
The Black Ring V

Jacky takes a few steps backwards as she encounters on old flame that works for a clinic that promises to reverse her sex change and eliminate the persona known as Jill. Given the chance to get her life back as a man, Jacky goes down an unknown path that will lead to personal revelation and sacrifice.

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This story is 56 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 13

A young tomboy reluctantly allows an imperious French Designer to fit her for the Girl's Uniforms for an exclusive Swiss Finishing School...



My name is Josette Du Pres. An unwilling young tomboy reluctantly allows herself to be fitted for Girl's School Uniforms. She will find the experience embarrassing. Her embarasement will continue this day until she begins to prepare for a date - A date with an older man...


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This story is 75 words long.

A Different Key

A Different Key

Walking home, taking the time to shout out something meaningless to a friend on the other side of the road, couldn’t stop the melody flying around in my head. The idea just sounded so good in my brain, sometimes with different variations, that I just “had” to work on it at home in dad’s studio after dinner. Mom’s hello followed by her telling me that her and dad were going out later on and wouldn’t be back till probably 2.30am or later, just made me more excited than ever.

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This story is 96 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 12

In a world of black and white, two strange creatures crawl on a young girls breasts. Her hair begins to grow rapidly longer and the color of her hair changes from a dark gray to an intense auburn. It is as if her hair has turned into strands of gleaming copper wire...



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This story is 58 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 11

Jack Easton unable to scream or move closed his eyes and again fell into a deep but restless sleep...



My name is Josette Du Pres. A troubled young girl once more has fallen into a deep but restless sleep. She will face no more nightmares this night, but will suffer another attack by two of the fierce creatures that prey upon the unwary young males of Collinsport and the surrounding woods during the coming day - a fateful day for a troubled young girl with an uncertain fate.

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This story is 94 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 11


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The first day back at school after the break was cold and overcast, the weather mirroring the moods of the student body. Mr. Burns, the English teacher, on the other hand, walked into class with a smile on his face. “Hope you all enjoyed Twelfth Night. Does anyone know what twelfth Night is?” I knew, but I didn’t want to call attention tp myself. “Anyone?” he repeated. Reluctantly, I raised my hand.

“Mr. Evans?” he said.

“It’s the end of the Christmas Season, and involves a lot of drinking and eating.”

“Very good,” Mr. Burns responded, “which is tomorrow for those who care. Please remember that your papers are due on Wednesday, which is Epiphany. From your papers I should be able to discover who actually read the play and who only surfed the internet for easy answers.”

I felt smug. Not only had my friends and I read it together and discussed it among ourselves, but I had actually written my paper, It was entitled: ‘Twelfth Night - Successful Cross-Dressing.’ In my paper I also made references to Cheribino’s cross-dressing in Der Rosenkavalier.

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This story is 187 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 10

The young woman helplessly bound and gagged opened her eyes and began shivering. She felt cold as if she was a frozen body in a morgue. She looked around as much as she could with terror in her eyes. With a final shiver, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep but restless sleep...



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This story is 61 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 10


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“If I help with dinner, does that mean that I can stay in the kitchen the whole time?” I responded.

“No!” she announced. She turned to me, and added, “And you will wear a suit.”

“A suit?” I questioned. I knew what she meant, but I decided to be a smart alec. “I have this nice suit with a pencil skirt and matching tailored jacket. Maybe a ruffled blouse?”

Amy thought this was humorous, and began to chuckle. My father didn’t. “You know darn well what your mother meant, so stop being a smarty pants,” he exploded.

“Maybe that should be ‘smarty panties’,” Amy said under her breath.

Unfortunately our father heard this and he said, “You behave yourself, young lady.”

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This story is 122 words long.

Date with Spider-Man Part 3


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Date with Spider-Man Part 3

ake up before Abby, after sneaking away trying not to wake her I decide to make breakfast, might as well have her at her happiest when I break the news that I have a date with Tom. Still, in just my underwear I put on an apron and begin making pancakes. As I'm flipping them, Abby comes up from behind and gives me a hug.

"Well, don't I just have the sweetest girlfriend?." She says squeezing me from behind.

I turn, standing on my toes, and I kiss her on the cheek. "And don't you forget it, hehe."

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This story is 102 words long.

The Outlander - Birth Of A Princess - Part 1

The Outlander - Birth of a Princess
Part 1

Camp roof.jpg

"The company is your family, your family is the company. If you believe a member of your unit may harbour sympathies towards the outlanders or confederates to other company’s then you will report them."

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This story is 43 words long.

Riley of the Dead - Part 3



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Hospital hallway dark.jpg Happy Hallow—
What?... Oh, yeah!

