Prisoner of the Flesh

Warning: This is horror story. There is no happy ending. It is inspired by Johnathan's Rings of Fate on FM, which is one of the best bodyswap horror stories I have ever read.

Prisoner of the Flesh

He felt someone lift him up. It wasn't mother for her perfume would have preceded her from across the room. Nor was it the wet-nurse nanny. She always smelled like chemicals and wore gloves. No this was someone completely different. The hands were larger, though still soft, and they smelled of . . . that was it, whoever it was smelled of Old Spice, just like he used to wear.

He felt the person struggling to unlock the mitten around her fist. It took two fingers to squeeze open the latch but it was done and her hand was free. Then he felt the metal being forced onto her tiny fingers and he realized what it was and the memories all came crashing down on him.

The Beginning

“There Jena, all nice and dry. I hope mother hires a full time nanny because in a week we'll both be eighteen and we inherit our trust funds from our grandparents. I've already made arrangements and before mother realizes it I will be gone and she'll no longer have her live-in slave labor to take care of you.

I really wish I could take you with me rather than leave you in her hands but it's impossible. I'm sorry.”

Johnathan looked down at his sister and was glad he wasn't her. By rights he should blame her for all the abuse he had put up with from mother but he knew it wasn't her fault. She was just a baby and always would be and mother blamed him for that.

Even though the doctors said that he had nothing to do with her birth defect mother didn't believe them. Johnathan had deprived her of a daughter to raise. While he grew big and strong Jena remained a baby, unable to talk other than meaningless gibberish, control her bowels or walk for more than a couple of steps.

Johnathan knew that there was a mind inside that body, He could see it in her eyes but mother only saw her baby, her little princess. For years she had entered Jena into every baby beauty pageant there was, spending thousands on pretty little dresses. Jena was cute and won some of the contests but despite her remaining a baby the pageant organizers had finally said she had to stop when Jena turned 18 and became an adult. They had made an exception for years based on the doctors determination that she was physically like an 18 month old baby despite her real age.

Just another reason for mother to hate Johnathan. He wasn't even taking any clothes with him for while Jena had designer baby dresses he only had castoffs from charity shops. As he was home-schooled he didn't face humiliation from classmates for the clothes he wore. He would buy all new clothes when he got access to his trust fund.

The only reason he was home-schooled was so that he could watch Jena while the tutor worked with him. She was usually in a sling on his chest and she watched and listened to everything. Mother used the TV as a babysitter too and Jena spent hours fascinated by what she saw and heard but could never connect her thoughts to her speech or even her hands.

She smiled and giggled when she was happy and cried when she was wet or hungry. She was one of a handful of girls around the world with this undefined condition they used to call Syndrome X but now called Neotenic complex syndrome. He had looked it up on the internet. She'd even been in a movie with other girls like her though her case seemed more severe.

She was still nursing and seemed to have a problem digesting formula though she could tolerate very small portions and loved baby food like chocolate pudding. Mother gave it to her so she had something other than breast milk to taste. A wet nurse provided the breast milk as mother couldn't be bothered after the first six months. The wet nurse usually left bottles for Johnathan to feed Jena when she wasn't there.

Despite all this she was a happy baby. Johnathan guessed she couldn't miss what she never had but he tried to share his life with her. After all he had no-one else to tell. He told her about everything including his new girlfriend Susie who he had met at the library, one of the few places he ventured outside the house. They planned on moving in together and going to school far away from his mother.

Jena was the perfect listener only interrupting if she'd soiled her diaper or was hungry. Like all babies she was attracted to shiny things and saw the ring he was wearing. He had found it and its mate at a craft fair. The old woman had said they were to share only with one you loved and trusted. Pulling the box with the matching ring out of his pocket he opened it. Jena's eyes lit up and she waved her hands at him.

Humoring her he slipped the ring out of the box and onto her fingers. It was too big for just one. The moment he did his whole life changed forever.

Jena liked the shiny object and tried to grab it. Jonathan smiled and took it out of the box and slipped it on to her fingers. She only had a moment to enjoy it when her world spun out of control and she saw herself looking down at herself. Her mind expanded and found new links, ones that she could never form in her tiny body.

