
On Strike!

Posted on 2004-12-18

On Strike!

by Nom de Plume  © 2004

I got the idea while listening to the news on the radio, during another grinding commute home from the big city. It seemed a couple in Florida had gotten so sick and tired of their spoiled, neglectful children that they were camping outside their house in beach chairs, refusing to go back to being parents until their brats knuckled under.

It’s Not MY Fault!

FYI: This is NOT a sequel to the story I posted earlier today.

In the dress shop two weeks before Prom.

Mother: It’s a lovely dress and you just look fabulous in it but it’s really expensive, James.

James: Mom! It’s not MY fault we’re here!

After the Big Game

A 100 word drabble inspired by Bru's short story Cheerleader Material
I'm not sure which State this story takes place in...

by Laika Pupkino ~ 2018


Our defeat at the hands of Middledale High's team was humiliating, the bus ride home was even worse.

More than a working Girl

.More than a Working Girl

written by Dauphin
I wanted to help my dad so much, and it was fun! Why do people not understand this
"Dauphin writes another sentimental story, where good intentions are punished" Diana
"The boy in the story can teach us all a lot!" Dauphin

An early Halloween short

Thirteen is an awkward age, stranded somewhere between ‘just a kid’ and ‘old enough to know better’. At thirteen Halloween costumes are the peak of uncool; trick or treating is something for babies, and high school parties are a long way away. But that wouldn’t stop Grayson from making the most of the holiday.

One a Day For Girls

One a Day for Girls
By Mel Huntington

The author welcomes feedback at [email protected]

This is the story of a mother and her child. She gave birth 18 years ago and was sure she was having a girl. But there were complications and this is the story of how that cosmic mistake got rectified.

I was studying my notes for my Chemistry final when I heard my Mother's voice as she came down the stairs.

"Happy birthday my darling boy! How does it feel to be 18 and only three days from graduation?"

Dani's Turn

This is the story of Daniel, who was encouraged by his dying wife Jamie to find his happiness as Dani, his stillborn twin sister.

This is my first submission to Big Closet, I'm told this type of story may find a more appreciative audience here. Obviously comments are greatly appreciated.

The Legend of the Amazon Girl

.The Legend of the Amazon Girl

written by Dauphin
Clothes do matter, even when you are a super hero
"No mater how many powers you have, it only takes a good heart to accept you" Diana
"There are many metaphores in this story" Dauphin

Rosebud** - July 2018 Staycation story contest

Lindsey, or Lyle to his friends and acquaintances, was recently retired and was celebrating his 61st birthday with lunch with two long term friends. It was a fairly low key lunch at a rustic old café in the nearby mountains with a couple of long term friends. Several others of his childhood friends and their spouses, due to work and other commitments, could not attend but had sent gifts and well wishes with Jack and Bill.

Skirting the issue 10 86'ed

The rather fat guy, formerly muscle when he was in highschool twenty years ago, waved them thru before Melissa could speak.

Derek remembered the good old days. He was the man in highschool. Just after highschool he had gotten busted by the cops for some weed and it ruined his life. He, of course, blamed it entirely on the police. After all he was "the man".

QT the Cutie

QT the Cutie

Can you imagine the embarrassment of being named Quentin Tarantino Clarke? At least I don’t look like my face has melted. (Sorry, I know that’s going to offend someone!).

But what happens when someone decides that although my name is QT it sounds too much like Cutie? I can tell you ….. life begins to get very complicated. And then one of my friends is truly slick with Photoshop and the given task is to morph me with ….. wait and see. It’s just Life-changing.

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments – 5 Elle’s Coming Out

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments – 5
Elle’s Coming Out

By Jessica C

Elliot is breaking the Rose colored glass ceiling…
He’s been an ordinary research and finance person…

Impetus Chapter 2


“Yeah, k’know, I just want to do everything I can to help our community!” the teenage girl said perkily, pouncing her foot up and down, her black and purple suit fitting snugly to her thin, lithe frame.

“I love you, Impetus!” someone shouted from the unwashed throng, fortunately held back by a barrier of police tape and news vans. Behind the mask, Adam held back a wince.

