
Life of Avery 10

A couple days went by and things started to feel familiar. We would wake up and have breakfast. I was on toast and passing out plates. Honestly I was starting to like it. It let me pretend I belonged. Everything was mostly fine although it was still too early to actually think this was going to work. Jessica would come back after the adults went to work and do school study stuff most of the day. Once she even let Faith braid her hair as Grace braided Cindy’s. They couldn't do their own yet but they could do other's reasonably well.

Life of Avery 9

Stepping out of his room he felt alive sort of, like reborn. What ever happened now he was just going to do what he liked. He finally didn't care what other people thought. Before he just pretended he didn't care, he knew that now. Now it was real, he was really free to just be “self” whatever prefix the world wanted to add to it was fine.

Life of Avery 8

“Her name is Jessica.” Emily said as she cooked eggs for breakfast. “She goes to the local college and looks after you kids while we are at work. She takes a light class load in the summer but on thursdays we are testing Faith and Grace who insist are old enough to not need a sitter.”

Life of Avery 7

Mostly I just stared out the window as we drove to the new house. Kelly sat in back next to me which seemed to annoy John who was our driver again. He had to take out one of the car seats, likely had to put it back in later too. If I had my way he would have taken both of them out but I was use to them by this point.


A teenager loses a bet and is forced to get an over-the-top feminine makeover at a transformation studio that specializes in feminizing rebellious teens. But when it comes out that this might not be his first time at the store, he's forced to confront his fears of embarrassment and exposure as he endures trials far more challenging and personal than he ever dreamed possible.

Rivers and Brooks 4

Chapter 4

About a week after the doctor assured us that I had gynecomastia, and nothing fatal, my mom came to my room and asked, “How’s the chest?”

“It’s better. They’re getting smaller.”

“Let me see.”

I knew there was no need to argue, so I opened my shirt and showed her my healthily growing boobs. She took one look and said, “OK, back to the doctor. This time, I’m not taking ‘gynecomastia’ for an answer!”

So back to the doctor we went. Same office … new doctor.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 8

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

The same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Rivers and Brooks 3

Chapter 3

Monday morning Lisa gave me the ace bandage on the way to school. I went into the restroom and put it on as soon as we got to school then came back into the hall to get her approval.

“Looks good. No sign of boobs.”

“How was your shopping trip?”

“Good! I saw a dress that would look soooo good on you! Who knows? Maybe I bought it for you! Are you feeling better today?”

“You know, my head and my stomach feel fine. Would you go for a body swap, you and me?”

Melodies of the Heart : The Birthday Wish (5)

Jane took the offered towel from Katherine and smiled as he tried to clear some of the icings away from his face, fingers and from the front of his dress. Josephine helped by bringing out a wet rag that was used to get most of the remaining icing and a little from his dress. Susan, once she finished laughing guided Jane over to the table where the presents where kept, while she darted into the kitchen to fetch a broom and a dustpan. She started to clean up the mess while Josephine handed out the gifts.

Rivers and Brooks 1

Chapter 1
Living – or going through the motions

As my cousin, Lisa and I walked the main hall toward our next class; she looked me over and said, “That dress really looks nice on you.”

Melodies of the Heart : The Birthday Wish (4)

Once James had finished his bath, Josephine dressed him in the yellow and pink party dress, styled his hair and even applied a thin coating of lip gloss to his lips. Once he was dressed, she stepped back and nodded her approval as she watched the boy look down and blush. Her smile only grew as the boy turned upon his heel and peered into the mirror of the bathroom.

The case of the Grimwood girl's school

The case of Grimwood Girl’s School

There are several cases involving Mr. Sherlock Holmes that for one reason or another, I was not able to release near the time that they happened.

Usually, this was because of the sensitive or possibly embarrassing nature of the case, especially when it involved a person of higher standing.

This is true of the case I’m about to relate, but the person who was most affected by it was myself.

Life of Avery 6

Sunday morning Kelly was a couple levels above normal perky. Honestly I don't know how she does it all the time. I was getting use to it though. Seeing her happy all the time did make me feel a little better. There are many ways to wake up in the mornings and a chipper all too happy Kelly calling me honey, sweetie or the dreaded sweetheart was far from the worst.

Life of Avery 5

Kelly was extra perky this morning for breakfast. I almost think she’s keeping a secret or something. Super perky Kelly who couldn’t even stop smiling to chew her food told me she might miss lunch because she had an important phone call. I nodded, it was kind of good because this new level of perky was starting to creep me out a little. I still liked her. Well, I decided I liked her a day or two ago. Until she crossed some line somewhere she keeps that status. Not many make it there.

Life of Avery 4

I haven’t been in a shelter for a really long time. I think I was five back then. I forgot how crowded they were. People everywhere. Last time I had to stay in the nursery with the really young kids and toddlers. Probably the only place where I was one of the biggest. This time they gave me a small room. There was a small window on the top of the ceiling which was on the ground outside as we were in the basement. It had a bar in front of said window on the back wall to hang clothes on even though I couldn’t reach it. A small garbage can, a dresser and a bed.

