Halo Cast

Halo Cast


Synopsis: When Josh was wheeled into the emergency room he didn't care what was plugged or poked into him. When his landlady arrived an hour later he was just beginning to wake up and only then did he realize he wasn't riding his bicycle anymore. Then he saw his landlady and remembered he had made her his contact in case of an accident. That's when he also saw the disposable he was tapped into.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to locations, persons living or dead is purely coincidental. There is also sex between consenting partners over the age of 18 which may include sexual fetish elements and role-playing. As always I write this for your enjoyment. A comment if able would be greatly appreciated. Hugs Mary Beth.

Players: Josh Peters, Abby Hathaway, Helen Pennyworth, Cindy Mantel

Story Part 1

According to the Highway Patrol's initial report, several things led to Josh's survival: The shallow angle of travel when he was hit. Injuries, according to first responders, suggested he was rendered unconscious immediately and most likely relaxed at second impact and finally there were lots of bushes. Were it not for the giant oleander bushes lining the freeway there would have been an autopsy report included and not simply an accident report.

Both Josh and the sedan were traveling Eastbound when the sedan, not seeing Josh, suddenly turned into him striking him hard enough that his head hit the sedan first which knocked him out. His helmet saved him but he was knocked unconscious before being tossed into the large bushes. While all of it combined to save his life there was still enough injuries to make most people cringe over the details within the report.

Diagrams of the accident with photos of Josh and his bike would make you swear he had been killed outright. The worse injury was a mild dislocation and bruising at the mid point of Josh's cervical spine. There was also a fractured left forearm, broken right forearm, sprained right knee and left ankle along with cuts and bruises suggesting his body had cart wheeled into the bushes which also matched witness accounts.

Josh by all accounts was a very lucky young man the doctor told Abby shortly after she arrived. Abby had gotten the call just as she was settling down for a fresh cup of tea with her neighbor. Josh had listed her as his only emergency contact, obviously lying about her being his "aunt" which was why she was allowed entry into his room. She was, according to the call sheet, his next of kin.

While Abby had grown very fond of her young freshman boarder she considered his fib a little aggravating. She was going to admonish him outright she had decided and was going to that first thing when she got to the hospital. She was ready to say so as she walked into the emergency room. Which all ended when she came into the room and saw him.

What gave Abby pause was watching the emergency doctor and nurses moving about him. There was an IV, bandages, electrical attachments, hoses and enough beeps and clicks to frighten anyone looking on.

They were still attaching things to Josh as Abby watched with a skilled nurse's eye. That much attention by that many people was never a good sign. On a portable light board were x-rays and it was obvious to Abby there were multiple breaks.

"Are you Abby Hathaway," a Highway Patrol officer asked coming up on Abby as she stood by the emergency doors.

"Yes," Abby said turning towards the officer. He had an aluminum storage style clipboard in his hand with a form already filled out when he came up on her.

"I just need a few questions answered if you don't mind," the officer said.

"What happened," Abby asked.

The officer tuning away from Abby and nodding towards the distrait woman sitting in the waiting room, explained.

"She made a wrong turn right into your nephew," the officer said.

The officer went on to say the lady, Helen Pennyworth, had been cited for making an illegal left hand turn, on the expressway. Unfortunately that part of the expressway was the scene of several accidents because of the break in the bushes used by the Highway patrol and service trucks. It was a common enough mistake for those not paying attention.

Helen Pennyworth, believing she had missed her turn, made an abrupt turn just as Josh was riding past connecting her left front bumper with Josh. The force of contact pushed the lower half of Josh towards her direction while his speed still carried him forward. The impact itself pushed his upper torso into her windshield impacting that before sending his entire body cart wheeling almost parallel to the bushes.

The woman seeing Abby talking to the officer jumped up and came running over, asking first if she knew the boy, then becoming nearly hysterical and promising whatever could be done would be done once Abby said yes. She would spare no expense in making sure Abby's nephew was cared for and that she would want for nothing. Abby was slightly taken back at the outburst but calmed the woman and answered the basic questions the officer had.

The woman went back to the lobby under the direction of a nurse, and the officer completed his report at the nurses station while Abby waited nearby while they continued working on Josh. All of her anger over him listing her as his contact had gone away. She hovered there every bit the aunt he'd listed her as. She recognized most of what was being done to Josh.

The sprained ankle got a wrap, his actual cuts were dressed and both arms were put into cast. They had not been using the short arm Orthopedic cast kit back when she was a nurse and she envied the nurses now. She watched in fascination as the fiberglass cast was applied to Josh's distal fracture and break of his forearms. She shook her head because he was beginning to look like he'd been in an accident.

Abby cringed a little, but nodded in satisfaction watching one of the senior nurses as the halo cast was made ready for installation. She had seen the neck x-ray on the board. She hadn't seen any fractures but clearly there'd been a dislocation. It had been a long time since she'd seen one of those and admired the care the nurse used installing it. Old feelings began to form. Abby instantly forgot completely that she was going to admonish him.

What triggered another set of feelings, albeit some very odd feelings, was also seeing her young man laying there already helpless and being tapped in a rather thick disposable diaper. Abby looking at Josh's diaper unknowingly whispered the motto for nurses learned right at the beginning of college, "mitera panta gia panta" or literally "mother, always and forever".

The nurse hearing those words nodded turned back to her work on the metal cast parts. She had heard the whisper, smiled and shook her head approvingly when she overheard Abby say the words. Only a nurse would know those words and only another nurse would understand them.

"Are you a nurse," The nurse hearing the words asked.

"I was. For many years," Abby said and then added, "injured my back and had to give it up for a time. Began sewing to earn my keep. Started making more so I stayed with that."

Josh was still laying there on the emergency room bed. There was little room on either side with curtains pulled as Abby moved out of the way.

Abby took a moment and halted a passing nurse moving into the room where Josh was to ask why Josh was diapered and not fitted with a catheter. Abby knew a catheter would be normal for injuries consistent with Josh's. Abby knowing the nurse wouldn't answer unless she knew she was talking to family told her she was Josh's aunt and guardian.

The nurse nodded her sympathy, paused to remember, looking over at Josh then did so suddenly and nodded.

"Swelling," She said.

It was mostly because of swelling she told Abby. Josh's diapers were there instead of a catheter because of some bruising around Josh's genitals. Besides his extensive body bruising there was also a little genital swelling. Perhaps a bush had made contact. Whatever it was it had bruised him enough to eliminate the option of a catheter.

"Odd seeing a baby diaper," Abby said.

Part 2

"It is odd on someone that old," the nurse agreed as she added, "especially the single tape white ones instead of the ugly adult green. Although on him, as small as he is, if you'll forgive me for saying this, isn't so odd looking."

"Actually I just noticed that," Abby said looking again at Josh and lingering this time. She had noticed that but it hadn't rung any bells till the nurse had pointed it out. That single tape baby diaper look made all the difference.

The doctor, the nurse noted, didn't want to exacerbate those injuries by inserting a tube and then expanding the bubble to hold it in - at least not yet. The nurse went on to say that the catheter would have interfered dramatically with any potential healing thus making the diapers necessary.

The nurse misinterpreting Abby’s question over why the boy was diapered like a baby and patted her arm in a calming way. She quickly added that they would most likely revisit the catheter within a few days and not to worry over it.

It was Abby then calmly noting that they were very much like Pampers style diapers if it made any difference.

The nurse caught on immediately then realizing Abby was actually admiring them as much as the nurse was.

They were adorable, the nurse noted. She went on to say that they were some kind of commercial brand the hospital used for their larger toddlers and smaller children. The nurse pointed out that they actually had gotten that one particular diaper from pediatrics. When he was first diapered the adult diapers were too big for Josh so they replaced it. Josh was in good hands the nurse reassured Abby.

Abby nodded her understanding and allowed the nurse to continue on with what she was doing in silence. Still, Abby couldn't help but smile at the sight. Josh's innocence in his sleep was compounding the look. It was very rare seeing single tape fluffy white diapers in a hospital setting and in these times, rarer still seeing someone Josh's age wearing them, but Josh carried it nicely Abby noted.

What bothered Abby profoundly, once she determined that "her" young man was going to be all right, was how much she liked the notion of Josh in diapers. She was sure it had a lot to do with it being actual baby diapers. Something about that fluffy white diaper massing in the front the way it did had a lot to do with it. It wasn't so much a motherly notion as it was some kind of dominate, and as soon as that feeling surfaced she grew more lustful.

Abby shook her head to clear it. When she allowed her emotions to settle she realized some of those feeling really were compassion caused by Josh being hurt but that lust was there as well and that was caused by the diaper itself. It was a single tape diaper not too unlike an actual baby's diaper and it was a fluffy and pure white. Abby's fantasies started with the diaper.

Wherever the hospital purchased their supply of diapers it was clear they purchased the most substantial disposable available. Abby was sure she'd never seen diapers so thick. Perhaps that was what gave her pause because she couldn't help noting, in spite of his condition, how absolutely adorable he looked.

Abby, a skilled nurse for almost three decades, had looked over Josh with a practiced eye, trying desperately to maintain a clinical view. Even so she couldn't get the image of Josh in that thick white disposable diaper out of her mind. Something about that puffy material gathering to a pillowy "V" flowing down from his waist to gather between his thighs left her breathless. Meanwhile the nurses continued fusing about him.

Abby's other concern came because of the halo cast as the nurse began installing it. This current version, Abby noted, even as modern as it was still looked medieval. Almost like a suit of armor, and with the metal bars for the head attachments at the very least was an odd looking device.

There were two forms with one immobilizing the patient to a bed while the other allowed more maneuvering. Both were designed to kept the back and neck connected as an unmovable unit or from moving separately. The one for Josh would allow him to get up and move about. It was also designed to be partially removed or "eased" to replace a two piece garment under it. Abby had a notion of what to put Josh in when the time came.

What Abby knew of Josh's injuries the plastic chest plate and metal cast, called a halo, was crucial to his recovery. The halo itself was more or less a cast of plastic heated slightly to make it moldable to form around Josh's shoulders. It was lined in sheep wool that was also fitted to the shoulders. The plastic cast and sheep wool extended down and around the chest which created a base to which metal bars are added.

Those metal bars, two in front and two at the back extended up from the chest and above the head to hold the metal halo. The halo, as Abby watched was carefully fitted to the bars before it was attached by a set of straps. Abby remembered that years ago it was held firm by pins into the head making her shudder. There was a lot of activity that lasted through several cups of coffee before Abby found Josh finally alone and stable enough for a room.

Josh was groggy and mostly out of it and after a time he was moved to a semi private room. Abby had stepped back and simply watched as one of the nurses brought in another diaper and went about the steps needed to change him. Before she left she told Abby it would be at least a few hours before the sedatives wore off and that Abby should try and get some sleep as well.

Abby decided to leave and return later. She still had a tiny bit of guilt swirling around after she pulled the curtain closed and dared to lightly caress his diaper.

Few things bothered Abby so powerfully, but those diapers on her boarder turned out to be one of them. It was unnerving and all she could muster as her reasoning was perhaps instinct of some sort. "Diapers are a mom's best friend", she mused when she finally walked back to her car for her trip home.

Josh was still out of it when Abby called later that night deciding to leave him till the following day. When Abby returned Josh was awake but still in a little pain when she walked into his room that next morning. She moved to his side, touched his good forearm and wished him a good morning. Josh had the bed sheet to his chest covering the fresh diaper when Abby came in.

“Hi Abby,” Josh said feebly. There was a guilty look on his face as he added, “I was in an accident.”

“I’ll say,” Abby said.

“And I guess they called you,” Josh said and then suddenly remembered he'd listed her and apologized.

“They did,” Abby noted as she moved her chair to give the nurse room for the tray of food.

When breakfast arrived along with a nurse to help Josh eat Abby volunteered for the chore. Josh said he wasn't very hungry but Abby insisted he at least eat the oatmeal and finish the orange juice. Abby sat the side rail of the bed down and took up the warm bowl of oatmeal and fed Josh his meal. The combination of feeding him and knowing he wore a diaper left her sitting there warming below the waist. She had to fight the urges within her.

Part 3

"So what happened," Josh asked as Abby sat, took up the bowl, mixed it a little and spooned a bite into his mouth. She did not let the notion that she was feeding a baby go by her as Josh took a mouthful of mush. Josh didn't connect the same dots but he knew he'd been diapered. He knew and cringed when a nurse came in earlier that morning to change him. He was told why he was diapered and simply settled himself to his fate. He was too sore to argue.

Abby thankfully had worn one of her larger pads as a precaution and was thankful now she had because she was instantly turned on by feeding him. Again, had she been able to see the diaper she would have orgasm instantly. As it was when she leaned over to get his orange juice she rested a hand on the bed and with her fingers just under the sheet allowing her fingertips just to touch the waterproof plastic cover of the diaper and almost nearly soaked her pad. It had only been a second but it was all she needed.

Abby told Josh what the Highway Patrolman told her. Evidently the driver of the car that hit him had not seen him in those few seconds. The dozing driver thinking she was about to miss her turn quickly made the abrupt left to try and save the moment which unfortunately caught Josh unaware.

The impact luckily was a glancing blow but that impact had threw him first back into the windshield of her car before he flew off forward and into the bushes. The impact with the windshield was what knocked him unconscious which was also what tossed him into those bushes.

As Abby continued feeding Josh they made small talk discussing some of the things Josh might need for the next few days and then over the long term. A doctor came in and explained Josh's injuries to him by starting first with the arm cast. Josh was going to be in cast for six weeks minimum, eight would be even better the doctor had noted, and that was just for the cast on his arms.

Josh's halo cast would be a little longer by four to six weeks and could go beyond that depending on the rate of bone fusion the doctor said. Josh was also fitted with braces for his knee and another for his ankle. There were multiple contusions that would heal over the next few days, with a large one at the back of his leg. He would be on pain pills for a time and he had a mild concussion from the windshield impact.

Abby, standing across the bed from the doctor took notes promising Josh would be well cared for. The doctor walking back to the end, picked up the chart for Josh's vitals and was just about done when Abby asked if she could talk with him in the hall. Abby and the doctor stepped into the hall.

“Did they tell you that I've been approved to be his care giver,” Abby noted.

“They did,” the doctor noted taking Abby’s hand.

“The reason I’m out here is he’s very sensitive to the next topic which are his diapers,” Abby said and added before the doctor could offer any comments, “doctor, he has asked me to mention that he’d like to continue with those rather than switch back to a catheter.”

“Frankly I don’t see any problem with his choices one way or another,” the doctor said and then added, “I'll make a note of that on his discharge papers. Did you have any other questions?”

“No, but I'd also like you to note on his papers and release instructions that his diapers are prescribed as well instead of the catheter so I can get them on his pharmacy order if you don't mind. Otherwise, we’re fine,” Abby noted.

“I'll do that at the desk right now. If there is nothing else, I’ll continue with my next patient, and good luck to you,” the doctor said taking Abby’s hand one last time before he turned and went down the hall.

Abby returned to the room.

"Am I good to go," Josh asked.

“He said you’re good to go, but we’re going to be managing a lot of pain for the next few days so they want to keep you here, so hang in there,” Abby said and added, “and I’m going to take over your care.”

“You are,” Josh asked in a surprised tone.

“Josh, that was naughty of you listing me as your emergency contact without telling me, but since you did so I've accepted, and that’s water under the bridge now. The thing is, you’ve already got a room and all we need to do is rent some equipment," Abby said.

"Are you sure you're okay with this," Josh asked.

"Yes. Josh, I don't want to sound too greedy, but if you go into rehab it's three months that you're not at my place. That means I’m out those three months rent so yes, I’m more than okay with it. Besides the continued rent I get wages as your care giver and I can use the money," Abby said and added, "so frankly, I don't really mind."

"That's great," Josh said.

"More or less," Abby said and then added, "Josh, there is a little down side here."

"Like what," Josh asked.

"Well, for one, this also means a little more intimacy than we’ve had since you moved it so you're going to need to be prepared for that."

“I hadn't thought about that. I’m getting nervous,” Josh said.

“Nothing to be nervous about, just something to know about,” Abby noted and then added, “I was a nurse for nearly thirty years.”

"I remember you saying that," Josh said.

"That's also going to include diapering you," Abby said quickly.

"Oh, don't worry about those. I mean that's okay, those go away as soon as I get released," Josh said and then added, "I'm getting a catheter when I leave."

"Actually the doctor said no on the catheter," Abby said and added, "I just talked with him. He was pretty clear on that, which means the diapers continue, but if you think about it, Josh changing a diaper or catheter doesn't make much difference one way or another. It's still intimate contact."

"But why don't I get the catheter," Josh asked.

"I think it's for the same reason as now," Abby said and added, "let's not worry about it now. I'm not bothered by if and you shouldn't be either."

"No, I guess not. If it doesn't to you," Josh said and then added, "but then again you're not the one that's going to be wearing them."

"You'll get use to them," Abby said running a finger along his cheek. She was going to make sure of it. At least ten diapers a day she decided. Ten diapers a day with baby wipes, lots of baby lotion and baby powder would get him use to diapers in no time.

Abby shivered.

"Are you cold," Josh asked.

"Just caught a little chill," Abby said fibbing a little as the image of Josh getting his diaper changed faded.

Part 4

Meanwhile there were things to take care of before Josh left the hospital...

Abby met the Social Worker assigned to Josh's case, in her office at the hospital and thankfully a lot of decisions were already made when Abby sat and talked with her. Gratefully a lot of extra care was coming out of the lady that had hit Josh. That lady, Helen Pennyworth, was eager to help and intended to be very generous.

Through the Social Worker Josh was granted services of an in house nurse because of his inability to care for himself, or, as the woman noted, Abby. Abby was officially listed as that nurse and, as the Social Worker noted based on prevailing rates would be well compensated.

In addition to what was already allotted by Josh's insurance there was an additional sum being provided by the woman that hit him. The Social Worker also noted that there would be a generous allowance increase for necessities which to Abby’s delight, now included his diapers over the cost of those catheters.

Abby was going to use the same diapers the hospital used, affording her a discount, but she was also considering cloth and plastic panties. The thought of pinning him into a diaper and snapping him into a pair of plastic baby pants almost forced her to go home and change. It was a wonderful feeling sitting there in the middle of an orgasm.

Abby looked at the list and what Josh was authorized to have. There was an extensive equipment list necessary to care for Josh and according to the check marks most of that would also be allowed. There was also a substantial amount of cash being provided to Josh from the woman driving the car that hit him. Abby agreed to care for Josh and signed the necessary papers as a registered nurse as Josh’s care giver.

Abby stayed with Josh another hour before she left to take care of a few things needed for his long term care. At first she remained in the parking lot just sitting, wondering what had changed before deciding it wasn't simply maternal instincts or nurses training. Abby felt a sense of something else not too unlike feelings a dominate might have over a submissive. That part was what was driving her sexual urges.

Abby shook her head, and smiled as she shook her head again slower this time to clear it before starting the car. Abby was beside herself as she pulled into the hospital supply store to meet an old friend that still worked there. The hospital had an account there and Abby found out they’d started the necessary paperwork authorizing her to make the required purchases which Abby thought was done very quickly.

How odd Abby mused. When this first happened Abby felt a twinge of anger that she was being imposed upon like this. When she saw Josh in his diapers that anger dissipated quickly to be replaced by the instinct to nurse but there was more. Much more she realized as she pushed on the large glass door of the medical supply store.

