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Chapter One
By Wargamerguy
Warning, this story deals with troubling aspects of religion so if that offends you then you might be better adviced to stay away from this one.
The accident, sixteen years ago
I had been married to this bastard for over four years when I finally escaped from him. He was very cruel, and horny all the time. He was a very sexist bastard that thought girls should only please him and had no right to reject him. He was Just like my stepmother had wanted for me. During our first date, he raped me and my stepmother made me tell her all about it and humiliated me. I tried to fight him off but it was no use, he was stronger than me and forced his sex on me. My step mother kept forcing me to date him and had my so called friends drive me to his place so he could rape me, even though I pleaded with Belinda to help me. That was to make sure I couldn’t avoid the dates or slip away. She wouldn’t help me. They made me marry him and everything was hell. Up to that fateful night when I finally escaped.
It was late; the night was a very dark night when my husband Brandon took me on a boating trip. He knew I hated water and I pretended to try to get out of the trip. He caught me staring out the window at another guy across the street and my husband gave me one of his vicious painful beatings for it. He figured I was trying to get out of boating by provoking a confrontation with him, but that wasn’t it. That night on the boat, I heard the wind pick up and the sail knocked me over into the icy water. I heard him screaming my name desperately as if he cared. The water was ice cold and I was trembling, but the hours of training and learning to swim in cold had trained me to handle it. As Brandon was crying out my name, I had swam to a nearby buoy. I hung on to it while he was calling out my name in despair. It was hiding me from him.
Swimming nearly a mile to our beach house took much longer than I thought it would take. I made it to the beach and knocked out two of the lights overlooking the beach. I threw my wedding ring down the drain, got the bag of clothes and other items I had stored for this very occasion and I was out the door. I cut my hair enough to change my appearance. I had planed this moment for years. I made sure nothing was disturbed so he would find out what really happened. I made my way into town and got on a long distance bus going to Springfield Illinois.
It was a very long trip and we made a lot of stops to pick up more people, or change drivers. There was a nice lady that talked to me along the way. She told me a little about herself and her life and it got tense when she asked me about mine. She asked me if I was married, I tried to shrug the question off and then she asked me what I was doing here going so far. Eventually I told her. “The marriage was arranged by my mother but he was hardly a nice guy. Everything changed after the marriage. He was a monster. He had a terrible temper. “
“What did you do, “ She asked.
“I ran away,” I said flatly.
“You are a very strong woman, I never got your name,” She said.
“Chrissie, At least that’s what my family called me. I always hated it but until I think of something else, I guess I can handle being called Chrissie.”
I couldn’t tell her that my real name had been Chris. It seemed at least for a while, I was stuck in the female form until I could get up enough money to see a doctor. Then, I would find out how to reverse the horrible affects of my transformation that my step mother forced on me. I don’t know exactly how her and her quack doctor friend did this to me but I had the full body of a girl. Her friend was a surgeon. I had a long time to think about stuff that happened to me on my way to Illinois.
On my way to Illinois, I caught the news that Chrissie Benton died, the wife of the fabulously wealthy Brandon Benton. By all public accounts, my life was like a fairy tale and I was the queen. It wasn’t really that way which was why I had taken the risk to escape him. His family was having my funeral.
It would have been great if the story ended there but, it didn’t. When I made it to Springfield, I took another bus to Chicago, from there I took enough money to get out of the country. I had got a passport months ago for this occasion and I paid in cash for a ticket out of the country.
It was supposed to go to France. That was where everything took a bad turn for the worst. That was how I got to spend nearly seven years in a dark prison.
The kidnapping and imprisonment, ten years ago:
Come to find out, I had been tricked. I paid for the cheapest ticket to France, when I got to the plane, it was a four engine prop, one of the ancient Super Constellations. I got in and it took off into the air.
Halfway there, I realized that the people wernt all that hospitable. They were mean arab people and had no respect for me. Then as I sat there, I realized that we should have gotten to our desrination, that was when I found out what a pickle I was in.
I asked a fellow ppassenger, "Why we hadn’t got to France?"
He said, We aren't going there."
So I asked, "Where are we going?"
He told me, "We aree heading to Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."
I tried to protest and when I made a move to stand up was when I found myself staring into the muzzle of a rifle. He shouted, “Sit down infidel! We will be there soon and then we will figure out what to do with you!”
I sat down and waited.
Once we got there, we were offloaded like cattle. We were inspected, examined and asked a few questions. Our passports were taken and we were herded into some building.
