Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

female Mowgli

I just thought I'd drop this a line, I was watching stuff related to the new Jungle Book movie, and out of mild curiosity I googled 'Female Mowgli' just to see if it would come up with anything.

There was the usual porny stuff but in amongst that i was surprised to discover that there exists a Jungle Book comic featuring a female mowgli. Now i can't offer much more beyond that, but I thought that it was interesting, maybe some fodder for someone's story ideas and at the very least it may be

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Short Story: Valkyrie's Child

Hi everyone, this is one of the stories that I wrote for a story-writing competition. If this is accepted, it may be chosen for full novel adaptation. I greatly appreciate suggestions, comments and for those who can help fix my grammar, I offer my thanks in advance. Please don't remove the original if you wish to edit it, just copy paste under the paragraphs and fix it there.

As for why I'm using Google Drive, it's because GD is not indexed. I don't want them to claim that this has been published before just because the can google it.

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Writer's Block/Motivation

We all have those times when writing a story that we get stopped for various reasons. Perhaps the most common is Writer's Block. We've all experienced it at one point or another, whether it's not being able to figure out where to go with a story, or not knowing what to do with a given character. It happens to the best of us and it's almost unavoidable. Another reason for being halted on a story is that sometimes we lose motivation to write and it takes something sparking us to remotivate us into writing.

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Is it child abuse

A long time ago I wrote the book God Bless the Child. At the end of the book the parents, therapist, and doctors decide to perform SRS on a 4 year old child because they feared that she would do irreversible and potential fatal damage to herself. The negative response I seem to get the most is that this is child abuse and I'm wondering if it is?

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SEE hit counts

Since completing - nominally, anyway - Somewhere Else Entirely, I've been keeping an eye on the read counts. I know that some of you like to wait until stories are complete before reading so I expected some extra traffic. I also know some of you like the story enough that you are re-reading it again. Me, too! Sometimes I still can't believe I did this.

I have noticed that the total read counts vary between ~2,000 and ~5,000 (ish) for most chapters, which is only to be expected. #1 is slightly different (12,905), but that's because a number of people have dipped in and decided it wasn't for them. Fair enough. But three chapters have read counts way greater than the normal spread and I don't know why.

Edited due to poor research :(

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Happy, 100x Happy

I am really happy - I haven't got a clue how it happens that some stories catch the readers' attention and approval and others don't but ......... Anyway, my most recent story is the first to hit 100 kudos apart from my very first story not quite 3 years ago.
And it's only taken 10 days - which puzzles me almost as much.
Thanks everyone who posts a Kudos; triple thanks to everyone who posts a comment and thanks, of course, to every reader.
Best wishes
Alys P

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Hadley Freeman in the Guardian on Caitlyn Jenner

Ms Freeman raises some valid points about the current most famous/notorious transgender person.

One query I have about her and one or two other wealthy 'celebrity' gender swappers is have they had SRS as well as all the other surgeries? In which case the real life test/ Harry Benjamin rules don't seem to apply if you're wealthy enough.

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recipe requests

ok many times I've been asked(since Frills debuted) about crepes. I saw a re-run of Good Eats the other night and it was about crepes. I have used this recipe and its really good. The best part is its so easy to understand. so since I've been asked so many times about crepes here is the recipe. Even I've used it. please do enjoy.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Mother's Child Chapter 13 delays

Work on Mother's Child is proceeding slowly, unfortunately. I had surgery on my hand last week to stop progressive degeneration of the median nerve. This problem has for some months caused a near total loss of sensation in that hand and (contradictorily) excruciating pain in the thumb and forefinger. It has been getting progressively worse, and the orthopedic surgeon opined that I risked near total loss of use of this hand without the surgery, but this surgery has left me as a one-handed hunt-and-pick typist at best for the time being.

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a little feedback needed

so, thank you to everyone who responded to my last blog post, it's inspired me to write something kind of short, but i want to pose a question to you all before i get started.

How important would it be to you to see a criminal punished versus one rehabilitated? The idea I have involves turning criminals into children, where tehy are then re-raised to adulthood. Though this can take longer than others for...reasons.

