


Mark, on his way home from work stops at the pharmacy to buy diapers for his landlady’s niece. He steps right in the middle of a robbery. The robbers have a lot of time on their hands waiting for the book keeper to arrive and open the safe. Then one of them starts going through Mark's cart and begins to smile.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to locations, persons living or dead is purely coincidental. There is also sex between consenting partners over the age of 18 which may include sexual fetish elements and role-playing. As always I write this for your enjoyment. A comment if able would be greatly appreciated. Hugs Mary Beth.


Women Robbers: Ms. Bee (The ring leader: Heavy, but more husky than fat with short Hair), Ms. Jay (Middle age, more like a PTA mom, with graying hair), Ms. Kay (Young, blond, perky, a partner to Ms. Jay). Other players: Ms. June, pharmacy employee, A warehouse Intake person; Alice, pharmacy employee, also does warehouse intake and stocking, Helen, pharmacy employee, is the stores Manager; Rose, a late night customer. Mark, our customer and the protagonist also the nights little Martha. Pharmacy Bookkeeper Marge. Marcy Reynolds Mark's Landlady.


Mark typed in the last inputs for the nights test and hit the return. His calculations came back justified. Satisfied he leaned back and nodded at his boss who gave him a thumbs up. He was done for the night. Mark's day officially ended closing the file as he watched those last few seconds that his disk drive took to store the end of his data before moving his mouse to shut it down. He looked at his watch, he had plenty of time.

Mark normally worked till 9:00 PM through second shift so leaving at 8:05 PM to drive the short distance to his local Megapharm left him 55 minutes till it closed. He no longer needed the list remembering he was picking up girl's Pampers and baby wipes he mused but checking it anyway as he pressed his key fob. He had forgotten one thing because it read “replace lost pacifier”.

Errand of mercy his landlady Marcy had called it. She couldn't drive since that morning after spraining her ankle and just after her sister dropped her niece off for the weekend. She had twisted that ankle slightly and was favoring it. Mark had offered to help and that help turned out to be this simple chore. No problem he said taking the twenty dollars she handed him on his way to work.

Mark was about to make a few points with his landlady he thought as he parked his car. He grabbed a cart and reached the diaper isle, found the diapers, then the wipes and a few paces later the pacifiers. Mark tossed the one that sparkled into his cart. He gave little thought to the large woman at the only register when he rolled the cart up, saying hi as he pulled his wallet out.

"Going to need that wallet honey," the woman said as she produced a small handgun from under her smock. It was said so casually that Mark almost laughed even seeing the gun. Even with the gun Mark still looked at her wondering if he'd heard correctly. He was about to asked her to repeat herself when he felt the presence of someone behind him.

"Boy! You hard of hearing or what? Another woman said and added, “she said give her your wallet sweet cheeks, or get a very painful bullet through that cute little butt of yours,"

That second woman said it brandishing her own small handgun as she added, "and do me a favor after you give up your fortune, pull that cart back from the register and bring it with you."

Mark with his wallet already out simply handed it to the large woman before turning to face the other. He pulled the cart out of the register isle and turned it around. Mark then began pushing the cart slowly towards the back praying the women really did know how to handle a gun.

"What is this," Mark asked.

"We're filming a movie dummy," the woman said and added, "it's the story about a guy that won't stop talking and dies slowly from a gun shot wound during a robbery. Now shut up and keep moving."

Mark got the hint. He also wished she would lower the gun because she kept pointing at him. Okay, he mused, it was obviously a robbery but a strange one given the way it was playing out. As instructed, Mark pushed the cart all the way to the back, and then through two large swinging doors that apparently led to the very back since it had a sign that read "Employees Only".

There was another set of doors to the right of the large hallway under another sign that read: "Break Room", and the woman used her gun as a pointer motioning for Mark to go through.

"Who's this," A third woman asked as Mark entered the break room with his cart. Mark immediately wondered how many women there were in their gang if that was what they were. There were others in the break room. He was sure some of them were also hostages.

"Who is he? Why he's our one millionth customer and our grand prize winner. Or not. He's a customer you dip. Just do me a favor will you and keep him with the rest," the woman said as she moved back to the break room door.

"You heard her! Over here honey," the third woman said with her own handgun. She was pointing at two girls with the same smocks as the woman up front was wearing Another woman who might have once owned that smock because she was as big and in a blouse sat across from the two. There was a forth woman too dressy for work made her possibly another unlucky shopper.

"Go ahead and stay put and I'll spell you in about an hour," a voice said over a radio. There was the static of a key being pressed before and after the voice. The woman that walked Mark to the break room pulled a small hand held radio from her pants picket and pressed it against her lips.

"Roger that," the woman said before slipping the small radio back into her pocket.

It didn't dawn on Mark till he had time to consider it that the store closed at nine and by the break room clock we had another twenty minutes before that. He was guessing that they were simply pulling people that came into the store to this break room to get them away from the front. He didn't know why.

"So she comes in at midnight, right," The third woman, the one already in the break room, asked looking at one of the clerks.

"Yes," the girl with the blue smock said and then added, "it's like I told you, she usually knocks at the back and we let her in and she goes right into the office."

"Good enough sweetheart and you can call me Ms. Kay, if you don't mind. The young woman with short blond hair said before using her gun to point to the tall thin woman who led Mark to the break room to add, "and that woman there is Ms. Bee. The woman up front is Ms. Jay. If you guys cooperate this should go fairly smoothly. If not.... well, that's going to be too bad. You little man, you go sit there with the ladies."

Mark moved the cart with him a couple of feet to get past the door and left it not far from Ms. Bee by the door to sat with the four women. Ms. Kay, Ms. Bee and Ms. Jay... Mark mused. Obviously not their real names he thought.

"Go ahead and introduce yourself. We've got time," Ms. Kay said leaning against the break room counter next to the microwave.

I'm Mark," he said to the four women.

"Okay girls, your turn," Ms. Kay said.

"June," the young girl right across from him said and she added, "I do the warehouse receiving."

"I'm Alice, with the exception of tonight I usually stock," the other young girl said.

"I'm Helen," the large woman said that had given up her smock for the one they called Ms. Jay.

"I'm Rose. I came in for a damn bottle of nail polish remover," the woman that Mark had guessed was also a customer noted in anger and almost a whisper.

"Very good everyone. Hey? You a mommy honey," Ms. Kay asked.

Mark, not knowing the woman was talking to him ignored the question. No one paid any attention to her question.

"Hey, you, what's your name? mister? You hard of hearing or what," Ms. Kay asked.

"What," I'm Mark," Mark asked when it was clear she was looking at him.

"Okay Mark. I asked you if you are a mommy," Ms. Kay asked.

"Do I look like a mommy," Mark asked sarcastically.

"Mark? Can I tell you something and you promise not to get mad at me for saying this," Ms. Kay said.

"What," Mark said feeling stupid.

"Well, first rule sweet cheeks... When someone is holding a gun and they ask you a question you should answer them nicely. If you don't honey, you risk getting a bullet in one your knees. Understood," Ms. Kay said.

"Yes," Mark said regretting his flippant tone and trying to stay calm. He'd gotten very scared.

"Try saying yes again but this time with a ma'am at the end of it,” Ms. Kay added.

"Yes ma'am, Mark said.

"Try saying Yes ma'am I understand, " Ms. Kay said

"Yes ma'am I understand," Mark said and then added, "and I'm sorry,"

"Wow, Now that's Better. Much better. So back to my original question! So, if you are not a mommy, what are you buying diapers for," Ms. Kay asked before saying, "oh, wait? Don't tell me? Are you one of those guys that waits till late at night to buy your naughty stuff? So how long you been sneaking yourself into diapers honey? And girl diapers besides. My oh my."

"They're not for me," Mark started to say and his voice had slipped into a sarcastic tone again before he added, "sorry. I mean they're for my landlady's niece. I'd stopped by to pick them up for her."

"That's what you say and I'm warning you for the last time, that being nice also includes not rolling those eyes at me precious. You keep doing that stuff and you're libel to at least get the butt of my gun right up side of your head," Ms. Kay warned.

"Yes ma'am. I really am sorry," Mark said.

"Hey, don't be mean, he didn't mean anything by it," one of the young girls said. It was June with the little girlish clips in her hair.

"Quiet you," Ms. Kay said and then looked at Mark again as she asked, "okay, so you're buying these for your landlady's niece. Tell me smart ass.... what's your waist size?"

"My waist size? Mark asked.

"Mark? It is Mark isn't it," Ms. Kay asked.

"Yes," Mark said and added, "why?"

"Because Mark, I’ve got the gun, which you seem to keep forgetting, and two, because I asked," Ms. Kay said, “and if this happens again Mark, I’m going to make you a soprano - very painfully.”

"Twenty two inches," Mark said.

"Twenty two inches," Ms. Kay repeated.

"Shit! Are you kidding me? I'd kill for twenty two inches," the woman they called Ms. Bee said standing at the door.

"Hell, I'd kill for thirty two inches again," Ms. Kay said before turning to one of the workers and asked, "Hey, you three? What do you got out there in diapers that fits a twenty two inch waist?"

"What are you doing Kay," Ms. Bee asked.

“Call it discipline,” Ms. Kay said.

“Ms. Jay doesn’t want us going off script,” Ms. Bee said.

"Then filling in my time okay? God knows we've got a ton of it," Ms. Kay said and added, "and smart mouth here is going to help me."

"This is a really bad idea Ms. Kay," Ms. Bee said.

"Look, it's five minutes to nine. We've got till midnight. That's almost three hours before this bookkeeper shows and opens the safe. Three hours? Besides, look at him. He's already cute enough by half. And I don’t like his attitude. Where’s the harm? I'm just wondering what that pretty young man would look like in a diaper," Ms. Kay said and added, "come on, work with me here! Let me kill a little time here?"

"I’m with you as long as it doesn't interfere with Ms. Jay's plans and piss her off. If you can do that you can dance on the head of a pin for all I care," Ms. Bee said.

“Did you hear that girls? Now what do you have out there that fits my little guy here,” Ms. Kay asked.

"Gun or no gun, I’m not letting you diaper me,” Mark said.

“Honey, I didn’t ask you,” Ms. Kay said.

“I don't care! I'm telling you up front, I'm not wearing diapers," Mark said defiantly.

The one called Ms. Bee moved quickly to where Mark was sitting and swung so hard that she knocked Mark off the chair. Mark was caught off guard and completely by surprise and the smack brought tears to his eyes. He sat up but didn't get up as the woman leaned over him.

"You are really starting to piss me off little man. Do you really think because you’ve got a sack between your legs you can tell me what’s up,” Ms. Kay said and added, “listen honey, I've been up and down and all around and I don't give two dull aches if you make it or not and right now the odds of you making it were slim to none before that mouth of yours even opened. So, if you want to see daylight at the end of this night answer when asked and that tone better not piss me off again! Understand?"

"Yes," Mark said.

The other woman moved closer from behind. She too swung catching Mark in total surprise again. He fell over sideways almost blanking out. She hovered over him looming larger than life.

“Try saying yes ma’am,” Ms. Bee said pressing her gun hard against Mark's head.

"Sweet heart, honey, I'm the easy going one," Ms. Kay asked before adding, "just so you know. Understood?"

"Yes ma’am," Mark said.

"Good. That's good Honey because the truth is you'll wear whatever it is we want you to wear and if you don't, I or Ms. Bee really am going to cap your ass and you can explain to the paramedic after we're long gone why it is you that got shot and only you! Okay," Ms. Kay said.

When Mark didn't answer and she said it again, "OKAY?"

"Okay," Mark said.

"So you, little girl... I'm going to ask again, what do you got out there in diapers that's going to fit him," Ms. Kay asked.

