
A Christmas Gift

This is a single story for Christmas.

DISCLAIMER: These events are not real, just stories


Each year I spend Christmas with my gram who lives alone a few hours away. With old age setting in, spending Christmas alone was awful for gran. So for the past however many years I've been spending the night at grans.

Just Like Auntie - ep5

Just Like Auntie - ep4

Just Like Auntie- ep4

DISCLAIMER: these events are not real, just stories

Looking back ep 1 will need a lot of editing.


I got to the office and tried opening the door. It was locked. I go to look through the office glass but instead find a note saying she had to go home because she was ill and to keep the uniform she gave me. Just my luck.
I was being picked up by my aunt and going back to her house again. So that saved me explaining everything to mum.

Just Like Auntie - ep3

Just Like Auntie- ep3

DISCLAIMER: None of the events are real, just stories.

This is my frav ep so far. Let me know what u think. Still only my 3rd piece of writing tho


I roll over as I'm being nudged by my cousin. "Hurry up, we overslept".
I hopped out of bed and quickly put my school uniform on. I look in the mirror and quickly take my hair out of whatever she did to it yesterday.

Just Like Auntie - ep2

Just Like Auntie- Ep2

DISCLAMER: These are not real events, just stories


It was alright for my cousin Jen and aunt Tanya because you know, they had girls stuff in common. I on the other hand was the odd one out. So we went for a wacky truth or dare. It started out very normal, truths like who likes who and silly dares like try and lick your elbow. It wasn't long before we tired from the boring stuff and the dares go out of hand.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (3)

Lily did my hair and makeup. She wanted to do more, but the chime of the front door filled the air. Mom and dad were home early it seemed. Lily blinked and stood me up, and took me by the hand and guided me down the hallway and then down the stairwell and finally we reached the foyer. And there in the doorway stood mom and dad, see mom and dad worked together, my family was.. I guess you would call us bourgeoisie. We owned and operated a store in downtown Benton ‘Potter Mercantile’. It was among the oldest businesses in operation. And my sister and I attend Benton Academy.

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 1

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 1

Copyright 2018 by Heather Rose Brown

I had the idea for this story a long, long time ago, and it's one of my favorites! I still don't have an ending, but I do finally have an idea where it might go, so I rewrote the beginning here, and am working on adding a few more chapters. Enjoy!

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (2)

That afternoon, as I peered toward the glowing computer screen of my laptop. Wrecking my brain for ideas and lead ins for the rp post I was working on. I noticed the door of my bedroom open and there in the doorway stood my older sister. She had changed out of her school uniform and into something more casual. A pair of jeans and short sleeve shirt that had the logo of a popular girls band written across it. She stood there, eyeing me for a minute before she moved into my bedroom.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (1)

It was the week before homecoming. All of Benton Academy was in full swing, the school was bustling with activity. It seemed every club, no matter there social ranking was doing something to contribute to the festive air filling the hallways. The football players were kings of the school, having just handed St. Katherine’s Episcopal Academy a crushing defeat. If the football players were the kings of the school, then the cheerleader’s where princess. If the cheerleader were princesses that made my sister chief-princess because she was the captain of the varsity cheerleaders.

Amy's Day Off - Part 2


We lay there embracing and kissing each other as he stayed hard inside me. “I needed that as much as you I think.” He whispered in my ear. I kissed him deeply in agreement as I wrapped my arms and legs around him to hold him tight, with my panties hanging off one ankle.

And then I heard a cough.

We both opened our eyes and looked to my open doorway and my sister was standing there.

“Errrr. Hi sis” I said.

Day off

Bacha Boys LTD

.Bacha Boys LTD

written by Dauphin
The most shocking story that Dauphin has written, about a boy that is being groomed to please men as a girl
"This is provoking, made me angry, made me cry." Diana
"Some Stories need to be told" Dauphin

Tea Ladies

Tea Ladies
Michele Nylons

TV Hooker.jpg

The Quickening

Mike Harris is a part time transvestite who struggles with his compulsion to crossdress. He hung up his wig and high-heels over two years ago but ‘The Quickening’, his compulsion to dress as a woman, has returned and his alter ego Michele Nylons beckons.


I’m not a girl but I like girly clothes. Dresses and skirts swishing, the soft materials … So much better than the usual boy stuff. However, even as a twelve year old I should have known better than come to school in a dress. My classmates were rather dense and just couldn’t appreciate how pretty and comfortable it was. That was the beginning of a rather unpleasant time in school. I had hoped that things would be better when I started high school but my old classmates went to the same high school and one day the first semester I forgot that we had PE and wore my prettiest panties…

My big break came when my family moved away to a new city. A new beginning and a clean slate! I’d make sure to be a macho, macho boy.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Sophie, part 7

Sophie could barely suppress her giggles as she and the rest of the crowd stood in anticipation of the event that was about to occur. Sure, the weather wasn’t perfect, but that didn’t matter. Sure, she was several hundred miles from her home in London, but that didn’t matter either. And sure, she was clad in a snug pencil dress and uncomfortable stiletto heeled shoes, but that just served to make the event all the more exciting for Sophie.