The doctor found out that I was not a genetic girl at all, they accused me of deception, that was some violation of the nations laws. They thought I might have been some spy for Israel. After a sham kangaroo court, I was sentenced to ten years in prison.
It seemed like luck was with me, I only spent five years in the Saudi prison being beaten daily, tortured and sexually molested. I am not sure what kind of luck it was, I caught the eye of one of the noble princes of the Saudi monarchy.
He offered me a deal, to be his wife or to stay there. I took the deal and agreed to marry him. Of course he kept some conditions to himself until it was too late. I didn’t know what all being a Saudi royals wife entailed. One of them was that I was transformed into a woman totally.
Some of the doctors in this part of the world had developed a new radical transformation procedure that changed every part of the body to the other sex. No one would ever be able to tell my former identity or my sex, or that I ever had a former sex. For all intents and proposes, I may as well had always been what they would transform me to.
Transformation and royal wife, five years ago:
I was flown to Tarhan Iran in a luxury Boeing 747, the Saudi families personal aircraft. I was thoroughly examined by a top doctor there. He determined that I was fit enough for the radical transformation. He said I had enough estrogen in my system, that I could easily be transformed into a total woman. My body would survive it.
I had to choose my form though many pictures of women’s bodies. They said it was my choice. I chose the form of a Arabic woman, with black hair. That should be good.
The transformation was long, and painful. It took nearly a full day. My body was placed in one of those old iron lung things and some fluid was injected into me. Ouch. It was painful and I felt very scared.
But, when it was all over, I was a total woman. They told me I had all of the functions of a woman from then on. My husband to be named me Ayeshiah.
He picked out a dress and the marriage was approved by the King. That was a long drawn out affair. There was an Imam that read scriptures from their Holy Quran. Then he placed a ring on my finger and it was done.
Enter another part of the marriage agreement that I wasn’t told about. To be a Muslim royals wife, It was totally unacceptable for me not to be a Muslim myself. A Saudi royal had to marry a Muslim wife, for all public appearances. So, I had to learn all about Islam, I had to read the scriptures, understand them. I had to learn to pray as they did. I had to learn all of the holidays, their rituals. I did it all and learned it very well.
Being a Saudi Royals wife wasn’t all it was hyped up to me. To tell you the truth, It was freaking boring most of the time, kept locked up in part of the palace most of the day. Then, he called on me and one of the families armed guards would get me and we would have sex. He had a temper but not as bad as Brandon.
Luckily, that part of my life didn’t last all that long either. I am not sure what the heck happened but something did happen. It was chaotic.
There were lots of explosions, armed men running around, it was like a large battle. The nation erupted into revolution. The palace was stormed, the royal family was killed. Most of the wives were killed. A few of them were kept alive, that included me. That was the next part of my life.
Bandit queen and revolutionary three years ago:
I was part of a jihad gang and we went into Pakistan. They realized something special about me and I quickly learned how to fight, shoot, be a revolutionary. I found out that the men I was with was Hezbollah.
We went around fighting, I found myself fighting Lebanon government forces and Israeli forces. I proved myself a very capable fighter and was quickly promoted above many of the male fighters. I was soon leading forces, directing operations inside Lebanon and Israel. I got enough power to get to lead my own personal operations.
I suggested to one of the big boss guys to do a operation in America. There were people that I wanted to repay for all of their kindness they displayed to me. Several weeks later it was all approved so I got the chance to doctor some documents to get entry into America. I chartered a plane to go to California. I couldn’t wait to see Brandon again, I really had a score to settle with that asshole.
That was when I found something really funny. I had just suggested a kidnapping and bombing mission in America. Just a few families, kidnapping Brandon for random would be a good thing. We’d have a chance to torture an infidel rapist for a few weeks and get several million dollars.
But, the boss gave me around thirty men. It was way more than needed, I smelled something fishy and should have just left. But I still wanted revenge so I went though with it and we got on a commercial aircraft to LAX.
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well I guess this one isnt very good
can someone tell me whats wrong with it, how It could be improved :(
It's the Weekend
There's not a lot of activity; Only 23 comments on the whole site in the last 12 hours (including yours). Plus you've warned people off about religion, physically forced, bizarre body modifications. Recommend you wait through Monday to see what kind of response you get. Sorry, I can't comment on your story as I haven't read it (primarily due to your warnings).
Your writing has definitely improved. I wasn't distracted by typos and wrong words while reading. You still have a great imagination but this one seemed to rush through things.
You now have posted the start of several stories, are you planning on continuing any of them?
Please keep up your writing.
Michelle B