Happy 'I managed to get a new chapter out before Halloween like I promised, even if it is tied slightly to my guilt over not being able to post a main series chapter for a while'-Mus? :)

Time to check in with the injury prone former loft-dweller again at long last, I suppose?

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This story is 57 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 9

The young girl opened her eyes. She was unable to scream or move. She tries to test her bindings. She feels a yearning - something is calling to her...



My name is Josette Du Pres. On her first night in Collinsport, a young girl has survived her first nightmare. She will face two more terrifying nightmares before this night ends. But first, she will face another encounter with the fierce creatures that prey upon the males of Collinsport and the surrounding countryside...

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This story is 88 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 9


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The school had a course in Civics during the first semester of the year with U.S. History during the second semester. For reasons which were rather unclear, all seniors had to take the Civics course and pass periodic exams in Civics to be allowed to graduate.

Becky, Sue, Joe and I were doing a joint study session at Joe’s house. The topic was the functions of the federal, state and local governments, and how they interrelated. Joe, the cynic, expounded, “All these layers of government do is pass silly laws, tax us to death, and then spend the money foolishly.”

“Yeah,” opined Sue, “let’s say that Roy was all dressed up as Renee, which washroom would he or she be allowed to use?” She turned to me and said, “What do you do?”

“Learn to hold your water and not drink too many soft drinks.” I responded, not wanting to go into the issue too deeply.

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This story is 159 words long.

Date with Spider-Man Part 2


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Date with Spider-Man Part 2

"Ummmm, I can explain," I say, standing up quickly, causing my breasts to giggle.

"No, no, no need. He's a cute guy, I totally get it."

"No, no I was just, and then he, what did you see?"

"I saw my boyfriend give another man his number, and blush after being kissed by him."

"Okay yes that did technically happen, but you don't understand, it just happened. He's very ...smooth."

"It's okay, I just wish you told me you were gay, we'd have so much more to talk about."

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This story is 93 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 8



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Caution - this chapter contains explicit sexual material.

Sue, Joe, Becky and I attended the Valentine’s day dance. I wore my suit and Joe had on a sport coat. Both of us wore white shirts and dark ties. The girls had really gone all out. Sue had a red dress with the hem a few inches above her knees. Becky had borrowed my dance dress.

“I wish you were wearing that dress, it looked so good on you at the dance class,” Joe commented. I pretended to not hear him. He leaned closer to me and whispered, “Are you wearing panties under your clothes, sweetheart?”

I scowled at him, and said, “ Hardly.”

“Well I am, lover,” he confessed.

“What does Sue think about that?” I asked.

“She doesn’t know,” he answered, and then added, “Yet.”

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This story is 137 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 8

The young girl in the Maid Cafe Uniform slowly walked over to the table blissfully unaware that she was wiggling her bottom in a highly calculated manner designed to draw all eyes to her. She sat down carefully brushing her petticoat and dress under her as she sat down concentrating on heeding the warning of The Woman to avoid flashing her very naughty ruffled panties.



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This story is 71 words long.

Date with Spider-Man Part 1


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Date with Spider-Man

Oddly enough this story contains Infinity War spoilers, so be warned.

"Abby, this is ridiculous."

"Glen, this is the bet. Or should I say Gwen? That fits you better now."

"Don't you dare call me that," I say, pointing with an admittedly dainty hand.

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This story is 47 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 7

Exhausted by blood loss and overwhelmed by his ordeal, Jack could barely keep his eyes open. The Woman smirked and said:

"You look very cute in makeup and a Maid Cafe Uniform. I can tell that you are really enjoying the experience. I enjoyed watching you deliberately sway as you walked so that you could feel the sweet caress of your petticoat against your willing thighs. I bet you thought I wouldn't notice - Didn't you?"
You just couldn't help fluttering your eyes and smiling to show off your makeup and display how much you
liked wearing your Maid Cafe Uniform...

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This story is 101 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 7


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The prior Wednesday my mother told me that she had made an appointment with a counselor for Friday afternoon, and she handed me a note to give the school excusing me from my afternoon classes.

As I left for school on Friday morning, she said, “The appointment is for 1:30, so try to be home by 1:00.”

My friends were interested in what this was all about, but I had absolutely no clue. “My mother made the appointment but didn’t tell me anything,” I explained.

“Look, if when you get wherever you’re going, and you see men in white coats with a straight jacket, run like hell,” Joe suggested.

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This story is 109 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 6

Exhausted by loss of blood, Jack began to doze off while The Woman continued to softly brush Jack's hair...



