Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

The Nightmare Rider

well as you all know, I've been on semi-hiatus. That break will be ending tomorrow evening. I've been working on my new story The Nightmare Rider. This will be my first venture into the Fantasy, alternate world/universe and supernatural genres. I do hope it will be well received. this won't be about transgender issues or body swapping. It isn't even magical gender change in the usual context. The story has one person playing two protagonist(main character) roles. I'm not really sure about all the tags that will apply until I start posting.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Testing times indeed

I'm off South in the morning to the town where I spent twenty years of my working, and married, life. I have some great friends there and some happy memories. Both of my children were born there and my daughter will be going with me so she can see her nan. It's also entirely possible her mother will make an appearance.

I no longer have any communication with the ex and am unlikely to see her even if my daughter does. For legal reasons that meeting will be supervised to ensure my daughter's safety.

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Disappearing Authors..

In many ways, it seems like 2008 and 2009 were the years of vanishing authors of multi-part stories.

Scanning through hundreds of stories, I've hit upon many that started off quite interesting, then just ... stopped.

I've already mentioned Toni Trepasso.

Jesse Rabbit wrote Elan Owen - - and then disappeared. The last comments were about having some issues, but hoping to post up more stories, and then nothing.

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Toni Trepasso

I decided to do some category searches (not as easy as it used to be. I did it by looking up a story with the code I wanted to search by, then clicked on it), and worked my way backwards through the Science Fiction section. Perhaps I should say that I'm still working my way through it.

In any case, I'm in 2007/2008 right now, and went through Toni Trepasso's stories. However, the last active date of posting was from the last of Becoming Antonia from July of 2010.

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"Peaches" Revisited

I believe I read "Peaches" the first time when it was just out. I was likely in the middle of my own very traumatic emergence and likely did not enjoy it as much as I should have.

So, yesterday I downloaded it to my PC Kindle and read it again. It is a lovely and uplifting story and I enjoyed it very much indeed.

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Sorry, been out tonight.

We dashed out after watching Wales beat Scotland in Cardiff, brilliant try by George North. To where, I hear you ask. Here's where.
I've been on my annual pilgrimage to Poole to listen to the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra do their concert of film music on the theme of Heroes and Aliens. Wonderful stuff which I enjoyed despite suffering a recurrence of a UTI. I'm seeing the doctor on Monday, so if necessary, he can always shoot me. Consequently, I don't have time to write Bike tonight.

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Rambling About Gods and Dinosaurs

I believe that we, as in all of us human beings that find ourselves clinging to this mote of dust that is hurtling through the universe, try to lock everyone up into nice neat little boxes that make us comfortable. I am, personally, a bit OCD and I have a tendency to place my dishes into exactly the right place on the shelf, and fold my laundry just so, and do a billion things a day in a very specific way.

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Reading Gaby and....

Wow, so as I mentioned before I've been reading Gaby books in my spare time pretty much nonstop since I came across them a couple weeks ago. I'm not really a very emotional person, but try as I might I'm not Vulcan. My whole life I've always considered emotional expression kind of pathetic, I mean that's even what the word means, Pathos from Greek. I try hard to hide emotions most of the time. My wife is the opposite. I'm sure some of that is biological, but I'm also quite sure that I'm just acting as I've been trained and expected to act as a male.

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A sense of 'what the heck'???

I have two stories being written//edited that are a bit more macabre than my normal fare.
Ok, so on is where the hero/heroine is being stalked and the other is where they are involved with solving the crimes.
The latter one I strted writing in 2013 and is at least 6 parts. The former is something I wrote on a recent flight from Dubai to London.

Then I pick up a book called 'Deja Dead' that features Temperance "Bones" Brennan.

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I think I have something special happening

I dont usually push my own stories, but I think I might be on to something special with my latest story "Mercy".

See, if there is a theme that runs through a lot of my work, it's about what happens after a person has been damaged.

I've explored ideas of healing, of looking for justice, and the power of forgiveness vs the allure of vengeance.

But in my latest, I think I have really hit the jackpot in terms of making the case for Mercy as the best choice.

Or at least that's my hope. Only the readers will decide if I am succeeding.

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Angel O'Hare story

Going through my portable hard drive to clear some of the rubbish we tend to accumulate and found a chapter of a story that Angel asked me to edit for her.
The problem now is what to do with the story, do I just delete it or is there somewhere or someone that is holding Angel's stories.
It seems a shame just to delete the chapter and I do remember her telling me that her stories were being held by somebody

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How I Fell in Love With Gaby

So the other day I was searching amazon for a new book to read. I entered the search term cycling and scrolled down the list. I really enjoying cycling biographies and have read most of them. As I scrolled down the list I came across a book cover with a really cute Anime girl, it just seemed so out of place, I thought what could this book have to do with cycling. Well the description really offered no clues but I was curious. I'm not a huge anime fan, I like the really good stuff, Studio Ghibli, some of the better series, I'd just finished watching SteinsGate.