"Twenty Two inches? We've got small adult disposable diapers, they should fit and I think our Pampers brand size 7 chubby might also fit him as well. Oh, and if you decide on clothe diapers.... I mean if you decide on cloth, I guess we've also got a three pack of cotton diapers and some Chubby Toddler plastic pants. I think the large size panties should fit and I know the diapers will. But those cloth diapers take diaper pins... I mean you'd have to pin them on him," June said with an apologetic look at Mark.

"So wait a second? You've got cloth diapers and when you say panties is that the same as when you said plastic pants," Ms. Kay asked.

"Yes ma'am," June said.

"And you have diaper pins? I mean if I decide he wears pin on diapers, you've got the diaper pins to pin them on him right," Ms. Kay asked.

"Yes ma'am," June said.

"See, did you hear that baby? We've got all sorts of things you can wear." Ms. Kay said before turning to the woman at the doors to say, "Ms. Bee, would you take... what's your name again honey? Oh, it's June, I remember. Ms. Bee, would you please take June there and go get some things for me to put our baby into so I can play. Oh and would you mind grabbing some chips and soda.... You know, for the baby’s coming out party."

"Baby’s coming out party! You're too much. Fine, be right back," Ms. Bee said before she stopped and added, "got a pen?

"For what," Ms. Kay asked.

"If I’m shopping for your baby’s coming out party you might as well give me all of his sizes," That's a big store out there." Ms. Bee said.

"You're right," Ms. Kay said going over to the one of the girls and grabbing a pen from her smock. It took a few minutes but they got Mark's sizes down to his shoes.

Mark sat there with butterflies in my stomach. He was hoping the woman calling herself Ms. Kay was kidding, but it was starting to be clear that she wasn't as she looked over at him and puckered her lips to blow him an imaginary kiss.

"Get up honey and sit in a chair," Ms. Kay said turning slightly so she could wet some paper towels. She did and stepped over to hand them to Mark for his red cheek. Mark held the cool towel against the burning redness and looked down at the floor fearing the silence.

It was nearly half an hour before the swinging doors pushed open again. The woman called Ms. Bee and the girl June walked in with June pushing a nearly full cart. Mark's heart leaped into my throat as he began recognizing the things they'd grabbed.

Put the food over on that empty table," Ms. Bee said to June who started lifting the bags and soda out of the cart. There was a bag of ice that June carried to the sink. She grabbed a paper towel that she stuffed into the small sink hole before breaking the ice bag open. She kept the bag to hold the ice. With that done she put sods cans in with the ice.

"When your done with the soda do the chips nuts and bagged candy," Ms. Bee said and added, "and open those plastic dishes, cups and bowls."

"So what about his play clothes? Did you guys get our baby his play clothes," Ms. Kay asked poking at the basket with her gun.

"Now hold on because we shopped a little and I want you to see all of it," Ms. Bee said sitting the things on the break table near the door. June remained standing by the cart as she moved things from the cart to the table to the counter.

"Okay," Ms. Kay said moving to the far table to grab a chair. She was smiling.

Ms. Bee smiled back and hovered over the shopping cart as she motioned with her gun for June to go ahead and pull things out.

June started pulling at the diapers first.

"Tell her what you got," Ms. Bee said.

"Well, first I checked our Pampers brand diapers - for girls. The Chubbies! I checked, and they will actually fit a waist size that is two inches more than his," June said softly as she pulled the package of girl style diapers from the cart as she added, “in case you decide on disposables.”

"Tell her which style," Ms. Bee said and then added, "no wait, show him!"

"So I got a package of those with the Princess decorations and some more baby wipes. I also checked sizes and our cloth diapers will also fit him easily. I found a three pack of plastic panties that should also fit," June said and added, "That’s these. In this baby pants package you get a white, yellow and pink pair. Oh, and I got diaper pins with pink tips," June said laying those on the table.

"What's that other stuff," Ms. Kay asked.

"Dresses, believe it or not" Ms. Bee said excitedly and added, "can you believe it! Dresses!"

"Dresses," Ms. Kay asked.

"Baby dresses," Ms. Bee said tugging one from the cart.

"You got baby dresses that will fit him," Ms. Kay asked.

"Well, not exactly baby dresses, but nightgowns, but you've got to see these. I thought they could make a cute substitute for dresses," Ms. Bee said before she looked at June and added, "here, explain this one to her."

"Well, this one is a kind of baby doll set with ruffled panties. If you want you can put the ruffled panties over the baby panties so it looks like a pair of rumba panties and that way they match the top. Like a dress and panty set." June said as she took up the baby doll nightgown, turning the hanger to show Ms. Kay the panties.

June looked in anguish apologetically over at Mark.

"Hey precious here," Ms. Bee said ripping open a package with a pacifier in it adding as she tossed it to him, "nurse on this. It might help with your attitude."

Mark caught the pacifier and looked at the sparking pink and lavender decorations and couldn't escape the irony that it was the same one he'd purchased for his landlady's niece that read "Princess" in pink across the plastic. He slipped it into his mouth and began tonguing the soft nipple bulb.

Ms. Kay smiled as June looked at Mark and whispered "sorry".

"Wild," Ms Kay said as she got up and walked over to take the nightgown from June before adding, "this actually is really cute. Isn't this cute honey?"

Mark remained silent.

"I asked you a question," Ms. Kay said to Mark with a warning in her voice.

"Okay, yes, it's cute," Mark said removing the pacifier from his mouth as he felt the first beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"What else does he have," Ms. Kay asked looking at June.

June was about to ask when Ms. Jay from the front walked in and said, "Okay, we're locked up. One of you workers, whoever it is that’s suppose to set the lights. Do it now. I want them rigged for the night,"

"I need to go to the light panel," Helen said standing.

"Okay. Ms. Jay said before she stopped and asked, "what the hell is all this stuff?"

"We’re having a party. Our young man has volunteer to entertain us by letting us play house. I'm going to be the mommy, Ms. Bee is the daddy and he's going to be the baby. Actually he's decided to be our baby girl."

"Really," Ms. Jay asked.

"Really," Ms. Bee said laughing.

"That right," Ms. Jay asked looking at Mark before adding, "you really going to pretend to be a baby girl for us?"

"Yes ma'am," Mark said removing the pink pacifier and then replacing it.

"What a cute baby girl you'll be. Okay then we'd better hurry. Come on Rose, let's you and I go do the lights so we can get back and watch these girls play house," Ms. Jay said.

“It’s Helen,” Helen said standing.

“Fine,” Ms. Jay said before adding, “so which one is Rose?”

“Me,” the nicely dressed customer said.

“Okay,” Ms. Jay said gesturing with her gun for Helen to move through the doors.

It was becoming increasingly obvious Mark wasn't going to get out of this and it got worse as they kept bringing things out of the basket.

"Oh wow look at that," Ms. Kay said as June kept reaching into the basket and removing things from their packaging.

"Baby bottle and pacifier. I got some really cute Jell shoes in pink from our Summer stock and some baby pudding to go with a really cute fork and spoon set," June said and added, "I wasn't sure if you wanted a sippy cup but I got one for just in case. Let's see? Oh, baby powder, more scented wipes and a rash ointment."

"Hey precious," Ms. Bee said looking at Mark.

"What," Mark said softly removing the pacifier to talk.

"Just so you don't blame her, it was me that did the shopping. She just consulted. I figured if you were going to be baby girl you might like a little snack as well," Ms. Bee said.

“Fine,” Mark said.

"Rash ointment? Listen kid we're only going to be here till the bookkeeper opens the safe. He's not going to be in diapers for that long a time. What do we need an ointment for a rash for," Ms. Kay asked looking at Ms. Bee then at June.

Ms. Bee laughed.

"I told her that sometimes when boys are made to dress as girls they get excited and make messes in their panties and that to avoided messes in their panties it's often better to make them mess in a napkin or wipe first. Then I told her that Vaseline or an ointment is good to help them make those messes," Ms. Bee said.

"That's right," June said and then added, "so, I thought... I mean... you know, since he'd be wearing diapers that instead of Vaseline... that, you know, maybe it would be better if we were to use a diaper rash cream. That is, if he gets an erection and needs to make messes."

Everyone had stopped moving and was looking at her. June stopped talking with a blush to her cheeks.

"Well hello Missy? What do you know that I don't" Ms. Kay asked.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I mean it's just that... well, Ms. Bee is right. My boy friend and I sometimes... you know... sometimes we play and he gets excited and I use... I was telling her I use KY jelly on him first. You know, before he wears my panties because it helps keep him soft," June said and added, "never mind."

"Well all right June. Way to go for women's liberation," Ms. Kay said and added, "we'll keep the rash ointment. And during our little girl's diapering maybe you can show us how you apply stuff like that KY Jelly on your boyfriend?"

"I'm not sure I want to do that," June said timidly.

"Never mind all that. Let's leave the rest of the stuff for now and concentrate on getting him into a cute little diaper. I'm tired of waiting. We can worry about everything else then," Ms. Kay said.

"You're really going to do this," Ms. Jay asked coming back into the break room after fixing the lights.

"Hell yes! Come on you guys look at him and tell me you don't want to see this little baby man in a cute diaper," Ms. Kay asked.

"I wouldn't mind it. Come on Ms. Jay, we've got the time," Ms. Bee said.

Please," Ms. Kay added

"Fair enough, let the diapering begin," Ms. Jay said smiling at Mark as she added, "are you excited about being diapered precious?

"This isn't right," Mark said pulling the pacifier from his mouth.

"Sure it is honey, you're a guy. Anything done to a guy is not only right, but absolutely fair game," Ms. Kay said and then added, "Besides, in a few hours all of this will be over and you'll be none the worse for wear or should I say ware? Get it?"

"I'll even bet the pharmacy let's you keep all this stuff for free," Ms. Bee says before she starts laughing and adds, "you could even sue them. Maybe even get diapers for life or something like that."

"Okay, let's get this show on the road? You doing the honors or you going to bore us to death will all of this talking, "Ms. Jay asked.

"Not me, I want to watch. I'm thinking of having our lady customer get him ready for his baby bottle," Ms. Kay said before adding, "look at those breast. Don't she look kind of motherly? Anyway, you don't mind baby sitting for a little while do you?"

"Me," Rose asked.

'You," Ms. Kay said.

"Do I have a choice," Rose asked.

"Same one as he has, NO," Ms. Kay said and then added, "so let's do this thing."

The break room was a large rectangle with the two swinging doors facing the hallway that led to the back and with another single door going into another large hallway. There were offices outside of that door and the room was filled with six large round tables surrounded my eight chairs each. There were vending machines on the wall with the single door and a counter running along the other wall with a sink set in the middle below cabinets.

Rose stood. Mark took a moment to look at her and then looked back down at the floor. He wasn't sure why, but if he'd had to pick someone he would have picked her.

"Where am I suppose to diaper him," Rose asked.

"I was thinking we use one of the tables," Ms. Kay said and asked," Did I see a baby blanket in that cart?"

"Yes," June said before adding, "It's at the bottom under those two other nightgowns or dresses."

"Okay Rose, get the baby's blanket and we'll use it as a changing pad of sorts so his little bottom doesn't get cold," Ms. Kay said moving to one of the far tables to sit as she added, "and you young man... we can't transform you into a little baby with all those big boy clothes on. So let's get those off."

Mark didn't move.

"Oh precious, this is no time to get macho on us. I said strip honey," Ms. Kay said pointing her gun straight up and firing directly into the ceiling.

One of the girls screamed as a little smoke curled around the gun. Mark too jumped.

"Damn it! What the hell are you doing Kay? Stop that you dummy. What if you hit a water line? Those sprinklers start and the fire department roles here and that's that. Or gas? You hit anything that triggers an alarm and this gig is over," Ms. Jay said.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to make a point," Ms. Kay said.

"Then put the next one in his leg or ass but not in the damn ceiling," Ms. Jay said.

"Fair enough, I'll just shoot his foot." Ms. Kay said turning back to Mark.

"Fine," Ms. Jay said sitting back down in her chair before added, "and you dip shit, you had better start cooperating or by God I'm going to shoot you myself!"

