Leprechaun Trickery Part 10 The End

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"Now, girls, I'll give some last instructions," Dr. Trate told the nervous teary eyed ex-boys. "As I said, my treatments will help you accept your girlhood. You'll quickly adapt to girlhood. I'm sure at least some of you were planning a last minute escape by running away tonight. Since you're castrated, you now know such an act is useless. Saturday afternoon, you will attend the Victorian Tea Party at the Balkut estate. Saturday evening, you will enter the hospital. On Sunday, one by one, I will remove the now useless remnants of your masculinity and reshape your groins into absolute girlishness. By this time on Sunday, each of you will be forever more a girl..."

Leprechaun Trickery

Part 10 - The End


At the end of the school day, Mother Superior Murphy had called Leslie, Heather, and Patti into her office. She calmly told the nervous girls about the four new girls she would be enrolling and wondered if there could possibly be any connection between the sudden appearance of four boys undergoing forced transformations into girlhood and any wishes that Heather might have made.

All three girls blushed and exchanged guilty looks. Heather then confessed to her latest wish that any boy who teased a boy in the process of being transformed into a girl by one of her spell wishes would automatically invoke a similar transformation spell to be cast on himself.

"That could prove quite devastating," Mother Superior Murphy stated. "If boys simply being boys tease one of our new girls, that boy will become a girl. While that seems to be a fitting punishment, if all the boys so spelled are enrolled here, I'm afraid we'll overload the school."

The three mischievous girls hung their heads in shame. They hadn't realized the possible consequences of Heather's latest wish.

"Cheer up, girls," Erin Murphy laughed. "I like the spell. I'll just have to start making plans to expand the school. I'm sure Dr. Trate and Leslie's mother will assist lining up sponsors for the expansion."

Leslie, Heather, and Patti headed down to the dance room where Leslie was teaching the basics of ballet and conventional tap dancing to Heather and Patti. Patti also spent some time teaching the others traditional Irish Step Dancing.

Just before three o'clock, Grace Henry, Lydia Waters, Linda Fritz, and Ellen Harris led their four reluctant and frightened faux girls into the waiting room of Dr. Cassandra Trate. They were warmly greeted by Candi Trate. The older soon to be former boys were enchanted by Candi's overt femininity and sexual charms but their fear of what awaited them kept them from becoming too aroused. Since Dr. Trate had canceled all her other appointments, there was no one else in the waiting room.

Candi served coffee or tea to the women and orange juice to the faux-girls while the women filled out the required medical forms and signed the permission to treat forms. None of them realized they were consuming a powerful hypnotic drug that Candi had slipped into their drinks. By the time Dr. Trate entered the waiting room, the hypnotic drug had taken effect. The women would readily agree with all Dr. Trate said and recommended while the boys would be rendered incapable of refusing to cooperate.

Dr. Trate entered the waiting room promptly at three. After greeting the women, she turned to the four cowering girls. "Well, I must say that it looks like I'm going to be correcting the mistakes made at birth when these four pretty girls should have been born," Dr. Trate told the women knowing the hypnotic drug would thus reinforce and solidify their resolve to transform the boys into girls. "I simply love helping unfortunate unhappy boys discover true happiness in girlhood. I'm sure you’ll agree with all of my methods." This last phrase would serve to coerce the women to agree with any treatment Dr. Trate suggested might be appropriate.

"Allie, Jamie, and Bobbi Jo might be interested in knowing that I'll make sure they grow into very beautiful, feminine women," Dr. Trate stated then looked firmly into the eyes of the trembling petticoated lads. "Of course I'm sure that such pretty young misses will behave themselves and cooperate fully with me during their examination." Again the hypnotic drug coerced the boys to accept her statement as a command.

Allie, Jamie, and Bobbi Jo wilted while Tammy just shifted uncomfortably. They wanted to rebel but found themselves compelled to behave like the demure young ladies they appeared to be.

"I have much experience transforming males into delectable females," Dr. Trate continued. "Isn't that right, Candi?"

"Oh yes, it certainly is," Candi giggled like a true bubble headed blonde.

"You'd hardly believe that Candi is 38 years old," Dr. Trate informed them. "Of course, you'd also have trouble believing that Candi was once my husband. Of course, that was until I found him cheating on me ten years ago. I corrected that problem though, didn't I Candi?"

"I never look at any woman besides Cassandra now. But men...," Candi giggled. "Well, that's an entirely different matter!"

The four women looked at Candi with outright astonishment. "Are you serious," Ellen asked. "Is Candi 38 and was she your husband?"

"Yes, she is 38 and she was my husband," Dr. Trate answered. "Candi is now a complete woman. She still shares my bed but now it's as a lesbian lover. However, Candi is now also bisexual and is a virtual nymphomaniac. It's sometimes hard to keep her at home. She often spends the night with one of her male lovers."

"Can you make such a transformation to any male," Ellen asked.

