
What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 4

The closer I got to the cave, the shorter my strides got. I tried and failed to reassure myself. I thought for a second that maybe it'd have been better if I was here alone but I quickly pushed that thought away. I wouldn't make it a day here without them. I thought I should be more grateful to them and that they were the experts and if they said this is what I have to do, it probably was. I also thought that I didn't even really look like a girl and that I wasn't even really wearing women's clothes. It was jeans and a tank but only in different cuts.

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 3

It was a short walk to the caves but a painful one nontheless. I understood why I had to wear the clothes. I understood that if there were more clothes recovered, they wouldn't have me do this. Maybe if some more clothes wash up, I could go back to wearing mens' clothes but that did nothing to assuage my fears. I just didn't want to feel any less like a man than I already did.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part Six

Security is a different beast as I make my way from day to day. One day I will be following an associate in their car into some new part of the world. Another day I will be wearing the black armor guarding and walking with a President or Vice President to some new place. Other days I will be told to remain behind to continue training in fight, self-defense, battle logistics of things no less. It is a very curious job. It has perks that I am able to go out and about more.

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 6

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 6

By: Kokopo618

"Lily," Katie begins, as I enter the cabin, "While I appreciate your determination, your form was all off."

"What?" I say I didn't expect her to say that, plus ...I thought I did a pretty good job.

"You were using your teeth a little too much and not focusing enough effort on the "head", the most sensitive part."

"I was just having some fun with the boys opposite us, not auditioning."

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 2

My face burned. Either from heat or pain or something. It was an odd feeling to go with the chest pain and slight shiver in my legs.
It wasn't at all like waking up from sleep. More like waking up from death. Although I wasn't sure how that last one would feel, it seemed more appropriate.
I woke up all at once coughing and for the first few seconds, I was coughing out water. I kept at it even after that threatening to cough out my organs. When I finally calmed down, I looked around. I was on land but I realise I was sitting in water so that explained my slight shiver.

How To Chain Whissies

This is the day Arnold finally asks his secret crush out!
Or not as he suddenly finds himself chased by strange and crazy men through the city.
Now two questions are burning on his mind: "Why me and what the hell is a Whissie?"

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 1

I hadn't remembered falling unconcious. The last thing i remembered was the screaming. Before that, the trail of smoke emitted by one of the fans on the left wing. Maybe if I'd given up my window seat, I wouldn't be as petrified. I remember the water getting closer and closer and I remember closing my eyes for what I thought would be the last time. I remember saying a silent prayer to nothing exactly.

"Jonathan!" I remember hearing faintly.

I was too groggy to process anything else. Slowly, i became aware of my surroundings. I recognized the voice.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 5

I am awake at 4:30 am. Quickly, I dress and shower and groom myself. By 5:30am I am out the door and down to the diner I eat at every year after New Associate Day. I eat oatmeal, fruit and drink a water. At 6:30am, I am making my way back to Fashionable. At Monday at 6:55 am, I am allowed in. By 7:30am I am sitting at a table with all those who had joined Fashionable fifteen years ago, except for Toni – she had died last year. Hannah Short, now President of Security briefs us. “Today, you will be following the first year associate you were assigned to.

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 5

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 5

By: Kokopo618

"Lily? Hellooo?" Katie said, waving her hand in front of my face.

I stood motionless, like a deer in headlights or a doe, I guess, I had no idea what to do, but I had to say something, "I am um, I'm...uh...I..." Well, I tried.

"Don't worry, I'll let you finish, just clean up afterward, okay?"

The Ghost

This little piece was something that came out of nowhere while I was trying to sleep early today. I got up, intending to jot down basic info for it, but ended up spending about two hours doing other things on the computer before returning to get the sleep I still needed.

The interesting part is that this resurfaced a few hours ago as I was trying to go back to sleep.

The caution is primarily aimed at the brief kill scene near the end, but also due to the storyteller's description of the job.


Interesting Summer Vacation Part 3

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 3

By: Kokopo618

"Will?" Dad asks again, "is that really you."

I really don't know the answer anymore, I don't feel or look like a Will. I can't imagine what I must look like to him before I just his weak disappointment of a son, but at least I gave an effort. Katie went way too far with this, and I let her go too far. He'll never look at me in the same way again.

