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Byline chapter 7

Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
We found the guys right where we left them. If it wasn’t for their shirts, I would not have been able to tell them apart. Gil’s shirt was maroon and Dave’s was a dark purple. Abbey took the lead as we walked towards them.
“We’re back! Did you miss us?” Abbey said. Almost immediately she took possession of Gil’s arm. I couldn’t believe her. I had never seen her act like this before. Still, I followed Abbey’s lead and held onto Dave’s arm, much as she did with Gil but with a lot less enthusiasm. They seemed pleased as we walked to the restaurant.
The restaurant was crowded when we arrived. Still, we only had a 15-minute wait. After being seated, we ordered our meal and conversation around the table began.
“So where are you guys from?” Abbey asked.
“We’re from Santa Clara, California,” said Gil.
“I’ve never been to California. Are you two here to see the sights of Philadelphia?”
“We’re actually moving here,” said Dave. “We’re looking for housing near or in Philadelphia.”
“We've been spending time going out seeing the sights, as you said. You know, seeing what there is to do around here,” Gil said. “So far we’ve found quite a lot of activities…”
“… and many museums to explore,” said Dave.
“Have you been to the Art Museum yet?” I asked. “It’s one of my favorites. If you like science, the Franklin Institute is great.”
“They’re on my list but I haven’t been to either yet,” said Dave.
“Maybe you girls could show them to us,” said Gil.
“That would be fun,” Abbey said. I looked at her.
“When did you start liking museums?” I said.
“I like them,” Abbey said.
“Museums aren’t Gil’s style either,” said Dave.
“I like them. Just not as much as you,” Gil responded. “Enough about us, we’d like to know more about you girls.”
I let Abbey talk first. “I’m a nurse in one of the hospitals here in town,” she said. “I’ve always wanted to be a nurse. After our father died from a heart attack, I decided I wanted to work in the cardiac unit. That’s where I am now.”
“I’m sorry to hear about your father,” Gil said.
“Thanks,” Abbey said. Suddenly it was my turn.
“I’ve always liked writing. I studied journalism, among other things, in college. I’m working as a journalist at a magazine in town. I haven’t written anything with my byline yet. I hope to soon.”
“Don’t be so modest,” Abbey said. “She’s been asked to do a feature article. It’s gonna be big.”
“You’re kidding. That’s great,” Dave said.
I shook my head. “It’s too soon to tell yet. They could cancel the article at any time before it prints.”
It was then the waitress came with our food.
From our conversation with the guys during dinner, it seemed to me Gil was the more outgoing of the twins. Dave was more laid back. Gil seemed to like more of the action stuff while Dave liked reading and writing. They both enjoyed sports though. What was interesting was somehow we ended up with the right guys. Abbey and Gil seemed to like many of the same things and the same with Dave and me. If I were really a girl, I might have been interested in him. Heck, I might have been interested in him if he batted for the other team. As far as I could tell, his preference was girls and right now, the girl he was interested in was me. In a way, that felt good.
Dinner was over. The guys insisted on paying the check. Abbey got out her phone and got us together so she could take a selfie of the four of us. She made sure we all got a copy. Then she checked the time.
“Great, we have plenty of time to get to the concert.”
“On the pier? You’re going to the concert too? That’s great. So are we,” Gil said. “We could go together.”
Abbey seemed pleased with the news.
"I have to go to the ladies' room before we leave," I said.
"We'll go to the restroom too and meet you outside the front door," Gil said. All of us left to go to our respective rooms.
"I thought we were only going to dinner with them," I said to Abbey when we got to the ladies' room.
"I didn't know they were going to the concert,” Abbey said. “What's your problem?"
“Oh, I don't know. I'm out with a guy who thinks I'm a girl helping my sister who has a crush on his brother. If we just had dinner, I could get away with a kiss on the cheek but after the concert, who knows. I'm not looking forward to kissing him."
"Pretend you’re kissing a girl. Pretend it’s, who was it in college, Amy, right? And you kissed Matt too."
"God, do you know everyone I’ve kissed?"
"Pretty much, sis. I remember everything you say. Let's finish up and go meet the guys."
The concert was great. Maybe it was the band. Maybe it was the company, Maybe it was both. I would have really enjoyed myself if not for the nervousness and guilt I felt about deceiving Dave.
After the concert, the twins walked us to our car. Their car was on the other side of the lot.
"We had a nice time with you girls," said Gil. "Abbey, can I get your number?"
"Sure!" Abbey gave her number.
"Any chance I can get your number, Casey? If I don't, he'll be bragging non-stop all the way home. You'd be doing a public service. I won't have to consider hurting him."
I giggled. I didn't want to give him my number. He had been so nice all evening. Even without me gushing over him like Abbey was with his brother. If he did call, I could always say no.
