Lockdown Lucy - John's Story


This story is a sequel to “Lockdown Lucy.” This time, we see events from John’s perspective.

Included are another set of all new photos of Lucy; some from familiar scenes. This time, they’re how John saw things.



“Argh! Bloody arseholes!” I cried out, “Do they seriously think anyone can do any better than me, under these conditions? We’re in the middle of a global pandemic, for Christ’s sake,” I thought to myself.

I needed a break. Right now, I’d allow myself fifteen minutes to grab a drink and maybe a sandwich. However, I needed a real break. I’d been working flat out for several months; I’d been busy setting up my company long before I quit a safe office job that I had enjoyed. Thinking about it, I don’t think I had even left the house for a couple of weeks. Setting up my own business was always going to be tough; this, however, was something else.

“Alright mate? How’s it going?” asked Luke, as I walked into the lounge, where he was watching daytime TV, again.

“Fucking nightmare, mate,” I replied, “I’ve lost another one. That’s the third this week; and it’s only bloody Thursday. I’ve got three other clients that I’m really struggling to supply, and I’ve got this terrible feeling they’re waiting until the end of the week to fire me. I’m really wishing I’d stayed at work; I’d be in your position now.”

I had loved my job in marketing. Coming up with strategies and plans to encourage customers to visit my employer’s brand of restaurants, to get them to stay longer, to have an extra drink or buy a dessert; then come back again and again. I also loved most the folks I worked with; I just thought I’d be happier, and financially better off, following my own business plan. For three months or so, it looked like it was going to work out quite nicely.

Watching the news and seeing Chinese cities go into lockdown felt so abstract, so unreal, as if it were part of the plot of a movie. When Italy followed a few months later, it all suddenly started to feel a lot closer to home. In addition to all the thoughts about the potential risks to my own health, that of my family and friends, and how all this was going to play out, I tried to think how my fledging business would operate under the sort of conditions I saw in other countries. I just couldn’t see it happening though. They’d never be able to lockdown this country, I had wrongly thought.

When that did happen, there was a huge amount of uncertainty about what would come next. When it was announced soon after that the government would offer financial support to people that weren’t able to work, and also businesses that weren’t able to operate, that went a long way to answering many of the questions. My housemate, Luke, would get eighty percent of his pay paid by the government. That’s what I would have received, if I hadn’t quit my job a few months ago.

Although at first I didn’t think that my business would need any support, it wasn’t massively reassuring to learn that I wouldn’t be eligible anyway. Quite simply, my business had not traded for long enough to demonstrate what my normal level of income was. All the stuff that government departments had once talked about supporting entrepreneurship, and investment in small businesses, turned out to be complete rubbish. When the heat was on, those in my situation seemed to be expendable; either not worth supporting, or just too difficult to do so.

My business was doing pretty well in the short period of time that it had operated before the lockdown; and this had continued into the first few months following the restrictions. It was hard work making sure everything happened as it should, but my clients and I were riding the crest of a wave, with regards to demand for their products.

My clients included some of the big fast fashion brands like Fashion Nova, Shein and Pretty Little Things; then some niche fashion brands like Lounge and Gymshark. Some I worked with occasionally on a specific brief, whilst others I had a steady flow of work with. Many of these saw increases in demand for more casual clothes, with folks staying at home.

What I did was pretty straightforward, as long as I kept on top of things. As I had explained it to many folks, including my housemate at least once a fortnight, I was basically a middle man between the fashion brands and the pretty young women they used as models. Through some old friends that worked at some of these companies, I’d picked up on some widespread frustrations that they had with the models. Problems from not finding the right faces easily enough, the models not taking photos good enough to be published online, problems with contracts and payments, and all sorts of stuff that they didn’t want to be sorting out. My new agency dealt with all of that; my interests in photography and business - and also being around pretty young women - really filled a niche gap. Only one contract for the brands, one supplier, and not chasing anyone, was essentially the benefits case for my clients.

The only thing I was doing differently during lockdown was reverting to use the photos that the models, or their friends and family, took of them. They were a bit of a mixed bag. Weird angles and bad lighting were the main problems. I could fix all of that with Photoshop, to maintain the quality of the images that I was sending to my clients. The lack of any complaints about the quality of my output, suggested that the workaround was working okay.

“When all this started to go tits up, I thought it would’ve been caused by the competition,” I said

“The competition?” I thought you were the only agency doing this?” Luke asked with a frown.

