
Witchy Woman

Witchy Woman

Written by Nuuan

Patrick shook his head as looked at the cards in his hand, he felt like the cards were against him and he couldn’t get a break tonight. To his left his friend Stan tossed his cards into the middle of the table.

“It’s getting late, Gonna try to get home before the wife decides to make me sleep on the couch,” Stan chuckled.

Stephanie’s Chance - 6 Turn Back, Foolish Boy

Stephanie’s Chance - 6
Turn Back, Foolish Boy

By Jessica C

Brad's a friend that brings out the girl in Steven…
Steve’s bad mouth catches up to him…
Unknowingly his mother helps him to embrace Stephanie

The Squad Chapter 12


The Squad: Chapter 12


The nurse entered the restroom. She pushes her way to reach me. Ellie looks on trying to keep me from breaking down again. My brief moment of calm evaporated when I realize how small I feel. The onlookers tower over me, pitying my diminutive frame crumpled on the ground. He didn’t mean to, I rationalize, but Taylor made me feel helpless, afraid. I couldn’t shake that feeling even though I knew he didn’t deserve the abuse from Monica. I hated myself for being so fragile.



Written by Dauphin
I need to stop a bully and my sister gives me a spell to turn a bully to a sissy. Things go wrong.
"A sentimental story of how real magic comes from the family" Diana
"The plotline is simple, the results of a spell opens a whole new life for a boy and family" Andrew

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 29

Dear shitkickercitys, thanks for the comment.

Synopsis; Aunty Cath and Mummy pick up Baby Jennie and Baby Bonnie from the hairdressing salon. Baby Jennie is forced to ride in a toddler's stroller while Bonnie pushes her to the mall. They meet Tammy and her mother outside the medical supply store, where Mummy leaves the others to take Baby Jennie to the dancewear shop to buy the sissy baby her very own tutu.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 19

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XIX
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

The next morning, I lazed around the house until Becky left for school. Before she left, she said, “I got you out a gym bag to put your exercise things in. I put a towel in for you.”

The Squad Chapter 11


The Squad: Chapter 11


The girls left for their respective classes, and I was on my way to mine. I caught Dr. Corning’s attention. Actually, I think my uniform caught her attention.

“Miss Stewart, may I see you in my office for a moment?”

That didn’t take long.

Little Boy-Girl 35 a Father’s Secret

A can of worms is opens when Mr. Davis secret is reveled.
Note this starts before the School Trouble Started.

School for Transgendered, Cross-Dressing and Diapered Kids set up

The Beginning - part 5. Mom is catching on.

“Honey, can I talk to you in private for a few minutes in the living room?” my mom asked me with a serious look on her face.

I was alarmed. “Okay.” I said rather hesitantly. My mom pointed to a chair in the living room. I sat down and she looked at me intensively for a few seconds.

“What did you and Samantha do and talk about the whole time?” she asked me. I did not like the concerned tone in her voice.

Upside Down, Inside Out Chapter 2

We continue to see the boy's memories resulting from his mother's death, as well as some of the father's memories of his son.


I stayed in school that day, having missed one of my classes, my dad picked me up shortly after school ended.

We stayed home that evening, ordered in pizza, and watched a couple of movies. I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the movies, I don't even remember which ones they were, but several times, seeing a woman that looked vaguely like mom caused me to burst into tears.

The Squad Chapter 10


The Squad: Chapter 10


“You look fine. Leave the hem of the skirt alone.” Ellie placed her hand on my bare arm.

“It’s really short.” I say as I fidget with the fringes of my pleated skirt while trying to keep in stride with her on the walk to school.

Kayleigh's Story, Chapter 3: Welcome to Her World

Four months following the events of “Nights of Silence...”

The bell rang, once softly, and then louder, bringing down the curtain on another day in the life of the most popular girl at Pittman High School.

Kayleigh was more than ready to go home, after taking care of a few things. She was worn out and cranky, just wanting to take a nap, like any other teenage girl.

Jenna, a girlfriend of Kayleigh’s, met her at her English class desk.

“Ready to go, Kay?”

“Just a minute.” She riffled frantically through her purse, searching for pink lipstick.

Upside Down, Inside Out Chapter 1

This first part is a bit graphic. What is being described is what the boy learned and remembered of the incident.


Everything, and I do mean everything, changed for me the day that my mother died. That was three years ago, I was ten years old.

She was on her way to work, she liked to be in the office early; that was quite normal for her, especially as she was likely to become a partner in the law firm she worked at, they were on the point of offering it to her when her life ended in just a few brief seconds.


Miss Identified

This began as a very short story – then grew after ‘I’m going to go for it’!

