Femdom / Humiliation

Barbies Diary

.Barbies Diary

Written by Dauphin
Read Ashley’s hertil secret diary to discover a boy whose life changed when he got a new step mum. He is being transformed into a girl. Parts of him hate this, parts of him like it. This is a story of the evil step mum, or is she evil? Barbie’s diary is full of twists and I hope will make you think.
"I am sure many wishes that they were Barbie." Diana
"This story made some people remember Dauphins name. It was his first story and he wrote it to see how he liked writing. A story with many plot twists" Andrew

Girl's Night Out

Henry agrees to attend his wife's Girls' Night Out birthday party appropriately dressed, not knowing she has her own special reasons for wanting him there dressed that way. This story is the origin of another much longer one, "The Birthday Present."

Being Me


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The following tale is adapted from a story started by SlimV. The story was never finished and sent to me to read some time ago. I liked the idea so much that I asked if I could steal it and finish it off while expanding on it. Both SlimV and myself have been collaborating on it for some time now, thanks hun for the editing. I hope you enjoy reading it and get as much fun out of it as we did writing it.

Peter's Girl

Set in the near future Timmy and Lucy are a normal couple like so many other couples of their generation. However, with the new Rejuve drug reversing the ageing process and also reversing masculine and feminine characteristics Women are gaining power! Men are now seen as cute little feminine things and much to Timmy's dismay men's and women roles are now completely reversed. This story follows poor Timmy's descent into femininity along with his fellow men.

Authors note.

A Fantasy Gone Way Wrong -1-

This is a fictional tale about a guy, who just wanted to recreate for him self a small part of a fantasy story he read. But as we all know things don’t always go as we plan, and this was no exception. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it

Chapter #1
The Intro And How It All Started

Saving Alicia


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This is my sequel to Alicia’s Summer Vacation. I read the story the first time around 1999 and I was horrified at how the story ended. The way it ended left me with a very sour taste in my mouth, because he was a child and the extent of the utter betrayal by those who should have loved him. I been thinking about how to write an ending for around 5 years and this is my feeble attempt.

Saving Alicia

By Christine

Saving Alicia -2-

This is my sequel to Alicia’s Summer Vacation. I read the story the first time around 1999 and I was horrified at how the story ended. The way it ended left me with a very sour taste in my mouth, because he was a child and the extent of the utter betrayal by those who should have loved him. I been thinking about how to write an ending for around 5 years and this is my feeble attempt.

Saving Alicia

Finding the Truth

Chapter 2

By Christine

Being Me - Part 1 - Out of the Closet

The following tale is adapted from a story started by SlimV. The story was never finished and sent to me to read some time ago. I liked the idea so much that I asked if I could steal it and finish it off while expanding on it. Both SlimV and myself have been collaborating on it for some time now, thanks hun for the editing.

Andersonville - The Final Season


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The Final Season

by Kelly Davidson

Andersonville is based on the story "The Life and Death of Al Parker". Reading the story is recommend to understand some of the discussion in the follow series.

Andersonville - Season 2


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Season 2

by Kelly Davidson

Andersonville is based on the story "The Life and Death of Al Parker". Reading the story is recommend to understand some of the discussion in the follow series.

Andersonville - Season 1


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Season 1

by Kelly Davidson

Andersonville is based on the story "The Life and Death of Al Parker". Reading the story is recommend to understand some of the discussion in the follow series.

Rediscovering Caitlin

A man's girlfriend unwittingly awakens memories of a childhood tragedy. It seems once unleashed they
will not be locked away again. Can their love overcome the ramifications?
(WARNING: This story contains a violent rape scene.)


Rediscovering Caitlin

by Lisa Caitlin Grey


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