Terri's Vengeance-2

Terri's Vengeance
Chapter 2

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne

Synopsis: As Terry continues upon his Mission of Vengeance, he discovers that others have been wronged by his mortal enemy, Delano. Terry's Heart breaks, and he finds that he has become something more than a Vigilante, he has become a Light of Hope as well.

The house felt empty with my family gone, yet their ghosts were still vivid in my memory, a silent reminder of the Love that we shared. But my anger turned it into a hammer upon my psyche as I sat and looked at the pictures of my wife and daughter hanging on the wall. Sandy and her baby were at Camp Sequoia, where other teen moms went to learn how to care for their child, and learn domestic and marketable skills. There were several local companies willing to sponsor a teen mom and provide a nursery for the children of all employees as it was cheaper than employing those without children.

There I was, sitting in my lounge chair with a bottle of Ancient Age bourbon in an ice bucket keeping it chilled. I was deliberately getting drunk and trying to kill myself with booze when my brother-in-law Lester walked in He went throughout the house, shutting everything down, then he stood in front of me, blocking my view of the TV.

"You're blocking the TV, out of the way," I slurred as I saw him.

He turned off the TV, and knelt in front of me, "Terry, look at yourself my Brother. You are a mess! Do you think that Joan or Maggie would approve?" he asked as he stood up.

I looked up and the reality of my despair hit me then. With Sandy and Randy here, I had a reason to live. Now, I was despairing with them away. I had been using them to replace my family in my Heart, but in the end, despair was my lot because I could never love another woman as I had Joan. After crying I put the cap on the bourbon, and retched into a nearby bucket. When I was through, he handed me a glass of water and vitamins, as well as wiping my face with a cool rag.

I cleared my throat, "No, Lester, they'd be appalled at me. But I have no reason to live now," I sighed.

"What about Sandy and Randy? Don't you like them?" [He has shown some attachment to them, is it too much?']

"I do, Brother, but I can never Love her as much as I Love Joan. In the end, I will lose her."

He stood me up and pointed out the window where I saw my niece and nephew playing with Kerry, "THAT'S a reason to live. Kerry and the kids adore you. And we've been Best Friends ever since Central Junior High School where we were the star athletes and Joan and Kerry were on the Dance Team. How can I ever let you waste away?"

Looking at them, my Heart began to beat again as the shackles of grief and despair loosened under the Light of Love. I saw then that I was not letting my Heart feel anymore, because I feared to be hurt again I sighed, "Sorry, Brother. But I let my despair rule me. Do you need a babysitter?"

He laughed, "Not in your condition. Let's lock up and I will take you to the 'Y' so we can sweat the drunk out of you."


We went to the Y.M.C.A. and spent the rest of the day working out. By dinner time, I was feeling human again and ready to try to live. Arriving at Lester's home, I saw that his family was dressed to eat out. Kerry and Mary wore a red dress, sandals, and tan hose while Murray and Lester wore jeans, loafers, and a polo shirt, like I was. As I approached my sister, she grinned like the Cheshire Cat. Are you feeling better, Brother?' she asked, impishly.

I blipped her on the nose, knowing that she hated to have her pug nose touched, "Now I am, after blipping you," I chuckled.

Kerry let out a shriek of mock fury, "Blip me will you!" she giggled as she chased me off the front porch and into the yard where I finally sat on the swing erected on the Veranda. This is where we had always gone to when we had a problem. It was here that Kerry told me about Lester's marriage proposal. It was here that the wedding took place. It was here that I mourned our parents’ death. It was here that I proposed to Joan. The Veranda was our special place where we made life's most important decisions.

Originally, the Veranda and house were our parents home. Kerry and I grew up here. Originally, our parents built it after Daddy had served his stint as a Navy pilot for America. He was a Viet Nam War veteran, and used his G.I. Bill and savings along with Mom's nest egg to build their Dream House, and open his business as a mechanic. Mom went on to become a teacher. Together, they taught Kerry and me all the skills that we would need in life. They made sure that Kerry went to the Girl Scouts I went to the Boy Scouts, and to Youth Camp, sponsored by Eastmont Methodist Church at Camp Sumatonga.