Looking down at Jena's tiny body she saw her eyes widen in shock. Jena got her fingers and hands to move. She grabbed the ring that had slipped from her body's tiny fingers and put it back in the box. She took the ring off Johnathan's finger too. Jena's pretty little face contorted as she reached in desperation.

Jena tried to speak. She stuttered as she tried to get Johnathan's vocal chords to work. It almost sounded like her baby talk until her mind connected and she found herself speaking the words that had been in her mind.

“My god! I didn't know it could be like this. Johnathan why didn't you tell me how good it feels?”

Jena looked down at her little body and the terrified look on her face. She wanted to comfort Johnathan. She knew what it was like and now he would too. While he had never mistreated her Jena had listened for years to her mother tell her how Johnathan had cheated her out of a real life. Jena was still immature and all she could feel was that resentment as she looked with satisfaction at her brother trapped in her little body.

To her mind it was justice and she had no qualms about leaving him to her fate. In a week she'd leave just as Johnathan had planned and her mother would never know. That was probably a good thing considering how much she blamed Johnathan for the life Jena had led. Jena was tempted to gloat but she had too many other things to do.

Just then the wet nurse walked in.

“I'm glad you haven't dressed Jena yet Johnathan. It's feeding time and Jena can make such a mess.”

The nurse unstrapped Jena from the changing table and sat down in the chair and got ready to feed Jena. Jena almost forgot whose body she was in now as she found herself licking her lips. She resolved to think of herself only as him from now on. He was Johnathan.

The nurse looked questioningly at Johnathan and he realized she was waiting for him to leave the room so she could expose her breasts to feed Jena. He quickly left the room and set about exploring his surroundings and his new body.

Johnathan looked up as the woman opened her blouse, unsnapped her nursing bra and freed her breast. She pulled Jena to her breast and expected Jena to latch on but nothing happened. It was unusual but maybe she wasn't too hungry. The nurse squeezed a few drops from her breast as Johnathan watched in amazement and then ran her milky finger over Jena's lips. Johnathan found himself sucking on her finger as a reflex and then she quickly shifted Jena's mouth to her nipple and Johnathan found himself suckling as nature took its course.

The nurse switched breasts and Jena continued to feed. It gave Johnathan a feeling of security and contentment that he sorely needed at the moment. Finally he could take no more and released her nipple. The nurse immediately put her over her shoulder and winded her, glad Jena wasn't dressed yet as she spit up on the towel she had laid on her shoulder.

It was time for the baby's nap as the nurse slipped her into a onesie over her diaper and plastic pants. She stuck her pacifier in her mouth and put her down in the cot. Johnathan was still too caught up in the warm full feeling to react.

As the wet nurse turned out the light and left the room the full impact finally hit Johnathan. He was trapped in Jena's body and the only person who knew was Jena and she had every reason not to tell. On an intellectual level Johnathan could understand but emotionally he started to whimper and cry. Drowsy from his feeding Johnathan fell asleep.

He heard her voice first but instead of yelling at him or giving him orders it was sweet and loving and she was talking to him. Then he realized she thought she was talking to Jena and he frowned. Jena was always happy to see Mother so her frown made Mother wonder. Mother immediately thought that Johnathan had done something and carrying Jena she went looking for him.

It was the worst possible time for Johnathan was experimenting with his new body and masturbating. The feelings coursing through his body were too good to stop, even when mother entered the room. She screamed at him and her scream scared Jena and Johnathan felt his new body lose control and she soiled herself. Mother realized what happened and now she was even angrier.

“See what you've done you pervert! Your poor sister needs changing. Clean yourself up and if I catch you doing that again I will lock it up and throw away the key. Now take your sister and change her and dress her up pretty. A representative from one of the major children's clothing companies is coming to talk about a long term contract and I want her to look her best. And you stay out of sight.”

Jena took her brother from mother. She thought about all the times Johnathan had changed her and now it was his turn to be changed. She'd never felt embarrassed about it until now. She wondered if Johnathan would feel the same. Suddenly an eighteen year old boy in her little girl's body having her diaper changed. He'd better get used to it, he had a lifetime of them coming up.

One thing she was sure of she'd enjoy dressing him up in her pretty clothes. He always had some snide comment about the little princess. It was more directed at mother for her obsession with dressing Jena up than at Jena but she wasn't going to miss a chance to do the same to him. She didn't have a choice and now neither did he.

