
Becoming Sara, Final

This is the final chapter of the rewrite of Becoming Sara. If you want to read the original you can find it on Fictionmania.

Sara has a lot to do as she dives right into getting her book ready for printing. Her encounter with Megan reveals part of what she forgot. Max disappears and she can't get a hold of him. Sara learns some shocking truths and goes home to face her father. Will it work out or will she be rejected?

A very hard choice. Part 1

Ever have one of those days that just went sideways?

Ever have a week?

How about a month?

Why do I ask. Well.....

To start with my name, my real name, is Tony Smith...yes smith. Is it the last name of my parents? I have no idea I was an abandoned baby so nobody knows. Raised in an orphanage till age six then multiple foster homes.

Gene or Jean? - Part 5 - The Halloqueen

At last I graduated, and was heading off to college, to major in French Literature with a minor in Business. I figured that I would not be cross-dressing while in college, so I left all of my feminine attire at home. I figured wrong.

My Last Breath

.My last breath

Written by Dauphin
A letter to my granddaughter, who is a tomboy
"A Heartwarming letter to a granddaughter with great advice" Diana
"So many needs a letter like this" Dauphin

Gene or Jean? - Part 4 - Looking for Answers

As a result of dressing as a girl for my French class project, I was spending more and more time as a girl. While Sandy had been enthusiastic about my cross-dressing at the start, she seemed less and less in favor of it as time progressed and I spent more time en femme. She wanted a boyfriend.

My Father just didn’t like it. He was reluctant to discuss my cross-dressing; he left it to my Mother to tell me of his concerns. “Your Father had hoped that your cross-dressing was a phase and that you would grow out of it.” she said, “Now he thinks that you might be turning into a girl. He thinks that you are more girl than boy, and he wants you to go to counseling.”

Sandy shared my Dad’s concerns. Therefore, I agreed to go to counseling.

Becoming Sara, Day Nine

I have never felt so good after drinking as I did now barely on the verge of being fully awake. For once in my life I was beyond explanation on how good I felt. No other words to describe it other then fully content with a hint of electric. The next sense that came to me was the warm body holding me. Wrapping itself around me in a blanket of protection. I silently giggled as I wiggled my rear feeling something that gave me flashes of lightning so few hours ago. The next sense that came to me was the smell of our mutual efforts to please each other.

Two for the Road: Part 1 Sterling, Muhzzurah -2- Kayo

The girls stop to put up the top on the Mustang and get some refreshment, unwittingly putting on a show for the locals.

Two for the Road: Part 1

Sterling, Muhzzurah -2- Kayo

Erin Halfelven

Billie's Christmas Present

Billie's Christmas Present

Bill’s team was in a hard-fought battle with their little league archenemies. They had split their previous two games and this was for the championship. It was the bottom of the last inning, the score was tied, and Bill was up to bat with the bases loaded and two outs. The pitcher watched him dig in at the plate. He had already struck Bill out three times and he was quite sure that he could do it again.

Twin Swap Chapter 5

When 13 year old twins Tyler and Jillian can't get along, their Mom decides to take drastic measures and make them see things from each others shoes by making them literally switch places, forcing Jillian to be the brother and Tyler to be the sister. Tyler's punishment gets extended but Jillian finds herself on the tail end of her punishment and finds herself a little more conflicted about returning to life as a girl than she thought.

"Great! Looking great, Grandma."

"Great! Looking great, Grandma."

Following on from the story of my Great Granddaughter, Frances, I was learning some new lessons of my own. Helping her learn to be a teenage girl had strange and unusual side-effects on MY life. [See :

Becoming Sara, Day Seven, Sisters

Work was out of the question as the hypersensitivity was getting worse. I had woke up the next morning to a screaming orgasm. It took several minutes to figure it was me that screamed at least I thought it was a few minutes cause I think I passed out as well. Taking a shower turned into an experience that I couldn't stand as I literally couldn't stand it was so intense. A bath was only slightly arousing. I was so glad that Max, Jackie, and even Megan had to work as if even one of them came over I would have raped them.

Christmas Ballerina

In the living room
Underneath the beautiful tree
In the pale glow of the late Christmas afternoon turned night
My brother is wearing a tutu

He squeals and leaps
As he stretches at the barre we got him
The joy from the morning pasted on his face
Fourteen years old
But a little girl still

His beauty is pure
His excitement over his gifts true
His wig, a shield from those who would intrude
His Sephora gift card, a weapon
No goddess ever better armed

Becoming Sara, Day Four, Bank Clothes and Megan

Sara takes care of a few things and then goes shopping. Afterwards her friends visit. Megan makes her move, however Sara is protected yet still open. Faced with hypersensitive nerves doesn't make it easy to keep under control. Will Sara fall to Megan's spell anyway? Did her friends figure out that she is girl?

