Byline chapter 8

Byline chapter 8

Byline Cover2Small.jpg

Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

“Of course it’s me. Tell them to let me up.”

Security got back on the line and I vouched for Abbey. I threw on a robe, opened the door and waited to hear the elevator door open. I heard her first as she came around the corner. She was making an awful lot of noise. I saw why. She was struggling with a large over-stuffed suitcase. I made sure my keys were in my robe pocket and went out to help her.

“Abs, what’s going on? Why the suitcase?”

“Let’s get inside first,” she said. “I’ll tell you the whole story.”

We got inside. I looked at the suitcase. It looked like it was straining to hold everything that was inside it.

“What’s going on? It looks like you have everything you own in there.”

“Pretty much. Casey, it was horrible. There was a water pipe break in my building. Of course, no one noticed until it was too late. I mean most people were asleep, even me. When I was notified, I got up and found the water was ankle-deep in my apartment, well the whole floor really. Everyone was told to leave until the water could be stopped. We were all outside waiting for the water to be shut off. When we were allowed back in I grabbed everything I could and came here. I didn’t know where else to go. I hope you don’t mind?”

“Of course not. We’re sisters.” As we hugged, I realized I had told Abbey I was her sister. ”How much was damaged?”

“I don’t know. Everything I had on the floor I guess, some shoes, my furniture, some other things. I haven’t taken inventory. I’m hoping insurance will cover most of it. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I can’t stay in my apartment. I don’t know when I’ll be able to go back. Can I stay here for the night?”

“Of course you can, Abs. You can stay here as long as you like.”

“Thanks, but I can’t do that. I’ll just be getting in the way. It would be awkward if I brought a guy back here.”

She might be right about that. I suddenly had a thought. “I have a great idea. Why don’t you stay at my old apartment? It’s going to be available for the year. Stay there until you can get back into your place.”

“Are you sure? That would be perfect! Thanks, Case.” She hugged me. “Let me get a ride and I’ll go there now.”

“Absolutely not. You’re staying the night.” She was about to protest. “No buts,” I said. “I’m going to need you here in the morning. I have an interview. I need advice on what to wear. Drag that suitcase to the guest room and let’s get you settled in for the night.”


We sat on the bed in the guest room in our nightgowns talking.

"What job are you going for?"

“It's a waitress job. Can you believe it? I have to get a job as a waitress. "

"What’s wrong with that? You'll make a cute waitress," she said.

"Very funny. It’s bad enough I have to be a woman for a year."

“Get it through your head. For all intent and purposes, you’re a woman now. You’re going to get jobs women get. Weren’t you a waiter for a while during college?"

"Yeah, for about 6 months. Amy was working there, she told me about the opening and I thought it would be a way for me to spend more time with her. With taking care of our tables, our together time was limited to coming and going to work."

"I'm sure you'll do fine. Wear something short to the interview."


"What? You take any advantage you can get. Changing the subject,” she said. She bit her lower lip. “What did you think of the twins on Saturday?”

“They were nice,” I said. “Why do you ask?”

“I really liked Gil.” She said. She leaned back and let her head hit the pillow. “I’m hoping he calls when he’s in town again.”

“Oooo, Abbey’s in love,” I teased. She sat up, grabbed the pillow behind her and swung it at me. It connected with my shoulder. We both started laughing.

“Can I ask what happened with Glen?” Glen was the last boyfriend I knew about. He was a lawyer and about 15 years older than Abbey.

“It was the age difference. He decided I was too young for him.”

“Ouch! That must have hurt.”

“It was funny. I had been thinking that he was too old for me. Don’t get me wrong. I liked being with him. It always felt funny when meeting his friends. I was always the youngest. I’m sure he felt the same way when he met my friends. It all worked out. We’re still friends. What I want to know is how you felt about Dave.”

“Didn’t this topic cause us to fight yesterday?” I said. I smiled.

“I know. I said I was sorry and I meant it. So, how do you feel about him?” Abbey said. I shook my head and smiled at Abbey’s single-mindedness.

“To be honest, that’s why I was mad at myself. I tried to tell myself I was only helping you out. I realized I enjoyed myself. I think I was mad because I did.”

“I knew it!” she said. She sat up taller on the bed. “I knew you liked him.”

“I don’t like him that much,” I said.