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Tomorrow is the last day for submitting your stories for the March contest, so if you haven't done so yet, please do. We're still sitting at only seven entries,with the last one being posted Sunday. At this point I'm honestly tempted to just ask the entrants if they would accept a 3 month sub consolation prize and call this month a bust; we got some great entries from wonderful authors, but the volume of turnout has been pretty lackluster.

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Interview with an award winning author

I found this interview with Tim Pratt on twitter. He's won several awards for his sf/fantasy stories. He's also an editor for Locus magazine. He talks a little about the creative process and I thought it was interesting. Maybe some of the authors here would enjoy reading it.

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punishment that didn't work?

So, a common storyline is that a male does something to upset a female member of the family so they're punished by being feminized and eventually comes to love it. Is there are any stories out here however which change this in some fashion? Maybe the boy becomes a girl but on their own terms or maybe the punishment doesn't work or something else? I"m just looking for something new and different.

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If you ever doubted the quality of the stories on this site (which you shouldn't have anyway) then read Randalynn's "Firefly" series. She says they're fan fiction, but in fact Joss Whedon should be reading these and basing an extension of the TV series on this saga, which captures the absolute essence of his Serenity/Firefly tales. They are magic.

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Big Closet Top Shelf; a purpose should you choose it.

New authors here can make of this site almost what they choose to make it. The first sites I published on were cranky and one even altered some of my stories such that I almost did not recognize a few. Still they published me and I was grateful. In the 90's I wrote a lot and got chewed out, but improved a lot. The scope of my spelling and grammar errors was legendary.

I am most thankful that even in my early years here, starting around 2005, certain people still massaged my stories and the other day someone told me that I am doing much better than in the beginning.

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Shooting the Rapids: Some Editing

I have to apologize for the original ending I posted To "Shooting The Rapids: An Adventure. It was rushed and the last 1k words or so had some fairly eggregious typos as well as not quite striking the tone I wanted. I've gone over it a bit though I won't make any claims to proper grammar or spelling... or even some aspects of the timelines of stellar evolution.

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Weekly update

Its that time again!

Yep there's a new Gaby chapter here for you all to enjoy.

Book 15 is coming along nicely, 35 chapters are now complete, 31 of which are edited! Thanks Ang. With Spring in the air my life is about to get busier with other stuff so I'm aiming to have a push to complete the book for next weekend so look out for news on that next weekend.

for now though, have a good week


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Project: Super Solider Delayed

I am sorry to say that there will not be a new posting of Super soldier tonight. Things have gotten heated up at work causing less time for writing therefore taking me more time to complete the story. But not to worry the story has been plotted and will continue, just not at the rate that I would like. Part 6 is in the works and I will post it as soon as it is ready :)

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Maybe a few helpful hints for beginning writers.

When writing a story or whatever, when one is done with the task, take some time and read it out loud back to yourself. I think it helps find errors that otherwise would have been missed, and helps eliminate misunderstandings of some phrases, sentences or words.

It helps with spelling, syntax, and punctuation as well. One big thing. Even though you might THINK you know the meaning or spelling of a word... if there is the slightest doubt, LOOK IT UP! There are dictionaries everywhere, even on the internet. GOOGLE IT!

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I curious about the spelling of a few terms that seem to be appearing in a few stories I have been reading.

shutter instead of shudder - "I shuddered at the creepy story"rather than "I shutter at that creepy story"
and the other one

"to do with" - some people writing "to due with."

Am I old fashioned?

I am curious on others thoughts

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After Battle For Earth... What's next?

So... I've received a number of inquiries about my next story... Most of my responses thus far have been that I was working on a superhero story titled Pyren's redemption, but sometimes plans change. I still intend to write Pyren's redemption and will probably work on it on the side, but the requests for sequels to Battle for Earth did not go unnoticed. I've been intending to write a sequel all along, but I generally like to take a break from a series after I finish it. This time around, I really, really, really wanted to start work on the sequel. So...

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Contest extension?

Entries are short, and the deadline is near.

