
The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie is triumphant

I’m really nervous as Judy drives me to school. My stomach is full of butterflies as I’m about to go to school as Suzie for the first time. Judy picked a nice mini-dress with a blue flower pattern. It’s pretty but I have to be careful to keep the skirt part down so my peach panties isn’t exposed under my taupe pantyhose. Of course I’m wearing my B-cup falsies. I’m also wearing a pair of white open toed platform shoes that show off my pretty plum toes. I’m going to be changing nail polish colors when I see Thelma on Thursday and I want the color to be the same as my fingernails this time.

Polly Chapter 25 of 25 - A New Direction

Chapter 25 - A New Direction

"I can't believe that the week is almost over," sighed Scott.

"I know what you mean. It may not have been the vacation we expected, but this is a lovely place and I do want to come back again."

"It's odd to think that this may be the last time our family vacations together, even if our eldest child is not staying with us. I'm not sure I'm ready to have an independent child go off into the world to find their own way."

"Feeling like an empty-nester already, dear?"

"I suppose I am. Just because we aren't the first doesn't make it any easier."

"Peter will still be living with us, or perhaps Polly will, while she's in school. Oh my! I just called our son 'she,' didn't I?"

Things had to change- settling in

Amanda sat quietly and just let me talk for almost an hour, whilst I told her my story, from the dress-up games and teenage sessions with Chloe, my drift into marriage with what turned out to be a domineering partner, nagging me into working in a boring job with her father, my secret cross-dressing, how she had found out, and how she angrily threw me out of our home, leaving me with only my women’s clothes.

Polly Chapter 24 of 25 - The Hot Springs

Chapter 24 - The Hot Springs

Polly, I've got to hand it to you," Little Rose said. "You have a lot of nerve taking your parents on a hike to a clothing optional hot springs. For that matter, you have a lot of nerve going anywhere where clothing is optional!"

Polly Chapter 23 of 25 - Sisters

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Chapter 23 - Sisters

"Good book, Vicky?"

"Oh, hi sister. Gee, that still sounds weird. It's OK so far, but I just started it."

"Kind of like me, then?"


"Being Polly is OK so far, but I've just started."

"So I suppose Sheila can read you like a book, then?"

"She prefers reading in braille."

Polly Chapter 22 of 25 - Pillow Talk

Chapter 22 - Pillow Talk

Each day, any day, no mater how the humans packing the surface of this planet act, react, stumble, fight, love or hate, they must bow to the reality of physics. Sailors fear that if all the passengers on a boat should move to one side it could capsize, and that very thing has happened. Not even if some demagogue should convince the entire population of the Earth to all move to one side of the planet would it change the rotation of the Earth.

Polly Chapter 21 of 25 - The Inevitable Happens

Photo by Wendy Winarno on Unsplash

Chapter 21 - The Inevitable Happens

It happened so slowly that nobody really noticed it happening, but by mid-summer Polly and Sheila had moved from being 'Summer Help' to join Little Rose as 'Family.' The hotel had been in the Russo family for generations, so it was sad that Russ and Rose had no children to continue the family business.

New Girl on the Cheer Squad chapter 4

New girl on the cheer squad

By Julia Michelle

Owen goes on a date with his girlfriend wearing one of his prettiest camisoles to try to resolve the issues she has in dating another girl
Chapter 4

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie's Thanksgiving Coming Out Party

It’s Thanksgiving afternoon and I can’t believe how I’ve been transformed already. My entire body is permanently hairless from the face down. My real eyebrows are gone for good but they’ve been replaced by thin eyebrow tattoos with a nice feminine arch. My lips are also permanently tattooed a light pink so I have to wear lipstick at all times (as if I wouldn’t anyway). I still have no makeup or nail polish on but I do have nicely shaped fingernails thanks to the clear nail polish Judy has been letting me wear.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie's Thanksgiving Makeover

This is the big day. After the day is over, I will be Simon Fornsby no longer. I’ll be Suzie Lavender. I still have no idea what I’ll look like though. Judy tells me it’s going to be a surprise. The only thing I know for certain is that Sally is coming with us and she promises to hold my hand when I go through the perma waxing, the one thing I know for sure is coming. I am so in a hurry to get rid of my horrid little beard and starting to be hairy legs not the mention the underarms, pubes, arms, etc.

Polly Chapter 19 of 25 - A Day Off For Sisters

Chapter 19 - A Day Off for Sisters

"What the f…" Polly cut herself off before she could finish, this trying to be a girl thing was starting to be automatic.

"Oh crap!" groaned Sheila. "I forgot to turn the alarm off."

"Then kill the noisy thing before I do."

Groping toward her phone she stabbed at it until it stopped making that awful racket.

The Prophet Revised Chapter 5

The Prophet

By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 5

Sarin gets his instructions from the Goddess and begins to make the arrangements to carry them out. Emily gets too curious and forces the entire story from Sarin. She has a friend with her that helps out with the story.
and Sarin has some difficulties with the assignment

Polly Chapter 18 of 25 - An Interesting Sunday

Photo by Mohammad Ali Jafarian on Unsplash

Chapter 18 - An Interesting Sunday

Sunday morning. The alarm went off at its usual time, much to Polly's distress. Even more to her distress, Sheila was up and disgustingly awake.