"Mark, please, just do as they say. No one here is going to hold this against you. Certainly not me. Don't throw you life away just for some silly macho attempt to resist," Rose begged in a lowered voice standing next to Mark.

Mark looked at Rose and then at Kay and began removing his clothes. He knew she was right. There was nothing that could be done. He knew he had to do as they ask and hope he got out of it alive. He no longer worried about what he'd be wearing so much as hoping he didn't get buried in it.

"Oh man, will you look at that, he's practically hairless," Ms. Kay said before adding, "he's got less hair than half the girls in my last cell block!"

"He does," Ms. Bee said and looked at Ms. Kay smiling as Ms. Bee added, "you're damn lucky he's got a penis."

"A girl with a penis," Ms. Kay said as she added, "that would make a great movie title."

"Not sure about that but it wouldn't take much to feminize him," Ms. Jay said waving her gun like her index finger as she added, "damn near got girl hips as it is."

"Right. Okay, enough with this love fest! Go on and hurry this up Rose we need to get this little bitch into her diapers before we do something rash. Go on young man and become the young lady you were meant to be, and lay over that blanket when Rose gets it ready," Ms. Bee said.

Mark not sure she was talking about him just stood there using both hands to cover his privates.

"Mark, when I say young lady and little one or bitch or she needs to get into her diaper, that's you from now on, okay," Ms. Kay said.

Mark looked at Ms. Kay and nodded. He moved over by Rose and watched in silence as Rose removed the pink baby blanket from the shopping cart. She removed the cardboard tag holding the blanket in a folded position, then shook it out before laying it over the table. It only covered about half in a soft pink cotton trimmed in a wide pink satin edge.

Rose stood alongside and waited.

"Go on precious, get up there," Ms. Kay said.

"I'm sorry about this," Rose said as Mark passed Rose and moved to the table.

"Not your fault," Mark said softly holding the pacifier away to talk before placing it back into his mouth.

"Lay down so your legs can dangle," Rose said holding onto the blanket so it wouldn't slide as Mark boosted myself up onto the tables edge. He edged along till he was sitting over the blanket then rolled over so he was on his back. He carefully let his legs relax and hang over the table slightly apart while he continued nursing the pacifier.

"Now that is the perfect position for a man," Ms. Kay said.

"Exactly," Ms. Bee said.

“Disposables first,” Ms. Jay said.

“Disposable,” Rose said.

“That’s what I said,” Ms. Jay said and then added, “I want to see Cinderella on my little sissy.”

Mark laying there looking up at the ceiling was now checking to see if he could find a pattern in the ceiling panels while trying to ignore the conversation that was going on around him. Rose meanwhile had moved to the bag of cloth diapers and broken the seal. She brought the bag of diapers over to the table Mark was laying and sat that down with the baby oil, powder and wipes. She left those for the box of disposables.

"Mark.... Mark, I'm sorry about this, but you're going to need to plant your feet on the table and lift your bottom for me," Rose said as she lifted a disposable diaper out of the Pampers Size 7 package. It was thick, pure white and noisy.

It was doubled but even unfolded it was thick as Mark watched it unfold near the middle. There was a Disney Princess on the front when Rose finally pulled it open. It sounded like the crinkling was coming from a loud speaker. Mark brought his legs up to plant them flat before placing his palms down alongside his waist.

"Oh my God is that cute or what," Ms. Kay asked.

"You know what, it is, it really is," Ms. Bee said.

"Got to agree," Ms. Jay added.

Mark braced himself with his hands, bringing his knees up as if exercising to lay his feet flat on the tables edge. It gave him just enough leverage to lift his bottom. He came up on his planted feet with his legs apart giving Rose room enough so she was standing between his knees to slid the open diaper under him. Every set of eyes was watching the diaper slid under Mark's bottom.

Rose was tugging the diaper by the wings which allowed the unfolded length to be tugged along under him. The filling fluffing in the middle began softly rubbing his testicles and butt cheeks as the diaper slid along. With the diapers edge reaching the middle of his back Rose stopped tugging but continued fussing before she had Mark ease down over the diaper.

"Okay," Rose asked.

"Okay," Mark said now laying on top of the diaper. There was a hint of baby powder coming up from the open diaper. It had been impregnated within the fabric by the manufacturing process. It was making it even more attractive to Rose but more irritating to Mark.

Mark had heard the diaper as a crinkling sound before he felt Roses knuckles and the diapers edge slipping under him. Rose was so close Mark couldn't lower his legs. Rose fused with the diaper in the front now causing the back of her hands to touch his bottom and inside of his thighs.

It happened then. Mark swore silently.

There was no stopping the erection when it came. Mark knew Rose saw it but he wasn't sure anyone else had. Mark knew he'd be teased mercilessly for "getting excited" but when he saw Roses eyes she had put a finger to her lips.

Mark was supporting his legs bent against Rose when Rose whispered to him to lift them and let them rest on her shoulders so they would be up like a baby's. Rose had pulled the front part of the diaper up so it had settled between Mark's genitals and Rose's blouse. Mark understood realizing by doing so his legs hid his erection. Mark eased his knees back so he could lift his feet up to rest on each on her shoulders. It was terribly humiliating but in that position his erection was covered.

The diaper now over Mark’s erection continued to crinkle as Rose fused with it before she turned to grab the baby powder. Rose piled the protective warp off the baby powder, twisted it open, tipped it over Mark and began to shake it. White dust fell out of the container to land on Mark's genitals and stomach below his navel. Some powder landed on the baby blanket and inside of the diaper.

"Shouldn't he be nursing his bottle instead of his pacifier," Ms. Bee asked standing off to the side not far from Ms. Jay.

"Hey, you're right. Hey June, put some juice in her baby bottle for her and make her nurse it," Ms. Kay said.

"Should I continue," Rose asked stopping as she added, "or wait."

"Wait," Ms. Kay said turning back to June to watch her prepare the baby bottle.

Rose had been gently rubbing baby powder over Mark's belly mostly to hide his erection from those that could see past the fleshy part of his left leg and her right arm but by doing so she was getting him excited in spite of the circumstances.

Pre cum was forming and Rose wondered if she might get Mark to ejaculate by touching his tip with the diaper. She eased off doing that hoping the time might give Mark a chance to gain some control back.

June tore the packaging from the pink plastic baby bottle, undid the lid before opening a box of juice to pour into it. It half filled the bottle. June fused with the lid and nipple closing the baby bottle before moving to where Mark lay to exchange the baby bottle for his pacifier. Mark took it and slipped the dripping nipple into his mouth and began nursing from the bottle.

Rose, standing between Mark's legs had brought the diaper up with her right hand to cover Mark's erection. It only made it worse. The front of the diaper, crinkling slightly touched Mark fully causing his erection to stiffen even more as Mark jerked a little.

Rose now was hoping Mark would have a climax which she also hoped would take the pleasure away from the robbers. Rose looked at Mark and lightly pushed on the diaper hoping the touch would hasten his reaction. It did and didn't. It put Mark on the verge but not enough to ejaculate.

"Go on sweetheart, nurse your bottle while Mommy Rose there puts you into your diaper," Ms. Kay said with a broad smile. For her Mark was now the perfect image of a man.

"Use both hands to hold your bottle baby man," Ms. Bee said with a lustful voice.

Mark took the baby bottle with both hands as Rose tugged on the diaper more. Mark's legs were getting tired. He needed to ease them down and began doing so but leaving his legs spread wide so they were on either side of Rose's hips. The paper thin plastic edge of the diaper ticked where it touched his thighs on the inside.

Rose was about to pull the front snug with the back and tape it closed when Ms. Kay said "wait".

Rose turned to look at Ms. Kay to see what she wanted.

"Don't forget to rub baby oil on his girlish penis." Ms. Kay said.

"You know what that's going to do right," Rose said.

"Of course," Ms. Kay said and added, "it's going to make the baby bond with his mommy as he spits into his diaper. Just hold the diaper so he messes into it. Right mommy," Ms. Kay said and added, "now do it slowly while he's.... sorry, while she is nursing her cute little baby bottle."

"I'm sorry about this," Rose said again as she poured baby oil onto her palm. She rubbed her warm oily hands together and pulled Mark's princess diaper up enough to slid both hands under the front. She began rubbing Mark's penis with her left hand.

Oddly, it had a wonderful effect in spite of his humiliation. Mark reacted even more when Rose moved a thumb in a circle over his tip. The arch in Mark's back was obvious and nearly everyone reacted in some way.

"Oh, it looks like the baby really likes that part," Ms. Kay said as Rose fondled Mark around his tip before stroking him again.

"That's it, stroke him more, but not too fast," Ms. Bee said.

Roses other hand gently massaged his genitals. Mark, nursing the orange soda from the princess baby bottle didn't last very much past that point and began ejaculating into his diaper almost immediately.

"There he goes," Ms. Kay said as she bent over to watch him spurt into the diaper as she added, "now that's the only way men should be allowed to have sex."

"This is really getting you off isn't it," Ms. Jay said.

"Hell yes it is. I'm telling you right now Ms. Jay, the next time that little sissy does that I'm going to be in one of those chairs with a vibrator up my skirt and in my panties," Ms. Kay said.

"Right on," Ms. Bee said and added, "and I'll be in front of you pushing on it."

Rose continued masturbating Mark till he was completely soft before she finally removed her hands from underneath Mark's diaper. She smiled down at him but his eyes were closed, Rose took up a baby wipe and cleaned both hands before sliding one hand over the front of the diaper to smooth it towards the left to tape it closed.

Cinderella was delightfully posed in the center when the right side was taped closed as Mark's legs were lowered over the table. Rose fused with the diaper longer than she needed to but she was sure no one noticed. She ran her fingers around the backside allowing her to move very close to mark in almost a hug before she backed away. The diapers fit was remarkable well as she helped him stand.

"Keep nursing baby," Ms. Kay said as Mark stood just as she added, "now that is an amazing look."

"Truly," Ms. Bee said.

"Got to admit, I was skeptical at first, but this is one of your better ideas," Ms. Jay said as she grabbed a chair and said before adding, "turn around for me baby man - slowly!"

Mark began to turn slowly while nursing the bottle.

"So what's she got for clothes," Ms. Jay asked.

"Show her," Ms. Kay said to June who got up and took up the nightgowns that had been brought in. There were three baby doll sets all of them cotton and each had matching panties. The cutest was the pink with soft white sheep and because the panties had ruffles around the legs but Ms.Jay wasn't sure she wanted him in the panties yet.

There was some discussions about the pink baby pants but those two were set aside because they would cover up Cinderella and Ms. Jay was the boss. She agreed that the other two could get their way but not until she'd had there. Ms. Kay was turned loose with June again to go find vibrators and makeup while Rose clipped barrettes into Mark's hair and helped him into his new "baby dress".

"Here, let me take him for a little bit," Ms. Jay said handing Ms Bee her gun.

Ms. Jay sat in the chair with her feet squarely on the floor while Ms. Bee stood guard as she had Mark move over and sit in Ms. Jay's lap. Rose held onto the bottle freeing Mark so he could maneuver himself so he could lay crossways in Ms. Jay's arms.

Ms. Jay had Alice, the girl that did the intake for the pharmacy, come over and fuss with Mark's dress after he was laying fully prone. Ms. Jay pushed Mark's dress up a little so the Cinderella Motif was showing, as she began rubbing over it a little. In just a few rubs it was clearly giving Mark another erection.

"Men," Ms. Jay said as he stopped and reached for the baby bottle from Rose. Rose handed it to her and Ms. Jay teased it into Mark's mouth making him hold it again with both hands so she could go back to playing over his diaper as she added, "go find those gel shoes that June brought in. I want him to be as much of a sissy as he can be."

