GLOOteus Maximiss Part 2 - The Max Factor


GLOOteus Maximiss
Part 2 - The Max Factor

At first he thought it was birds chirping but then realized it was girls tittering. Something was tickling his chest. He feigned sleep while listening to the girls whispering.

"They must be real. Look, they're getting hard."

Max opened his eyes to see his sisters holding feathers. He glanced down to see two big mounds with two little mounds on top that they were brushing with their feathers. And he felt them!

"Stop that!"

"Would you like us to nibble on them. It feels really good when we do it to each other."

"No! Just leave them alone. What are you doing here anyway?"

"We're here to get you dressed brother dear."

"I'm a grown man. I can dress myself."

"Not anymore. You're still big but definitely not a man."man

Max was silently taking stock of the changes in his body. Besides the two most obvious ones he knew that those quivering globes he saw just before being sedated were now attached. He could feel them. He was afraid to look between his legs. He could still feel his penis but it was like he was wearing real tight breeches. He certainly wasn't going to go feeling around down there, not with his sisters watching him!

Before anything else he needed to relieve himself. He looked about for a robe or something to cover himself. There was nothing. He went to grab a sheet when his sisters stopped him.

"No point in covering up Princess. You'll be taking a bath right after you relieve yourself. Do you need any help?"

"I have peed before, you know."

"Not like this Princess."

He ignored them and ran for the privy only to discover parts of him wanted to go in every direction but the one he desperately needed to go.

"Great grapes! How do you control these things?"

Max normally didn't swear but the exclamation was common in a kingdom whose major industry besides tourism was its wine.

He would have fallen over but his breasts seemed to nicely counterbalance his ass. They all just jiggled and wiggled so he put one hand across his chest and the other on his ass and moved as quickly as he could.

His sisters shouted as he ran by, "remember to sit, Princess!"

He barely made it and quickly discovered there was no aiming mechanism.


The expletive slipped out before he realized it. There were sniggers outside the privy. He felt like somebody had burst a pig's bladder between his legs. He was going to need that bath!

They must have been waiting for the flush because moments after he did his sisters and someone else burst into the room.

The sexy young woman curtsied and introduced herself as Rose,
Beatrice's personal maid and she was here to bathe her. Max felt himself try to get hard only to double over in pain. Rose rushed to him.

"Is it m'lady's time of the month? A soothing bath will help, I'm sure."

Max stared. Did she really not know? He saw his sisters nodding no. Great, now he had to get very personal with a girl Max would have died to be naked with and his equipment was locked away. It didn't get any better when Rose seemed to relish getting all those hard to reach parts clean. He also found his lady parts were really sensitive. Rose apologized more than once but Max didn't think she was a bit sorry and, to be honest, neither was he. His sisters just smirked.

As soon as he was dry Rose and his sisters dragged him off to get dressed. He'd been spared this when they were younger only because he was older and faster than the two of them. He wondered what it was that made sisters want to dress their brothers up as girls. Well, they had finally gotten their wish and were just a bit too pleased. Max had a feeling he was going to pay for teasing the two girly girls who now had him at their mercy.

He asked about some pants to wear. They waved some lacy drawers at him and said they were the closest she'd ever get to wearing any. By this time it was obvious that Rose knew he wasn't Beatrice but not that he was a man, or at least was, until the queen got hold of him. It was also probable that she had a thing for Beatrice that hadn't been reciprocated. His response to her bathing antics seemed to have given her hope that this new Beatrice might welcome her attention. He knew the old Max would have loved to receive such attention.

While he had been bathing his sisters had been busy opening trunks and pulling out gown after gown and every one was some shade of pink. Either Beatrice had a serious thing for pink or there had been a big mistake at the dye factory.

"Well, Princess, do you have any preference?"

"Anything but pink!"

"Pink is Princess Beatrice's signature color. In fact no other woman is allowed to wear pink at any gala you attend."

"I don't care. Just pick one."

He knew it wasn't going to be that easy as his sisters and Rose made him try on several gowns until they found one they all agreed on. Then they pulled out the pink corset.

"No. I am not wearing one of those medieval torture devices. This is carrying realism too far!"

Of course he lost that argument too and shortly had no breath left to make any further arguments. Then Rose proceeded to slather the makeup on as his sisters brushed his hair until he thought they'd pulled it all out. Finally they seemed satisfied.

"Now you are ready to meet your intended."

"Meet my intended? What? When? I'm not ready for this. In fact, I will never be ready for this!"

"The mating, oops I mean meeting, has been delayed long enough, daughter."

Max turned to see the Queen. He almost took a leg when one of his sisters hissed and he curtseyed.

"Mating? Why, what brought that to mind, dear mother?"

The Queen, who had been thinking about the last time she saw Max, was shaken out of her reverie by his question. She thought she saw a little grin cross her erstwhile daughter's face. Surely she had been unconscious when. . . . No, it was not possible!

"Thinking about the last time you mated, mother? You seemed quite happy for a moment there."

The queen cringed inwardly. Somehow he knew.

"No, just thinking how much your marriage will mean for the kingdom and it's citizens, like your ladies-in-waiting and their parents. I hadn't told the young ladies yet but their father has been appointed as our envoy to the United Kingdom. He and his wife will be leaving for London immediately after the wedding."

"Will their son be accompanying them?"

Max wanted to find out what his parents knew and didn't know. He was sure his sisters hadn't said anything because they knew father would have confronted the Queen, no matter the consequences. That's why he hadn't contacted them as soon as the Queen had revealed her plot. Not that he'd had time to.