"As long as I'm saving a life.” I gave him my number.
Thanks. It's been nice meeting you Casey. Have a good night."
The moment I'd been dreading was now here. I glanced over and saw Abbey and Gill in a total lip lock. Dave leaned over and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. It was nothing like Gill and Abbey. It was nice, gentle. It surprised me.
"Goodnight Casey."
"Goodnight Dave," I said.
He turned and walked to where Gil and Abbey were just finishing their kiss. I brought my hand up. My fingertips touching my lips trying to connect with the kiss still lingering on my lips. Gil said a quick goodbye to Abbey and hurried to catch up with his brother. Abbey and I got in the car. She started the car and sighed.
"I think I'm in love," she said.
Abbey and I were arguing in my apartment.
"What do you mean you're not going out with him again?"
"Just what I said."
"I thought you had a good time with him."
"I did. That doesn't mean I want to see him again. Abs, I'm your brother. I'm not your sister. I feel like you used me to get yourself a date with Gil."
"Do you really think I would do that?"
"It sure as hell felt that way. On top of that, I had to kiss him."
"You're mad at me because he kissed you? I didn't see you stopping him. You’ve kissed a guy before. What’s your problem?”
“I think you’re my problem.”
“I’m your problem? Please.” She found her bag and headed for the door. "You have a good night BROTHER. Thanks for nothing."
She opened the door and all but slammed it behind her.
I've fought with my sister many times before but this was a first. Tonight we fought over guys. Not that I was taking away her boyfriend. We fought over me taking away her chance to have a boyfriend. Was I upset that Abbey used me to get to know Gil? Was my real fear that I would get to like Dave?
I woke up on Sunday morning feeling upset about my fight with Abbey. Why can't she understand I don't want to go out with a guy who thinks I’m a woman? I tried to put our disagreement out of my mind.
After my shower, I got dressed. I found myself a pair of jeans and a top. I applied my makeup. I got up to go get breakfast and passed the mirror. My reflection reminded me of Abbey. I hate being mad at my sister.
I went out to get breakfast. I ordered a bagel with cream cheese and a cappuccino milkshake. I nibbled at the bagel while drinking my milkshake. When I finished my shake, I licked the rim of the glass to get any remaining ice cream. I took the straw out and drew it through my lips. I wanted to get every last drop.
During breakfast, I was thinking about the article. I had started an outline of Friday’s events. I was too mad yesterday night to outline the events of Saturday. I decided to go home and write about Saturday. I was determined to flesh out the story into what I wanted the article to resemble. I got up to leave, remembering my bag, and left for home.
Writing is hard work. First, there’s writing then re-writing and more re-writing. Even when you think you’re finished, the editor will usually tell you to re-write it. It’s even harder when you don’t feel like writing.
After about 3 hours, I had only about 1fifteen hundred words written. I felt exhausted. It didn’t help that my disagreement with Abbey was still bothering me. I hadn’t heard from her all day. I wasn’t going to call her.
It was nearing dinner. I wasn’t very hungry. Even so, I went out to get something to eat. As I walked, I felt the bounce of my breasts. It was another reason to be mad at Abbey. I would have been fine with stick-on breasts or a padded bra. I found a place to eat and sat down at a table. The waitress came and I ordered a black and white milkshake. The meal for the two ladies at the table opposite me came. They had both ordered salads. I looked at my milkshake. Abbey said I was going to have to be more conscious of my figure now. As I wasn’t really hungry, I ordered a Caesar Chicken salad.
I was still angry with my sister as evening came. I was mad at her for giving me boobs. I was mad at her for making me go out with a guy. I was mad at her for me having to kiss a guy. I was mad at her for not understanding. I was mad at her for not calling me today. I was mad at her because, maybe, just maybe, she had me questioning if I did like going out with and kissing David. She had me questioning if I was bi-sexual and trying to deny that I was.
I only had that one fling. It was with Matt. We were in college at the time. My friends Amy, Matt, Jo and I did everything together. We considered ourselves straight except for Jo. She’s a lesbian. Among the three of them, Amy was my best friend and occasional girlfriend. One long weekend, Matt and I had gone to a party. We both had too much to drink. We stumbled back to my apartment and both of us crashed on the bed. We lay there talking about nonsense. A touch from Matt, a response from me and soon we found ourselves kissing each other, and more. The next morning we woke together in bed. There was no regret in either of us. We kissed as he left to get home. Our fling lasted a couple of months. I never told Amy or Jo, but, I always felt, somehow, they knew. We mutually broke it off a couple of months later. I found I enjoy sexual encounters with both men and women. Recently, I had begun to feel I am more attracted to women. Yesterday made me question that.