The woman Alice went back to the cart and found the soft pink flats and pulled them apart from the label. She moved back to Mark who was still nursing his baby bottle and still showing a very hard erection as Ms. Jay continued playing with him over his diaper. Alice knelt and tried one of the shoes and it fit perfectly. The other one followed.

"That's what I'm talking about. Men are much better looking in girlish things that women," Ms. Jay said looking around the room and then down into Mark's eyes before adding, "don't you agree sweetheart? It's okay, you don't have to answer, you just have to keep sucking on your bottle and squirt into your diaper like a good sissy."

Mark couldn't help himself as the orgasm built a few moments later as Ms. Jay, using the palm of her hand massaged him into a second climax.

"See what I'm talking about? The first thing you learn about boys, then men is that no matter what they say, you can ignore it. Their little lie detectors are all you need for the truth," Ms. Jay said and added, "our little sissy here loves his diaper and pretty little dress and shoes. I mean think about it, he just did his creamy sucking on a baby's bottle while I got him off rubbing him over his diaper."

Ms. Jay bent down and kissed Mark on the forehead and straightened.

"So what kind of man likes being dressed like a baby girl and getting off by a woman while nursing a baby's bottle," Ms. Jay asked, paused and then added, "all of them. They can't help themselves. It's all in their penises. Isn't it honey?"

"What's in their penises," Ms. Kay asked coming into the room. Her arms were full of boxes and she was followed by June with several more.

"I was demonstrating how men like being diapered and dressed like little baby girls," Ms. Jay said.

"Really," Ms. Kay said and then added, "and I missed it?"

"Plenty of diapers," Ms. Jay said and then added, "and he's creamed in his diaper twice now so you might as well change him.

"Try the cloth," Ms. Bee said and then added, "and I'm next."

"That's good, because I found a vibrator that goes right into the old love cave and it's got five settings and they've got strawberry flavored love making gel," Ms. Kay said separating two boxes from the pile she sat on one of the empty tables before adding, "so don't get in a big hurry yet."

"Go on, get ready and then I'll change him," Ms. Bee said before added, "and let me taste that gel."

Ms. Kay twisted the lid on a lavender tube shaped like tooth paste and dabbed a little on her pinkie taking a taste of it herself before stepping over to Ms. Bee.

"Wow, I might wait on the vibrator," Ms. Kay said coming over to let Ms. Bee take a taste.

"Damn," Ms. Bee said.

"Never mind that," Ms. Jay said as she added, "you guys put that stuff off till you've got a room. I want your heads clear for the important things. Stay with the vibrator and that's that."

"Kill joy," Ms. Kay said.

"You heard me," Ms. Jay said as Ms. Kay grabbed the box and walked off towards the bathroom. There was a few minutes as Ms. Bee tore open the cloth diaper package and laid those next to the baby blanket which she followed with the plastic pants package.

"Oh hell yes," Ms. Kay yelled from the bathroom and again as she came out with a controller in her hand before adding, "and that's on three. Yes, that's good, oh yes, three's good..... Shit! Oh damn, four's better. Need a chair! To hell with men, I've got five. Oh my God!"

"Hey," Ms. Bee said and then not getting an answer yelled, "HEY!"

"What," Ms. Kay said.

"I thought you wanted to do that while I diapered him," Ms. Bee asked.

"Honey, I can do this while you sing the National Anthem, wiggle your toes, lick your lips or anything else you want to do, I've got fresh batteries. Go on, diaper him, I'm on one," Ms. Kay said closing her eyes as she licked her lips and turned her head a little.

"Going to have to try that one," Ms. Bee said before turning to Mark and adding, "come on precious, come over here and let's get you changed."

June had already decided to get that same model but not for another few days and Rose too was looking at the box that the vibrator had come in. Rose was also looking at Mark as he got up and removed the baby bottle to walk over where Ms. Bee was waiting.

"Want me to help or should I sit," Rose asked.

"Sit, I can diaper this little sissy," Ms Bee said as she nodded for Mark to jump back up on the table while adding, "come on up here baby girl!"

Mark no longer cared as he moved to the table with the blanket. The diaper still slightly slippery from his last ejaculation moved back and forth over his soft penis. It gave him something else to focus on which wasn't a bad thing he mused as he reached the table.

Mark stood there just as Ms. Bee tugged a cloth diaper from the package. It was a square of cotton with a hemmed edge on all four sides.

"This is way too big for him," Ms. Bee said looking at the diaper.

"It's a regular diaper," Rose said and then added, "it's got to be folded before being pinned on."

"Okay, fine, here, you fold it. Better yet, you diaper him. No, on second thought, wait a second," Ms. Bee said looking over at Ms. Kay and adding, "go get another one of those vibrators and I'll join you and let the mommy type here do her thing again."

"It's on the table. Did you think I'd forget you," Ms Kay asked and said, "hurry and put it on three if you want to make it last. It's so damn yummy."

"Wait here," Ms. Bee said moving over to grab the box before stepping off for the bathroom. She was gone maybe a few minutes before she said from the other side of the door, "damn!"

"Told you,' Ms. Kay said laughing as Ms. Bee came out walking bow legged.

Ms. Bee was walking out of the bathroom holding her own controller sitting after she passed Rose before adding, "go on mommy, do your thing."

"Want to get up here like before," Rose whispered to Mark.

"Glad you're doing it," Mark whispered back.

"Me too," Rose said and then blushed as she corrected what she said by adding, "that didn't come out right. What I meant to say..."

"It's okay. I know what you meant," Mark said climbing onto the table. He gathered the baby doll nightgown top that they were using as a dress for him before he turned to lay on his back. He spread his legs, brought them up to put his girlish shoes on the blanket then lifted his bottom.

"Hold that," Rose said pulling the tapes loose and removing the diaper. It came off quickly still mostly dry as Rose added, "I'll get the other one under you then use w wipe before pinning it closed."

"Okay," Mark said.

"Hey, he needs to be sucking on his baby bottle," Ms. Bee said waving her controller at Rose. She had the setting on three. Ms Kay had her setting on four. Both had looks of satisfaction on their faces and you could hear the faint hum from their combined vibrations.

"It's empty," Rose said taking the baby bottle from Mark.

"I'll fix it," June said getting up from her chair. June grabbed the baby bottle but paused and said added, "this is going to be another six ounces of juice so you might think of adding a soaker?"

"Thanks," Rose said and added, "I was going to do that to avoid having to change him again. Those baby pants are plenty large enough."

"Great," Mark said.

"Better doubling or maybe tripling the diapers than putting you through all this again," Rose said.

"She's right," June said.

"You're not the one getting pinned into the diapers," Mark said but added, "but, you're right, triple them."

June went to the table and opened another juice and began pouring it into the baby bottle while Rose folded the first diaper so it laid flat with wings for pinning. She grabbed the package pulled two more diapers out and joined those two together before folding them into thirds. It was suddenly over an inch thick as she laid it down the middle of the first.

Rose moved the entire mass between Mark's legs and Mark once again lifted himself just as June joined them with the baby bottle of juice. Mark was holding himself up for the diapers so June intended to wait.

"Go on, give him his bottle. You can hold it for him," Ms. Kay said.

"Good idea Ms. Kay," Ms. Jay said and added, "go on, feed her the baby bottle."

June looking apologetic moved closer to the tables edge and leaned in to give Mark his baby bottle as Rose slide the massively thick cloth diapers under him.

"You can relax," Rose said allowing Mark to settle down over the diaper set. Mark quickly moved to take hold of the bottles.

"NO! Let the girl feed you like a little baby," Ms. Jay said leaning forward a little as she added, "it's turning me on watching the women fussing over you like that. I've always wanted to see a man like this. Might do this to that pervert brother of mine when I get home again."

Mark dropped his arms at this side but continued nursing the baby bottle. Both Ms. Kay and Ms. Bee continued sitting in silence but you could see on their faces they were deeply in their own fantasies. Ms. Bee was reaching over and sliding her hand along Ms. Kay's leg up along her thigh and Ms. Kay was just starting to turn the dial up on her controller.

"Damn," Mark whispered as Rose again started wiping him with the moist baby wipe. He had already ejaculated twice but it was like he hadn't had sex at all as his penis started to react to the attention it was getting from Rose. Rose, experimentally was being as gentle as she could fascinated at Mark's libido.

Rose wouldn't admit it but she'd been as horny as the robbers right from the start and more so now. Mark was adorable and more so because he was so fit and hairless on top of being small enough to slip into real baby diapers and girl clothes. Rose hadn't yet seen the sizes of the nightgown or shoes but both had come off the racks just as the diapers and plastic panties had.

Rose had dominated a couple of men over the years but that was mostly boudoir stuff. Her first was a football player that had slept in one of her nightgowns at the time after a night out with him dressed in her clothes for Halloween.

Another was a New Years Eve party when she got drunk enough at an office party to breast feed a young college boy playing the New Years Eve Baby in the stock room. He went through a half dozen diapers that weekend but quit answering his phone after he left for his own place that Monday.

Now this young man Mark. Rose had slipped into the bathroom herself and purchased a maxi pad to keep her panties dry because right from the start that was a risk. It was still a risk as her juices still dribbled warmly.

Mark sensing something different looked into Roses eyes and saw a far away look and her nibbling gently on her lower lip as she started slowly rubbing him with the baby oil. Was she enjoying this? Mark wondered as he felt himself reacting to her warm oily hand, and was he, he wondered with a touch of guilt as she licked her lips.

"Are you okay," Mark whispered as softly as he could.

"What? What, I'm sorry Mark, I didn't hear you? What was that," Rose said suddenly growing rosy in her cheeks as she stopped tugging on his penis. She had been stroking him and with each upward stroke had used her thumb to circle his tip that was going more sensitive. It was starting to electrify him when she did it. That last tug almost brought him to climax.

"I asked if you were okay and now I wish I hadn't because you stopped," Mark said pushing his hips just slightly upward. It was difficult because he didn't want anyone else to notice. They were far enough from the other tables that their whispering was only heard by June as he moved to block what Rose was doing.

"There, no one else can see," June said looking at Rose.

"Rose quickly grabbed a baby wipe with her right hand while she began masturbating mark with her left again. She did two complete slides up and down before Mark ejaculated for the third time into the baby wipe Rose quickly placed over his tip.

"Hey," Ms. Jay yelled bending sideways in her chair before adding, "is he shooting? Girl? Move over. Damn it! Did he just shoot again?"

"I'm sorry, that was my fault," Rose said lifting her left hand to close the baby wipe she held in the right.

"Just get him diapered and into his baby pants and let's get this done," Ms. Jay said settling back in her chair. Clearly she was frustrated and it showed on her face as she turned to the other two and said, "if you two wouldn't mind, I'd like to start getting ready for the nights work. Will you please remove your toys and get this place organized? We've got thirty minutes before the bookkeeper gets here."

"Spoil sport," Ms. Kay said reaching under her skirt and tugging a little before a pink plug appeared. The vibration grew louder before she shut the controller to zero. There was a profolactic cover that she removed and tossed into the trash as she added, "now that's a man!"

"Amen," Ms. Bee said doing the same with her's as she stood and walked over to grab a hand full of baby wipes before excusing herself for the bathroom.

"Come on ladies, let's get organized," Ms Kay said standing as she put her vibrator back into the box.

"And get his clothes together," Ms. Jay said before adding, "and you... missy June? You guys sell some kind of bag? He's going to need an overnight bag for his things?"

"Yes," June said letting Mark take over the baby bottle June was holding.

"What's up," Ms. Bee said coming out of the bathroom.

"Go with the girl here and get a travel bag for the baby," Ms. Jay said.

"Let's go sweets," Ms. Bee said pointing for the door.

"Go on and get her ready," Ms. Jay said looking at Rose,

Rose turned back to Mark and started bringing the massive diapers up but stopped midway to sprinkle baby powder over them. She was overly generous and covered Mark's genitals as well before putting the baby powder down. Small clouds of baby powder rose with every movement of Mark's diapers as Rose fussed with the layers front to back.