I was going to ask if people wanted an extension, but eh, I'll just go ahead and do it. The March "On An Adventure!" contest deadline is being moved to the 19th, giving interested authors who have uncompleted stories an extra week to finish them, with votes likely being tabulated the 24th.

Please, more entries! Everything's been great so far, but a contest without competition isn't a contest at all!

Melanie E.

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Reminder: contest deadline is March 12th!

This is just a quick reminder for everyone that the final day to submit stories for the March "On An Adventure!" contest is this Saturday, March 12th, so if you are interested in taking a shot please do so!

We've had some really great entries so far, but response has been a lot less than it was to last month's contest. Remember, 10k words is the CAP, but that doesn't mean your story has to be that many words; your story can be as short as you want, from fifteen to fifteen hundred, all the way up to the limit.

Here's looking forward to everyone's ideas!

Melanie E.

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Chapter 35-39

I have just posted the latest segment of my story. I hope that you all enjoy it and add comments. Feedback from readers and other writers have been the missing ingredients in my writing formula. After so many abortive attempts, I am proud of what I have accomplished.

I realize that some people may be turned off by my subject matter and that others might find it overly predictable. I have struggled to walk the line between adult fiction and erotica. I have also struggled to keep my readers guessing about character motivations, plot developments, and the eventual denouement.

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The Agony and the Ecstasy (SEE Related)

Penny Lane asked what BC readers thought Garia would bring back from Earth. In response, I created a list of ten (10) movies that I would bring back if I were Garia. One of these movies was the Agony and the Esctacy (1965 staring Charlton Heston and Rex Harrison).

This movie was shown tonight (07 Mar 16) on TCM (Turner Classic Movies). After watching this movie tonight, I feel that I was correct in including this movie among the ten (10) movies that I would bring back if I were Garia.

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First Chapter nearly complete.

The first chapter of my upcoming story is nearing completion. I'm about 3/4 of the way done then all that's left is proofreading and it'll be posted :) . I'm really getting into writing this story and I hope you guys will enjoy it. Thanks to Waif for helping me with finding a title for the story(That's my one weakness, Titles).

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Frills quandary

ok everybody. Frills has come back from edit and now I have a situation. Its been suggested that due to the EXTREME length that it be separated into more than one book. in fact it was said that as it is now it rivals War and Peace at an excess of 350,000 words. As much as I would like Frills to be in an actual book, I doubt that it's an option available. So the problem I have to address is; do I separate Frills into two or three books? If i do then of course I want all those books immediately up for sale. Another thing that was brought up was repetition.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Erotic Content

I love writing and reading the works I find on this site. I really love to read fiction that is appropriate for young adult audiences. There are tons of trashy stories that children can, and do access on the internet. I truly feel that these young readers (I teach in a middle school) need a resource like this for two main reasons. First is the positive outlook that is gained from seeing a character that they can identify with overcoming obstacles. Second is the ability to gain some semblance of affinity for people from other cultures, genders, ethnicities, and sexual identities.


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Loving this site more each day.

When I first joined this site I was a bit skeptical as to whether or not I would find stuff that interests me. I must say I was proven wrong straight away. Heck I even got inspiration from a story for a scene in my upcoming story(which I'm having trouble coming up with a title for)

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Have couple of legal questions for story background

Thinking about a story bit that's been on the back burner for a long time. But I realized that it might be a good idea to have some real world info.

Anybody know what the legal status of kids and their parents is when the parents kick the kids out for being gay or trans?

Especially interested in Oregon & Washington, but info on nearby states would be of possible use as well.

Some of the things I'm wondering about are:

Can the parents be forced to take the kids back? (strikes me as a *really* bad idea, but the courts and legislatures get weird at times)

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New Gaby!

I'm back home and that means story updates and this week the next arc of Gaby Book 15!

So for the impatient here are the Lulu links


Kindle version will be available later today - search for Gaby Friends - part 3

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Told My Wife I Was Gay

When I started writing my story the words just flew out of me. It's going a little slower now, I still have words, but I have to wring them out. I have chapter 10 almost written, but it's taken about a week. How about a little distraction writing from my real life.

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