It used to break my heart that I am not a popular writer here, and last night sorting through some old papers I happened upon the results of an old MAPPS test I took back in 2003 after I had become disabled from falling down a manhole that I was working in.
In reading the results of the test, it became clear that I have realized my dream, and am doing exactly what I am suited for. Briefly the results said that I am gifted in literary, and communication. Later the results say that I am an educator that loves to explain and teach.
Some of you follow me on Facebook and other media and many have said how compassionate, and purposed I am. I've been selling myself short because I am not a fiction writer when I have been trying to do that which I am not gifted with.
Today, I will begin meeting with two students from Saudi Arabia and helping them to learn English. It could be any country for that matter, I don't care. I'm tempted to give all my story ideas to someone who is gifted so I can devote more of my time to doing what I should.
Have a happy day
Popularity is a flitting butterfly…
… which when it lands on someone tempts them to believe that they are popular. The reality is the audience’s attention is on the butterfly not the person.
Please take your joy wherever you find it Gwen as I take joy in you posts.
Rhona McCloud
Thank you.
You are always so supportive and I appreciate that.
Thank you
Gwen, I am glad you have found where you belong.
I Look Forward
To your blogs and comments. I certainly don't ignore you. You are an interesting person and worthy of attention. Please don't feel that we don't take any notice....we do. Maybe I don't comment or reply enough, but that's not your fault.
I Disagree Gwen !
Good grief ! I suggest that you give up this self-analysis, give the job to some qualified head-shrinker if you feel you need one. If that is your conclusion, then in my opinion you are definitely no good at self-analysis !
The wonderful stories you have already given everyone on here shout out that you are a really good writer. I doubt you could or need to get any better, or you will put off all the other writers and the wannabees like me, who will give up because we cannot hope ever to do anything as good as what you can do and have done.
You must be going through some sad period. That is quite normal, so don't go seeing a doctor as he or she will almost certainly fob you off with some pills that will just get you hooked on them. It is perfectly normal for people to have episodes of feeling "down". If you got passed onto a Psychiatrist, it would be even worse. They just listen and then talk a lot of mumbo jumbo at you and you will waste a lot of time making them more wealthy. We all HAVE to feel miserable sometimes, otherwise we would never be able to enjoy properly the nice feelings of being happy the other times. Whenever I feel "down" I play some music from Leonard Cohen. He makes me so much sadder that in the end I just start laughing at life and myself and everything. This probably won't work for everybody, but it is worth a try, and you can no doubt discover whatever else makes you go through the sublime into the ridiculous.
I have spent hours and hours trying to discover the meaning of life, and the only conclusion that makes any sense to me is that it is a huge cosmic joke. Personally I doubt the existence of a Joker, but if there is one then laughing at his (it is so poorly constructed, it just HAS TO BE A MALE!), but if there is one then laughing at his mistakes might knock some sense into him.
Please, Dear Gwen, relax and be a bit more selfish. If people would just think of them Selves a bit more and worry about everyone else a bit less things would get along a lot better.
Strange to read you writing about popularity after you have indicated a couple of weeks ago that quality isn't correlated with popularity (and no one had complained).
Dear Gwen...
I am both excited for you and a wee bit vexed at you. That you have found something that makes you feel whole as a person is simply amazing and a blessing. That you denigrate your skills as a writer is more than annoying. Nobody on this site, to my knowledge, has a top ten best selling book of fiction, fact, poetry or prose. What I read, when I have the time, is people who are involved in a self-healing process.
Writing, any kind of writing, is a tool used to help express the things we cannot in real time. We can safely express our hopes and dreams, our fears and hatreds, our fantasies, our innermost selves without any real retribution. I know that in my tales I often express those very things. The people are modeled after people I love and hate.
I, for one, shall miss your infrequent, but very revealing, tales. Hopefully you will reconsider that you needn't reach the entire world and that simply one person who can empathize is more than enough.
May You Know Only Peace...
A Fan