“Stinky baby. Johnathan will get you all cleaned up. I guess you saw me enjoying my new equipment. Too bad you can't enjoy yours. I never knew how good that could feel. At least you will have that memory. But your pretty dresses would look funny if you still had a penis. Little girls don't need them, well at least not until they become big girls but you don't have to worry about that.”

Johnathan felt him cleaning around her new parts. It felt strange. There was nothing sexual about it at all and he realized that sex was something that was no longer in his future. The thing is when you are deprived of something you like you miss it all the more . It was like he had been put into permanent chastity and for the moment all he could think about was seeing Jena in his body pleasuring himself. He cried.

Jena couldn't help rubbing it in.

“It really was an amazing feeling. Maybe after a while with Susie we can use those rings and I can see what I would have missed as a woman by being stuck in that baby girl body forever.”

Despite what Jena said Johnathan took solace from the fact that Jena hadn't disposed of the rings. Not that she'd ever use them to switch back but as long as Jena had them there was hope. And that's all he had to go on for now – hope.

“Now what shall we have you wear princess? I know, one of your pageant dresses, all sparkly and with lots of petticoats and a pair of tights. Do you know how hot those are over a diaper and plastic pants? Mother didn't care. She used to spank me if I cried. Of course never in front of anyone. I think she was afraid they'd take me away from her. So you better smile or you may find out for yourself. I'm too big to spank now but poor Jena is never going to be too big to spank. You think the diaper would give some padding wouldn't you. It doesn't.

You know the real reason mother only let me have a taste of regular baby food? Oh, I know she said I got sick. The truth is she was afraid I'd get fat and not fit in my pretty dresses. Now I can eat all the chocolate pudding I want while you have a bit of strained beets. Actually it was probably a good thing she didn't give me more baby food. I hated strained beets!”

Johnathan finished getting Jena dressed and carried her into Mother. Johnathan was still worried about Mother thinking something was wrong so he gave Jena an extra hard pat on her bottom and she cried out. Immediately Mother reached for Jena and soothed her while giving Johnathan a dirty look and telling him to leave. Satisfied that she didn't suspect anything Johnathan quickly left and decided to meet Susie and see if she noticed the difference in him.

Mother took Jena into the parlor where the representatives of Pretty Baby designer clothes were waiting to discuss a contract.

"This is my darling Jena. As you know she legally turns 18 in a week and therefore will no longer be subject to the Child Labor Laws like we discussed earlier."

Johnathan looked up at Mother . Was she really suggesting that Jena be treated like an adult for photo shoots? The company obviously liked that idea as they and Mother started discussing money. Being able to shoot for extended time periods would be much more cost-effective for the company. All Mother could see was dollar signs and her little princess in ads and catalogs. Johnathan could see it being hell for him and began to cry.

"I thought you said Jena didn't cry and was a happy baby!"

Mother whispered into Jena's ear to stop crying if she knew what was good for her while patting her bottom. Johnathan just wailed and flailed about that much more. No spanking could be as bad as what Jena would be put through if Mother signed a contract with this company.

The reps looked at each other and said they'd be in touch. Mother knew she wouldn't be hearing from them again and she got angry. No sooner were the representatives out the door than she started spanking Jena.

Jena was right, the diaper and plastic pants offered little protection as Mother kept paddling her bottom. Johnathan just kept wailing until Mother realized she wan't going to stop. She dropped Jena in her playpen and went to get a drink. She had dropped Jena right on her very sore bottom and Johnathan fell backward and tried to roll over on to her tummy to ease the pain but couldn't. He didn't even have the limited control that Jena did over her little body and just lay there in agony.

Mother sat nursing her drink, angry at both of her children. She thought Jena had learned to behave. Usually just the suggestion of a spanking was enough to make stop crying but not today. It was like she didn't care. And that boy! Imagine playing with himself when he knew she would be home. That made her stop for a moment. Why would he take such a chance? He knew her schedule, what time she came home from the country club. Both of them were acting strange.

Mother decided to put a voice-activated recorder in Jena's room to see if Johnathan was doing something to Jena. She wouldn't put it past him. She knew he was going to leave as soon as he got his trust money. If he did something to Jena she could blackmail him into staying and giving her control of his trust fund.

