I took legal advice. ESAD.

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Prolonged silence

It has been nearly nine months since I last contributed a chapter to the site. It was not that I've not been writing, but I have made a couple of false starts and after 20-25,000 words I have become blocked. I have however now completed fourteen chapters and 44,000 words for my third attempt, and have a clear idea of where I want it to go, so I will risk posting again. I have just posted chapter 1 and will post chapter 2 tomorrow. Thereafter I will post chapters at weekly intervals as usual.


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I collect stories - can I post some of them

I collect stories which I enjoy re-reading. Sometimes, I find typos and so on which I correct.
Many of the stories come from the deceased site Crystal's Storysite or other sites which are no-longer-available (or sometimes I have lost the source).
How many different objections would there be if I submitted these for re-posting - always acknowledging the original author and site if possible.
For example - I have some 150 stories by Janet Stickney from about 1999-2004
& 12 stories by Rachel Anne Cooper.

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New Story - Mike and Ashley (or Michele and Aishling)

For several years I have wanted to write a story based on an old tale from about a thousand years ago. I had been sitting on it until a week or two ago when my muse gave me a figurative kick in the ass. I quickly wrote a summary of the story and then got to writing it. It has taken me only a week to put together almost 22,000 words of what I think is a very nice story. I'd thought at first it would be a bit longer; however, I think this length was right. I'm interested to see if anyone will identify the ancient story. It is quite popular in some artistic circles.

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Update and new release

I seem to be having issues getting my ftp uploader to work so I can't update my site!

I have managed to complete Gaby's Comfort Food - a real cook book written by our heroine! It should be available for Kindle shortly but you can get the full colour print version here;

or as a pdf here;

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Timeline problem

I have over 3000 words of Chapter 16 of Tamara's Trials ready to roll, It's been edited, re-edited and re-re-re-edited but I can't use it, yet!

The Tammy stories are written against dates and the chapter written for Monday 26th Jan should be 2nd Feb! So, I have nothing ready for Chapter 16 as of 1430 GMT, the chapter already written will become number 21 or 22 or 23 etc, eventually!

Can I manage 2000 words plus in the next few hours? Let's see!


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Unseen spirits

I suppose it depends if someone is one of those "Nothing but the Facts" folk, or if you are one of those who has their head in the clouds. I think many of us see or feel something going on in our own heads or in the world at large that you won't hear about on the evening news.

We have a number of different ways of explaining it to ourselves, or maybe we don't. Maybe we just try to ignore it? Perhaps we have learned not to speak of it?

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