Primate - Part Two


The process of dressing Steve in Susan's clothes, started shortly after he was caught, continues...

Primate - Part Two

By Mary Beth Sanford



****Part 2****

"We can do those shoes last," Dr. Brooks said as she went back to diapering the boy. Most of the time Susan wore disposables when she was in the house, but at night Dr. Brooks kept her in a thicker cloth diaper, soaker and plastic pants.

Steve now wore that cloth diaper and soaker clipped closed with two very cute pink bunny diaper pins.

Dr. Brooks, right after getting Susan, wanted to break her of wearing clothes, but Susan threw fits when she was naked. Too many years wearing clothes at the circus had left her too use to them. Susan happily gave in and began treating Susan just as she would a little girl. Albeit a very large little girl which was the reason Susan's diapers so easily fit the young man.

"Isn't that soaker going to be a bit much," Jennifer asked.

"Absolutely not. I want him to know, the instant he tries moving his legs, what it is he's wearing," Sally noted. She wanted the boy to know he was wearing a diaper even if his dress hid it. Although she just might change him as well before she called the police, she mused.

The diaper was closed around the boy after Dr. Brooks sprinkled way too much baby powder on him. Susan's night time diapers were thick and with the soaker doubly so, and that suited Dr. Brooks just fine. She smiled looking down at the fluffy mound now covering the boy's genitals. Those two pink diaper pins a sharp contrast to the pure white cotton.

"He looks so damn cute," Jennifer said admiring the angelic face as she added, "Tiny for a young man already in college, and that diaper seems to suit him, doesn't it?"

"It does," Sally said as she fussed with the waist of the diaper a bit longer.

Dr. Brooks grabbed the camera and snapped a picture of Steve wearing just his diaper. She paused as if thinking and then moved over to the dresser. Sally eased the pink pacifier between Steve's lips then took another shot as Jennifer snickered.

"He's holding the pacifier," Jennifer noted.

"We never really lose the urge to suckle," Sally said as she added, "now for his little baby panties."

"Here," Jennifer said happily as she handed Dr. Brooks the pink almost opaque plastic panties. Next to those, the matching panties with ruffles for the dress. Susan was as much a little girl as any little girl and seem to delight in pretty things, and she loved playing with the ruffles she wore. Most experts will tell you that chimpanzees are very intelligent and besides being very loving they have nearly the intellect of a toddler.

Susan, as it happened, at two years of age, loved her frilly clothes. It was why Jennifer had purchased the dress and ruffled panties Dr. Brooks was just beginning to slip over the feet of the boy to cover the pink plastic pair. Jennifer went to the other side of the changing table and gave Dr. Brooks a hand.

"Cute! Very cute," Jennifer said as they worked the panties to the boy's diaper and slid them in place. Those panties were taffeta with a layer of chiffon over the shimmering layer of satiny pink. The ruffled soft lace was attached to the chiffon. Inside of the ruffled panties was now a layer of soft plastic that lightly crinkled. They were adorably cute panties as Sally teased the bow at the back.

"Very, very cute," Dr. Brooks said with a pat over the boys silky baby pants. She stood back, laughed and picked the camera up again.

"Help me turn him over on his stomach so I can get a picture of his ruffled bottom," Sally said as she moved to Steve's shoulders. They eased him over so his puffy bottom was facing them. Sally fluffed the ruffles on Steve's panties so they puffed a bit more before snapping a couple more pictures. She replaced Steve's pacifier after they rolled him back.

Sally eased him into a sitting position as Jennifer took up the slip. Jennifer moved to the boy's head and shoulders to help sit the boy up. Together they had the slip on him in no time. More taffeta, organdy and lace before Sally took more pictures. Jennifer held Steve in a sitting position while Sally started to unbutton Susan's pink dress.

The slips and dresses for Susan were actually custom made by a woman that often volunteered at the clinic as she was that night. Jennifer had paid for the material after finding a picture of the dress she liked. Susan looked so adorable in it. This boy was beginning to look just as adorable.

The dress was also designed, as cleaver as Susan was, so she couldn't take the dress off. Tiny bottoms and a series of little satin flaps that buttoned as well made sure of that. The boy would have just as much trouble as Susan often had.

The boy was taller than Susan by a foot given the length of the changing table, but Susan's chimpanzee chest made the dress fit easily around the boy's chest. It was such a pretty dress. Little girl pink with a short bodice and puffy sleeves in the same chiffon that covered the taffeta skirts of Susan's slips and dress. Jennifer was closing those buttons as Dr. Brooks held Steve steady.

Susan rarely wore shoes because her feet were actually a lot like her hands but they made her look almost human when she wore her shoes. They had been a gift from a woman who donated ten thousand dollars to the clinic and two pair of those custom shoes designed to look very little girlish. Black patent leather with a single strap as Susan began gathering a lacy sock.

When the clinic needed funds they would often dress Susan for the fund raiser. The more that Susan looked like a human little girl than the chimpanzee she was, the more people with the money thought of them as cute as children. The more human Susan looked, the more money they got for the clinic. That minor bit of a tug on the hearts of those donating always made the checks a little bit bigger. Dr. Brooks hated parading Susan around like that, but it worked. It was working now Susan noted.

