
The Awakening - Chapter 04.


The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part Four – Michele Returns

A lousy rushed ending to a story that should have been better but I was impatient when I wrote it. Note the cautions, it's really only masturbatory fodder I'm sorry.

To get a Hero

.To get a Hero

Written by Dauphin
A boy would do anything to speak with a soldier, even pretend to be a girl
"Cute how far a boy would go to meet his hero!" Diana
"People believe what they would and misunderstand what they would" Dauphin

The Awakening - Chapter 03.


The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part Three – The Cost of Doing Business

John, the computer guy, blackmails Michele when he finds the secret files of her crossdressed on her computer. Michele decides to turn the tables and lays a trap but things don't turn out quite as expected.

Arabian Nights Chapter 05.


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Part Five – Defiled

Michele is trying to make the best of a bad situation when Jamhal enters her quarters and forces himself on her. Note the cautions please for this chapter

Reversals - Ch15

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter... Erica refuses treatment.

Caroll's Capers

When Carl meets his Aunt Carrie at his father's wedding, he little realises he will be quickly transformed into someone he really wants to be, and within a few months, married and experiencing the effects of pregnancy. But pregnancy and motherhood is not much fun, as Carl will find out.

If you're new to my stories, this may sound like fantasy; it's not. Set in Seacombe, a fictional town on the south coast of England, a company called Big Busts can supply garments to those who want to appear to be a different gender.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Arabian Nights Chapter 04.


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Part Four – The Whore

Michele feels like a bird in gilded cage but surrounded by opulence and being forced to enjoy her captivity, she wonders how reluctant she really is to enjoy the pleasures forced upon her.

You look cute as a girl! Part 1

I was about 12 years old. I had long dark brown hair that was rather messy. My mom was out shopping. My father left before I was born.

I was looking through mommy's things and found a pink tight dress. I put it on me. I liked how it felt rapped on my body.

Arabian Nights Chapter 03

Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Chapter Three – Deflowered

Transvestite captive is led to her fate by the beautiful black woman, Sarina. Michele is deflowered by her captors but cannot hide her own enjoyment of being taken like a woman for the first time.

Arabian Nights Chapter 02


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Part Two – Training

Michele meets Sarina, the dark-skinned beauty who runs the Harem for the Cabal of Arabian businessmen who are her captors. Sarina explains to Michele why she is here, how to behave, and what to expect as a transvestite sex-slave. She dresses Michele as businesswoman for her debut and deflowering. Please note the cautions associated with this story.

Arabian Nights Chapter 01


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Chapter One - Captured

This story is about a closet crossdresser abducted and forced to join a harem. It is explicit and contains scenes involving reluctant participation in sex acts.

The Devil You Know Ch. 02

White Blouse Blue Satin Pencil Skirt Sheer Pantyhose Black Belt and Black High Heels.jpg

The Devil You Know
Michele Nylons

Part two = Happy Ever After

Brian forces Mike to go with him on a business trip intending to use Mike's alter-ego 'Michele' as his plaything. Michele turns the tables on Brian, much to his delight.

Alex and Nicole (chapter 1)

I wrote this story a few years back and posted to another site, I finished it but didn't upload the final chapters.

I have edited the first chapter, made some changes and plan on a different ending, depending on how things go.


Fantasy Femdom Story

This is a story about an ultimate fantasy of mine…..

After a long wait it had come to that day I was both dreading and so looking forward to. The kids and puppy had been dropped off the night before with my mum and we were all alone at home getting ready for the weekend.

A Starlight Summer Part-3

A Starlight Summer
Part Three



MacKenzie Hodge has lived a life of secrets and lies. Chief among them is his, it, or her true gender? Now faced with an important decision, Mac has to decide what kind of future they want. Fortunately for Mac, there's a whole summer to decide.

Reversals - Ch14

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter... Julia takes Erica to his first medical appointment.

A Woman-less Beauty Pageant: It was the zipper’s fault 1

The aggravation and time consumption of preparing for the Woman-less Beauty Pageant was getting on everyone’s nerves. Tempers and the dresses were getting short for all involved.

“Drew, could you zip my dress up please?” Ronnie asked his friend. Drew snorted and asked “Ronnie, have you ever worn a bra before?" “Why do you ask” was Ronnie’s response.

Gene or Jean? - Part 7 - Conclusions

Classes were over, and I maintained a respectable grade point. The girls had gone their separate ways and I had moved into their apartment for the summer. I found out that Frank had pulled himself out of academic probation and was eligible to play football. Sylvia had a summer job at her Dad’s company, which meant that she had to work on Monday and Tuesday, the only days I had off. I would really miss her.

Before we all went our ways for the summer, Sylvia had an astute observation, “You’re going to be dressed for five of the seven evenings of the week, so why not make if full time until college starts in the fall?”

“That’s a good idea,” I responded, “that way I can have my hair done in a really feminine style, and maybe have some highlights. That way I won’t have to change the style all summer.”

“So you’ll be Jean the whole summer?” Sylvia wanted to know.

A Second Chance -- Chapter 42


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

SATURDAY, June 4, 2016

Rachael was up very early. Her parents were already at work, and Bobby was going to have to get up when he woke later and help Grandpa whenever he could. He would make himself breakfast: cereal for him, and toast for Grandpa. This was the most responsibility the little boy had to this point, and he was told to call Maria at the bakeshop if there were problems.


by Princess Pantyboy

This is paradise a hot four shot mocha with chocolate sprinkles, me sitting here outside on the patio in front of Starbucks on Main Street Huntington Beach Southern California. Yes this is the life, or like they say life is good when the simple things can bring a smile to your face. I pull out my new iPhone X and check my emails and text messages.