My name is Josette Du Pres. Jack Eaton, weakened by loss of blood, assaulted by aggressive hormones, overwhelmed by strange new feelings, swathed in clothing a real man would never wear, and stripped of all his male posessions by a strange woman fears that he is losing who he is...


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This story is 75 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 6


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A weak January sun was shining through my bedroom window when I awoke at about 9:00. From my position in my bed I could see that I had hung up the evening gown, but the rest of my clothes from yesterday were just dumped on a chair. I patted my hair. It was still in what remained of the french twist from yesterday. I got out of bed and put a robe on over my pajamas and headed to the bathroom. A quick glimpse into the mirror revealed that I had done a poor job removing my makeup when I went to bed. I took down what was left of the french twist and with some cold cream and tissues I attacked my face, only to find that yesterday’s makeup was resisting removal. During this procedure my stomach began growling.

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This story is 140 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 5


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Saturday, November 22, 2014:

I woke up at 7:00. Today was my first day at the store. I had used hair remover and taken a shower the night before. I could smell the lotion I had used. It was flowery, and I liked it. A few minutes later my Mother knocked on my door. “Are you up?” she asked. “If you need any help, just call.”

“Okay, Mom,” I replied.

I took off my nightgown and put on my favorite bra with inserts and panties. While the corset was uncomfortable, it was a necessity, and I pulled the straps under my panties. Since I was wearing the corset, I could use nylon stockings, as opposed to pantyhose. I put on a full slip, and started with my makeup. I had found a nice sleeveless blue dress with a flared skirt, which I thought was just right for my first day of work. It was then that I asked my mother for help with my hair.

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This story is 162 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 5

The Woman held Jack's chin with one hand, turning Jack's face towards her. With the other hand, she brought up the tube to his lips and introduced Jacqueline to the taste of lipstick on her lips...



My name is Josette Du Pres. Jack Easton continues his fall into a strange fate that threatens his continued existance as a normal eighteen year old male.


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This story is 69 words long.

Breathing...Chapter 9


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It’s doing all this stuff and having a few more drinks as we’re doing it and talking and it’s Terri’s turn as she talks about some cool people she met and that a couple were girls and that mixed in her head with what I was going through and doing and she figured out that she’s… “Maybe Bi or like Pan or whatever.”

After things are done we’re having another round of drinks then grandma says.

“Why don’t you go and change so we can spend time with Robin?”

I swallow my tea and schnapps. “Are you sure?”

I look at her and Mom and then Dad and Grandpa and they’re all nodding and Terri smiles at me. “C’mon Robin let’s go and get you changed.”

*And Now…

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This story is 139 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 4


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The Queen of the Night was a mess. The sun was shining brightly when I awoke the morning after the Halloween party. I squinted at the clock; it was nearly 10:00 a.m. I looked about. My dress from last night was loosely draped over a chair, not hung up as it should have been. I came to realize that I still had my bra on but minus one insert, along with panties, garter belt and nylons. I had no idea where my slip was. My shoes had been abandoned in the middle of the room. Thankfully, I had put on a nightgown, or at least I was wearing one.

I got out of bed, somehow found a robe and made my way to the bathroom. My face was a mess; I hadn’t removed my makeup, but I, or someone, had removed my wig. I absently wondered where it could be.

Surveying the wreck in the mirror, I decided to remove the makeup as a first step to normalcy. Normalcy? How could I consider myself as anywhere near normal. After I cleaned off my makeup I stripped off the remainder of my clothes and stepped into the shower. First thing to do was to clear the cobwebs from my brain. A good shower was just the thing to do that.

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This story is 220 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 4

Jack watched quietly and gave no resistance as the woman lifted up his right foot and slipped the Black Mary Jane on his foot. She gently put his foot down and pulled the strap around his ankle. As she tightened the ankle strap and fastened the buckle, Jack felt a chill run up his leg. He heard a deafening click as if his leg was being shacked with a chain.

The woman repeated the action with Jack's other foot. Jack had an uncomfortable feeling. It felt as if he had been locked in a cage from which there was no escape...


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This story is 101 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 3


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Immediately after I came home from school on Monday afternoon I changed into my girl clothes, to connect with my experiences. That had been Becky’s suggestion. I then re-read my journal and started on the essay. I noted the stereotypes which were relevant to my experience, and decided to limit my essay to just those points. According to the instructions, Mrs. Benson wanted the essay to be at least one thousand words. My first draft was twice that. I set it aside to polish it over the next few days. I changed out of my girl clothes for supper, to avoid any snide comments from my sister although something in me was saddened when I did.

