Cissy's Story Final Chapter

Cissy’s Secret

By Wargamerguy

Chapter Three

It was late and the four girls were giggling around the fifteen-year-old boy wearing a pink silk nighty and panties, sitting in a pink Barbie sleeping bag that they set on the floor for him. It was really humiliating and the sexy girlish thing he was wearing and the humiliating aspect aroused him. He couldn’t stop himself from just loving the pink nighty.

His arousal was evident and Karen admonished him, “That isn’t feminine at all, Cissy and we will have to do something about that tomorrow before you go shopping with us.”

His quivering small voice said, “Shopping, Miss Karen?”

“Yes,” she beamed gleefully. “You have to go shopping tomorrow to buy a dress for the prom Saturday night. You know, the junior and senior prom. You are going to choose a dress to wear. You are also going to a salon to get your hair and nails done. We also need to get your ears pierced. We have a long day so get some rest. Oh I almost forgot you need a bath. You are very dirty.”

That much was true. He did feel very filthy after what he went though. Karen took his hand and lead him into the bathroom. She ran his bath water again putting the same Avon oils in and that strange smelly pink liquid ooze. She put twice as much in, two full bottles of it and he got in. It felt good and he scrubbed his skin hard trying to get that awful filth feeling off him, but it refused to leave him entirely. That dirty feeling never left him.

He sat in the bath soaking up the water and other things feeling filthy. He tried to make it go away but it woujldnt. Karen came back in to see Peters eyes filling up, long wet trails streaming down his eyes as he cried. Karen was stunned, “Cissy, why are you crying?”

He glared at her, “I feel filthy and used and you did it to me. I cant help it, I scrubbed and scrubbed but the feeling wont go away,” each word lashed out hatefully accusingly.

She moved her head in closer to his ear, “I am sorry, Peter. We have two more days left and I promise I wont hurt you anymore like that. Lets get you dried off and ready for bed. Tomorrow will be much better because I know you like the dressing part. You can’t hide that from me. “ She let a warm smile out as she helped him out of the bath and dried off him. He felt the strange tingles again that were consentrated in his chest, right under his nipples. He looked down and suddenly, ‘Oh my god, Karen what is happening. Its like my nipples have swelled what is that pushing my nipples out. “

She looked down at his chest and let out a slight giggle, “That’s neat, it looks like that stuff actually works. Don’t you remember that pink liquid that I told you was extremely concentrated estrogen hormones. You are a smart girl, you should know what that does. You went to biology with me.”

He looked at his chest for a few long seconds going though it in his mind. Then suddenly he looked at her and shrugged his shoulders saying, “Oh, that’s nothing. Thanks, Karen.” He smiled sweetly at her back. It was a big thing but not in the way the girls planed and he enjoyed seeing her faulter. The thanks was the last thing she expected. His mind whirled around this and his new buds under his chest was one thing that was taken care off and he used to wonder how he would ever do it on his own. He even though of trying to buy some pills from the pharmacy before but he wasn’t sure if he could, if he did how he would explain it to his parents but, this was perfect. This didn’t need much explaining. He was a hostage, perfect excuse. They would just have to live with it.

Karen finally lead to the sleeping bag that was laid out for him, he snuggled in and cradled his pillow. The girls started falling asleep around him as he drifted off.

He was always an early riser. The suns beams flowing though the window woke up him and he stole a quick glance at the clock. It was 6:25 so he was started waking slowly. The girls around him kept snoring as the morning rays brightened the girlish room. He silently waited for them to wake as he though of all that happened last night and all said, most of it was new but he liked this. But, the rape ruined that. He still felt dirty and used.

He looked over his body and ran his hands down his chest and the very noticeable swell stopped him. He felt his chest and where there should be flat muscular, there were two very squeeze soft mounds. He peeled his sleeping back and looked at them. There was no mistake now. They were very feminine breasts. They were impossible to hide, wherever we went, there was no way to hide it. He would have to change his life now.

He was thinking of this and examining his body when the girls around him started to move, Jennifer yawn loudly and stretch her arms out as he was looking at his body. Other parts of him had noticeably shrunk and some other parts of him seem to have grew. He noticed his penis has shrunk some, but his hips seemed to have grew more fat around. What the heck had they put in that water?

He had made a firm decision by the time Jennifer woke the other girls, “Hey wake up. Its seven thirty. We need to get ready for shopping. Cissy, Wake up girl.’

