Quickest Sex Change Ever

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That kind of error would make life so much easier for some of us.


Sort of happened to me

Penny Lane's picture

A long time ago, in another life, both my partner and I lived in a London suburb and caught the Underground to two different workplaces. One time she was going to renew her season ticket and I asked her to do mine at the same time.

Sometime the following week I was stopped by a travelling inspector who said I had a woman's ticket. I remembered what had happened and explained. He then told me that to avoid fraud, season tickets issued to women had a thin diagonal line running across the front. We had never noticed the difference before.

Next time, I renewed my ticket myself and had more questions at the ticket office. Fortunately, all was well, although I really wished that I had been eligible for a woman's ticket back then.


new Social Security Administration policy!!!!!! for those in the

Teresa L.'s picture

United States. this was a couple of weeks ago i first saw this.


now all you have to do is get a letter from your therapist showing diagnosis and that you are in the transition process to get your sex changed at the SS admin AND on your card. this might help get Birth Certificates changed depending on the state. how can a state say you are or are not one sex if the Feds are willing to recognize it.


Teresa L.