He wasn't even sure how long he had been unconscious. There had been moments of lucidity but he'd not been able to move or do much more than register what was going on around him. He knew the royal physician had come by more than once to check on him and each time he did Max found himself slipping away again. The Queen wanted to make sure that the 72 hours she'd been told it would take for his new additions to permanently bond had more than passed. The Queen was quite sure that faced with their permanence he would be more malleable.

"Their son has been given an important post that will require him to be out of touch for quite a while. In return he asked that his sisters be given positions at court. His parents were sad that he would miss the wedding but glad he made sure his sisters were taken care of. Does that answer your question."

So his parents weren't going to miss him and would be out of the country and his reach too. The Queen had him pretty well isolated. at least he didn't have to explain things to his parents and h is father got a royal position out of it. He wondered if he'd consider losing his only son worth it. His sisters seemed to have no problem with it.

"We've dallied enough. Come."

Max dutifully followed the Queen, his sisters trailing behind. Though she was pushing forty the Queen was still sexy for an older woman and Max could see where Beatrice got her looks. It came to him that people were going to see him the same way, including the man she was slated to marry. By his sister's standards Sir Reginald Walls was quite a hunk, their words not his.

Just before they reached the reception hall the Queen sent his two sisters ahead.

"I have a couple things to discuss with Beatrice before we go in. Tell the Chamberlain we will be entering shortly so he can announce us."

Then she turned to Max and told him a few things that shocked him. He barely noticed when she led him into to hall.

And then they were there, in the same room where Max had come to pay his respects to his sovereigns just a few days ago. Only now others would be paying their respects to the King and Queen and Princess Beatrice. First in line was was a Greek god, an Adonis. Max wasn't gay but he recognized a sexy male when he saw one. He was filled with envy. If he had only looked like him he wouldn't be standing here in a pink gown wearing a tiara.

Reginald bowed to the King and Queen and then took Beatrice's hand and kissed it, followed by a flowery speech about her beauty and how lucky he was to become her husband. Max blushed. He'd never had a guy say those things to him, much less kiss his hand. It was embarrassing. Everyone else thought it was cute.

Reginald proceeded to introduce his parents and some of the senior individuals from the family travel business. They'd all be going off with the King and his advisors to hammer out a contract that would put Grand Fenwick on the map and Beatrice on her back with Reginald.

Reginald left too, promising to dance with her at the welcoming dinner and gala later that evening. Max didn't expect to enjoy either; the corset squeezing his stomach making eating nearly impossible and the dancing - as a woman in heels no less! His sisters couldn't wait.

"You lucky girl. He's so handsome."

"I'd let him into my bedchamber any night!"

Max couldn't believe his sisters. It was as if they'd completely forgotten he was a man. He might as well forget it too. The Queen had pulled him aside earlier to inform him that, short of surgery, his new parts were permanently bonded to him but due to advances in prosthetics he could feel them just as if they were his real flesh. That explained his nipples getting hard and how he'd gotten so excited in the bath when Rose played with his ersatz lady parts. Remembering made him blush and his sisters mistook it for a reaction to thinking about Reginald.

Upon their return to Beatrice's chambers he collapsed on the bed with his head in his hands.

"I have no idea how to dance."

"You've danced at lots of balls."

"As a man, not as a woman."

"Well then, we'll teach you won't we. We danced with each other all the time to practice since you were too busy with your books to practice with us."

It was true. Max had spent as little time as possible with the dancemaster and his sisters. He did just enough to satisfy his parents that he wouldn't embarrass them when they hosted their frequent balls for tourists. It was a major source of revenue for the family.

He wondered what would happen with the whole family away. The Queen must have made some arrangements so that his parents could serve abroad. Right now he had bigger and more personal worries.

His sisters took turns dancing with him and showing him the woman's part in the waltz and other court dances. He would need to soak his feet after tonight if he didn't break a leg first.

He groaned when his sisters and Rose approached with another gown for tonight's dinner and dancing. He did convince them not to tighten the corset quite as tight, saying it wouldn't look good if he fainted on the dance floor.

Soon they were in the banquet hall where he found himself seated at the head table next to the King. He seemed to pay an inordinate amount of attention to him, showing much more than a fatherly interest. While the King knew the woman next to him was not his daughter he didn't know her replacement was a man.

The King and Queen 's marriage had been a political one and once the Queen was pregnant the King stopped coming to their bed. He found plenty of others to replace her but sired no children. Which made him wonder whether Beatrice was really his child. But, as far as he knew she had never take another man to her bed.

Reginald was seated next to the Queen, who found him quite attractive and thought it would be a waste of good manflesh for him to marry Beatrice, but needs must. Dinner finally ended and it was time for the dancing to begin.

The King escorted Beatrice while Reginald escorted the Queen. The King found himself lusting after his own daughter and letting his hands rove a bit more than they should. There was a whisper in his ear.

"I wonder what the penalty for incest is in the kingdom?"

The King's hands froze as he realized what he was doing. Max smiled at him sweetly as if he had no idea what just happened. Damned if he was going to get it from the King on top of Reginald. That was just sick. He turned his attention to Reginald who offered his the musicians began to play.

Luckily Reginald was a very good dancer as he guided Beatrice around the floor. He also kept gliding his hand down to her bottom. After the third dance of moving his hand off Beatrice's bottom he actually grabbed it.

The slap was heard around the ballroom as the music stopped. Max grabbed his skirts and fled.

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