“I was,” I nodded with a sigh, “I pretty much still am. Too small for the established players. What do they call them? New entrants. They’re always snooping about. It’s only my failure to honour contracts that even allow my clients to talk to them. I’d had this so well sewn up. I was so surprised when my clients accepted the terms I proposed,” I added, thinking back to how pleased I was when the signed contracts came back, after only a few small rounds of adjustments.

“So, what’s the problem, if the demand is still there?” Luke asked with a confused look on his face, “I’ve not wanted to pry; but know you’ve been having it tough,”

“Ah, Luke. I’m not sure! I know that’s it’s one of two things,” I replied, gesturing with two raised fingers, “Maybe it’s both! I’m spending most of my day arguing between couriers and the models. I’m going around in circles all of the time, stuck between ineptitude and downright thievery.”

“How do you mean?” Luke asked, seemingly genuinely interested, by the look of concern on his face.

“Well,” I started, “I’m sometimes not receiving the samples the brands tell me they’re sending. With the tight turnaround times they need, by the time the couriers sort out what are always their errors, I’ve missed the deadline.”

“But,” he paused to think, “That’s not your fault. I mean, isn’t the sender choosing the courier?”

“Tell me about it,” I nodded. “But Luke, that’s not the half of it. I’m sending stuff out to models by courier; and having the same problems. I reckon it’s a fairly even split between the couriers screwing up and the models falsely claiming to have never received the clothes. My turnaround time, when allowing for all this bullshit, is about twice the length allowed for in the contract.”

“I don’t get it. What’s the problem with the couriers?” he asked, naïve to the cowboys working in this area.

“What’s right with them?”Actually, that’s a bit unfair. Maybe.” I paused, “They were fine before Covid. Now they’re overwhelmed with demand, and can’t get signatures because of isolation. They’re meant to get some evidence of a fulfilled delivery, but it’s like a black hole.”

“Oh, I see,” Luke nodded, “Can I help in any way? You know, I’m going stir crazy. So bored all of the time!”

Luke didn’t know how lucky he was. He might claim to be bored, but he could be reading a lifetime's worth of books, he could be learning a foreign language or how to play a musical instrument, or a million other things that didn’t need him to be out and about. Okay, he couldn’t go out drinking, he couldn’t go on dates with girls, he couldn’t travel; but he just sat in front on the TV most of the time. Who knows? Maybe I’d be doing exactly the same, if our situations were reversed. “I know you claim to be bored, but I wish I was in your position. Eighty percent of my old salary, to do nothing? You know, if I’d waited three months before quitting, I could be getting paid by them whilst I set up my business!”

“That’d be a bit cheeky!” he laughed, “But I’m sure you’ll get through this tricky patch. You would let me know, if I could help, wouldn’t you?”

“Fancy a bit of modelling, do you? Have a swimwear contract that I’m about to fuck up!” I teased, laughing despite being genuinely worried that I would lose this client in the very near future.

“Not sure I’m the swimwear model type. Not sure my absent six-pack would make the Speedo’s look too good. Unless skinny and pale is this season’s look?” Luke laughed, posing like a muscle man, flexing his pretty non-existent biceps.

“Ha! No, not this season, “I laughed back, “And not sure how you’ve not put weight on during this lockdown; everyone else has, and you’re eating all the time! And anyway, it’s a bikini brand I’ve got the contract with. Bet you’d help to sell more of those though, than you would Speedo’s!” I added, semi-seriously thinking that there were likely more folks that got a kick out of seeing guys dressed in bikinis, than there were into looking at skinny guys in budgie smugglers.

“Oh, very funny! Maybe I could help sort out the couriers or the models. I do work in procurement, after all?” Luke responded

He had a point. Whilst I don’t think he was considered a high flier at work, he did have a reputation for quietly getting stuff done; and had sorted out some of my suppliers pretty competently, when we were working together. “Yeah, maybe. There’s quite a bit of history involved now, but yeah, thanks, I’ll think about it. Don’t want you fucking things up worse though!”

“Fuck you! Haven’t you got some work to be getting back to?” Luke laughed.


“Yeah. Those thieving girls don’t shout at themselves!” I joked, adding “Joking!” after Luke giving me a look of disapproval.


I was working long hours. I was always a morning person, and it had been quite normal for me to get to the office for 6am most days. Now I was working for myself I was starting even earlier. I saved time without a commute into the office, and had also knocked my morning run on the head. Starting work at 5am and finishing at 10pm had become the norm. A few beers, a bit of crappy TV – whilst still checking emails from my phone – had become the standard routine.