Caring for someone completely helpless required a number of things Abby knew. She hugged her friend from her past and spent a short time catching up. Abby explained what had happened to her boarder and what she needed. Lori checked the computer again to confirm there was an account and any limits imposed on it. Lori, looking surprised when she saw the authorization, said it was open ended.

To Abby’s great joy there was were three accounts paying in: One by Social Services, the other by the driver's insurance company, and the last by the driver's personal back account. Each account verified and Abby was told she was free to shop for whatever was necessary as Josh’s caregiver.

Abby grabbed a large cart and moved towards the isles to shop. She was beside herself. Never before had she felt this way caring for someone. She knew why as she moved off with Lori towards the second isle with those white fluffy diapers.

Abby was going to shop for the baby first. She put off the pleasures for the necessities. She would need waterless soap, bath wipes, baby wipes and baby powder, shampoo and diaper rash cream. She shivered over each item that went into the cart with the last a box of latex gloves and baby cream for his bottom.

Abby moved back to where Lori was and said she wanted to get both kinds of diapers, both cotton and those white disposables including those thick single tape style the hospital was using. Her friend Lori looked at her, asking again how old the "boy" was and surprised at Abby's answer.

Lori was a little confused because the only single tape styles were the baby styles but then she asked how big Josh was, at least as far as his waist size went. Abby thought about it and said he was a waist size under 25 inches which was when Lori noted their Toddler Brands. They had a Brand called Scooter that fit a toddler easily up to 27 inches which had to be the one they were using on Josh. When Lori showed Abby, she confirmed that was the one she’d seen.

Lori sat aside two shipping boxes holding four packages per box giving her twenty diapers per package which was two days worth or eight days per case. Lori suggested taking one case now and she would set up a weekly drop beginning immediately. That would cover about two weeks worth, worse case, and Lori said she would set aside another two for delivery in two weeks. Abby said that would be perfect.

Real Diapers, Abby suddenly thought, as she walked the isle of disposables and cloth. She wasn’t sure how she would mix the disposables and cloth for her baby yet but she had lots of time, she noted to herself as she walked towards the cloth section. Abby ran her hand over the individual cloth diapers she had picked them while doing the math.

Abby thought about it and would need at least five thick contoured diapers per day, with an addition two tri-folded for night time as soakers. She was looking at thirty five diapers a day plus that extra fourteen or forty nine say fifty round per week. That would be for at least eight weeks if she ignored the disposables. Mixing them would give her a good solid month between the two.

If she kept him in disposable diapers during his outings once they started his walks and cloth with plastic panties around the house and washed she would need about ten pair of baby pants she mused. 10 pair of plastic snap-on panties and for later another ten pair of pull-on when he could stand on his own to get her through to the next wash. She took up the baby pants and added those to the cart with the diapers.

She could have used a diaper service, the supply store had one, but Abby decided against that. Her reasoning, twisted slightly from an oddly forming sense of lust, was that by the time Josh no longer needed his diapers medically, he'd still willing to wear them for her and she wanted them at the house. She smiled as she loaded her shopping cart. She was certain that by the time his cast was removed he'd be happily at her breast and eager to do so in his diapers. She again found herself day dreaming and shook her head to clear it.

She moved over to kitchen aids and found a suction dinner plate not too unlike what a baby uses. The suction for the plate would keep it steady for Josh. For eating Josh would also need a plastic coated spoon so he didn't chip his teeth, a double handled mug not too unlike a sippy cup, and a special wrist pocket to hold that spoon. That wrist pocket Abby knew would hold his spoon so he could eat without the use of his fingers.

Abby also would need a plastic cover for the guest bed mattress, an Alert Pad Monitor and a Baby Cry Signaler Kit. Moreover, Abby noted happily and to her the absolute best part, Josh was about to become functionally incontinent. With his halo cast attached his mobility would be limited when he was in bed, so he was going to still need diapers for the whole time he was in his cast. Lots of diapers, she decided and the thicker the better.

There was a short legged feeding chair with an adjustable back with a serving tray that allowed Josh to sit almost upright with his halo cast when the time came. The only thing Abby didn't order but would have loved to was the white metal adult size baby crib. With his Halo he needed to sleep flat and be able to sit up and pivot. Even without the crib Abby left the store loaded for baby.

Abby's last stop, after hugging her farewell to her friend was to a fabric store for some baby print cotton and a few yards of pastel yellow satin. She had an idea for some baby shirts to slip under his Halo that she wanted to experiment with while he was still in the hospital. Abby began wondering how long it would take for him to get use to baby clothes...

Part 5

Josh was in and out of it for the next two days but fully awake on the third when Abby made her visit. An attorney for the well to do woman that had hit Josh promised everything would be taken care of and that included whatever Abby still needed. There would be some kind of settlement down the road but for now his bills were being fully paid.

Abby was reading a book by the window while Josh slept nearly his last day when he woke and felt the pangs of guilt tugging at him. Not guilt so much as humiliation that he would be going back to Abby's in diapers. He had to say something.

"Hey, you're awake," Abby said looking up and noting Josh as he started to yawn and make his limited stretches.

"Yes," Josh said.

"How are you feeling," Abby asked.

"Better," Josh said.

"Thirsty," Abby asked.

"Yes," Josh said as Abby picked up the glass with the bendable straw. She took the short bend and brought it to his lips and allowed him to take it as she held the glass. Josh took several swigs before pushing the straw free.

"Abby," Josh said as she put the glass of ice water down.

"What honey," Abby said wiping his lips with a tissue.

"Abby, I've been thinking about all this, and I've got to tell you something about my medical condition but I'm not sure how to put it," Josh said.

"Honey, don't let any of it bother you. Remember I was a practicing nurse so trust me, I've seen nearly all of this at least once," Abby said.

"But this impacts you a lot. Look, let me look into hiring someone," Josh said.

"Don't you dare and I'm a little upset that you don't trust me to care for you," Abby said and added, "now why is it you think you need someone other than me?"

"It's just that when you talked about the intimacy part I'm not even sure when now I've been so out of it... It's just that I don't think you really understood what you were going to have to put up with," Josh said.

"You're telling a nurse with thirty years experience she doesn't know what she's going to be up against," Abby asked.

"But it's like you said Abby, they've got me wearing diapers. Diapers Abby! Abby, I'll be in diapers for almost the whole time and using them. Think about that? I've got to wear diapers and worse, I've got to use the damn things," Josh said almost in frustration.

"Using your diapers? Is that what has you so upset," Abby asked.

"Yes! No! I mean yes, Abby, please, it's not just the diapers. I mean yes, it's the diapers, but there is something else besides," Josh said.

"What honey," Abby asked not sure what Josh was trying to say.

"Abby... Oh hell. Abby I don't know how to even say this," Josh said.

"Just say it and we'll decide what to do about it then," Abby said.

“Oh my God Abby I can’t even talk about it,” Josh said.

“Yes you can,” Abby said.

"NO," Josh said and then added, "I've only just found out about it myself!"

"Josh, what is it," Abby asked and then added, "I probably already know about what ever anyway so tell me."

"Abby, before you came in, the doctor stopped by. I was mostly out of it but I got the gist of it. Anyway, for the next few days or forever how long it takes for the swelling to go down, I can't allow a...," Josh said and stopped.

"For a what," Abby asked.

"Oh damn! For an erection Abby. I can't have one! Not in the condition my groin is in so I've got to use a... They are going to install.... Abby, they want me to insert an electric thing.... a plug, a device when I'm not at risk of going potty that is. Abby, I've got to... you know," Josh said stuttering, pausing then adding, "massage my prostate."

"Vibrate the prostate? Is that what you're trying to say," Abby asked.

"Yes. That's it. That's it exactly," Josh said as he tried to throw his arm over his eyes and couldn't before closing his eyes.

"There, in that box," Josh said and then added, "don't open it. The paper is under the box. Read what it says."

"Okay," Abby said lifting the box and picking up the paper Josh talked about. She read the title and then the promotional chapter beneath that:


The prostate or, “male Gspot”, is a highly sensitive spot located a few inches inside the anus. Stimulate this intimate area to have intense climaxes during masturbation or intercourse! This prostate stimulator has 10 powerful functions ranging from slow and steady to fast and pulsating. The curved shaft is designed to reach your G-spot with ease to deliver powerful vibrations where you need them most.

“Josh, is that all? I thought it was something horrendous,” Abby said and added, "it's to help you reach climax faster."

“That’s not horrendous to you,” Josh said and added, "they are going to give me something to keep me flaccid but I'll still be able to ejaculate I guess. I mean the prostate massage does that. That's got to be gross."

“Not to me. Josh, back in the day and this was a little before your time we use to have to roll our patients on their side and use our fingers in a rubber glove covered in Vaseline to do that,” Abby said.

“Wait, what,” Josh said.

“That’s right! Josh, this isn't my first rodeo,” Abby said and then added, “oh, did you think you’re the first male that’s ever had to have this done to him?”

"Abby, you're okay with that and these diapers? You're okay with all of this," Josh asked before noting again that he could have a full time nurse in-house, the attorney had noted.

"Stop it! I won't hear such a thing. Of course I will take care of you. All of it honey and I mean that. Look, I've taken care of a lot worse so I don't want to hear another word out of you about any of it," Abby said and added, "is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am," Josh said looking at Abby in surprised shock.

"Oh, and I've already talked with the counselor at school and they are going to arrange for your classes over the Internet," Abby said deflecting Josh's attention.

Abby bent in and for the first time in their relationship she kissed him on the forehead. He was no longer a boarder. Abby wondered to herself what he was and decided he was actually going to be a trained lover.

Not a lover per se because first he needed the training but she had weeks and she could have kissed that doctor. She hadn't thought about that sex till she saw the vibrator and now it was all she could think about. It wasn't going to happen over night but by the time she was finished she was now sure of how this was all going to come about.

She felt her maxi pad warming as she stood there. She decided she would stop by the sex store and find her own vibrating plug so she could share that part with Josh and she smiled without realizing it.

“What’s so funny,” Josh asked.

"What," Abby asked.

"You're smiling," Josh asked thinking it was something humiliating or embarrassing about him.

“Just having a little fantasy,” Abby said kissing Josh again.

"What kind of fantasy," Josh asked.

"I was just thinking of stopping by that same store where that came from and seeing what they had for women. Maybe find something that I could use when you're using yours," Abby said.

"Abby," Josh said in shock.

"Hey, I may be a little older than you but I'm not dead," Abby said laughing.

Josh looked at her and suddenly laughed, nodded at the kiss, and even perked up some. Maybe it wasn’t going to be as bad as it seemed.

Abby left, and found the doctor in his office, but about to go on rounds as he paused to talk about the insert. Abby couldn't believe what she was being told. The insert would gently message Josh's prostate so he was, in essence, electronically milked.

An erection wasn't the end of the world the doctor said but it wasn't recommended. Then the doctor smiled a little and told Abby that the young man could still use the device when his medical condition had passed. Abby understood. Inwardly she smiled as thought to herself that he wouldn't need that medical device by then.

Meanwhile it would have to be done twice in a 24 hour period. Three times would be best, but at least two if there was even the slightest risk of an erection. Abby understood but nearly lost it over the sensations she had. She was going to have to bring her baby to climax at least three times a day. Definitely three she decided, maybe four for the sake of his health.

Part 6

Josh would be released the following day he was told which coincided with the worse risk surrounding his damaged spleen and highest points for his pain medications. The spleen was healing nicely and Josh was on a more or less normal regiment of pain killers. The doctor saw no reason Josh couldn't go home.

Everything was ready for Josh when it came time to release him. Abby's spare room, the one between Josh's room and Abby's was ready for him when the doctor came in to sign his release. It was hard going from the bed to the wheel chair, but with Abby's neighbor Rose and her large SUV they managed.

The nurse Gail had changed him right before he left the bed. And in spite of Josh's meager protest and faux look of disgust Gail had also been able to use that vibrator earlier that morning and Abby was told with a grin from Gail that "Josh had tolerated the procedure well".

As for getting in and out of bed, Gail showed him how to roll to his side, put his feet over the beds edge and push up slowly with Abby's help. Once he was in a comfortable sitting position and well balanced he could then rise. In the standing position he could then turn, favoring his sprains, so the chair could be brought in contact with the back of his legs and the wheels locked. Only then with the wheels locked could he sit. When he stood they put him into a blue gown and tied the back to hide his diaper.

Josh was still in a fair amount of pain as they slowly and carefully moved him from the bed to the chair, then from the chair to the car. Getting him from the chair and into the SUV was difficult because he had to turn, lift and sit, then lean back and scoot in inches at a time almost to the middle before bringing his legs in. It took nearly ten minutes of slow painful moves to get him in and buckled.

Abby's neighbor Rose drove as if she had a baby on board and in the eyes of both women they did as Rose eased into traffic. Josh sat in back cushioned with pillows in the center of Rose's back seat using seat belt extenders Abby had purchased at the medical supply store. The company that had installed the bed had also installed the portable aluminum ramp in Abby's garage which cost her space for a second car but gave her wheel chair access. Besides, Abby only owned one car anyway.

Rose pulled onto the driveway and Abby went inside to open the garage door. They reversed the process after setting up the folding wheel chair and eased Josh onto the house, then the electric bed from the wheel chair. The time from the car to the bed took nearly half an hour before Josh was resting comfortably. Josh was resting on a foam wedge pillow with the remote to the TV by his hand. Abby had given him his pain med's within five minutes of the schedule with water through a straw before she left him for her room.

Abby had retreated to her own room to shower and freshen up and give Josh a chance to rest. Abby dried, stepped into a fresh pair of panties she had first lined with a pad and then added Love’s Soft Baby Lotion in key spots before her nightgown and robe. She stepped into her slippers and then checked on Josh before moving to the kitchen. Her goal was to prep his meal first, then go in and get him over a fresh diaper before milking him. She shivered in anticipation. It was like she was going to have sex.

Abby went into the kitchen, made tea and drank watching the clock slowly tick to the hour. It was agonizingly slow but it finally reached the hour. Abby got up, stretched and let the blood reach her head. She made it to Josh's room. He was still sleeping when she picked up the vibrator. It was in the shape of a finger and about as long as she checked that the two triple A batteries were still in. She checked the setting and smiled as it buzzed.

Josh stirred as Abby opened one of the diaper packages as Abby pulled a disposable diaper out, The mid size folding table held baby cream, wipes and a latex gloves box as she peeled the seal from the baby powder. Josh couldn’t turn his head and she was positive his eyes couldn’t move that far to the side as she caressed the diaper flat.

"Hi Abby," Josh said signifying he was awake.

"Hi Josh," Abby said and asked, "how are you feeling?"

"Not too bad," Josh said and added, "the pain pills really helped. So did the nap."

"Good," Abby said and then added, "so you ready for a change?"

"I am," Josh said and then quickly added, "I mean I'm wet. I mean you know a little that is. If you want, I think I can try and manage a bed pan."

"That's not going to happen," Abby said and added, "You can support your weight on that leg or arms and I've got to change that diaper anyway and besides, we've got to use the vibrator first."

"Oh, the vibrator," Josh said as if he'd never heard of it before.

“You remember that vibrator that had you in such a panic,” Abby said.

“Yes, and it still does,” Josh said.

“I've got it ready,” Abby said.

“Is that what you were just working on,” Josh asked.

“Yes," Abby said and then added, "but I had to add batteries to mine as well."

“What,” Josh said surprised.

“Yes. Don't your remember? I said I was going to stop by that same store where that came from and seeing what they had for women... Maybe find something that I could use when you're using yours," Abby said.

"I remember Abby," Josh said but then added, "but I thought you were joking."

"At my age you don't joke too much about sex," Abby said laughing.

“So you got a vibrator like I have,” Josh said.

“Almost the same only mine is a little bigger,” Abby noted.

“So you can... Wait, you’re going to... Abby, are you telling me that when I.... you are going to be... isn’t this the same as having sex,” Josh asked.

“Actually I’d said it was the same as if we were masturbating together. My idea of having sex together would like having sex together,” Abby said laughing.

“So you’re going to have a vibrator vibrating when my vibrator is vibrating,” Josh said.

“Actually my vibrator is already vibrating and yours is in my hand not doing anything so why don’t you close your eyes and I’ll get that taken care of okay,” Abby said as she turned for Josh and his bed and pulled his legs apart.

Josh watched as Abby brought his diaper over and laid it down between his legs and then brought the vibrator over. As his erection grew he worried over it causing problems but Abby quickly pulled his sodden diaper open and rolled him enough both ways to remove it.

Josh felt the coolness as she exposed him as he heard the crinkling of the fresh disposable ease under him before he was rolled back over it. Abby used a jell on the vibrator she brought over and there was the sudden pressure of something at the opening of his bottom and then more pressure and a quick sliding inside as she pushed it in. Josh felt something move inside and just as he felt that he felt the vibration. The vibration started right at the beginning and moved inwardly.

Part 7

Josh instantly groaned with pleasure as Abby rested a latex glove on top of his penis. She had dipped her latex clad fingers in the baby cream and lathered him lavishly and was sliding the soft warm glove over his growing length when he suddenly ejaculated over his stomach. It was just in time.

His first spurt would have gone at least six inches if her glove wasn't resting on top of him, the second an inch less, the third hardly anything and the next couple pulses shot blanks till he was just throbbing. Abby continued to circle his tip with the slick latex covered finger while the other hand that had been pressing the vibrator deeply within began to slowly pull it from his bottom. Josh grunted his satisfaction but kept his eyes closed as his bottom closed.

Abby remained a moment then stood perfectly still allowing Josh his time before turning for the table. Abby cleaned the vibrator first laying it over a baby wipe then cleaned Josh's bottom and stomach. She did the same to his testicles before wiping her gloves. With her gloves clean she used a wipe on his flaccid penis and once he was clean baby oiled him generously. Josh glistened with oil as she sprinkled him with baby powder.

Abby brought the fresh disposable between his legs and adjusted his penis so it laid straight before closing the flaps to tape it shut. She patted the front, bent and kissed his forehead before she began cleaning the mess from his change. Josh watched Abby at the table with her back to him. He couldn't see everything but he was sure she was removing her own vibrator. There was the faint smell of rubbing alcohol a few seconds later.

"I'll be back in a little bit with your dinner," Abby said turning to look at Josh before leaving the bedroom.

"Okay," Josh managed to say.

Josh alone in his room was savoring what had happened as the smells of his babying covered him. He caressed his diaper but felt very adult laying in his bed looking at the lacy white chiffon drapes she had installed. She said they were sheers to allow the light in. He thought they were a bit too feminine for him, but at the moment, in his bliss, she could have pink ruffles if she wanted.

Josh was suddenly thinking about what the doctor had said about doing that vibrator two or three times a day. He had at least one more session for that day, maybe two left he whispered happily. And Abby herself with a vibrator, he mused, who would have guessed.

His doctor said massaging his prostate reduced the chances of an erection thus the stress on his penis till the bruising around his urethra subsided. Abby said it was a way to get off without masturbating. She called it “milking”. Josh liked Abby’s version as he closed his eyes to that lingering pleasures.

“You liked you’re vibrator didn’t you,” Abby said coming back into the room with a tray.

“I did,” Josh said blushing as he stammered his answer. He wasn’t as bold as Abby was about such things but he managed to ask, “did you like yours?”

“Definitely,” Abby said and added, “had to go change right after I changed you. Hungry?”

