
The Magic Tattoo

The Magic Tattoo
With thanks to The Who for their music.

My brother Zack was two years older than me and a universe away in body. That is to say that he had a body like Mr Universe and I didn’t. I looked up to him as a role model and he made sure I, as a runt, didn’t get bothered much.

Me and my brother were talking to each other
'Bout what makes a man a man
Was it brain or brawn, or the month you were born
We just couldn't understand

Kim's story-3 - A Different Summer

“ Kim, you have been living full-time as a girl for a couple of months now, I can’t remember the last time I looked at you and saw a boy. It’s not just the clothes and hair and things, but working with me and the girls you have picked up a lot of our mannerisms, the way we talk and express ourselves, even the way we walk and stand. The longer you continue like this, the harder it will be to turn back the clock. Unless you intend to take it a stage further I really think you ought to consider going back to school as a boy.”

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 15

It was morning when I opened my eyes again. I quickly scanned the room for Ben. He sat in the corner and seemed to be sleeping. They'd tied him up tightly and sometime last night, he'd calmed down. I brought my hand to my neck which still hurt badly. I had difficulty breathing properly and was nursing a terrible headache but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't be mad at him.

He was sick. Maybe Ollie had been too, I didn't know. I couldn't even pretend that the island hadn't affected me too. That dream was proof of that even if I hadn't had another one since then.

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 14

Ben's eyes told so much but his lips said nothing. He simply stared at us with that broken expression that had become his trademark.
In a quick action, he turned and sprinted away.

I started to follow but Mikey held me back, "don't" he said shaking his head briefly.

"He's going to go tell everyone!" I protested.

"Let him" he replied simply.

I looked up at him and he smiled. My eyes grew watery from dealing with so much emotion. He brought his face forward and kissed me on my forehead lightly before pulling me into a tight hug.

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 13

"Tommy, it's me" I said with a smile enveloping my face.

"Ben! Tommy!" I heard Mikey yell to my right before full sprinting to hug our two teammates.

"Mikey! Is that really you? Are you really here?" Ben asked with tears in his eyes as the two boys broke apart.

"It's me. After the wave, we didn't know what happened to you two" he replied as he hugged the other boy. I closed the gap.

"What about everyone else?" Tommy asked with urgency.

"Everyone from our life boat is here too. Safe. But we don't know where the other boats washed up"

Honorary Girl

Julian “Jules” Miller was just your average 17 year old boy. He was outgoing, charming, and confident. Being an extrovert made it so he ran in many circles. His charisma made it easy to go in and out of those circles. Lastly, having trust in who he was made it so easy to have three girls, Mia San Giacomo, Nina Sisto, and Torry Minot, as his best friends. The mature boy was so well versed in the song which was who he was that he was able to stay close friends with one of those girls, Mia San Giacomo, when she turned him down 2 years ago.

Kim's story-2 - Payback time

I was up bright and early to get myself ready for school, I was still learning to prepare myself as a girl and wanted to give myself plenty of time. After a quick shower and shampoo, I put on my bra, knickers and a dressing gown and sat down to try to do my hair like Mam had done yesterday. It was awkward twisting my arm and wrist to try to get the brush in the right position to fill out my hair a bit while blow-drying it. Eventually I got it almost like she had done, gave it a final brush and a spray and I was happy. I decided that the more I do it , the easier and more natural it will become.

Kim's story-1- How it all began

The changing room was already empty when I got there, all the others had left, so I stripped off my sports clothes and went in for my shower. After towelling myself dry and brushing my hair I went to get my stuff to get dressed but was shocked to see that my uniform had been stolen and replaced with a girls’ set of clothes, a skirt and blouse. Obviously somebody having a big joke with me. There was nothing for it but to put my sports stuff back on again and go to look for my clothes, but while I was in the shower, someone had came in and taken that as well. I couldn’t stay in here all day, so the only option was to put on the clothes that had been left for me.

I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

To our readers, I would like to introduce a new coauthor Cagivagurl. Do yourself a favor and check out her story page on FictionMania.

We were so impressed with her resume of stories we went out and actively recruited her to join our team. For our faithful readers you might be able to detect a more sensual leaning to this production.

We hope you enjoy this tale.
Marina and Monica

I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

The Avon Lady: “Ding Dong, Avon Calling”

The Avon Lady: “Ding Dong, Avon Calling”

A teen boy struggles with a feminine side that he is trying to understand is befriended by a sympathetic Avon Lady that may have had the same struggles when she was younger. Marci wants David to have an easier time getting answers to embarrassing questions; answers about gender identity issues, answers that could make his life easier.


A Comedy of Errors

Conventional step deck-unsplash.jpg A note from Rosemary: I have to admit, this only took me about 45 minutes to write. I was trying to think of something that I could write that I know quite a bit about. Naturally, the answer was trucking, but how to make it funny? This was the result.

A Comedy of Errors

A short story by Rosemary

August 2020

Doug North and his wife, Carol, were truckers. For many years, Doug had pulled flatbed all over the country, while Carol stayed home with the kids. Now that the kids were out of the house, Carol traveled with Doug.

On this particular day, they were in a backwater town, somewhere in the middle of northern Idaho, having just loaded up some treated fence posts. Doug was throwing a strap over the load when out on the two-lane highway, a car blew a tire.

Wayward Part-4

Part Four



Madison used to have this great friend Charlie, they did everything together. Then Madison moved away. Now returning home, Madison seeks him out. The only drawback, Charlie didn't know Madison was a boy.
Madison didn't know Charlie had a secret too.


You Are a Meany Chapter 19

What gives people a sense of pride grows as a person matures and goes from being self-centered to considerate of others.The more considerate a person becomes, the bigger the circle of people becomes who increases that person's pride. How much you like them as a person is not as big of a factor if you take pride for being associated with them. Having pride in those who are close to you comes from people finding out the truth that one does not need to like a person to love them. Lori was about to take pride in her brother for the first time in her life.

Acceptance: Lindsey Comes Out

Lyle, or Lindsey to his close friends and special acquaintances, was retired and celebrating his 50th birthday with lunch with two long time friends. It was a fairly low key gathering at the rustic Mount Baldy Buckhorn Lodge & Café in the nearby San Gabriel Mountains. The Lodge held many memories for their group because of the many special occasions held there.

High School Failure

The principal’s office at Henrietta Orville High School for girls. The Principal and a mother have a conversation. In the background some girls sing the Snow White inspired school song.

- I’m sorry Mrs Anderson but I did warn you when you enrolled your son here at Henrietta Orville High School for girls that he most likely wouldn’t be able to graduate.

- But he so desperately wanted to attend and he really applied himself.

Butterscotch -9- Smiles

“Rescue time, girls,” Marjorie said. “Baby sister Kissy here just graduated from being a tomboy, and she has a hot date tonight!”

kissy dress 3_1.jpg



by Erin Halfelven

The Big Break, Chapter 6

The Tour Proceeds To the Conclusion

The first set of gigs went well; we travelled to the venue in the bus, did our show, and came back again. Cambridge was full of drunken students and Colchester was full of drunken soldiers but the others were good. It was when we went up to Birmingham that things went strange.

The Big Break, Chapter 5

Saturday Sensation

Next morning we all slept in. After I had showered and shaved I opted for my black jeans with the boots and a black tee shirt. I would have not picked the tee shirt if I actually was a girl as it showed the outline of my corset at the bust line and I got a lot of interested looks from all of the fellows. Lesley told me I was brazen and Tess said I was hot. Sven and his band had already eaten their breakfast and left, as they had a gig in Holland tonight. That was, I thought a real slice of good luck. The sisters were happier about that as well.


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