
The Cottage - Part 1

The Cottage
Michele Nylons

TV Hooker.jpg

Chapter One

A young man discovers the delights of crossdressing but wants to be able to do so without being discovered. He uses the family holiday cottage unaware that someone else might decide to use the cottage too. But first he has to deal with his unruly Mother and Sister, who's penchant for makeup, heels, and hosiery turned him on to crossdressing in the first place.

Rio de Janeiro Blue Chapter 2

Maria had gone when I awoke. Glancing at the alarm clock I saw that it was past noon. I stepped gingerly out of bed, wincing slightly as I made my way to the en-suite. My feet were a ruin after spending all night in heels. I surveyed myself in the bathroom mirror. The make up that I had neglected to remove last night was now re-arranged in a far more abstract pattern all over my face. The hairpiece dangled lopsidedly over one ear, mirrored by one remaining earring in the other.

Rio de Janeiro Blue Chapter 1


Thursday October 19th 2000

The bell above the door to the salon tinkled as I entered, and a young woman bounded enthusiastically from the rear of the shop to meet me.


“Hello. I, er, have an appointment for nine this morning…”

“Yes. It was me you spoke to on the phone. I’m Lucy, by the way.” She beamed engagingly. “So…you’re here for the works, pretty much…”

“Yeah. Hence the early appointment.” I smiled back.

“Hot date tonight?”


The Game - Chapter 3

The Game
Michele Nylons

White Blouse Blue Satin Pencil Skirt Sheer Pantyhose Black Belt and Black High Heels.jpg

Chapter Three – Translucent

David goes searching for the old Gamers and chases down Sarah and Bethany. Sarah is not doing so well but Bethany is doing very well thank you very much! David's wife Marie discovers a secret, sending David back into the clutches of the Quizmaster.

Gilmore Girls

By Mary Beth Sanford

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. As always I write this for your enjoyment. A comment at the end would be greatly appreciated. Hugs Mary Beth.



A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: (part 6 of 6)

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: “You Hook My Bra and I’ll Hook Yours”
(This story is semiautobiographical adult fiction. Explicit content.)

Chapter 6 of 6

Our story follows 72 year old Joanie from a confused childhood to her Golden Years. Joanie reflects on the events and quirks of fate that led her to becoming Joanie. Her story culminates in her final purge.
Joanie gets married, does her military duty, looks for answers and grows old: a final purge


The Master of Self Deception (LoPR Part III)

Anthony becomes overconfident in his impersonations and tries to kindle a romance between his friend and Claire. However things become a little more complicated when he gains attention himself from a young woman and Angela's real mother sees her dead daughter.

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: (part 5 of 6)

Chapter 5 of 6 (Not work place safe)

Our story follows 72 year old Joanie from a confused childhood to her Golden Years. Joanie reflects on the events and quirks of fate that led her to becoming Joanie. Her story culminates in her final purge.
Have you ever taken the road less traveled road? Joanie reflects on how she evolved, on her first purge and how she became a living dress form.


Debriefings 24

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

The Lord of Petty Revenges (LoPR Part I)

Anthony Danforth has a talent for enacting revenge on those that irritate him in life. He learns a new talent during the course of his schemes and then uses it to enact the ultimate revenge on his annoying neighbour.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (11)

Once Joan and I finished our little talk, I kind of started to look for Ben. Once more I had to wade through the crowds of people, somewhere dancing and others where chatting, boys flirted with girls and girls flirted with boys. All in all, it was your average dance. Finally a few minutes of searching, I found Ben by the refreshment table. He offered me a small smile as he passed me the paper cup.

“Have a nice talk with Joan?” He asked as he raised his paper cup to his lips and closing his eyes he took a small sip of the punch.

A Brother's Love

Two teens entered a shop specialised in “slightly” provocative clothing for girls. The rather skinny girl was very pretty in a girl-next-door way. The boy looked very much like the girl. They obviously were siblings. The boy more or less dragged the blushing girl into the shop.

The boy addressed the gorgeous and very seductively made up girl (whose dress had required minimal material) working in the shop.

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 3

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 3

Copyright 2019 by Heather Rose Brown

In this chapter, names are named, genders are reconsidered, and something ceramic tumbles to its doom.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (10)

The gymnasium was filled to the brim with people. Colorful streamers hung down from the ceiling, romantic music filled the air with a loud tempo. Toward the back, there stood at least two dozen men, all dressed in coat and ties. Each one refused to look each other in the eyes as they shifted their weight from one foot to the other. Some played with the cuffs of there suits, other kept playing with there watches. Others just stood there, their arms folded over there chest and their eyes firmly glued to the dance floor. No doubt they were passing around small brown bottles of bourbon around.

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: (part 4 of 6)

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: “You Hook My Bra and I’ll Hook Yours”

Our story follows 72 year old Joanie from a confused childhood to her Golden Years. Joanie reflects on the events and quirks of fate that led her to becoming Joanie. Her story culminates in her final purge.

Have you ever wanted to take a less traveled road? Have you ever regretted not taking a different route or trying something different? Michelle showed me the way; I have no regrets. Over the years I have wondered where and how she got her ‘road map’.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (9)

I was guided into the bathroom of the gym and scrubbed clean. I had every inch of me scrubbed and scrubbed, I had my hair washed and rewashed. It took around two good, hot showers to clean every trace of slop from my hair, skin and personal area. The warm water felt so good too. My whole world became a vision of colors, as the smells from the shampoo, body wash and lotions filled the air. Once I was “Clean” I was ordered to dry off with a warm towel. Once I was dry, they ordered me to lotion up, something about making my skin shimmer. It was all very confusing.