"Uh..kinda?" Nope, wrong answer, he just looks more confused.

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 2

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 2

By: kokopo618

"Will get down here I need your help." I was already half awake so my dad's call didn't startle me too much, but I still rushed down stairs. It was already Saturday morning, the day of our trip, the week flew by.

"What do you need Dad," I ask groggily.

"I need you to take this suitcase out to the car," He says, dropping a large suitcase in front of me.

"I thought the resort provided all the clothing?" I ask.

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 1

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 1

By: kokopo618

“Will! Get down here!”

I scrabbled out of my bed and to my door tripping repeatedly along the way. My dad always uses the same tone of voice no matter what emotion he might be feeling, so I may be in trouble or he may be congratulating me on my excellent performance as his son for the last 16 years, but given my performance it is probably the former.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 27

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XXVII
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

A few other vignettes that I had forgotten about……..

The School for Transgendered, Cross-Dressers and Teen Babies 6

(More crimes that Carol Shaw had committed come up. Plus ACE is reunited with his son that wants to be a girl and he gets his other daughter back.)

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 26

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XXVI
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

A few other vignettes that I had forgotten about……..

Magalie and me

I had been invited by one of my great friends, Magalie, to her birthday party. We had always been neighbours, except that in that year we were not going to the same school. Her parents had enrolled her in a private school for girls as I entered high school at a public high school.

I had not foreseen that I would be the only boy at the party. It bothered me at first but it was more because I did not know any of her friends.

Candy Crush

Candy Crush

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2017

This one started as an entry to the Feb 2016 Crush Mini-Competition. The name came from the game (a former, temporary addiction) but the game has nothing to do with the story. As happens on occasions, the story kept growing, and I was only half way through when the competition deadline went whistling past. I persevered though.

I actually thought I hadn’t finished it, so it was a little surprise, when I dug it out earlier today, to find that it was complete, albeit that most of it seemed to have been written on my phone, which meant that parts were all but unreadable, thanks to the Autokorrect Nazis in my former piece of junk. For that, and many other reasons, I will never be tempted to buy a Widows phone again.

Anyway, I’ve spent an enjoyable day reacquainting myself with this little piece, and fixing (I hope) most if not all of the buggerups. I hope you all find it just as enjoyable. Please share your thoughts and feelings at the end. Remember, it takes twenty-six muscles to frown, four to smile, and only one to click on that comment button (then maybe one or two more to add some text). I really love hearing from you. Private messages are good if you want to stay anonymous.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Sophie, part 2

Sophie tried to smile as she took her seat in the vast, modern Wembley Stadium. It wasn’t the first time that she’d been to Wembley to see a game- from a certain perspective, anyway. From a different perspective, it was undoubtedly the first time that ‘Sophie Connelly’ had ever set foot in the legendary stadium, something that the English girl found impossible to forget as she sat down and felt her tights begin to sag while her thong rode even higher between her buttocks.

Debriefings 23

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

Watching MTV pt.2: Laura's Birthday

From that day when I was crossdressed as Kylie Minogue to now, there have happened too many things with the three of us. I became a little bit more outgoing, maybe not at school or at home, but at Steph’s and Laura’s house I was outgoing, they began to use me as their guinea pig for testing makeup looks, and by their suggestion I began to let my hair grow because they said it would look more cool like Tyson Ritter’s, yet I knew they wanted me to have longer hair to test hairstyles too.

Watching MTV

This was just a regular day in my life, I arrived at my house after school and changed out of my school uniform into regular clothes. It was always the same routine, I would change, then help my mom to set the table, and we would eat together with my father. Then as I finished eating with my parents the doorbell rang, I went to answer the door.

The Mystery of the Girl in the Garden

The Mystery of the Girl in the Garden

petticoat detective logo.jpg

A Petticoat Detective Squad Adventure

Written by Andrea (with a little help from Daphne!)

Illustrations by Daphne


Children's adventure stories such as Nancy Drew or the Famous Five all revolve around a similar theme. That theme is usually about the child, or children, confronting adversity and triumphing in the end.