"In most cases, yes," Dr. Trate replied. "There are a few large men who would never make believable women, but I can work my magic on about ninety five percent of the adult males and ninety nine percent of the juvenile males. I generally catagorize males in three groups. The first group I call F.L.M., first level male. This group consists of any male who has yet to enter puberty. Level one males can easily be transformed into a girls. Tammy is definitely an FLM. An S.L.M., or second level male, is a male in the early stages of puberty. It's still relatively easy to transform an SLM into a girl but a bit more involved. Bobbi Jo is definitely an SLM. Allie and Jamie are just at the upper end of SLM but on the verge of entering the TLM, or third level male group. For a TLM in the middle of puberty and beyond, it's usually possible to transform him into a girl but it takes quite a bit of effort to erase the male secondary sexual characteristics engendered by male puberty. These characteristics are heavy body hair including a beard, the Adam's apple and deep voice, and the typical male musculature and broad shoulders. But as you can see by looking at Candi, it is possible to eliminate all those things. You've brought Allie, Jamie, Bobbi Jo, and Tammy in at a nearly perfect time because none of them have yet to show signs of the secondary male sexual characteristics. In a few moments they never will."

"My son is twenty five," Ellen continued. "He's currently in jail for drug dealing and is due to get out in two weeks. He's a liar, a cheat, and a despicable womanizer. I know he'll abuse me when he comes home. He's also Tammy's father, he raped Linda when she was fifteen. I intend to make all this up to Linda and Tammy by having them live in my home. As you can imagine, having Tommy released from prison and coming home will simply not work out."

"Give me all the details of his discharge from prison," Dr. Trate said knowing the hypnotic drug would make it a command. "I'll make arrangements to have him picked up at the prison gates in a limo. Candi will be in the back to give him one last romp in the hay as a male. With spiked booze, he'll be out before he can get home. We'll bring him right to the hospital. When he wakes up, you’ll have a pretty daughter. With hypnosis, I can make him a demure proper miss or a wanton slut, or somewhere in between. I suggest you decide what type of Personality you want your former son to have as a young woman."

"He was always boyishly handsome," Linda stated as she thought of a diabolical revenge. "If he still retains those young charms, could you redo him to be, say a fifteen year old bubble headed cheerleader?"

"That should be no problem," Dr. Trate laughed. "In fact, that seems like a perfect situation for an arrogant womanizer. I can leave his memories intact but force him to act like a cute bubble headed cheerleader. I can make her an easy lay and/or orally fixated. It should prove most interesting to watch him be the type of girl for which he lusted. Start HER off as a sophomore in high school and let her re-graduate from school. See how many boys she satisfies during her three years. I can require her to confess her sexual exploits to both of you and you can set quotas for her. Perhaps sleeping with every guy on the football, basketball and baseball teams. If she completes those quotas for each year, once she's graduated, I can reduce her sex drive to normal and you can allow her to resume a normal although definitely female life."

"That does sound like a wonderful way to punish him for his years of evil," Ellen agreed not realizing the hypnotic drug had convinced her to follow the scenario. "Let's set it up. I certainly don't want to give him a chance to get back in with his old cronies. Are you certain about having Candi greet him? I don't want to force her to do something she doesn't want to do."

"Oh I don't mind at all," Candi giggled. "I love having sex with a man. Knowing that I'll be the last girl he ever has gives it an extra special thrill for me. By the time I've satisfied my lust he’ll be exhausted, the Mickey Finn he drank will have kicked in. Then he'll still be conscious but unable to move or talk. Then I'll tell him that I'm 38 and was a womanizing man until ten years ago when I was transformed into a sex-starved bimbo to service men like I had been. Then I'll tell him that I was his last sex as a male and that in three hours, he'll be a female who craves sex with men. It's so much fun watching the men squirm with fear, especially when I time it so that we arrive at the hospital just as I tell them. I've gotten pretty good at timing it just right."

"Can't it be dangerous," Linda asked.

"It could," Dr. Trate replied. "But I'm in the front compartment with the driver. I have an almost instant knock-out gas I can release in the rear area if things get out of hand. It'll knock out the man and Candi, but no harm is done. Then we simply carry out the plan. In fact, I always video tape the man's last tryst and his reaction to learning his fate. It's a major turn on."

Allie, Jamie, and Bobbi were sweating as they listened to all the talk about transforming men into sluts. They worried that their fate might be the same. Tammy was too young to understand most of what was being said.

"You girls don't have to worry about being turned into bimbos," Dr. Trate reassured them knowing her words would have the power of command. "You'll be very nice pretty prissy girls. Of course, as girls you’ll be attracted to boys, but you will not be promiscuous. Now, if no one objects to keeping these four young ladies together, let's go into one of my treatment rooms so I can give you each a physical."

Since no one objected due to the effects of the hypnotic drug, they all went into the largest treatment room in the office complex. The women watched as the children nervously stripped down to their panties. With Candi's able assistance, each child was weighed, measured, checked for temperature and blood pressure, and had several vials of blood drawn for the required lab tests.

Then, one by one starting with Allie, each child climbed onto the examination table and was covered with a sheet. Then their panties were removed and their legs secured into gynecological supports to spread their thighs wide to reveal their groin. The other children were kept behind Allie's head so they could not see Dr. Trate's examination of the genitals.

Allie did his best to keep calm but his nerves were really getting to him. As the oldest of the four boys, he felt compelled to set an example for the others. Yet knowing that he was being checked out prior to entering the hospital the next day for sex-change surgery did little to calm his nearly shattered nerves. His only hope was to endure this latest humiliation and somehow escape before entering the hospital.

Dr. Trate, assisted by Candi, first put on rubber gloves. "I know this makes you nervous, Allie," Dr. Trate told the shivering boy. "But it's part of the examination. First I'm going to cleanse your entire groin area with an alcohol sanitizer which contains a topical anesthetic to numb the entire area. This way I can conduct my examination without any undo embarrassing physical reactions."