“You know? I think you could perhaps help with my business,” I said to Luke, putting down my beer.

“Oh yeah? Want me to get those couriers in line for you?” he smiled back.

“Actually, I think you could help me with some of the modelling,” I replied, after a pause, not daring to look in Luke’s direction, instead keeping my eyes on the random show on TV.

“Oh yeah, bikinis is it?” Luke said with a half laugh.

“Erm, no, that might be pushing it a bit too far. I’ll be straight with you though, it is women’s clothes, but just gym wear and stuff,” I suggested, continuing to stare straight ahead at the TV

Luke burst out laughing, “Straight? Wanting me to dress in girls clothes for you? Not the best choice of words, mate. You’re such a piss taker!”

I joined in the laugh, but I was so embarrassed. I’d just asked my housemate to dress up in women’s clothes, so I could take photos of him. There’s no two ways around that. Despite feeling lucky he was laughing rather than wanting to punch me, I thought it best to argue my logic; rather than him thinking, well, I don’t know what he’d be thinking of me.

“No, hear me out. With a bit of help, my lighting and photography skills, and then a fair sprinkling of magic Photoshop dust, I think it’s doable.” I had thought about this a few times since we first joked about it earlier in the day. Luke was a small, slim guy; the clothes would fit. My photography and editing skills could fix everything else.

“Piss off!” he shot back. He was smiling, but I could tell he’d be triggered by me challenging his masculinity. When he looked away, I saw his face drop to a frown and then a look of deep thought.

I went back to drafting emails, and my beer.


I had, as had become the norm, been sat at the desk I’d set up in my bedroom since about 5am. I’d sent all of the emails that I had drafted the night before. Not only had I learnt the hard way that it was a good idea to double-check emails written late at night, but I didn’t want clients thinking I was online both really early and really late. Whilst I did want them to know I was working hard for them, I didn’t want to look like I was struggling to keep up.

At about 10am I saw that I’d received an email from my primary contact at Fashion Nova, what had been one of my fastest growing clients; their business had been growing, and I had been growing my share of helping to promote it.

“Fuck!” I cried out loud. It wasn’t at all a surprise; I’d have been kidding myself if I had tried to kid myself that this wasn’t coming. They’d sacked me. It was a very polite email, where they claimed to understand the difficulties being experienced, and how they weren’t my fault. They did, however, say that they had decided to bring the services I provided back in-house.

I had to take a break. If I answered the phone or sent an email now, I couldn’t guarantee my frustration wouldn’t come across. I headed downstairs to grab a coffee, dropping into the lounge on the way, to share the news with Luke. I don’t think he has really got his head around what I do, so wasn’t expecting to get into the details; I just wanted to chat it through with someone.

“Still got my two biggies. Fingers crossed,” I explained to Luke, how my two largest contracts were still there.

“And which is it do you think I might be able to help with?” Luke asked.

“How do you mean?” I asked, only about fifty-fifty sure I was following what he meant.

“What you mentioned last night. Or was it just the beer talking?” he clarified.

“Oh, the gym, sports, loungewear firm. My first client. I’ve been prioritising them for weeks,” I fed back, hoping that this conversation was going to go somewhere productive.

“So, how would it work?” Luke asked, “I mean, it’s more than me putting on a tracksuit and you taking photos, right?”

I shook my head, “Well, that’s broadly it, actually. We’d need to do something with your hair. I can get a wig from somewhere. Makeup, even if a bit shit, can be fixed with Photoshop. I can also change your body shape, adjust your face, whatever. It’s one or two stages up from airbrushing. I really just need someone of about the right frame size. Why? You think you can do it?” I asked, trying to stay as cool as possible. I didn’t want to sound desperate.

“Well, if it’s that’s straightforward. I suppose so,” Luke answered, with a shrug of his shoulders.

I could have hugged him, “Brilliant! Thank you so much! I mean, you’ll get paid, and all that, but I am so grateful. Cheers mate!”

“So, like, when do you need to respond to this brief? That’s what you call them, right?” Luke asked, suggesting he’d been listening to my explanations of my business better than I’d expected.

“Yes. And next Wednesday. Have to email them by midday. It should be one day for a contingency, a day for photoshopping. So, how about shoot on Monday? Gives time for me to get you a wig,” I answered, not yet sure where I was going to get a wig from. There were a few other details I needed to think about.

