
The Will Chaser

When a solicitor's clerk arrives one evening with news of a legacy for an unknown relative, possibly his half-sister, Sam tries hard to help her inherit. If it had been a smaller amount, he probably wouldn't have agreed to stand in for her, but as it was…

Day Care Channel

.Daycare Channel

Written by Dauphin
A boy is smart and learns a lot about the world, that also challenged things he believed in
"We are all the same, but different. What the world needs is respect. What a message!" Diana
"This boy had a journey to learn something about himself and others" Dauphin

Identity Crisis - Chapter 10/10: Finale

As the city-wide disaster looms, Prodigious Girl, still battered and bruised from her fights at the Sanctuary, must stand alone against the forces that threaten to destroy everyone she loves. But how can she hope to prevail against an enemy who knows her better than she knows herself?

Hello it's me again!

Hello it’s me again!
By Princess Pantyboy

Kelly me teenage boy 14 years’ old
Tina my big sister 16 years’ old
Miley my little sister 11 years-old
Beth our next-door neighbor/cheerleader

I was transferring files from my old laptop to my knew laptop and found some stories I wrote back in 2011 and never put on line. Here is another one of them. I hope you enjoy it, like always please forgive any of the spelling or grammar mistakes I didn’t catch I hope there aren’t many.
Hugs, Princess.

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 3


This is a story of a time that could've been a long time ago, but not of this world. It is a tale of a prince and a hero. A tale of a hero who fought with all his might and lost so much, yet also gained so much. A tale that will make you laugh (hopefully), cry (maybe) or unsure if you should laugh or cry. Though it must be said, that this is not a typical fairytale.

What would you do when you meet someone who scammed you of your money? When it's our hero prince(ss), all bets are off.

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 3
When the hero is not what you'd expect.

By Shiina Ai

Identity Crisis - Chapter 9/10: Assault on Paradise

PG, Prodigy, and Trixie find themselves as the last line of defense against the impending catastrophe that faces the city. Outnumbered and outgunned, they take the fight to the Sanctuary where they also encounter an old enemy.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 35

Synopsis; Aunty Cath brings a diapered Baby Bonnie over to her sister's place to help get Baby Jennie ready for the Fairy Princess party. Bonnie realises she has wronged Baby Jennie, and tries to make it up to the sissy baby.

Chapter 35. Baby Bonnie and Baby Jennie

Prelude to Girlhood

Hi everybody! It's good to be back. I've decided to take a little break from Kayleigh's Story for the time being, but I will be posting a few short stories. Enjoy!

Charles and Philip were biting their nails, wringing their hands, deep in thought, anxiously awaiting the most important moment of their lives.

The eighth grade talent show marched on for what seemed like an eternity. Act after act after act came and went, some good, all prolonging the two boys’ suffering.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 8/10: Revelations and Recriminations

Prodigious Girl, furious at what happened to her, confronts Prodigy. Meanwhile, the full nature of the plot against the city is revealed, and shocking revelations expose its unexpectedly personal connections to our heroes.

Shit Happens, But So Do Miracles! Parts 1 - 5

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Shit Happens, But So Do Miracles!
by Tanya Allan


Shit_Happens_iStock_000004431591Small.jpg Synopsis
Young Martin Collins was the youngest of five brothers, and no sisters! His mother, Jenny, had always wanted a girl, and although slightly disappointed, treated him no differently!

However, from a very early age, Martin himself realised that things weren’t quite right, and when playing with some girls his age, he made the discovery that was to charge his life!

He was in the wrong body!

Childhood should be a time of fun and laughter, but for Martin it was to prove a depressing and miserable time, until things started to change, and a light shone at the end of his tunnel!

Miracles are few and far between, but for Martin, his life went from bad to brilliant!

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 34

Synopsis. Justine gives Baby Jennie a lovely feed from her breasts at the Church Nursery. After breakfast at their favourite local restaurant, Isabell takes her little girls home for a nap before the Fairy Princess party.

Chapter 34. Feeding Time for Baby

Making Up the Numbers (Preview/Demo)

Making Up the Numbers

A DEMO of a new story in the works by:
Melanie E.


Yep. I'm writing this. What you're seeing here is a first draft of the first 3 chapters of a brand-new tale by yours truly that, when finished, will be submitted to Erin for use in the hatbox and, maybe, for Amazon sales. We'll see.

It's been a while since I wrote anything substantial, so this time around I'm going for something a bit, well, a bit different.

Hope you enjoy the demo, and if you like it... well, keep an eye out :)

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 13 Walls Coming Down

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Identity Crisis - Chapter 7/10: The Longest Day

Rebuffed by his superhero mentor, Chris takes matters into his own hands to investigate the mystery. As friendships and alliances start to crumble, Chris is driven to make some rash decisions that have disastrous consequences. (Fair warning, this chapter gets pretty dark and delves into some uncomfortable situations. But it’s always darkest before the dawn!)