Allie knew exactly what she was talking about. Erections are often a major problem for any teenage boy. Having one while wearing soft silken panties was near normal. To be able to prevent one while being handled down there would be nearly impossible. While the exam frightened him, he was glad for Dr. Trate's understanding of his inability to control his erections and her steps to prevent such an occurrence.

Dr. Trate washed the quivering lad's groin. The anesthetic acted almost instantaneously. Then while it appeared she was still wiping the area, Dr. Trate injected Allie's testicles and penis with a strong numbing agent that totally took away all feeling. Due to the localized effect of the topical anesthetic, the lad never realized he'd been injected five times.

"Now I'm going to do a rectal exam," Dr. Trate told Allie. "All you'll feel is a bit of pulling and tugging, so just relax as best you can."

Allie felt Dr. Trate slip a finger in his backside, but the area went numb almost instantly. He held his breath and tried to stay as still as possible while she probed his depths. Again he tried his best to be an example for the other boys.

Dr. Trate did slip a finger well lubed with topical anesthetic inside Allie's anus. Again the agent acted quickly and Allie lost all feeling. The finger probe to check the prostate was completed quickly. The next part would be done clandestinely under the guise of a prolonged rectal exam. Using a scalpel, Dr. Trate deftly sliced open Allie's scrotum and with much practiced skill, popped the boy's prized testicles from the sack. With quick nips, both balls dropped into her hand to be slipped into a little baggie labeled ALLIE. Then Dr. Trate tied off the ends of the blood vessels and tubes that had connected to the testicles before easily stitching the small wound closed. Allie had been castrated in under five minutes.

"All done down here," Dr. Trate declared as she rose from her seat. "I understand you're going to be regressed a year so you’ll be in the same grade as Jamie. I need to check your breasts so we can get you going on proper breast development for a fourteen year old girl."

Allie's initial relief that the genital exam was over was short lived. Dr. Trate's skill and explanations were so well done that the boy never suspected he'd been castrated. He still hoped to be able to run away that night. Dr. Trate reminding him that it was planned to regress him a year did little to bolster his nerves. Her declaration that she needed to get him started on the proper breast development for a fourteen year old girl nearly unnerved him.

As Candi undid Allie's legs, Dr. Trate moved to Allie's side to gently squeeze and probe his boyish chest. "I see no problems," Dr. Trate declared. "All I need do is inject some prolactin into each nipple and you'll be on your way to growing a set of perky breasts."

Allie squirmed under the doctor's firm grasp. The humiliation he felt while having his boyish chest checked for suitability to develop girlish breasts nearly snapped his reserve.

Before Allie could react, Dr. Trate produced a syringe and expertly jabbed a nipple to empty half the contents into his flesh.

"What are you doing," Allie squealed with unbridled fear.

"I’m injecting your breasts with prolactin, a powerful female hormone that stimulates breast development," Dr. Trate calmly informed him as she plunged the syringe into the terrified boy's second nipple to empty the rest of it's contents.

"There you go, Allie, all done," Dr. Trate informed the ex-lad who did not yet know he was no longer a boy. "After you put your panties on, slide off the table and put your clothes back on."

Allie promptly accepted his panties that Candi offered and quickly pulled them back into place. Then he hurriedly slipped from the examination table and tried to get as far away from Dr. Trate as possible to slip back into the welcome modesty of his bra, slip, tights, and dress. His nipples tingled and felt hot from the injections. As he dressed, he hoped the breast development would not be too great because he didn't want to be a runaway boy with tits.

Jamie was the next to undergo the procedure. His nerves were only a bit better than Allie's because he saw Allie enduring the exam. The only part that unnerved him was the last. He bravely followed Allie's example and kept his cool until it came time for the injections in his breasts. Guiltily he glanced at Allie who by then was back in his dress and waiting impatiently near the door. By the time he caught the look of terror in Allie's eyes, he'd received the damning injections.

Twelve year old Bobbi Jo was to be regressed to a ten year old girl while Tammy would remain eight. At that age, breast development was not needed so they did not receive the breast injections. They were only too glad to have the ordeal completed.

Everyone waited until Tammy was reclothed. Then Dr. Trate asked the boys to stand in front of their mothers. Once more what she was about to say would be compelled actions due to the hypnotic drug. As soon as they lined up, Candi produced a tray from beneath the examination table with four baggies neatly laid out. She presented the tray to the lined up boys and mothers.

"As you can see, there is a bag with each of your names on it," Dr. Trate stated. "Inside each bag you'll see two small pink olive like ovids. I removed them from you during the exam. They are your testicles. Each of you has been castrated. You are no longer boys, nor will you ever be boys again. You will never develop into men."

Allie, Jamie, Bobbi Jo, and Tammy looked in stunned disbelief at their severed manhood. Only Tammy didn't fully understand all the ramifications of the castrations, but he knew enough to know he'd never again be a boy. Allie and Jamie fainted after a few seconds of staring at their lost manhood. Bobbi Jo turned to his mother and buried his face to cry.

After reviving Allie and Jamie, the pale ex-boys were made to stand in front of their mother. "You will never miss your balls," Dr. Trate told them. "My treatments will help you accept your girlhood. Allie and Jamie, you met Heather. You know how quickly she adapted to girlhood. You'll do the same. Now for you mothers. I usually send the testicles out to be bronzed, then gold plated, and made into earrings. I've done that with Richard and Robert's balls. Most of my sex-changed females enjoy occasionally wearing their family jewels. I think since males put such importance on their family jewels, they shouldn't be deprived of that pleasure simply because they've become females. If you'll look at Candi, she's wearing her balls. If you don’t want your special earrings, I know of many women who would simply love to wear a pair of balls in their ears."