“I’m starved,” Josh said looking at the tray and realizing he was looking at some things clearly meant for a baby as he added, “tell me that baby bottle isn’t for me?”

“I’m afraid so honey,” Abby said and then added, “look Josh you’ve got to understand a little about your care, and we might as well get this out of the way as soon as possible. With that Halo Cast on and those arms in cast you are about as incapacitated as you can be,” Abby said,”

“But I can use a straw,” Josh noted.

“But you can’t hold a glass,” Abby added, "and I can fix a baby’s bottle in place so you can nurse from it while I do other things. Look, you can’t even scratch yourself. That means eating and drinking is an issue. Honey, I'm going to feed you then be in the kitchen cleaning the mess I've made from lunch while you drink that bottle empty. I won't even be in the room to see you drinking from it okay. So where's the harm?”

“Fine,” Josh said.

"Abby fed Josh his meal, used a straw in a glass for his first juice then brought a pillow over for the baby bottle of juice to take after his second round of medications. Abby fluffed the pillow, used her arm to make an indentation to rest the baby bottle in and then moved it so the soft brown nipple was near Josh's mouth.

"How's that," Abby asked.

"It looks okay," Josh said.

"Josh, Abby said and then added, "you've got to put the nipple in your mouth so I can at least see if this is going to work Josh.

"Right. Sorry," Josh said allowing Abby to fix the baby bottle so the nipple slid fully into his mouth. Abby fussed with the bottle a bit trying to time it so she could be there for as long as possible without making it too obvious. When she could not push it any further she kissed him again on the forehead and left him sucking on the baby bottle.

Abby immediately went to her room, lifted her gown and robe and took up another vibrator from the nightstand. She spent the next fifteen minutes pleasuring herself with the image of Josh nursing his baby bottle wearing his diaper. She climaxed several times before she fell back exhausted.

Abby reluctantly got up and went by Josh's room and carefully looked in to see that he had fallen asleep with the baby bottle still in his mouth. She left it there. It was empty. She went to the kitchen and removed the other five baby bottles and took the packaging material off to rinse them. That first baby bottle had gone fairly easy and this next test she hoped would go just as easy as she began cleaning the kitchen.

"How are we doing," Abby said loud enough to wake Josh as she headed to the table first. Josh did wake and in doing so felt the nipple still in his mouth and began nursing it immediately before realizing he was doing so. Abby had her back to his so he quickly used his tongue to push the round rubber brown nipple from his mouth just as she turned.

"Is that empty," Abby asked reaching to take it off the pillow before taking up the pillow. Josh's face turned crimson as she let the baby bottle hover near his eyes as she reached over to put the pillow down before adding, "let's keep this close for your next bottle. Now then, how about a nice sponge bath?"

"Okay," Josh said happy to change the subject.

Part 8

Abby pealed Josh's diaper open, eased his bottom right, left while tugging it free before replacing it with a square changing pad. She had already slipped the latex gloves on and Josh happily saw that her second trip to the table was for the baby lotion and his vibrator. Like before she jelled the vibrator and oiled her glove after she eased the device between his cheeks.

His vibrator went on the instant it entered and the instant it entered Abby was stroking him with her oiled glove. His erection almost happened again, but stopped short as he instantly spurted into her glove. This time he let himself go more and allowed the moan to be less constrained, enjoying it more.

"That's my little one," Abby whispered as her finger circled his tip in delicious agony till he stopped jerking from the sensitivity. After a few moments she added, "better?"

"Oh yes. Better," Josh whispered.

"Now to other things. I've made an under garment for you in two parts to fit under your Halo cast," Abby said.

"Understood," Josh said.

"Now you're going to complain a little so let me explain my reasoning first then you can yell at me. The cotton tee they put you in before the Halo Cast is a terrible fabric to put next to someone's skin that can't scratch. Cotton has tiny hook like fibers that actually tickle which foster an itch. No one wants an itch under a cast, right," Abby asked.

"No," Josh said.

"Exactly, so the next best fabric that grabs the least would be something silky and that's the first layer of the garment I've made. It's in three layers and in two parts: a front part and back part so I don't have to take your Halo cast off," Abby said.

"Can I see it," Josh asked.

"Yes, but be aware that it's not like anything you've ever worn okay," Abby warned.

"Okay, Josh said.

"Anyway, first I got baby fleece for the middle layer then a silky layer of lingerie nylon to go next to your skin," Abby said and then added, "the baby fleece will keep you a little warmer than your cotton tee and the nylon will keep it from itching you."

"That makes since," Josh said.

"Good," There is a third layer, the outer layer and that layer will keep from binding under the cast," Abby said and added, "and finally the reason it's a little longer than a tee shirt is it will help cover the diaper once you start walking around the house. I'm making five of them."

"Okay," Josh said as Abby turned back to the table to take up a garment folded there. She lifted it and let it fall open. Josh was looking a what he would have called a white shift if he had to call it anything. He almost did till Abby separated the two halves.

"It's okay to say something," Abby said.

"It sort of looks like a dress," Josh said.

"It does doesn't it," Abby said and added, "and for practical purposes mostly is."

"So it's open at the sides," Josh said and then laughed as he added, "like a Geisha."

"Not unless you're entertaining men," Abby said.

"What," Josh said.

"You said Geisha when you referenced the gown," Abby said and then added, "a Geisha is a Japanese woman trained to entertain men. You know, with conversation and singing and dancing. You're thinking of a Kimono. That's the dress they wear."

"Oh," Josh said feeling his face redden as he added, "so how to the two halves join or do they?"

"Ribbons," Abby said as she brought the gown over to show Josh the two halves together again. Each side had one half of the ribbon as she added, "you simply tie them into little bows to join the two halves together."

"Wouldn't Velcro be better," Josh asked not sure he liked the idea of having little white bows going down each side of a shirt that looked already looked like a dress made of satin, lined in baby blanket material and nylon.

"Velcro would actually be scratchy if it touched your skin. It's a very harsh connecter. If I have time I might make a couple flare more and add buttons," Abby said.

"Flare more," Josh said and added, "what's that mean flare more? Like a skirt?"

"Make it more skirt like so it flares out, so yes I guess like a skirt. But it would give me more material to add buttons and button holes," Abby said.

"Maybe the ribbon and bow idea is okay," Josh said thinking about what a dress with a skirt flaring out would look like.

Abby hadn't thought about flaring the top into a full skirt but thanks to Josh and his suggestion she was going to do that with another set. She was also going to look at Kimonos and see if she could fashion an oversize robe of satin and cotton to cover his Halo cast when he started moving about on his own.

"Meanwhile, let's get you into the char and see if we can't get a movement," Abby said turning for the rolling potty chair Josh would be using for his number two. The chair was like an aluminum lawn chair with a flat seat designed with a hole that held a bucket. Inside the bucket was a few inches of water and additive.

Abby helped Josh sit up, turn, plant his feet then stand. She had moved the chair so it was parallel to the bed, locked the wheels and then hugged Josh to her bosom before carefully taking baby steps to turn him so his back was facing the chair. With that maneuver done she helped lower him onto the chair.

"Okay honey, try going potty," Abby said as she started stripping the bed for clean sheets. There was a linen bag that would hold the soiled linens in a draw string bag to be picked up on Friday with seven new sets of sheets left on the same day. Abby was given 16 sets which was two weeks and two days.

There were sanitized wipes, then baby wipes when Josh was done and it all went into the toilet when Abby got Josh back onto the bed sitting over a changing pad. She was going to give him his sponge bath, and help him into his new dressing gown. She wanted him into his cloth diapers and plastic pants. before dinner.

He hadn't been told about the cloth diapers and plastic panties until she brought them over and sat both on the bed.

"Is that a cloth diaper," Josh asked and then suddenly added, "wait, are those baby pants?"

"It is Josh. The disposables are great for day time use but if you're going to sleep through the night it's cloth with a soaker," Abby said and added, "you'll be a little more comfortable once they're wet as well."

"But you're going to have to wash those. A lot of those," Josh said remembering he went through almost five disposable diapers a day at the hospital as he added, "are those going to need diaper pins?"

Part 9

"Diapers pins? Yes! As for washing these, you let me worry about that," Abby said bending down as she brought the waterless towels over. She began wiping his toes and feet working her way up each leg to his thighs and stopped as she added, "we'll get the rest before I diaper you."

"Got it," Josh said realizing why Abby didn't clean his testicles and penis.

Abby carefully eased the straps of Josh's Halo cast warning Josh not the move a muscle as she tugged the garment under it straight down from either side. The two halves came down and away leaving Josh naked under the cast. She laid the new dressing gown on the bed, separated it and picked up the back first easing it under his halo cast.

Abby worked the back half of the dressing gown up between his back and the inside of his cast till it was even with his shoulders. She took up the front half of the gown and did the same till it was even with his neck and the back half of the gown. Abby fished for the ribbon ties and began making cute little bows on either side of Josh's neck working her way along the sleeve tops. There were five more bows on either side when she was done as she secured the cast again.

"Still a little sore," Josh said wincing a little as she had him move back to lay down again so she could diaper him in his first ever cloth diapers. Abby was nervous over these next steps but she was sure this was going to work as she grabbed the pillow she used to prop his baby bottle with.

"What's up," Josh asked as Abby fluffed the pillow in place.

"You've got to be thirsty and I've got to finish getting you dressed before I can get dinner ready," Abby said in a matter of fact voice.

"Oh, right," Josh said as if that all made sense. He knew he was about to get another baby bottle. There didn't seem any alternative nor reason to argue against it so he kept quiet about it.

Abby was silently thrilled as she brought the bottle of juice over and adjusted it so the nipple eased into Josh's mouth so he could nurse the soft rubber nipple. He did as soon as it entered.

Immediately she brought the baby lotion over and jelled the vibrator and after spreading Josh's legs eased it up into his bottom. With her oily hand she teased his tip just as the vibrator reached Josh's prostate. Josh ejaculated instantly oozing only small amounts into Abby's hand.

Josh's fingers resting at his sides as they've been doing since arriving but were laying on top of his new gown caressing the satin and nylon layers. It was incredibly sensuous which was layered over the sensation of nursing the baby bottle of juice. Something about nursing a baby bottle and caressing what was almost a dress while getting off left him in a wonderful daze.

Josh closed his eyes as Abby stroked him a few more minutes before cleaning him. There were more wipes, baby lotion then baby powder and finally a massive amount of diapers Josh thought. It looked like two diapers with a third folding into thirds on top of the other two that Abby eased under him.

It was a chore getting that much material under his bottom but she managed and she had to force his legs apart to the maximum to bring it between them. That too she managed and the mound was massive she brought it over to pin him into those diapers. Josh would have bet that the baby pants she was tugging up along his legs would not cover it all but they did when she finally got them settled in place.

He crinkled a little with even the slightest movement and it felt strange touching actual baby pants while nursing a baby's bottle. Not to mention that he felt like he was wearing a dress on top of it all. He couldn't turn his head but from the edges of his vision he could see the cute tiny bows that held to the two halves together.

"I'll be back with dinner in no time," Abby said. Clearly she wasn't expecting him to say anything he mused. He was only half way through his baby bottle of juice he thought as he closed his eyes and continued nursing. Abby, at the door, turned and simply leaned against the jam to admire her efforts.

Abby was looking at her baby man. Diapered, in his first dress and nursing his baby bottle and it was only his first day. Where would she be in 12 weeks when his cast was gone and she shivered.

Josh was half asleep when she came in with a tray of food. The partitioned plate stuck to the bed tray that sat over Josh's legs held meat loaf, mashed potatoes and creamed corn. In the glass with the straw juice and next to that a baby bottle of water. Through the meal Josh made nervous small talk. He was being babied and liked it and thought about talking about it, then thought otherwise.

Josh was having some very odd feelings over the whole thing but mostly about how wonderful it was and had sad he'd be when it all ended. He was more than content to take his bottle of water when the time came. He took most of the med's but cut his pain pills by half. That was a good sign Abby told him as she slipped the bottle towards his lips.

Abby promised to check on him later. She did and like before he had fallen asleep with the baby bottle in his mouth. Abby eased it out and removed the pillow before leaving him for the night covered in a new oversize yellow blanket she'd just finished with a wide satin edging to replace the one he had been using. It was styled like a baby blanket.

Over the next few days the routine pretty much stayed the same with one little test to make sure Josh was use to taking his baby bottle with his vibrator. Abby came in pretending she had forgotten it and he quickly reminded her of that although saying it was because he was thirsty and not because he wanted his bottle. Abby spent the next few days letting him get past that moment.

Her next experiment came when she began slipping the vibrator into his bottom with his diapers still on. She would undo only a single tape or diaper pin and ease the vibrator into his bottom then rub him on top of his disposable or over his baby pants and cloth diapers. Her goal was simply to get him to connect it all together, diapers, baby bottle and vibrator. It didn't take long.

She too was getting use to having sex when Josh had sex and as soon as he got his vibrator she turned her's on. She would savor the sensations as she watched him savoring his. It was a delightful way to spend those few precious moments together. Then she slipped a pacifier into her morning robe. The next set of experiments were at hand and she was ready to expand her baby man to the next level.

"I've been looking at your chart. You're completely off your pain medication and about three days past the need for any risk of an erection harming you," Abby said and then added, "but I need to ask you a really big favor and hope you say yes for my sake."

"If I can. You've been so good to me Abby, I'll do anything to help," Josh said.

"You realize what I'm saying right," Abby said and then added, "I mean about the need for the vibrator and of course the diapers. Those can end. Trouble is I don't want them to. They are just too handy right now... Of course I'm talking about your diapers. It's very convenient only because without them we would have to get you up and down a lot more to get you into that chair."

"So what are you saying," Josh asked and then added, "keep the diapers?"

"Yes," Abby said and then added, "and keep using the vibrator because I want to keep using mine as well."

"Wow, me too! I guess I hadn't thought about it even going away," Josh said and then added, "I don't want any of it to change."

"Me neither Josh," Abby said and then added, "if anything I'd like to do it more often if you're welling."

"I'm more than willing Abby," Josh said but then added with a snicker, "but I don't think I can drink that many baby bottles of juice."

"You caught on to that did you," Abby asked.

"Kind of," Josh said but then added, "but I sort of liked it after a while so I let it go on."

"So what if I offered an alternative," Abby asked and then added, "I mean we should keep the baby bottles for breakfast, lunch and dinner still but use something else for our play times other than an empty baby bottle?"

"Like what," Josh asked.

"Like this," Abby said as she pulled the baby's pacifier from her pocket. It was a soft pastel yellow nearly identical to his new baby blanket.

"Oh, I see," Josh said and then added, "I guess that would work."

"Want to give it a try," Abby asked.

"Same kind of nipple as the baby bottle. Sure," Josh said opening his mouth.

Part 10

The pain pills had ended, the need for his prostate massages had ended and Josh had lost his arm cast two weeks ago. There was a lot to celebrate that morning as they turned on to Carter Boulevard from Main. They were headed for Denny's with Josh squinting in the bright morning sunlight streaming into the cars windshield as Abby eased into the lot and found a spot not far from the doors.

"It looks so damn strange seeing you without that Halo cast holding your head still," Abby said as she put the car in park.

"It actually feels strange," Josh said reaching up to caress the fiberglass neck brace the doctor had put Josh into. He had been shocked into absolute joke this morning when the doctor came in and tossed the brace on the bed next to Josh. It was right before slipping his last X-rays into the holder and flicking on the lights.

"You don't need it," the doctor said patting the X-ray before adding, "I can't even see the hair line fracture along the third anymore."

That was how the morning ended. The next to Josh's last visit had become his last visit. Another week with the neck brace only until his muscles had strengthened and he was good to go. The nurse gave him a sheet of exercises he was to do twice a day for his neck muscles and his twelve week ordeal ended in ten.

Josh ordered a hungry man's breakfast and got through half of it before he fell back against the booth stuffed. He wore a new shirt, pants and underpants, socks and shoes for the first time that day as well. Their small talk centered about spending most of the day returning him to normal.

"It feels so strange wearing regular underwear," Josh said.

"It's a damn good thing I even thought to bring a pair with us," Abby said as she added, "but I've been bringing street clothes for your last two visits for just this reason. We can get you back in diapers when we get home."

The waitress caught that last sentence as she walked up to the table and pretended she didn't hear it as she left the change from their bill and a "to go" box for the rest of Josh's breakfast. Josh didn't make eye contact as she turned and left.

"Damn," Josh said.

"I know," Abby said and added, "come on."

"That was embarrassing," Josh said.

"She watched your bottom all the way to the car," Abby said.

"Don't tell me that," Josh said laughing as he got in on the passenger side.

Josh walked in ahead of Abby handing her his breakfast as he made his way down the hall.

"I'm going to get out of these clothes," Josh said.

"I'll be right there," Abby said taking Josh's breakfast into the kitchen. She knew why he was so excited and so was she. In the ten weeks that she had been caring for him she had been sewing feverishly. That first week she had made his two part gowns of nylon, baby cotton and satin. Each one a little longer and flaring more than the last till they were just above his knees and looking very much like a dress.

That second week she made Josh a diaper cover to match the shirt which she was calling gowns by then and so was he. He wore his first pink dress on Friday with ruffled panties and there was no mistaking it for anything else but a cute pink dress that she teased him into.

Things changed rapidly after that. Josh was watching TV when Abby came in with a tray and sat next to the bed and started painting his nails. He protested instantly but didn't move his hand and insisted she clean his nails immediately. All she did when he protested again was to push his pacifier into his mouth. She had him and he knew it and all because of that blasted vibrator.

Every time he insisted he didn't want this or that she would just stand there with his vibrating massager and tube of lubricant. There would be the wipes and her hands in those wonderful latex gloves looking all innocent like she had no idea what he was talking about.

Then she would ask...

"Really," Abby would say.

Josh in agonizing pleasure would snicker and silently force himself to ignore whenever rules might apply and give in. Abby would smile, tell Josh how happy he was making her and undo his diaper, spread his legs and gently push his vibrator into his bottom. From there it didn't matter what she wanted him to wear because he'd wear it. After the seventh week came his first dress and slip.

"How am I going to wear that wearing this Halo cast," Josh asked. How odd that was because he didn't ask if he was going to wear it, or protest wearing it, just how?

"It's for when the cast gets taken off," Abby said and added, "it's kind of your graduation dress."

Josh watched her slide the childish confection over a slip that could have easily passed for a dress itself on a dress form that she had rolled into the room. The slip was already on the form and the dress was draped over her arm. On that morning Josh had just had a movement as was just about to he helped back onto the bed when Abby stopped and left the room.

"I'll be right back," Abby said. That's when she came in with the slip and dress. She positioned the dress so she could undo the buttons and a moment later it was draping the slip. A moment after that she had Josh leaning over the bed looking at his new dress and she was sitting on a rolling stool and maneuvered herself behind Josh with his lubricated plug.

"Put your hands forward on the bed honey and relax," Abby said as she touched the plug to his butt cheeks. His rounded dildo shape vibrator, not too unlike a small penis was already vibrating as Abby gently slid it up and down to lubricate his opening with a little wiggle. Josh, as always, instinctively closed his sphincter muscles a little in anticipation of it's penetration.

"Relax precious," Abby whispered.

It was always the same sensations's. A slight tightness, a little push, tightness, more push then suddenly a firm gentle glide as Josh closed his eyes to the pleasure. He opened them after those first few seconds to continue to admire his new dress and slip.

