
Mom Always Wanted A Daughter to do Ballet

Mom Always Wanted A Daughter to do Ballet

but she had to settle for me instead!
Bal 16.jpg
A bit of humor in photos and not to be taken very seriously from Mark Rawlings

Who's Feminizing Who?

Who’s Feminizing Who?

Dana is a last year college student who likes following an all-female band. When one of them takes an interest in him, he feels like he has won the lottery.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 32

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XXXII
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. – Tracy

Dana's Story, Part 7

Dana’s Story, Part 7
Next steps for Dana with the coffee club and work. Can Dr. Cynthia help?

New Beginnings

That day would prove to be pivotal in our life. The coffee club was totally excited. That night when we finally went to the bedroom, Kathy was revved up and raring to go. We were careful of her belly, but we fell asleep after thoroughly exhausting each other. I woke up only minutes later for my night feeding with Emily. There wouldn’t be many more of those.



In a desperate bid to revive his flagging career, a young star on a sci-fi show concocts an elaborate publicity stunt to come out as transgender. But what happens when he becomes entangled in his web of lies?

Dana's Story, Part 6

The Unusual Case of the Vindictive Ghost (Entwhistle Investigations 4)

When Angela gets a message to help her half brother Ian, Anthony feels guilty enough to put the Entwhistle Investigations resources at his disposal to get to the bottom of the mystery of a ghost who is haunting his bride to be.

The Strange Case of the Jittery Jury (Entwhistle Investigations 3)

Anthony has a problem. He's been selected for Jury Duty. The problem is so has Angela. Now he has to somehow deal with the problem of being both identities and then somehow survive a Jury rigged Mafia case.

The Mysterious Case of the Vengeful Lothario (Entwhistle Investigations 2)

Enwhistle Investigations is hired by a High School Principle in Swansea after a murder at the school. Angela is sent in undercover whilst Phillip and Mark seek other angles to the investigation. Who is committing the murders and why and can the team stop them?

The Curious Case of the Mutating Flasher (Entwhistle Investigations 1)

The new detective agency's is given an opportunity to try and find a flasher on the Swansea University campus. But it appears that the perpetrator is not always the same person, and is the actual mastermind a threat to Angela and Theresa?

The Moment of Truth (LoPR Part IX)

Anthony and Anwyn are preparing for their Wedding. Meanwhile Wesley Caplin escapes from Swansea Jail determined to get revenge on those who have wronged him. With Anwyn and Mark missing, Theresa and Angela have to team up to try and save the day. However now they must face the Moment of Truth, where someone has to take the bullet!

The Mistress of Good Breeding (LoPR Part VIII)

Anthony must decide whether to take up Mark's offer, and having done he he gets invited to one of Theresa's little dinner parties to celebrate. But does Theresa has an ulterior motive for being nice to Angela and what does she hate more than Angela?

Dana's Story, Part 5

Dana’s Story, Part 5

Why Is Kathy Working?

“That’s a valid question Kathy. I thought you worked because you like what you do. You always seem to be able to leave the office behind when you come home. If we could, Emily and I would love to have you at home with us all the time.”

“I do love working Dana, but for what you are paying these three, maybe I should shift to full-time homemaker.” Kathy made about the same amount as I paid each one of the three researchers.

Becoming Chloe 1 of 3

Becoming Chloe Part 1 of 3
by Cindy Johnson ([email protected])
Audio version avaialble - send a request to my email

It was about a year ago when Kate was putting my dry cleaning away when she noticed 'the box' and that's when the changes started. She found my secret stash of women's clothing and made me explain in detail why I would hide this from her. Since the box contained every feminine item you can think of in my size along with size-9 high heels, there was no escaping a truthful answer.

The Present

It's been awhile! For the last few years, life's journey has been taking absolutely everything I have to give it. However, I have cranked out this modern take on the theme of the Fates messing with your life, thrusting you into the kind of situation that makes you feel trapped and teaching you the harsh lesson that control is an illusion. Writing about that metaphorically was a great exercise that I thoroughly enjoyed. I hope you enjoy this story!


Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.6

Chapter 6

Mark’s night ended up being a very restless one. The constant rubbing of his sheets against his nylon covered smooth legs as well as the feeling of the silky material of his panties all around his bottom and chest felt very sensual. He was embarrassed to admit it, but it actually turned him on. The worries combined with the horniness formed a potent combo to keep him awake. He knew that masturbating again would probably solve his problems, but he knew what he had to do when he masturbated so he chose to just endure it.