“Yeah, that’s fine,” Luke agreed, “Unless Boris is announcing tonight that the lockdown restrictions end on Sunday night. However, looking at the number of cases, I doubt that.”

From what Luke had said, I assumed the Prime Minister and his scientific advisors must have been doing one of their briefings that evening. I hadn’t been watching the government announcements in much detail; I didn’t have the time. I was getting most of my information from Luke, supplemented by what I was finding online in the middle of the night, if I couldn’t sleep. My hard work was leaving me tired, but sometimes I was worrying too much to get anything more than a very restless sleep.

“If that were to happen, that’s problem sorted,” I advised, confident that my business model was sound, and it was really the current disruption that explained the challenges I was facing, “And sorry to be a pain, but would you be able to look at getting some makeup? I’m not expecting a work of art, but flat skin and defined lips makes it so much easier to work it up in Photoshop. I just mean from the supermarket, whatever they’ve got. I’ll pay you back,” not at all confident with what Luke would be able to do; it was hopefully to save a bit of editing time. Worst case scenario was that he’d need to wipe it all off, and I’d have a couple more hours in front of my computer screen.

“Erm, yeah. No problem. I think. No idea what I’d need, or even if they sell that at the supermarket. I’ll have a look online for some hints.”

“Cheers mate. This is so good of you.” I was almost as grateful for Luke not making this feel weirder than it needed to be, as I was for him helping out. If the tables had been turned, I don’t think I ever would have stopped teasing my friend for asking me to dress up in women’s clothes for him.


“Hey Amy, how are you doing?” I said to the product manager calling from my clients marketing department, as I joined the Teams video call that we’d had in the diary for a couple of days.

“Hi John, I’m doing great. How are you getting on? It’s been a couple of weeks, hasn’t it? Been up to much? Been anywhere nice?” she joked, in reference to how no one was travelling anywhere.

“I wish! I don’t know about you, but my cabin fever is off the charts,” I replied.

“Tell me about it!” she agreed, “So, anyway, the bookings team tell me you’re on point for the shooting my current range; that’s brilliant, I always love your work. We all do.”

We went on to discuss the details of the products that Amy would need shooting, what aspects she wanted focussed on, what might be best to avoid, and then we reconfirmed the timings of when she should be getting back my work.

“The timings are as tight as usual; you know we’re trying to get ahead of ourselves, but sorry, we’re not yet there,” she apologised, “Sounds like we’re having the same problems with our inbound haulage, as I understand you’re having moving samples around.”

“Don’t worry about it, Amy. The timings are all within the terms of the contract, so we just have to get on with it. The good news is that I already have a model lined up.”

“Oh, that is good news. Anyone I know?” she asked, “Someone we’ve used before?”

“No,” I replied, “She’s brand new to this. I think it may take me a bit longer to get what I need from her, but you don’t need to worry about that. She’s also really close by, so I don’t even need to try and bend too many of these lockdown rules to get the shoot done.”

“Sound’s perfect. How did you find her?” Amy seemed genuinely curious.

“She’s a friend that I’ve known her for several years. She has taken a bit of convincing, but I think she’s going to be great!”

Amy wasn’t so convinced, “Hmm, as long as it doesn’t look like amateur hour. I’ve got a heap of emotional investment in this range. The numbers guys here also need it to be a huge success.”

“Amy? Have I ever let you down? You know I don’t lower my standards for anyone. Trust me, if this girl used social media, you and your competitors would have been using her for years. I’ll say this, wait until you see what I produce, and if you don’t use the images in your campaign, I won’t charge. Deal?” I suggested.

I didn’t like being less than fully honest with my clients. I always went out of my way to be straight when doing business; I reckon I had told no more than five white lies since setting up my business. That’s not to say I don’t think I was savvy; there’s a difference between avoiding answering a question or allowing someone to think you’ve answered it, and going out of your way to give a false answer to one. I never understood how people I’d worked with in the past could lie and manipulate people to get what they wanted, and still take satisfaction with their accomplishments. I was reminded about a senior director at my old employer, Carl Middleton, the most untrustworthy person I had ever worked with; his awful behaviour had inspired me to make a personal pledge to never allow anyone to think of me, how I – and many of my old colleagues - thought of him.