All this made me realize I wasn’t mad at Abbey. I was mad at myself. I was mad because I had to present as a woman for a year. I was mad because I enjoyed myself with David. I kept trying to tell myself I didn’t. I told myself I was only helping Abbey. I was mad because I didn’t know if I wanted to go there again. I didn’t know if I wanted another relationship with a man. I felt Abbey had forced me into it yesterday so it was still her fault for me being mad at myself.
The problem is, right now, I don’t look like a guy. I look like a girl, a woman. Dave was attracted to the woman who is Casey Jean, not the guy. I’m not the woman he expects. Even with my “woman” training, I’m still a guy. A guy with breasts, thanks to Abbey. I am still me. Right now, I’m not sure who me is.
I halfheartedly finished my outline for yesterday and I had fleshed out a little of the article. Not as much as I would have liked. It still read like I was complaining. I had hit a wall. I looked at the time. It was around seven PM. I checked my phone. I had gotten an email telling me I had an interview Monday morning. I thought about going to bed early. While my phone was still in my hand, it rang. I saw it was Abbey.
“Hey, Casey. You okay?”
“I guess,” I said. I was trying to sound annoyed.
“Look, I’m sorry about yesterday. I got caught up in the moment. I shouldn’t have put you in that position. I know you were helping me out. I’m not saying I was using you but I needed you with me. I was having such a good time with you. It was like we were kids again. The two of us running through the playground. Just like you said. Yesterday you were my sister. All I saw was a sister. A sister I love and would never intentionally hurt.” She paused. “Look, I’m trying to say I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry for getting mad,” I said. “I have to remember, for the coming year, that’s what I am, your sister. I might not have liked what went on yesterday. I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at myself.”
“Why are you mad at yourself? Are you regretting taking the assignment?”
“I’m not quite sure on either account. I’ll explain it some other time. Abs, we’re good.”
“Thanks, sis. Did you moisturize after you took off your makeup?
I laughed and answered all her questions. It felt good not being angry with my sister.
I went to bed shortly after my sister’s call. I did my nighttime routine as I had been instructed. When I finished I got ready for bed. It didn’t take me long to fall asleep.
I woke up to some sort of a buzzing sound. I was not quite awake. I heard the sound again and realized it was the door alarm. The clock told me it was two fourteen AM. I got to the intercom. I fumbled with it and finally pushed the button.
“Hello?” I said.
Miss Cummings? This is security. I’m sorry to bother you. There’s someone here. She says she’s your sister.” I could hear the phone changing hands.
“Casey, thank God you’re up. I’ve been down here for 10 minutes.”
“Abbey, is that you?” Why would Abbey be here at this time of the night?
Thanks for reading. Comments welcome.
Cover picture Credits
Photo by Daria Sannikova from Pexels
Photo by Valeriia Miller from Pexels
Photo Composite by Peregrine
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Well, you have caught the bug
that is going around, the one that causes cliffhangers! I'm thoroughly enjoying this story, can't help but wonder where you go next, and I really hope Abbey is ok.
I see you half Figured out "Novel Chapter" organisation
but you don't make the current post, a "Novel Chapter" of the previous post, or you'll end up with a long list of nested Chapter's, all being a novel chapter of the previous chapter.
See this FAQ post to learn how to present your novel better, so that the Printer Friendly Version link shows all the linked posts on one savable HTML page
How To Create a Linking Title Page and Link Chapters Together in a Series or Serial
Being able to quickly view, and save the entire novel in one click, makes for a much better experience for users finding your work long after you posted it, or those like me that wait until a novels complete before reading.
I tend to save offline copies after each post these days, due to books often getting removed after the last chapter, sometimes within days.
Adding eBooks to Kindle Unlimited requires removal of free versions, but just selling an eBook on Amazon doesn't.
Dark Elven Sissy Slut – Uhuru N’Uru
Well! Nobody promised Casey a rose garden. There are going to be pluses and minuses. It remains to be seen which are which.
There is a virtual pandemic of cliffhangers. They're very contagious and I don't think there's a vaccine.
His Trainer Did Warn Him
That having men be attracted to him was going to happen! I look forward to the next installment.
Byline again...
I find myself coming back to a story I left. Being an amateur writer the idea of getting a byline, or big story is attractive. I see myself as a woman that I am not biologically and I like having another woman as a friend.
I hope Casey's interest in David doesn't distract her from the attraction of others or with others. And soon another job is to begin.
Thanks for a good story. Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
What's to write about?
How can Casey write an outline when there's nothing to write about? What? The training? Being inspected when she goes out? Being out with her sister and meeting a guy? The concerts? Shopping?
Or, the difficulty in knowing who he is while presenting as a woman? And his sexual orientation?
That outline isn't going to help write a very interesting article unless he gets Casey personally involved with life.
Others have feelings too.