Meanwhile Abby's hand was made slick with baby lotion and had wrapped around his penis with the fingers wrapped while the thumb was pressing against the tip. She held him as she might the neck of a coke bottle with the thumb covering the opening. Josh grunted the flood of sensations as the vibrator touched against his prostate.

"There you go," Abby said as Josh ejaculated into the tissue she held against his soft pulses. When there was no more reaction to her hand or thumb she wiped him and slowly removed his toy to clean it before removing her gloves. Josh's legs were like rubber as she helped him into bed over the changing pad.

She moved the dress and slip to the foot of the bed before she began putting Josh into his diaper. It was cloth and this time the plastic panties were pink. That was the first time he had worn pink, but it hadn't stopped there because there were panties to match the dress. The blush pink of the lace decorating the white satin of the dress was the same color of the lace ruffles across the panty.

"Seven weeks I've been looking at that dress and slip," Josh said coming out of his bedroom and into the room he'd been using since he'd been put into the Halo cast.

"Not until we get you into your diaper and baby panties," Abby said and then added, "look at that! You're not ready for big boy shorts! There is no way I'm letting you wear something that pretty without protection."

"Sorry," Josh said snickering.

Part 11

Josh use to being diapered still enjoyed the sensations that came with the act of being pinned into cloth diapers and today even more so as the triple layers came up between his legs. Twenty layers of Birdseye cotton counting the third diapers four layers now folded into thirds, laying on top of the other two.

Abby massaged the baby oil into his skin not missing any part of him and he glistened from the inside of his thighs to his navel when she picked up the baby powder. What glistened was pure white and smelling of lavender when she stopped shaking the canister over him.

Josh would never get use to that baby powder smell he mused as she pinned him into the diapers. Nor the sound that those baby pants made going under him as she fussed them between his legs before stretching them around and over his diapers to snap all five buttons closed on either side.

She was dressing him as she always did but it was agonizingly slow or seemed to be as he wished it over for the first time since it all began. It was that dress that was rushing his mind through the process. What was he thinking wanting to wear a dress he wondered.

"What am I that I can do this," Josh said in a whisper.

"Do what," Abby asked before adding, "allow me to diaper you, or the part about putting you into a pretty little dress."

"Both I guess," Josh said.

"Liberated," Abby said and added, "that accident freed both of us from our traditional social restraints. I felt it the instant I diapered you that first time. So did you."

"I guess I did," Josh said and then he to added, "I suppose I've been curious about what you guys have been wearing for all of my life and didn't realize it till that day I knew I could wear some of it."

"Exactly," Abby said and added, "and I thought I'd never baby anyone, ever, till that day in the market when I picked up a baby's bottle and held it in my hand and realized I was going to baby you."

"So I get to try on girl clothes and you get to baby someone," Josh said.

"Works out wonderfully," Abby said picking up the ruffled panties that went with the dress and gathering them.

"It does and those are adorable," Josh said losing the last of his inhibitions as he lifted his legs for the rumba panties Abby moved over his feet.

"What a sissy I am," Josh said smiling at the panties as Abby slid them along Josh's legs.

"That's sissy baby honey," Abby corrected him.

"Sorry, you're right," Josh said and added, "sissy baby." as he lifted his bottom.

When Abby lifted the dress from the dress from to get at the slip Josh's erection returned, this time pushing itself within his diaper. His penis, growing, pushed the tip along the cotton inside becoming more sensuous. It was cascading against his growing sensitivity as the excitement of dressing like a little girl grew more real.

"Here we go precious," Abby said in a new tone as she gathered the slip in a way to allow it to drop over his head and arms. The layers of silky sensuous nylon touched his chest smoothly as the straps rested gently over his shoulders. Abby didn't let that go as she grabbed the sides and twisted it around him.

"Wow," Josh said and added, "I love that swishy sound."

"Only little girls and sissy boys are lucky enough ever get to hear it this close," Abby said.

"It's wonderful," Josh said fluffing the skirt over the top of his legs.

Abby followed the slip with the dress lifting it to do the same. The puffy sleeves dropped down over his raised hands and down to his elbows as the open collar reached his head. Abby guided the rest of it down fusing with the skirt fluffing it over Josh's petticoats before she had him stand.

Standing only made it better as the weight of the dresses skirts pressed the skirts of the slips petticoats against Josh's legs. There were sensations he'd never felt, similar to what he'd felt in those first few days diapered. The lacy edge was tickling the back of his legs as Abby zipped the back of the dress up. More as she tied the sash into a bow.

Abby couldn't button the top because of his neck brace but it didn't matter... Josh was in a little girl's dress as he climbed back up on the bed for his socks and shoes.

"You're kidding," Josh said gleefully looking at the brand new Mary Jane shoes and lacy socks as he added, "real Mary Jane's?"

"Josh, you're dressing like a little girl. Did you not think you'd be wearing actual Mary Jane shoes," Abby asked and added, "seriously?"

Josh smiled at the notion as Abby scooted over on the stool to start with his lacy socks. She covered both feet and then both shoes before closing the straps on each shoe. The highly glossed shoes were a delight to look at as Abby felt the pangs of her orgasms growing within.

"There we go," Abby said.

"No wig," Josh asked.

"No, not yet. I want you looking like a cute little sissy boy for now," Abby said clipping a cute little pink hair bow to either side of his head. It only made him more sissy looking.

"What about makeup," Josh asked and added, "maybe lipstick?"

"No makeup either," Abby said and added, "I don't want lipstick on my breast."

"On your breast," Josh said and then added, "no bottle?"

"Not this time honey," Abby said and added, "this time my little sissy boy is going to get off nursing on my breast."

Josh's penis began to throb as Abby stood and took his hand and walked him to the living room. She sat on the love seat and guided Josh to sit on her lap before twisting around so his legs were sideways. With a moment to make some adjustments Josh was laying crosswise on her lap, feet together showing off his Mary Jane shoes and lacy socks.

Abby fluffed his dress and slips before she unbuttoned her robe. She was naked under it as she pulled at the robes side to expose her left breast. She made slight moves to get comfortable and allow Josh's head to rest in her arm while he settled on nursing.

Josh wasn't aware of her left arm till he felt her hand crawling into his diapers past his rumba panties and baby pants. The diapers were loose enough that she could just get her fingers in and over his erection as he started to nurse. Her thumb found his tip. Josh paused a second over the slight shock it gave him when she circled him. She kissed his forehead and he felt her lap rise a little as their rhythms synchronized.

Part 12

Josh looked up at the clock as he finished the last of this math test and raised his hand. His professor walked up the steps to his spot, took the test and nodded as Josh quietly put things away. He wasn't the last and hadn't rushed but he did miss the 3:10 bus. He had a twenty minute wait for the next one as he walked down the hall to leave the campus.

He'd been back at school for three weeks and was still getting use to things. There was no lingering pain but his neck was still stiff and that kept him out of sports and physical education for the time being. Helen Pennyworth the driver that had hit him was generous with her settlement and college would be free, so too his room and board.

Helen had also become something of a friend checking in on him and Abby from time to time. She also knew about Josh's developing taste for being a little girl taking on the blame for that but believing in the long run, as Abby did, that it would be for his own good while blaming his care and diapers on most of it. It was her endowment that allowed Abby to make the improvements on the room they shared for Josephine or Joy as he was called when he wore his little dresses at home.

Remarkably only one other person knew Josh wore diapers to school and that was now the girl that also used the handicapped stall to change her own diapers. Anyone wearing diapers knew the noise diapers make so the girl knew the noise Josh's diapers made. Josh was coming out of that stall as the girl was going in. They had made eye contact, smiled at each other nervously, and with a touch of embarrassment, then met again later on that day at the cafeteria.

She initiated contact asking if she could join him. He said yes appreciating at first a pretty girl talking to him before realizing it was "that girl". His face was a beet red as she sat her lunch down and pulled a chair out. Josh suddenly knew why she was sitting.

"So what brand diaper do you use," She asked in the middle of her sandwich. It was so quickly and casually asked that Josh had no time to consider faking an answer and told her he wasn't even sure because he got them at the hospital pharmacy. He went on to describe the accident but then exaggerated the injuries as more permanent than temporary.

"She told him she was luckier than he was, explaining she suffered from an underdeveloped bladder not big enough. Her bladder just didn't last as long as her classes. She wore a pull up most times, but they were only just adequate and was always looking for a good tape on. She preferred to wear dresses most times making it easier to change.

That's why she asked about his diapers because she was always looking for alternatives to wear. Josh, having lost his inhibitions, thanks to Abby, said she would like his diapers because they had a single tape and were fairly easy to get on and off and if she'd like she could try one of his. He said he'd bring one in a lunch bag that following day. Her name was Cindy Mantel and she was majoring in chemistry.

Josh said one other thing that left Cindy happily confused at her peer that afternoon at the end of lunch. It had come at the end of her statement when she said she preferred to wear dresses most times because it made changing easier. Josh said she was lucky that she could wear dresses and on top of that mentioned the whisper pants. When she asked about the whisper pants Josh went silent. Clearly he hadn't meant to mention those. They parted friends and planned to meet that following day at lunch.

Josh arrived home happy but that was often his state. Josh as he often did, showered and went to Josephine's or Joy's room after greeting his surrogate mother Abby with a kiss on her cheek. Joy's room was Josh's room when he wore the Halo cast and now as a little girl. It was prettier now with the exception of a dozen more fancy little dresses there were several cute retro dresses that Abby had fashioned for Joy to wear for chores. Those dresses had pinafores for Joy to do house work with.

It happened to be Wednesday which was laundry day so Josh chose one of his chore dresses and a white pinafore to wear with a white slip over his disposable diaper and nylon covered plastic panties. Abby had made Josh little girl panties without the ruffles but still lined in plastic to wear with his diapers. When she introduced them to him she had held a finger to her lips and called them "whisper panties".

Abby kissed him hello back again after his shower and slipped a diaper under his naked body within a moment of coming into his girl room. She oiled him, sprinkled him with powder, closed his diaper around him and then helped him into his whisper panties before his simple full slip and little dress. She had fashioned his dress out of a Ward's catalog while the pinafore came from a Sears pattern. He had white flats and plain socks to wear for chores as she patted his diaper and panty clad bottom.

"I've got dinner started," Abby said clipping the second of two little girl bows on either side of his head before turning for the door.

"I'll start on your intimates," Josh said dressed as Joy as he headed for Abby's room and her laundry basket. Josh mixed his baby pants, whisper panties and rumba panties with Abby's intimates in the washer as he sorted the other clothes. With the laundry started in the washer and another load sorted, he sat at the dining room table to start his homework right after sitting up the kitchen table for dinner. His own hair was long enough now to wear with two little girl clips and he had several that matched.

Abby had made Josh's favorite breaded stake with mash potatoes and mixed carrots and peas separated in a divided plate. There was juice in his sippy cup and a buttered role as she clipped his pink bib around his neck to protect the pinafore and dress. On the counter was his baby bottle. With the laundry and homework done all they had left was the kitchen dishes before sex. Something they both looked forward to before going to bed.

"Oh, I met a girl today in the oddest way. I'd just changed my diaper in the handicap stall and she was coming in to change hers and must have heard the noise mine made. We met later when she sat with me during lunch," Josh said and added, "she asked what style diaper I wore."

"Did you tell her," Abby asked.

"Funny thing is I didn't know," Josh said and then added, "I did tell her where we got them and that I'd bring her one tomorrow but not the brand."

"Come to think of it I'd have to look on the invoice myself," Abby said before asking, "is she cute?"

"She is," Josh said and then added, "and I almost told her about my whisper panties."

"Really," Abby said and added, "my little girl is getting pretty bold isn't she?"

"Too bold," Josh said.

"I don't know about that? Maybe she wants to be a diaper friend," Abby said and then added, "it would be fun to have a playmate."

"Wait? What," Josh asked.

"Wouldn't you like to have a friend to play with," Abby asked and added, "I was just thinking when you mentioned the girl how cute it would be to have someone to play dress up with. She's already wearing diapers and she already wears dresses, right?"

"She's a girl," Josh said and added, "she obviously wears dresses."

"My point exactly. It wouldn't take hardly anything to get her into a cute little girl or baby dress," Abby said and then added, "and you guys could play tea party, dollies. Dress up? All sorts of little girl games."

"First of all, I'd have to tell her about Josephine or Joy," Josh said and then added, "that's not going to happen anytime soon."

"Then how are you going to explain Josephine or Joy's room when she sees it," Abby asked.

"Wait what," Josh asked stopping the bite he had just started to take.

Part 13

"Teasing, but honey, sooner or later, someone other than me or Helen for that matter is going to know that you enjoy dressing as a girl. A little girl even," Abby said.

"Not if I can help it," Josh said and then added, "besides, why would I want anyone else to even know about this? I'm happy with just you knowing. Okay, Helen knows but she thinks I got hooked on the diapers from the accident and it was your dressing gowns that led to the dresses. That's more than enough just you two knowing."

"But don't you see, it's not. It was never going to be enough. You're too young. There was always going to be this moment. There was always going to be that day when you meet someone, someone like this girl that you might like," Abby said and added, "honey, don't get me wrong, I enjoy your company and I love sex with you, I do, but I'm old enough to be your mother. You need someone your own age."

"Okay, fine someday there's going to be someone but how will I know it," Josh asked.

"Think about it," Abby said and added, "think about how you two met. That's how you know."

"I'm not sure I'm following you," Josh said.

"Okay, let's take a look back. When you said you met that girl at lunch, how exactly did you meet," Abby asked.

"She came to the table, introduced herself and sat down," Josh said.

"Exactly," Abby said and then added, "think about that. Your cafeteria holds what? 500, 700 people and it's half full maybe and out of all those people this girl spots you? You don't find that odd?"

"It could happen," Josh said.

"Not likely," Abby said and added, "Mostly likely she followed you, saw where you sat and got her lunch before joining you."

"I hadn't thought about that," Josh said

"That's not a bad thing honey," Abby said and added, "that's actually a good thing when you think about it. What it really means is she's interested enough to go through the effort to meet you."

"I hadn't thought about it like that either but you're right," Josh said smiling at the notion that a girl might like him. How odd that was. He was never very popular with girls going through school and suddenly there was a girl that might like him for the oddest of reasons.

"Come on, let's get past dinner, a bath and you into something cute and you can pretend I'm your new girlfriend tonight while I fondle you," Abby said leaning over to brush his cheek with a finger.

Josh hurried through dinner and he did start having fantasies about Cindy as soon as he started eating again. He also began trickling into his diaper, enjoying the spreading warmth as he chewed and wondering if Cindy did the same in her diapers.

As always, Josh did his baby bath and went back to Joy's room for his cloth diapers and ruffled rumba baby pants. Abby had gotten him a new probe that he preferred now and that one started with Abby's fingers first. Their routine had changed only slightly because Josh liked Abby's intense attention.

Abby had definitely come to enjoy her role as a dominate and before focusing on Josh, inserted her own vibrator within before coming into Joy's room to tease him into a climax. As always Josh was already over the diapers she had laid out beforehand but not in his restraints. They had gotten those soft cuffs just two weeks before and had gotten a lot of enjoyment from them so far.

Abby closed the fur lined leather cuffs around Josh's wrist, then his ankles gently forcing his legs apart and his arms to the beds side. With that done Abby slipped her gloves on and dipped her fingers before lubricating the new probe.

With the probe lubricated she teased it against Josh's bottom before pushing it into him. Abby pushed it gently in, twisted it slightly and brought it out a little. She paused and did it again, deeper. Again, deeper still enjoying his moan each time. In and out, which was making her smile at the notion of Josh being more female than male.

“Do you like that honey,” She mused silently as she slipped it further in then out again.

Josh grunted a guttural yes.

"You're like a girl aren't you sweet heart," Abby whispered.

"Yes," Josh whispered back pushing against the probe. The words making him harder.

She repeated till it was in a little further. It went all the way in on the fifth or sixth push and he could feel it sliding deeply within. With his eyes still closed he felt the entire length set itself. As that happened the low vibrations began.

Just as those vibrations started Abby, with her hand covered in latex, moved to rest over his penis as her thumb touched his tip. She closed her eyes to the sensations building within her as she continued pushing and pulling on the plug within Josh. She wrapped her hand around his penis, circled his tip with her thumb and pushed on the plug firmly.

Josh arched against the restraints as he began an orgasm almost instantly into her hand. He hovered over the changing table for a time before collapsing back down again. His breath coming in gasp as his legs and arms suddenly turned to jell-o.

Abby gently eased the plug in and out a few more times till penis stopped jumping and there were no more drops coming from his penis. Abby too was catching her breath and squeezing her legs together before she took up a wipe to clean Josh's very flaccid penis. Abby pressed against it flattening it against his stomach.

"Look at that, You could wear little girl panties and no one would know you're even a boy," Abby said.

Josh bent his head to see and she was right. Josh was spent as Abby began to clean him up and undo his straps. Abby used generous amounts of baby lotion first, then baby powder over his genitals without rubbing and then more onto the back of his diaper and moist bottom. She had left him lubricated lathering him even more. She slipped another glove on and used a finger to lubricate his sensitive bottom outside before tossing the glove to pin him into the diaper.

When that was done with the baby powder she allowed him to fully settle over the soaker pad and diaper. She was careful around his genitals before she patted his bottom and inside thighs.

The diaper, super soft and twice the thickness of the ones for day use fit Josh perfectly and cuddled him. He had grown very fond of his cloth diapers. Abby had covered Josh generously in baby powder. Abby had already decided to use the thicker nighttime diapers full time and increased those with soakers. The thicker the better she'd decided. With the diaper pinned closed Josh's baby pants lined rumba panties went on easily.

Josh sat up and accepted the baby doll top before climbing down to pad his way to his bed with Abby behind him. She bent slightly and gave him a memorable swat as he climbed into bed then handed him his baby bottle of juice. Most of it would be turned into water and left in his diaper before he woke he mused as he began to nurse. Abby kissed his forehead and closed the light before heading for her room. She needed another session with her vibrator before she could close her eyes.

Josh and Cindy had made arrangements to meet outside the library before going to the bathroom they both used. It was a single stall and sink marked handicap only and few students used it.

"Did you bring it," Cindy asked about the diaper sample Josh promised. She seemed excited.

"I did," Josh said handing Cindy the lunch bag with the diaper in it from his back pack.

They reached the bathroom and went in together with Cindy going into the stall. She was in a lavender Summer dress and sweater with a soft sided back pack that she carried going in. Josh nervously stood by the counter. He couldn't see inside but he could hear and in the silence of the room the crinkle of the diaper was loud. It made him cringe knowing that's how his sounded when he removed and replaced his.

"Oh my God," Cindy said after a couple of minutes.

"What," Josh asked suddenly concerned.

"This is wonderful," Cindy said and then added, "are we alone still?"

"Yes? Why," Josh asked.

"I need the mirror," Cindy said opening the stall door.

Cindy's back pack was still on the hook and she was holding her dress and a half slip up to expose the disposable she had tapped on. The diaper fit her differently with her thighs fleshier creating a sharper "V" than when he wore his diaper and looked into the mirror. It made him gasp a little. She was adorable.

"I love these diapers," Cindy said and then added as she moved her legs back and forth in place, "no wonder you love them. Oh, they feel wonderful."