The skills learned from being a Scout, we shared with each other, and in Youth Camp, we came closer to God. It was then, that I learned the most about myself as I excelled in both domestic and athletic skills while Kerry excelled in the medical and animal husbandry skills. Oh, I earned my badges in First Aid, C.P.R. and merit badges related to farming, and forestry, but it was Kerry that earned a scholarship to become a nurse, while I became a mechanic.

When our parents made out their Will, we were not yet married, so they divided up the estate by giving the property to the first one to marry, all money to the other, and Dad's Auto Shop was deeded over to me while Kerry got Mom's very extensive cache of jewelry. All in all, it was an even split. They let us know about the Will, and we decided that 10% of the entire estate would be donated to the Church. Luckily, thanks to the way that the stocks and T-Bills were done, Kerry and I came out very well off, indeed.


We loved each other, and had graduated from high school when our parents died. That was when I first despaired of life. I was all set to enter college when they died. I'd even got settled into the 'Dorm,' an apartment complex for those not interested in joining a fraternity. The Dorm had its very own gym and pool. In fact, it was the center for all non-fraternity activities.

I returned home on my bike, causing its engine to rev three times as was my custom. Kerry and Lester came out of the house, crying. Then I knew that the news was true. Mom or Dad would get sick, and our neighbor, John Bixby would all too often, exaggerate the news. He did it because he loved to tell tall tales, and being lonely, embellished anything. As a family, we'd adopted him as our 'Uncle' when his wife died of breast cancer. They had no children.

"Then it's true, they're dead," I sighed in resignation.

Lester helped me off my bike as I was too weak from despair. "Sorry, Brother. But they died from carbon monoxide poisoning."


As Lester guided me Harley into the garage, Kerry hogged me, "It was Terry, but birds built a nest over the intake."

I stroked her hair, "OK, Sis. We will handle it all, together," I sighed.

The goons had finaly beat the only man who'd stood up to them, I saw their 'calling card', a black rose tattoo under the wiper blades. I honored Dad, and did not seek them out in vengeance, he had 'friends' that took care of them, and ended their evil.

After the funeral, I went wild and started to go to Biker Bars and pick a fight with any biker or bikers ready to rumble. I was looking for death, I wanted to die. But my martial arts skills and training made that impossible. Soon I was left alone, after several gangs had rumbled with me. They could have shot me at any time, but I had impressed them with my fighting prowess. But Lester followed me that last time, and saw just what a jerk I had become. He saw me lay into a bunch of bikers for mistreating a woman who looked like Joan, and that’s when I found myself, again. He got me home, and full of extra strong coffee.

"Terry, I saw you at the bar, last night. Do you do that every night?"

"Yes, I do. Why?"

"Is there a Joan look alike at every bar?"

I pondered his question, "Yes, every bar," I sighed..

"Why are you protecting Joan?"

I looked him in the eye, and saw understanding, "I hurt Joan just as I left, and am afraid that she had left me, Les," I cried bitter tears of mourning.

He waited patiently as I cried myself out, then he handed me a napkin to dry my tears, "Brother, I called her, she is still in Love with you. So, whatever you did, it can't be THAT bad," he admonished me.

"I betrayed her, Les. I broke a promise to her!"

"She told me about your being there for her when she is having her monthly. How do you luck into girls treating you like a girl? Any man would love to cuddle a woman."

I blushed, "Just lucky, I guess." ['Do I tell him that I used to dress as Kerry?']

He smirked, "Yeah, lucky that you used to be my wife's doppelganger when she needed a double," he chuckled as he saw my astonishment.

['So, SHE told him.'] "What all did she tell you?"

"That you basically hold her, and cuddle her during the worst of her monthly. Her mother did it until she died. Now, she trusts you after you defended her honor."

I stammered a bit, then answered, "Any gentleman would when a cad says that she was putting out for him. When Scot said that, I confronted him and forced him to recant when I told him that what he was doing was sexual harassment."

He slapped me on the shoulder in affection, "Terry, my man. That's why she Loves you! After that, she found in you, the man of her dreams."

"So, you say that I should call her?"

He got out his cell phone, "No need, here she is," he smirked as I saw that he had speed dialed her.

