The Truth chapter 3

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The Truth

Chapter 3

I propped myself on the doorframe going outside while I watched Brian walk out to meet Richard. By that time, it was like I was on pins dearly hoping that Brian would do what I told him to do. I knew it would be very hard for him to kiss Richard but it was for his own good.

I told him to give Richard a big romantic open-mouthed French kiss like a girl would kiss a lover. I also told him to act very flirty and a little slutty with Richard and to behave like an airheaded bimbo.

I watched Brian prance down my driveway swaying his hips like a girl, and twirling strands of his hair in a fashion. I noted in surprise that he had this walking in heels thing down. I watched the entire exchange between them. Richard looked surprised at the outfit Brian was wearing. He had on my blue and white high school cheerleading outfit and Richard liked it a lot. He got out and admired it. He looked up at me from across the driveway and smiled knowingly. I smiled back and Brian wrapped his arms around Richard, and got on his tip toes, then started kissing Richard the way I told him to. It looked like a very good effort but I knew the eternal struggle Brian must have been having. I really felt bad for him. It was like a physical pain in my gut. I knew he was feeling disgust and revolution but I also knew he had to do this.

The kiss lasted a full 30 seconds and Brian played the part of a flirty girl just right. I played my part right. I discreetly pulled out my cell phone and recorded the entire thing on video. Neither of them had a clue and I was relieved when the kissing was over. The first part of my devious plan had worked brilliantly. I finely had something serious but I knew I needed more than a recording of him kissing Brian. Yes, kissing a 14-year-old crossdressed boy like that was very inappropriate, it wasn’t enough to get serious charges with. Charges that would put him away for a long time. That would have to wait.

I watched them get in the car and drive away. My gut twisted as I hoped that the next part of the sinister plan would work as I hoped. I had gone back inside and booted up my PC to see the program I installed would work. I plugged in the USB card that would receive signals from a recording device I secretly put in brains purse. Everything had to work for the plan to work. The recorder in his purse had to work, The USB receiver would have to work, the program on my computer that would take the signals and let me listen in would have to work.

I started listening and I could hear Brian’s voice clearly. He was trying to be flirty and brave as Richard was asking humiliating questions about the kiss and various other things about his girlyness.

I knew it was time to go. I had a date with Amber and didn’t want to be late. My mother didn’t want me in a lesbian relationship with a woman. She said it was wrong and she let her scumbag boyfriend try to ‘convince’ that I should be with a man. He didn’t do such a good job but that is beside the point. I had to freshen up and get myself ready for her. It was nothing serious, just going out to a dinner and then we would hang out. She was such good support at these difficult times. She disapproved of me having a same sex relationship with Amber but she approves of Brian and Richard. How fucked up is that? But in her strange way of thinking, I do understand. She has always had some hatred for her son and never really cared about his well-being.

I just couldn’t listen anyone. Richard was talking about blowjobs and making Brian ask him if he could give him a blowjob. It was just so disgusting and degrading to Brian that I had to turn it off. It kept recording. I had gone into the bathroom to freshen myself up for my date. I just hoped that everything went well. So I put on my nicest dress and shoes. I decided to wear my red gown with a very low neckline. It was very open in the back. Yeah it sounds trashy but it really wasn’t for this woman. I knew how to please her. I got in my car and drove over to her favorite Italian restaurant.

The place was as I expected when I got there. The lights were very dim and it was a very formal place. The waiters were wearing white suits and we ordered our favorite platter.

She was wearing a sharp black suit that made her look very serious but also sensual. There wasn’t much to say about it. It was simply a woman’s business suit.

“Thank you Amber,” I told her as soon as we ordered. “Your advice on how to bust my stepdad is working out. I plan on getting him as soon as we can. “

She gazed at me and responded, “Does that mean you got the stuff I told you about that would let you hear what was going on. “

“Yes,” I answered. “It was very expensive but I will make it up soon. Helping Brian is worth anything. I just have to.”