Gene or Jean? - Part 3 - Consequences of Chanson Francaise.

Well, I had admitted that I liked being a girl at times, but that I liked being a boy when I was with Sandy. My project, or maybe my performance was no secret, and most of my friends and acquaintances thought it was funny. On the other hand, a few people thought it was perverted, and made no secret of that.

I was even hit on by a few boys who admitted that they were gay, as if my cross dressing in some way made me gay. I gently corrected their misapprehensions. What was more interesting were the number of girls who hit on me. They made it clear that they wanted me as a girlfriend, since I looked sexy as a girl, and I had my male parts. I told them that I already had a girlfriend.

To everyone, I made it plain that my motivation to wear a dress had nothing to do with sex or my gender; I was motivated by getting an ‘A’ on my project.

“Yeah, but you seemed to be enjoying wearing a dress and acting like a girl. Way too much for just an ‘A’ it seems to me,” one of my male friends said.

“Well,” I responded, “I thought it best to act the part as well as I could. I always want to do my best.”

“Yeah,” he replied, “but you make one sexy chick. If I didn’t know better, I’d ask you out.”

Becoming Sara, Day Three, Publishing House

This is where the story is going to differ from the original. In this chapter i changed the ending to give a different take and direct the story down a different path. If you want to read the original go to Fictionmania.

Day three Meeting the Publisher.

Two for the Road: Part 1 Sterling, Muhzzurah -1- Mustang

This is a multi-part story I'm working on for Hatbox. It will be appearing in the Patreon feed, a week early for Patrons then briefly for everyone. When each part is finished, it will go into Hatbox. I hope you enjoy...

Picture from the lot of Cloud Nine Classics
Two for the Road: Part 1

Sterling, Muhzzurah -1- Mustang

Erin Halfelven

Becoming Sara, Day Two

Sean wakes not knowing how Jewel wound up in his bed. The time right after the second kiss became a mystery to him. As hints are given and Jewel wanting to be with Sara only. Sean finally remembers everything. He battles with what he discovers.

Gene or Jean? - Part 2 - French Class

“So you’re going to sing a girl’s song?” Gloria asked with a snicker.

“It’s not a girl song or a boy song,” I instructed her, “both females and males have recorded it.”

“But are you going to sing it as a girl?” Gloria asked, ignoring what I previously said.

I just gave her a dirty look in response.

However, Sandy picked up on this exchange. “Didn’t Mlle. Vert suggest that you dress up like Lucienne Boyer when you sing it?” she interjected. Now my sisters were as interested in my project as a bunch of vultures looking at a fresh kill. This conversation was quickly getting out of control.

Becoming Sara, Day One

Chapter Two Read Day Zero First

Sean has a problem to get his book published the owner only publishes stories from women. Sean continues as Sara. Teasing Max as the day goes on. Falling head first into his role as Sara things get complicated. Will they be able to handle what comes next?

Becoming Sara, Day Zero

I originally posted this on FictionMania Figured it was time to bring it over here. Might not bring all the chapters over.

Sean has a problem to get his book published the owner only publishes stories from women. Sean has used a female pen name,his sister's photo and a voice modulator on the phone but it wasn't enough. The publisher wants to see him in person. His friend Max and Jackie take him on his first journey to become the woman he wants to present. Can he handle it or will he find something more?

Gene or Jean? - Part 1.

Chapter 1 - It All Started in the Bathroom.

My name is Eugene, ‘Gene’ for short. I have three sisters who, when it all started, were 19 and 17, and 13. I was 15. I am the only boy. Mom and Dad must have had some kind of routine, since all of our birthdays are in August. I always view the Thanksgiving turkey with some suspicion - you do the math; how many months from Thanksgiving to August.

There are never enough bathrooms or hot water in a house occupied by three teenaged girls. Accordingly, I plan my bathroom visits with care around their expected bathroom use. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

Twin Swap Chapter 3

When 13 year old twins Tyler and Jillian can't get along, their Mom decides to take drastic measures and make them see things from each others shoes by making them literally switch places, forcing Jillian to be the brother and Tyler to be the sister. Once they start the punishment, they realize they'll have to do a lot more than wear each others clothes and while Tyler struggles to get used to his new life, Jillian starts to enjoy hers.

A Change Of Pace - Part 2

A Change Of Pace – Part 2
By Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 – And so it begins.

My name is Donald Edward Johnston. I am nineteen years old. I graduated from high school last year. I was still looking for work. So far, I have not found one place that would hire an inexperienced young man like me.

The only real option I have is working for a fast food place. I do have a driver’s license, maybe I could deliver pizza. I do need to find a job. Next semester, I will be going to college. But, in the meantime, I need a job. The problem is, where am I going to find work?