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 33

Synopsis. After being dressed in her pretty pink dress - altered for a crawling baby - Baby Jennie and Angelica return to the Church Nursery. Baby Jennie meets Justine's little sisters, and Aunty Justine has a special surprise for her diapered little baby girl.

If you are enjoying this lengthy sissy-baby story, please take a few seconds to post a comment after reading this chapter. I'm desperate for some feedback from my sissy-baby readers.
Baby Jennie

Identity Crisis - Chapter 6/10: Friends, Foes and Opportunities

A fight at school leads to changes for Chris even as he gets some unexpected good news as Prodigious Girl. Meanwhile, his best friend Caleb uncovers some information that leads to deeper questions about the plot that threatens the city.


Identity Crisis - Chapter 5/10: Here to Save the World, Dressed Like a Girl

Forced to pretend that he likes wearing girls’ clothes in order to protect his secret identity, Chris has a difficult time now that friends, family, and schoolmates all believe him to be transgender. Meanwhile, a chance encounter uncovers a mystery that has potentially far-reaching effects for the entire city.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 4/10: Victoria's Secret Identity

Chris's rocky relationship with his superhero mentor leads him to consider alternatives. But his real troubles begin at home when his parents discover the stash of girls' clothes he's been using to maintain a secret identity as a heroine and they jump to awkward and embarrassing conclusions about his clandestine activities.

Hide and Seek, Part 1

Brian thought that he was hiding his true nature in school from everyone,
but soon, something he had never planned on happening began.
Someone was after him!

Hide and Seek
Part 1

A StacyInLove Fanfic

by Valerie Preston

StacyVerse and included characters are Copyright © 2017 by StacyInLove
All Rights Reserved.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 1/10: Confessions of a Teenage Hero(ine)

Identity Crisis cover image

Before we begin, an important note about the tone of the story. I started it as a whimsical romp, a superhero action comedy with a TG twist. But along the way it became apparent to me that at its heart it's a coming of age story, with all of the wrinkles that entails.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 31

Synopsis. Baby Jennie plays ballerina dress-up with her sister Angelica, and learns her fate if she wets her diaper at the party on Sunday. Connie comes over to babysit Baby Jennie and Angelica while their mother Isabell goes out with Ellen Green from next door to discuss Baby Jennie attending Daisy's Fairy Princess party tomorrow.

Chapter 31. “You’re Just a Baby.”

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 21

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XXI
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

Upside Down, Inside Out Chapter 3

The memories continue, from both Cameron and his father. Also a few glimpses of things from Jocelyn's viewpoint.


School has been okay for the most part. The schoolwork isn't difficult, I could probably do most of it in my sleep.

Scarlet Ribbons

Scarlet Ribbons

by Anam Chara

When a father and husband is left alone as a widower with two children, he can deal with his son well enough, but he knows nothing about raising a daughter—not even where to find those special things that little girls pray for…

The Curse 2: The Cursening, Chapter 2: In Which Things Occur

The Curse 2: The Cursening
Chapter 2: In Which Things Occur

With this chapter, you'll all be caught up with where the story is on TG Storytime. I'm hard at work on the next chapter, though. It's slow going, sadly.

The Squad Chapter 13


The Squad: Chapter 13


I’m scared to walk home alone. After the events of today, I don’t want to be alone. I reach the gate that exits the school grounds, and I eye it nervously. Come on Aaron. You’ve done this before. It’s just a walk home. I don’t know why I’m so apprehensive about walking home alone. I’m not used to being this paranoid. What did I think would happen to me? I look down at my skirt. My legs bare to the no-show socks. My heart is pounding. My stomach is in knots.

The Beginning - part 6. New friends.

I rang the doorbell and Sammy opened it rather quickly. She smiled at me, gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi Randy, thanks for coming.” Sammy said excitedly.

“Thanks for inviting me.” I replied happily.

Blue Nails Chapter 1

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Mark would do anything for his girlfriend
Sarah, but he never realized that the
running prank that Sarah and her sister
would pull on him by painting his nails
blue when he fell asleep would
lead to a whole new way of life!


Blue Nails

by Emmie Dee

Copyright © 2000, 2010 by Emmie Dee
All Rights Reserved.

The Curse 2: The Cursening, Chapter 1: In Which We Begin

The Curse 2: The Cursening

Chapter 1: In Which We Begin

So, if you read my stories (and I assume there are at least two of you out there who do), you've probably read The Curse of Womanhood, which was a pretty big deal for 10 minutes at a time back when I was posting it. Now, if you read my stories on TG Storytime (where I do most of my posting), you'll know there's a sequel to The Curse of Womanhood that's been around awhile over there.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 20

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XX
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 2


This is a story of a time that could've been a long time ago, but not of this world. It is a tale of a prince and a hero. A tale of a hero who fought with all his might and lost so much, yet also gained so much. A tale that will make you laugh (hopefully), cry (maybe) or unsure if you should laugh or cry. Though it must be said, that this is not a typical fairytale.

How could you have known that someone you worshipped as a hero actually hated being a hero?

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 2
When the hero is not what you'd expect.

By Shiina Ai


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