I took the Phone, "Joan?"

"Hello, Love. Are you through bar hopping? Or do you want to kill yourself?' she wept.

Her weeping broke my heart, and freed it of the shackles of despair. Her tears cleansed away the dross of mourning, allowing my Heart to beat again. I cried myself to sleep as we bonded together. Our Souls became one in that mystical Union spoken of in Genesis. This Union reawakened my Heart's desires. Now, I wanted to make a Life with her. I had been dressing as Kerry on the weekends to see if I wanted to be Terri. I had met a few guys that I liked, but not enough to transition for, and I was not interested in a gay romance. If I was to be with a man, it would be as a woman.

Now, I had no qualms about any gays or lesbians, my family actively campaigned for the Trans-Club in Eastmont High School. In our school, there were several students that were transgendered, or had trans gendered parents or family members. Trans-Club was a club where all interested could safely meet. And thanks to the Bill's passing, a T=student could safely compete in sports. Kerry and Joan had a t-girl on the cheer team, and Les and I had one on the football team. Sally was a lesbian and Dean a t-girl. They married each other after graduation and now run the Trans Club.

I awoke, feeling refreshed. I had no hangover, in spite of the fact that I was drunk when I passed out. I was in my bed, wearing fresh pajamas and undies, I should know, I had messed my last pair up quite badly. Well, I knew of only one person that would do it, or should I say persons. Lester would have done it for me, as well as my sister. Lester and I were Best Friends growing up, and his cousin Joan was Kerry's Best Friend. I would trust no one else with my life than them, and they for me.

I saw a breakfast prepared for me, "Thanks" I called out as I tucked into a breakfast of: buttered biscuits, hash browns, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, and a mug of coffee.

Joan came in, "You're welcome, Tiger." she said as she sat by me on the bed with her breakfast.

I was speechless for a bit until Lester popped his head in, "She came down after we talked, yesterday."

I threw a balled up napkin at him, "And NEVER told me, Scoundrel," I laughed.

He smirked at me, "Cost of gas for Joan to travel $5.95, cost of the look on your face, priceless," he chortled as he went on.

I looked at her, "So, you came to get me, eh?"

She grinned, "Not only that, but also to see if you still Love me. From what Les told me, you do."

As I looked at her hosed legs and the negligee she wore, I started to get excited. She had deliberately worn the hose under the panty, and the negligee was form fitting, like a skirted leotard, "Damn it Joan, I NEVER stopped Loving you! Now here you are, wearing just the thing to get me to ravish you! Are you saying that you're wanting me?"

She giggled, "No, Love. This is my way of spanking you for being a cad. I forgave you for leaving me when I needed you, still do, but I am still a bit miffed at you."

I shook my head, "OK, my Rose. I can't fault you for that. But breakfast in bed, is there a message here?"

She blushed, "Yes, there is."

"Joan, let's finish breakfast, then I will propose to you, on the Veranda."

That's what we did. We were later married there, on the Veranda, and since Lester and Kerry had the Lake House, Joan and I got the estate. But because of the Will's stipulation, the estate stayed in Kerry's name. We lived there, keeping the property in good repair as our rent. Oh, the attorneys knew about our arrangement, but since neither of us wanted to complain, they let it slide. They knew that Judge Whittaker would have trounced them for causing mischief.


I took the kids to East Lake the next day to go skating. The city had decided to turn the old Lake Side Warehouse Complex into the East Side Community Center. It had a basketball court, with a swimming pool underneath, an ice rink with bowling alley beneath, and an indoor football field and three indoor softball fields. The parking deck was free admission so that the attendees could spend their money on concessions, which along with team sign up fees paid for everything. The Center raked in more funds than were needed by the Center, so all profits went to help support the Mission House.

The twins had just finished skating when I saw my enemy enter. He was escorting a woman dressed in a tan skate dress, like Mary was. Murray wore a male's tan skate suit. When I saw my enemy, Delano, my heart went cold with a fury that would not be quenched. I became an automaton of vengeance whose ultimate goal was his death. Thanks to my martial arts training, I could easily kill him, the only question was how.