“But you like him. If they call when they’re in town next, will you double with me?”

“You mean like a real date? Not an I’ll-meet-you-at-the-restaurant thing? I’m not sure. I don’t know if I want another relationship with a guy.”

“But you’ll think about it?” I swear she gave me a pleading look complete with puppy dog eyes. I sighed.

“Yes. I’ll think about it,” I said. Abbey squealed and hugged me.


I woke up in the morning to the smell of coffee dancing through my room. I walked to the kitchen to find Abbey drinking her coffee. Unlike me, she was fully dressed.

“You’re up early,” I said. I poured my coffee and stood by the machine as I sipped it.

“I took the day off to deal with my apartment and to get settled into your old place. You’re sure you don’t mind me staying at your old apartment?”

“Not at all. You’ll be doing me a favor.”

She received a message on her phone. She stood up got her bag and the suitcase.

“My rides almost here. I’ve got the keys and the passcode to your apartment building. I think I have everything. Oh, don’t forget, mom's birthday is next month. Have you spoken with her recently?”

“I called once during my training,” I said. “I’m going to call her this week.”

“So, have you told her?”

“About me being a girl for a year? No, not yet. How do you think she is going to take the news that she has a second daughter?”

“Mom will go with it. She’ll be fine. Good luck with the interview. Let me know the restaurant." Her eyes lit up for a second. "Maybe you'll be a Hooter's Girl. You've got the boobs for it." She started laughing.

“You should know. You’ve got them too.” We both laughed.

I really hoped she was wrong. I don’t want to be a Hooter’s girl. But what if she was right?


It was my first interview as a woman. As promised, the magazine had set this one up. They even emailed me a resume they prepared. The only thing that was not true on the resume was my sex. They used the resume from my magazine interview. It had been re-written to stress what would be pertinent for this interview.

I decided on a nice sleeveless top and skirt outfit. I put a pair of black two-inch heels on the floor and started my morning routine. I showered, washed my hair, shave my legs and underarms. I’m not sure I needed to shave but thought I should. I made sure the polish on my fingernails still looked good. No one was going to see my toenails with the shoes I was going to wear.

After my shower, I sat at my makeup table with my towel appropriately wrapped around me. I dried and brushed my hair. With my hair dried, I went to my drawer and pulled out a pair of panties and matching bra and put them on my bed. I dropped my towel and pulled up the panties then put on the bra.

I had put some thought into my interview outfit. I thought about wearing a nice pair of slacks and a top. I also had a nice dress I thought would be good for the interview. I finally decided on a skirt and top combo. I didn’t take Abbey's advice about the length of the skirt. I didn’t see the need. The skirt wasn’t short, about 2 inches above the knee. I pulled the top on first then the skirt. I straightened my skirt and went to my makeup table.

I decided on casual makeup. A little eyeshadow, a bit of mascara, then I applied lipstick that matched my nails. I stood up and fluffed my hair. All I needed was to put on my heels, pick up my bag and leave.

I thought about what I would have done to get ready for the interview as a guy. I would have gotten a shower and washed my hair. There would have been no thought about my nails, my legs or underarms. Brushing and drying my hair would have taken less time. I would have picked any button-down shirt in my closet and probably a tie. It might have matched my shirt. A pair of khakis dress pants and a pair of loafers and I would be done. With keys in my pocket and a folder holding my resume, I would have been out the door. I checked the time and found I had about 10 minutes to spare. I decided to leave and get there early.


Three hours later I was on my way home. I had not gotten the job. My first interview as a woman and I blew it. I thought the job was in the bag. Nope. The only string that was pulled was getting me the interview. I had to impress just as any woman would have to during an interview. One good thing was the employer was not Hooters. I called Abbey when I got home.

“How did the interview go?” she asked.

“Terrible. I didn’t get the job. I don’t know what I did wrong. I could sense I was being treated differently than if I had been on an interview as a guy.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. It was just a feeling.”

“Hang in there. You don’t get every job you apply for. You’ll get the next one.”

But I didn’t get the next one, or the one after that. I called Abbey after each one.

“You didn’t get this one either?” she said after the third interview. “You’re on a streak of bad luck,” She was trying to console me. It wasn't working.

“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. It’s just a waitress job for gosh sakes. I’ve got another interview tomorrow.”

“I’ll be over after work. Make some of your world-famous tacos.”