Life of Avery 3

I knew it was going to be bad. They never call us into the living room this late. It’s their television time together they call it. This time the television was off though. Definitely something bad, and were part of it. I don't think we did anything. Were we too loud? I was just reading I don't know how that was bad…

“I’m sorry kids.” Mr. Lopez said. “There's really no easy way to say this. I haven't been working for a few weeks now. I was hoping I could find something. It’s just not happening as soon as we wanted.”

Life of Avery 2

“What?” Stella says into the phone. It’s her cousin from the clinic. “Hold on, start over and let me put you on speaker phone. Pedro, you need to hear this.” Getting his attention as he was coming in from mowing the lawn. Both sat at the kitchen table, phone in the center on speaker. “Okay Michelle, Pedro is here. Tell us what happened.

Life of Avery 1

Join Avery and follow along as the hard life starts to show a silver lining. Things may not be great at first but there is still hope. Dangerous hope. To have hope and lose it may perhaps be one of the worst things of all. Walls of protection firmly in place around Avery’s heart and despite the past hardships and a lot of personal issues. Avery finds people who care and finally starts to feel good about the future. Tainted future. Past experience and unplanned secrets threaten to unravel. Will hope shine or will dispare wall Avery away from the world for ever?

Pretty Stacy

It was early August and Conner (Connie) and Bob (Bonnie) had been camping on the Pacific Crest Trail for four days and randomly stopped into the Grizzly Café in Wrightwood for a post hike meal. It was at The Grizzly where Bonnie and Connie first met cross-dresser waitress Stacy as outlined in the last few pages of ‘High School Reunion: Bromance on Pacific Crest Trail – Chapter 3’. Reading those last few pages will add to your enjoyment of this follow-up story about Pretty Stacy.

The life of Riley - part 2 Sisters and Lovers

“I didn’t know you two were lovers.” I boldly said towards my big sister and Alyssa.

They stopped kissing and looked at me with a mischievous smile.

“Well, we kind of are. But not really. Let’s say we are friends who are very close and comfortable with each other.” Mary said still grinning.

Alyssa also still had a big smile on her face.

“Actually, you and Alyssa kissing on the day all three of us went to the mall inspired me. Alyssa has such beautiful and luscious lips and I thought…” Mary just stopped abruptly her smile freezing.

Melodies of the Heart : The Birthday Wish (3)

James took a deep breath as he reached under his covered and took hold of his phone. He then pressed a button and fell back down into the pillow. It was Saturday, and he wanted to sleep in. It was also his birthday, but he cared little about that. The only thing he wanted to do today was sleep and maybe level up his farm tools on ‘Magical Musical’ the latest title in a long series of farming slash slice of life games. Maybe if he was lucky, he could get a blue feather and propose to that cute rancher.

Therapy Doll

Therapy Doll


A young man finds himself in the middle of two personalities. It's in the middle of that discovery that he finds himself about to become homeless. There is a plan, albeit an odd plan but he and he alone might be able to bring those two together and in doing so find a home. All he's got to do is become a Therapy Doll.

The Only Boy in School

Some time ago Barbie Lee sort of challenged me in one of her blogs (
At the time I was not really in a shape to do anything about it and didn’t get a silly enough idea. Let’s see if this is silly enough. As for those who think I write too short stories: This is the longest I have posted here. It's also more narrative than most of them.

12 years from now.

My fiancée Mary and I were spending a quiet day in my flat when the door-bell rang. When I opened the door I found Tom, well really Thomasine, my fiancées tomboy younger sister there in tears and carrying among other things the ruins of her prom dress. As it turned out not only her dress had been destroyed. Andrea, their bratty freshman brother, had totally flipped out and hadn’t stopped at the dress but also destroyed Tom’s jewelry and even got in a cut or two with a pair of scissors in Tom’s hair. She looked a mess. All she had left were her shoes and panties and the prom was only a few hours away. Disaster!

There was only one thing to do. I went into my bedroom and got out MY old prom dress.

Mary (rather upset): Peter, why do you have that dress?

I was rather surprised. I thought she knew. This could be awkward. Well, we’ll take care of that problem later. Now we had more important things to take care of. As I started to check if my dress could fit Tom I absentmindedly answered:

- It’s my old prom dress. I graduated from West Peak.

Mary (with a gasp): The infamous West Peak Academy for Young Ladies?

Well, some may call it infamous. I prefer famous. A fame that I’m proud to be partially responsible for. You see, I’m the only boy ever to graduate from that high school/boarding school.

Melodies of the Heart : The Birthday Wish (2)

Sunday afternoon, after services, was the time set aside for the women of the foster home to sit down and enjoy a little afternoon tea and unwind from the week and get ready for another one. Sunday was considered a day of rest in the Forest Home, some of the children attend services either at the local Catholic, Episcopal or Methodist Churches. It was those three that supported the foster home with donations of either money or canned goods, but mostly money as cold hard cash was the sinew that kept the house running day to day, month to month and year to year.