Traps Are Delicious But They're Not For Cooking


Hi, I'm Rin. When the school I went to went bankrupt, I had to find another school to go to. The only choice left was a school that is so full and crowded, there's hardly any room to breathe. So with only one week left to change schools, I had to do something drastic. I picked the only other choice left, which is an all-girl's school. By the way, I'm a boy.

- This is the alternative route from the base story, Traps Are Delicious. But They're Not Edible is Shira's romance route. But They're Not For Cooking is Zara's romance route. Hope you enjoy this story. -

Traps Are Delicious But They're Not For Cooking
A story of a boy's life in an all-girls school.

By Shiina Ai


The woman I was interviewing for a job at first gave me a very good impression. In person she confirmed her CV. Competent, decisive, with a no-nonsense getting things done attitude. Perhaps a bit aggressive but for the position in question that was not necessarily a problem. In fact everything went well until she noticed that I was wearing a bra. I should have known better. Never wear a colored bra under a white shirt, even if it’s the most exquisite turquoise.

Twin Swap Chapter 2

When 13 year old twins Tyler and Jillian can't get along, their Mom decides to take drastic measures and make them see things from each others shoes by making them literally switch places, forcing Jillian to be the brother and Tyler to be the sister. Once they start the punishment, they realize they'll have to do a lot more than wear each others clothes.


I walk down the street and get to the apartment building. I walk upstairs to the room numbered 227. I hear moans coming from the other side. I lean right next to the door and wait. A few minutes later the moaning stop and a man in thug attire comes out.

He looks at me for a second and boasts, “Ya motha is a gud fuck, cracka boi.” I held my rising anger in my fist as I just nod. The thug swaggers away.

The Imitation Game

The Imitation Game
By Vilastis

“STOP IT!” Cassie yelled at her infuriating younger brother Caleb.

“STOP IT!” he yelled back.

She really hated when he did this kind of thing. And her parents didn’t fucking care. Even though he was fourteen now they still saw him as a cute little kid.

“Seriously, stop it!” She clenched her fist.

“Seriously, stop it!” He clenched his fist.

Other people wear dresses too!

Other people wear dresses too !!!!!

There’s some surprises in life that you don’t expect. And other surprises that you really don’t want. I thought I was alone. No – I knew I was alone, I knew that there was nobody else exactly like me. Nobody who thought like I did or did what I did. Nobody. How could there be?

Here’s a nicer story. Less harsh, less uncomfortable than ‘Hate, Hell, Hope’. That had some good ideas but quite reasonably vote-wise readers don’t like nasty pieces (or, it seems, multi-parts).

Thanksgiving En Femme, Part III: Thursday

First things first: Lacey owed Maddie an apology. When she arose on the chilly morning of Thanksgiving, she immediately sought out her cousin. Not finding her downstairs, she instead opened her bedroom door. Maddie was doing squats.

“So this is the secret behind the cutest butt in Pennsylvania?” Lacey quipped. Maddie chuckled, and the girls hugged.

“Sorry I made you clean up last night,” Lacey said. “Lily’s right - I really am turning into a bitch.”

“That’s the cheerleader in you,” Maddie joked. “Now let’s go watch the parade!”

Z.3 - 'Hope'

'Hopeluiah’ – there can be hope

In this third segment, I was aiming at something better than the spreading of hate and nastiness. Maybe I am naïve but I do believe that people can be kind and generous. Well, some people, if not actually many,

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if some good came like Hope out of Pandora’s box. If out of the spew of unkindness that is so often and so willingly sent our way – that now and again there was unexpected decency and support - even niceness.

Thanksgiving En Femme, Part II: Wednesday

Second of a four-part series

The first one up was Lacey - or so she thought. “LACEY!” was the exuberant yell from Rhonda, who bearhugged her cousin. Both fell to the ground in fits of laughter.

“How you been, cuz?”

“Good, good! You?”

“I’m living the dream, and oh my God.” Rhonda stopped and looked over her cousin. “You look absolutely incredible!”

“Stop.” Lacey was modest but secretly relished Rhonda’s compliment.

Gold Digger

Gold Digger
By Vilastis

Marcus sighed. There was no way he was going to manage to make his rent this month.

Women had it so easy. They just had to flutter their eyelashes and some asshole with more money than sense would throw cash at them.

He had come to a decision. He opened a dating site and created a new profile. “Marcia.”

The Bet Chapter 3

After 16 year old basketball star Ryan Jones loses a bet to his on and off court rival Jimmy Montford, and has to attend his rival schools Winter dance, as a girl and as Jimmy's date. Once at the dance Ryan get humiliated by Jimmy and his friends and finds himself crying in the girls bathroom.

Z.2 - 'Helleluiah' was their prayer

'Helleluiah’ was their prayer

A second piece about being ‘different’ and how you might get treated by ‘Them’.

There comes a time when there is nothing to look forward to. When the past is filled with hurt and terror and shame and no expectation of improvement.

And, for some, there will be a turning point.


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