
Byline chapter 7

Byline chapter 7

Byline Cover2Smaller.jpg
Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Becoming Abby's Girl Part 3

Becoming Abby's Girl
Part 3

By: Kokopo618

"Okay, time to hit the gym, big boy," Abby says, suddenly getting up to her feet from the couch.

"Can we skip this tonight?" I ask without much faith I'll get the answer I want.

"No, don't be lazy it's only the second day. Get up, I got you something." Abby sashays to our table, where she set down the bag she got from the mall. Abby pulls out a black garment, and tosses it in my direction.

I catch, and hold it up, "Are these.. leggings?"

Leader of the Pack. Part 3 of 5

Leader of the Pack Part 3

The girls were dropped off later in the evening. They told us that they had been charged with affray but let off with a caution as everyone else had only shouted and waved signs. They said that the police were very interested in the ‘maiden from hell’ who dropped the politician but they said that some of the women police only wanted to bring her in to put a medal on her.

The Blue Dress - Part 9


The Blue Dress - Part 9

by MonicaS

Chris got bullied for being girly and was forced to wear a dress at school. To avoid the bullies, he started to live as a girl with support from friends and official recognition. Chris found some allies to fight the bullies and had some first successes. He saw a therapist regarding his gender identity, which was still not clear. Chris found a girlfriend, and their relationship progressed to visiting each other's parents.

What Do I Do Now? - Part 2


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Sam had a night he would never forget, a lifelong transvestite he had taken advantage of his wife’s supposed absence to venture out for the first time dressed as his alter-ego Samantha. He was in a gay bar enjoying himself when in walked his wife in the arms of what appeared to be her girlfriend. Devastated at finding out his wife was a lesbian. He took to drinking to help deal with the reality of the situation.

SAM’s story.

He slid off his stool and stumbled toward the door.

Genesis: Homecoming

Introduction by the Author: This story is the genesis of what makes me a writer and why I write the way I do. I was inspired by Lanterns on the Levee, and North Toward Home. Both were written by local authors, both wrote of a world in transit. This story is true, I know because I lived it. Pulling this tales from the dark recesses of my mind took courage, and several bottles of spirits. I hope this would the first story in a trilogy of three genesis works. I hope you will find this story enjoyable.

Leader of the Pack. Part 2 of 5

Leader of the Pack Part 2

Before we left we sat around the kitchen table and I was forced to call out the slogans and try to talk in a girly voice. When I was able to do it to their satisfaction my mother gave each of us a hug and, with a smile on her face, said “Go and change the world, my daughters.”

Ash's New Career Pt.4

Chapter 5

Beatrice was the first to regain her composure. Not because she was over how amazing Ash looked, but because as the director of this shoot she needed to be professional. “Alright Jolene, I believe you can take it from here. You got the shooting schedule right?” Beatrice asked trying her hardest not to stare at her son too much. The change was shocking to be honest. Never in a million years had she thought Ash would come out looking this good.

Byline chapter 4

Byline chapter 4

Byline Cover2Smaller.jpg
Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Leader of the Pack. Part 1 of 5

Leader of the Pack Part 1

I have to admit that seeing my picture on the front page of the Sunday paper was a shock. For most people it would be a pleasant one, the fifteen minutes of fame that is often promised but hardly ever given. It was not, for me, very good news at all.


George stood in front of the mirror, tucked a stray curl of the long blonde wig behind his ear so he could apply the last of his makeup. His favorite a sparkly lip gloss.

How different this Saturday had been since his one a week ago. Last Saturday morning, he had made the 45-minute drive home from an overnight shift at the home improvement box store where he was a department manager. This Saturday morning had been spent in a hot bath, while he shaved his legs.

Byline chapter 3

Byline chapter 3

Byline Cover2Smaller.jpg
Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

The Answer - Chapter 6

So. Felicity was to be my girlfriend's plus one to a wedding, er, "commitment ceremony". To be fair, in support of her sister and her girlfriend, taking Felicity did place a distracting shot across her parents bow, which was evidently what was desired here. A distraction. And I AM Felicity. Saying that didn't make it all seem more reasonable, somehow. But it was a little early to be meeting the parents.

The Blue Dress - Part 8


The Blue Dress - Part 8

by MonicaS

Chris got bullied for being girly and was forced to wear a dress at school. To avoid the bullies, he started to live as a girl with support from friends and official recognition. Chris found some allies to fight the bullies and had some first successes. Chris found a girlfriend, and their relationship progressed. He saw a therapist regarding his gender identity, which was still not clear. Upcoming were a visit to his girlfriend's parents and a self-defense course.

"Thorn in the Flesh" a "One Dozen Roses" Story

thorn in the flesh standalone
Graphic created by Patricia Marie Allen from photos on
The entire anthology of One Dozen Roses can be found here.

