Byline chapter 24

Byline chapter 24

Byline Cover2Small.jpg

Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

chapter 24

“I can’t believe that bastard called you,” Abbey said. “I can’t believe you even talked to him. After telling you who you can be friends with and breaking up with you, he has no right.”

“He apologized and asked me out on New Year's Eve.”

“Oh no. You’re not considering going out with him, are you? You’ve seen what he is like, Guys like him don’t change.”

“Doesn’t he deserve a second chance?” I said.

“A guy bringing you flowers you don’t like deserves a second chance. Not him. Come with me and Gil. The three of us can bring in the new year. I don’t want you alone on New Year’s Eve.”

“Trevor asked me out also. His office is having a New Year’s Eve party.”

“Wait. Trevor asked you out and you’re thinking of going out with Kevin? Have you gone blond or something?”

“I don’t know. I’m afraid I’m rebounding with Trevor.”

“Do you remember when he asked you to ask Kenzie to go to the Prom with him? How did it feel?”

“It felt amazing. I was asked to go to the senior prom. If I was really Kenzie, I would have gone with him.”

“This is no rebound. This is fate. Tell Kevin to stick it where the sun don’t shine. Your choice is clear.”

“Thanks, sis.”

“That’s what big sisters are for.”

I felt the same way Abbey did about the situation. I don’t know why. I just needed to hear it from someone. Tomorrow I would call them and let them know.


It wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. Trevor was pleased and we made plans. Kevin was disappointed at the news, of course. I guess I felt bad for him. I gave in and agreed to let him call me again. If Abbey knew I did that, she would probably disown me.


I decided to get all dolled up for the New Year’s Eve party and for Trevor. I knew it was cold out. The temperature was supposed to be in the low twenty’s. Even with the chilly forecast, I decided to wear a very short, tight, sleeveless emerald green sequined dress with a black bolero jacket. I thought it was perfect for the night ahead. I had on the earrings Mom gave me for Christmas. A pair of black 4-inch sandals were at the end of my barely-black stockinged legs. My stockings were toe-less showing off my pedicure. I thought today was the best I had ever done my makeup, even if it was a little heavy. I checked myself in the full-length mirror. I looked great. More importantly, I felt great.

I had finished smoothing out my dress when my phone rang. Trevor was calling to let me know he was here. I told him I was ready and I would come down. I got my coat, scarf and my clutch then took the elevator to the lobby.

“Looking very nice this evening, Miss Cummings.” Henry was looking at me over his monitor as I got out of the elevator. “Looks like you’re going to a party.”

“Why thank you, Henry. And, yes, I am going to a party.” I walked over to the desk. A few New Year decorations had been added to the lobby. “Why are you working on New Year's Eve?”

“The young guys have plans tonight. I pitched in to give them the time off. I’ve had many New Years' Eve nights. Not much new for me. I can watch the ball drop on the desk TV. I’ll get another day off if I want it.”

“That’s nice of you.” I leaned on the desk. “How are you and Alexa getting along?”

“I’m getting used to Alexa. Been using it to set timers while cooking.”

“You can have it play music while you cook.”

“I can? Do you think she’ll play some jazz?”

“So, you like jazz?”

“Didn’t like it much when I was younger. Listened to it about 10, 12 years ago. Been listening to it ever since.”

“I’m sure she will if you ask her nicely.”

“I’ll have to try that. You be safe out tonight.”

“I will.” I began walking to the door. “Have a good evening.”

“You too, Miss Cummings.”

As I walked out, I felt I was swaying my hips more than usual. It might have been the four-inch heels. Maybe it was because of my date. Maybe it was because I felt great. I waved to Trevor. I was surprised he had rented a limo. Trevor was standing at the back of the limo and opened the door for me. “Hi, Trevor. This is fancy,” I said as I settled in.

“Only the best for you, Kenzie,” he said. He closed the door and got in the other side. We kissed. “Ready to ring in the new year?”

“You bet,” I said. With our seat belts on our driver put the car in gear. We were on our way.


The office party was rocking this New Year's Eve. Many of the women wore dresses as short as mine. The night continued on. Trevor and I had plenty of time to continue catching up. I had to keep remembering he believed I had been in Australia and not slip up. We had a great time. It was much like our Halloween night. It was like a dream. I am at this great party in a beautiful dress looking my best with a great guy. I was caught up in my thoughts as Midnight came. Suddenly I realized I was kissing Trevor. Not just a kiss on the cheek, but a full lip lock. After the shock, I relaxed and returned the kiss, savoring the moment as my arms went around his neck. Then it hit me. I’m doing it again. I’m out with a guy who thinks I’m a woman. I know I should have told him when he called but I wanted to go out tonight. I selfishly didn’t tell him. Even though it was cold outside, the club felt hot. I began to feel flushed. I had to go.

