
The Blue Dress - Part 5


The Blue Dress - Part 5

by MonicaS

Chris got bullied for being girly and was forced to wear a dress at school. To avoid the bullies, he started to live as a girl with support from friends and official recognition. Chris found some allies to fight the bullies. Now he has to get ready for his first date.

The Skirl of the Pipes

I haven't written many solos but just lately I have finished a couple of stories that were just too complete to be serialised.

…..and the swirl of the plaid.

I have heard people say that you should try everything once. I have often thought that this could be a little crazy. Say, you tried skydiving and got it wrong, there is no second time. Or, maybe, you take up scuba diving and forgot to head for the surface. Whammo! No chance to go around again.

The Blue Dress - Part 4


The Blue Dress - Part 4

by MonicaS

After Chris got bullied for being girly and finally was forced to wear a dress at school, he decided to live as a girl. With support from friends, he got transformed into a passable girl. He started to experience living as a girl, including school, shopping, and a sleepover with his friends. What will the next week bring?

Just Bros Being Bros

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By: Kokopo618

"Hey, what's up dude?" I ask, walking in to the kitchen, seeing my roommate make his protein shake that he makes every morning.

"Nothing much, just about to head for the gym," He says dumping protein powder into his flask.

"Cool, cool," I say still looking at him. He's got an amazing body, I mean, I'm a guy, but damn. I guess going to the gym all the time pays off.

"What's wrong, Ryan," Jack says, turning to me.

Nicola - the stand-in - Chapter 2

I discover what I’d let myself in for
Nicola on Moonbeam

Sometimes life has a habit of creeping up on you and sending you careering down a different and unexpected trajectory.

Nicola – the stand-in
Chapter 2

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2021 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

Wayward Part-6

Part Six



Madison used to have this great friend Charlie, they did everything together. Then Madison moved away. Now returning home, Madison seeks him out. The only drawback, Charlie didn't know Madison was a boy.
Madison didn't know Charlie had a secret too.


One Dozen Roses

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Join a dozen Roses as they attend the SWEET Conference (South Western Exposition for the Embetterment of Transwomen/Transpeople, depending on who you ask.) Rose Gallagher is a registrar for the conference and notices that there are 12 Roses in attendance. On a whim, she contacts them and suggests a meeting of the Roses to share a bit about their choice of the name Rose.

Seven authors collaborate on one story to tell us about

One Dozen Roses

The Blue Dress - Part 3


The Blue Dress - Part 3

by MonicaS

After Chris got bullied for being girly and finally was forced to wear a dress at school, he decided to live as a girl. With support from friends, he got transformed into a passable girl, bought essentials, and learned the first lessons for girlhood. He had a long talk with his mother and went to school as a girl again the next day. For the weekend, Chris planed more shopping and a sleepover with his friends.

The Blue Dress - Part 2


The Blue Dress - Part 2

by MonicaS

After Chris got bullied for being girly and finally was forced to wear a dress at school, he decided to live as a girl. With support from friends, he got transformed into a passable girl, bought essentials, and learned the first lessons for girlhood. Then it was time to go home and face his mother.

A Different Way To Tell Your Spouse

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Graphic created by Patricia Marie Allen from pictures found on

Robert went to the SWEET conference looking for help and advice on introducing his wife to his crossdressing. Rose and Cindy offered to help. This is that story. It stands alone, you do not have to have read 'One Dozen Roses'.

Annie, Get Your Gun! Chapter 9 – Epilogue

I developed a much closer bond with my Mom after our special “mother-daughter” time together.

On the following Sunday morning, I came downstairs early, knowing that she would be preparing a big breakfast while my father and younger brothers slept.

She was lost in thought and clearly surprised to see me so early, and I startled her a bit.

“Goodness!” She exclaimed. “Oh, Good morning, Honey Bunny!”

“Morning Mom…I was wondering if I could help you get everything ready for our breakfast this morning?”

What Wish?

What Wish?

It felt like Christmas or one of the best birthdays I ever had. I walked into the thrift store over in the next town to look around for some new used clothes: well, new to me. I frequent the store and old Mrs. Flagstone knows my name. She looked up from the large box she was going through as I walked through the door.