It's been not years but decades that I have hidden inside my shell. Layers and layers of ever-hardening never-cracking tough and rough shell. And deep inside was real-me. So very different from what people saw of my outside.

Undercover Exposure Tiara

.Undercover Exposure Tiara

Written by Dauphin
My aunt needs help to expose the evil world of pageants and she wants me to help!
"Child abuse for ambition? Sometimes we have to question adults and how we think!" Diana
"An attempt to write something original and ask why are there not many boy pageants" Dauphin

The Squad Chapter 9


The Squad: Chapter 9


We arrive at the hospital, it’s about half past 6. I was expecting to head for the same critical care ward that I had seen Amber last. Instead, dad leads me to a different floor. Amber’s condition must have improved. We enter to find a smiling Amber just finishing dinner. “Aaron!” the excitement in my sister's voice makes my heart swell with joy. “Oh, it’s so good to see you!”

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 27

Synopsis. Bonnie has been reduced to a diapered toddler, and she takes Baby Jennie to the hairdressing salon where she works to further feminise the sissy baby.

Chapter 27. Mummy's Clever Potty-Princess

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 18

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XVIII
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

Sunday morning, I saw Tina at church, and she smiled at me when our eyes met. After church, she stayed a few minutes after the choir dispersed, and came up to me in the choir room.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered An Edited Re-post Part 2 of 2

I desperately wanted away from there and I was half afraid he would kiss me again and half afraid he wouldn't! Somewhere in the back of my mind, though I could hear Jim yelling at me and I realized that it had to be the programming that was making me act like this! Ginny had been in charge for the past several minutes and Jim wanted back at the reins of this runaway stagecoach! I made an effort to push the Ginny part of me into the background and I was

The Squad Chapter 8


The Squad: Chapter 8


I met Lisa in the hall just after second period. “Hey, are you okay? I heard that they took you off the squad. Then you disappear for a week? What happened?”

“Amber. We had a scare last Tuesday Night. It’s all a blur to me. She almost died. I was in the room at the time. All the doctors and nurses rushed in; I felt so helpless.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. We haven’t had any news about you or Amber. We were all so worried.”

“Well, they took her in for surgery that night. It took forever, but the following morning they told us that she had survived. By Friday she even opened her eyes!”

“REALLY! That’s amazing!”

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 26

Synopsis; Aunty Cath reviews the recording of her daughter Bonnie and her girlfriend Tammy playing on Bonnie's bed. When Cath realises a third person is in the recording, she calls her sister Isabell and arranges a viewing.

To Baby Renee - thank you for all the lovely comments. I'm glad you're enjoying this long-winded sissy-AB story.

Chapter 26. Sex, Lies, and DVDs.

Kayleigh's Story, Chapter 1: All The Way

Things were getting out of control. Jared could see it. The coach could see it. The 1400 souls inside Longwood’ High School’s gym could see it. The five young men on the floor couldn’t, however, and that was all that mattered.

Athens 38, Longwood 16. Athens 40, Longwood 16. Athens 43, Longwood 16. The outcome of the game was never really in doubt, as Athens had played for the state title the year before. But this was absurd. Athens 45, Longwood 16.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered An Edited Re-post Part 1

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

By Cathy_t_

This was my very first attempt at writing anything for others to read. The idea for the story is mine but the inspiration for doing it at all comes from two wonderful angels I met on the net one dark night in my life. They stopped me from doing something very stupid that night and I would like to dedicate this story to them. To Prue and Neri. Without their help and encouragement this story would not exist. Nor would I.


Tuck (Regular) Special Valentine's Day 1998 Edition: Part 3 - Tucker Home Again

Tuck (Regular)
Special Valentine's Day 1998 Edition
Part 3: Tucker Home Again

by Ellen Hayes
Copyright© 2013, 2017 Ellen Hayes
All Rights Reserved.

"I don't feel embarrassed or like dirty talking about it- SEX,"
she emphasized, "with you."

I stroked a finger on her naked skin. "Not even a little dirty?"

She laughed, though not unkindly. "Just- The GOOD dirty,
with you, not the BAD dirty," she stopped smiling, "like
would happen at school or something."

No Place To Call Home: Chapter 1

This is part of a story which will feature forced femme, subliminal messaging as a form of mind control and some physical/emotional abuse.

The tags I've marked are relevant to the story as a whole. The not safe caution is for the whole story, the violence caution is for this chapter.

Anyone in the story, unless specifically stated otherwise, is a fictional character. Places in the story are real.


1. Monday, January 6, 2014, 1:35 PM Anchor Vans, Bath Rd., Padworth, Reading

Tuck (Regular) Special Valentine's Day 1998 Edition: Part 2 - Tuck Another Chance

Tuck (Regular)
Special Valentine's Day 1998 Edition
Part 2: Tuck Another Chance

by Ellen Hayes
Copyright© 2013, 2017 Ellen Hayes
All Rights Reserved.