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: (part 3 of 6)

January 2019 "Reader Retention Contest"

(This story is semiautobiographical adult fiction. Explicit content. There are six chapters. All rights reserved. Comments are appreciated.)

Chapter 3 of 6 (Not work place safe)

Our story follows 72 year old Joanie from a confused childhood to her Golden Years. Joanie reflects on the events and quirks of fate that led her to becoming Joanie. Her story culminates in her final purge.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (8)

The minute I stepped inside the tank, was the minute I heard a metallic click. I was now enclosed in this thing, trapped. Taking a deep breath I looked up and noticed a few drops of green slime starting to seep down from above me. Katie, the head cheerleader from Manchester Academy was grinning ear to ear as she walked over to the left side of the tank. Wrapping her fingers around the chain she peered at me and in a menacing tone of voice whisper to me.

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: (part 2 of 6)

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: “You Hook My Bra and I’ll Hook Yours”

Our story follows Joanie from a confused childhood to her Golden Years. Joanie reflects on the events and quirks of fate that led her to becoming Joanie. At 72 years of age, flashbacks and self reflection, allow us to better understand her lifelong search to understand ‘how’ and ‘why’. “Why me?” she asks.

(This story is semiautobiographical adult fiction. Explicit content. There are six chapters. All rights reserved. Comments are appreciated.)

How I Became Crossgender part 1

My anxiety level is higher than I can ever remember. I am about to go to my first day of school. I am 13 and will be in grade 11. Furthermore, I will be presenting as a transgender girl, even though I doubt I am truly transgender.

This is the story of how I got to this place.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (7)

The bleachers on both sides of the field where filled to the brim with people. The whole school had turned out, with dozens of people waving small flags that had the school’s mascot on them. The cheerleaders where busy whipping the crowds into a frizzy. And thereby the side, My eyes firmly fixed upon the strawberry blonde girl being lead to our side of the field by three Manchester cheerleaders. Lily, Joan, and Mindy were there. The three talked with the other three and finally, Joan escorted the girl from Manchester over to a waiting table where our homecoming court sat.

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: (part 1 of 6)

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: “You Hook My Bra and I’ll Hook Yours”

Our story follows Joanie from a confused childhood to her Golden Years. Joanie reflects on the events and quirks of fate that led her to becoming Joanie. At 72 years of age, flashbacks and self reflection, allow us to better understand her lifelong search to understand ‘how’ and ‘why’. “Why me?” she asks.

(This story is semiautobiographical adult fiction. Explicit adult content. There are six chapters. All rights reserved. Comments appreciated.)

Chapter 1 of 6

The Beginning - part 14. This is only the beginning

When I opened my eyes I saw Mary’s face. She smiled at me. For a moment I had no idea what happened. I did not know where I was or what time of the day it was.

“Babe, are you okay?” Mary asked me sounding concerned.

The Beginning - part 13. Shopping paradise

My mom, Mary and I got up simultaneously and all three of us walked over to hug my dad. I was so proud to be his daughter. A little more crying happened and after a short while, we settled back down.

“Okay girls. We need to get ready for shopping soon. Mary, I will give you some money too so you don’t feel treated unfairly.” mom announced.

“Hooray! I am not going to say no to that .” Mary said excitedly.

“What about your friend Samantha, Riley. Maybe she wants to hang out at the mall with us?” mom asked me.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (6)

Once the shockwaves from Linda’s little outburst settled down. Lily reached over and took me by the hand and guided me toward the bathroom. While the other cheerleaders scattered, each one having last minute chores that needed be done before the big show. Her hand wrapped around mine, she pulled me into the staff bathroom. She handed me the gym bag, I blinked and unzipped the bag and there in the bag was the old cheerleading uniform I first wore.

I love Silk and Satin and ....

I love Silk and Satin and, and, and, and

Title changed from 'Material Wealth'.
I love clothes – not just dresses and underwear. Therefore the raw material is interesting too. Lace & Leather, Silk & Satin and the rest. Enticing. Intoxicating.

An AP-500 story

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 2

FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 2

Copyright 2018 by Heather Rose Brown

In this chapter, our protagonist wakes in the dominion of a mysterious woman, and discovers an unexpected side to his former supervisor.

The Beginning - part 12. Tough negotiations

We walked up to my parents who were still standing at the door. I was determined to get this issue resolved. I felt confident and brave. I loved wearing my girlie clothes because it felt so natural. Well, technically they were Alyssa’s old clothes. The skirt and top fit me perfectly as if they were made for me. Of course, I loved the black tights the most. This was me. Riley.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (5)

Nothing really happen after that. The weekend came and passed, with me spending the weekend as Jamie. Since I had little pocket money, and my sister was likewise broke, we spent the better part of Saturday and Sunday doing extra chores around the house to earn some extra coins. Sunday afternoon, when we finally knocked off, the whole house had been cleaned from top to bottom, swept, mopped and dusted. We even tackled the corners and baseboards. I’m proud to say the whole thing shinned like new money.

The Adventure of Jamie Potter (4)

With daddies money in hand. Mom, Lily and I headed to Johannes Malt Shop, Benton favorite and only mom and pop burger joint. Once we walked through the door, the smell of beef patties being grilled on a open flame hit us like a ton of bricks. Once we were inside, mom guided Lily and I toward a table. Once we were seated a women around Lily age appeared. She had honey blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She smiled toward each of us and placed a small paper menu down upon the table.


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