Melodies of the Heart : The Birthday Wish (1)

Jane Caked.png

James was your average, not so average preteen. For one he lived in a foster home with a dozen of other tweens and teens. The home, was more like one big extended family, with the owners taking on the role of mother and father. While the supporting staff often acted as aunts and uncles. The older teens acted like big sisters and brothers to the younger ones and in some cases even mentored the younger ones.

The life of Riley - part 1 (Sequel to The beginning)

The fire was almost dead. I was sitting on the living room couch, thinking about all the things that happened today. My head was still hurting a bit from fainting and hitting the table. Watching the fire die in our fireplace, it felt like something was ending. Randy was long gone. I was not upset about this. Well, maybe just a little bit. Riley was here now. She will not go anywhere. I knew that was for sure.

“How are you, babe?” Mary asked me gently while softly squeezing my hand.

I smiled at her and nodded.

How could you!

"Hello dear, guess who got off early. . . Richard Ellsworth Pennyfeather what the hell do you think you are doing?"

" You weren't supposed to be home yet. I was only taking a small break. It's not as bad as it looks. I knew you wouldn't understand. "

"I understand only too well. You've been keeping secrets from me. How long has this been going on?"

"Only since I got laid off from my job. I was never home alone before and it was just so tempting. It brightens up my day. You know I've been depressed since I lost my job."

Confession Chapter 1

“I just want to start by saying that this is confidential. I trust you, but i need to make sure. I crossdress. I have been since the summer going into 8th grade (possibly a bit earlier). Before that, I don’t even know how long i’ve been curious about it. I just did it one day when i was alone. I didn’t know what to expect, and what I found was that I enjoyed it a lot. It just makes me feel good about myself, though i really can't place why. I really hope that you can be understanding”


Ok so the other day I was the only one home and decided to go to the garage and retrieve my stash. The wife was shopping with her sister and would not be back until 5 or so. The kid was out doing what ever kids do. So I decided to go for it heels and stocking and pink panties black lace dress! You know what I mean the tramp outfit you have for special occasions. The one that makes you feel like you are actually a pretty girl or a tramp

The Curious Boy - Part 1

Tom was sitting on his bed when he heard his mother leaving the driveway with the family car. He knew he was alone. His sister was at school. He was home sick with the flue and was curious to go through his sister's things, especially since she seemed so against him doing that. She had told him time and time again: If I catch you in there Tom you'll regret it.

Pushing the Limits- Part 4

Chapter 4: Punishment…and a Reward
Evan sighed, glancing at the time on his phone, when he awoke the next day. 10:13am. He had managed to fall asleep last night, which was better than he had expected…since he didn’t think he would be able to sleep at all. That didn’t change the fact that he now felt like he had been run over by a bus.

The Prisoner Wore Panties - Chapter 2

Flygirl PWP.jpg

Chapter Two - Two For One

A prisoner in a German WW2 POW camp finds a unique way of engineering his escape. He can join the amateur dramatic society, take a female role, dress like a woman and use the disguise to escape. If only he didn't like dressing and behaving like a woman so much!

Malt and Hops 2

Continuing the story of Charles/Charlie, we find out more about him as he prepares for Jennifer's visit.

After a while Charles got himself together. He thought ‘She wants to come over, what’s the worst that can happen? She didn’t laugh at me, she encouraged me.’

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 1

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Chapter 1

The same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Charli - The way to School

Charli thought making the decision to attend school as a transgender girl would be the hard part. After making that decision, she learns that is only the start of the obstacle course.

This is a continuation of "How I became Crossgender".

The Maid of Honour (LoPR Part IV)

With his neighbour Claire getting on with his best friend and a blossoming romance with Bernard's sister all is seemingly well. But when Claire wants Angela to be her maid of honour and Anthony to attend the wedding things are tricky. They are even stickier when Angela's mother hires a Private Detective ....

The Cottage - Part 4

The Cottage
Michele Nylons

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Chapter Four

Michele and her uncle continue their interlude at the cottage while they are snowed in but all good things come to an end. Michele figures out a way to rekindle their romance away from the cottage

The Cottage - Part 3

The Cottage
Michele Nylons

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Chapter Three

Crossdresser Michele is snowed in, in a cottage with her randy uncle who does not know that she is trans. He fancies the pants off her and Michele uses his desire to her own advantage.

The Cottage - Part 2

The Cottage
Michele Nylons

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Chapter Two

Michele uses her family's isolated cottage to crossdress in secret, but her uncle comes to the cottage unaware that she is there too. Finding this delightful young creature who he assumes is a girl, uncle Steven finds it difficult to leave her alone. Michele pretends to be Steven's nephew's girlfriend hoping he will leave her alone.

Acceptance: Spousal - (mild version)

Spousal Acceptance: Perfect wife, perfect life

It was another Friday evening following a hard week at work. Jack was taking his customary after work shower and his wife Joanie was putting the finishing touches on their evening meal; 30 minutes in the oven and dinner would be ready. Joanie would shower after Jack or join him in the shower. It was large, recently renovated and could hold four people. The built in bench seat was a convenient addition.


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