He couldn’t help but laugh at what she said. He may as well consider himself a girl now but he didn’t like Cissy. ‘She’ would think of something else.

Cissy slowly stood up and Jennifer gasped when she saw what had happened to former boy. She cursed, “Holy shit, look at Cissy, girls. Oh my god”

The girls all stood up quickly and gathered around the newest member the female gender.

They ran their hands up and down her new body gasping, ooing and giggling. Cissy felt aroused and also happy but a little like a science experiment. The girls squeezed her new breasts, fully examined them and other parts, they ran their hands around her new very round hips and her butt. They all giggled at the girls hips. Jennifer ran into the other room and quickly ran back with a tape measure. She wrapped it around her breasts and then right under them and quickly took down the numbers. “Wow, Cissy. It looks like you are a 28A. Remember that Karen when we get her bras now measure her hips so we can get her matching panties. ‘

“Miss Jennifer, how much will my breasts grow, do you know how fast?”

She saw Jennifer purse her lips together in thinking and she said evenly, “Well the solution said if used regularly that it should stimulate feminine growth. After A, it should grow another full cup size in a month and then how ever big your biology determines. Naturally, you will be like your mothers cup size. “

Cissy just nodded and accepted it

“That reminds me, Cissy,” Jennifer added. “You will need one of those baths in the morning and night. Did you take one last night?”

“Yes, Miss Jennifer. Miss Karen ran one for me last night. She put two of those bottles of pink ooze in for me.” Cissy bubbled it out cheerfully.

How ever it was clear that Jennifer was upset about that by the way her forehead crinkled and her eyes narrowed.

Cissy faultered, “Um did I say something wrong, Miss Jennifer?”

“No, nothing you said. Karen can we have a word outside, right now”

They went out of the room and she heard yelling. Cissy couldn’t be sure what was being said but it scared her that the girls were fighting.

They walked back in the room and Jennifer reminded Karen, “Remember, Karen. Those bottles aren’t cheap and we cant use them all at once. And also, they are very potent so we don’t want to overload Cissys body and cause her to get blood poisoning from the estrogen. Give her another bath and use ‘one’ bottle of it only, just one. Get to it.”

She clearly looked unhappy to Cissy and that in turn made her unhappy and somehow responsible for this.

It took less than an hour to bath their new girl and get her all dressed and made up for her first outing as a girl. Before she had Cissy dress up she laid out a strange thing. Karen told her it was a gaff for her to wear so there would be no budge and Karen pulled it up on him. Once she had the purple satin bikini panties on did Cissy realize that she did look like a girl now and it hid everything good. She didn’t need the silicone breastforms now because of her new growth overnight so she wrapped the new bra Karen gave her. It was a beautiful silky bra with shiny firm cups on the front and a neat little flower in the center. The cups were embroidered with beautiful designs.

Karen made her wear a bright purple jean miniskirt and matching purple thin blouse. Karen laid out black thigh high stockings. The final item were Karen’s four-inch stilettos she slid on her own feet and posed herself in front of the mirror as Karen carefully applied makeup on her. She also took the time to pluck her eyebrows in pretty thin arches.

Karen pulled her close and warned her, “We are going out today, in public so don’t try to make a scene or get away. We could easily out you as a boy and that could end up bad for you if you know what I mean. This town is full of Christian crazy’s that preach their book around and attack homosexuals. We know you are all girl but they wont see it that way. “

Cissy swallowed and nodded, “Yes, Miss Karen I promise I will be a good girl for you today.” She was scared now and her promise was real. There would be enough times for reparations later but for now she would just try to survive this weekend.

Karen, Jennifer and Chrissy got into one car with Cissy and Jennifer in the back seat. Sally followed in her own car and they drove over to the mall. Cissy resolved herself to do her best to give no indication that she was born as a boy. She would be as girlish as possible. She knew what she had to do when the car stopped in the parking lot and the girls got out. Karen helped Cissy get out and she helped her walk down the parking lot wearing the tiny spike heels on her feet and after a few steps, she seemed to pick it up easily.

Karen and Jennifer stole amazed looks at how confidently and good Cissy walked to the mall with the girls, as if she was just like the other girls. Jennifer knew no one would think that this was actually really a boy walking with them. She looked just as girlike as Jennifer herself. She giggled privately to herself as they walked though the large glass doors into the mall. They strolled passed a group of leering boys just grouped in the corner looking at the girls and making rude comments.

