Sarah Carerra: Where is she? and other Frequently Asked Questions
Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since I posted anything here, and for that I am deeply sorry. A number of things have led to my absence, but I’ve recently started writing again and I’m excited about what will hopefully be coming soon. I’ve put together a small list of answers to questions I frequently get asked and thought I’d post it for anyone interested.
To answer the big question:
Sarah Carerra Book 4 will hopefully be coming within a year from now. I know that isn’t what people want to hear, but the good news is that a new story will be coming much sooner (hopefully within a few months). More information below.
On to the questions!
1. Where is the next Sarah Carerra book?
As I mentioned above, it’s coming. I haven’t been writing much the last couple of years, and I recently sat down to start writing Book 4, and was interrupted by an amazing story idea that took over my writing time. The sad thing is that this new story is going to push back Book 4 for a while, but in the long run I think it will be better to get another story under my belt before jumping back into Sarah’s story.
2. When will Book 4 be posted?
I don’t have a solid answer to this question. It will all be depends on how long it takes me to write the new story. My hope is that I will be posting Book 4 within the next year.
3. Why aren’t books 2 and 3 available on the Kindle store? You’ve promised them many times!
The biggest factor that has prevented the release of book 2 and 3 has been time. They are almost done. They are so close to being done that they should have been released months ago. I don’t really have any other excuse that is valid as to why they aren’t available.
4. Why don’t you have the time to write or to release the books on the Kindle store?
Good question that goes hand-in-hand with question 7 below. The short answer is that work and life have been hectic, but a lot of it comes down to my motivation as well. Question 7 better describes the real problem, though.
5. When will book 2 and 3 be available on the Kindle store?
Soon, I hope. I’ve said that many times, and I’ve always meant it. The difference between then and now is that I actually have some motivation to be writing again and that will give me the drive to finish off the last bit of formatting required to get them Kindle ready.
6. Do we really have to wait a whole year for more Sarah Carerra?
Yes, sort of. I do have a short story set in the Sarah Carerra universe that I plan to release when book 2 and 3 are available on the Kindle store. It isn’t from Sarah’s perspective, but it does tie into her story quite well. I wrote most of this story a few years ago and finished it last summer in preparation for releasing the books. Sadly, that has yet to come to pass.
7. What ever happened to that non-TG book you were writing instead of more Sarah Carerra?
In short, it is unfinished. The longer answer is that I’ve written the ending for that book 3 different times and each time I felt that it was not good enough to go with the rest of the book. I got to the point that I was so frustrated with it that I stopped writing. It took me over two years to find my motivation to really sit down and write again. Someday I hope to find an ending that works for that story but I’m also hesitant to even look at the book in fear that it will de-motivate me again.
8. What is this new story that pushed back Book 4?
I don’t want to give away too many details, but I got the motivation for writing The Blackwood Legacy after watching an early episode of The Magicians on the SyFy channel (in the US). That led me to take a look at the many concept pieces I have started over the years and I found one that merged my desire to write something magical with a concept that had been sitting on my computer waiting for love for quite a while (years!). It has blossomed into four long chapters that are currently in the hands of my editor.
9. When will The Blackwood Legacy be released?
Not soon, unfortunately. Unlike the chapters of Sarah Carerra I will be posting The Blackwood Legacy as a complete story. I don’t know how long it will turn out to be but, based on what I have now, it will likely be a novella or a full-length novel. There will be the possibility of sequels in the future, but this first book will be a stand alone story.
10. Why haven’t you answered my email, private message, or other request for communication?
I’m notoriously bad at replying. I like to put thought into my responses and make sure that what I am saying is eloquent and meaningful. Unfortunately, I usually read the messages to me at times when I can’t make that type of response and ultimately it takes me forever to get back around to them. I’m sorry if I haven’t responded to you. I try to respond to everybody, and if you didn’t get a response I apologize.
11. Where is the next part of A Flower’s Bloom?
There won’t be any more of A Flower’s Bloom in the near future, I’m afraid. I still want to write more of Jaz’s story, but between The Blackwood Legacy and Sarah Carerra I just don’t have the to time focus on A Flower’s Bloom. It is interesting to note that I think about Jaz more than any other character I’ve written. I use her and her powers to fuel my fantasies quite often and hope to have a chance to further her story in the future.
12. Do you have any other stories you are/want to work on?
Yes!!!! My favorite piece that I have ever written sits unfinished on my hard drive after only three chapters. The concept, which I love way more than Sarah Carerra or anything else I have ever written, is very intriguing and mesmerizing. The people that I have let read it have all wanted more. I desperately want to complete it. Unfortunately, while the concept is amazing, I don’t have an actual story to back it up. If anyone has any good ideas of what a kick-ass space chick can get up to and you want to see it turned into a full length novel, let me know. I should state that this story, currently code-named Violet, is not and will not be a TG story, however.