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The MASKS series now being posted.

The series is fully written and complete up chapter 17... however, I neglected to let Stickmaker know about not posting more than one story part per day or so, so the multiple posts today are my fault, not his. Since I was the one who asked him to post here, it was my responsibility to let him know of the unwritten rules here. Mea Culpa.

I hope you all are enjoying the series.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Ever Read Your Own Stories?

A story I was working on (Remember "Houston we have a problem"?) just flamed out and fell into the ocean. It is clear that I have different "writing voices", but I have a difficult time controlling that. I don't know what I am going to do with it now.

Today I read part of one of my first stories that was I published on Storysite first and then migrated it over to BCTS later. I now remember that Crystal was not that impressed with my writing at first, and I think she did some pretty heavy editing on both "MS Frankenstein" and "Desert Princess" though I don't know for sure.

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The Family Girl #075: An Announcement - Something is Coming Up!


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #75: An Announcement:
Something Coming Up!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl

Blogs, click on this link:

I’m putting up an announcement.

And that announcement is: after over a three-year absence from writing stories here in BCTS, I’m finally putting up another one. Yayyy!

Ummm… yayyy?

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Looking for a book

Hi folks

I am looking for a book that I read over 10 years ago. It's about a realm ruled by immortal princes, the Faeren (Elves), I think, (pied piper may have been one of this race). At the moment its divided because some of them have been banished here (or a Medieval Earth) for rebelling against the King who is the twin brother to the rebel lord. They hunt a white deer that is also immortal across this realm and ours for sport. Anyway the two brothers fall for the heroine of the story. Eventually one of them (the good one) takes her back to his realm as his queen.

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OMG: RE The Crush

119 kudos; I've never gotten over 100 kudos before. Here on a whim, I broke off from my other efforts to try something new and whipped out a story with no research, mostly just coming off the top of my head. I didn't really have any time to edit it beyond running spell checker over it at the end. And for that I break 100 kudos.

Who'd have thunk it? The best I'd done before was 90. I suppose though that beings it was a contest entry I garnered a few more readers than I might have otherwise.

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In Too Deep - My Series

I know that a lot of people have struggled with my first few installments in my serial. I messed up the posting and overwrote the first three installments. As a result, comments that were supposed to be placed on ch 1-5 ended up on ch 6 and comments and kudos for 6 ended up being on ch 7.

I'm not sure, but I think this means that people that never read the beginning are not necessarily finding ch 1-5 as easily.

If you like the series, and have previously posted a comment or kudos, please go back and make sure they are in the correct location.

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Has the Whatley website closed?

I recently began reading the Whatley Academy stories on the site. Somehow I missed the universe when it came out and have read the first dozen stories. I'd like to read the rest.

Unfortunately since Friday I've been unable to access the site getting WEBPAGE CAN NOT BE FOUND.

Does anyone know if the site is down?

Does anyone know an alternate site!

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Job title: writer

Well that looks like the plan for now at least. Of course my publishing doesn't just run to Gaby et al, Scaramouch also have a range of travelogues and photo books, shortly these will be joined by some other non fiction titles.

To kick start this new career the first part of Gaby - Friends - the 15th Gaby book is available today! As usual the Kindle version lags a little, it should be available sometime this evening but here are the LULU links for paper and pdf;

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I'm working on a story set in Victorian England

and which depending upon its length could mean the odd forfeit of Bike, depends upon time available and research required. It looks as if it could be a longish short story or novelette in length. Hopefully it will be a bit of an adventure cum whodunit with I hope my characteristic humour. I can reveal the title, Spring Heeled Jack. but that's all.

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Going on the Honor System here

So, if you've got a story for the competition and haven't posted it yet, I'm trusting y'all to get 'em in by Midnight (February 5th 2016) your local time zone. With the response we've had I don't see any reason to prolong the due date, especially after the idea being submitted garnered minimal concern.

Also, just a reminder: as of right now the prizes are:

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Crossing unthinkable boundaries

Working on a story, I seem to have crossed an unthinkable boundary. In working out the details of a plot so that human colonists could flee Earth, I roughed in the idea that Israel attacked Iran again, and then the Iranians promptly detonated a nuclear weapon in Al Aqsa Mosque. Most westerners call it the Dome of the Rock. The Iranians had been quietly building the device for many years in preparation for such an event. When we toured Jerusalem, we were taken into tunnels said to honeycomb the area under that mosque.