One of the blond headed teenaged boys neereast to Cissy put his hand on her ass and moved into her as she walked passed. He was squeezing and moving his hand around, “hey honny you like that.”

Cissy was afraid to act against this in fear of revealing herself. The other girls just stood back giggling for a few long seconds. Actually it must have been around a full minute before Jennifer told him, “Brad knock it off. My niece needs a dress so let her go you perv!”

“Ok, Ok Jenny fine. “ He let her go and made a kiss face as she walked away.”

She glared at Karen and the other girls, “I cant believe you just stood there laughing. “

Karen shrugged, “Oh that’s nothing. Its part of being a girl and it happens to all of us at least once. Usually, a well placed knee stops them. I will have to show you how to do that, Cissy.”

These girls were really disturbed, in Cissys opinion and they seemed to revel in her humiliations, even to the point of just watching a sexual assault and gigging. She was angry now as they walked down to a dress store.

They walked Cissy into the store, ‘The Little Miss Gown Shop.” Cissy was Ushered inside where there were dresses and gowns of all styles and descriptions. She let a slight smile spread across her face as she examined them. There were many other girls there with their moms picking out dresses at the last minute for the prom. The girls started looking for a dress for Cissy and rushing up to her holding various gowns for her to go and try on. She looked at each of them and went over to see for herself. There wasn’t any dress below three hundred dollars in the entire store. Where were these girls going to get the money to get a dress for her, they were around her own age. And, if they did have three hundred to spend, why would they spend it on her? Weren’t they mad at her? None of this made any sense, unless they wasn’t going to spend any of their own but then the question begs to be asked, who was spending the money and there was only one logical
answer to that. There was only one person who would be willing to spend their money on her, her own parents. Her mother must be behind this.

As she walked along the walls of gowns one did catch her eye, it was a beautiful red gown that hung on one shoulder and had a empire waist, low neckline. It was gorgeous and she couldn’t help but want it.

As she looked at it, Jennifer pulled her away and was holding a ridiculous fluffy dress, it had pick pink chiffon and lace ruffles. No teen girl since the nineteen fifties or sixties would dare wear it to any prom but they liked it for her. She looked at the tag, “four hundred and seventy five dollars, Jennifer where are you going to get that, and for me, why thank you but I would rather have that red dress in the corner with a empire waist. “

She enjoyed Jennifer’s stunned reaction to that. Poor girl couldn’t keep up with the surprises.

As the four girls were conversing with Cissy, another girl walked up to the group. It was Suzie, his girlfriend but he guessed she wasn’t anymore, and it was strange timing. He figured unlikely but he was so embarrassed he wished that he could sink into a hole right then.

“Hi Suzie, what brings you here today,” Asked Jennifer.

‘Yeah right, as if that question needs to be asked,’ thought Cissy sourly. He was willing to bet everyone there knew exactly why she was here, someone must have arranged that.

Jennifer added, “I thought you were going to the prom with Peter, and already had your dress?" Jennifer looked back smiling at Cissy.

"That lousy little shit! After the debate yesterday I was so mad I went home and tore the damn thing to shreds. Somebody ought to castrate that asshole! I haven't been able to reach him since then, but I don't care. You couldn't pay me enough money to show up at the Prom with him", she fumed. "Anyway, I have a new date. Hank Meyers asked me to go with him.

Jennifer turned to Cissy and said, “I’d like you to meet my cousin Cissy. She's in town for the weekend, and we're here to get her a dress so she can come to the Prom too." Cissy reached out her hand to limply shake Susie's in greeting, his cheeks blushing rosily at having to appear in a dress before his former girlfriend. She tried to avoid any eye contact with her that might reveal his true identity.

Cissy noticed that Suzie had a sly look on her face as if she knew already. She was smiling. He had no doubt now. As the girls went back to picking out a dress they were quietly conversing with Suzie about something and She was willing to bet it was some new way to humiliate her. Well, there were ways to put a stop to that so she marched over to the girls, struggling with her mountains of silly lace skirts covering her legs, “Um excuse me Suzie can I talk with you privately please, I would really like a word with you.” She said in a perfectly female voice that gave nothing away.