I hope this helps answer the many questions that everyone wants to know. If I didn’t answer your question then ask it below and I’ll happily respond to the best of my ability. Thank you for taking the time to read through this blog post and thank you for reading my stories.
With much hope for the future,
Megan Campbell
It's SO good to hear from you! I've been missing Sarah for sure. Along with so many other stories... So it's good to hear you've got a new muse and the old one has had a proper spanking for letting you down. I'll be sure to check out this new story whenever you release it too.
As for that space chick thing you mentioned, I COULD maybe help you come up with some ideas. I won't take over for you, I'm terrible at actually continuing to write anything anyways, but I have read a LOT of science fiction in my life. If you could PM me either a request for my email to send me what you have or just paste it unformatted into a PM idc which it would help me get a better handle on your concept as it is. Just "space chick" is very very broad and doesn't tell me enough to start my mind spawning ideas. At least, not useful ones.
Abigail Drew.
The future for Violet
Violet is something amazing and completely different. I don't think that there is any way I can convey the type of character she is without spoiling the book. Who she is and what she has been through is the driving force that will make her story interesting, fresh, and hopefully exciting. What I think I can say is that the original inspiration for the character came from the idea of River Tam on Firefly and more particular the story they told throughout Serenity. But that is only the tip of the iceberg about what makes Violet and this story tick.
What I am missing is a plot to build this amazing character around. The book will be about Violet and the discovery of who she is and what she has been through. But I need a vehicle (plot) to drive that character development forward.
I guess the real question I should have asked above was: What kind of a story would you like to see River Tam experience? Violet is not River by any means, but that is a good way I can describe what I am looking for without spoiling the story for anyone. More specifically I was looking for a quick idea on where the story should go instead of full on plot points. I've been struggling to find something that "fit" for such a long time that I thought I'd ask and see if there was anything that sparked an idea.
Yes! I look forward to checking Book 4 in the near future. It's been far too long. It's awesome that you are going to start writing Sarah's story again and I look forward to this and all the other potential future projects you mentioned above.
"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"
Captain Violet
Whereas Captain Kirk seemed to find aliens in need of love/sex. I would picture Captain Violet finding aliens needing nurturing/sex.
Thanks Megan
Glad to hear from you. I've enjoyed your Sarah Carerra series so far and look forward to more stories by you.
Space Chick...hmmmm
She could be a space pirate. An investigator, private or government. Special Agent. Rakish trader who always gets the girl...Starship Captain. Space Doctor who makes planet calls. Space Veterinarian who makes planet calls.. :)
I think if we had more information about the character it would be easier to offer up ideas.
Glad you are going to be back, I am dusting off my copy of Sarah on my Kindle so I can re-read before you start posting new chapters.
Ooooo Space Archeologist like Indiana Jones
More info
I gave a bit more information above about Violet. Unfortunately, who she is and what she has been through is the core piece of the story and I don't want to spoil it for anyone that may have a chance to read it in the future. I know who she is. I know what she has gone through. I know what she is capable of. What I don't know right now is what adventure will take her from the person she is at the start of the story and turn her into the character she needs to be by the end. I already know how the book ends, it is the journey in between that is gray and murky right now.
Great to hear you are well and writing, Megan
If your new stuff is as good as your previous works it will be a wait well worth it.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Great news
So glad to hear news from you.
Waiting will be really hard.
I've just finished rereading 'I am a rock star' on kindle and came here to read the rest of Megan/Sarah's story that has been posted and found this!
Fantastic to hear you're writing again and I look forward to anything you share with us.
Just want to let you know I've really enjoyed and continue to enjoy your writing.
Thanks for everything!
Double post
I'n my excitement I must have clicked save twice before it posted my comment and then there was two! :O
Sorry about that.
Still, I'll take this opportunity to say thanks once more. As well as channel as much motivation at the screen as possible!
Where is SARAH
Just finished reading the wonderful Sarah Carerra story for the fourth time.
In your blogs you say you have started writing the 4th book can you tell your loyal readers when this book will be submitted as it will soon be 5 YEARS since you listed the final part of booking 3.
please please write more of this wonderful tale.
The Space Chick and Sarah C.
For forming the background for your space chick, I urge you to take a look at Jack McDevitt's Alex Benedict novels. Benedict, an archeologist and "relic" collector who digs up the history of the many alien species in our galaxy and sells the items he finds to various collectors, museums, universities, and wherever he can turn a profit; takes on a private hyperspace pilot named Chase Kolpath to fly his personal hyperdrive ship. Chase isn't exactly a rogue but she certainly puts everything she has into assisting Benedict with whatever he wants. She is young, daring, and a complex person. I'd like to meet her, she's right up my alley! She starts out in the first book as essentially a spear carrier but develops wonderfully.
Now, as for Sarah Carerra, what gives? It's been three years since your last up date, and believe it or not we're still patiently waiting (just!) for more.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb