Karin Bishop's New Story

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Just want to put in a plug for Karin's new Kindle published story "Port of Arrival", the sequel/continuation of her "Port of Departture"

What a grrrrreat story! I won't go on and on about the characterization, plot, themes and all that other Graduate Level Creative Writing stuff. It is a Karin Bishop story! Its GRRRRREAT!

What I will say is that I was a career Naval Officer and a Naval Architect, and I found the at sea and shipyard/design details true to memory - especially the design glitches. As we used to say, ain't nothin' designed by humans that are a) Sailor-Proof, or b) 100% right the first time. Usually, we had to cut steel and rerun piping a couple of times to fix the designs. At least Karin's heroine found the glitches on the drawings before sea trials. Well, she IS a heroine doing heroic things and moreover, PoA IS fiction, so I worked at suspension of belief.

Anyway I highly recommend Both stories. I spent a lovely two evenings losing my beauty sleep over PoA, and THEN had to go back and re-devour Port of Departure. Karin is on my "NEW BOOK-BUY IT NOW!" short list, but both books were worth the cost of Kindle Unlimited and then, for me, worth the cost of buying them outright. Four paws of claws up.

Karin, Take your Curtsy. AUTHOR, AUTHOR!!

warm furry hugs!



Aw, shucks!

Thank you! And thank you, Tigger, for years and years of wonderful stories!


another spectacular story

sugar_britches63's picture

Thank you Ms. Bishop for another SPECTACULAR story and a great follow up to Port of Departure.

opinor ergo sum

Charlotte Van Goethem