"You okay," Rose asked in her softest voice,

"Yes," Mark mumbled easing the nipple of the baby bottle just over to the edge of his mouth to talk. He wasn't sure why he wanted her to know this but before he put the baby bottle back he whispered, "soft."

"I've always thought that cloth would feel more comfortable," Rose said understanding immediately what Mark meant. He was looking right at her and she at him and she was wishing desperately that she could hold him and comfort him at that moment. She was positive he'd let her if she'd tried.

That's when she smiled and he smiled back. The moment passed as she pinned his diapers closed and took up the baby pants. She had decided on the pink pair for obvious reasons and uncurled them. There had been three pair of baby pants in white, yellow and pink. The white would work but the pink was a soft pastel and it easily went with the dress and shoes. All three were generous cuts and clearly roomy enough when she began easing them over Mark's diapers.

When Mark was dressed Rose acted casually and became part of the clean up crew but she intentionally grabbed the label for the shoes, baby pants and diapers that held the sizes. She carried them in her palm before moving to the table where her purse was. When she sat she carefully eased them under the purse. She had no idea what use they'd be but she also knew this night would end.

"Got a diaper bag and two travel bags. One for the sissy and the other for the boy," Ms. Bee said coming back into the break room behind June. June was holding a pastel diaper bag and sat it down next to the baby blanket. On the table with the boxes she put the two travel bags.

"Use one of the travel bags for our sissy here and his things. Use the other for your vibrators and stuff and toss his clothes in that one," Ms. Jay said.

"Is he going with us," Ms. Kay asked.

"No but now that he's a sissy baby, his boy clothes are," Ms. Jay said and added, "he's not going to need them any more."

"Great," Mark said in a lowered voice as he realized what that meant. If they took his clothes he was stuck with what he was wearing or whatever else was in the store to go from here to his car to home. The last thing he wanted to do as he jumped down from the table was to go home looking like a baby girl.

"Come here precious," Ms. Jay said.

Mark moved to where she was sitting and stopped in front of her. Ms. Jay reached around and patted Mark's bottom with her free hand before handing Ms. Bee her gun again to do the same with both hands.

"I'm telling you, this is the only way to dress a man," Ms. Jay said as she began rubbing the front and said, "does my honey like his little pee pee behind all the diaper? Baby bottle got your tongue?"

Mark remained silent and Ms. Jay laughed before adding, "go on and sit down over by your baby blanket."

"You got that right," Ms. Bee said.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road. Ms. Kay, Ms. Jay, let’s do a final wipe down of everything and get ready. Ms. Kay, you keep the ladies and our little baby man quiet. I'm going to the back door and greet our bookkeeper when she arrives and Ms. Bee, you stand guard at the front office for any potential visitors. We're at the five minute mark," Ms. Jay said sliding her hand over the barrel of her thirty eight police special.

"Here we go," Ms. Bee said walking for the doors with Ms. Jay.

"Alright everyone places," Ms. Kay said waving her gun at the group to move over to the far tables to take seats. Mark moved with Rose and sat next to her. June moved with her group and sat down after handing Rose the diaper bag that she had filled with everything Mark needed. The travel bag held the other two dresses, another pair of lavender shoes, more ribbons and bracelets and a package of panties that remained unopened.

The clock struck the hour and there was a echo of metal clinging that signified the bookkeepers entrance, then a sudden scream that ended abruptly. A few minutes went by and both the bookkeeper and Ms. Jay came into the break room. The bookkeeper was crying and shaking and she had a small bruise on her cheek.

"Everything okay here," Ms. Jay asked.

"We're good," Ms. Kay said and asked, "she okay?"

"Yep," Ms. Jay noted but added, "got a little feisty in the beginning but we talked and she's decided to cooperate. Haven't you honey?"

"Yes," the bookkeeper said rubbing her bruised cheek. She suddenly realized that Mark was neither a baby nor a girl and looked from him to Ms. Jay.

"My brother. My mother left him with me to watch this afternoon. I couldn't leave him at home now could I," Ms. Jay said and then added, "come on, we've got a safe to open."

Thirty minutes later Ms. Bee followed by Ms. Jay entered the break room with two large money bags and smiles.

"We good," Ms. Kay asked.

"Oh yes baby, we're very good. Last weeks receipts, five stores, all wrapped, counted and ready to go. $379,242 dollars and some change. We left the change with the bookkeeper. Now then, sadly to say, we'll be leaving. As for you ladies, and our baby here would you please enter the bathroom single file," Ms. Jay said as she held the bookkeepers arm.

Everyone stood and began filing into the bathroom with the last one the bookkeeper. Ms. Bee grabbed a metal fork and jammed it into the hydraulic door closer at the top jamming the mechanism. Ms Jay tried the door twice before she was satisfied.

"Okay girls, grab the travel bag, and please don't forget the money. The road awaits and let's cross the bridge before traffic gets too heavy," Ms. Jay said looking at her watch. The cruse liner was just five minutes away and would tie up traffic for half an hour once it launched and slipped into the channel.

The ladies were a block South watching the large cruse ship moving into the channel when they heard the horn's large single blast. There was a siren responding from the bridge and then bells as the gates came down stopping traffic in both directions as the arches began to rise. Ms. Jay looked at her watch and smiled. As the bridge went up that cut traffic for at least twenty minutes and she wanted that twenty minute lead.

The store manager knew something was wrong when he saw the safe open and the bookkeeper gone. His 911 call came over Ms. Jay's scanner an hour later as they turned off and parked next to the van they were beginning to change into. Up ahead in another thirty minutes there was a rented farm with three used cars, clothes and luggage. The boy would be there at noon to pick up his bargain van purchased days ago. The papers would be in the glove compartment. Ms. Kay spent her time wiping it down for prints.

The girls reached the farm in record time without going a mile over the speed limit. Each showered, did their makeup and added the wigs that would change them completely. There were three makeup cases matching the luggage now holding $120,000 dollars each. In addition there was another $6,414 dollars in wallets and purses as the ladies turned onto highway 77 Heading East.

Meanwhile there was June, Alice, Helen and Marge from the Pharmacy plus Rose and Mark stuffed into the bathroom when swat pulled the door open. Outside, besides the four swat members was the store manager and two robbery detectives. With the wallets and purses of the victims now smoldering in an oil can back at the farm it became a verification by association back at the pharmacy and everyone was verified by sun up.

The front of the store was tapped off as was the back and besides the swat van and motor home used to investigate major crimes and crime scenes there were now six news trucks and more coming. Mark had remained in the bathroom, sitting in a stall, but was now known to the two detectives and one swat member.

It had been a humiliating experience when SWAT ordered them all to put the hands up. When Mark brought his arms up it brought his baby doll top to his waist exposing the pink plastic panties and tripled diapers to the men. All six of the were standing there in smoked face mask as Mark marched out of the bathroom with the ladies. Thankfully Mark never heard the suppressed snickers.

"I'll never live this down," Mark said sitting off in the corner as the forensic team dusted the break room for prints.

The discussion in the bathroom was mostly about Mark. No one was going to discuss what had happened to Mark during the night before the bookkeeper came. No one wanted to and Mark thanked them but it still left him dressed the way he was with very few options. Until Rose said she had a plan.

Rose had talked with all three of the woman from the store and none had a problem with it. Given what the three robbers had done to Mark the police reported that they too were okay with what Rose purposed. They also agreed to report that they were withholding curtain details due to the nature of the robbery and it's on going investigation. Those details now included Mark's name and description and the manner of his "torture".

Mark's identity would not be released as a material witness under court seal up to and including grand jury indictments the District Attorney would report. That meant that the police reports, always public once the police filed them, did not contain anything about Mark. The store manager also agreed to give Rose the diaper bag when she asked for it and the contents, of course, were given free of charge. The veiled threat of a lawsuit made by Rose helped.

This was all thanks to Rose and her intimate knowledge and association with the District Attorney. When Mark asked Rose how she was able to do all of this she simply said her expertise was from years of victim advocacy helping women leave abusive environments. She was treating Mark for all practical intents as an abusive woman.

The rest of the group were sworn to silence for Mark's sake and the second part of the plan was put in place as a patrol officer drove off to an address also given to that officer by Rose. Rose had called the occupant at that address just as the officer was leaving.

"At that address lived a twelve year old girl named Sally and her mother. Sally, after suffering brain damage from a near drowning, was home schooled by her mother and on most days, and for obvious reasons, could be found at home. After Rose confirmed that she was in fact home, Rose also confirmed that both Sally and Tina, Sally's mom, were up for the adventure. Tina owed Rose big time and was happily willing to do whatever was needed to help.

According to the story Tina would give the press at the front of the store, Sally was there to shop for her birthday party. The store manager would allow both Sally and her mom Tina into the store to shop even though it wasn't open simply because he didn't want to "disappoint the child" who wouldn't understand why the store was closed. The police, the store manager would go on to explain, were cooperating completely.

Sally would be wearing her Shirley Temple wig and a dress with a blanket over her legs for the wheel chair ride into the store. Once inside the store there would be a bag of birthday favors already packed which was being put together by June while Mark was getting his face made up by Rose with selections from the pharmacy makeup department.

Mark would swap places with Sally after swapping clothes and using the wig Sally wore and go out the front in the same chair with Tina pushing him directly to the van. Tina had made up Sally's face using the same colors as Rose used for Mark's face.

Once in the van Tina would drive Mark back to her house where Mark would wait for the next phase of Rose's plan. Sally, under the care of Rose, meanwhile would wait for the on-call handicap bus at the back of the store to take her and Rose back to Roses's place. The police officer had returned to the back of the store with a rental wheel chair to replace Sally's that went out with Mark in it.

In the event that Mark and Tina were followed Mark was going to be ferried to Tina's sister's place just on the edge of town. Tina's sister owned a large dairy with a large enough barn to drive the van into, and there all four would meet and swap with Mark returning to Rose's place while Sally would simply go home with her mom. Mark would return Sally's dress when the opportunity arose. Mark's landlady had been surprised when Rose stopped by to drop off the disposables for her niece and was looking forward to talking with Mark when he had a chance.

The news trucks not seeing anything breaking began gathering cables and closing panels and their large antenna were being lowered by three PM that afternoon as most of the exciting stuff and film had been gathered. Meanwhile, in the bathroom Mark was about to swap his baby doll top for the polyester dress and slip but stopped and looked at Rose with a look of anguish.

"What is it honey," Rose asked lowering the slip.

"What if I take the chance and change into my clothes," Mark asked, and added, "what's the worse thing that happens?"

"The story leaks. If there are no details at first those will be speculated, embellished. The tabloids will run your real photo with fakes. Once the story gets flesh around it, and it will because someone will finally start talking, more details will come out and more fake photos or illustrations will get published," Rose said.

"God and all the gory details," Mark said.

"And all the gory details," Rose added.

"Or go with the plan and dress like a young girl," Mark said.

"Or go with the plan and let me get you into this slip and dress," Rose said as Mark raised his arms. Rose took that as his yes as she gathered the slip and eased it over his head, followed by the dress before Rose sat and fitted his wig. He sat in the wheel chair as Sally sat in the rental giggling over the man in diapers wearing her dress.

Rose had been right as rain about Mark's capability to be transformed as she tugged the light brunette wig down. It became even more apparent as she began fussing with the curled hair around his ears and the bangs just above his now treated eyes. The small man was easily transformed into a fairly passable young girl that could boast a comfortable 13 years of age if he didn't talk.

Rose, as her last task, fussed with the blanket over Mark's legs allowing the pink flats to show as she added the diaper bag and grocery bag of party goods. As instructed Mark bowed his head and downcast his eyes and allowed his lids to close some. Sally's handicap eliminated Mark's need to talk and Rose stepped back to make one last critical assessment with Tina before they both gave a nod of approval.