He had no guilt or shame over what he'd done to me, I heard him bragging about how he had escaped criminal prosecution thanks to some help. He even joked about the fine that he paid off. There he was, making light about that which had destroyed my world. I could have easily have killed him, then. But my niece and nephew would suffer. When they came out of the locker rooms, I took them back to my sister's place and waited for her to return from her trip.

I sat on the sofa with Mary while Murray napped. They'd stayed in their skate outfits so that Kerry could take their picture. Looking at Mary in her dress and hose, I began to remember how nice it felt to wear such things. When I dressed as my sister, years ago I found that I wanted to be here. But then Joan entered my life, and I gave up that Dream as our Love grew into a marriage made in Heaven. For years, I had forgotten that Dream, but seeing little Mary in her skate dress brought me to the realization of my need to finally fulfill my Dream.

But how I did it and sought vengeance was yet to be determined. So, I placed such thoughts deep inside as I smiled at the twins. They were so much like me and Kerry. Pictures of us as kids were indistinguishable from those of her children. I let the memories of our childhood run free. We wore school uniforms due to a dress code. We were to dress in the school colors of red and blue with gray, black, and white as neutral colors. During the warm months, I wore shorts and a matching polo shirt with sandals, while Kerry wore a dress, skirt, skort, or shorts and a polo shirt with matching hose. She has a tendency to burn, not tan, so hose takes care of her legs.

I took the kids home and gathered my few belongings to head back home when Les entered the room, "Are you leaving us?"

"Yes, I need to get my life back on track,, and getting the place cleaned up before Sandy gets back this weekend will help," I grinned.

"Are you sure that's the reason?"

I stopped packing, "What do you mean?"

He placed his arm around me, "I was there when 'he' showed up near the rink. I saw your face as you saw him, Bro. I know how much you need closure. Please don't do anything foolish."

I took his arm in a handshake, "Don't worry, Brother Mine. I am NOT going to start drinking again."

He saw the truth of my statement, yet he also saw my hunger for justice. He knew that I would do something about Delano, something violent. Yet, he knew that I had to do something or I would hurt my sister by committing suicide in my despair. Before, when our parents died, I drank myself into the hospital with alcohol poisoning. Only Kerry's prompt actions prevented my death at that time. Now I took pills to keep my liver functioning, without it, my liver would shut down. I played Russian Roulette with my liver by drinking so much, But, so far, my liver stayed whole.


The cool, air conditioned air drifted across me, cooling my body as I dreamed of my revenge. In all of them, I was a woman, yet there was a shadowy figure there that beckoned me to come to him. I could never see him, yet I seemed to know him. As if he was from my past. But I knew of no man that fancied me. Who would? I had in the past dressed as Kerry, but she was my sister, and we never told a soul about our secret. If she told Les, that would be OK with me, he is my adopted brother, and I trust him, too.

I woke up, ready to start upon my mission of vengeance. I knew that I needed to scout out his weaknesses in order to do the most damage possible. Even though I could easily kill him, I wanted him to suffer as I was. My life was now empty of joy and happiness. Once I left him in despair, I would d gladly join Joan and Maggie in Heaven as I should have died with them. That was my goal. I had left my estate to Sandy, so that she could care for Randy. I also asked in my Will for Kerry to let her stay in the house, but that, thank God, NEVER came to pass.

I was raised to respect the Law, but that same Law had seen fit to pardon Delano. Now I obeyed a most ancient Law of my Hebrew Brothers. According to Mosaic Law, I was entitled to seek vengeance upon him. It mattered little that I was not an Israeli, I was much worse; a royally pissed off Red Neck Rebel from Alabama, NOBODY topped us for sheer cussedness when it came to feuding, and I intended for this feud to end soon. I was going to take out everybody in his family if I had to.

Being only 5'4" and only 100 pounds, I was no match for him in a bare knuckles fight, but with my martial arts skills, that was not a problem. In the competitions, I had beaten opponents that easily out weighed Delano. My only problem was deciding on how to hurt him. In the end, I found that I could not kill innocents in cold blood. No, I was vengeful, NOT an unfeeling monster, nor a monster that gloated over my misdeeds as he did. So, I chose instead to hurt him alone in a way that would not be traced back to me.