Allie, Jamie, Bobbi Jo, and Tammy all peered at the glistening golden ovids dangling prettily from Candi's ears. Earlier they had thought the earrings looked nice and added to Candi's sexiness. They had no idea that they had once hung lower on Candi's body. None of them wanted to wear their balls in the same manner as Candi!

However, the women were compelled to think the idea to be clever and quite fitting. The ex-boys cried as they heard their mothers unanimously declare they wanted the family jewels for their daughter. The hypnotic drug made the ex-boys equally influenced by their mother as by Dr. Trate.

"Now that the matter of the family jewels is taken care of," Dr. Trate stated. "I must inform you that both Rikki and Tonia are still under heavy sedation due to the extensive surgery I had to do to make them pretty females. We'll be unable to let you see them. Girls, you’ll have to wait until after you recover from your surgery to see them.

"Now, girls, I'll give some last instructions," Dr. Trate told the nervous teary eyed ex-boys. "As I said, my treatments will help you accept your girlhood. You'll quickly adapt to girlhood. I'm sure at least some of you were planning a last minute escape by running away tonight. Since you're castrated, you now know such an act is useless. Saturday afternoon, you will attend the Victorian Tea Party at the Balkut estate. Saturday evening, you will enter the hospital. On Sunday, one by one, I will remove the now useless remnants of your masculinity and reshape your groins into absolute girlishness. By this time on Sunday, each of you will be forever more a girl. As for tonight and tomorrow, you will be polite, nice, quiet, and obedient girls. Does each of you understand what I've just told you?"

"Yes Dr. Trate," the four mesmerized ex-boys declared softly while dropping obedient curtseys.

As a precaution against unwanted hypnotic suggestions, the air in the hall outside the exam room was saturated with lilac scented antidote to the hypnotic drug.

As they left Dr. Trate's office, the ex-boys realized their ordeal was no joke. They had no idea why they had curtseyed. They now fully understood that they were no longer boys and that soon they would be girls. This destroyed all hope of escape and rebellion. They were trapped into becoming girls and had no other choice but to see the ordeal through to completion. Of course, Dr. Trate's orders that they attend the Victorian Tea and then enter the hospital the next day for their sex-change was an order they could not refuse. The same went for her order that they be obedient young misses.

Being forewarned of the burgeoning influx of new students, at four thirty, Mother Superior Murphy waited in the school's conference room instead of her smaller office. She sat in an oversized chair at the head of the conference table as the women filed in to take the other seats. Straight backed chairs had been placed along one wall for the prospective students.

"I'm Mother Superior Murphy," Erin stated formally.

"I'm Grace Henry," Grace replied. "These are my daughters Allie and Jamie."

Not knowing why, Allie and Jamie blushed sweetly and dropped demure curtseys as they were introduced to the intimidating Mother Superior.

"I'm Lydia Waters," Lydia replied next. "This is my daughter Bobbi Jo."

Bobbi Jo had no idea why but she too blushed sweetly and executed a demure curtsey at her introduction.

"I'm Linda Fritz," Linda declared in turn. "This is my daughter Tammy."

Tammy, like the other ex-boys felt compelled to blush sweetly and execute a demure curtsey.

"I'm Ellen Harris," Ellen finished the introductions. "I'm Tammy's grandmother."

"I'm delighted to meet each of you," Erin replied. Please, ladies, take a seat about the table."

The four women sat about the table with Mother Superior Murphy. The four ex-boys stood nervously behind their mothers.

"Girls, you may take a seat upon the chairs at the wall," Erin ordered.

Without their balls and with their masculinity now destroyed, Allie, Jamie, Bobbi Jo, and Tammy quietly moved to the chairs at the wall. After a nod of acknowledgment from Mother Superior Murphy, the new girls dropped another curtsey and then daintily smoothed their skirts before demurely sitting quietly and nervously in the chairs by the wall.

Mother Superior Murphy smiled to see the new girls dressed similarly. Considering the circumstances of their transformations, she knew the selection of the prissy outfits had been made to reinforce their transition into girlhood. She also knew they were still trying to cope with their unwanted castrations. The rest of the meeting was uneventful.

By five, all four soon to be new girls were enrolled in St. Patrick's Parochial School and plans were made for them to begin classes next week once they recovered from Dr. Trate's irreversible treatments to send them irrevocably down the road to complete femininity. As the four ex-boys rose from their seats to leave with their mothers, they once more executed perfect curtseys.

That evening the ex-boys obediently assisted their mothers in eliminating every trace that males had ever lived in their homes. For Allie, Jamie, and Grace this meant cleaning out all evidence of Alec, James, and Richard. For Bobbi Jo and Lydia, this meant cleaning out all evidence of Robert and Tony. For Tammy, Linda, and Ellen, this meant first cleaning out the Fritz apartment, then moving into the Harris home where they cleaned out every trace of Tommy Harris as well as the remaining traces of George Harris, Ellen's late husband. All four sore and tired ex-boys snuggled into bed clad in soft, pretty, ruffled pink nylon baby doll nighties.

Saturday morning the Balkut home was bustling. Mother Superior Murphy had arrived early with her niece Patti in tow. Hillary supervised the three fourteen year old girls, Leslie, Heather, and Patti, in arranging the decorations and setting the formal tables. Joyce assisted by Erin, baked the tea cakes from scratch and prepared a light meal for lunch.

