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I am doing better, however; my kidneys are over producing potassium, so I am drinking some foul tasting gunk. I've had two meds stopped and am being monitored with a cardiocom daily plus a weekly blood test.I'm not out of the woods yet but I can see the clearing of the glades. Thank you all for the responses. I still have a fear of eating but am being assured I'll get over it.

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My Career As a Lovelorn Columnist - 2

My Career as a Lovelorn Columnist - 2

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(As the only male employee in the editorial offices of a famous women’s magazine, I’ve also become the lovelorn columnist, giving out advice to women. And everyone said my advice could only have come from another woman. I realized that I had a decision to make.)

scary moment last night.

Had a very scary moment last night. I had gone to pick up Sharon, and drove her to her 2nd job cleaning a doctor's office. I was still kinda hurting and tired from my ER adventures, so I stayed in the car and figured I'd have a short nap.

Unfortunately, as soon as I fell asleep, I was partially woken up by something shaking me. Then I realized it was me shaking me - my muscles were doing this spaz thing like I was being shocked, and I couldnt seem to wake up enough to make it stop.

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In response to a recent comment - the mature version

Ten years ago I wrote my very first story for Big Closet. The culture was different back then and the site was much, much smaller. It was a busy day if four stories got posted and Erin read each and everyone of them before posting (Congrats on not going crazy).

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just got home from the hosptital

I just got back from getting checked out at my local hospital. I had a lot of pain in my stomach , and so decided to get it looked at. Just some bruising from work, so that was a relief, but I got really tired of being called by my male name when my preferred name is listed on my chart ....

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I can only be me

Having to take a day off from work because I felt like I had strained my stomach muscles gave me a lot more time to read today, and looking at some of the fantastic work that's been produced here I can only reach a couple of conclusions.

One is that Erin and her elves have created the most amazing place I can imagine, and we who get to enjoy their work should remember to be grateful, and show that gratitude however we can - contributing to the hat box, or even just making sure we dont make things harder for them with our blogs, stories, and comments.

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Ok, I've seen this story pop up on the main page pretty often with new chapters and I've honestly been avoiding it because of said amount of chapters. I've been able to do so since I first found this site maybe two years ago. Last night I caught up with all the stories I'm currently reading and decided to go ahead and try the first couple of EAFOAB. Ummm, WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG? Dang it, I've been missing out. I know I'm going to be a bit sad when I get caught up but I do know I'll be enjoying the time getting there.

Ok, I just had to get that out :)


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Gaby Book 9 Chapter *21* The Trouble With Claudia...

Chapter *21*

The Trouble With Claudia...

"Guh." I managed to croak out when my alarm went off.

Why do we have to get such an early train? I dragged myself out of my nest and into the shower - a sure way to wake myself up. Twenty minutes later I was stood in front of the mirror examining myself - for a boy I make a damned good girl, but that's no longer really the case is it? Whilst there's barely an ounce of fat on me, what there is forms some er very female curves. That's just it, apart from Herbert and his pals I look like a girl already ; tuck them out of the way, we are talking chipolata rather than Cumberland here, and voila, one erm foxy girl - well she would be if she wasn't me. No , that's not right ; she's still foxy even if she is me.

Okay, so I screwed up

Yep I did it royally. To make a long story short I was having difficult writing a sequel to Assassin. I got about twenty thousand words into the thing and I just couldn't write anymore, so in my brilliance I decided to write a fluff piece just to relax my brain. I grew lazy and started reading books like crazy, Vince Flynn, Lisa Gardner, Michael Connelly and many more. My kindle bill was off the charts, did I mention Tanya Allan, yep I bought a bunch of hers and Karin Bishop and Lee Childs, I've read every Jack Reacher novel written.

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Health is poor

I am a diabetic by chemical exposure, I've had problems maintaining a normal blood sugar. My weight fluxuates from normal to obese. I am on insulin, blood pressure medication and do not have a working thyroid. I asked for help due to my weight problem and out of control blood sugar levels. My blood pressures have bee abnormally low the past few days and now I am afraid to eat because I do not want my blood sugars to be high and abnormal. Tomorrow 3/12/2013 I see the PA for my diabetic check up and the eating disorders psychologist to discuss my eating habits.

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Shameless self-advertising

Well, my work is being pushed out to the public, but to be honest, I would rather be writing. Stolen Innocence is now available in paperback, which came with its own set of lessons. The primary lesson was just understanding how big that project was. After it was up on Kindle, and looking at what some of the other authors here have done, I decided to check out CreateSpace and look into making SI available in print form as well. Reading through their “how to” section seemed pretty straight forward, so I figured, why not?

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Being Christina Chase | Chapter 50: In Charge

"Uncle Alek?" Christina pleaded. "Where are we? What happened to me?" Her thoughts, which had been sluggish and unfocused, were now racing in her mind as they processed the darkness and the intense pain.

Alek placed his hand on his niece's head and stroked her hair. "Tina," he said softly. "Tina," he repeated, this time commanding the girl's attention. "You are in the hospital. You have had an accident." Alek was fairly certain that "accident" was not the correct term, but that wasn't important right now. "You had an accident but you will be alright."

Christina nodded slowly. She felt completely disoriented and untethered to the world except for the feeling of her uncle's hand on her head. "It hurts," she winced.

"I know Sweetheart," Alek said as he reached for a plastic bulb hanging from a wire on the wall. He felt the button on its tip and pressed it, summoning the nurse.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 50 - In Charge

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

My Career As a Lovelorn Columnist - 1

My Career as a Lovelorn Columnist

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(The defining of those columnists who offered advice about love as “lovelorn columnists” stems from the 1933 novel, “Miss Lonelyhearts,” by Nathaneal West, in which a trouble-making reporter is “demoted” by his editor to write the newspaper’s female-oriented advice column. The storyline was adapted into a 1933 movie, “Advice to the Lovelorn.” This is a story of how a young boy experiences the same fate.)

Three Cheers for Erin, Piper, Sephy, Cat,

and ALL the rest who work SO hard to make and keep Top Shelf not only the BEST TG fiction site on the web, but such a wonderful place to meet and chat! You all work SO hard for us, and I wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate all you do. We sit out here like a bunch of junkies, waiting, nay praying for our next fix, and you all never disappoint. Whatever you have to do to keep our internet fix coming, you go right ahead and do. There's no need to apologize to us. We will wait however long it takes.



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