"Wonder how much we'd get at a fund raiser if we had this young man walking around the room with Susan," Dr. Brooks said as she slipped the lace socks over his feet.

"Not sure it would increase the donations much, but it would certainly lighten up the party. So what are we going to do with him now that he's dressed," Jennifer said as she watched Dr. Brooks close the straps on the boy's Mary Jane shoes. They were still a little loose but that was ok because he wasn't going to be using them much.

"Let's get him into Susan's crib for some more pictures. I'm going to put his stuff in a bag and hide it in the garage," Dr. Brooks said and added, "after I get a few more pictures of him as he is now we'll move him to the living room."

"I mean what do you plan after that," Jennifer said. The image of the boy in his girlish attire was definitely having an impact on her. She felt like one of those women that dominated men suddenly and she liked the feeling it was giving her.

"When he wakes," Sally asked.

"Yes," Jennifer added,

"I thought I'd spend at least a couple of hours taking him down a couple of notches. A baby's bottle of juice perhaps. Some baby food, maybe give him time to play with some of Susan's toys. Pictures, of course, lots of them, then cut him loose with a promise that if I read about any more break-ins we turn those pictures over to the police," Dr. Sally Brooks said.

"You're not going to turn him in," Jennifer asked.

"I've thought about it. We should I suppose, but then again, what good would that do," Sally said.

"True enough I guess," Jennifer noted.

"Besides, this is definitely going to be punishment enough," Sally said.

"Works for me," Jennifer said as she imagined the boy sitting there in front of her. Sitting there eating his baby food or playing would be wonderful. She often played with Susan and the thought of playing with this young man as if he was a baby girl was really turning Jennifer on.

"Mittens," Sally said suddenly.

"Mittens," Jennifer asked.

"Those fingerless mittens we sometimes use for Susan. Hold on and let me get him into those as well. It's going to make it even more difficult to rid himself of what he's wearing," Sally said.

"Can I be the one to feed him," Jennifer asked.

"Sure," Sally said and added, "when the time comes."

They eased him into the crib, fluffed his dress, pulled the cribs side up and took a few pictures of him dozing. They surrounded him with cuddly stuffed animals, added two clipped hair bows to his hair, then the mittens and took a few more shots before Dr. Brooks was finally satisfied.

Dr. Brooks lifted the boy easily as Jennifer grabbed one of Susan's baby blankets. They set him in the middle of the family room on the pink blanket and added a few of Susan's stuffed animals. Sally called Susan's stuffed animals her fluffs. Susan was very motherly with her fluffs.

Dr. Brooks took a half dozen more pictures with Jennifer in some of them holding John in a sitting position. Jennifer was promised a full set and Jennifer very much wanted those pictures. She suddenly had a couple of ideas of her own when this was over.

Meanwhile there was at least a couple of hours left before he'd wake and that gave Dr. Books the opportunity to go to the clinic. Susan's operation, while minor, needed to be done. Sally would be back near or just after the boy woke. Sally hated giving Susan shots because Susan hated them which was the original purpose of Susan's bottle. It made Sally even more angry now that she had to give Susan that shot.

Jennifer happily agreed to "baby sit" the young man as she sat down next to the sleeping form. His dress neatly laying over his slips in a very sweet mound left just a hint of the padding from his diaper. Jennifer's hand went there first. She touched him gently between the thighs before sliding her hand to the diapers front as she said to the sleeping form, "you are so cute."

Susan's operation wasn't life threatening but Dr. Brooks wanted to remove some old scaring before Susan got to be too old. Jennifer, alone, took time to fix the original bottle that held the milk with juice and this time no tranquilizer for the boy.

Susan's operation wasn't finished by the time the boy started to move. Jennifer had a full set of pictures printed off the photo finish printer Sally had docked before moving to the clinic. There was another set already hidden. That first set would be for the boy's benefit.

Steve was on his back when he coughed, and moved. He knew he was on his back and remembered he'd been sitting before. He grew scared as he realized he'd fallen asleep. More scared when he saw the woman's face and that changed to a full panic when he raised his head and saw his feet and the dress he was wearing. Steve started to get up on an elbow but fell back, his head spinning. Jennifer's hand on his chest made it clear he was to remain the way he was.

"You don't want to move just yet," Jennifer said.

"What did you do to me," Steve said.

"Never mind what we did, and just listen to me for a second. You've been tranquilized. When you drank the milk from that baby bottle it was laced with a tranquilizer for a chimpanzee. You've been out for a few hours," Jennifer said as she dialed the clinic on the remote phone she held.

"Tranquilizer," Steve mumbled as he began to remember the baby's bottle of milk.

"Hi! He's coming around!" Jennifer said. Dr. Brooks said she'd be right up and was, just as Steve lifted his head a couple of inches.

"His name is Steve," Jennifer confirmed when Dr. Brooks came into the family room.

Steve was obviously beside himself Dr. Brooks noted - happily.