Missing you

.Missing you

Written by Dauphin
Being a Transgender effects so many people, Can you please them all
"Heartbreaking on a Girls journey and how much she cares for others" Diana
"A parent looses a son but gains a daughter, or do they?" Dauphin

Susie Saturdays

Hi, so I did write a story on here ages ago, but can't even remember what it was called (or what name I used). It never got finished anyway though, so here's something new, and it works quite well as a stand alone tale.

I decided to do something a little different with this, and set myself a bit of a challenge; I wanted to do a fairly sweet coming of age tale, something without overt sexuality in it, but that was still focused on a sissy. If that makes you want to not read this, well I think (or hope) you'll be pleasantly surprised.

How Do You Walk in Those Things

How Do You Walk In Those Things

By Patricia Marie Allen

"What have we here?" my mother asked as I stood admiring my legs in the heels my sister had offered to let me try walking in.

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments – 4 Out in Public

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments – 4
Out in Public

By Jessica C

Elliot is breaking the Rose colored glass ceiling…
He’s been an ordinary research and finance person…

Becoming Sara Day Eight

Having my sister here brought back a lot of memories. Even though she is a year younger than I am she caught up with me in height and for a little bit she was taller until we both stopped at five two. Many people mistook us for twins as we acted alike and drove our parents nuts like most kids. Even with short hair and boy's clothes people thought I was a girl more than half the time. Even worse when she would wear my clothes as well. It somewhat stopped as my voice deepened, but there was always someone who would point it out, or be shocked speechless when I spoke.

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments – 3 Getting One's Feet Wet

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments – 3
Getting One's Feet Wet

By Jessica C

Elliot is breaking the rose colored glass ceiling…
He’s been an ordinary research and finance person…

The GLOOrious Revolution

The stories popped up in various newspapers across the country but seemed random and many instances never made the papers. Finally enough instances took place that the authorities began to take notice and detect a pattern.

“The Best Damn Thing” Section 4: “Complicated”


Seventh grade was a time of extreme ups and downs.

I’m not going to bore with you with my yo-yo-in attitudes as I felt terrified as my voice cracked one day and went like a freaking octave lower. This quasi-baritone like voice (in my opinion) didn’t match up with the rest of me and I hated it.

It was also during this time that my older sister started hanging out with a new set of neighbors down the road. I can’t say I remember her name but unfortunately I can remember her brother, John, too well.

Sisterhood . The Gloo That Bonds

Daaad!! ! I am not wearing this monkey suit to Uncle Jack’s wedding . I told Uncle Jack and I’ve told you and Mom the same thing since I was 3 years old . I am your daughter and Kylie’s sister . She gets it and so does Uncle Jack and our future Aunt Cheryl. It’s only you and Mom who refuse to see me for who I am . The only way I’m going to this wedding is in the bridesmaid gown that Cheryl bought me to wear “!

Stuck On You

Life sure takes some rather interesting, heck, even what I'd call weird turns, let me tell ya!

I bet you won't believe that, just a few days ago, I was Ransom Bermondsey, up and coming movie and TV star here in wonderful LA!

Yeah, yeah, I'm not actually famous. Well, let me restate that, who I used to be wasn't actually famous.

This, then, is the story of what happened to me when my cousin Jezabelle and her twin sister Jazmin wreaked havoc with the Gloo!

I'm Glued

I’m glued

(with apologies to Eiffel 65)

Yo listen up
Here’s the story
About a little guy
That lives in a glue world
And all day and all night
Everything he sees is
Just glued
To him inside, and outside
Glued in a dress
Glued to some high heels too
And glued to a corset
And everything is glued
Including his breasts
And he sings to himself
Cause he aint got nobody to listen ..


“I’m glued ...

Glue Me Sunday

Against her better judgement LAIKA PUPKINO presents::
(Andrea made me do it!)
Sunday you glued me into a red rubber dress
Dearest the stuff just won't let me undressed
Little white panties to forever arouse you
I wanted black ones you degenerate louse you

“Angel” you told me, “I've still got some more Gloo!
Would you be angry if I thought of joining you
Glue me Sunday

Where did I go Wrong - Again!