So I donned my Army shorts set and sneaker and rode my scooter to where he lived. I had looked it up on the internet, and knew that he was one of the most powerful men in the state. He had ties to every corrupt politician and businessman in the state. No wonder he could never be imprisoned, he had allies that could make his crime 'disappear' from any evidence locker. I knew that my attack would have to not only destroy him, but also make any retaliation against me unthinkable. I would use my hacking skills to prepare an identity for my vengeance, and an alibi to keep my family safe.

I finally arrived at his private park, and hid myself and the bike in the hedges. He had taken over the South Side Park when the Park failed to pay off its yearly mortgage to the bank, now he used it as his playground where he had miniature rides installed and a posh bistro, and a theatre for his guests. When he took over the park, he fired all of the employees and installed a chain link electric fence to keep everybody out. He was the most hated man in the city, and I would enjoy bringing him down.

As I waited for him to leave, I contemplated many a scenario of vengeance, and systematically, discarded most of them as impossible. I mean, where would I get the necessary equipment to turn him into Soylent Green? I did have a bit of fun using my imagination, though. And in doing that, I kept myself ready during the boring surveillance. Then my discipline finally paid off, and I was ready for action.

I saw him leave in a duplicate of the car that took my family. The original was totaled when it hit my car. He could easily afford a chauffeur, but preferred to drive himself, and he trusted nobody with his safety, which caused my loss. Then I saw a woman who looked like she wanted to die. There was no life in her movements, and her daughter looked as if she was scared of her own shadow. What could this monster have done to them? Now my Heart went out to them, I would help them if I could, because I knew that in helping them, I would hurt Delano.

The mother wore a red mini-dress and hose with spike heels. The hem of her dress barely covered her red bloomers, while her daughter's school uniform was barely legal. The white blouse accentuated her bust, and her bra made her breasts stand out. Her plaid skirt was at mid thigh, with a matching bloomer. Her tan hose, and knee hi socks made it look like she was wearing go go boots with her white loafers. Both women were made to make men drool with lust for them, and I saw exactly how to hurt Delano, now. The only question was if they wanted my help.

They got into a red Corvette Stingray and drove off. I followed easily, since they drove rather sedately to the daughter's high school. It was Eastmont High School, where only the richest or smartest went. Looking at the other girls, I saw that most of their skirt's hems were just above the knee, and only the daughter wore pantyhose. The other girls wore tights in the school colors of: red, white, or blue.

When the daughter got out of the car, she went over to some male students and they went over to a van and got in. From the way the van was moving, I knew that they were having sex. When her mother finally drove away, I eased into traffic a bit behind her. Luckily, she pulled into a gas station and I was able to place a tracer bug on her fender. I had them from when Maggie was born. We would put a tracer on Maggie to keep track of her on the playground, now it served a new purpose.

I returned to the school where I saw the daughter was out of the van and entering the gym where she was greeted by a male teacher who showed some concern for her by handing her a scarf to wipe her eyes as she cried on his shoulder. He was evidently not interested in a sexual relation with her, which pleased me. He could have easily coerced her into having sex, but like me, I was more interested in helping her. Plus, for me, sex was a true sharing of body and soul, not just the physical act.

I approached the teacher who was wearing a coach’s polo and red sweats. He was an older black man with graying hair who looked like a tall, lean Mr. T with his unique hair cut and jewelry. From the way that he carried himself, I could tell that he kept himself in shape. I could easily imagine him clearing a room of rowdy students by brawling, and gently caring for an infant child like Daddy did.

I held out my hand, "Greetings, Sir. My name is Terry White. I am worried about that young lady that just left, I saw her enter a van and have sex with some male students. Can you help?"

He shook my hand and sighed, "Thank you, Sir. I am Coach Brad Barton. That girl is Mandy Moody, she hates doing it, but can't stop. And I can do nothing to help, either," he sighed in resignation.

I saw a man, powerless to help, but wanting to end her misery, "Why? Is she addicted to sex?"

He motioned for me to enter his office, "Come to my office, and I will tell you everything."

"Coach, why are you trusting me?"