At that point I realized that having let my feminine side out, she wasn’t going to go away without a struggle. I decided to keep the name Renee for my feminine side.

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This story is 150 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 3


When Jack's hand touched his breast, the woman closed her eyes. An old memory flashed into Jack's mind...



My name is Josette Du Pres. Jack Eaton has been viciously attacked by two fierce creatures that prey on the young men of Collinsport. A strange woman has appeared. While tending his wounds, she brings an old memory from Jack's past - a memory that will affect Jack's uncertain future...


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This story is 74 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 2


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On the way to the mall, Becky and I explained our essay requirements to my Mom. “Maybe I can help you with it.” she said.

My mother and Becky dropped me off at the men's wear department, and took off on an adventure of their own. As mom explained it, “I’m going to borrow Becky as my daughter for the day to shop with.” For some reason both Mom and Becky began giggling madly.

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This story is 75 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 2


As Jack Eaton approached the last signpost on his fatal journey, he failed to notice a black limousine parked alongside US 1. After passing the unseen limousine, he felt an urge to turn at the upcoming exit. As soon as he completed the turn, the engine of his car shut off without notice.

[without notice by Jack - just before the engine stopped a small light started blinking on the instrument panel]

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This story is 71 words long.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 1


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Saturday, September 13, 2014:

My story starts on a Saturday afternoon in the middle of September of my junior year in high school. My friends, Joe, Harry, Bob and I were sprawled on the furniture in Bob’s den, half watching something idiotic on the television.

“Hey guys,” announced Joe, “the Homecoming Dance is four weeks away. Are any of you guys going?”

“If it means getting a date, the answer is ‘no.’ It seems like every time I ask a girl out, I get shot down,” answered Harry.

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This story is 87 words long.

The Blue Whale Chapter 1


Here is Mr. Jack Eaton, an eighteen year old male traveling on US 1 to Portland to attend a Cosplay Convention. Unfortunately for Mr. Eaton, he is inattentive to what is happening around him - a grave error that will have fatal consequences for an eighteen year old male...

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This story is 48 words long.

Alternative Reality 2

.Alternative Reality 2

Written by Dauphin
A boy runs away from his Grandmother, because she does not accept him
"You enter the mind of a boy and get frustrated that no one can understand him." Diana
"I wanted to do a F2M story, as there are very few of them!" Dayphin

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This story is 51 words long.

Those Fertile Fields: Chapter 1

It sure is weird living in a place where everyone else wears female clothes almost all of the time. Well, there are some exceptions, I guess, it seems a lot of girls like to wear boys' T-shirts as night shirts, you know, not quite full nighties for when they sleep.

I'm sure there are other clothing bits and pieces that are male that girls like to wear, but I'm drowning here in a sea of feminine clothing.

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This story is 77 words long.

Dollie Finishing Academy 4

.Dollie Finishing Academy 4

Written by Dauphin
Our boy Fights to be a boy, but it is hard to do

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This story is 19 words long.

Pretty in Purple

I finally had tricked my wife into a bet where as her forfeit she’d finally do something in the bedroom that she’d absolutely refused to do ever since that first crazy night of debauchery we’d spent together. There was no way I could lose the bet. I was really looking forward to collecting since there was no conceivable way I could lose. I could already smell the sweet smell of victory. The only thing I was worried about was that reality wouldn’t live up to memory.

I lost.

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This story is 92 words long.

Last Regrets - Part 5 of 5

This story is set a week or two after the events of the story "Natural Affection (Link)". It can be read independently, but I recommend reading the other story first.

Brad Cooper has a lot of regrets about his past misdeeds.
He longs to be with a girl he knows, Sarah, but through his own actions that will never happen.
Or so he thinks.

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This story is 64 words long.

Miss Anne Thrope


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Miss Anne Thrope

© 2004
by Nom de Plume

As I write this tale of woe, the sight of manicured fingers flitting over my keyboard evokes the utter misery of my situation. Not long ago, I was vice president of a major pharmaceutical firm, with a six figure salary and a corner office. Now I am sitting in a secretary’s cubicle, trying to keep from snagging my pantyhose each time I escape from my pathetic little desk. How did this ever happen to me?

Originally posted 2004/11/17

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This story is 85 words long.

Last Regrets - Part 4 of 5

This story is set a week or two after the events of the story "Natural Affection (Link)". It can be read independently, but I recommend reading the other story first.

Brad Cooper has a lot of regrets about his past misdeeds.
He longs to be with a girl he knows, Sarah, but through his own actions that will never happen.
Or so he thinks.

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This story is 64 words long.