“Trevor, I think I’ve had too much to drink. I’m not feeling well.”

“Why don’t we go outside for a bit,” he suggested. “Maybe you’ll feel better in the cold air.”

I didn’t want to go outside in my short dress but I agreed. We were outside for about ten minutes and I felt no better. I knew it wasn’t the alcohol, it was my emotions, my guilt about deceiving Trevor.

“I’m not feeling any better. Please take me home.”

Trevor got our coats and called the limo driver. We got in and headed to my building.

“I’m sorry for ruining the night,” I said.

“Nothing to be sorry about. I’ve had a great time.”

We arrived at my building. Trevor told the limo driver to wait and walked me to the door.

“I’d like to call you again,” he said.

“Yes, I’d like that. Good night, Trevor. I’m sorry for ruining the night.”

I opened the lobby door and got in before he could say anything.

“Is everything alright, Miss Cummings?” asked Henry.

“Just had a bit too much to drink tonight, Henry. I’ll be fine. Thanks.”

I got in the elevator and went up to my apartment.


I closed my apartment door and sat on the couch. I took my heels off and curled my legs up under me. I began berating myself. What kind of cruel, selfish person am I? I’ve deceived two guys into thinking I’m a woman. I should have told both of them before we started dating. Did my ruining tonight hurt any chance of going out again with Trevor? There I was, being selfish again. I still had no answers when my phone rang. Through my tears, I saw it was the hospital. I couldn’t imagine why was the hospital would be calling me. I knew Abbey was out with Gil. I answered.

“Am I speaking with Casey Cummings?” came the female voice.


“My name is Arlene Harbison. I work at the hospital. Do you know a Josephine Leni?”

“Yes, she’s a friend of mine. Has something happen to her?”

“She was involved in a car accident. She was brought into Emergency and is currently in surgery. We tried her home number but no one answered. We found a card with your name. Do you happen to know how we can reach her family?

“No, I’m afraid I don’t. I can call some friends, maybe they know. Is it alright if I come to the hospital?”

“That would be a good idea. It might be good for her to see a friendly face if she wakes up.”

“Thanks.” If she wakes up. My God, how bad is she hurt? I called Abbey, told her what was going on and asked if she could smooth the way for me to be with Jo. She said she knew the supervisor working tonight and told me to ask for her. I called Amy and Matt but had to leave messages on their phones. I tried calling a cab but was told it would take a while to get here. Trying other car services produced the same results. I put on a pair of sneakers and went down to the lobby to wait for the cab. In the lobby, I kept walking back and forth looking out the window. I was trying to will a cab to come. It definitely wasn’t working.

“Miss Cummings, is everything alright? You look a bit frazzled,” Henry asked. He had walked up beside me as I was looking out the window.

“I am, Henry. A friend of mine was in an accident. She’s in bad shape at the hospital. She’s in surgery. I called the cab company. They didn’t know how soon they could get a cab here. It’s the same with the other car services. I’m gonna have to wait. I have to get there. Maybe I’ll walk.” I must have sounded on the verge of hysterics.

“Miss Cummings, calm down. You’re not waiting. I can take you to the hospital. I was about to go on my break. I’ll let them know and we’ll be on our way. I’ll get you there in no time.”

True to his word, Henry got me to the hospital. “Thank you, Henry. I owe you big time.” I grabbed my bag and began to get out of the car.

“I’m paying it forward, Miss Cummings. I hope everything goes well for your friend.”

I walked up to the front desk and asked for the supervisor. Abbey had worked her magic. The supervisor was expecting me and brought me to Jo’s ICU room. I asked questions and was told Jo was out of surgery but not out of danger. I gingerly entered her room as a nurse was checking her vitals. Jo was lying in bed with tubes coming out both her arms. I’ve never seen her so vulnerable. I sat in a chair at the end of the bed. The nurse asked me if I needed anything and to call if Jo woke up.

I got a return call from Amy about an hour after I got there.

“I just got your call. How’s Jo? Is she alright?”

“I don’t know. They haven’t told me much. She’s out of surgery in ICU. Amy, she looks bad. What if she doesn’t make it?” I felt the tears starting.

“You can’t think that way. Jo’s a fighter, you know that. I’m in New York. I can check out and be there in about two and a half hours.”

“Don’t do that. Get some rest first. They won’t let anyone else in here who isn’t family. I’m only here because Abbey pulled some strings. Can you get in touch with Jo’s family? Jo didn’t have any information with her.”

“I have her family information at home. I’ll get a few hours of sleep and head home and get it. I’ll call when I get home. Call me when you know more.”

I sat there watching as the nurses would come in and check on Jo. As the early morning wore on, the nurses began to come in less frequently. I took that as a good sign. After one of the checks, I started talking to Jo.