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A list as long as my arm

That's what I have, in regards to stories for my mini-contest thing. I've read about half of them, but most of my open browser tabs right now are stories starting with the words "The Crush."

People, you have no idea how much this means to me. So much, in fact, that I'm upping the prize for the winner to a 3 month sub, rather than a one-month. Well, okay, I was probably gonna do that ANYWAY since there's not a non-recurring option for one month any more, but still, the thought counts, right?

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SF weekly update

Dear loyal readers,
Just a quick note to let you all know that I will not be able to update SF this week. Things have been crazy, but I did get some writing in this week, so I hope I'll be ready to post next week. Don't worry, I didn't forget about you. I love you all, and SF will be completed in time.


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I'm in-- The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma

Well I did it. I finally managed to get a story done in time for a contest entry. I've just posted "The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma" For better or worse, 6,337 words of my attempt at TG romance, written from the GGs point of view. Something new for me.

Hope you all like it.

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A time of reflection

I just counted the books that I have published under the TANYA ALLAN banner. I have now fifty books to my name. I am gob-smacked, as I only started publishing in April 2011 after some kind people on this site and on Sapphire's Place encouraged me to do so. I have been writing for a lot longer, but most of those 50 books have been written over the last five years. In the first 12 months (2011-2012) I sold just under 5,000 books. Last year (2014-15) I sold a little over 11,000.

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Extremely ill and slow recovery

The counter thingie says I've been a pest here for slightly over 9 years or 2006. I first published at "Story Site" in 2001, probably after I returned from Kenya, completely shattered. My heart felt little dream of Christianity making the world a better place had been proved to be a vile, machiavellian. fantasy. I'd had shocking glimpses of the underbelly and droppings of the Missionary game. Then in a few weeks the 9/11 thing came, and the world came crashing in for so many of us, worst of all the occupants of the towers.

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A legend in my own lunchtime?

The above quote is John Lennon.

According to Oscar Wilde, 'The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.' It appears my name has been bandied about on the message boards at the other place, suggesting that I'd effectively created a Bike virus and infected half the authors on BC which makes them write interminable serials like Bike.

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Understanding an Authors Style

I have been working on the Little Boy-Girl Saga for over a year. I use Microsoft Word when I write and I do use the spell check. Plus it will tell me if I need to add or remove words. IF YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND MY STYLE THEN MY STORIES ARE NOT FOR YOU. That's how I feel when someone doesn't read the saga from the start. I truly work hard on my stories. It hurts me when people don't get my style I give people good reviews if I like a story and if I don't I keep it to myself.

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The Crush tag added to Contests

I just added "2016 February - The Crush Mini-Contest" to the "Contest" list which can be chosen when creating Fiction. This way, it will be easy to look at all the entries and check to see which ones you have read or haven't and vote on them.

Note though that Melanie and I have entries on the list but we aren't eligible for prizes. :)


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My name is TGTrinity, and I'm an author of transgendered erotica. I've posted my stories on a couple of different sites, but it was recently requested by a reader that I post my stories here. I have to say that I love the amount of content on the site, as well as the tools available to authors and readers alike.

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on a breadcake

roll or other baked product at the moment so I've sent four new chapters to the editor - it would've been more except stupid blonde that I am I managed to wipe a full new chapter and it took 3 days to remember everything I'd written - essential as I'd written two more after it!

Potentially then we'll be up into the teens by next weekend so there might be a new part book on Sunday.

Today though there definitely is a new chapter here.


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New one out! - Marine 2 - A Very Unusual Roman

I do apologise, as this has taken me far longer than I anticipated. I normally research my books, just to ensure that I am reasonably accurate with what's happening, but the research for this one took me to extreme lengths.

I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book - MARINE 2 - A very Unusual Roman.

For those experts into Roman history, and specifically the Emperor Trajan's Dacian wars in the years 102 - 106 AD, please note - I have tried to keep it as authentic as I can, but I have taken a little licence to give a rollicking good read!

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A Little Favor, Please

While trying to beat my brain into activity I read the wonderful comments many of you wrote for the novels in the nine volume California Saga series. The stories now on have been selling steadily but slowly; however, the only reviews, two very nice ones by the way, were for "The Heart of the Beholder." I'm hoping that some of you who enjoyed the series would write a few reviews. You certainly don't need to buy the books, but remember to link through this site so that BCTS gets a little bit, if you do.

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