The Victorian Tea was to be held in the spacious twenty feet wide by fifty feet long sun room suitably decorated with potted palms and potted tropical flowers in bloom. Despite the chilly mid-November weather, the room was a balmy 80 degrees. The air was fragrant with sweet floral aromas stirred by the gentle breezes created by the slowly revolving ceiling fans. Delicate almost ethereal white wicker chairs and matching glass topped tables were arranged so that everyone would be comfortably seated close enough for pleasant conversation.

Allie, Jamie, Bobbi Jo, and Tammy were brought to FairyTale Fashions to be outfitted in their formal dresses about one o'clock. The four ex-boys meekly awaited their fittings in the largest dressing room. Grace, Lydia, Linda, and Ellen eagerly assisted Olivia and Stephanie in gathering the pre-selected outfits. The six women swept into the dressing room with their arms filled with a dazzling array of feminine pomp and finery. The four ex-boys quailed with repulsion but knew their days of brash boyhood were forever gone and that they would now be engulfed in prissy girlishness.

The outfits were nearly identical to the outfits of Leslie, Heather, and Patti. The only major differences were the colors of the outfits. Leslie had been outfitted all in yellow, Patti all in lavender, and Heather all in pink. Allie was to outfitted all in lime green, Jamie all in peach, Bobbi Jo all in turquoise, and Tammy all in pristine little girl white.

The new girls blushed demurely as they stripped to the buff. Then with the assistance of the women they stepped into soft satin rhumba style panties with row after row of delicate white lace ruffles across the backside. The soft clingy satin created quite pleasant sensations as it kissed their formerly boyish flesh. For Allie and Jamie the next item was matching white lace trimmed satin bras with padded seamless cups that hugged and caressed their already budding breasts. Bobbi Jo and Tammy donned matching white lace trimmed satin camisoles. All four former boys shivered in response to the delightful sensations created as the cute undies hugged their now nubile bodies.

Dainty rose patterned lace stockings with three inch wide elastic top cuffs to hold them in place covered their shapely legs to the top of their thighs. Dainty nylon anklets slipped over the stockings. Little girl style roll down cuffs formed an inch wide white lace ruffle about their trim ankles. Patent leather T-strap shoes in a color to match their outfits adorned their dainty feet. The shoes of Allie and Jamie had one inch heels while the shoes of Bobbi Jo and Tammy had half inch heels.

A fluffy flounced full crinoline petticoat with a white lace trimmed satin overslip was the next item the four soon to be girls donned. The darling fancy petticoat reached to mid-thigh and the crinkly multiple layers made it stand out five inches from their legs.

The luxurious velvet party dresses came next. The princess seams of the bodice were decorated with a half inch wide white lace ruffle. The dress buttoned up the back so snugly that the bodice shaped itself quite alluringly about Allie's and Jamie's budding breasts. The two inch high collar fit snugly about their slender necks and was trimmed with a delicate lace ruffle. Victorian style ivory cameos on a half inch wide satin ribbon were secured over the high necks of the dresses. A white lace sailor style square overlay adorned the top. Mutton topped loose full length sleeves ended in a flaring two inch wide ruffled cuff trimmed in white lace. Their narrow waists were accentuated by a three inch wide satin ribbon sash tied into a dainty full bow at the small of their back. The full skirts billowed out sweetly over the fluffy petticoats. The white lace trimmed scalloped hem allowed generous glimpses of the dainty petticoat beneath it. Kidskin gloves completed the outfits.

Allie and Jamie had their hair styled into soft bangs and a high bouncy ponytail secured high atop the back of their head by a white lace edged satin ribbon tied into a dainty bow. Bobbi Jo and Tammy had their hair styled into soft bangs and twin ponytails, each centered just above and behind their ears and secured by a white lace edged satin ribbon tied into a dainty bow.

The outfits simply oozed with little girl prissiness. For Bobbi Jo and Tammy, this made them look like adorable sweet simpering little girls. For Allie and Jamie, the look combined just the right touch of and tempting teenage flirtiness. All the faux girls looked absolutely charming and Allie and Jamie looked innocently seductive.

The faux boys were so engrossed in their feminization that they didn't even realize they were missing the biggest college football game of the season. The Penn State/Michigan State game started about the time they were slipping into their dainty petticoats. On Wednesday they had been eagerly looking forward to the big game. By Thursday they were trying to beg off from the Victorian Tea Party in order to see the game. By Friday, the destruction of their boyhood rendered the game unimportant. Now on Saturday, they were so wrapped up in their rapidly burgeoning girlishness they never gave the game a thought.

The Victorian Tea Party began at three thirty. Candi Trate, dressed in an old fashioned nineteenth century formal English maid's uniform greeted the guests as they arrived with a very prim and proper curtsey. She conducted the guests into the sun room where an all girl string quartet from the senior high of St. Patrick's Parochial School played quiet baroque music that formed a most delightful background for the affair. Candi seated the guests and curtseyed.

When all the guests had arrived, Candi signaled the musicians to stop playing. Then she stood in the entrance to make formal introductions.

"Ladies, it gives me great pleasure to introduce your hostess. Please welcome Ms Hillary Balkut, owner of Balkut Engineering."