The Play Chapter 2

At an all boys school, boys often have to play girl parts in the plays, and jockish 13 year old Trevor is left shocked and nervous when he is cast as the leading lady and love interest to his best friend, in the winter play. Once the rehearsals starts however, Trevor begins to realize that maybe playing a girl won't be that bad.

The ‘Ndrangheta Countess 8

The ‘Ndrangheta Countess

Sydney Moya

This work is the property of the author, and the author retains full copyright, in relation to printed material, whether on paper or electronically. Permission is granted for it to be copied and read by individuals, and for no other purpose. Any commercial use by anyone other than the author is strictly prohibited, and may only be posted to free sites with the express permission of the author.

(c) 2018


Interpol working with a multinational taskforce of Anti-Organised crime agencies is closing in on Mario Di Michele and his ‘Ndrangheta crime family, His father, uncles and his three brothers and two sisters have been arrested or killed. He is a wanted man in North America, Europe and Latin America. There seems to be only one way to evade capture or certain death and it is by being true to his nature.

A very hard choice. Part 5

"I said that I ..."

"I heard what you said!" I put the back of my hand to my forehead. It was less dirty.

"Look in case you have forgotten I have issues." well it wasn't like I could come out and say I was a guy. Though why nobody seemed to see that was a puzzle. Then again I do look a little too much like Ari in the face. But I do have a guy's body.. mostly... Okay so the stick on breasts would fool most guys.

Mating Spell

Emily's senile witch of a grandmother has placed a mating spell on her making her destined to fall in love with the first man she encounters. While fighting the lusty spell, Emily is being barraged by men wanting to meet her. Only her roommate, Alicia, can keep these men at bay and keep Emily from getting herself pregnant. However, things are never as they seem.

Twin Swap Epilogue

Here's the end of Twin Swap now updated with an illustration by Kylene Devlin! Hope you enjoy! Leave a comment!

Betsy Epilogue

It's hard to believe its been almost a year since I first made Tyler and Jillian switch places. A lot has happened since then. 10 years ago I had a husband, a son and a daughter and I was happy. Now I have a different husband, different son (and 3 steps sons who are like sons to me) and a different daughter and I'm happy. Yes, both of my kids are on hormones, but something bigger happened. Let's talk about me for a second.

A Game Of Cards Chapter 1

Those Fertile Fields: Prologue

Every day, I find myself wishing things could go back to the way they used to be.

I'm Richard James Tanner, apparently my great-great-uncle Marshall was the founder of our little corner of Louisiana. I'm fourteen years old, with four sisters. Shelly is nineteen, Paula is seventeen, Elaine is fifteen and Samantha is twelve. Yep, I'm the only boy in the family.

That wishing bit I mentioned is mostly because I truly miss my parents. If mom had not been so damn stubborn! Arrrggghhh!!!!!

I Soo Love Gymnastics!!!!!!

Hi My name is Kaleb, and I had quite a normal life. I had many friends at school and even got good grades. My Mom and Dad still lived together, and that means that I was from a stable home. I am sixteen years old, and I am looking forward to my birthday, when I become seventeen. Then I can decide more. Then what is the problem? Why this story?

A very hard choice. Part 4

"HE KISSED ME" I yelled!

A boy kissed me, and I let it happen for some unknown reason. Oh god ...I leaned over the toilet again and dry heaved. Arianna stroked my back and made soothing noises, which really didn't help my stomach all that much. I spit out a few times. This bowl needs a cleaning. Strange what you latch on too.

Second Chances At The Brilliant Basilisk

A failed survivalist finds his second chance when in desperation he steals a vixen suit and more, finding his way to the place where female impersonators can always get a drink and a bite, the Brilliant Basilisk

Cinnamon art and suit belongs to :iconfoxpawmcfly:

A very hard choice. Part 3


The next morning I woke with a start...





Okay fine,

Yes I'm grumbing!

Not much happened last night really...honest...

Why are you looking at me like that?

So Ari and I, for you grammar police, left the washroom / ladies room / fancy ass washcloset that looks nicer than my house. There was a big fanfare and sign..

Twin Swap Chapter 7

When 13 year old twins Tyler and Jillian can't get along, their Mom decides to take drastic measures and make them see things from each others shoes by making them literally switch places, forcing Jillian to be the brother and Tyler to be the sister. After Jillian realizes she's more of a boy than she imagined, Tyler deals with the fall out of his admission to his friend Scott, and comes to terms with his own femininity.

So You Want To Be A Nurse - Ch. 02 - 08

Sexy TV Nurse
So You Want To Be A Nurse
Michele Nylons

Chapter Two – Education

Michele remained tied to the bed, mortified and full of trepidation whilst Dr Lovejoy dressed and left the room. Polly soon followed with the incriminating eight-millimetre film still in the camera, leaving Matron Holliday alone with Michele.

Broken Echo

Five nested stories form one overall tale! Spanning different genres and time periods—fantasy adventure, romantic comedy, suspense, and more—there's something for everyone as each story delves deeper into the themes raised by the one before, with unexpected consequences as each resolution echoes back into the overall tale. Fun, thrilling, sexy, and smart!

Gene or Jean? - Part 6 - How I got a job wearing a dress

The college sponsored a Winter Carnival every year near the end of January to give everyone a chance to blow off a little steam. There were all sorts of activities such as figure skating contests, snow man building, and even sleigh rides. Some of the frats and sororities had booths with food, hot cider and cocoa. Others set up carnival type of games. The college even cancelled classes for Friday. Naturally, my presence, as the SRS Halloqueen, was requested, and because of my position, RLE didn’t object.

“I don’t have anything to wear,” I lamented to Sylvia.

“Said just like a woman,” she responded.


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