Words to encourage

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This is my first time blog here and first time in English other than comment so please forgive if I am incorrect word in places.
I do not have talent to write stories as do many here, so I am thankful for all who give of their spirit to share words to read.
ALL who wrote the stories I am thankful for who pour themselves into their work, who give enjoyment to others are special people who earn much good karma by giving joy and thought to the readers.
To those who create and maintain the site, thank you SO much! I give when I can, it is not much and I apologize for that.
I am here because of a friend who is with me only in memory now. And I feel her every time I read! This is not sad for me, but so much peace.
Do not listen to those who criticize with mean words! Someone out here loves your work and you do matter always!

Domo arigato gozaimasu!

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