"I know, right," Josh said no longer worried what she might think about him liking him for his own reasons. He didn't need to care what she thought because she obviously thought the same.

Cindy suddenly stuck her thumb in her mouth then just as quickly removed it and the blush was obvious.

"Oh my God, did I just do that? That's was a little Freudian," Cindy said.

"Been there, done that," Josh said.

Part 14

Cindy dropped the slip and skirt of her dress suddenly looking sheepish and very embarrassed. Josh was still looking on in astonishment while trying desperately to be casual.

"What must you think of me," Cindy asked.

"That you like diapers a little," Josh suddenly blurted out. He wasn't sure he intended to say that exactly or exactly in that way but it was too late to take it back. All he could do now was soften what he thought was too harsh a reality, "maybe the way I do I guess?"

"I know what you mean. How could you not love these," Cindy said feeling the relief that came with Josh's confession as she added, "want to go find a spot and talk a little?"

"Sure," Josh said as he waited the moment it took for her to grab her backpack. They left the bathroom and walked to the exit.

"Oh God these are incredible," Cindy whispered moving close enough to bump Josh as they walked.

"Are these your first taped diapers," Josh asked when he felt safe that no one was close enough to hear.

"For baby style disposables, yes. I wear a small adult tape on but it had two tapes per side for bed but they are way too thick to wear during the day," Cindy said.

Josh knew what she meant but hearing here say "baby style" disposables was a little unnerving.

"What's the waist size on these," Cindy asked.

"I'm not sure," Josh said and then added before he could think about the ramifications of what he was saying, "my landlady buys them for me."

"Really," Cindy said and then added, "then what's your waist size?"

"Twenty two inches. I've always been too skinny," Josh said.

"You're not too skinny. If you're too skinny so am I because mine is twenty three inches. What's your chest," Cindy ask.

"Twenty five," Josh said.

"Mine too," Cindy said.

"Now how is that possible Josh asked looking at Cindy's small breast with admiration.

"You silly. Girls have two measurements. One for their bra band or chest which by the way is the same exact size as yours, and the second measurement for our breast size. Mine is twenty seven inches," Cindy said.

"So what's the letters for," Josh asked confused.

"The letter is for those inches. Okay look, take the chest measurement and subtract that from the breast measurement which is two inches, right," Cindy asked.

"Right," Josh acknowledged.

"Now take that number two for those two inches and go down the alphabet to the second letter which is B and that's my bra cup size. So my bra size is a twenty five B," Cindy said.

"Oh, I get it," Josh said.

"In your case you'd be a twenty five AA," Cindy said.

"Wait? What," Josh said as he turned and looked at her.

"You don't have any breast to speak of, so zero is given as a double A or AA," Cindy said.

"I'll have to remember that next time I'm buying a bra," Josh said.

"Most training bras take that into consideration," Cindy said.

"Why are we talking about me and bras," Josh said.

"Teasing is all. I was remembering our conversation at lunch that first time when I said I prefer wearing dresses because it made changing my diapers easier and you said how lucky I was. I was thinking about that when I got to comparing sizes and realized you and I could swap clothes easily since we're the same size," Cindy said.

"Might be some minor problems with the fact that I'm a boy and you're a girl but outside of that you're right," Josh said laughing nervously. She was getting way too close to his reality all of a sudden.

"So there was also something else you mention at that lunch Josh," Cindy said, paused and then added, "you mentioned something called whisper pants and I'm dying to know what those are?"

"Kind of personal but considering what's happened so far I guess that's the least of it now," Josh said and added, "it's because I can't wear dresses sort of. Not that I want to wear dresses mind you but for a guy that has to wear diapers, they are hard to hide."

"I can imagine," Cindy said in a show of support but said, "although it's really too bad about the dress."

"Anyway," Josh said and added, "my landlady is a seamstress, a really good one thank the stars. So, right after I started walking around again and could wear pants she started figuring out ways for me to wear them without exposing the diapers."

"Whisper pants," Cindy asked.

"Sort of," Josh said and then added, "actually, it was girl's jeans first, then those whisper pants. The lady that hit me paid for some experimentation so we bought a few pair of jeans and after some fittings found that a girls size 10 chubby fit perfectly."

"Wait a second," Cindy said and then added as they reached the doors, "you wear a girl's size 10 in pants."

"Yes," Josh said but then added, "but chubby. Waist size 25, hips 30. It's that hip size that gives me the room for the diapers. I just have to wear shirts out to cover the fact that I've got hips that look more like a girl's than a boy's."

"You wear size 10 girl's jeans," Cindy asked.

"Yes," Josh said and then asked, "why?"

"Josh, we wear the same size clothes. No, the same identical size clothes. No wonder your diapers fit," Cindy said.

"Exciting," Josh said with a touch of sarcasm and his penis was already pushed fully erect, as he added, "I mean if I was a girl I'd be jumping up and down right now."

Inside his gut was twisting in spasms of excitement as he imagined Cindy in one of his little girl dresses knowing that they would fit her perfectly and remember what Abby had said about having a playmate. Abby was right.

"Hey? Where did you go just now," Cindy asked and added, "trying to imagine yourself trying on one of my dresses?"

"No, I was imagining you trying on one of mine," Josh said before he caught himself as he added, "wait, what. What did I just say?"

Part 15

"Really? One of yours? So what sort of dresses do you wear," Cindy asked as they passed into the sunlight before added, "let's see, I've got you in girl's jeans, baby diapers and in between those whisper pants, and now dresses. I knew right away we were going to be friends, but now... I think you and I are going to be the very best of friends."

"Hold on a second! How did you put it when you got caught in the headlights? That was definitely Freudian," Josh said laughing nervously.

"Freudian? Okay, fine, I'm all ears," Cindy said snickering and then added, "but just so you know, this has got to be the best week ever."

"Why," Josh said growing relieved that she wasn't pushing him on the dress comment yet.

"Why? Are you kidding? I met a guy which by the way is a big plus for me considering my track record," Cindy said and then added, "so anyway, there is meeting you, a guy that wears diapers like I do, which is so far outside the realm of fantastic. And now I find out he likes wearing dresses? I'm still trying to wrap my head around that."

"That," Josh asked and added, "what about THAT part?"

"What," Cindy asked.

"You said you're still trying to wrap your head around THAT part," Josh said, "what's THAT mean?"

"It means how secure you are with your sexuality that you can even joke about dresses or any kind of girl stuff with a girl. Most guys faint dead away if you mention the work pink," Cindy said and added, "like those whisper pants? I'm guessing those are something to quiet the noise of the diaper right?"

"How did you know that," Josh asked.

"Duh," Cindy said and added, "common sense? You wear those whisper pants between your diaper and jeans. I'm guessing you call them whisper pants as in silent pants. Right?"

"Right," Josh said and then added, "I wear plastic pants for added protection. the plastic pants are covered in nylon so the jeans slid over the diapers. It's an idea Abby, that my landlady got from someone else. They really work well."

"Are you wearing them now," Cindy asked and then added, "what am I saying, I don't hear the crinkling of your diaper?"

"I am and that's why no crinkle," Josh said.

"Nylon panty over plastic pants," Cindy said and then added, "sounds like rumba panties without the ruffles or lacy part."

"That's funny. That's exactly what I said at first when I saw them," Josh said laughing.

"So you really don't have any hangups about wearing girl clothes," Cindy said and then added, "so what about these dresses of yours?"

"That really was a Freudian slip," Josh said.

"Right, which most psychologist believe occurs when the subconscious brings subdued wishes to the surface. You said earlier you wish you could wear a dress and then again you could imagine me wearing one of yours," Cindy said and then added, "so we or rather I know there are dresses, right?"

"Okay, yes. But not really dresses per se. More like gowns," Josh said thinking quickly as he added, "More like custom hospital gowns I guess. It was when I was wearing the Halo cast, remember me describing it to you, Abby made these two part gowns for me to wear so the cast didn't rub against me."

"I saw a picture of that contraption," Cindy said and added, "right after we talked about the diapers. I goggled it and damn that thing was ugly. So you wore gowns. What like nightgowns I suppose?"

"Kind of," Josh said and added, "nylon, some kind of baby blanket material and then satin over that. They were split in two parts that tied together. You know, it two half's because I couldn't take the cast off."

"How long," Cindy asked.

"Just long enough to cover the diaper," Josh said.

"So just like a nightgown," Cindy said.

"I guess," Josh said feeling very self conscious.

"What color," Cindy asked.

"Color? Oh you know, the usual for nightgowns! Pinks, lavenders," Josh said and then laughed as he added, "what color would they be? They were white!"

"Okay, fine," Cindy said and then added, "can't have everything. At least they were nightgowns."

"Why this interest in those nightgowns," Josh asked.

"Are you kidding," Cindy said leaning over and bumping against him affectionately as she added, "I've got a new best friend that wears diapers like I do and I just found out he likes wearing nightgowns which means he might like sleep overs."

"What? I didn't say I liked nightgowns," Josh said and added, "I said I wore them when I wore the cast and they weren't really nightgowns, they were more like hospital gowns."

"Okay, so what if I found a top that kind of looked like a hospital gown but wasn't but it was say a couple of layers of nylon, maybe in white. With panties to match but like your whisper pants to wear over your diaper," Cindy said and added, "would you wear those to sleep over at my place one night?"

"Maybe," Josh said.

"What if it had like a tiny bit... just a smidgen mind you... I'm talking just a hint of lace or maybe a little ruffle attached," Cindy asked and added, "would that scare you?"

"Just a little lace or ruffle," Josh asked smiling at Cindy's tease.

"Hardly noticeable at all," Cindy asked.

"Possibly," Josh said.

"So you'd still maybe wear it," Cindy asked.

"Most likely," Josh said.

"So when do you want to sleep over," Cindy asked.

"Holy cow Cindy? Thought this was some kind of game," Josh said leaning back as she leaned forward. They had settled on a bench along the walkway.

"I know. The thing is I want to see you in your diaper and the only way that's going to happen is getting comfortable with taking our clothes off and we've got to have a reason to do that right? So I thought hey, why not a sleep over," Cindy said and then added, "and with you okay wearing nightgowns and me having nightgowns it's perfect we have it at my place."

"It's just that I've never known anyone as bold as you," Josh said and then added, "and I'd need to let my landlady know which night because she plans dinner."

"Not a problem," Cindy said and then added, "if your hung up on my place we can do this at yours."

"No, your place would be okay," Josh said hurriedly.

"My place then," Cindy said and then asked, "is white the only color you'd wear?"

"Honestly, colors not an issue," Josh said absently as he thought about what to say to Abby.

Meanwhile, Cindy was wondering what baby doll set to wear for herself and which one to put Josh into. She smiled as she began working out how that night might play out.

Part 16

"You were right Abby," Josh said coming into the house and finding Abby in her sewing room. He kissed her on the forehead, noticed the ruffled panties she was working on which brought on an instant erection as he added, "she wants a sleep over and she's even hinted at nightgowns!"

"Nightgowns," Abby said curiously as she added, "what have you told her?"

"I told her about the night shirts you fashioned for me when I was wearing the Halo cast. She figured out what the whisper pants were for and deduced that they were rumba panties just without lace."

"Smart girl. She definitely seems worthy of being a friend and playmate," Abby said and added, "and it sounds like she already into playing dress up if she teasing you into nightgowns. Wow, my little sissy Joy has a girlfriend. I'll have to make you two matching dresses. You don't know her dress size do you?"

"Funny you should ask me that because she the same size as I am so whatever size that is?"

"You're a girl's size 10 honey," Abby said and added, "is she the same height?"

"She is," Josh said and then added, "but she's got breast. She says she wears a bra size in a twenty five B."

"Wow, she's giving you bra sizes," Abby said smiling.

"She was explaining about bras," Josh said blushing and then added, "said I was a AA."

"That's why sissies have to wear training bras," Abby said.

"So what do I do about this sleep over," Josh said and then added, "I mean are you okay with all of this?"

"What did I tell you? Of course I'm okay with this. We're having an affair. You're having a life. Go have a life, Remember what I said: There was always going to be that day when you meet someone, someone like this girl that you might like," Abby said and added, "honey, listen to me, I enjoy your company, I really do, and I love sex with you, that will never get old I do, but you really need someone your own age."

"So that means yes," Josh asked.

"Think of it another way Josh," Abby said.

"If this works out the way I think it will," Abby said and then added, "at least the way I hope it does. Then bringing her over to see Joy's room and meet your other half would be easy."

"You really think that could happen," Josh said.

"It sounds very much like she wants that to happen," Abby said

"I guess you're right. I hadn't thought about that," Josh said and then added, "so are those panties ready?"

"Just finished them for your new dress. Feel like eating a little late and playing a little? I'll pretend I'm Cindy?"

"Duh," Josh said as he turned for his bedroom to take his clothes off and leave his backpack on his bed. The lemon yellow panties Abby was holding against him and the notion of her being Cindy was too much as his erection began to throb.

Josh took a shower in record time, drying even faster before rushing into Joy's room. Abby already had the changing pad down and a disposable diaper laying open. Next to the diaper was his plug and he shuddered as Abby handed him a baby wipe. Josh had a habit of dripping a little from excitement and that started almost instantly at the sight of his new dress.

Abby had found the lemon yellow satin and matched it to a chiffon and nylon designing the little girl's dress so the bodice and skirt was satin. There was an overskirt of chiffon to match the puffy sleeves and the sleeves had an inch of satin to match the skirt and bodice. That bit of ribbon also matched the wide sash that circled the dress.

Under the dress was white crispy taffeta and under that taffeta was the lemon yellow nylon fashioned into a full slip attached to the dress. It was like wearing a bouffant slip and dress all in one. The perfect little girl's dress or in this case little sissies dress Abby had said showing Josh the finished gown just before he'd left for school.

Abby had promised to have the panties done for it by days end. The panties were "rubbing panties" Abby said. She had taken baby pants and covered them in the regular nylon panty but on top of the nylon she had added a layer of that chiffon. The layer of chiffon moving over the nylon, moving over the plastic panty caused her heart to skip.

It only got deliciously worse when she added, the lace across the bottom and around the legs to match the lace around the petticoats and puffy sleeves. The dress was on a hanger, the panties laying face down with the ruffled lace up on the bed next to the changing pad. Josh was dripping more as he moved to lay over the diaper.

"Are you going to even make it into the dress," Abby asked snickering.

"I hope not," Josh said smiling and added, "between Cindy threatening me with her sleep over talk and nightgowns and that dress Abby I don't think I'm going to.... damn!"

Abby cupped Josh's testicles as he began to ejaculate into the wipe he was still holding against his penis. He was looking at the dress after laying back holding the baby wipe with his left hand just as his right touched the disposable with his right. Thinking of Cindy, those nightgowns and seeing his new dress and those petticoats peeking from beneath it skirt was too much. He spurted explosively.

"Well, at least that confirms that my little sissy likes his new dress and panties," Abby said with a snicker, as she added, "and at least we'll be able to get you into it with a little more time."

It wasn't clear why, but Josh blushed as Abby slipped the rubber gloves on and started lubricating the plug before coming over and daintily disposing of the soiled baby wipe into the another. Josh held a clean wipe against himself as Abby gently pushed the vibrator in, paused, twisted, pulled slightly then pushed again till it was fully inside of Josh. One final push brought a final drip that Abby gathered with that last wipe.

Josh was nursing a cute little pink pacifier as Abby spent a moment rubbing the top of his penis to bring his last climax to a close. Her glove was made slick with baby lotion as she gently tugged and pulled him till he no longer reacted to her touch. With that done the gloves followed the wipes and Josh's loins turned pure white from the baby powder as Josh nursed.

Abby tugged the disposable between his legs firmly sliding the left front under the back before peeling the tape to join the layers before doing the same to the right. There was always that oddly wonderful sensation of movements coming together as the diaper slid over the small of his back and across his stomach as if to say "you're a baby now".

The smell of baby powder joining the sensation of his rubber nipple against his tongue while his penis and testicles were being caressed by his diaper were enough to actually start another erection. Or perhaps it was his dress and panties he wondered as Abby picked the panties up high enough that he saw them clearly. He was fingering his diaper as he lifted his legs for her.

"You know what precious," Abby whispered.

"What," Josh said removing the pacifier briefly from his mouth as Abby worked his rumba panties along his legs.

"I think your friend Cindy would love it if she could do this to you," Abby said.

Josh felt his penis, having shrunk a little, begin growing again within his diaper as he imagined Cindy standing there between his legs moving those shimmering panties towards his disposable. He was in one of her nightgowns.

Part 17

"Hello," Cindy said answering her phone.

"It's me," Josh said from the family room of Abby's house. The drapes were open and he was looking out at the patio but not at the patio. He was looking at the reflection in the glass, his reflection.

The dress fit him perfectly and went on right after Abby teased him into his new ruffled panties. She had been teasing him relentlessly right after he'd seen both the dress and panties. Then made it worse pretending she was Cindy even calling him her little sissy to be wearing such girlish panties.

All of it exciting him as the layers moved over each other. Chiffon over nylon over plastic was a nice mix he mused nursing the pacifier. They swished over the baby pants noisily. The attention and sensations were wonderful.

"You are becoming so evil," Josh told Abby when she pretended to be Cindy.

"Thank you," Abby said as she stopped rubbing his panties and turned for the dress.

His dress came off the hanger easily as the zipper was pulled down to the sash. There was the slip, four layers of petticoat counting the two layers of stiff tulle that made the skirt stand out, the gathered white taffeta, satin skirt and chiffon overskirt. Seven layers that Josh twirled into a circle in front of his mirror raising it up to show that last.

Josh twisted, turned, spun quickly, and circled slowly. He gathered the front, sides and simply fluffed himself till Abby insisted he get his lacy socks and Mary Jane shoes on or no dinner. As if that mattered. He could live on the looks he said taking the pacifier from his mouth to laugh and say as much. Two tiny little yellow sissy bows on either side was just enough when Abby insisted he call Cindy in his pretty little outfit after finding out about the sleep over. That happened as soon as Josh came home.

"Hey Josh, what's up," Cindy asked.

"Just getting back to you on our date," Josh said sitting on the coach that faced the patio so he could still admire his dress fluffing it as he added, "I checked with Abby and I'm good for Friday."

"Awesome. Friday it is," Cindy said and then added, "and just so you know, I just spent the day at that pharmacy. I'm on phone ordering because I don't use as many diapers as you do. I now have two stacks of disposable diapers so there are plenty when you visit and all I've got to do is pick up the phone to order more."

"That's great," Josh said.

"Guess what else," Cindy said excitedly.

"What," Josh asked.

"I saw those cloth diapers and plastic pants you talked about," Cindy said.

"Thought you might," Josh said lifting and fingering the edge of his skirt.

"Going to try them. I went ahead and purchased a package of cloth diapers and set of snap on plastic pants. For the sleep over. I thought, if you want, you could bring a set of yours with you," Cindy suggested but added quickly, "like I said, only if you want that is."

"I do. I mean I will," Josh said and then added, "do you want to borrow a pair of the whisper pants?"

"I ordered some on line," Cindy said.

"You ordered whisper pants on line," Josh asked curiously?

"No silly. No your kind of whisper pants. Actually, I ordered adult rumba panties on line which are your whisper pants but with ruffles, remember," Cindy said and then added, "not adult either I suppose. More kid sized because we both fit a girl's size 10, right?"

"I guess," Josh said.