With both Rose and Tina satisfied Rose stepped away and Tina moved in behind the wheel chair. Tina tugged Mark's girlish hat down a little lower and began pushing the wheel chair towards the front of the store as Rose stood back with her fingers crossed.

The manager was up by the doors with his key in the lock while an officer outside seeing the manager at the doors began in earnest keeping the people back behind the police tape. The officer, seeing the young girl in the wheel chair coming out of the store lifted the barrier tape and held it as Tina pushed Mark towards the van. Another policeman walked alongside keeping anyone from approaching.

It had worked as Tina pressed the button on the key fob causing the back door to open. She rolled Mark up onto the lift, pressed another button and the rolled guard came up a second before the lift started up. With the lift even with the interior of the van Tina stood till the lift was inside with Mark and the back door closed. She went around to the driver's side and climbed in.

"Rose is brilliant," Tina said.

"She is," Mark said as Tina started the van and turned the air conditioning on full. The van was hot but cooled quickly as people began ignoring them. Mark shook his head as he added, "I can' believe we just did that?"

The drive took thirty minutes but Tina took the long way adding another ten minutes to the drive time before pulling into the driveway. Tina was checking the whole time to see if they were followed. She had Mark do the same exact thing as before for the sake of any neighbors watching as she pushed him into the garage and up the ramp into the house. They were in the kitchen as the door came down securing them in the house before either talked.

"You're diapered right," Tina asked.

"I am," Mark said shyly before adding, "It was the robbers, they made me wear them."

"I know, I'd heard. Must have been horrifying," Tina said and then added, "so did yo lose it coming out?"

"You mean did I wet myself," Mark asked smiling.

"Yes," Tina said.

"Damn near did but no I'm still dry," Mark said.

"Can I ask what size diaper you're wearing," Tina asked.

"I think they were sixes," Mark said blushing brightly, but then added, "actually I'm not wearing disposables right now. I'm wearing cloth diapers and plastic pants, but Rose asked the store manager for the open package of disposables I think. The ones the woman made me wear. Those I'm pretty sure were sixes. She put those in the diaper bag."

"Excellent," Tina said looking into the diaper bag to confirm and added, "Excellent. Same size. Sally wears sixes as well, but if you want she also wears panties occasionally and you're more than welcome to borrow a pair of her's. She might even have some in cotton?"

"Thanks," Mark said deciding it wasn't worth trying to tell the woman he didn't actually wear panties, cotton or otherwise. She meant well and right now he was slowly moving away from the hell he'd been in.

"Oh, oh," Tina suddenly said passing the living room window sheers.

"What," Mark said as he turned towards whatever had caught her attention.

"Coming home there was a God awful green sedan I thought was following us but I wasn't sure. Now I'm sure because it's sitting right in front of the house. Do you by chance know this guy sitting in the car out there," Tina said not opening the curtains she was peeking through as she added, "he's definitely holding a camera."

"No. Never saw him before this," Mark said standing next to Tina as he gathered the skirt that was flowing forward. He wasn't use to wearing dresses and had instantly felt self conscious when he stood up from the wheel chair after Tina had pulled into the spacious garage.

"Paparazzi," Tina said and then added, "Rose was worried about this."

"She was! You know, I almost wasn't going to do this," Mark said.

"I think that's why you're dressed like a young girl and still in diapers honey," Tina said and added, "she's a pretty smart lady."

"Which begs the question how do you know her," Mark asked and added, "I mean it's no coincidence she chances upon someone with a girl in a wheel chair that has dresses in my size."

"I'm guessing I'm one of hundreds by now. She helped me get away from my husband," Tina said and added, "long story. Suffice to say I owe her big time. Anyway, we'd better forget finding you boy clothes for now. Do you need to get into a fresh diaper?"

"Tell you the truth, I could use a bathroom," Mark said and then asked, "is there a place that I can change out of this diaper?"

"Come on, I'll change you in my daughter's room," Tina said moving off immediately.

"Ah... This is kind of embarrassing but if it's all the same to you, I think I'd rather do this myself if you don't mind," Mark said blushing. Last thing he needed was another strange woman changing him from one diaper to another while he was dressed as a little girl. Especially the mother of the girl that owned the dress and slip he was wearing.

"Of course it sounds strange. You're a guy and you've been terribly treated. You've just spent the night being forced to dress like a little girl and if I heard right a baby girl no less! You've been in diapers for hours! Good heavens, you're most likely soaked and there's even the likelihood you'll have to stay that way hours more. On top of that some strange woman wants to change you into another diaper? Can it get any worse," Tina said.

"Tell me about it," Mark said.

"I know right," Tina added, and then said, "but the thing is you've got a slip on with petticoats that's 8 gore and two layers under a dress that's also 8 gore so managing that many layers is going to be next to impossible and you don't have a clue on diapering anything let alone yourself. Am I right?"

"What the hell is gores," Mark asked.

"It's the panels. When I said 8 gores I mean 8 panels. It's a term used in sewing. All it means is you're wearing a very full slip under a very full dress and you've got to manage that fullness so it's out of the way while trying to diaper yourself. Honey, that's going to be next to impossible," Tina said and then touching Mark's arm sympathetically added, "now come on, let me help. I've been diapering my daughter for a long time, lots of experience. No turn on and I know how to deal with that dress and slip you're wearing,"

"It's.... It's just that... I don't know how to say this but... the thing is," Mark stammered out the words but it was clear he couldn't get his point across and his face was growing a deep red as he added, "oh God, how do I say this? Look, I've got a damn erection? Don't ask me why, don't ask me how but there it is?"

"Oh," Tina said, paused and then added, "so on top of everything else are you telling me there is something about all this that's hitting a couple of hot buttons?"

"I don't know? No! No, that's not it. Hell no? It's just that I didn't want you to think I was... you know, liking any of this," Mark said.

"Don't be silly," Tina said and added, "it's not uncommon."

"That's just it? It is for me! It's just that I don't know why it would even be happening. This is by far the worse day of my life and... and yet here I am, looking like I look, dressed the way I am and in diapers no less, and I've got a damn hard on. I want to die," Mark said and added, "just shoot me now!"

"Come on! Mark, lighten up. Look, whatever is causing it is no big deal. Look, while you've no doubt been the center of some terribly ridicule you were also the center of some sexual assault. That had to have had an impact. I'm guessing you're suffering from some of that. All you really need is to masturbate," Tina said laughing,

"What? Oh man, can I even be having this conversation," Mark said looking at Tina and then snickering as he added, "is this sounding weird or what?"

"Mark, you realize right now that it's nothing more than the reptilian part of your brain driving all of this? This whole thing is coming out of the oldest and most compulsive part of our brains and that is controlling your penis and my apologies for being so blunt but your thoughts and consciousness has very little to do with it right now," Tina said.

"My reptilian brain," Mark asked.

"It's the part that controls vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature that sort of thing. It's part of the brainstem and cerebellum. They call it that because it's the main structures found in a reptile's brain. We've also got the Limbic and Neo cortex.... but never mind all that, it's that reptilian part that's got hold of you," Tina said and added, "and you're pretty much stuck with it at the moment."

"So that's that," Mark said.

"After what you've been through? I'd say yes and no but as far as that other thing that bothering you. Mark, that's easy enough to fix. Tell you what, let's get that taken care of first," Tina said.

"I'm not sure I want you," Mark started to say.

"Me? No honey, I'm not going to get you off? If that's what you were just thinking," Tina said quickly before adding, "I'm going to get that wet diaper off, pull your baby pants back on, squirt some baby oil into those baby pants and step out of the room for a few minutes till nature and you take your own course. Then when you're done I'll come back in clean you up and diaper you."

"Oh," Mark said blushing anew as he said, "sorry about that, I misunderstood."

"No apology needed. It's just that I haven't done that sort of thing since high school. My husband wasn't a big fan of masturbation," Tina said and added, "perfectly understandable. Although there were a couple of guys I would have loved to have put into diapers and dressed like little girls."

"Can I ask you something," Mark asked.

"Sure. Tell you what, ask away, but lift your dress and slip and get up on that changing table for me," Tina said.

"Okay," Mark said as he bent slightly to reach as far under his dress and slips as he could. He reached from the sides far enough to his legs gathering the layers of petticoats and dress into bundles. He lifted everything up past his waist then forward as Tina asked then above till everything was gathering at his chest. Tina fused with the back. Mark managed to jump up and scoot up onto the changing table that was made slightly larger for Sally's sake making it perfect for Mark as well.

"There you go. Now go ahead and lay back and let me get that diaper off," Tina said pulling on the baby pants at the front to expose the two diaper pins holding the massive diapers on. She undid the pins as she added, "you were saying?"

"What? Oh right! Okay, when you just said that you would have loved to have put a couple of guys into diapers... was that really true? I mean would that have been a turn on for you," Mark asked just as the warm diaper was lifted off his erection. He could feel the coolness as his penis was exposed to the air.

"Yes I suppose it would be. At least in these particular guys cases," Tina said as she added, "life you bottom honey."

"Why is that," Mark said lifting himself.

He felt Tina tugging on the diaper then the diaper coming free from his bottom and backside as well. He wasn't as wet as he imagined as the diaper slid past his cheeks alongside his thighs and out through his baby pants. It felt very erotic as the mass of diapers came out from under his slips and dress.

Within a moment his bottom was already resting on a freshly powdered thick fresh diaper. He had started to lose his erection but the freshly powdered diaper brought it back again. Mark couldn't see any of it because the dress and slips were gathered in front of his face but the sensations were there and those gave way to his imaginings.

"I guess because they were as cute as you were and I'm a lot like Rose is I suppose. I mean I like to be the boss, and for a woman dominating men is just something we women... some of us at least, like to do. So diapers would definitely be a method of doing that... I mean what better way of dominating a man than stripping them of their manhood," Tina said picking up the baby oil.

"So diapering us, men in general that is, and dressing us like girls is stripping us of our manhood," Mark said as the cold oil dripped over his penis.

"Pretty much. I mean think about it," Tina said and added, "why are you asking Mark?"

"One of the robbers was getting off and I think it was for the same reason, Just curios I guess. Never realized there were women out there like that," Mark said.

"Oh there are lots of women out there like that Mark," Tina said.

Tina was suddenly very aware of what she was doing and saying as she slipped the baby pants back up on Mark. She fussed with the front of his baby pants so his erection was clearly spreading oil over the front of his pink baby pants. The sensation to play with his erection was nearly overwhelming and within seconds it became too much.

"Okay, close your eyes honey," Tina said in a much lustier voice that before.

"What," Mark started to ask why but felt Tina's thumb begin teasing his tip immediately. The sensation of slick plastic vinyl sliding over the tips of his penis made Mark involuntarily jerk, but he closed his eyes as he realized what was happening. He was going to say something, to protest perhaps, but the sensation was incredible sensuous.

Tina lightly pinched Mark penis just below the slippery head, moving up till her fingers joined right at the head, her right thumb circled the tip and then her hand gripped the entire shaft encased within the slippery plastic. The sensation sent a blast of pleasure rippling from the very base of his penis through his groin spreading to his thighs and belly outward. Tina's hand slid slowly up and another shockwave erupted.. Down, then up and each time she went up fingers slid over the tip making him shudder. Clearly Tina seemed to know what she was doing and Mark was letting her do it. Happily.

Mark's ejaculation was an explosion. That first an explosive shot he was almost sure could have ricochet like a bullet had it met any resistance at all. There was no other way to explain it. The thick white fluid blasted against his baby pants and spread over his tip Tina then used immediately to warm and silken his panties even more, driving him mad through the next explosions.

A half dozen pulses followed and shot out as diminishing jabs each weakening till nothing was left but Judy the weak notion of pulses. Mark found himself in the grip of a mindless monster holding him rigid in an arch up off the table, his toes curled almost painfully then suddenly everything was released. He found himself not just holding, but cuddling the slips and silken dress. He was smothering himself in his girlish attire as his tried to catch his breath. His eyes opened to a soft pink haze of chiffon as he his breathing returned to normal.