Her eye flickered and said, “Fine, Cissy.” Cissy saw her stifle a giggle and she took Suzie’s hand firmly and took her outside of the store.

Once they were out, Cissys eyes hardened and she said in a boy voice, “Lets cut though the crap, Suzie, do you think I am an idiot?”

Suzie’s stunned reaction gave Cissy room to continue, “I think we both know who I am, I saw your recognition of me and I would like to say, That was not me at the debate. Well, it was me but I didn’t believe anything I said. That was a part I had to play to get a grade. If it upset you, I am sorry but this is me. You need to know that I played the overly macho jerk because in reality I am a transgendered. This silliness has made me choose to come out after this ends. That you have chosen to end our relationship over something that stupid saddens me but fine, if your such a asshole then I don’t want you either. This game is over and you are leaving this store. “

It was Cissys time to smile as Suzie left in a huff. She returned to the store to see Jennifer glowering, “Cissy, why did Suzie leave?”

“Well Jennifer you see, It was no longer fun for her so I told the bitch to take a hike. If you want me to wear that retarded chiffon dress that is fit for five year olds or girls from the nineteen fifties then I guess I will. But I must wonder where in hell you have four hundred dollars, and why would are spending such a considerable sum, on me?” Her voice was laced with sarcasm.

They picked the silly dress out and went to the casher. After confirming prior arrangements for the dress, they left the store. Of course, Cissy knew exactly what was going on tonight. Jennifer led the group to several other stores to purchase accessories, including matching pink 4 1/2 inch heels, pink lace fingerless gloves, a pink satin clutch purse, and jewelry.

Then the girls lead Cissy to an earring booth where she silently let the girls choose pretty golden stud earrings and she let the woman pierce her ears. She figured it needed to be done so it was better now than later.

Then it was time for the hair due so they took Cissy to a salon, Jennifer told the woman that they wanted to give her cousin a hair extensions.

She sat Cissy down and started doing her hair. All the while, making sarcastic comments to her. It was all very strange and for a while she didn’t understand what was up until the woman said quietly ‘show me some smiled or I will out you to everyone here, boy.”

Cissy figured this must be one of Jennifer’s friends. She thought for a while enduring her comments.

Finally fed up with this stupid game, Cissy said, “You and I both know you cant unmask me, Carol. “ Cissy whispered in the woman’s ear. “Your business would never survive if your sideline came out to these upstanding people. How about we call a truce, I don’t unmask ‘you’ and you cut out the Don Rickles routine when you have me in your salon chair. Okay?"

The rest of the hair due was uneventful and she was back in the car driving home. It was late in the afternoon when Cissy was back at Jennifer’s preparing for the prom. More recordings of Cissy modeling her new dress was taken. Her makeup was more dramatic than ever and she looked in the mirror. She decided she looked like a saloon girl from the eighteen sixties now. It was just crazy. She thought she looked like Kitty from Gunsmoke.

As they approached the gymnasium, She heard Jennifer and Karen making sarcastic comment about comments She herself made during the debate. She was really scared, She had never thought she would ever be able to attend the prom as a girl, but she really wanted to.

She was pleased that Suzie was no where to be seen. Jennifer said, “My, Cissy you must have really did a number on her to make her avoid this. I will have to have a talk with her when this is over. She knew she was out of place and it was likely the entire damn crowd knew who she really was. What other girl would dress this way with overly dramatic makeup like she was wearing. Either that, or the other girls thought perhaps she was mentally inept in some way. Jennifer was greeted by a group of other girls that were just gushing over Cissy. She figured all of the girls at least knew since they were paying such attention over her and trying to set her up with various boys.

“Come on, Cissy, “ One of the girls asked her, “Which boy here would you want to dance with. Which one do you think is the cutest.

He scoped the room out not really wanting to pick anyone. This was pretty dangerous and he said, “I don’t really know, why don’t you pick one out, Crystal. I bet you girls have someone picked out that probably knew, is gay and willing because you know if you set me up with someone that doesn’t know and he finds out, it could get ugly, and violent. “ Cissy looked into the other girls eyes hard.

She shrank back away from her but they did have someone picked out Jennifer and Karen both led Cissy onto the floor to meet a guy they had set up. It was Tom Fredericks, the linebacker of the schools football team. She giggled slightly, who would have ever known he was gay and willing to date a transgender.