"I'm just saying," Cindy said and then added, "your whisper pants are really rumba panties with the lace right and you wear size 10 jeans?"

"Oh that's right. You said that. I remember now," Josh said trying to sound casual as he pushed against his dress, slips, panties and diaper. His penis was throbbing. He was trying to imagine maybe seeing Cindy in her ruffled panties. He couldn't imagine her sharing such things.

"Friday then," Cindy said.

"I'll see you in school before then," Josh asked.

"No, I had one class but the teacher is out and he's given us our assignment to do on line so I'm doing it here at home. I'll have a car pick you up if you want," Cindy said.

"A car," Josh said and then added, "you mean Uber or cab?"

"No, I use a car service. Why don't I have a car pick you up at school. Say noon on Friday if that's okay? wasn't your last class before lunch?"

"It was," Josh said.

"Okay, red jacket, you've got a red jacket right," Cindy asked.

"Actually I do," Josh said.

"Great. Okay red jacket, bike rack in front of the cafeteria, noon," Cindy said and added, "white Mercedes four door.

"See you then," Josh said hanging up the phone and as he did so felt the vibrator come on as Abby bent to take his hand and tug him onto her lap. She was holding a baby's bottle of juice and a snap on bib in her hand as he maneuvered himself so he could lay lengthwise on the sofa and nurse the bottle. The vibrator was already taking hold.

"Thought you might be ready for a little play," Abby said as she snapped the plastic lined terry bib around his neck and caressed it in place before teasing the wet nipple against his lips. He held the baby bottle to allow her to easer her hand under his slips and dress unencumbered.

"OH my goodness, my little sissy is very excited isn't he," Abby whispered as her fingers eased into his diaper. Josh accidentally bit the nipple slightly when Abby slid her fingers over and around his penis but allowing her thumb once again room to circle his tip. As always it was like an electrical shock when her thumb touched him and combined with the vibrator brought him to climax instantly as he added, "that's what I wanted."

Josh had stopped nursing but the bottle dripped forcing him to swallow the juice trickling down his throat. He nurse happily as he pulsed into his diaper while Abby's grip milked him to it's end. She continued sliding up and down a few more times till the bottle was half empty and he was completely soft before she slowly removed her hand and shut the vibrator.

"I so needed that," Josh said after removing the half empty baby bottle as he added, "were you satisfied?"

"Several times honey," Abby said and added, "mine started when I put you into your ruffled panties, another with the dress and then as I stood there during your phone call watching you moving to a climax talking to Cindy. I'm beginning to really appreciate you as a sissy boy."

"Kind of a learning curve for both of us," Josh said.

"I know," Abby said as she added, "I'm on a forum and I've been sharing a lot of our exploits with other women, many of them my age. They really love your dresses."

"Wait? You've what," Josh asked.

Part 18

"Josh relax, we don't give out names or addresses or any other personal information and no pictures other than the ones I've posted of your dresses and panties. Oh, of course this bib, your room and a few other things. It's how I get the suggestions to do some of the things I've been doing? Remember honey, all of this was fairly new for me as well," Abby said and then added, "I was a nurse back in the day, not a dominatrix! Although, I suppose, some might argue otherwise."

"But I thought you knew what you were doing when all of this started? You know, on the dominatrix side. I mean you seemed to? I wasn't a sissy before this? I sort of became one because I let you... You know? I wore those special nightgowns because of you.... Wait a second," Josh said and then added, "are you saying I've only become a sissy since that forum?"

"Come to think of it, yes? I suppose so," Abby said and then added, "I've just been following their suggestions? The ones I get from the more experienced. Some of the women have been doing this for a long time. You sound disappointed? In fact, you sound very upset because of it? Why? I've really enjoyed it."

"Come to think of it, I don't know why," Josh said as he sat up and allowed Abby to unbutton his bib while adding, "it's funny, I just thought you were an expert all this time and that you know what you were doing every step of the way, and you didn't."

"And why is that a bad thing," Abby asked.

"I guess I'm a little surprised to discover I've been handled by a group. I mean I allowed it to be done, don't get me wrong, and I liked it, every bit of it, but until just now I thought it was just you. You know, just you and me. This is so wild? Up until now I've felt so confident. Now not so much," Josh said and then added, "so am I a sissy or not?"

Abby began laughing. Josh laughed too after a while but he wasn't sure why. After a time Abby stopped.

"What," Josh asked.

"Josh, honey, I hate to be the one breaking this to you but most boys don't typically wear that kind of stuff unless they are sissy," Abby said and then added, "but if it matters, it's one of the reasons I adore you."

I guess that was the dumbest questions ever asked," Josh said and added, " now I just hope Cindy is as fond of sissies as you are."

"She is," Abby said.

"Now how in the world can you know that," Josh asked.

"Josh, seriously? Think about it," Abby said and then added, "first she's into diapers and suddenly she's out getting your kind of diapers. Then she's talking about bras after getting your sizes. She knows about your Whisper Pants and immediately equates those to rumba panties and even so she doesn't panic. So yes, I think she's okay with you being a little bit sissy."

"Oh God you're right," Josh said and added, "she said that very thing and then told me she ordered rumba panties on line. She even mentioned that we were both a girl's size 10. Why would she even say that unless she was talking about her stuff fitting me?"

"Exactly," Abby said and then added, "but if that's not the case, it's at least fun imagining it right?"

"It is," Josh said as he felt one of Abby's fingers wiggling into his diaper. Abby's finger sliding the length of his erection was more than enough reason to ignore all the anxiety of being Abby's sissy in some kind of forum.

And a couple of orgasms later, along with a few more days....

Josh didn't see Cindy until the car stopped at the steps of a massive porch. He was picked up on time and the car was far from your standard. It was the ultimate Uber he mused as the driver held the door opened for him among a few looks. He could get use to this fairly quickly. So too the house he imagined as Cindy gave a quick wave.

"Who lives here," Josh asked.

"Don't say it," Cindy said and then added, "I do. It's my parents money or rather my father's. Mothers in the Bahamas. Father's in a corporate jet somewhere on it's way somewhere else and Betty our housekeeping just left for the weekend."

"Wow," Josh said and then added, "my room is 10 foot by 12 foot."

Of course he lied a little because he now had two rooms but he wasn't about to share that part.

"Mine is only slightly bigger," Cindy said and then added, "want to see it?"

"Sure," Josh said hefting his overnight bag which was really his back pack now void of his books. He had an extra pair of jeans and a tee shirt, socks and two diapers since Cindy said she had plenty.

The room was massive and very girlish but not that of a girl Cindy's age. It looked more like a room for a girl in Kindergarten.

"You play with these dolls," Josh asked.

"Not too much anymore but I did," Cindy said and added, "a lot at one time. I was alone a lot. You know, I'm really nervous."

"Nervous," Josh asked and then added, "I guess I am too."

"It's just that for all of my confidence, this... I mean you... The truth is Josh you're not only the first person I've had up here but the first boy ever," Cindy said and all of a sudden I'm really nervous."

"Down side of not dating much," Josh said and then added, "last time I hung with a girl was in fifth grade."

"Got a soda," Josh asked.

"Yes," Cindy said almost too quickly moving past Josh. He had moved into the room just past the door and hadn't turned fully so he hadn't yet seen the large soft colored pink narrow bookcase hidden behind it.

As Josh turned to walk out of the room he noticed the neatly stacked disposables on the second and third shelf. There were four stacks six diapers across the first and second narrow shelves. Below those two were two stacked cloth diapers next to several pair of plastic pants. Josh was noticing that the plastic pants were in both white and a blush pink. It had caught his attention but what had stopped him were the ruffled panties folded on the top shelf.

"Oh, I forgot that you hadn't seen my stash yet," Cindy said moving alongside Josh to swing the door so it gave Josh and unencumbered view of the bookcase.

"I was looking at your rumba panties," Josh said without even thinking about why he was looking at her rumba panties. He did realize it the moment he said it and quickly added, "those are rumba panties right?"

"They are," Cindy said moving past Josh and reaching for a pair. They were folding in half so the ruffles showed forward. When Cindy unfolded them she did so in a way that showed the back first as she added, "are these like your whisper pants? Without the ruffles obviously."

"They are," Josh said as Cindy turned back the waistband to show Josh the plastic panty inside of the nylon panty.

"Is the panty as silky over the plastic pants," Cindy asked and added, "I mean does it feel the same?"

Part 19

"What," Josh asked taking the panty when Cindy handed it to him."

"I asked if these panties feel the same as your Whisper panties," Cindy asked.

"Whisper pants," Josh said and added rubbing the panty over the plastic pants, "and yes they do. Maybe a little silkier."

"Now do me a favor, take the side seam and see how much they've got to stretch to reach your sides," Cindy said as she grabbed another pair. There were two sets of two: Two white with pink ruffles and two pink with white ruffles. Cindy grabbed a pair of pink with white ruffles and held it against her by the side seams and stretched it the way she described.

"Why am I doing this," Josh asked but already knowing the answer as he did what she asked. Josh brought the panty to his waist held it there by the seams and stretched it the way she did till both hands were at either side of his waist. His panty stretched almost exactly the same as her's did.

"Do you see that," Cindy said smiling.

"See what," Josh asked. He also know what she meant. He had stretched the panty he was holding the same exact amount as she had her's. They were both a size ten, he already knew that, but he also knew in that moment that those rumba panties would fit him as easily as they'd fit her.

"I've already tried these on," Cindy said and then added, "they fit over double diapers with a soaker easily. Oh, by the way, you were right, cloth diapers are to die for. I slept in them last night. Nice."

"I know, right," Josh said relaxing the panty he still had stretched. The notion of running from the room in a panic was easing up a little as he started to lower the panties.

"Wait a second, don't do that please," Cindy said and then added, "one more thing I want to check? It will only take a second I swear."

"Okay," Josh said as Cindy tossed the panties she was holding on her bed as she moved to a high dresser. She opened a drawer to a sea of shimmering pastels. She lifted a white glimmering bundle from the drawer and gripped it while turning back towards Josh. It fell open as she neared.

"I was looking at my nightgowns, my baby doll sets, and this one matched the rumba panties really well," Cindy said now standing in front of Josh as she started to grip the seam between the shoulder's edge and puffy sleeve to hold it up against Josh's own shoulder.

Like the panties it was obvious it would fit and if he was wearing it the panties would just peek from beneath it. Not readily exposed but he wouldn't be able to bend over.

"That's a nightgown," Josh said.

"Exactly. A baby doll top," Cindy said and added, "remember? Sleep over? Nightgown?"

"I remember. Do you remember that saying? You know the one... Me Tarzan you Jane? Well, there is one similar that goes: Me Boy you girl," Josh said and added, "as in boy's normally don't wear nightgowns?"

"I know," Cindy said stepping back blushing suddenly as she added snickering, "and that's another oops. Sorry about that."

"No big deal," Josh said caught off guard by her apology.

She folded the nightgown and transferred it to her left hand then took the panties from Josh with her right before adding those. She then went on the laying those with the pair she had originally tossed there.

"It was worth the shot. Come on, let's go get that soda." Cindy said then added, "would you still like to eat. Betty left me hamburgers and hot dogs to heat up and I've got chips. Which would you prefer? Oh, and it only takes about twenty minutes for the service to send a car so I can call them anytime."

Josh followed Cindy into the massive kitchen in silence as she invited him to sit. She opened the refrigerator and pulled two sodas from a rolling rack and sat one in front of Josh.

"Hungry," Cindy asked.

"It's still a little early yet," Josh said and then added, "what just happened?"

"It's not you Josh, it's me. Just call me Miss Pushy," Cindy said and then added, "too aggressive. I should have known better. No, I knew better, it's just wishful thinking was all. I sort of hoped that if I pushed a little you'd go along with all that."

"That I'd go along with what," Josh asked.

"You know, the ruffled panties, the nightgown," Cindy said popping her soda and taking a sip from it as she added, "I thought that would break the ice. I mean if I could get you into those things then the rest of the evening would go pretty easy."

"What would the rest of the evening be like," Josh asked popping his own soda and taking a nervous sip from it.

"Like I said Josh it's been a long with someone. Josh, I don't even know where to begin," Cindy said.

"Maybe the beginning," Josh said shrugging smiling meekly before he added, "what harm is there now?"

"True enough," Cindy said and then added, "when I first met you I nearly fainted dead away. You're only the second person that even knows about my diapers and to discover someone that wears them... Wow, that was a dream come true. The only thing missing was you're not Gloria."

"Who's Gloria," Josh asked.

"Gloria was my girlfriend," Cindy said while using her fingers as parentheses while adding "as in girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Oh," Josh said and then after a moment nodded and said, "I got it."

"Exactly! I'm bi-sexual Josh," Cindy said and added, "and Gloria sort of liked dominating me a little when I was in my diapers. When I met you I kind of fantasized you in her role. Not exactly, obviously, but when you said you had kind of worn girl's things... Stupid I know, but I've never claimed a superior intellect."

"Don't put yourself down like that," Josh said and added, "I was pretty psyched myself."

"I know and on top of all that I was lonely as hell, so when I found that you liked diapers and like I said then discovered you had worn nightgowns of a sort, which I thought might make you tolerant of real nightgowns... at least a little... well, like I said I'm no intellectual giant."

"So I could maybe play the role of Gloria," Josh asked.

"Perhaps? I'm not sure," Cindy said and then added, "yes, I guess that was the goal at first, but then seeing you up there holding the panties and with that nightgown covering you... Not Gloria. But you! I saw you playing you. Now I regret having pushed you so hard."

"Maybe it's wasn't as hard as I thought," Josh said.

"What do you mean," Cindy asked.

"I guess I ran away too fast. I mean the only difference between those rumba panties and my whisper pants is the ruffles and those ruffles are in back right? I wouldn't see them? Right," Josh said and then added, "and now that I think about it, the only real difference between the nightgown I wore when I was in the Halo cast and that one you held against me is yours is one piece. I guess, to be honest, maybe I'm not seeing a lot of difference. Maybe I might have just over reacted a little."

"So what are you saying? That you might still be interested," Cindy said.

"Depends," Josh said.

"On what," Cindy asked.

"Do you have a nightgown for yourself? I mean one that matches your rumba panties," Josh asked and added, "I'm not dressing in those things with a diaper under everything unless you're willing to do the same."

"I have an identical baby doll top to the one I showed you only it's in a blush pink that matched the rumba panties," Cindy said.

"So do we take these back up with us or put them in the refrigerator," Josh asked.

"I've got the perfect solution," Cindy said moving to a kitchen cabinet, bending down and reaching in the back for a box. She lifted the box and came out with it. It was plastic and designed for cleaning containers but was filled with baby bottles as she added, "Thank's to Betty."

She handed Josh a white one and she took pink. Both were plastic with pink tops They filled the bottles with their soda's and replaced the nipples and tops to carry so they didn't spill as they made their way back to Cindy's room.

"Still nervous," Josh asked.

"Yes, but for a different reason," Cindy said as she added, "you?"

"Yes," Josh said and then added, "we wearing disposables or cloth diapers?"

"Disposables! We can't wear cloth till bed time," Cindy said and then added, "tell then, there is plenty of time to play."

Part 20

"Here, you change in the bathroom and I'll change here in the bedroom," Cindy said handing Josh the rumba panties and nightgown from the bed. She took up her own pink pair and went back to the dresser to grab a baby doll top before heading for the bathroom. She left Josh standing there nervously holding the panty and top.

A second later the door opened slightly but just enough..

"Try on my shoes when you're dressed," Cindy said and the added, I'll wait till you knock."

"Okay," Josh said as the bathroom door closed again.

Josh could hardly wait. He had thought he'd blown it with his stupid macho display as he kicked his shoes off and removed his socks. His jeans followed and then his whisper pants. Josh folded both on the chair in the corner. He removed his shirt then quickly stepped into the rumba panties. Both hands fluffed the ruffles from the bottom to the bow.

Josh stood in front of the large door covered in mirror and admired the cute way the ruffles moved with he danced on the balls of his feet. He loved that little pink bow. Then he quickly grabbed the baby doll and eased his arm under the double layers of nylon up to the collar before bringing it over his head. He thrust an arm into the left puffy sleeve, then the right.

"Oh God that's so cute," Josh whispered as the nightgowns layers fell straight down and covered the panty. Looking at the image you could just see the panty peeking from the edge of the lacy trim of the top layer. The inside layers hem stopped at the beginning of the lace. Josh fingered both layers then did a lousy version of a curtsey.

He caressed his chest over the nightgown, then his bottom over the layers before doing the front. There was more caressing before he opened the door to the massive walk in closet. Josh looked down at the array of shoes placed neatly and slipped a foot experimentally into the first white flat he came to.

Josh was sure his foot would be too big for Cindy's shoes. It wasn't. Cindy's foot was slightly larger. For his foot to fit he'd have to put tissue in the toes he realized as he slipped the other foot into the matching flat. He saw the wigs on Styrofoam heads at the back of the closet then and wondered about those but turned for the door.

Josh wasn't sure how he looked as a girl but he was positive he looked girlish as he moved back in front of the mirror. He twisted around again holding his arms straight out before daintily pinching the hem on either side to pull it away before his curtsey. "Sissy"," he mumbled.

"Hey, you almost ready," Cindy yelled from the other side of the bathroom door.

"What? Yes," Josh said forgetting her instructions in the passion of wearing the nightgown and panties. Instantly the door came open and immediately they became twins with the exception of shoes which to the delight Cindy were already on Josh's feet when she looked.

"Do the shoes fit," Cindy asked.

"Just a tiny bit big," Josh said.

"Wonderful," Cindy said moving to the closet, entering and coming back out wearing her own pair of flats, her's in pink as she added, "nearly twins."

"Nearly twins," Josh said as Cindy rushed up and hugged him prompting him to add, "what's up."

"Wanted to feel you in nylon," Cindy said.

"How do I feel," Josh said hugging Cindy back as he asked.

"Very erotic my dear, very erotic," Cindy said sliding her arms down so both hands were resting on his puffy bottom. She gripped gently but while doing so tugged him firmly against her as she added, "oh yes, nearly perfect. Layers of girl with a boy inside."

"Wow," Josh said sliding his own hands down Cindy's back to land on her ruffles. He gently massaged her bottom doing the same while pressing against her. His erection, already there off and on since he was put into the panties and nightgown was throbbing to the beat of his heart. Or so it seemed Josh thought.

Each press against Cindy sent a wave of pleasure over him threatening his knees to collapse. Cindy's breast were crushing softly against his nightgown warm against his chest changing his priorities suddenly as Josh brought one arm up to the middle of her back. He was clinging to her and she him as the managed somehow to baby step to the bed. They began kissing then.

At first it was a light caressing as they focused on moving to the bed. Hugging and kissing continued as both reached a knee to the beds edge. Their flats fell off as they laid together facing each other scooting up without releasing. Their kissing becoming more feverish.

Cindy was first breaking their kiss to bend a little as she lifted away her baby doll top to expose her panty and diaper. Josh understood immediately her actions and he too rolled away just far enough to allow him to remove his own rumba panties and diaper. There was no thought of any additional foreplay. Time was running out for both of them as their breathing became desperate.

Cindy went back gathering Josh's nightgown as Josh straddled her. She was as wet as he was as his tip touched her and his first gentle thrust was met with her first push. He was in before he could measure the moment, then fully before he realized a second had passed as she arched forcefully with a soft groan. Josh was more guttural as he felt her warm muscles grip him.