"Mark, I'm not sure I could have stopped that," Tina said and added, "and just for the record it got me off if you're wondering."

"Tina, I'm not sure I would have wanted you to stop," Mark said and added, "that was awesome."

"That was a first for me as well. It's been a long time since I've had a penis in front of me and I thought I could handle it," Tina said as she added, "and if you don't mind me saying to - yes, that was pretty awesome."

"If you had asked me if I would be into something like this? You know wear diapers and a girl's dress to get off... My first thought would be no. Now, I'm sort of thinking maybe," Mark said.

"So let me ask you this then honey? Does a woman getting you off in a cute soft pair of pink plastic baby pants with you in a pretty little dress and fluffy slip, looking like a little girl make you feel macho or wimpy," Tina asked softly. She too, much to her surprise, had gone through her own orgasm

"Definitely wimpy," Mark whispered savoring the sensations still sweeping back and forth over him. It was like waves lapping at his brain. He didn't care that he was a wimp he noticed and continued cuddling the dress and slip.

"So, I guess we've both got our answer and I'm beginning to suspect why Rose is so keen on helping you get to a safe place," Tina said as she finished rubbing Mark to the very last of his pleasure with a quick kiss on his forehead as she added, "lay still and I'll clean this mess up that I've helped make."

"Why did you say that Rose is so keen on helping me," Mark asked.

"Mark," Tina said pulling Mark's baby pants down enough to expose him as she took up a popup and began wiping Mark's flaccid penis. She added, "In case you haven't noticed, she's pretty much a take charge woman and I think you've been taken in charge."

That's a scary thought," Mark said but casually.

"Was this scary? What just happened that is," Tina asked and added, "because if you like, you're more than welcome to spend the night. I've got a closet full of cute dresses and boxes of diapers."

"Definitely not," Mark said laughing then added, "what would I sleep in?"

"Then there it is," Tina said just as the phone rang. Tina left Mark laying there still cuddling his slips and dress but exposed to move to the table with the phone was and answer.

"Hello," Tina said. She paused, listened. "You know, I'm not sure that's going to be such a good idea actually. The thing is, we've got a Paparazzi that's been parked right out in front that followed us from the pharmacy. No, I'm sure of it. He was with us for quite a ways. I'm sure he thinks he's on to something. No, Mark's fine! More than fine, he just messed his baby pants as a matter of fact. Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Well I'm sorry about that you can make your own messes.... Wait, hold on a second..."

Tina covered the phone and turned to face Mark....

"Rose says not to trust me," Tina said cupping the phone and turning to Mark

She returned to the phone as she added, "I told him but it's too late. Okay, so the farm is out. So, how do you want to handle this exchange? Wait a second? Hey, I think I've got it? Try this? Why not drop Sally at my sister's anyway, and you can just swing by here alone. We can keep Mark feminized till this paparazzi leaves. The man can't stay out there forever? He's got to eat and pee. Then when he goes you and Mark can go," Tina said

Tina paused listing, laughed then turned again with her eyes meeting Marks as she said, "fine, you and Mark can make those messes you're so upset about. He's smiling. Fair enough! I'll see you in about two hours."

Tina closed the call and moved back to Mark at the table.

"Okay Mark, we've got lots of time and you're officially a sissy which means I've got to get you into a bubble bath and a clean dress to travel in," Tina said and added, "Rose is going to drop my daughter off at my sister's, come back here and when that paparazzi guys leaves you and she will go back to her place and play mommy and little girl so you can become a guy again. Won't be long before you're in big boy pants - or not."

"I'm in a conspiracy that doesn't want me in big boy pants," Mark said in frustration.

"Actually here's the situation in a nut shell, just so you don't slit your wrist in the bath tub. When Rose took those diapers to your landlady for her niece she got into your apartment and grabbed a change of clothes and those are now waiting for you at her place. It's always been the plan to get you there, changed back into boy clothes and then home again. I was kidding about the bubble bath. So, go in and take you bath and I'll go find you a cute little dress to travel in." Tina said before adding with a giggle, "and don't forget to wash everything. Rose might want to play later?"

Mark shook his head as sat back down to have his baby pants and diaper removed once gain. This time after his dress and slip were removed. He was given Sally robe, a cute quilted pink satiny affair with a nylon lining that fit him perfectly. Considering that so far everything in Sally's room fit he couldn't help but wonder what else did. He shook his head again walking towards the bathroom.

Mark sitting in the tub surrounded by bubbles and smelling of lavender was now wondering why he'd even chosen the lavender bubble bath. He'd walked in, started the bath and without giving it another thought simply tossed in a capful of beads from the bubble bath. That was odd he mused watching the bubbles foam as he reflected over the hours since he'd left work. He had looked at the clock before his bath and realized he was coming up on twelve hours since he'd been forced into diapers and just as long for the girlish clothes.

Humiliating, yes, embarrassing yes. That part had lasted for most of it, but then all of a sudden things changed? When was that Mark wondered? Why was it Mark wondered? Some of it was Tina and her kindness and Mark snickered at the word kindness. He could handle that sort of kindness every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Nope, it was Rose. She was the one that shifted things from hell to heaven and Mark snickered again as his erection poked up just under the foaming bubbles.


Betty, Kelly, and Jennifer AKA Ms. Bee, Ms. Kay and Ms. Jay carried their bags onto the house boat as the young man went about disconnecting the water and power. He handed Betty the grocery list that had been checked off and the bill showing her why it was eleven dollars over. Gas was up ten cents a gallon as well he'd noted as Betty counted out the bills and added the extra $40 for a tip. The houseboat was 40 feet from bow to stern. It reminded Betty of the one her father plied around the Delta on.

All three women watched the young man walking up the floating pier as Betty started the engine.

“Wonder what his waist size is,” Kelly asked as she turned to Jennifer.

“I know what you mean,” Jennifer said and then added,” wonder how that other one is doing? I’m guessing he’ll be in therapy for the rest of his life.”

They both laughed as they climbed the steps to the second deck to join with Betty as backed the houseboat out of the large slip.

"Hope you like pink," Tina said as Mark came out of his bath smiling and wrapped in a towel.

"Only when I'm dressing as a girl," Mark said with an a sudden burst of confidence that didn't go unnoticed by Tina.

"Well listen to you and hello my brave one," Tina said patting the changing table. She was holding a White Cloud Overnight diaper that she was going to start with. She had put his three diapers and baby pants in the washer and was going to cover the disposable with the added protection of the white plastic panties as she added, "is that lavender? Did you use the lavender bubble bath beads?"

"I did," Mark said shrugging as he added, "in for a penny, in for a pound."

"Well you go girl," Tina said as Mark laid back and spread his legs with a lot more confidence.

"It's not as if I've planned this so when I went into the bath I got to thinking that I might just as well enjoy this and if that's not possible at least not let my hang ups get in the way," Mark said as Tina tipped the Johnson and Johnson's baby powder over his genitals.

"Very brave of you," Tina said as she smiled. She snickered inwardly decided to see just how brave he was as she laid her palm right on top of his penis and began massaging the baby powder into his skin.

"That doesn't mean I'm impervious to female contact Tina," Mark said as he started to get an erection.

"I know and I'm sorry," Tina said and then added, "tell you what! Let's just say that I'm celebrating a new friend that, while a boy, is trying very hard to understand us girls, by walking the walk as a certified sissy, so I'm giving him a free bee."

"You are," Mark asked.

"I am," Tina answered as she wrapped her hand around Mark's penis and began masturbating him as she held a baby wipe over his tip. Mark arched slightly giving Tina all the body language she needed that he was about the climax even as his tip swelled a second before it exploded. Tina was delighted as she added, "what a good girl. Now I'm going to make you very pretty!"

"Boy do you know how to let the air out of a balloon," Mark whispered.

"Just takes a second to inflate it again," Tina said as she wiped his tip and tossed the baby wipe. She slipped the thick white Cloud brand diaper under him as he lifted his bottom for her and spread his legs to let her pull the diaper between them. It was incredibly soft Mark noted.

"Amazing," Mark said as the diaper passed over and cuddled his now flaccid penis as Tina closed the left side tapes before the right. Tina picked up the baby pants, eased them over Mark's cooperating feet and along his legs to the diaper as he lifted again. The baby pants easily covered the diaper as Tina took a second to pat the front before giving Mark her hand for him to stand.

"Hey, where are you guys," Rose yelled from the living room.

"Back here," Tina yelled back.

"That guys gone," Rose said coming into the bedroom and smiling at the image greeting her as she said, "and boy does this scene look familiar."

"I know right," Mark said with a little less embarrassment.

"But just for your sake, let's stay with the plan and take you out as a girl," Rose said.

"He's all set. I've got his slip, dress set with his shoes ready. I'll do his makeup and wig before the dress," Tina said.

"I'll do his makeup. I sort of know his look," Rose said and added, "I mean if you don't mind?"

"Not at all," Tina said looking at her friend with a curious eye and catching the look back.

"No need to fight over me girls," Mark said laughing as he added, "isn't it amazing? I mean think about it? I haven't had this much attention ever and now wearing diapers and dresses I've got women fighting over me! Go figure?"

"Go get your slip on so I can do your makeup before I start teaching you about the true meaning of a dominatrix," Rose said.

"Yes ma'am," Mark said walking over to Tina for his slip. Mark picked up the flats he had worn in and put them on before walking over to the closet as he added, "what's that?"

"It's a bouffant slip. The petticoat and slip are attached. It's so the petticoat doesn't sag under your dress when you run around," Tina said and added, "not so much in your case, but little girls tend to be a little bouncy."

"Got it," Mark said holding his arms up for the straps as Tina gathered the slip and allowed it to flow down over them. Rose was in a state of bliss considering she had a package of disposables and a very adorable nightgown still in it's package waiting for Mark at home.

She had covertly grabbed the labels for his girlish shoes, baby pants and diapers for the sizes. At one point she had put them under her purse but when it was clear they were going to take everyone's purse she carefully brought them into the bathroom where she stuffed them into her bra.

When she had gotten out to deliver the diapers to Mark's landlady she had rushed to the shopping center, made a bee line to the girl's shop and found a baby doll set in Mark's size. From there she picked up a pair of Mary Jane shoes and lacy socks and a dress that almost made her cry it was so adorable. As far as she was concerned the only difference between Mark and a real little girl was his penis and she wanted both.

"Come on honey, let's do your face," Rose said as Tina finished fusing with his slip. Mark followed Rose to the kitchen. Tina was behind Mark when she gave Rose her wink. Rose smiled back at Tina.

Just a taste of eye shadow, liner and then blush transformed Mark once again from a kind of soft male to a pretty female instantly. With a pink lip gloss and a slightly darker pencil for his lips Rose shivered. The wig started the makings of an orgasm and the pink hair bow that Tina brought in with the dress caused it to erupt.

"I can't believe your mother didn't dress you as a girl when you were little. I would have kept you in dresses till I had to enroll you in school and then you'd only see pants when you went to classes. And underneath.... oh my the things I'd make you wear," Rose said lustfully as she added, "diapers of course would be for night time but panties first. Until you soiled them obviously.

"Rose, will you stop! I'm dying here," Mark said moving his hand under his slips and dress to try and adjust himself. His erection was quick and painful since it had been laying sideways at first.

"Does my little sweetheart need help with that," Tina asked.

"Will you guys stop," Mark yelled as he stood and backed towards the counter.

Rose stood and moved close and began lifting Mark's petticoats till she could feel his baby pants and diaper as she carefully inserted her fingers till she found Mark's tip. Mark jerked a little but held still as Rose carefully adjusted him so his penis stood straight up and down. Mark smiled as Rose bent in and softly kiss him below the blush on his cheek.

"Thank you," Mark whisper.

"I'll give it some proper care when we get back to my house," Rose said softly as she added, "okay?"