The story that follows is a variation on that theme and viewed from a different perspective. Our little tale concerns a young boy spending a holiday with his older girl cousin and favourite aunt. The children become obsessed with the mystery of the figure of a lonely girl who regularly appears in the garden of a nearby manor house. When our hero's cousin and a small group of school friends are invited to spend a couple of days staying at the manor to work on a school project, she is presented with the perfect opportunity to solve the mystery. To make her plan work, however, she must enlist her cousin's help and get him included in the party. The only problem is that the party must consist of girls only....

This story is written to depict a young boy's first innocent encounters with cross-dressing and his subsequent feelings. If the reader is seeking descriptions of explicit or adult sex then they will be disappointed because this sort of thing is not included here.

Lilli of the Valley

Lilli of the valley
By Gypsy Woman

Note; This story is just a short to get me back into writing. It has nothing to do with anything else I have written on here. It has been a bad time for me but I am trying so here goes nothing. Gypsy Woman

I had a secret. It was a life changing one. When I heard the door open I knew my secret would be out and I would be in big trouble. I slowly turned to find my sister staring at me. My mind went blank my eyes rolled back in my head and I crumpled to the floor in a faint.

The Other Woman - Part 3

The Other Woman – Part Three

Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband.

This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly.

Corset Magic

Jesse has an addiction to corsets and it has gotten stronger over the years. It has affected how his body has grown just enough that he has more of a hour glass shape than a typical boy. When his sister tells him of this antique corset he is a bit reluctant to go see it. He had to wear corsets, but he disliked wearing a corset dress. The old shop they go to has more than just a corset as they are transported to an alternate world. He slowly learns about the world and that her future husband is there to meet her for the first time and something strange happens.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 25

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XXV
Tracy Davis

A few weeks later, Jake asked me to go to a wedding with him. We had to get REALLY dressed up, and I decided to wear Becky’s fuchsia sweater dress again. She had to work all day so she agreed to let me go with Jake. We moved our weekly Nairing our legs and painting our nails session to Friday night so I’d be ready for Saturday.

Robin: The Girl Wonder

Robin, Alfred Pennyworth, and Batman are the property of DC Comics.

* * * *

Her knuckles balled white around the hem of her skirt and pulled it over her knees, which in turn bounced in time with the ticking of the clock. Three-fifteen was the cue for dismissal, save for one who had been removed from class early and was seated in the main foyer.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 24

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XXIV
Tracy Davis

After our next exercise class, we were all hanging around at Orange Julius, having our smoothies, and Melissa, one of the girls in the class, said, “I’ve been thinking. We should all do a dress-up lunch. Is everyone free next Monday? We could go to Café Americain, I’ve heard their food is really great.”

Tina said, “I’ve been wanting to try that place too! I’m in.”

Julie said, “Me too! I got this really cute peach dress I’ve been looking for an excuse to wear.”

Hellbound Dolls - Akane's Story

AUTHOR'S NOTE: A while ago I set about to write an action/horror magical girl story with some Tokyo trans sukeban (read: girl gang) called "The Hellbound Dolls." This vignette follows one of the Dolls, Akane, whose ultimate struggle is to realize she's worthy of love. This installment does not have a happy ending, so read at your own peril.

* * * *

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 23

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XXIII
Tracy Davis

Jake called one evening and asked, “I’ve got to go back over to Center City to pick up my paycheck cause they didn’t have it ready when I got off work this morning. I thought you might want to get dressed up and go out. We could have dinner over there somewhere.”

The thought was tantalizing. “Sure. I’ll be over in a little while.”

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? 11

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?
Anam Chara

Dr. Belknap tells Sean about Kelly’s new diagnosis and prognosis. A father and son talk seriously during their long drive home. Adele seeks to meet the mysterious violinist. Paolo Cassini hears important news. Is Sean the mysterious violinist?

The boy in the commercial

.The Boy in the commercial

Written by Dauphin
Was it the twilight zone of another world dimension conflicting with us, or simply a curse. A boy changes his life because of strange things that happen around him.
"A twilight zone story of how something haunts us and changes us" Diana
"Imagine seeing someone in a commercial, that looks like you and yet is not. This person has the courage that you do not!" Dauphin


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