He looked at me with dead eyes whose light was rekindling, "I can see that you too want to end her terror. I can't, not without risking my family."

I put ma hand on his shoulder and squeezed, "OK, then. I understand. Me, I can do a lot to him. Now tell me about her."

"Mandy's step-father is Antonio Delano. He has been forcing her to have sex with any boy, or adult male ever since she became his step-daughter."

"But why? And why is nothing done about it?"

"Delano is the Godfather of the Syndicate here. Mandy and her mother were the wife and daughter of his business rival, Steven Moody."

"Of Moody Pharmaceuticals?"

"Yes, the same, but back then, Mandy was Manson, his son," he sighed.

I imitated a fish out of water, then I found my voice,"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT, THAT YOUNG WOMAN WAS A BOY!?" I asked in a whisper.

"Yes, and the courts will not prosecute him."


"Her mother signed the papers, and two counselors said that she was ready for the operation."

"But, instead, Delano had everything forged. And poor Mandy is a reluctant teen whore, but why does she do it, Coach?"

"That bastard implanted a hypnotic compulsion that as long as she lives with him, she 'services' her clients."

"That's sick!! Why did her mother do it?"

"The poor woman is addicted to crack, Delano did it to her. Now, she has all that she wants since her son is now a daughter."

Then I had an insight into Delano's evil, "He did it to deprive his enemy of an heir. As a girl, she can not conceive, and by making her a sex fiend, he is breaking the spirit of the son with in the body."

He looked at me with hope in his eyes, "Do you think that you can do something?"

I smiled at him, "I believe so, and in doing so, have my revenge, too."

"What did he do to you?"

"He killed my family!"

He nodded his head, "Yes, I can see it, now. It was manslaughter."

I began to cry as my resolve weakened, "[sniff] Yes, [sniff] he hit my car. [sniff] killing Joan and Maggie. [sniff] He escaped criminal prosecution, [sniff] but not civil. [sniff]"

"And now you want him to pay," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Yes, him, but not his family."

I left him, and soon found Mandy heading out of the Teacher's Lounge where I heard a male teacher exclaim, "THAT PIECE OF ASS IS THE BEST THAT THERE IS! WHO'D EVER BELIEVE THAT SHE WAS A BOY?!"

Luckily, I had my cell phone out and was able capture that on it along with a video, thanks to its advanced features. I followed her to a small room under the staircase. When she saw me, she simply sighed and closed the door and began to undo my shorts. She was startled when I stopped her.

"Are you not satisfied with me?"

I sat her down on the bed, seeing her moist panty, wet from her previous encounter, Mandy, do you want to have sex with me?"

She looked at me, wide eyed in total surprise, "No, I don't. Why do you ask?" she questioned as the desire eradicated by my question.

I placed my hand on her hose covered knee, and she smiled, and pecked me on the cheek, "Mandy, as beautiful as you are, I know that you do not desire sex as much as you convey to everybody. Do you know why you do it?"

She broke down as my questions triggered her male self which had been buried under layer upon layer of Mandy in order to keep them both sane. As each act of sex fed her desire, deep within, Manson wailed at each violation of his body. But when I placed m hand on his knee, what would have been a prelude to sex became an act of bonding as his soul reached out to me.

"NO, I don't! All that I know is that until now, I had to have sex as often as possible. Now, that desire is gone. Why?"

"Before I answer that question, answer me this: Do you like being a cheerleader, and wearing clothes that display your body?"

She giggled at me, "That's two questions, Sir. For the second, tell me your name," she smirked.

"My name is Alexander, but you can call me Lex," giving her my middle name.

"Lex, as a girl, now, I do like being a cheerleader, and the clothes, both, Why?"

"I wanted to make sure that you were happy now."

She sighed, "Well, I'm not! I hate what happened to me, but I have learned how to deal with it, all the same."

"So, you don't want to be a girl, eh?"

"No, never did. But now I must be one," she sighed as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"Your stepfather caused it to happen," I stated.

"How do you know?"

"Give me a kiss, and I will tell you."

She looked at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "Are you rethinking about having sex with me>"

I held her by her shoulders, "No, my Child. I want to give you a chance to be a good girl, not a vixen."