“Good morning Corey.”

“Good morning Mrs. Flagstone. What do you have there? Did a new consignment arrive?”

“Well yes. It’s from one of my neighbors. Mr. Flagstone just brought it in. Terrible thing.”

What Wish?

What Wish?

It felt like Christmas or one of the best birthdays I ever had. I walked into the thrift store over in the next town to look around for some new used clothes: well, new to me. I frequent the store and old Mrs. Flagstone knows my name. She looked up from the large box she was going through as I walked through the door.

“Good morning Corey.”

“Good morning Mrs. Flagstone. What do you have there? Did a new consignment arrive?”

“Well yes. It’s from one of my neighbors. Mr. Flagstone just brought it in. Terrible thing.”

Crossdresser or Transgendered?

Crossdresser or Transgendered?

Note: When you start reading this, you will probably think, “Yeah, I’ve read this already”. It is a bit different, however. I had fun writing it, and I hope you will find that it was worth about 5 minutes of your time.

Thanks, ♥ Jamie

Walk A Crooked Milf - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three - Relax and Take What I Am Offering You

William's transformation into Wendy is complete. Now she must perform maid duties for her next-door neighbor Mrs Cashmore but she doesn't realise fully what all of those duties entail.

One of those days

It was just one of those days which started fine. I went to school without any suspicion on my part that, by the end of the day, I'd be on the run pretending to be someone totally different with my dad on his way to South America.

Walk A Crooked Milf - Chapter 1

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Chapter One - I Don’t Go To Church, Kneeling Bags My Nylons

Eighteen year old William Baxter is fascinated by next door neighbor Mrs Delores Cashmore and follows her to church. Mrs Cashmore has many secrets which William soon finds out. But Delores knows about William's meddling in her private affairs and has plans for him.

A Stepfather's Promise - Chapter 2

In this chapter, Sean meets an old army buddy, gets some advice, and we meet his twin sister and her spouse.


Bev and I looked at each other, unsure how to continue. I am going to need to make a few phone calls in the morning, I thought to myself.

“Honey, it’s because we thought you were a boy,” Bev said. “We can talk about it in the morning, OK?”

“Alright mommy,” was the reply.

In Blood Only

Darcy Paige pleaded with her brother, “Come on Harrison! Give my Becki a chance. She is really nice, and she thinks you are cute.”

“For the last time Darcy, no. I do not want to go on a date with Becki.”

“Then at least give me a reason.”

Political Doubletalk, Part 6 of 6



Part 6 of 6

Chapter 14
"Dammit Penny!" cried Myrna, slamming down the phone. "I feel like I should go out and stand on the street corner with a sign saying 'Anything helps - God Bless.' I'm sick of begging for money. How did we ever let the system get this corrupt?"

You Are a Meany Chapter 22

The accuracy of a forecast was only good if the right factors were taken into consideration. A good forecast could be wrong when an unlikely factor was not taken into account when making the prediction. This was how the reliable forecast of good time with many laughs was wrong for Renee and Matt’s visit to the Lincoln Way Bike Park. The reason for the change to miserable filled with regret was the sight of Lori walking towards them.

Political Doubletalk, Part 5 of 6



Part x of 6

Chapter 11
"Myra, that was an amazing performance!" Penny said in wonder. "Talk about take no prisoners! Who else could talk about the ancient Indus Valley civilizations and make it sing?"

"I did get a little carried away."

Political Doubletalk, Part 4 of 6



Part 4 of 6

Chapter 8
With the first public appearances behind them, it was time to hit the road. No one runs for office without a large number of volunteers willing to go out and do the legwork, answer the phones, make the endless calls, pay the bills, program the computers and generally support the candidate.

Political Doubletalk, Part 3 of 6



Part 3 of 6

Chapter 6
Two days later Helen and the slightly mystified Penny were sitting in a plastic surgeon's office in Reno Nevada. For Penny, traveling with someone who was almost the woman for whom she worked for many years was a surreal experience.


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