She agreed. “So tell me. Did you take my advice on getting it moving? “

“Yes. I didn’t like making him dress like that. But if it entices Richard and makes him make his move then we can trap him and its all better to free my brother.”

Her mood changed somewhat. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. There was just something about the way her eyes looked. “I bet he looked very sexy in your outfit. If we can free him then you could have a lot of fun with a sissy like that. “

I felt my anger start boiling. I hated anyone talking about him like that. “Stop that Amber. If this works then surely I will be the last person they chose to be his guardian. I am only eighteen.”

“Not to worry,” she chimed in soothingly. “I will be there to help out. “

There was something about her look and the way she said it that sent chills though me. I brushed it away and quickly changed the subject. “What ever, we don’t have to worry about that. How was your week?”

She told me very well while she started rubbing her hand along my leg under the table. Our food came and we ate it quickly enough in-between idle chatter and rubbing each other.

We were back at my place in less than two hours and I turned on the speakers again. Sounds of horror filled the house. It sounded like Richard was having sex with Brian and Brian was crying in humiliation. It really broke my heart and Amber told me, “It is time, Crystal. Make the call now! They will catch him in the act!”

I called 911 and reported a strong suspicion of child abuse and gave them the address, my name and was told that someone would be in touch with me.

A plain clothed male detective came to my place in less than fifteen minutes.

“You reported a very strong suspicion of child abuse on your brother, Brian. You gave some very vivid descriptions of what you suspected. Two officers are checking out your complaint. What made you suspect such things, crystal?”

“A lot of things from his abrupt change in his mood. He went from an outgoing fun typical teenage boy to someone very repressed, afraid. He started jumping at any physical contact. When I saw him, he hardly spoke and the last few times, he wouldn’t sit down. The last time he came, he showed up wearing women’s undergarments, woman’s jeans and makeup. “

He jotted it all down on a pad and agreed that there were signs of sexual abuse.

“There is more detective. I have proof.”

I took out my phone and showed him the video of him kissing Brian and I told him that he put on the cheerleading outfit. Then I showed him the evidence on my computer and that was when he showed some concern.”

“I don’t think you should have done that Crystal. But we will be in touch. “ He stood up and left and everything seemed well for a few days.

Their case became stronger and He started speaking about his abuse and the detective came by to take further statements from me.

Everything seemed to be going well until three days later. I received a call early in the morning from the same detective. He got right to the point quickly that brought me out of my sleep. “Crystal, we have a big problem here with Brian. “

“What is the problem,” I asked still foggy from my sleep.

“Well, Because of the problem with his family, none of them will take him. He has been saying at a state home and hes getting bullied badly. We have no where else and you are his last hope. Social services isn’t happy about it but I pulled some of my strings and they very reluctantly agreed. Crystal, Will you accept him?”

That brought me out of my fog. I mean, me responsible for a child. I am only freaking eighteen. I started freaking out. “Me are you serious detective. How can I even be considered? I am only eighteen, and I am his brother how can I be his guardian!”

“calm down crystal. I am not talking about permanent guardianship. This will just be temporary until we can find proper foster parents. It will probably be only a few days to a week at most. Please, you are his last hope. “

I agreed and said I would. I freshened myself up and awaited the detective and the social services person to deliver Brian. My mind was racing by now. After what I pulled on him, how in the hell was I going to do this. He wouldn’t trust me and I knew this wouldn’t work out at all but my only hope was they found someone else. Fast.

All too soon a car pulled into my driveway and a detective along with a well dressed middle aged lady got out of the car and a fearful teenage boy came out of the back seat. He followed them slowly up to my door.

I was clueless. I didn’t have any clue how to proceed. I let the three in and the older lady carefully looked over my place. She told me that it met with her approval. I didn’t have any clue what it required to meet to her approval so I simply nodded. She said the department of social services world stay in touch with me and they left him there.