"OK," she replied as she tried to kiss me with passion, but failed miserably. When she was finished, she hung her head in shame and wept bitter tears.

I took her chin in my cupped hand, "You felt no stirring."

She smiled sheepishly, "No, not a bit. And I did my best. Am I cured?"

"Only if you choose to be, Mandy. Why were you turned into Mandy?"

"I was Manson, the son of Steven Moody."

"And Anthony Delano had your father killed, married your mother, then turned you into Mandy."

She looked at me with wonder, "How do you know all of this?"

I sighed, "Your step father murdered my wife and daughter when he hit my car with his SUV."

"Oh! You're the one that he is bragging about. He wants me to seduce you, but I couldn't. Now, I know why."

"And why is that?"

"I have been Praying for deliverance from my Hell. Only you could resist my charms and break through my darkness."

"What will you do now?"

She had a fire in her eyes now," Resist. I will force them to rape me instead of meekly accepting them as my partners."

"Good girl! You do what you must," I encouraged as I arose from the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"To see your mother, she needs help, too."

Mandy wept tears of joy, "Thank you, Lex! Momma needs you as much, or more than I do."

I held her as she came to grips with her new reality. She was no longer under the compulsion to have sex with anybody. Now, she could choose. There was the all too real possibility of her having contracted a S.T.D. But that would be deal with later. I did not know how, but I was sure that both Mandy and her mother would be saved from their Hell. It would be up to me to free them from that monster Delano.

After Mandy had cried herself out, she redid her make up and clothing to eliminate all traces of her encounters. The closet had been set up as her bedroom so that she could freshen up. I stayed in the room with her under the condition that I wore a mask so that I'd not see anything that I shouldn't. When she was finished, she was wearing yet another cheerleader dress and hose. But this time, something was different. She looked renewed, as if a great weight was gone from her shoulders.

Now, she looked like a real cheerleader, fresh faced, sunny, ready to cheer on her team to victory. The previous Mandy was dead in her Spirit, an automaton of sexual desire. Mandy had been reborn. Now, it was up to her to live out her new life.

"You are Beautiful, Mandy, like a Rose, newly blossoming in a Spring of New Hope."

She kissed me on the lips, with a Love that a Princess has for her Daddy, "Thank you, Daddy. For I call you Daddy after you helped me to see the Light. Now I know the Love of God."

I hugged her, "You mean that you asked Him just now?"

She shook her head, "No, He told me that I am still His, that He accepts me as a girl."

I sighed, Then you needed Him too, just as I need Him."

She opened the door, heading to the gym, "Yes, you do need Him to help you deal with the monster that did this to me. Will you come with me to see the Coach?"

I took her hand in mine, "My pleasure."

Hand in hand, we returned to Coach Barton's office where he stood up and smiled at us. He could tell that somehow, the dark spell of wanton sex had been dispelled. He saw a beautiful young lady, whose Life now held hope in it, and that hope had burned away the dross of despair.

"Mandy, you look like you've just woken up from a bad dream," he sighed.

She rushed over and hugged him, "Oh, Coach! You don't know the half of it! I HAVE awakened from a living nightmare, thanks to Lex, here," she gushed.

He winked at me, "Yes, Lex is one fine fellow. Now you have two men that withstood your charms."

She blushed, "I just wish that I knew how you two did it."

I cleared my throat, "Mandy, in my case, I am hopelessly in Love with my wife. To be honest, if you were her double, I'd have given in."

"And I know your history. I couldn't add to your misery," added Bart.

"So, you both know who I was, and accept me as Mandy?"

"Yes," we chorused.

"And now I have me two adopted Daddies. God is so Good to me, that I dread living now."

I placed my hands upon her shoulders, "Don't you worry, Mandy. God will protect you."

"You mean no more sex?"


"Lord! I Hope So," she sighed.

Then, after prayer, I left them and headed out to find her mother. Already my Life was full of extra cares as I was caring for Sandy and Randy. Now, I was adopting a young trans girl, Mandy. My vengeance had taken on much more than I had ever thought it ever would, yet at each venture, the choice was right. What choices I made when I met Mandy's Mother were next.

To Be Continued...

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