“Tom, I’d like you to meet Cissy, Jennifer’s cousin. She's a guest here tonight, and was just telling all us girls how cute she thinks you look"

His eyes flickered to her and said, “You are pretty cute yourself, babe. “

Cissy groaned inwardly, ‘As if you don’t know Tom, ‘ She though to herself.

Karen said, “Why don’t you two get to know each other. “ Then she quickly left the two together. Tom took her and started dancing but Cissy wasn’t too preoccupied to notice the group of girls laughing uproariously in the back.

Tom had her inhand and they were twirling around on the dance floor. But the mood soon changed and they were slow dancing cheek to cheek, their bodies pressed together. Cissy had to put her arms around toms large neck so they could press their bodies together tightly. Cissy was held helplessly in his arms as he twirled in his arms, her eyes caught Jennifer’s as the other smiled and lifted a video recorder. She winked at Cissy.

Cissy couldn’t get rid of Tom. For the rest of the night he was at her side. During brakes, between dances he was at her side holding her hand or with his arm around her clenched waist. She had dances with a few other boys during the night but Tom insisted on dancing most of the dances with her. When Tom and her were voted prom prince and princess, the crowd went wild, especially Jennifer and her group.

Cissy was required to tour the entire gym on toms arm as prom princess. It was amazing and also scary. Somehow she had steeled herself to mince around the gym waving her gloved hand like a beauty queen for the crowd.

At the end she had to dance with tom for the last dance of the night and then Tom insisted on driving Cissy home. Jennifer laughed and said, “Done be late, Cissy.”

Jennifer saw the hours pass and she became more and more worried when Cissy didn’t come home. The hours passed slowly and Cissy still had not came home.

Two hours passed and nothing.

By the time the fourth hour passed, Jennifer was certain that something had gone terribly wrong with the date. She expected there to be sex, and she was sure Cissy wouldn’t willingly comply. But she expected there to be forced or coerced sex and then he would be satisfied and bring a humiliated and degraded Cissy home.

By the fifth hour, she was pacing the room and was extremely worried. She had terrible imaged of Cissy either beaten dead or she was in the hospital talking to the police.

Therefore she wasn’t at all relieved when a car pulled into their driveway. She knew immediately that it wasn’t toms’ car. She saw Cissy get out of the car with a little trouble and walk up the driveway.

What she saw when Cissy came though the door shocked and horrified her. Cissy limped though the door and she saw Cissy was totally battered. Her lip was cut badly, she had horrible black bruises on her face and arms. One eye was swollen totally shut and it looked like she had stitched on her forehead. She felt bad for what she set Cissy up for, it wasn’t this but she knew it was her fault.

But something else was Cissy had obviously been to the hospital which meant questions were asked and she probably told the truth. That meant the game was over and all of them were in very deep shit. But, Jennifer decided, It was for the best. She deserved it after this catastrophe.

Cissy limped into the living room weakly, Jennifer ran over to her to help. She helped Cissy sit into the sofa.

Owe, Jennifer take it easy,” Said Cissy very weakly. “Tom broke a few of my ribs when he found out.”

“Oh,” answered Jennifer. “I am sorry. You need to take it easy. “

Jennifer felt Cissy brase herself for something. Then she said, “Jennifer, wake the other girls up please, this thing is over now. I need to say something to them all.”

“Okay, Cissy. I am sorry about this and never meant for this to happen.”

“The hell you didn’t, Jennifer,” Cissy spat out with as much contempt she could in her battered state. “I know you meant for Tom to rape me but you figured he wouldn’t do this when he found out. “

“I didn’t, Cissy. I guess in hindsight I should have guessed. Testostrone filled teenage athletes can be very dangerous. This was a retarded plan and im sorry. “

Cissy tried to snort and said, “Save your sorrys’ they don’t mean a thing now. But you can help make this thing right. Can you do something for me and I promise I will put a good word in for you when the shit really hits the fan. I promise.”

Jennifer nodded, “Sure, anything. I owe you. What?”

“Can you call my mother, I need to speak to her too.”

“Sure, I will” Jennifer said evenly. After this, she was sure her mother deserved to pay. She had an idea what was going on and Jennifer wasn’t going to lift a finger to stop it. She was pissed off now.

Everyone was in the main living room facing Cissy within fifteen minutes. Even her own mother was there waiting.