Thorn in the Flesh

By Rosemary

I entered the bar with great trepidation. I hadn’t had any problems in several years of being a woman, but I had just had some terrible news. No, I take that back. It wasn’t terrible at all. It was a relief. I had developed lymphatic cancer, and like every other case, it was ravaging my body.

I was reluctantly taking part in a meeting of eleven other ‘Roses’ while we were at the SWEET (South Western Exposition for the Embetterment of Transpeople) convention. I sat down and started taking in the other Roses there.

Most of them seemed to be much more comfortable in their role as women than I was. I had actually been quite comfortable for many years, but I had never been transgendered. I glanced down at my jeans and western shirt. They were women’s – they had to be. Men’s clothing would have been ridiculous on me.

Byline Chapter 2

Byline chapter 2

Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Byline Cover2Small.jpg

The Answer - Chapter 5

The answer

By Lynda Shermer

Chapter 5 - Carol in the city

It turned out, Alice's errands were to get me some jewelry, a purse, and some things related to that, and generally accessorize. I put my spare glasses, in a case, into the purse. Alice added a key ring with copies of my keys (and, it was to turn out, some of hers), some make up, a pen, a pad, a pay-as-you-go cellphone. And a rectangular pouch, with something in it. They were cylinders, too big for pencils. What was it? Then I realized.

Byline - chapter 1

Byline Cover2.jpg
Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

The Answer - Chapter 4

The answer

By Lynda Shermer

Chapter 4 - Game Over?

We got me naked except for her bra, for some reason, and got to know each others body. She insinuated her hands under the cups, rubbing my nipples, as I repeated the notion on her. Her breasts were small, but proud, a handful, maybe a little more. Cute. In fact, the whole package, in contrast to her office demeanor said cute. Keeping herself aloof at the office must have been a strain, and now, all at once, she was unwinding.

A Rose By Any Other Name

ARBAON Standalone.jpg
Graphic created by Patricia Marie Allen from photos on

Authors note: This story first appeared in the “One Dozen Roses” anthology and has been edited to be read as a standalone.
You can read it in the anthology here.

I’ve been asked just how I came to choose the name Rose. The story of my name goes back to my childhood. I was eight at the time. It was in just after the second gulf war. I blame the whole thing on Susan. Susan was the girl who lived in our basement apartment. Her father had been called up in the National Guard and was in Iraq for a year. They decided to give up living in their house and rent it out to cover the mortgage payment. The rent on the apartment we had in the basement fit the budget imposed by his Guard pay which didn’t even come close to his regular pay. The apartment had been grandma’s before she died. It’s just two bedrooms, a bathroom and a sitting room with an efficiency kitchen and the rent helps us with the mortgage, since dad left. As part of the deal, Susan’s mom watched me while my mom was at work.

The Answer - Chapter 3

The answer

By Lynda Shermer

Chapter 3 - Travels to My Aunt

So I was out of town for all of halloween, which is one of my favorite nights of the year. My aunt Phyllis wasn't any trouble, being an eminently practical person, and didn't object to how we'd have to rearrange things in her house so she could live entirely on the ground floor for awhile.

The Blue Dress - Part 7


The Blue Dress - Part 7

by MonicaS

Chris got bullied for being girly and was forced to wear a dress at school. To avoid the bullies, he started to live as a girl with support from friends and official recognition. Chris found some allies to fight the bullies and had some first successes. Besides that, Chris found a girlfriend and made plans for a Halloween costume. Chris' gender identity was another topic to address.

Given Voice

Given voice
Lynda Shermer
June 8th, 2014

Just before the end of the alleyway was an unmarked door; by the litter on the ground around it, it was left unlocked for smokers. I pulled, and went into the stairwell. Up one short flight, the door gave upon a relatively dim carpeted hallway. I slowed, and tried to catch my breath, so as not to seem suspicious. Ahead of me, a side door opened. The person who came out thrust some papers into my hand, and pushed me through the door.

Misfits - A Sort of Love Story

This is the story of two gender non-conforming teens back in the benighted 1980s. Two kids trying to find their places in the world and finding a kindred spirit.

Thanks to Lizzy Bennet, editor and friend extraordinaire.


Fall 1983. Spencer’s Gifts in the Nanuet Mall.

Lyle and Josh were flicking through the racks of posters, the clicking sound getting faster and slower.

Fitness class

The doctor looked at the chart, "Well, you'll be glad to know, there's nothing wrong with your heart. You've just spent too long not eating right and sitting behind a desk. I'd say you should start with walking, stretching, warm up exercises, calisthenics, and only then try something more strenuous."

