General Audience (pg)

Corrected Historical Error

John from that unpronounceable place in Wisconsin pointed out a historical error in Part 7 of Soaring With Eagles. I had omitted Theodore Roosevelt and his son as Medal of Honor recipients. That error has now been corrected. Thanks, John.

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being pre-op and horny

I was reading Gwen's post about being horny post-op, and it seems like ironic timing. This afternoon I woke up rather ... randy myself, but unfortunately I dont have the right equipment to Jill off, and touching the stuff I got is like ... ick.

Ah, well.

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my poor cat

My poor cat Madeline. Over the past week she has gotten worse. It started with a reluctance to jump and moved to a limp. It is now where she can't move her rear legs. I'm at the vet and very worried. I love my cats but money is tight.i shelled out to fix the van so savings is down. If you pray, please pray for my kitty

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One April Morning: The Rising of the Queen

“Good Morning My Queen.” A musical voice piped, far too cheerily for any morning much less this one. This weekend was supposed to be magical, the fulfillment of all of his dreams, but he'd only found bitter disappointment, again.

The Angry Mermaid 69 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 69.

This chapter addresses a brief and successful confrontation with the Vikings that serves to better Drustina's standing with the Saxons of Wessex. She rescues two high-born Saxon brides and captures a Viking princess, daughter of King Harald Cold Blood.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to tell me

Re: Soaring With Eagles - Part 2. I forgot how things change in military training. The last time I fired an M-16 was in late summer of 1966. I remember researching Air Force automatic weapons for a previous story and forgot to reference that for this story. Many things changed over the last 47 years, and they will certainly change more up to the time this story takes place. Thanks to everyone for their help.

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A Wedding and Two Wars - now available as a paperback.

Just a quickie for those who don't like Kindle books. My new Book - A Wedding and Two Wars - is one of sixteen now available as a paperback. Find it here A WEDDING AND TWO WARS


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This Might Be A Help to Readers

I was having difficulty yesterday in accessing an older story with many chapters, so took my older computer and connected it and using AOL Version 1 instead of 9.6 that is in my newer computer, was able not only to access Authors, select the Author, and open and read all the chapters, in "Rules...." by Kaleigh Way, and even the page headings were in full colour like BCTS was until the Problems began.

Perhaps if others simply returned to earlier versions of their internet service providers' programmes, they too could find access easier ?

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Sorry - No Bike tonight.

Sorry I've been distracted by my fridge turning up its compressor or whatever happens to deceased cooling units. I had to dash out an order a new one as well as cough up the readies to pay for it. Amazingly, my freezer is still working, so in that regard it could be worse, but the new one won't arrive until Sunday morning - so bang goes my lie in.

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3/4 of the way through "She's not there"

I'm about 3/4 of the way through "She's not there", and its a tough bit to read. I mean, the early stuff, the early struggle with identity, the fight against oneself, the hope that falling in love would cure oneself, finding a partner and building a life only to realize that it didnt take the urge to be a woman away; all this is stuff I can really relate to. But this is the part where she's just about to have the surgery, and from here on, its going to be territory with which I have no link to, and might never know. But I'll grit my teeth and get through it.

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Dress Up Day - Chapter 2

Logo.jpgDress Up Day- Chapter 2.
Julie D Cole

She turned and smiled as she pulled up at the school gate. Then she giggled and reached over to kiss me whispering ‘Not tonight Josephine. Not tonight. - Go have some fun and you can tell me all about it later.’

Old Faithful

Well, Old Faithful, the 14 year old Hp computer that was always there as a backup when newer machines failed finally called it quits. Petty sure it was the power supply since the power light on the front went out but it might've been something else. I'm not a tech. Push the button, it turns on! MAGIC!

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Pretty in Pink?

Okay, have no problem with the pink coloring as such. However I did like the other format/layout much better. Just a personal opinion but, at fist blush it seemed that it might be easier to navigate. On a strictly personal note, I could have been happy just to have a larger font for the stories, or the option for a larger font. Still great work and many Kudos to Erin and the staff for all their hard work.

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Don't Talk About It

Wow, things suddenly seem to be working very well. The site is operating rapidly, linking is swift, no more interminable waits, etc. Everything seems to be wonderful. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it.

Thanks Erin and staff.


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Somewhere Else Entirely -81-

Garia visits the hairdresser, Merizel finds a dajan tuner and Brydas tells Garia that some of the townspeople find the shoemaker's attitude objectionable. The afternoon planning meeting covers mine positioning, railroads, zoning, sewage works and concrete, but others in the town are making plans too...

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

81 - Coal Town

A trailer on Youtube

I happened upon this trailer on Youtube that reminded me of something I could find here. It was titled "Werewoman Teaser" It is almost as if one of our authors created the plot, a man turns into a woman for the week that his female room mates have their period. The women have lived together long enough that they all are synchronized. The trailer was well made and created as a fund raiser for the video. See what you think:

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I was reading an academic work the other day and they classified transgender as "Tomboys" and "Sissies". I was wondering what the community thinks about these labels? I will put in my 2 cents after others have chimed in. I do know that there are several who have sissy in their name here, I want their input too.

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Whately having problems?

Can someone explain why, when going to Crystal Hall's main page you are directed to a page claiming that this is an adult site and you are then given a number of links to various iterations of Big Closet? This is deeply odd, Whately Academy's own site appears to have died.

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Whately having problems?

Can someone explain why, when going to Crystal Hall's main page you are directed to a page claiming that this is an adult site and you are then given a number of links to various iterations of Big Closet? This is deeply odd, Whately Academy's own site appears to have died.

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