Last Regrets - Part 3 of 5

This story is set a week or two after the events of the story "Natural Affection (Link)". It can be read independently, but I recommend reading the other story first.

Brad Cooper has a lot of regrets about his past misdeeds.
He longs to be with a girl he knows, Sarah, but through his own actions that will never happen.
Or so he thinks.

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This story is 64 words long.

My Russian Wedding

The UK Immigration authorities will do everything they can to prevent Tommy's Russian cousin from marrying a British citizen. Tommy is asked to help the wedding go ahead.

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Breathing...Chapter 8


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I guy shake hands and half-hug grandpa who does the same and pounds me affectionately on my back.

“Welcome back kiddo, you and me and your dad have a lot of stuff to do when you’re not working.”

I fake a smile. “Missed you grandpa, we’ll get things done don’t worry.”

Then grandma hugs me really tightly and she whispers in my ear. “Later tonight when he’s watching his shows I’m coming over. I want to meet Robin.”

Okay...I’m pretty surprised all over again.

*And Now…

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This story is 94 words long.

Last Regrets - Part 2 of 5

This story is set a week or two after the events of the story "Natural Affection (Link)". It can be read independently, but I recommend reading the other story first.

Brad Cooper has a lot of regrets about his past misdeeds.
He longs to be with a girl he knows, Sarah, but through his own actions that will never happen.
Or so he thinks.

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This story is 64 words long.

Last Regrets - Part 1 of 5

This story is set a week or two after the events of the story "Natural Affection (Link)". It can be read independently, but I recommend reading the other story first.

Brad Cooper has a lot of regrets about his past misdeeds.
He longs to be with a girl he knows, Sarah, but through his own actions that will never happen.
Or so he thinks.

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This story is 64 words long.

Indeterminate sentence - Jenny & Stacie (Chapter 1)



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(Chapter 1) - Caught, convicted and waiting. There was no jury, only a panel of three women to determine your fate here; an indeterminate fate. One day you have a life and the next day you just disappear… for an indeterminate period of time. No hope of rescue. No recourse. The only ‘course’ you could expect was intercourse we were told.

(This story is ADULT fiction. There will be four chapters. Comments are appreciated.)

Prelude – Caught, convicted and waiting: "My name is Jenny"

Days 1 – 14

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This story is 83 words long.

Suit Yourself


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A little bit of fluff inspired by a recent story by one of my favorite authors on this site – me ;)

Walking about at the pool party with all the company top management and VIPs from our most important customers I remembered how hard I had worked to become a ”Suit”. My goal was Customer Relations. My great talent is that I speak several languages. I had not been very successful until my cousin James got promoted, basically for going to work dressed as a woman, and not very convincingly at that! Well, he complains, especially about the high heels. I don’t believe him for a minute. He must be thrilled by his promotion. If he could, so could I!

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This story is 120 words long.

All for One Silly Joke!


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Wednesday morning as I entered the office Veronica in reception greeted me

- Hi, James. Nice to see you dressed properly again.

I hated it. Just because I decided to joke the Friday before and come dressed in a skirt, a nice blouse that just barely showed the bra under it, pantyhose and shoes with a bit of a heel my life was utterly and completely destroyed. My girlfriend and I had thought it would be hilarious and she had helped me to put on some make-up. Nothing over the top. Just some nice make-up that actually made my 25 year old but unfortunately rather babyish face a bit more mature.

At first everything went according to plan. The other engineers got the joke and had fun comparing my outfit with the usual “dress code” at the design office, i.e. jeans, baggy college shirts and such. Actually I was the only one in a skirt. Not that there were many females among us but anyway. I also got compliments from other people that I met while going from one place another. In one morning I had become modestly famous in the company. Then things started to go wrong, terribly, horribly wrong.

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This story is 201 words long.




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by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2018 Melanie Brown

Toby got more than he bargained for.


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This story is 14 words long.

The Boy on the milk carton

.The boy on the Milk Carton

Written by Dauphin
Who was the boy on the milk carton?
"Once in a while we get a gem, and this one had my hankies out and emotions flowing" Diana
"I did not want a story about MtF, but turning the story upside down and was a bit original. I really had fun doing this and it was like I was living in the story! " Dauphin

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This story is 72 words long.

The Accident

A bike ride takes a turn for the worst...or is it for the better?

I am a cross dresser. Not being one to mince words we might as well get that out in the
open straight-away. I can almost say I always have been. My bike racing career started as
a means to hide my full time hairless body. At first it was just an excuse, but as I got
better, I spent more on my kit and then the bike and then the kit and…well, you know
how those things progress.

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This story is 94 words long.


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