The encounter with Carl Delaforge in "Commutation" was a bit depressing so let’s cheer up and revisit the family from “Where did I go wrong?”, only two years later. If you haven’t read that story this will contain spoilers.

I was not feeling very well coming down into the living room that Saturday morning. What I saw there did NOT make me feel any better. The room was a mess! A ridiculously short, and expensive looking, sparkly blue dress on the floor. On the same floor some flimsy lace black thong panties featured prominently. Black 5 inch heel shoes thrown around, one on the floor, the other in an armchair. A bra, that matched the panties in material, color and sexiness, in the other armchair. Stockings, and garter belt draped across the back of the couch. A couch that by all evidence had been used to have wild, wanton sex on. Fortunately I couldn’t see any stains and the used condom had missed the carpet, Who could be responsible for this?

Cheryl? No, she’d never wear five inch heels. Wait, five inch heels? Michael!!!

The Blue Whale Chapter 17

A Lord Of Hell is challenged by a young [1,000 years old] Nephilim attempting to protect a young girl...



My name is Josette Du Pres. A frightened Jackie Eaton has become a pawn in a supernatural conflict between a Lord Of Hell and a NEPHILIM, the Son of the Leader of THE HEAVENLY HOST...


Asmodeus said:

"I have no desire to cross swords with Lucifer's Brother this day. The girl is of no consequence. You may keep her"

For The Greater Good

For The Greater Good

By Jamie Lee

My name is Michael Briden, an eighteen-year-old senior at Walter Ridge high school. Today is Friday, the last day of my incarceration, the last day I'll ever have to attend this sad excuse for a high school because tomorrow afternoon my class will walk across the stage and receive our high school diplomas. And Sunday will begin a new life for me and my two siblings. It will be the day Mark and I, die.

The Blue Whale Chapter 16

A beautiful woman walks through The Blue Whale stopping at a table where a handsome older man and a beautiful young woman wearing a French Maid Uniform were siting. The man and the young French Maid stood up...



My name is Josette Du Pres. Jack Eaton no longer exists. A young woman named Jackie Eaton is troubled by her transformation and the future ramifications of a rash decision made without thought. A decision she already regrets.


The Blue Whale Chapter 15

The limousine stopped in front of The Blue Whale (a popular tavern in Collinsport). Darkness was falling as the late afternoon sun disappeared. Fog began to roll in from the harbor when a beautiful woman and a young man exited the limousine and walked towards the door of the Blue Whale...


My name is Josette Du Pres. Jack Eaton has entered the Blue Whale to meet an older man. A meeting that will change Jack Eaton forever...


The Blue Whale Chapter 14

A Strange Woman entered the room and noticed mail stacked neatly on the table next to the girl's purse. There was a brochure on the floor and a young girl wearing a Cheerleaders Uniform was unconscious and slumped over...



My name is Josette Du Pres. A confused young woman has fainted. The thought that one of her nightmares was about to come true was too much for her troubled mind to handle...


My night gowns

As some of you know about a year ago I was told by my wife that I should try shaving my legs and wear one of her gowns it bed to get a feel of how much nicer it is. Well I didn't hesitate to do it because I have been doing it for years every time I have a few minutes to change into one. I saw that as an opportunity to do so without judgement from her. She would not think it wierd because it's her idea.

The Black Ring V

Jacky takes a few steps backwards as she encounters on old flame that works for a clinic that promises to reverse her sex change and eliminate the persona known as Jill. Given the chance to get her life back as a man, Jacky goes down an unknown path that will lead to personal revelation and sacrifice.

The Blue Whale Chapter 13

A young tomboy reluctantly allows an imperious French Designer to fit her for the Girl's Uniforms for an exclusive Swiss Finishing School...



My name is Josette Du Pres. An unwilling young tomboy reluctantly allows herself to be fitted for Girl's School Uniforms. She will find the experience embarrassing. Her embarasement will continue this day until she begins to prepare for a date - A date with an older man...



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