Femdom / Humiliation

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl Part 2

Ollie's mum has a new friend called Alison. Together with her daughter, Hannah, they are spending a lot of time with Ollie and his mum. Ollie finds himself playing with Hannah's games; something which led to him wearing his first leotard and his very own pairs of tights.

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl

Part 2

By Ollie

Primate - Part Two

Primate - Part One (Got Milk)


It started as a lark. Steve just wanted to see if he could do it and he did - easily. Breaking into a house was against the law but not taking anything made justifying his actions a little easier and it remained that way right up until Sally's place. It was drinking the milk out of Susan's baby bottle that would change things - and speaking of changes...

Primate - Part One - Got Milk?

By Mary Beth Sanford


Mardi Gras


It's Mardi Gras time and for a company that rents "giant things" for people to put on floats it's a very busy time. Land Of Giants Props and Dolls is also where Chuck works. Actually Chuck works in the giant doll section. As it happens, Ms. Grayson, the owner, is marching in the parade as a little girl and, as it also happens, Ms. Grayson needs a baby girl doll for the giant baby carriage she's going to be pushing. Chuck, she's decided, would be perfect.

Mardi Gras

By Mary Beth Sanford


Attacked by Silk Gloves

Attacked by Silk Gloves

(F/M, magic, tg, fdom, nc, bd, creative)
by RH Music

While searching for "real magic", Paul locates a crotchety old woman named Rosemary, who can perform a special "glove trick". This trick involves a long glove that comes to life and leaps over the hand and arm of an unsuspecting spectator. Soon Paul discovers that living gloves are just the beginning...

Pen Pals - Part 1


Synopsis: It is estimated that twenty five percent of the girls on any given forum are actually guys posing as girls. One study put that number higher. Pat Goodman was one of them, Steve Carter another. What Pat and Steve are about to discover is that the girls they have been talking to are not nearly as sweet and innocent as they imagine.

Pen Pals

By Mary Beth Sanford



Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Humiliation
Categories Bondage Femdom Forced Crossdressing

Synopsis Ralph thought he he entered seventh heaven when he married the wealthy Janet Milhouse but little did he know….

By Janet Baker

Met and Married

Girly School

My wife has a very structured plan to feminize me. I admit that I deserve it. I am not much of a man. And she wants me to always be aware of that fact. When she was deciding how to go about turning what was left of my manhood into a sniveling sissy, she hit on a great and totally humiliating, yummy, strategy.

Sissy Captured -- Pt 9

Sissy Captured -- Pt 9

Maid Joy

I was in my barracks and getting dressed for formation. For the five hundredth time I wished I dared wear my panties instead of these bikini briefs. The tighty-whiteys that were issued (in reality grungy-greenies for the OD green color) didn’t feel right or make me happy to have them on, mainly because of how badly they hurt and fit.

Without a Trace - Part 6: Baiting the Trap

Without a trace part 6
Baiting the trap

JR after his mom hugged him smiled as his stomach again made its presence known and sheepishly grinned. His sister and her partner grinned and even his mom laughed, as a group they decided to head down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. They walked through the hospital corridors in an uneasy silence JR’s mother holding tight to his hand. He felt a bit uncomfortable but his Kylie side was comforted at the close contact. He had to be honest he was scared at what his sister wanted him to do but also proud.

One Sissy's Story -- Pt 1

This is not autobiographical, mostly. I wrote this to see if I could write a story with no dialog and have it be good. It's a story, it has no dialog but I leave it to you to tell me if it is good or not.

One Sissy’s Story -- Part 1

Maid Joy

It felt like hearing nails on a chalkboard all the time. There was something fundamentally wrong with the whole world and I didn’t know how to fix it.

Constant in All Other Things 2 - Chapter 03

Constant in All Other Things 2
Chapter Three
Fakeminsk ([email protected])

“Friendship is constant in all other things
Save in the office and affairs of love:
Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues;
Let every eye negotiate for itself
And trust no agent.”
Much Ado About Nothing

I know what you did

I Know What You Did

By Christine

Chapter: one

It is always a traumatic thing when a mother looses a child and this case is especially traumatic. Ms. Jasmine Moore’s child, Jason committed suicide and less than four weeks later she had to be admitted to a psychiatric facility for severe schizophrenia. It was the worst case I had ever encountered. She said her dead son was trying to kill her and her daughters newborn baby. She had to be admitted before she harmed the baby

Psychiatric report on examination of patient Jasmine Moore, page five.