To be different is a choice? Not for me!

To be different is a choice? Not for me!

This had a temporary possible title: such as 'Aren't you / they stupid? I’m not gay!' which could have grown a series of 'Aren’t they angry … '; Aren’t they wrong ...'; 'Aren't they nasty ...'; even 'Aren't they accepting … '. Another possible set of titles began How stupid are you? I'm not gay'.
Then the story veered away and the title had to change!

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 12 - Conclusion

I had another counseling session, this time with my parents. I wanted to resolve the growing hostility they had to my dressing as a female. Naturally, my modeling was a big part of it.

After the usual bringing Dr. Devlin up to date, I said, “I get the feeling that my parents want me to totally stop dressing as a girl.”

“Is that true?” she asked my parents.

“Absolutely!” my father asserted and then added, “We think that this has gone on way too far.”

“In what way,” Dr. Devlin asked.

“He’s our son, not our daughter,” my mother answered.

"I’m going to have to wear a bra – to SCHOOL!?"

“I’m going to have to wear a bra – to SCHOOL!?

If you think things were going a bit off-the-scale, then you’d be right.

This began as one of my AP-500 pieces. I got one very useful comment about 'why and how' which got me moving and has turned into this continuation. Thanks AP

A Cam-eo Performance

While the wife's away Wanda will play. She HAD to see how the new dress looked on her. Chances like this don't come by frequently. Her bustier looked so foxy but it's hard to dance in heels. This IS semi auto-biographical. Know where your security cameras are and do NOT forget, like I did, that they are always watching. Take care my friends! (1/26/19 rewrite)

Wiley’s wife, Peggy, was out of town on a three day weekend conference that was halfway across the US. It was the most opportune time for his inner Wanda to come out to play. The timing was perfect.

I’m PROUD of who I am!

I’m PROUD of who I am!

Taboo, Stigma, Prejudice - does hitting someone with those labels make YOU fell clever, smart or better. It kills some people. Zombifies others. Would YOU like it back at you? I can cope - I've gone past the hate.

We all know the situation, when the story just keeps going. So here’s one five-time escapee from the AP-500 bundle.

Jail Bait

Lately I had actually enjoyed going to school. It had started when a group of documentary filmers had chosen our school to do a documentary about every-day high school life. This would be their fifth week here. The first week everyone tried to get their attention. They strongly discouraged that. Their goal was to be as unnoticeable as possible. Blending in into the background while filming with their carefully disguised cameras, as well as some fixed cameras. By the fourth week they had succeeded quite well. The students didn’t take more notice of them than they did of the poster for the Chess club’s next game in the state championships. Quite a pity, I had spent quite a lot of time making that poster.

So given that the film team wasn’t interested in any drama queens why did my best friend Phil come to school dressed as a girl?

Anchors Aweigh – 3 Roberta Has Set Sails

Anchors Aweigh – 3
Roberta Has Set Sails

By Jessica C

Sandy looks to Kristyn, “One outfit will be for the holidays. Everyone thinks you’ll be cute in a holiday outfit. I even saw one earlier this week that I thought you’d be extra cute in.”

Anchors Aweigh – 2 On Board

Robert decided to take revenge on his nemesis, Dane...
Twice in the same day, girls not Dane were hurt the most...
To avoid suspension he agreed to become a mascot for the Girls' teams.
But it was not just a sailor but as a woman sailor.

Life in the city - Chapter 7

“You did what?!” Leah said.

“It just happened, it was something silly”.

“It isn’t something silly anymore Dani”.

Leah came to sit next to me in bed.

“Have you thought about it? About how you feel? What this actions may reflect about you?”.

I didn’t want to answer, mostly because I really didn’t have an answer. It all just happened, and I enjoyed it, it was something I had just discovered and didn’t put much thought to it, when I did my mind got foggy and I got anxious.

“I… no… I haven’t” I said turning my head to the floor.

Waisting my life – why I love corsets.

Waisting my life – why I love corsets.

“That’s how it began – Just an injury – then a corset but now …...

You don’t get life-changing injuries in Tennis! Not unless you’re very unlucky. T’was so for me.

An AP-500 story

"What? I’m not a girl – am I?"

”What? I’m not a girl – am I?”

So many things that I didn’t know. I mean about girls and all the soft, pretty things girls do and wear. So much to learn. And something told me it was what I really wanted. But I was a normal boy, wasn’t I?

An AP-500 story to borrow and grow.


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