A married man with a secret addiction is found out by his first wife who divorces and socially slams him. He sets and obtains a goal of put his shattered life back together, then risks it all with a second wife, who unexpectedly brings with her a goal of her own, and the enticements to reach it.

Authors note: This work contains an unmentioned enticement of its own. It is the reader's choice as to if they will yield to it, or perhaps they will yield without even knowing it. In any event, may the reader find enjoyment within.

What Goes Unseen - Part 2

- What Goes Unseen - Part 2 -

"What do you mean?" I played dumb, but it was a bluff.

"We're matching Chris. Look, we both have white tops, blue jeans, and converse!" Jenny said enthusiastically.

How could I not have noticed that earlier! The weight lifted and I relaxed. She didn't know my secret, how could she!

Then she leaned in close and whispered in my ear with a large smile.
"And we've both got the cutest lacy pair of aqua underwear."

My heart skipped. She called my bluff and raised me 20.

- Earlier that day -

The Blossoming of Ciri, Chapter 3

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 3- The Flower Blooms

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...” Chapter 3...

“...Ugh... why are the lights always on?” I said as I briefly opened my eyes before slamming them shut again at the bright light coming from the bedside table.

“Oh sorry sweetheart...” My Mom said as she reached over and turned off the annoying light.

Going to see a 1940 dance band

I came home from work to see the dress hanging on the back of a door.
'Wow that looks the business, real vintage I take it?'
Pam said nothing, I fingered the edge of the dress, 'it feels like real silk, you will look great in it.' I said confidently.
'Do you know nothing, look at the size of that waist, it is impossible.'
'Are you sure?'
'Dead sure, they even sent me an authentic corset to go with it!!'
'Still it will look great.'
'Which part of this are you missing buster, I am not being trussed up and paraded for no one.'

What Goes Unseen

(Hello! I am a first time poster so I'm a little nervous and excited! This first short story of mine is actually somewhat true. I hope you enjoy!)

- What Goes Unseen - Part 1 -

"You look a little nervous back there, are you alright Chris?" My mother asked while driving me to high school.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied while avoiding eye contact.

My Uncle Fifi: My Beautiful Laundrette

Trapped as a shapely French maid and hiding out from the mob, a smart-mouthed rogue must prevent his family from unwittingly being drawn into a criminal scheme even as he is confronted by his two most remorseless adversaries: Mom and Dad. It's a twisty whodunit with a thrilling hovercraft chase that--wait. No, it's not. It's a spirited comic romp with snappy banter, money laundering, and unspeakable acts with a ripe pineapple!


The Prophet Revised Chapter 17

The Prophet

By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 17

Serinina faces some personal issues and a tragedy within her new family and had to learn to deal with it
and she lashes out in anger

The Blossoming of Ciri, Chapter 2

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 2- The Tree Dies

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...” Chapter 2...

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.4

Chapter 4

The next morning Mark was woken up by a loud mechanical voice. “Wakey wakey sissy, time to start your day, and what better way to start it than with another wank.” Mark groaned loudly but he did as the voice said anyway. With a sigh he grabbed the boxers of his night stand and Pulled them over his head once more.

A Christmas Party - part 8

A Christmas Party - part 8

Bob gets invited to his office's Christmas Party. His colleagues convince him that life is more fun in a dress.

In this part; Bobbi and Jordan meet Bobbi's Mum. Bobbi makes some decisions and learns some things.

This is the final part, for now. It's not the end of Bobbi's story, I think, but it's a good point to draw a line under things.

My Uncle Fifi

Hilarity ensues when a smart aleck on the run finds himself hiding behind a petticoat and a feather duster in order to elude the gangster who wants him dead. (Or maybe just wants him, period!) A fun and lighthearted comedy of errors filled with elaborate deceptions, mistaken identities, and a guy stuffing his boobs into a French maid's costume! What's not to like?


The Blossoming of Ciri

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 1- Unusual Pains

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...”

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.3

Chapter 3

Mark woke up to the sound of his alarm with a loud groan. Taking the bus down town would take a lot of time and he had pretty much made up his mind that he couldn’t afford to be late to the appointment, no matter how much he didn’t want to go. He hadn’t set an alarm clock since school had ended but seeing how he was required to be there at 10 am he didn’t have much of a choice today. Usually he slept that late.

The Widower

It was a bright mild sunny summer day, not right for a funeral, Skies should be grey and cloudy, the rain should be coming down, it should all help to stress the misery of why we were here.

I was coming out of the crematorium with Colin, the husband of Julie, my best friend since schooldays, we had just seen her coffin go behind the curtains to the strains of her favourite hymn, Jerusalem.


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