Alicia's New Life -7-

Alicia’s New Life

By Christine

statment by Kathy Peterson
I know that there is no way that I can take back what I did to my brother so many years ago. The only thing that I can say is that at the time, I was 14 and had just lost both of my parents in a terrible plane crash. We both were given into the custody of our older brother who didn’t care about anything. When he hooked up with this mean blonde, she gave me many ideas how to torment my brother. I was 14 and wanted to take my anger out on someone and he was the littlest.
To my shame, I did take my anger out on him. I know there is no way that I can take back what I did to him and every day now, I am sorry that I hurt him. His life was ruined by what I did but my only defense was that there was also Sandra. If it wasn’t for her then the abuse on my brother would never have went as far as it did. It was fun for about three years, but into the fourth year I started having very serious reservations about the cruelties I had inflicted on my little brother. But by then, all of the damage was already done and we had a broken slave girl.
I was actually happy that she was rescued from us for I knew even if I went against Sandra’s wishes that Sandra wouldn’t stop hurting her. I was happy she might be able to live her own life. But I kept feeling the need to see her, and apologize for my part in the evil and to beg her forgiveness. I know it was stupid to break into her new home, but I needed to tell her face to face how sorry I was.

Chapter 7

Alicia's New Life -5-

Alicia’s New Life

By Christine

Chapter 5: A time for recovery

Mark Luther, In the past few weeks I had gotten really close to Allen Peterson aka Alicia Peterson. One would have to have a heart of stone not to feel for what the girl had gone though. It is hard to not refer to her as a girl but because of her feelings, I felt I had to in the beginning.
I tried my best to keep her on the road to a recovery. But given such extreme cases of abuse, recovery is a long and very rocky road. Its always unclear and filled with turns and twists that make the final destination vague.
Statement from detective Mark Luther

Alicia's New Life -4-

Alicia’s New Life

By Christine

Chapter Four: Alicia’s dark past is relived

Authors note, I wanted to put a little of Alicia's past in this story. I didnt know it would take so many pages but I felt it had to be included> I hope that the intense subject matter or length doesn't put anyone off. Please remember, this story focuses on the affects of abuse on a child, years after the events. Not the abuse itself.

I am Alicia Peterson. I wrote a bio about what happened to me at 12 a while back. I sarcastically titled it my summer vacation because I traveled to LA with my siblings. My father purchased a brand new house for his family and we moved there first. My mother and him were supposed to follow but,..they never made it. Their plane crashed and there were no survivors.

I am telling this because it was the set up that removed all controls from my brother and sister on what they could do to me. I was the smallest and weakest sibling and for that reason, they hated me. To be truthful, my brothers prospective was probably more indifference. My sister had a hatred of me that I never understood. I never hurt her but, such is irrelevant. What she did is relevant. She tortured me and destroyed my life. My Summer Vacation only included 4 months; from our big fight to the point I was to enter school as a girl named Alicia. I wrote it all in a diary that I kept hidden in case I didn’t survive one of their beatings. A lot has happened sense then that will be described by Christine. I let her narrate what happened and how I was saved.

It is ironic that I was saved by a beating. But that was luck too because it brought my suffering to the attention of authorities and they took the proper actions to rescue me. I will never forgive my sister for what she had done to me.


Alicia's New Life -2-

Alicia’s new life

By Christine

Chapter two: healing a wounded child

The healing process of a child that was subjected to abuse depends on many factors. As in the case with Allen Peterson who was subjected to terrible abuse over a period of four long years then it will take a long time to heal. All she knew from ages 12 to 16 were pain and suffering. She was enslaved and beaten constantly for any infraction. No one loved or protected her. That isn’t easy to get over, and I am not sure if its possible to ‘get over it’
Page 14, doctors report on subject Allen Peterson.

On Her Own Petard


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On Her Own Petard
by Ceri

Stevie started her blog to discreetly share her secret identity with the world never guessing just how successful it would be.


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