"Yes ma'am," Mark said.

"Now, finished getting dressed so we can get you to my place," Rose said.

"You going to need the wheel chair Rose," Tina asked helping Mark into the fluffy party dress she had chosen to go over the full slip and petticoats.

"I don't think so," Rose said and then added, "that paparazzi was hoping for something but was guessing and he's left. I think we're in the clear. I'll keep Mark at my place tonight and take him home in the morning. By that time the hottest part of this news should have passed."

"Mark, you look adorable," Tina said fussing with his second dress.

"Thanks," Mark said making his own adjustments this time. It was becoming more like a Halloween kind of night than anything else and he was enjoying the attention given by the two women, especially Rose. That bit with her adjusting him earlier with promises of more had kept him hard for most of the time so far. He was anxious to go.

"Quite the sissy," Rose said moving a hand over the back of Mark's dress and giving him a pat.

"First time I've been called that and not felt bad," Mark said laughing.

"Good for you," Rose said squeezing his bottom with difficulty as she said. So, grab your diaper bag and let's get you home. My home that is."

Tina had let Mark borrow Sally's little girl Sun glasses giving him another layer of protection from the press should they run into it but that didn't happen. They were driving home along the back roads keeping to the posted speeds when Rose took a right.

"Where you going," Mark asked.

"Just thought I'd drove around a little, give you more time in your pretty little dress. You seem a little more relaxed," Rose said.

"I am. Yes, I am. Thanks, this is sort of fun actually," Mark said fluffy the dress as Rose turned left again. She came to a light that was turning yellow and slowed to a stop. Mark grew nervous as another car pulled up alongside as Mark asked, "is he looking over at me?"

"Oh no, he is? Wait, he's sitting up higher, He's looking down at your dress. You know what? I'll bet he's trying to see if you're wearing a bra. Wait, I wonder if he can see that you're wearing a diaper? I'll bet he can," Rose said.

"OH God! Do you think so," Mark said turning towards Rose as she began laughing. The light changed and with it the car sped off. The guy was lip singing to a song on his radio totally oblivious to Mark or anyone else as Mark added, "you did that on purpose!"

Rose was laughing now almost hysterically.

"You're just mean," Mark said and added, "and I just wet myself."

"Good, now I get to change your diaper," Rose said.

"Ha! I lied," Mark said and added, "there, how do you like it?"

"Why you little sneak. And I wanted so badly to change your diaper," Rose said.

"You'll just have to wait," Mark said smiling mischievously.

"I guess I will," Rose said as she checked her mirror while pulling over to the curb.

"What are you doing," Mark asked.

"Looking for a place to park. I thought since you're dry we'd go for a walk," Rose said.

"Wait? You mean out? Outside of the car? Like this," Mark said suddenly in a panic.

"Come on, it will be fun," Rose said and then added, "tell you what, we'll just walk around till you go potty in your diaper okay?"

"Okay and guess what," Mark said happily as he added, "there is no need to park because I'm wetting the diaper at this very moment."

"Well imagine that," Rose said as she gave turned on the opposite directional and looked into the left mirror before adding, "amazing how fast that happened."

"You did that on purpose," Mark said and then added, "and now I'm sitting in a wet diaper."

"And we're not that far from my place and I have a diaper bag full of dry diapers," Rose said.

"I thought I was going to get back into boy clothes when I got back to your place," Mark said.

"I thought I'd try and talk you out of doing that right away," Rose said laying her hand on Mark's knee and then sliding it up and under his petticoats.

"Oh," Mark said reacting immediately to Roses touch.

"Think I could talk you into staying in these things just a little bit longer," Rose asked as she reached his diaper and an erection that was just starting to throb.

"I think talking might not really be necessary," Mark said as Rose pressed her palm right against his baby pants and diaper as he added, "yes, in fact I'm almost sure of it!"

"I'm thrilled, because I'd like to spend some of our time discussing our options," Rose said as she turned down a rather pleasant street shaded with mature trees and well kept homes. The house she turned into was set back within a well groomed hedge on both sides and a tree covering nearly the whole front yard. What wasn't covered showed freshly painted white fence as a large garage door opened as Rose noted, "home".

"Wow, you live well," Mark said daintily entering from the garage into the kitchen. Rose had given him the diaper bag and carried in the travel bag he'd had since the pharmacy. Rose took both and walked past inviting him into the guest room. Mark followed.

There was a large fluffy dress hanging on the back of the door with a full skirt which kept the door from opening fully but Mark couldn't see all of it. He also noted a pair of shiny black Mary Jane shoes sitting below the dress but against the wall and on the bed a child's changing pad. There were other things that brought his erection to attention beginning with a shimmering nightgown still folded with panties in the same color laying on top.

Rose led Mark into the room and sat the diaper bag on the mirror dresser and opened it first to removed the partially used package of diapers. The bag of diapers now sat alone on the dresser and a single disposable sat on the bed. That was followed by baby oil, powder and from a new box of rubber gloves a single glove.

"Okay Rose, so I guess I should be asking what you plan here," Mark asked looking at things that were obviously going to be used on or for him.

"Seriously? Well precious, since coming to know you, it's all I can think about and so far you've had the lions share of satisfactions. I intend to provide you with as much of that as you can handle and hope I can reach a climax or two myself. If you don't have any objections to being teased into a fresh diaper or two," Rose said and added, "and perhaps something just as feminine as your wearing?"

"So I guess I won't be going back to my place any time soon," Mark asked.

"Not unless you want to," Rose noted.

"There are still quite a few diapers left in that package," Mark noted.

"Quite a few actually," Rose said slipping the rubber glove on her left hand and letting it snap loudly.

"I'm in no hurry," Mark said moving over to where Rose stood before he began gathering his petticoats and dress as he added, "do you want me in or out of my dress and slips?

"I'm too horny to take too much time honey so let's leave you in. Now then, would you mind laying back so I can remove that wet diaper," Rose said helping Mark back up against the bed. All of the rest of it was done in silence.

Mark laid back with his gathered slips and dress up around his chest as Rose pushed what remained up and away from his white plastic panties. Those came down and off and then she focused on his wet diaper. That went into a small can in the bathroom attached to the bedroom. A pop up baby wipe was used to clean him and then Rose used the rubber gloves to add baby oil to his penis.

To Mark's surprise Rose climbed up on the bed gathering her own slip and dress. There was a jumble of feminine layers that brought a smile to Mark's face just before Rose filled it with a baby's pacifier lifted from just beside his head on the nightstand. She left the rubber glove where the pacifier had been resting.

Mark simply nursed it willingly as he felt himself slip inside the warmth of Roses vagina as she slowly lowered herself over him. It came to Mark as she took his penis within completely that he had not made love to a woman since Betty Sue from accounting. He also noted stiffing a snicker that he was dressed as an adult man then. How much more fun and erotic this version was he thought as Rose rocked back slightly then forward again.

"Does my little sissy like this," Rose whispered with her eyes closed.

Mark felt no urge to challenge the word "sissy" and simply answered though the pacifier in his mouth. He was a sissy. He could argue it wasn't entirely his fault that he was dressed the way he was, he'd given up the right not to be called that when she pushed him back on the bed instead of insisting he get his clothes. He was in fact playing her game which was now his game and as a player he was, by default, the sissy. No, he mused, he was a sissy baby.

Mark pushed his pelvis against Rose matching her rhythm as he let go of his slips crushed against his chest to reach under Rose's own dress to cup her silken bra. It had surprised him to discover she climbed on him without first removing panties. He was surprised again when he found her breast free within her full slip and not a bra. Fondling her breast while nursing the pacifier during their loving making brought him to climax almost instantly and he grunted against the force he used to push against her.

Rose was grinding in a tight circle and pushing back as she too shuddered and softly grunted her pleasure. They did that way past the sensations and then both collapsed together on the bed. Rose leaned her head back and brought an arm up to remove the pacifier then bending down she kissed Mark on the lips. Her kiss prompting Mark to kiss back. It was a long comfortable kiss, slightly wet with Mark still inside of Rose who rotated a little as Mark shrived and slipped out.

"Now that's what I'm talking about," Mark said softly as Rose stood but bent to kiss him again before slipping the pacifier back into his mouth.

"Amen," Rose said pulling another wipe free. She cleaned herself, then another for Mark. Rose grabbed another rubber glove and tipped the baby oil over his soft penis and rubbed before she covered it in baby powder. He was powdery white from his waist to his thighs when she slipped the thick disposable under him. There was no hint of hesitation nor any delay in diapering Mark as Rose closed the diaper around him.

"Now what," Mark asked taking Roses hand as she assisted him to sit up.

"I want to see if that dress and those shoes fit," Rose said and added, "If you don't mind?"

"Not at all. I kind of thought those things were mine." Mark mused.

"That's funny that you would think that," Rose said.

"I know, right," Mark said as he stood. Rose helped him out of the dress he was wearing then the slip. Both went on a single hanger. Rose hesitated and after hanging the dress and slip on the bathroom door she just stood there looking at Mark who responded, "what?"

"Would you be offended if I told you that really is an adorable way to keep a man," Rose said.

"Really," Mark noted with his hands on his hip pouting a little as he added, "so that makes you some kind of dominate?"

"It does," Rose said and added, "which I hope doesn't scare you too much, but when they made me diaper you, I knew right then I wanted to do that again. And again. For as many times as you'd let me. Not to mention putting you into one or two dresses."

"Not to mention," Mark said.

"Which brings me to that not to mention," Rose said as she added, "are you ready?"

"I am," Mark said and then added, "are those little girl shoes really for me?"

"They are. I got all the sizes from that night and shopped the very next day believe it or not. Those are the same size as those gel flats that you've been wearing. Got you lacy socks as well. Wanted to see how juvenile I could make you," Rose said.

Rose and Mark spent the next few days exhausting themselves. Mark knew how to make love to a woman but Rose taught him things only a dominatrix would dare to teach to a man that no longer worried about an ego. Too much fun he mused as she kissed him goodbye in front of his apartment.

“Glad to be home,” Rose asked.

“If for no other reason than to rest,” Mark said.

“And to give me a chance to do laundry,” Rose added with a snicker before adding, “and charge batteries.”

“Friday,” Rose asked.

“Dinner,” Mark added.

“Something from Gerber's perhaps,” Rose added.

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Mark said.

“Pick you up here at three then, Rose said as Mark grabbed the soft sided bag he now carried.

“See you then,” Mark said

“Hi Marcy,” Mark said greeting his landlady as he opened his mail box to retrieve the dozen or so letters that flowed out of it.

“How are you,” Marcy said coming over and hugging Mark as she added, “it must have been horrible.”

“I’m over it,” Mark said as he added, “everyone involved has been really nice about it. Rose thankfully let me stay at her place till the reporters got tired.”

“Well, I’m just glad it’s over,” Marcy said and then added, “if there is anything I can do to help you, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“I won’t, and thanks,” Mark said and then added, “and you, how’s your ankle?”

“It’s fine now,” Marcy said adding, “thanks for asking.”

“Well, I’m exhausted,” Mark said yawning.

“I was going to fix myself something to eat, you hungry,” Marcy asked.

“Thanks, but no,’ Mark said and added, “I’m going to change myself, take a nice hot bath, tape on another... You know what? I’ll bet that sounded as odd to you as it did to me didn’t it? I have no idea where that came from? That’s what I mean.... I’m exhausted! Anyway, I’m going to get into bed and sleep till tomorrow.”

Marcy stood watching her young tenant take each step up the stairs as she pondered those words of his. She had always liked Mark. She had never seen him in any other context till she had met Rose, and now she was puzzled over what he had just said: “change myself” and “tape on another’.

Yes it did sound odd she mused, and it looked even more odd as he climbed the steps. What did happen that night? She would have to corner Rose when she had a chance, and what was making his bottom look so cute and puffy all of a sudden?

The end

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