What she heard later confused her.

"I saw Susie today Jena and she didn't have any idea. I also found out it is much more fun to suck on a woman's breast when it isn't just to be fed. Susie really liked that but then I've had a lot of practice haven't I. "

It was obvious Mother hadn't bothered to check on Jena and Johnathan was surprised to see her bruised bottom when he went to change her again.

"I did warn you about Mother's temper didn't I. You must have made her really angry. I wonder what you did?"

Johnathan looked up and wished he could tell her what Mother had tried to do. He felt so helpless and Johnathan couldn't resist leaning down and asking,

How are you doing in my body Johnathan? I guess you are pretty unhappy with things. You better learn to smile and be happy or life will be even more miserable than it already is. "

Johnathan's words had been almost indiscernible and Mother had to play them back several times until she realized what she was hearing. It was unbelievable but it explained a lot. Somehow Jonathan and Jena had switched bodies and Jena wasn't even going to tell her.

Mother mulled over what she could do. Even if the recordings proved the switch no-one would believe them. Besides they also contained proof of her abuse. She would play them one more time, for Johnathan so he would know she knew who was really in Jena's body. Maybe one day she could repay Jena for abandoning her and leaving her with HIM!

Things were cold between Johnathan and mother that last week. Mother knew it was Jena and angered by her betrayal treated her just as if she were the real Johnathan. For his part Johnathan, for Jena would only let herself think as Johnathan, was happy he was escaping the hellhole that had been Johnathan's and Jena's lives and would continue to be Jena's though neither had any idea what would follow.

As soon as Johnathan was gone Mother put her plan into action to erase Johnathan from Jena's body and leave just a baby in body and mind. The first step was to repaint the nursery in grey and remove all pictures. The windows painted over so no natural light could get in, leaving only a harsh fluorescent light.

Mother produced a pair of goggles that distorted Johnathan's vision, that over time would make everything a blur. The wet nurse was instructed not to talk to Jena, to wear gloves at all times so that the only human contact was with the wet nurse's breast.

Her hands were fastened in stiff mittens so she could not feel or hold anything with her hands.

Then she paid a small fortune for two minicomputers that recharged from the electrical energy produced by Jena's body. The two minicomputers would go into Jena's ears and convert any sounds into Jena's own baby talk. Just before they were inserted into Jena's ears Mother played the tape where Jena talked to Johnathan proving she knew Johnathan was inside Jena's body.

She told him that her words were the last intelligible words he would ever hear. She was reducing his sensory input both visually and audibly. The only taste he would get from now on was breast milk, just like a little baby. He wouldn't be able to discern objects or hear anything but Jena's own inarticulate verbalizations.

Mother was sure that Johnathan would be reduced completely to the baby he appeared to be. He'd always be dressed in Jena's pretty dresses because she wanted him to know anyone who saw him would only see a pretty little baby girl. With that she inserted the minicomputers and Johnathan descended into hell. Only Jena's sense of smell remained and Johnathan was sure as soon as Mother found a way that would be taken away too.

Johnathan clung to that slim touch of reality. He could tell when she entered the room by her scent, the wet nurse by the smell of milk. He could feel and smell when Jena soiled herself and he even clung to that.

He had no sense of time. He tried to count feedings but with no way to mark them he lost count. He just knew there were many. The one good thing was Mother in her eagerness to cut Johnathan off from the world also cut off her opportunity to talk to him and tease and torture him.

She could only affect him physically by delaying his diaper changes or dressing him in scratchy slips under his pretty dresses to make him squirm and cry. She had to be careful so the wet nurse didn't accuse her of abuse, not realizing it was being done before her eyes. He had no idea how much time passed.

The Ending

Then came the day when Jena returned. She wasn't going to switch them back so she gave Johnathan the only life she could. She drugged Mother and put one of the rings on her finger before going to Johnathan. It was all she could do. Hours later Johnathan woke up and realized he wasn't in Jena's body anymore.
He could hear crying and screaming and he could see again too, and what he saw both horrified and gladdened him. He was in Mother's body! Which meant that she was in Jena's, trapped in the very prison she had created for him.

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