They held like that momentarily knowing what would happen if them moved but desperate to move. Cindy was first and laid back as they kissed allowing Josh to pull to his tip before thrusting again. She met his thrust and their rhythm became a motion instantly, slowly at first but getting faster. Cindy's nails suddenly dug into Josh's back and her hips rose and a tone flowed up with her kiss. She shuddered.

Josh pushed against her and felt what he'd felt before seemingly hours ago but only a moment if he'd timed it. There was a gripping sensation and as he pushed in and something touched his own tip bringing him climax explosively. Josh wrapped his legs around Cindy's legs to held himself in that position as the first pulse erupted within her. There were several more forcing him rigid through all of them.

Cindy collapsed followed by Josh who fell over onto his back to lay alongside. Josh wasn't even sure he could catch his breath for the longest time but slowly it came back as Cindy's left hand found his right laying in between. Their fingers intertwined. Nothing was said, neither moved. Both simply laid there allowing the world to slow and catch up.

"Oh. My. God," Cindy whispered.

"Ditto," Josh said.

"Wow," Cindy said and then added, "give me a sissy any day. I wasn't sure I was going to make it."

"I know," Josh said.

"Let's get into fresh diapers so we can talk," Cindy said moving to the beds edge and getting up. She found his diaper and rumba panties and removed the still tapped diaper that she removed. She did the same to her panties before grabbing two diapers and the baby powder.

She pushed Josh's legs apart, opened the diaper and slid it under him when he lifted and tapped him into it after a generous shake of the baby powder. She helped him into his rumba panties before she in turn laid down on her back. Josh rose and opened her diaper, slid it under and covered her in white powder before taping her diaper closed. She too went back into her rumba panties before they laid together once gain. Both nursed their soda's from their baby bottles.

"Now then," Cindy said after sucking enough soda from the baby bottle that it drew air bubbles back in noisily before added, "I'd say we've broken the ice on that one wouldn't you?"

Josh was still nursing his own baby bottle while caressing his rumba panties dreamily managed a yes.

Part 21

"I could do that again," Cindy said laying next to Josh before putting the baby bottle back in her mouth.

"Mmmm," Josh managed as he continued a kind of satisfying sound.

Josh's eyes were half closed. There was no question Josh was about to drift off as Cindy turned to look. Cindy too felt it. She put her baby bottle on the nightstand and removed his before managing a cuddle. They spooned with Cindy behind Josh as she draped her arm over his waist. They slept like the dead.

It was dark outside when Josh opened his eyes to first wonder where he was. His hand found the layers of nylon that triggered a question at first then an answer bringing a smile to his face before he stretched his legs. The stretch gently woke Cindy.

"Hey baby," Cindy said sliding her hand down to rest on top of Josh's rumba panties before giving them a teasing push as she added, "is baby excited? Wet? Hungry? All of the above?

"All of the above," Josh said moving his hips against the pleasure Cindy's hand brought on. Not sure if I want to make love, eat or get into a clean diaper?"

"Nice thing is we can do it all," Cindy said and added, "that was so satisfying. Brief, but satisfying."

"It was," Josh said and then added, "what time is it?"

"Two," Cindy said and the added, "It appears we've slept past our bed time so we missed the cloth diapering as well."

"I didn't even notice," Josh said.

"Come on, let's do a shower, fresh diapers and let's see, either we're making a late dinner or early breakfast and then making love again," Cindy said kissing Josh on the back of then neck.

"Works for me," Josh said.

They left the nightgowns on top of the rumba panties before rolling their disposables into balls and tossing those. They kissed, gently at first, pressing their naked bodies together that grew into another love making session under the cascading hot water. Their shower ended with giggles, kisses and generous amounts of baby powder.

Josh carried a fresh towel onto the bed while Cindy brought the nightgowns and shower towels to the laundry shoot. Josh was diapered first with pin on diapers thickened by a triple folded soaker and covered with a cute pair of pink baby pants. Cindy too was pinned into a cloth diaper and soaker and covered in pink before they stood in front of the mirror holding hands.

"Want to try something," Cindy asked.

"Is there anything left," Josh asked.

"Oh yes," Cindy answered as she moved to her dresser after planting a gentle kiss on Josh's cheek.

She was right Josh mused as the first slip came up out of the draw. It was a full slip, white and Cindy handed it to Josh who started to gather it to put on.

"No wait! Bra first," Cindy said pulling the top drawer open and pausing a moment as if selecting one. She pulled a white one and came over to take the slip from Josh before moving to guide his hands through the straps. She fastened her bra closed around him then went to the left night stand and opened the bottom drawer there to return with two rolled bundled of socks. "Now your slip my little princess."

"Yes ma'am," Josh said with no hesitation as he brought his hands up to caress the white satin cup of the bra.

"Like it," Cindy said.

"It's like dating myself," Josh said laughing but then added, "yes, it feels odd around my chest but silky and nice on."

"Here, put your arms through," Cindy said holding the gathered slip in a way for Josh arms to slip into the straps of the slip. He did and Cindy brought it over his head. Like the bra it fit him nearly perfect falling to end just above his knee. It flaired slightly but hinted at the bulk beneath as Cindy gave his waist a gentle hug.

"Now I am a sissy," Josh said.

"No, a pretend girl," Cindy said and then added, "my pretend girl. Put your shoes back on ."

Josh slipped his feet back into the flats as he watched Cindy disappeared into her closet.

"In here princess," Cindy said from the closet.

Josh followed and stood beside Cindy as she finished strapping her own bra on. She held the second slip she'd handed to Josh after putting him into his, gathered it and allowed it to cascade down over her diaper. She had stepped into her pink flats before walking into the closet.

Cindy was organized Josh realized. Gowns at the far end to dresses near the door on one side with blouses and skirts merging into pants across the way. Cindy lifted an airy white dress that looked like chiffon and held it out before putting it back then another in white that was less fluffy. It too was silky looking and rustled some when she lifted it from the closet pole.

There was a yellow and pink version of the white dress. She held the white against Josh. Satisfied she let Josh hold the white as she lifted the pink and removed it from the satin hanger. Cindy slipped a hand, then an arm under the skirt and brought it up and over her head allowing her arms into the sleeves before it fell over her slip. The dress stopped at the very top of her knees. Josh went into his own dress before she took his hand to stand once again in front of the mirror.

"Yes," Cindy said letting Josh's hand go and disappearing into the closet. She came back out with a wig and stood in front of Josh with it. She fused it onto his head a moment stepping back, then forward again to fuss some more tugging on the curls.

"My little girl wig," Cindy said stepping back when she was satisfied. She pushed the closet door closed and again stood by Josh and took his hand. Josh was caught off guard. It was the first time he'd seen himself as a girl. His erection already pushing up in his diaper hardened instantly. He could feel the tip push up a little as it grew that extra half inch as Cindy added, "she's really cute."

"She is," Josh said picking up on the reference.

"What should we name her," Cindy asked and then added, "we know she likes to wear diapers and drink out of a baby's bottle. I think she likes wearing baby dresses as well."

"I know that for a fact," Josh said as he added, "very little girlish too."

"Little girlish! Yes, that's what I'm seeing as well," Cindy said and then pressing against the front of Josh's dress which pressed against his erection added, "so if she was to dress like a little princess I'll bet that would turn her on even more."

"I think it would turn her on a lot," Josh said and then added, "so how about Joy for a name?"

"Princess Joy," Cindy said and then added, "now that sounds really cute. Perfect! From now on, when you are in your girl clothes, you'll be known as Princess Joy."

"Okay," Josh said.

"And you'll be Little Princess Joy when you're dressed as a diapered little girl," Cindy said.

"When can Princess Joy dress like a Little Princess Joy," Josh asked.

"Oh my goodness, it looks like we might have to put off our meal a little while longer," Cindy asked and then added, "are you really interested in seeing your little girly clothes right now?"


"God, this not knowing is killing me," Abby said looking at the clock above the stove as she poured hot water over Helen's tea bag before pouring more over her own.

"They're fine," Helen said patting the back of Abby's hand.

"It's just that this has to work," Abby said and then added, "for both our sakes."

"I know, but we've got to let this play out. Helen said picking up the string on the tea bag and gently lifting it up and down as the water swirled and grew brown before adding, "Look Abby, Cindy is an adorable girl and for all intents and purposes exactly what Josh needs to wean him away from you."

"But that's the part I'm not sure about," Abby said and then added, "she's more a girlfriend and not a mother type."

"All the more reason I think it's going to work," Helen said and added, "so far you and Josh have had a kind of fetish relationship fostered by his Halo cast. You saw the need and filled it but you also saw the risk."

"I did but by then it was too late," Abby said and added, "or almost too late. God, I don't know what I would have done had you not intervened when you did. Seriously, this relationship of ours was growing so quickly and so out of control and I was watching it do so with no way to stop it."

"I know," Helen said and added, "when I talked with Dr. Madison, Hazel, about it she knew immediately what the problem was, how to address it and it was her suggestion how to search for a surrogate. It was her key words that my agency used to find Cindy. It was pure luck that Cindy was going to the same school but I think it would have still worked out."

"I'm still blown away by that agency you used," Abby said.

"All it takes is money," Helen said and thanks to Hazel's knowledge for the search parameters we found Cindy in four days. Hazel was talking to her though the match service almost immediately and the rest as they say was history. Truth is if she hadn't liked Josh's picture none of this would have worked anyway. So he gets most of the credit. All I did was bring them together."

"And us," Abby said.

"And us," Helen said smiling at Abby.

"Still, that was genius," Abby said and then added, "and this weekend was Cindy's idea of all things."

"I know," Helen said and then added, "come one, I don't want this tea, I want you."

"You're right, we can talk more in the morning," Abby said standing. Helen moved closer and hugged Abby before they both passionately kissed. Abby took Helen's hand to lead he back to bed.

Across town, and at that same exact moment, Josh just stood at the edge of Cindy's bed with his mouth open... Cindy had brought the large box out, sat it on the bed and lifted the lid, folded back the tissue paper back and lifted dress slowly letting it open in front of Josh.

"Boys are not suppose to get excited over things like that," Josh whispered as his knees threatened to buckle.

Part 22

"Where did you get that," Josh said looking at the absolute perfection of a little girl's dress. It was only a hint of pink because in the light it shimmered like water in bright sunlight. Some kind of nylon or satiny chiffon that glimmered brightly under the light. The upper most layer first then another more opaque under it but more pinkish. The whole dress was those two layers except for the puffy sleeves which was the top layer joined at the edge in ribbon to match the collar, hem and sash.

Cindy had disappeared leaving Josh alone to admire the dress but he moved closer to feel the material between his thumb and pointer finger and it was like silk. There was hardly any texture at all as he moved the two fingers together with the material between them. His penis pulsed within his diaper. There was more layers under the two skirts.

"Taffeta," Cindy said.

"What," Josh said suddenly feeling guilty that he'd been caught even caressing the layers.

"It has what is called a self slip. That's a slip that's attached to the dress. A petticoat actually and it's taffeta. Taffeta is strictly for girls because it's so noisy and crisp and smooth and luscious," Cindy said.

"Don't you mean lustrous," Josh asked.

"No honey, I mean luscious," Cindy said and then added, "luscious as in bootylicious. You know, like having strong sexual appeal. Does that not have strong sexual appeal? Is your little penis not feeling a strong sexual appeal at the moment?"

"Oh," Josh said as Cindy moved closer to rub his baby pants over his diaper before adding, "like a rock!"

"So what's in the other box," Josh asked as Cindy disappeared.

"Open it," Cindy said from the closet again.

Josh opened the box. It was nearly as big as the dress box and lifting the tissue away thought he was looking at another dress till he lifted the straps. They were satiny white and lace trimmed and attached to a nylon bodice edged in the same lace.

"Is this a slip," Josh asked as he lifted the slip till the petticoats started to come out of the box with a loud rustling as he added, "and more taffeta I suppose."

"More taffeta," Cindy said and then added as she returned with another box, "and yes that's your slip and dress and here are your shoes and socks."

"My shoes and socks," Josh said and then added, "my dress and slip? What's going on?"

"I can't tell you until you're dressed," Cindy said and then added, "and I may have to make love to you first then tell you."

"Tell me what," Josh asked.

"Tell you to come here so I can take those big girl clothes off and get you into your little girl clothes my Little Princess Joy," Cindy said.

"But we just got dressed, "Josh said teasingly.

"If you'd rather not," Cindy said stepping back.

"No," Josh said quickly as he held his arms up. Cindy snickered and began to lift the white dress Josh wore laying it gently on the bed before turning back for his slip. That she folded before removing the two bundled roles of socks and his bra. She left the wig before addling, "well Little Princess Joy, are you ready?"

"Yes," Josh said watching, expecting Cindy to pick up the slip but she turned for the closet as he added, "where are you going?"

"Panties," Cindy said, "or rather your official Little Princess Joy diaper cover."

"Oh," Josh said watching Cindy disappearing into the closet. When she reappeared she had a shirt size box but twice as deep. That too came over to the bed and she opened it. On top were two six inch bows with clips that she took up and sat next to the dress box. Josh swooned over the soft shimmering satin fabric but only briefly because Cindy was lifting the panties.

The box was big enough that the panties laid flat in the box ruffles up and what would have normally been maybe five or six rows of cute little ruffles was at least two inch wide gathered ruffles. The ruffles were huge and six at least. Not just ruffles but there was a gathering of lace around both legs and the bow made Josh gasp. It was at least two inches across and had streamers.

"It's so beautiful," Josh said.

"Definitely for a little girl," Cindy said and then added as she lifted them from the box, "still in diapers."

"What's that," Josh said seeing the embroidery on the front. It looked like a name down near the left leg if the panties were on.

"What's what," Cindy said smiling as she bent and opened them for Josh to step into them.

"That bit of embroidery," Josh said.

"Didn't even notice," Cindy said holding the panties still as she added, "here, put them on and then we'll see."

Josh stepped into the panties and Cindy lifted them to his diapers and pink plastic pants. She had to stretch the elastic waist enough to fit over the mass but they stretched more than enough and slid easily over the soft plastic. The panties were in two layers with the satin covered in a lustrous chiffon holding the ruffles. Josh ran his hands over the chiffon at the front and felt giddy almost instantly before turning for the mirror

JOY it read when he looked at the embroidery. The letters were backwards but it was clear that's what they spelled.

"Joy," Josh said and added, "that reads joy? How is that possible? I only just told you what I picked as a name?"

"Because Abby knows you as Joy," Cindy said picking up the slip as she added, "and all of this is her doing."

"Wait a second," Josh said and then added, "how is that possible? I mean how did all of this get here if? I don't understand? This is our first date?"

"Can I put you into your slip and dress while we talk," Cindy asked.

"Yes," Josh said as he watched Cindy lift the girlish bouffant slip fully from the box. She gathered it in her hands and carefully brought it over Josh's head before allowing it to cascade down over his ruffled panties. The petticoats now hanging from the bodice which started just below his breast bellowed out so he either had to bury his arms or hold them almost straight out. It was a delightful pose in front of the mirror and Josh could still see the "oy" of the word Joy on his panties with the slip on.

"Josh, our meeting wasn't as accidental as it appeared. I mean it was accidental but I knew you'd be in that bathroom at school that day because I'd been kind of stalking you. I mean I knew you used that bathroom to change your diapers." Cindy said.

"How did you know I wore diapers," Josh said.

"I was told. That is to say I was told by a woman that knew," Cindy said.

"Wait? A woman," Josh said and then added, "the women that knew was Abby... No, Abby and Helen," Josh said and then added, "was it one of them?"

"No. At least not directly. It was a woman I met that told me," Cindy said and added, "a Dr. Madison, Hazel Madison. She told me and she knew how sensitive it was because I was wearing diapers as well, remember."

"So who is this Dr. Madison," Josh asked fluffing his new dress.

"I guess she was commissioned by Helen Pennyworth or the agency that was being paid by Helen," Cindy said.

"What agency? Cindy, I'm getting a little confused. I mean I don't understand where this is going at all," Josh said.

"Josh, we were matched," Cindy said before adding, "or rather I guess I was looking for someone and I was shown a picture of you and I said I wanted you. Actually I begged her to match us."

"You begged who to match us," Josh said and then added, "wait, you begged someone for me?"

"Yes, I begged Hazel," Cindy said and then added, "you don't think you're worth begging for?"

"It's just that it's kind of flattering is all," Josh said but then frowned a little as he added, "so why were you begging? For me? Wait, who were you begging with again?"

"Hazel. Hazel is the doctor I told you about. Hazel runs a matching service for alternate life styles. I'm a member. Anyway, never had much luck with those services so I wasn't paying much attention to them, but one day I get a notice that a profile is interested in me, and it's you, or I think it's you only it turns out to be this doctor who turns out to be this Hazel, who turns out to be the owner."

"Hazel that runs this matching service contacts you pretending she's me," Josh asked.

"No, she's contacting me about you for someone else," Cindy said and then added, "she's contacting me about you on Helen's behalf I guess."

"Helen is the woman that hit me," Josh said and then added, "why would she be interested in you contacting me?"

"She wanted us to connect," Cindy said and then added, "which turns out to be exactly what I wanted to do after I saw your picture and then you in real life. Even more so after I started following you to figure out how to sort of bump into you."

"Really," Josh said and then added, "why?"

"Look at you? Do you see what you are wearing," Cindy said and then added, "that's why. The only difference between you and my last partner was your pen_is but I tend to wave those kind of things because I'm bi-sexual."

Josh looked down at the dress, lifted the slip, smiled as he did so, but quickly smoothed it down again.

"So, okay, I get you wanting to meet me, maybe why Hazel is involved by why Helen," Josh asked and added, "like I said, she's the lady that hit me?"

"Can you keep a secret," Cindy asked.

"Duh," Josh said fluffing his petticoats in an exaggerated way as he added, "as if!"

"You know that Helen and your landlady Abby are sort of a couple right," Cindy said.

"What," Josh said in surprise before added, "since when?"

"I have no idea," Cindy said and then added, "since whenever. Since long enough that I guess Abby started hoping you would find someone younger to be with."

"Oh my God," Josh said and then added, "so that's it?"

"What's it," Cindy said.

"That's why she's been so enthusiastic about me getting together with someone, with you," Josh said.

"No kidding," Cindy said and then added, "now then Princess Joy, are you ready for your pretty little dress?"

Part 23

Josh was breathless as the dress came out of the box. Some of that excitement, maybe most of it the design, but the material itself was helping his fantasies along as well. It was gorgeous. The shimmer alone gave him goose bumps but when the swishing started and that started the instant Cindy began lifting the dress he could hardly stand.

"Where do I put my arms," Josh asked.

"Into the puffy sleeves silly," Cindy said lifting the entire dress from the box.

"No, once I'm wearing it," Josh said stepping back to show Cindy what he meant by twisting a quick right, then left to flare the slip. His arms, without getting lost in the petticoats hovered over the uppermost layer nearly thirty degrees. With the dress and it's own petticoats added his arms would be straight out.

"You are such a boy," Cindy said and then added, "you've got to become a girl. You take your thumb and pointing finger, daintily pinch the edge of your skirt and prance around the room. When you're not prancing or mincing you're sitting prettily with your arms folding in your lap. Some girls, the naughtier ones sneak a hand under all of those layers and play a little. I can help you with that."

"You're teasing me," Josh said.