Everyone applauded and smiled as Hillary swept graciously into the sun room wearing a scrumptious red satin nineteenth century formal gown with full petticoats and adorned with ruffles and lace. She curtseyed to her guests.

"Next is our guest of honor, Dr. Cassandra Trate, noted endocrinologist, gynecologist, and Hypnotherapist.."

Again everyone applauded and smiled as Cassandra swept into the room wearing a black satin gown otherwise identical to the one Hillary wore. She too curtseyed.

"Another honored guest is Mother Superior Erin Murphy, head of the St. Patrick's Convent and principal of St. Patrick's Parochial School."

Everyone applauded as Erin entered wearing a formal nun's habit from the nineteenth century. She merely nodded her head in response.

"I'll now introduce those already in the room. Will you please stand when I announce your name. I'll begin with Mother Superior Murphy's niece, Miss Patti Sherry O'Shea."

Candi paused between each announcement to allow the individual to smile, stand, and curtsey to the others.

"Ms Joyce Moore, companion, housekeeper, and nanny for Ms Balkut's daughter and ward... Miss Leslie Balkut, daughter of Ms Balkut... Miss Heather Reilly, daughter of Helen and Fred Reilly and ward of Ms Balkut while her parents are in Africa managing a project for Balkut Engineering... Ms Grace Henry, philanthropist... Miss Allie Henry, daughter of Ms Henry... Miss Jamie Henry, daughter of Ms Henry... Ms Lydia Waters, owner of Water's Systems... Miss Bobbi Jo Waters, daughter of Ms Waters... Ms Linda Fritz, office manager of Water's Systems... Miss Tammy Fritz, daughter of Ms Fritz... Ms Ellen Harris, grandmother of Bobbi Jo... Ms Olivia Childress, owner of FairyTale Fashions... Ms Stephanie Childress, saleslady at FairyTale Fashions and daughter of Olivia... Ms Kaye Gantz, office manager at Balkut Engineering... Ms Jeanne Green, ninth grade teacher at St. Patrick's Parochial School... Ms Jane Mitchell, sales, repairs, and customer service rep at Water's Systems... Ms Barbara Haines, sales, repairs, and customer service rep at Water's Systems... Ms Diane Lymaster, attorney at law... Ms Laurie Gates, lieutenant of detectives with the county police... and Ms Judy Winter, judge of the county courts..."

Candi then curtseyed and left to return with a tea cart with a complete sterling silver tea service. She served all the guests tea and cakes. The sheer number of people kept her busy. Naturally, the conversation swirled about Petticoat Discipline.

The budding femininity of the five fourteen year old girls was openly discussed. Leslie, Heather, Allie and Jamie were declared indistinguishable in their transformed femininity from Patti's natural girlishness. Only Leslie, Heather, Patti, and Erin knew the truth about Patti's transformation. Everyone else thought she was a real girl. Allie and Jamie were surprised as Leslie, Heather, and Patti accepted them as the pretty girls they appeared to be. The anxiety the former brothers felt over their transformation quickly vanished as they became involved in the giggling animated discussion of Leslie, Heather, and Patti. The five young ladies blushed and smiled as Ms Green teasingly informed them she'd be keeping an eye on them in her home room.

Everyone raved over Bobbi Jo and Tammy's prissy little girlishness. The youngsters glowed and behaved even more girlishly in response as they ate up the praise.

The ladies also praised Candi and her forced transformation. Her sultry sexuality showed through her maid's uniform as did her subservient obedient nature and desire to please her mistress Cassandra.

The Victorian Tea was a great success. The women decided to hold monthly teas and to form an association dedicated to be proactive advocates for women and children. A sideline would be the feminization of males. After the Victorian Tea concluded, everyone stayed to organize themselves. Grace Henry was elected coordinator. Judge Diane Lymaster, attorney at law, Laurie Gates, lieutenant of detectives with the county police, and Ms Judy Winter, Judge of the county courts agreed to draw up a charter to form a corporation. Dr. Trate agreed to slide her practice under the wings of the new enterprise as did attorney Lymaster. Olivia Childress agreed to slide FairyTale Fashions under the canopy of the new enterprise as did Lydia Waters with Water's Systems. Hillary announced that Balkut Engineering was planning to expand due to rapid increases in business and would be designing a new office complex that could easily support all the various divisions the new enterprise would need to accomplish it's goals.

The women would each buy into the new enterprise, either with cash, an existing business, sweat equity, or a combination of those three. They wanted a name that would denote their goals yet seem innocuous and easily explainable. Several Acronyms were suggested and rejected. They all had a good laugh when Olivia suggested thy call themselves Cass Trate Enterprises. Unfortunately that name was too easily translated to reveal one of their true goals. The animated discussion continued. Finally it was Leslie who provided the answer.

The five teenagers had been listening to the conversation when Heather reminded Leslie about the word play on Dr. Trate's name... Cass Trate. Patti giggled until she almost turned blue, then looked at Leslie with her head cocked.

"Leslie, your name does that too," Patti giggled. "Balkut... ball cut!"

"I know,"Leslie giggled in response. "That came up during a conversation I had with my mother and Dr. Trate while Heather was recovering from her surgery. Heather and I have talked about it too."

For Allie and Jamie, the candid discussion was hitting just a bit too close to home since they had been castrated just the day before. The new sisters felt their stomachs churning as they thought about their loss.

"I don't think Allie and Jamie are quite ready to joke about such things," Heather stated in a serious tone. "But it is too good an idea to pass up. I really think you should tell the adults."