“I think I screwed up, Jo. Trevor asked me out tonight. So did Kevin. I didn’t go out with him, Kevin that is. It’s just… I liked him. I told him he could call. Don’t be mad. I know what you think of him. He’s not in my good graces either. I was with Trevor tonight. That is, I went out with Trevor. He took me to his office party. I had a great time until he kissed me. It was a full happy New Year kiss. I wasn’t expecting it. But then it happened. It seemed like all the guilt I have about deceiving him and Kevin came flooding in all at once. I couldn’t handle it. I asked him to take me home. Then I heard about you and came right here. Look at me. I didn’t even change.

“There’s something I haven’t told you. I’ve been too ashamed. The magazine doesn’t like my articles. They called them wilted and stilted. My boss told me I was writing without conviction. Like I didn’t believe in what I was writing. She is disappointed. She knows I can do better. I have until Monday to rewrite the articles. If I can’t write them to my boss's satisfaction, the magazine is going to cancel my assignment. My feature story, my byline all goes up in smoke. The problem is I haven’t been able to write anything. I’ve sat at my computer night after night. All I do is stare at a blank screen. I thought it was a result of breaking up with Kevin. I thought having Trevor in my life would get me going again. Nothing I do is working. I’m gonna be looked at as someone who can’t complete an assignment. I’ve got this great opportunity and I can’t put anything down on paper worth reading. It’ll be fluff pieces for me until I find another job or retire. I don’t know what to do or…”

“Will you quit your whining and shut up?” It was Jo’s strained voice.

“Jo, you’re awake.”

“How can I sleep with you going on and on?”

“Hold on, let me get the nurse.” I rang for the nurse who came in almost immediately. She checked Jo’s vitals.

“I’m going to let the doctor know,” she said then left.

“I’ve been so worried Jo. I…”

“Shut up and listen. That Kevin brussel sprout’s a piece of shit. Dump him quick. And your job problem, didn’t you read the cards I gave you? You’re a journalist extraordinaire. The cards didn’t say, C J Cummings. They said, Casey Jean Cummings. Write the articles as Casey Jean would. Have Casey tell C J what to write, if you have to. Now get out of here. Go home and write those damn articles, you dumb ass, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You know you can do it. And this Trevor guy, he sounds like a decent guy. Don’t let him get away. Ask him if he has a sister. See if I can have some water or something on your way out.”

The doctors came in and began examining Jo. During that time, I called Amy. She picked up on the first ring. I let her know Jo had woken up. When the doctor was done, he told me Jo appeared to be stable and would probably be in and out for the remainder of the day. I was told to go home and get some sleep. I said goodbye to Jo. She told me not to come back until the articles were finished.

I got home but I couldn’t sleep. Jo had told me to write so I got out my computer. I made myself a mug of coffee while it booted up. I sat down to start to write. Nothing happened. No flash of inspiration. Jo had asked me if I had read the cards. I went to get my bag and fished out one of the cards. Coming back, I tossed the card on my writing desk and sat down. The card had landed backward so the writing was upside down. I reached over and spun the card around to read it. As Jo had said, it read journalist extraordinaire. I read my name. It read Casey Jean Cummings. I remember Jo saying to have Casey tell C J what to write. I closed my eyes and listened. Within a few moments, I heard a voice. It was faint at first and slowly got louder. As I listened, I began to write. And did I ever write. It seemed the words would not stop. Page after page kept appearing on my computer screen. Almost by themselves. Maybe C J Cummings couldn’t put something down on paper but Casey Jean Cummings had a lot to say and wouldn’t be stopped. I wrote with a flair that had been missing since I started my assignment.

When I started this assignment, I wrote as C J. Further into the assignment, I began to write as Casey Jean. No wonder my writing seemed to be all over the place. I was writing either as C J or Casey Jean. I remembered what Jo had said, to have Casey tell C J what to write. I realized I am not either C J or Casey Jean. Society wants me to be one or the other. I am both! I am C J and Casey Jean! I am me.

I wrote for hours but I didn’t feel tired. I took a break when Amy called to tell me she had contacted Jo’s family and they were on their way to the hospital. Amy had spoken to Matt also. Matt said he had called but I hadn’t answered. I checked my missed calls. He had tried to call me when I was in the throes of writing.

Nearly twelve hours after I had started, I put the last period to the page. I read the title I had typed all those hours ago under which said, ‘Story by C J Cummings’. I emailed the articles to Jennifer. I was sure she would be pleased with the story as would management.

I stood up to relieve a cramp and realized I had spent the whole time in my party dress. I suddenly felt tired. I washed up, put on my pajamas and went to take a short nap. It was the best nap I have had in a while.

Thanks for reading. Comments welcome.

Cover picture Credits
Photo by Daria Sannikova from Pexels
Photo by Valeriia Miller from Pexels
Photo Composite by Peregrine

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