Ohhh... Yeah...

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Blog About: 

I've written several tales that never be posted. The themes are very dark and are very autobiographical in that they touch upon events in my life that were better not witnessed. I write because, for lack of a simpler explanation, doing so makes me feel better. I was wondering if others have similar tales that have been completed and not posted. I'm curious about why you've not posted them.

Peace Always...




Working things out

I've written some really perverted things that later made me feel really ashamed and they either no longer exist, or will never be published. And, at times Creative Writing students are encouraged to write things where they pull out all the stops in an effort to get them to be more descriptive, interesting and believable in their efforts.

I had a rather strong attachment to BDSM writing that was embarrassing and humiliating to me. OH the shame of it all should anyone ever see it. As time passed, it became clear to me that this darkness was simply my subconscious mind working some things out; many of them within my own experience of abuse and molestation. Happily, over the years that attraction has greatly diminished, and most things I write now could be read in a grade school class.

Thankfully, we have an area in our brains called the Amygdala that in most people regulates our actions, moderating our outrageous thoughts, and keeping them from being reality.

I wouldn't bother with guilty feelings over your thoughts.

Uh Huh

Writing has been a catharsis for me. I've deleted and destroyed many stories and parts of stories that hurt too much. Other times I've felt relief by publishing. Either way works for me.

Thanks for your stories.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I dunno...

erica jane's picture

What it is, whether it's narcissism or me being emotionally crippled and needy. Or, maybe it's linked to the ocean of anger and rage I try to keep under control. I rarely finish projects. Those that I do, never see the light of day anymore. When I asked Erin to unpub my stories, someone commented that the only reason that they could figure was that I was going to publish them somewhere else. Wrong! >insert the strike horn noise from Family Feud here< I'm pretty sure that I'll never write for public consumption again. The stories I posted here will never be available anywhere else. All I ever wanted was to write entertaining stories for people to enjoy. I just can't get past the fear that someone will jump in with another OMG WARNING about what I "really" meant.

Sorry for ranting (on Disqus my handle is RantGirlRants).

~And so it goes...

Self deprecating

Andrea Lena's picture

I don't do well with unfinished stories - that is to say I beat myself up over stories I've begun and either have left unattended or almost abandoned; feeling like the mom who left little Trixie in the shopping cart while I got lost in the next aisle. Bad bad mommy


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

I use real experiences in my stories

Angharad's picture

some of the time but alter them to avoid them being an embarrassment to others or myself. Sometimes I give them an outcome I'd have liked or occasionally a different one that's negative because it fulfils a purpose in the story, especially fables.


Ohhh... Yeah...

I wish to thank everyone who replied to my inquiry. I wondered not if I was the only one, but if others had the same reasons for not finishing or posting particular tales. And guess what??? I'm not the only one!!! ;-)

Peace to All...