Will Tuck And Nicole Survive Until The Weekend?

"Shut UP! Bitch!" I whined at Nicole, "They're PICKING on me!

Nicole just looked torn, and giggled helplessly.

Kim growled, "Stop whining, Tuck, it's unmanly."
Then Kim and Jill laughed.

The Atlantis

John and Ann are on the cruise of a lifetime on the Atlantis but soon discover they are on an all-gay cruise ship. Awkwardly trying to fit in, the situation puts a strain on their relationship. Additionally, Ann is starting to change and the couple soon realize straight people don't exist for long on this ship. John must make a decision that will change both their lives forever.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 17

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XVII
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

The Beginning - part 4. Emotions

I woke up at 7 the next morning. Without an alarm. I was very excited about my date with Sammy. Soon she would be here. I went to the bathroom and then back into my room. I sat down in the nice armchair right next to my window. It was still dark and I enjoyed the silence. I usually do this on a Saturday or Sunday morning. I like to be alone with my thoughts. I missed Mary a lot this year. We were never separated this long. When she was still in high school she had a busy social life but she always had time for me.

The Stuntman

Andrew Star works as a stuntman for Hollywood's greatest action star, the eccentric Tod Cruz. Suddenly, Cruz decides to get a sex change to fulfill a life-time ambition. Only problem is that Andrew is experiencing the symptoms. Its a race against the clock as Andrew must find a way to stop Cruz's transition and restore himself back to normal.

Bikini Beach: All Tucked Up

Tuck Solo.png
Bikini Beach:
All Tucked Up

by Ellen Hayes

Copyright© 2001, 2017 Ellen Hayes & Copyright© 2001, 2017 Elrod
All Rights Reserved to the Characters and Universes of the respective authors.

"Didn't she say to calm down?" Kim calmly observed as Mike calmly
slowed to forty miles per hour to make a screaming hairpin one-eighty
leading towards the entrance.

"I am calmly getting away from someone who transforms people and
influences thoughts," Mike said back, calmly. "While I still have a brain
and thumbs."

"Go faster," Tucker suggested from the backseat. Calmly, of course.

The Beginning - part 3. Changes ahead.

“Randy?” my big sister said when she answered the phone.

“Hey, sis! I need to talk to you.” I said with a quivering voice.

“What’s wrong, babe?” she asked sounding concerned. She always calls me babe which I loved.

“Well, dad and I had a fight and I….I started getting angry and upset and I….I…”, I tried to say but then I started crying a lot again.

The Beginning - part 2

I loved watching the beautiful trees go by in the fall when I ride in the car. I felt dreamy and a bit overwhelmed but happy on multiple levels. I was just caught looking at a pair of pantyhose in Macy’s by this girl who is in my math class. She never talked to me before and when she saw me looking at the pantyhose package, I thought my life was over. However, she treated me with kindness. She is very pretty and I think I like her a lot. Now that I have her phone number, I will call her and hopefully we can become friends.

Alexa Chapter 13: Lawyers and Love

Even though it was a Holiday for most people, I still had to work. This was going to be the first day back to work since last Friday. When I had left here three days ago, I had just been presented a release form that the owners of the coffee shop wanted me to sign releasing them from any liability if I was harassed. I don’t think I had ever been as mad as I had been that day. Luckily Jenny had a calmer head then I did. She immediately called her Grandmother who had lined up an attorney for us from the firm she uses.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 25

Synopsis, Jeremy's best friend and next-door neighbour returns from her holiday and catches Baby Jennie all dressed up. Sally reveals to Baby Jennie's Mummy that Jeremy used to borrow her tutu and play ballerina dress-ups in her parents garage.

To all my readers - Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Better Parents

.Better Parents

Written by Dauphin
A couple moves in next door and thinks they can be better parents.
"A fun heartwarming story of what a boy would do to be loved." Diana
"I hope this story makes people think of how important being a parent is!" Dauphin

The Squad Chapter 7


The Squad: Chapter 7


We sit waiting for word from the doctors. Hours go by. Mom and Dad huddle on the couch. I curl up on my side on the other couch. Mom and Dad have offered to take me home. None of us really wants to leave. I’ve stopped watching the clock hours ago. It only made me more agitated. I can’t concentrate. I don’t have my books or my backpack. I have nothing to do but sit in silence.

Changing Dynamics - 4

When his wife catches him dressed in her clothing, she decides there needs to be some changes in their relationship. When the power dynamics in their relationship radically change, can everyone walk away with their love and pride intact?

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 16

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XVI
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy


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