"Yes, I think I should," Leslie agreed. "After all, if we're to be part of this we should have some rights to voice our opinions and ideas."

Leslie stood and raised her hand. "I have something to say," she announced in a quavering voice.

Slowly everyone grew quiet and all eyes turned to her. Hillary and Joyce in particular eyed her brazen interruption.

"You know I was a boy but have always lived as a girl," Leslie stated nervously. "Thanks to Dr. Trate, I'm a girl now. She Cass Trated me."

The laughter that filled the room was genuine and not derisive.

"Let's be honest, one of the things this group wants to do is to destroy arrogant macho males," Leslie declared. "Now we certainly do not want that to become general knowledge. But we want the name of the group to indicate that possibility. A truly honest name would be The Cass Trate Group, but that's too obvious. Now I'm not tooting my own horn but I think The Balkut Group would be exactly what we want. Balkut engineering would be one of the divisions and at present is the biggest and wealthiest so it would make sense that the largest portion of new enterprise would carry over it's name due to public recognition. At the same time, the name Balkut can be reinterpreted as BALL CUT, a euphemism for castration."

The ladies were impressed by Leslie's suggestion and held a brief discussion. They accepted Leslie's suggestion. Thus the new organization became THE BALKUT GROUP.

Monday morning at St. Patrick’s, Leslie, Heather, and Patti were discussing how the four now new girls would adapt to girlhood. They all agreed being a girl was much better than being a crude boy.

“It’s really not fair,” Patti sighed. “Because I wasn’t a human and had no records, the magic was able to change me into a fully functional girl. Because you were human and had records, you’ve only been able to be changed cosmetically into girls. None of you will be able to have children.”

“I know,” Leslie sighed. “I really wish I could someday become a mother.”

“Maybe I could make a wish so all changeling girls can become real girls,” Heather suggested.

“I don’t think so,” Patti sadly replied. “Remember the restrictions:
by nature, is powered, all sorts of magic;
time is needed to avoid outcome tragic.
All sorts of magic shifts things out of balance
so adjustments, the world, must make allowance.
The bigger the wish, the longer changes take;
to avoid undo questions someone might make.”

“Well, there has to be some way to get around it,” Leslie declared.

The girls thought about the dilemma all day. During their last period study hall, Heather was busy writing. As the bell rang she put down her pencil and smiled.

“Patti, can we go over to your bedroom,” Heather asked. “I think I may have come up with the right incantation!”

A few minutes later they stood looking out Patti’s bedroom window at the ancient oak tree. The three girls held hands with Heather in the middle as she took a deep breath and began.

"Ancient druid oak tree, this wish if I may;
make changeling girls complete in every way.

Cast the transformation spell without delay;
let nature a suitable course chart the way;
let magic make them all girl, begin today!"

The branches of the old oak began to quiver and the leaves fallen about it's trunk swirled high in the air. A small tornado, much larger than any they’d previously seen, filled with swirling leaves swept across the lawn to solidly buffet Patti's bedroom window. The leaves hitting the glass created a cackly whispery voice.

"By your wish, Heather, druidic power hired;
let a changeling girl to all girl be rewired.

To stay sterile is now no longer desired;
so nature let Heather to research inspired;
to make stem cells for the ovaries required.”

The wind disappeared and the leaves fell to the ground.

The girls exchanged looks of consternation. It seemed their wish had been granted. Heather already had a healthy interest in science, and she could feel herself filling with determination and already was beginning to develop ideas. All three smiled.


A multi-story multi use complex was built to house The Balkut Group was constructed next door to St. Patrick's Parochial School and Convent. BALKUT ENGINEERING continued as an engineering firm but expanded into the contracting field and built businesses, homes, and apartments specifically for women. Dr. Cassandra Trate established and headed the BALKUT MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTER. Her medical practice provided the core and included a complete diagnostic and surgical center. Dianne Lymaster established and headed the BALKUT LEGAL SERVICES. Her law practice formed the core and handled divorces, custody disputes, and all the legal paper work involved in legal name and sex changes. Olivia Childress established the BALKUT FASHION SERVICES. FairyTale Fashions formed the core and Stephanie Childress would take over as manager. A full service beauty salon including electrolysis and permanent make-up was established as a vital portion of this division. Ms Jeanne Green left her teaching job with St. Patrick's parochial school and established and headed the BALKUT FITNESS CENTER. This included a health and physical fitness center with a gym, track, swimming pool, tennis courts, and bowling alley. Grace Henry established and headed the BALKUT ARTS CENTER. This included classes in ballet, tap, jazz, modern, ballroom, country, and ethnic dancing as well as painting, sculpture, drawing, and acting. Vocal and instrumental music lessons were available. A choir and orchestra were formed. An auditorium with stage was provided for all types of performances. Lydia Waters established and headed BALKUT COMMUNICATIONS. Water's Systems formed the core of this computer based operation. It included telecommunications as well as recording and video operations. These specialized in how-to tapes with hidden subliminal messages. These tapes instilled self-confidence in females and subverted males.