"C'mon sleepyhead, get up and look at the day the Lord has made." Sheila ordered.

"Mumble, mumble."

"Say that again?"

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie's first Monday

I’m waking up and wondering if my nightmare has turned into a wonderful dream and now I’ll be waking up in my old bed and hear Bud yelling at Mom again.

But, no, I’m in Judy’s bed in her dressing room and I’m dressed up in a pink baby doll nightie with bloomers. My nails are still shimmering with two coats of fuchsia nail polish. Of course I still have the perm from Hell but even that feels just a tad bit softer. Now all I have to do is to look in the mirror.

Polly Chapter 15 of 25 - Graduation

Chapter 15 - Graduation

"Peter! Hurry up or we'll be late!" called Pete's mother."


"Nice dress, Pete"

"You, my annoying little sister, are wearing a dress. I, as befits my status as a graduate of an institute of higher learning, am wearing an academic gown, the traditional garment of those who have attained academic excellence.

"Well la-te-dah! I think Sheila's red gown looked much better yesterday."

Lilith's Messenger Chapter 3 of 3 conclusion

Lilith’s Messenger
By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 3

This is the conclusion of this tale. Serren gets restored, he has his revenge against the witches and shows himself to be just as cruel.
And he has a few surprises at the end

Polly Chapter 14 of 25 - The Secret Spreads

Chapter 14 - The Secret Spreads

By the time Polly and Sheila reached Rosemary's door, Polly was getting nervous. Very nervous. The day had gone surprisingly well. As one more anonymous girl wandering the aisles of the thrift shops, Polly was taken for just what she wanted to be: a teenage girl. Sheila's comment about people seeing what they wanted to see was very true. But now she was going to meet someone who knew Sheila well, and actually talk to her. If things went as planned she was going to change back to being Pete in this girl's house, there would be no secrets between them.

Polly Chapter 13 of 25 - Acquiring a Wardrobe

Chapter 13 - Acquiring a Wardrobe

Fashion accessories may be one of the hardest subjects for a novice crossdresser to grasp. After all, most males have little choice in such matters, Even those of a more unrestricted outlook on life basically have three choices: ties, rings and, if so inclined, earrings. As a student, Pete only wore a tie under protest on Sunday mornings when his Grandmother was going to be present at church. His class ring was the only adornment on his fingers, and it was big and clunky as such things are wont to be. Earrings were still out of the picture, although he was pretty sure that one of the first things Polly would do on the way to her new job was to have her ears pierced, and the heck with what happens in the fall when Polly had to go into storage.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender- The Night Before Halloween

First I should mention a caveat as far as Halloween goes. It used to fall on October 31 in ancient times but since the new world took hold a few hundred years ago, the calendar has been changed to a strict 364 day schedule so everything always falls on the same day of the week, thus now Halloween takes place on October 28 which is always a Saturday to allow the kids to go trick or treating basically.

Polly Chapter 12 of 25 - Popping a Question

Chapter 12 - Popping a Question

"Let me get this straight, son. You're asking to spend the entire summer out in some cabin in the woods with your girlfriend and expect your poor, innocent parents to go along with this plan?"

The Final Wish Chapter 22

The Final Wish

by Theresa Black

Copyright 2019

Chapter 22

Two evenings later when Michaela, in Michael mode came home from work, he was looking very cheerful and whistling as he came through the front door.

“Eve, I've got some good news for you, well I hope it's good news.”

Polly Chapter 11 of 25 - The Summer Job

Chapter 11 - The Summer Job

Since Sheila's family attended the Baptist church near Pete's house, Sunday afternoons at Pete's place soon became a regular practice. Thankfully, both sets of parents enjoyed each other's company and Pete's little sister was becoming interested in boys around the age of Sheila's younger brother.

Pushing the Limits- Part 6A

Hey babes. I feel bad for going another 3 months without posting even the second half of Part 6. To make up for it, I hope to be done with the next installment soon and have a much quicker upload. Anyway, PLEASE read and review. If you need to catch up or refresh your memory, all of the earlier parts are on here as well :) So enjoy- and let's hopefully get a conversation going in the comments section-I'd love to hear your thoughts!!

Polly Chapter 10 of 25 - Confession

Chapter 10 Confession

Over the next few months, Pete began to feel like a double agent. Something clicked between Pete and Sheila, and a medium-to-long distance romance began to blossom. Medium-to-long distance because they didn't live too far from each other, there is no such thing as a short drive in Portland traffic. They went to different schools so that shot holding hands in the halls and after school activities together, not to mention the old standby of doing homework together.

Polly Chapter 9 of 25 - At The cabin

Photo by Eneida Nieves

Chapter 9 - At the Cabin

Saturday morning.

Early Saturday Morning. Maybe it was because he had gotten only a few hours sleep each night during the week that Pete had finally gotten a good night's rest. In any case the alarm woke him and he was showered and dressed well before he had to be. Greatly daring, he had put on his bra and panties and filled the cups with the bags of rice. Donning his jeans and a very loose, sloppy sweatshirt he examined the image in the mirror and decided the modest B cups wasn't too obvious. Appropriate clothes for a day in the woods.


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