Cissy decided to start the thing off, “Hello mother. I hope that you are happy with this. I know it was you behind this thing. I hope you can guess what went on tonight?”

“What happened, Peter. I really don’t know what you are talking about! I thought you were out with your friend tonight. Are you gay now?”

The careless way her mother spoke now really stabed deep. It was as if she didn’t give a damn about Cissy at all. She had always been hateful and manipulative but this took the cake. Cissy was here, obviously battered badly and her mother can just talk about this as if its nothing. Cissy started to wonder if her mother loved her at all. She spoke up more harshly now, “Don’t play stupid now, Mother. I know god damn well it was you behind it the whole time. Where the hell did Jennifer get four hundred dollars, and why would she spend that much to get me a dress. Jennifer hated me after that debate theres no way she wold spend that much on me, if she had it. Shes my age though, we don’t get that much money. Use your head, Im not an idiot!”

She saw her mother resolve waver and she was thankful Jennifer just watched. She decided to chime in, “Miss Matthews, Lets come clean, She was hurt tonight. You know it was you that gave me your credit card to get peter that dress. Peter was raped tonight, she was also beaten very badly.”

“So, I don’t care, “ Said her mother. “Peters horrible macho behavor over the years really made me not care about him anymore. and the horribly sexist things he said that Friday during the debate killed what ever compassion I had left for her. I just don’t care. I knew that he needed a education on girls very badly when I saw him prepairing her comments for the debate. I knew something had to be done so I called Jennifer and asked her to force teach you a lesson. I gave her the money and told her to take you, force you and make you have sex with a boy. I told her to do anything she felt she had to. What is this all about?”

“Jennifer was right, Mother,” Cissy said. “Tom did rape me but when he found out I was peter he became inraged. He started beating me. I thought he knew, I didn’t think you were stupid enough to send me on a date with someone that didn’t know. I could have been murdered. Don’t you care?”

“I’m sorry, Cissy, “ Jennifer said and the other girls agreed. They were sorry too.

But his mothers voice was cold, “You deserved it. I don’t care about you anymore. I don’t even want you anymore, Peter. “

Cissy started crying. Another woman walked though the door toward Cissy. She sat beside her and held her close. That brought her out of her crying. She glared at her mother, “Mom. I acted that way to hide who I really am. I am Cissy. Usually, I think of myself as Emily, I haven’t decided yet. But anyway, I am a transgendered. That’s what Melinda here said. I met her on the internet about a year ago. She is a Mistress, you see. She helped me figure it out. I always had a very strong desire to be a girl, dress up sexy but it went far beyond dressing, I wanted to actually, ‘be’ a girl and live full time. I told her that and she said I must be a transsexual. But that was why I acted macho, I cant remember the term she used but I did that to hide my true nature, so guys like Tom wouldn’t kill me. What ever good that did, It still almost happened tonight.”

Melinda was soothing Cissy as she went on with her story, “Tom beat and raped me. Then he left me there bleeding to die. I made it to a phone and called the police. They came in and rescued me, I was taken to the hospital and I told them to get Melinda. I called her in a panic, I wasn’t about to call you. I fell inlove with Melinda we talked on the phone many times. But, she refused to meet me in person until tonight. She said a relationship was totally inappropriate with a minor. But after tonight, she agreed to get her lawyers to file for guardianship of me. She will raise me as a girl. “

She screamed, “What, Peter, you want to be Sissy. You want this bitch to take you and make you some faggot. What kind of freak are you.”

Melinda moved to say something but Cissy held out her hand to stop her. “This was your idea, you idiot. But yes. She will take me. She loved me. She will raise me and she has these plans to send me to nursing school,” She made a face like she didn’t like that idea.

Jennifer looked surprised, “Nursing school, what?”

“Well Melinda wants me to be successful and smart. She says she thinks that will be the best area for me. Im not so sure but I guess it will be good. She is a registered nurse herself. She will vouch for me. I will get in. but, mom, the sad thing is you wont be there to see it. You will be arrested and go to prison. Your parental rights will be removed. “

Her mother looked cocky now. “You have no proof. I will still have you. What can you prove.”

Cissy reached into her blouse and took a wire out, “You confessed. “

At that, Her mother scream, “I’m going to kill you, you bitch.” She stood up and leaped at Cissy.

Then the door busted in and officers flooded into the room shouting and arresting her mother and the other girls

The End

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