"Of course I am," Cindy said before adding as she let the sash fall. "and that's only going to get worse when I get you into these new layers honey."

"It's a conspiracy," Josh said and then added, "and you were in on it!"

"I was right there almost from the start," Cindy said as she lifted the dress and carefully guided it over Josh's blond hair while adding, "I actually imagined this day when Abby started describing the dresses she wanted to make for you. She said you had the makings of an adorable girl that day we met and I agreed immediately."

"You saw pictures," Josh asked.

"Duh," Cindy said and then added, "I took a few of them myself once we were connected. I mean before we met that is."

"I can't believe I've been set up by a bunch of women," Josh said guiding his arms into the dress's puffy sleeves.

"Disgusting," Cindy said fluffing the dress's layers over the layers of petticoat. The taffeta rustled nosily as she did so creating a delicious sensory overload for Josh as Cindy fluffed the skirt and slips around the petticoats as she added, "imagine ladies doing this to some poor boy. If it were me, I'd put on at least one lacy sock, a shiny Mary Jane shoe and stomp a foot. I mean if it were me that is."

"Is that sarcasm," Josh asked holding his arms out as Cindy moved to his left first to fix the puffy sleeve on that one before moving to the right side. He was right about the layers. The dress, once it rested over the slips was almost straight out from the waist. It was a massive affair of fluffy layers.

"Keep your arms up while I do the sash," Cindy said bending in from behind to kiss his cheek.

"Fine, but I'm still not over this conspiracy yet," Josh said.

"And you shouldn't be honey," Cindy said taking up the long satiny wide strip in both hands. She found the ends, joined them and tugged both till they were even. The wide sash slid over his waist making an odd sound as it did so bringing another smile to his face as Cindy tugged it firm from behind. Josh knew there was a bow in the making as she added, "you know what I would do?"

"What," Josh said.

"When the ladies get here for tea, I wouldn't let them see your ruffles. At least not right away. I'd be firm on that," Cindy said as she continued fusing with the bow.

"What do you mean when they get here," Josh said.

"They're coming for tea honey," Cindy said and added, "oh, I didn't mention that did I? I'm sorry. Abby and Helen are coming by this morning to see how we are getting on. I promised I'd have our little sissy boy in his new dress for their visit. But, since you're so upset over this horrible conspiracy I think you should resist letting them see your panties. At least at first. Even if Abby puts a hand under your dress."

"Sarcasm again," Josh said with a smirk. His erection, already pushing on and off was pushing hard against his diaper again as he added, "tea?"

"Yes and you're serving," Cindy said before adding, "which might be a problem."

"What," Josh said as Cindy, sitting on the bed to do the sash suddenly slipped both hands around Josh's ruffled panties towards the front. Her fingers met there but near the edge slid under the layers so the inside knuckles of her index fingers were both brushing against his warm testicles within his diaper as Josh moved back to half sit in her lap.

"How are you going to keep from showing off your ruffles when your serving tea," Cindy said as she laid her fingers over the front of Josh's silken panties and began rubbing him gently. He sat motionless in her lap facing the mirror on her closet door admiring the massive layers of girlishness he was in and suddenly began ejaculating into his diaper.

Josh moaned as he stiffened and leaned back slightly as Cindy continued to rub over his panties. She felt her own warmth as she squirmed a little under him. She could easily get use to this she mused as she thrust against his weight while at the same time hugging him around his diapers, plastic pants and ruffled panties. She would change him for their love making she decided.

"Thought you might need that," Cindy said after licking her lips moist.

"Thank you," Josh whispered.

"Ready for your pretty little shoes and socks," Cindy asked.

"I'm not sure. I don't think my legs are working," Josh said as she began to stand.

Cindy pushed him from behind with both hands on his panties at the sides, half on his ruffles near the leg openings and half on his legs. He stood and then she stood, turned and exchanged seats. Josh caught the huge bow that Cindy had tied from the sash at the back of his dress. When he turned he twisted a little and the twist raised the slips and dress and brought one side up an inch showing more panty and two ruffles. He smiled at the look.

"You are such a girl," Cindy said kneeling with a sock in her hand as she added, "and we've got to finish before you're two aunties get here."

"Co-conspirators you mean," Josh said.

"Exactly," Cindy said slipping a ruffled sock over Josh's foot. She closed the last strap on his patent leather Mary Jane and then bought his shoes together in her hands kissing each knee before she stood as she added, "hair bows and then we go get the fixings for tea and your pinafore. They're going to be here any minute."

"Who," Josh asked in a sudden panic.

"Helen and Abby," Cindy said looking at the clock as she added, "I promised them morning tea and you."

"Wait a second. You're serious? I thought that was a joke? How is that possible," Josh said standing there like a deer in a set of headlights as he added, "you guys set me up and now you expect me to perform like... what?"

"Not perform Josh," Cindy said moving close and kissing him as she added, "it's more like showing off. Josh we didn't set you up. This isn't so much a conspiracy as a celebration. Oh my no. Josh do you have any idea what you've gone? No, you don't have a clue do you?"

"What," Josh said definitely.

"Want to start with me? Yes, let's start with me," Cindy said and then added, "I was devastated when my girlfriend left. I thought I'd never find another person like her. Never! But guess what? I did and he's standing right here, right now. Then there is Abby. A lonely middle age woman who by her own admission said she was brought back to life when she had to start taking care of you. A woman too old for any of the dating scenes suddenly put together with another middle age women also too old that couldn't stand the thought of maybe crippling a young man. All coming together. All because of you."

"But all this," Josh said fluffing the dress and slips and kicking out a little girlish shoe.

"Do you want to end it," Cindy said and added, "say the word. Seriously say the word and I'll help you out of it. and we'll all have tea together with you in your boy clothes and not another word said of this. I could take you anyway you want if that's what you want. I'd rather have you this way but I can have you any way you chose. Come on and turn around, we don't have much time."

"Wait, I didn't say I wanted to end it, exactly," Josh said still stroking the dress as he added, "it's just that... Well, you could have warned me is all."

"I did," Cindy said.

"I mean about the tea," Josh said and added, "you could have warned me about the tea sooner."

"I apologize," Cindy said and then added, "if I promise more panty rubs later will that make up for it?"

"Yes," Josh said smiling.

Just then the door chimes rang.

Part 24

"Oh God, they're here," Josh said.

"Wow, why are you so nervous," Cindy asked and added, "these are friends."

"With the exception of you, no one else has seen me dressed this way," Josh said.

"Oh man, that's funny," Cindy said and added, "you do realize that it was Abby who made all of this right? For you right? And it was Helen who most likely saw it while she was making it?"

"How would Helen have seen it," Josh asked as they both headed for the large ornate doors.

"The same way that they've been having their affair sissy," Cindy said and then added, "I suspect you go to school and Helen stops by. Helen leaves and you come home from school? Or something like that."

"Oh," Josh said as he stood off to Cindy's left as Cindy approached the door.

"Hello, welcome," Cindy said genuinely happy to see both Abby and Helen standing there. Cindy stepped forward to hug Cindy first then Helen as they walked in. Abby saw Josh immediately and gasped instantly and froze. Helen came up alongside of Abby and stood there. Cindy turned and moved the foot or so to stand alongside of Helen. Josh was standing there facing all three women lined up looking back at him.

"This is making me really nervous," Josh said before adding, "someone has to say something."

"You're cuter than I thought you'd be," Helen said.

"You're adorable," Abby said and then added, "can't wait to see what you look like with the bonnet on."

"Told you, silly boy," Cindy added.

Josh blushed.

"So we're having tea, right," Abby asked.

"And Josh here is serving it," Cindy said.

"Josh? Who is Josh," Abby said.

"Sorry, you're right," Cindy said and then added, "my bad. Joy here is serving tea. She's got the water on the burner ready to heat."

"This way," Josh said pointing to the kitchen but allowing for the women to pass first.

"Not on your life," Abby said as she added, "please, if you don't mind, we'll follow."

"Fine," Josh said smiling as he turned fast enough to flair the skirts and slips. If it was a show they wanted so be it he mused as he started to walk towards the kitchen.

"Oh my God," Abby whispered.

"I know, right," Cindy whispered back.

"You know I can still hear you guys," Josh said.

"You know you're adorable right," Cindy said and added, "and we can see at least one row of ruffles when you walk."

"That's Abby's fault," Josh said snickering.

"Thank you Abby," Helen said laughing.

Josh went to the stove and turned the burner on under the large tea kettle as the ladies sat at the table. The small table was set for four but the forth cup sat in front of a sippy cup with the lid off and laying next to it. On the counter was a baby's bottle laying upside down next to the nipple and cap drying on a paper towel. Josh hadn't thought about the baby bottle being there till he turned back with the steaming kettle. He also flushed crimson over the notion of using the sippy cup but Cindy had thought it would be cute at least having it sit there.

"So, you guys have been together since my accident," Josh asked when he poured the last cup of hot water over his tea bag. The kettle sat back on the strove and Josh smiled again noting how intently he'd been watched when he turned back towards the table.

"Four rows that time," Abby said.

"At least," Helen said.

"I think I saw the very edge of the fifth row but I can't be sure," Cindy said.

"Stop it," Josh said smiling as he added, "you're going to make me paranoid to even turn around in front of you guys if all you're going to do is count the rows of lace."

"That's what women do with men in lace," Helen said before adding, "although I'm wishing I knew about diapers and plastic pants sooner in my life. It would have made some of my partnerships a lot more interesting."

Josh looked at Abby who blushed a little but didn't say anything.

"So when did you come together," Josh asked.

"While you were recovering in your Halo Cast and still taking your pain pills," Abby said.

"Right at the end of the pain pills," Helen said before adding, "it was getting harder when the pills ended because you started waking easier."

"And when did you start looking for someone for me," Josh asked.

"Right away," Helen said and then added, "that was my idea. I knew Abby would be conflicted if you didn't have a way to transition away from her so I sat out to make that happen. I wanted you happy so I could make her happy. It looks like it worked."

"It worked," Josh said.

"Why thank you Josh.... Joy," Cindy said and added, "and that is mutual for me."

"I was kind of mad at first then I realized I had no reason to be," Josh said.

"You didn't, but I understand why you might think you did," Abby said reaching over to pat Josh's hand as she added, "which brings up another topic."

"What's that," Josh asked.

"Helen and I are moving in with each other," Abby said.

"Oh," Josh said feeling his stomach tighten. He knew what was coming. Threes a crowd.

"Helen's house is nearly three times bigger than mine which means it would be far more practical for me to move in with her than her in with me," Abby said before adding, "which leaves my house with just you in it."

"I know," Josh said and added, "so how long do I have?"

"Well, if you were living there rent free and had the place to yourself, how long would you use it? I guess that's the question I'd ask. My suggestion is to leave Joy's room the way it is, turn my sewing room into your study, turn your bedroom into a guest room and move your bedroom into my room," Abby said before added, "if it were me."

"Seriously," Josh asked.

"Seriously," Abby said and then added, "Josh, Helen has agreed to pay off the mortgage so you can live there rent free. That's happening come Monday. Should take about two days for all of it to settle. I'm leaving the furniture and taking just my personal things so the movers won't need more than a couple of hours. That happens Wednesday. It's just the bedroom and sewing room. The rest you can reorganize with Cindy's help."

"Absolutely," Cindy said.

"We'll be in Europe," Helen said handing Josh a booklet.

"What's this," Josh asked.

"A savings and checking account," Helen said before adding ,"to help with paint and stuff."

"We can transfer the car Wednesday before we leave," Abby said and added, "you'll have to pay for your own insurance in January of next year."

"My head is swimming," Josh said as he added, "I'll need a seat cushion."

"For what," Cindy asked.

"For the car," Josh said.

The laughter started then. It grew around the table.

"Oh God, I'm wetting," Josh said as he held his sides.

"Come on I'll change you," Cindy said.

"No, wait, let me," Abby asked before adding, "I haven't seen the underside of his slips and dress yet."

"Okay," Cindy said and then added, "I've got plenty of changes ahead of me as she watched Abby get up and take Josh's hand.

"Five rows," Helen noted as Josh carefully slipped from the chair.

Part 25

Josh and Cindy stood at the huge observation window till the massive jet's nose lifted majestically into the air becoming a dot two minutes later.

"Eleven hours," Cindy said looking at her watch as she added, "so that's puts them in London around three o'clock our time."

"Five thousand three hundred and eighty miles at five hundred miles an hour," Josh said looking at the brochure he'd picked up as he added, "but they will be eight hours ahead of us so let's see, if it's three here, it will be eleven there."

"Three diapers," Cindy said.

"At least," Josh said looking at his watch then along the massive concourse for the bathroom signs as he added, "starting with a fresh one before he go back to the car."

"I up for that," Cindy said hefting her Hello Kitty backpack. Josh had Star Wars decorating his. Both were filled with diapers and the items necessary for diaper changes as she added, "there."

They walked into the large bathroom with the diaper changing stations sign on it, found an empty stall along the row of several. There was a pull down table and shelf.

"Ladies first," Josh said pulling a large folded disposable from Cindy's backpack.

"Thank you," Cindy said as she lifted her skirt and slip before climbing up on the changing table. She held both the dress and slip up as she laid back then planted her feet while Josh, removed Cindy's panties before un-taping her diaper. He left it closed while he fused with the fresh one.

Baby wipes, oil and powder and several kisses later Josh was closing the thick white disposable and putting her panties over her feet then up and over her diaper. They kissed one last time before Josh helped Cindy down. It was Josh's turn as he removed his shoes but left his socks on before letting his pants down.

"I still don't see why you didn't wear the ruffles," Cindy said as she slipped his whisper panties down to his ankles after he climbed up on the changing pad.

"They slide better under pants," Josh said as his erection sprang up the instant he was exposed to the air.

"Speaking of sliding," Cindy said pouring baby lotion on top of his penis. She slipped a disposable glove on as the oil dribbled down around his tip towards his testicles. He had jerked slightly the instant the cold oil had touched him. He only wiggled a little when Cindy wrapped her hand around him as she added, "you owe me."

"Happily," Josh whispered as Cindy began a slow rhythmic up and down motion over his oily erection. It only took a few moments before Josh arched his back and grunted through his orgasm.

With his last spurt she wiped him dry, powdered generously and closed a fresh diaper around him. Cindy helped Josh back into his whisper pants then started his jeans before letting him jump down to finish dressing. They closed their back packs and left the changing room to the surprised look of a mother with a child leaving from the next booth.

"Placard," Cindy said as Josh was about to back out of the handicap parking stall. The last thing Abby had done when she transferred title for the car was shift the handicap placard from her to him. His height restricted his ability to physically see the back of the car. In order to see behind him Abby, with the help of Helen, had a camera installed.

"Got it," Josh said reaching up and removing the placard. Josh paid at the parking booth and reached the freeway and drove home. They made small talk till Josh reached for the button that opened the garage. He was still getting use to the fact that he could do what he was doing as he added, "you going to stay?"

"Duh," Cindy said as she added, "I'm horny as hell. Yes I'm staying. Besides, I want to see you in that baby dress that Abby raved about before she boarded."

"Cindy, I haven't even gotten the courage to wear it yet," Josh said blushing crimson as he opened his door to get out. The trunk popped open with a button and both grabbed their backpacks.

"You don't need courage, remember what Abby told me," Cindy said and added, "use a firm hand while she was gone. You either let me put you into that baby dress willingly or painfully, your choice."

"Really," Josh said and added, "you're going to dominate me?"

"Only if I can," Cindy said snickering as she added, "now come on and show me that little dress again that Abby left for you."

They left their backpacks draped on the kitchen chairs to walk down to Joy's bedroom. It was Josh's room when he was being a little girl and it was every bit a little girl's room thanks to Abby and Helen's decorating skills.

When Abby moved her things into Helen's home, leaving her sewing room empty, she had purchased a desk, credenza and double drawer filing cabinet to make that room into a study for Josh. She converted Josh's room back into a guest room as promised and then she and Helen had fussed with "Joy's room".

There was a white ornate day bed with a blush pink comforter and decorative pillows on either side of an adorable doll wearing the same dress she'd made for Josh. It was identical to the one now hanging in Josh's closet. There were several cute over the counter little girl dresses Abby left "for play" and in the dresser drawers his panties, slips and a couple of new training bras.

What had really excited him when he came back was the baby dress. That was what Cindy wanted to see him in. He couldn't wear it till Abby and Helen had left that following day which was today. Now he and Cindy were looking at it again. It was, Abby said, his "welcome home" dress.

Josh opened the bedroom door almost shaking from anticipation and there it was, draping the bed where he would be soon. Next to it the little slip and next to that the ruffled panties. On the other side the bonnet and by the pillow booties. His first night in the house would be in that outfit Abby's note said and hopefully with Cindy wearing one of his nightgowns.

"Vibrator or fingers," Cindy mumbled to herself.

"What," Josh said turning to Cindy as she picked up the panties to fluff the ruffles. They were plastic lined and adorable. Like the dress there was a layer of satin with a layer of nearly opaque chiffon on top of that. Josh loved those two layers together so his first real nightgown and panty set were made like that but his baby dress was adorable in it's blush color, ribbons and tiny bows.

"Sorry, I was thinking out loud on what to do with you after I get you into your outfit," Cindy said and added, "you know, while I've got you nursing my breast? Do I push the vibrator up into your bottom like Abby did. She said you liked that a lot, or do I tease you with a finger?"

"I'm libel to climax too soon either way," Josh said blushing over the notion of either. He was getting excited just thinking about his new outfit.

"I'm going with Abby's recommendation," Cindy said and added, "vibrators for both of us, you on my breast and one of my hands in your diaper while you nurse. Yes, that's what we'll do. Now come on and get those things off baby. Before it's too late."

They made love several times with Cindy happily wearing the baby dress the following day. They went through so many diapers that he had to set a bag in the garage to wait for the next weeks pickup to the snickers of Cindy. They were going to have to pace themselves she said taking his hand after making him drop his doll.

Two days later Josh sat in the doctor's office waiting his turn for his last visit. The memory of his satin and chiffon baby dress, bonnet, booties, ruffled panties and Cindy's breast still fresh as he sat there. Cindy was incredible, insatiable and very creative. Josh smiled. Even this morning they'd made love in the very bathroom at school where they'd met before he left for this visit.

"Mr. Peters," the nurse said and added a second time, "excuse me, Mr. Peters."

"Sorry," Josh said focusing again.

Josh walked through the long hall of exam rooms and into an empty one to wait his turn. Cindy was in her classes. They planned on meeting after school to study. Josh had taken an X-ray of his neck as soon as he'd come in and the doctor was holding that when the door opened.

"Look very good. Can't even see a hair line any more," Doctor Barclay said pushing the X-ray into clips on a wall mounted lighted box before adding, "any aches and pains?"

"No. Everything feels pretty good," Josh said.

"Excellent," Doctor Barclay noted and then in a softer voice asked, "I'm still thinking you might grow out of the need for those diapers but not yet. There are some things that take a little more time. If ever?"

"I understand," Josh said smiling lightly as the past weeks flashed by. The images of Abby and Cindy popped up then. More images of him in his play clothes as he add, "It's amazing what you can get use to doctor! Seriously, I'm finding it easier and easier to live with diapers as time goes on."

"Good attitude. Excellent," Doctor Barclay said and added as he got up and took Josh's hand, "well then, just keep doing what you're doing."

"Count on it doctor," Josh said.


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