After dinner Abbey and I discussed my job interview situation.

“From what you’re telling me, I think you’re approaching the interview as a guy. You’ve got to approach it as a woman. Embrace being a woman.”

“You sound like Andrea. She said she thought I still had some resistance to being a woman.”

“You should listen to her. Show me what you’re going to wear tomorrow.”

I showed Abbey the outfit I was going to wear. It was like what I had worn to the other interviews. “Casey, I told you to wear something short. No wonder you didn’t get the jobs.”

“Why would that matter?”

“It just does. What makeup did you use?”

“It was casual.”

“Sis, you are interviewing as a woman. You are competing with every woman there. You have to stand out.”

We discussed my attire and makeup for tomorrow before she left.


I got ready the next morning starting with a scoop neck top adding a skirt that was about 6 inches above my knee. I was taking Abbey’s advice. My makeup was going to be more than casual but not evening makeup. I applied my mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. I found and applied my lipstick. Reaching down to the table, I picked up my perfume and sprayed a cloud into the air and walked through it. I had never used this much makeup. It was not overdone and I thought it suited me. I picked up my bag and left for the interview.

I started home from the interview with a smile on my face. I had gotten the job. I would be working at a diner. My shifts would start as soon as my uniform was delivered. Yes, there was a uniform. I would be working at Red Ruby Diner. It was a throwback diner. The uniform is a short candy cane pinstripe dress and non-slip shoes. Nude or taupe pantyhose were required at all times. If you wear nail polish, it had to be red as does your lipstick. No facial piercings and only one pair of earrings. The guy's uniform was a shirt in the same red and white pinstripe pattern. They need to wear black pants, socks and non-slip shoes. There was no mention of guys wearing lipstick or nail polish. I’m sure that would be against company policy. I made sure to thank Abbey when I called her.


“Congrats on getting the job," said Abbey. I told her about my interview and being hired.

"It's so much easier being a guy,” I said.

"How so?"

"When I went for my interview at the magazine I made sure my hair was combed, I might have gotten a haircut. I put on my good suit and dress shoes and I was out the door. Today, I showered, washed and dried my hair. I brushed it into shape. I shaved my legs and underarms. I made sure my nails looked good. I had to decide on the outfit I was going to wear. I put on my pantyhose, my top and skirt. I worked on my makeup making sure my lipstick matched my nails. Spritzed on some perfume. Decided on the height of my heels and that they went with my outfit. I made sure my bag matched my outfit. Checked once more to make sure I looked good and then I was out the door.

"Welcome to womanhood, sis. You know it's like that most of the time you leave the house. Society says women always need to make a good impression."

"Society sucks," I said.

"Put that in your article. You only have to do this for a year. Women have to do it our whole lives. Could be worst. You don't have to worry about your period. When do you start your job?"

"I start on Monday. My uniform will be here then."

"That's right! You have to wear the candy-striped uniform. You'll look so cute in it."

"Knock it off Abbey."

"Well, you will look good in it."

"At least it's not super short. Did you know they require us to wear nude or taupe pantyhose at all times? Also, our nails and lipstick have to be red?"

"I suspected the hose. I didn't know about the lipstick and nails. Sounds like a trip to get a mani and pedi. When were you thinking of going?"

"I was thinking of Wednesday. We're going to see mom at the end of the week, right? Are we staying the night?"

"I was going to ask what you thought. I figured we might as well. We'll be getting home late if we don’t."

"That sounds good. Um, Abs, I know I asked before but how do you think mom is going react to having a second daughter?"

"Are you still worried about that? She’ll be fine. She may be startled at first. After the shock, she'll go with it. Can you bring the blue nightie? I liked that one. Bring the pink one for you."

"If I bring them, you’re wearing the pink one."

Abbey laughed and I joined it.

"When you make the appointment for your manicure, make it for the two of us. I'm free at three. We can go together and then do some shopping for our visit with mom and get dinner. See you on Wednesday for our nails. Bye, sis."

I hung up with Abbey. We were going to have our nails done together. I was going to a nail salon again to get the right color of polish for my job. I’d be spending time with my sister. I could deal with that.

Thanks for reading. Comments welcome.

Cover picture Credits
Photo by Daria Sannikova from Pexels
Photo by Valeriia Miller from Pexels
Photo Composite by Peregrine

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