"Steve! I'm going to lay this out for you as you spend a couple of minutes discovering what you are wearing. It's not a dream which I'm guessing was your first thought and yes, if you haven't noticed already, you are wearing a baby's diaper and ruffled panties under your pretty little dress and slips," Dr. Brooks said looming over the boy.

The look on his face was priceless Sally noted.

"Why," Steve asked. He already knew he was wearing a diaper when he brought his legs almost together. He hadn't been able to close them and the puffiness had been pushing against his thighs. He also couldn't help notice the fingerless mittens he now wore.

"Why? Silly question," Sally said.

The look on his face was very readable as he looked at his hands. Confusion first, then that shocked awareness which changed to panic as he began to realize what had happened.

"Where are my clothes," Steve said in anger.

"Easy with that tone young man, or I just might dial the police right now. Might be interesting when they walk in and see you like this," Sally said and added, "might be even more interesting when they drive you off to be booked. Even better if the press has scanners and gets here for your little coming out party."

"But you dressed me like this," Steve said with that foggy haze still pushing at his consciousness. He wouldn't like the police, or anyone for that matter to see him like this, but it wasn't his fault.

"Of course I did, but I just might tell the police that you'd broken in and dressed yourself. Perhaps it was some kind of fetish thing or something," Dr. Brooks said watching the terror sweep over the boy's face as he conjured up the images from Dr. Brooks threat. Police, press, that was scary. The police believing he dressed himself even scarier.

"I didn't dress myself," Steve said and added, "and I definitely didn't tie these mittens on.

"We did the mittens after we caught you in Susan's dress. Now who they going to believe," Dr. Brooks asked.

"That's not fair," Steve said as he realized how lame his version sounded.

"Fair? Trust me, this is a lot more fair than what you've been doing. To me and those others you've scared breaking into their houses," Dr. Brooks noted.

"Want to see some pictures," Jennifer said as she held up the first one of Steve naked, then the one of him in his diaper.

"I wasn't going to take anything. I never do. It's just a prank. I break in and leave the notes and that's it," Steve said hoping to change the risk of that call to the police as he added, "please, I'll never do that again!"

"We know that. I'm Dr. Brooks, Sally Brooks, the owner by the way, and this is my assistant Jennifer," Dr. Brooks said as Jennifer smiled, nodded and asked, "so, you're a college student?"

"Freshmen at Sanders," Steve said softly. He had eased himself into a slightly dizzy sitting position and sitting up was fully aware of what he was wearing and where he was. He was in a steady state of panic at the moment as he added, "are you going to call the police?"

"Doesn't look like we'll need to if you cooperate. Jennifer here is going to baby sit you for another hour or so I've got to get back to the clinic. That tranquilizer was intended for a primate that was at least twenty pounds heavier than you. I don't want you leaving until it's completely out of your system," Dr. Brooks said.

"How long will that take," Steve asked.

"Another twelve hours at least. Twenty four would be better, but don't panic, I've got plenty of diapers," Sally said smiling.

"Then what," Steve asked ignoring the comment.

"Then what? Honey, we've got pictures, your license and your student ID. We're going to take a few more pictures while you eat something and have another baby bottle of juice. After that I'll give you your clothes back and you can change. However, if I see one word about a break in that fits the ones you've been doing I'll call the police and hand over that note you were going to leave, your identification and those pictures. Understood," Dr. Brooks asked.

"Yes," Steve said.

"Yes ma'am," Sally noted.

"Yes ma'am," Steve said.

"So you understand what it's going to take to keep your pictures out of the newspapers and tabloids then," Sally asked.

"Yes ma'am. I'm never going to do this again. Honest," Steve said.

He meant it. If he could get past this, that was the end of it, and he'd tell the guys at the fraternity that very thing. He wouldn't tell them all of it, obviously, but he would tell them about his capture and near escape.

"OK. My little girl Susan is in recovery so I'm going to be gone for another hour. Don't do anything rash, and don't forget we've got those pictures, your backpack with your wallet and of course your clothes. When I get back I'll consider letting you change. Understood," Dr. Brooks said.

"Yes ma'am," Steve said watching the large woman walk into the kitchen. A moment later he heard the door slam shut. Steve looked at Jennifer. He didn't like the smile on her face.

"Hungry," Jennifer asked.

"No," Steve said.

"Well, I suspect you are since you've only had cake so far. Come into the kitchen and I'll feed you some baby food," Jennifer said standing over Steve. She extended both hands for Steve to grab hold of.

"I don't want baby food," Steve said.

"I know, but since you don't have much say in that, that's what you are getting understood," Jennifer said and added, "and put that pacifier back in your mouth."

"Yes ma'am." Steve said in utter despair as he stood with Jennifer's help. He used both gloved hands and slipped the pink pacifier between his lips. It was hanging on a satiny tether.

Jennifer extended her hand as a gesture for him to walk ahead of her. Steve, as he passed for the kitchen felt her hand against the back of the panties he wore and jumped ahead a little as he said, "hey, what are you doing?"

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