He just sat in a chair looking at me very fearfully. I figured the best thing to do after that was explain where everything stood. I sat down in a chair infront of him and started my side.

“Brian, I know you are very afraid of me and you don’t know how that hurts me.”

HE snorted loudly. I guess that was contempt.

“Yeah. It doesn’t mean much after what I did but I can only say, It is what helped end your abuse. I promise you that I wont ever hurt you again. I am sorry that I hurt you when I did. “

“yeah sure. Miss Crystal. Shove your sorry up your ass. Your apology means nothing. “

“It was me that called the authorities to free you. I know you can’t trust me and I hope this is quick until they find better people to care for you. For now, lets make this quick and present. Let me show you where you will stay.”

I took his hand and lead him into his bedroom. When he got there, he looked very upset. It was blue and like any normal boys room. He looked though it and it was clear that he didn’t approve. I asked him about it but he didn’t say anything. That was when I decided that the best thing I could do was just leave it.

I slept and hoped that he would sleep as well. I woke up the next morning and he was up a few minutes later. I asked him what he wanted for breakfast. He just glared at me hatefully so I decided to make him some eggs. I told him that I had to go to work but a kind woman named Amber would be keeping an eye out for me.

I got dressed and left him there alone. I came back to my place eight hours later. I looked around the place and it looked like he had cleaned up the place well. That was odd, he never did any cleaning before but I shrugged it off. Amber was there and Brian was beside her. He seemed even more upset than before. I tried asking him but he was very quite. Well if he wouldn’t tell me then I couldn’t do anything. I was stupid. I didn’t suspect a thing until two days later, I came home from work and saw what the problem was. I had come home early and saw him, wearing a maid’s outfit and cleaning. She was standing over him, very harsh and shouting demeaning orders.

I felt like kicking her ass. My rage boiled hot as I approached her. “Amber, how could you do this to him. You betrayed me. “

She looked innocently. “Why Crystal, he is a sissy. You have to learn how to treat a sissy appropriately. You were always too soft. “

That did it and I slugged her. My rage exploded. “Amber get the hell out of my house now! It is over. I don’t ever want to see you again and never contact Brian. Get out!” I was yelling at her. She got the message. She left after telling me that I wont be able to do this alone. I suspected that she was right but I didn’t want her help.

After she left I took care of Brian. I let him take off his clothes. He spoke to me finely. “Crystal, Thank you for that. But, why didn’t you call the police?”

I had the distinct impression he was testing me. Seeing if I would report my girlfriend. I would. “Brian, I will if that’s what you want but I was trying to spare you some more humiliation. “

He shrugged, “I can handle it. After what Richard did to me, I can handle anything. “

“Okay Brian. “ I made the call and she was arrested too. We answered questions all night.

After everything was over for that night, he asked me a question that totally blew me away. “Why do you insist on treating me like a boy. Can we get some girls clothes?”

I was shocked, “Brian, why?”

“I am a girl!”

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It's interesting that this story is called "The Truth," because each chapter ends up uncovering a new layer of what's actually happening, invalidating some of the assumptions that we'd been led to believe from the last one. It's really fascinating, as our perceptions of who is being deceived and who is manipulating whom keep changing.

The Truth

Is that this story has Jennifer said has many layers. Just wait until the next chapter is posted and we will see that things get going.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

In this chapter you wrote

In this chapter you wrote "That brought me out of my fog. I mean, me responsible for a child. I am only freaking eighteen. I started freaking out. “Me are you serious detective. How can I even be considered? I am only eighteen, and I am his brother how can I be his guardian!”

Until then the character telling the story claimed to be his sister. Otherwise there was nothing explicit to clarify the sex (es) of the story teller character, athough SHE (?) did claim to be having a lesbian relationship with Amber.

I am now confused. Which bit was wrong? My impression is that the bit I quoted was just a slip up. I know we are dealing with people in somewhat labile sexual identity situations here, but I have got confused now. Please can you explain?