Sitting Pretty

Sitting Pretty
Lynda Shermer

I was earning a little extra pocket money by babysitting. These particular fraternal twins responded best, it seems, to the supposed extra authority of a male.

Beth and Sam were fraternal, but still quite similar.

The second time I sat, they had been messing about in the kitchen, and had two glasses. One held grape juice, the other pink lemonade.

Beth drank the grape juice, and Sam the pink lemonade, and for the rest of the evening, they pretended to be each other.

You Are a Meany Chapter 23

The Summer was dwindling like the sunset on the days leading to the Winter Solstice. Luke took solace about the finish of the endless summer in the fact the school year was another new start. He was going to school but not back to his old school. The impending feeling of winter was kept away by the promise of a new day and a new start. He would have friends looking forward to seeing him at school. More importantly, he would not have a group of kids looking forward to making him miserable. Starting high school was a new beginning, a springtime in Luke’s life.

Velma's Night Off

Velma's Night Off

Lynda Shermer

Coolsville was safe. At the end of a days work, Coolsville was usually safe.  
Somedays, it even stays that way for as much as, oh, say, a week.
"'Night, gang!," I said, and turned for my door. It had been a hard days sleuthing, but the Gravy Ghoul was behind bars, revealed as Mr. Thompkins, of Global Consolidated Industries. Coolsville Canned Foods could open again for business as usual, without anyone leaping out of a vat and scaring off the workers.

She was beautiful

When I was in fifth grade the schools still did the Halloween parade.
On the afternoon of the Friday before Halloween or on the
actual day when it was not on a weekend we would have a party and
everyone would put on their costumes. Then we would have a parade all
the way around the school and across the stage. The line of kids in
costume would snake through each class room and then at the end of the line
that class would join up. When the first class got back to their room
they would sit down and all the other classes would walk past.

Stolen Moments

Here is a little story that popped into my head as I was about to go to sleep the other night.

Stolen Moments


“Oh! Hello yourself.”

“Not what I would call a happy party, Is it? I’m Henry, by the way.”

“No, it’s not. I suppose it must be because we all think it may be the last we have. I’m - Susan.”

“Well, Susan, you should not be standing there, on your own, without a drink. Here, I brought you one over. Drink and be merry, I say.”

Becoming Abby's Girl Part 2

Becoming Abby's Girl
Part 2

By: Kokopo618

"Follow me into the bathroom, let's take care of that nasty pimple," Abby says as she leads me to the bathroom.

I'm still exhausted from the previous night, so I groggily hobble towards the bathroom.

"Close your eyes," Abby says, opening some drawers.

Becoming Abby's Girl Part 1

Becoming Abby's Girl
Part 1
By: Kokopo618

"Baby, I hear you, I just don't understand how this will fix our relationship," I say, sitting across from my girlfriend on our couch.

"You obviously haven't been listening," my girlfriend, Abby, responds, "we can't just fix our relationship like a car, we can only build it, repair it. It'll take work and dedication."

The Blue Dress - Part 6


The Blue Dress - Part 6

by MonicaS

Chris got bullied for being girly and was forced to wear a dress at school. To avoid the bullies, he started to live as a girl with support from friends and official recognition. Chris found some allies to fight the bullies. He went on his first date and now questions his gender. His path points towards girlhood with plans for pierced ears and a second date as a girl.

A Very Not Accidental Cheerleader

My freshman year in high school was quite remarkable. I managed to go through an entire year without making anything at all out of it. Well, scholastically I did reasonably well. Socially? I might just as well not have existed. I failed to get into any sports team. I failed to excel in any other way. I failed to get even ONE date, and that was definitely not for want of trying. I had no real friends. I had a few acquaintances that socially were as remarkable as I but that was all.

At the end of that year the school had come to the realization that the cheerleader team couldn’t possibly be at all events where they were wanted. The decision was taken to create a JV cheerleading team. Cheerleading was an exclusively female thing in our school. However, there was nothing in the rules that stopped a boy being a cheerleader provided he followed the rules. The rules would be the same as for the senior team. Same conduct rules. Same dress code, including wearing the skirted cheerleading uniform on match days and a nice dress at required obligatory social events.

I may have been a bit deranged but I decided that this was my opportunity to stand out, and get close to cute and popular girls. Best case, even share a locker room with them! I mentioned it to Carl, the nearest thing I had to a friend, and he just looked at me and shook his head. Well, I wasn’t to be discouraged by that.

Give Me An R...O...S...E

Graphic created by Patricia Marie Allen from pictures on

Give Me An R…O…S…E
By Patricia Marie Allen

Authors note: This story first appeared in the “One Dozen Roses” anthology and has been edited to be read as a standalone.
You can read it in the anthology here.


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