One month before the end of the school year while the BALKUT BUILDING was being constructed, following Mother Superior Murphy's unflinching lead, the nuns at St. Patrick's defiantly but peacefully rebelled against the male-dominated church. The church hierarchy could do nothing to dissuade the good ladies nor could they silence the vocal women. Dissolving the order had no effect. Even excommunication failed to sway the pious ladies. The church faced an ugly situation due to the negative publicity. The former nuns refused to vacate the grounds of St. Patrick's and the church wanted to save face. The Balkut Group, ostentatiously seeing a way to make a cheap land buy, offered to buy the St. Patrick's complex since it was next door to their new site. The deal was sweetened when the Balkut Group agreed to buy the property as is, with the former nuns still in residence in order to speed up the acquisition. The church, seeing a way to avoid an ugly eviction and more adverse publicity, quickly agreed to sell the property. Three months after Mother Superior Murphy began her rebellion, the entire St. Patrick's complex was sold. The Balkut School was promptly established on the formerly sacred grounds and the ex-nuns were hired to operate the school. Erin Murphy became the principal and headed THE BALKUT LEARNING CENTER. The school opened in time for the new school year. The students who chose to remain enrolled never lost a day of school during the bizarre transition.

Rikki Henry and Tonia Waters joined Candi Trate to become the vivacious efficient receptionists in the main lobby of the Balkut Building that housed all the enterprises of the Balkut Group. At first impression, the trio appeared to be dizzy blondes about nineteen years old. However, their skills and talents made them highly efficient in their jobs. The three shared an apartment, clothes, and their numerous boyfriends.

Tommy Harris met Candi upon exiting prison and as Tammy Harris became a giggly sophmore cheerleader at the local public school where she dated practically every guy. After graduating she became a high energy aerobics instructress for the Balkut Fitness Center. Tammy Harris was an insatiable bi-sexual woman who lived with her mother Ellen, ex-girlfriend Linda, and former son now daughter Tammy.

Tammy Fritz grew up a most pretty prissy girl who was the cause of many boys falling under the spell of Heather's Leprechaun wish when they arrogantly teased her. After graduating from St. Patrick’s she went to law school and joined Dianne Lymaster. She eagerly filed name and sex-change paperwork.

Bobbi Jo Waters became a vivacious cheerleader who never wanted for dates. She eventually joined her mother heading Balkut Communications.

Allie and Jamie thrived as faux twin sisters and became enchanting singer/actresses.

Leslie went to medical school and joined Balkut Medical and Research Center. She eagerly transformed deserving males into females.

As for the crusty old Leprechaun who started the entire thing, well Patti Sherry O'Shea thrived as a girl and went on to become the sexy red-headed lead dancer in a very popular Irish step-dance show that is touring the world in sold-out performances.

Heather also went onto medical school, concentrating on scientific medical research. She too joined Balkut Medical and Research Center. By the time she was thirty she had developed a procedure from taking stem cells, injecting DNA from the patient, and coaxing the cells to develop into buds that could be implanted into the changelings to grow ovaries, fallopian tubes, and a uterus. The procedure was also effective on sterile genetic females. Because of her success, all the changelings could become mothers bearing their own genetic children. The only drawback was that all the children born were female.

On numerous occasions, many people have seen a certain old oak tree on the grounds of the Balkut Learning Center mysteriously sway when there is no wind...

The End

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littlerocksilver's picture


All in all a very satisfactory ending for what could have become a disastrous mess. I am certianly looking forward to more new stories and maybe the revival of some of your old stories.



Enjoyed It

Quite a bit different from Summer's Odyssey, but still enjoyable. It was quite a guilty pleasure romp.

Good Story, But Castrate

Is Power hungry! Not all boys are jerks, nor men! Yes, I do appreciate a pretty girl or woman, but getting into her undies is not my goal, I believe in respect for all people. If I had of seen those boys dressed like they were, I'd have called the police about child abuse by the mother!
But that Tree's Power made sure that only jerks saw the girls.
Please understand that I found the story a fun read, I am simply commenting on the story, not blasting Jennifer Sue. I like her stories.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Evil women! ...

Jezzi Stewart's picture

... Much worse than the men they despise. And the magic seems to be creating girls/women who also become evil. These women give femininity a bad name. Femininity, if choosen, is wonderful. If it is forced, it can become warped and twisted, as in Heather. My scenario would have Heather "see the light" and wish all the magic and hypnotic cumpulsions, orders, etc. gone. We could start a pool over how long after it would be before angry former men would tear Dr. Trate limb from limb!

"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show

BE a lady!

I see this as a bitter sweet ending to a dark comedy

Evil in a large part has won in this story, given the Balkut Group and Dr Cass Trate being unpunished plus Cass Trates *Daughter * becoming an SRS surgeon. But is see hope in Heather’s wish to help the former boys and her stem cell process where they can have their own children albeit only girls – IE they are XY girls not normal XX girls..

This is a dark comedy where evil is not punished but perhaps redirected to less destructive endeavors.

Still , I understand, too many boys and men who were not hopeless misogynists got converted to faux girls and later into fertile girls if they wished it as a way to salvage their destroyed lives as men but Ballkut and Cass Trate went unpunished,

This is case of a flawed world, the evil ones with power go all but unpunished. Id hoped for better but so be it. I had hoped the wish about those who tormented the faux girls would suffer the sane fate seemed to ignore the horrors inflicted by Cass Trate and Ballkut.

Well done, I was afraid this would degenerate to pre feminization lit without any explanation or redemption.

Very good, this is a hard row to hoe.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa


Hiyas!!!! I'm Kitty's little sister Bunny and I LOVED this story!!!! There's so many monsteys to kill ^^!!! YAY I can kills them all Slashie slashie smashie smashie tee hee hee ^^ And choppie down the trees too!!! YAY ^^


    I just got to be me :D


I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D