“Ha ha! Come on John, I trust you. And you know the commercial stuff goes over my head. Pretty clothes, pretty girls and pretty pictures; that’s my bag!” Amy joked, “And what do you mean, she doesn’t use social media? Is she like a hermit, or something?”

“Ha! No. There is something we could use a bit of help with though, if you’re able?”

“Oh, here it is. I knew this was sounding too good to be true. Go on, hit me,” Amy encouraged.

“Okay. The model isn’t comfortable with the state of her hair. Especially for her first modelling gig. And obviously, she’s not going to get to a salon anytime soon. She had it cut really short, and well, isn’t happy with it,” I added my sixth white lie to the list.

“You want a wig, or something?” Amy asked.

“If you’ve got one? I didn’t know if you’d have access to that sort of thing. Hope you don’t think it’s too cheeky to ask, before I look to buy one”

“John, we practically have warehouses full! You’ll be doing us a favour helping us tidy up. What do you want?” Amy asked, before outlining some of the options I could filter the choice by.

“Brilliant! Thank you. I don’t know, erm, blonde and long, I think. Yeah, blonde and long. A dirty-ish blonde though. Oh, and straight, and not that thick.”

“Ha! And that’s you not really knowing what you want, is it?” Amy teased, “I’ll arrange for something to be couriered out to you. John, I have to be going, my boss is trying to call me; I’ve been trying to speak to him all morning. Give me a shout later in the week, once you have the samples, okay?


“Morning mate, sleep well?” I asked Luke, as he entered the kitchen where I was working from, to mix things up a bit. Locked in my bedroom all day was getting my head to a pretty claustrophobic place.

“Morning. Er, yeah, guess so,” he replied, apparently still sleepy after god-knows how many hours in bed.

“Ready to get going as soon as you’ve had your breakfast?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure. Not like I have anything else on!” he replied, waking up enough to make a joke.

“Great. Well, here you go, this is your first outfit,” as I passed Luke the first package from a large box that had been delivered to me the day before.

Luke took it, and ran his fingers over the clear plastic bag that wrapped the bright pink two piece gym wear.

“Don’t worry about how it might look when you put it on. It will be a bit tight. We can sort it out either here or later on the computer,” I added. I had an awful image in my head about what Luke was going to look like, and was already bracing myself for a marathon stint in Photoshop. Although I was thinking about working through the night to claw some time back, I didn’t mind that; I was just glad to have some control back over the shoot, and not being so reliant on folks I didn’t trust.

“Tight? So, I’m a bit of a porker, am I? Not as svelte as your normal models?” Luke joked, as he took his coffee upstairs with him, along with the outfit.


“You weren’t joking, when you said this outfit would be tight,” said Luke, as he returned to where I still was in the kitchen.

“Yeah, it,” I looked up and lost my train of thought. I was confused; Luke had done an incredibly good job of getting himself ready, “Oh, wow! You look really good. I mean, wow, like really good,” stopping myself before I embarrassed both of us by saying he looked hot in his wig, surprising good makeup and curiously well fitting tight outfit.

“Stop taking the piss! You said you can fix it all with the Photoshop editing,” Luke shot back.

“Well, I was expecting to fix a lot more. I mean, you’ve got boobs. I was expecting to add shadow to give the effect,” I explained, before scanning Luke’s slim body up and down, before staring briefly at his crotch “ And, erm, where’s your dick?”, wondering how he was flat and smooth between his legs.

“Ha!” he laughed back, “It’s just tucked away like drag queens do. I googled it. Bloody uncomfortable!” Leaving me more confused, as I had no idea what drag queens did to hide their bits; it’s not really something I’d ever thought about.

I nodded, more out of politeness than understanding, “And what about your tits?”

Luke looked down at his chest, and laughed, “They’re just socks. The top has some kind of inbuilt bra. I thought I’d fill it, rather than leaving it all saggy. It’s kind of pushed the skin on my chest together. Kind of looks like cleavage, doesn’t it?” as he pushed his ‘boobs’ together by bringing his arms more in front of his body, creating an even more defined cleavage.

I was staring at my housemate’s new cleavage, as he wiggled his boobs and giggled, I had to snap myself out of this, “Yeah, it does. And what about your makeup, and you’ve shaved?”

“Of course I’ve shaved! I didn’t think you’d want me looking like some kind of bearded lady, or something,” he suggested, “I’ve shaved all over. I didn’t know how much skin would be on show with these outfits.”

I didn’t have the heart to tell Luke that any body hair could be quite easily Photoshopped away. I did, of course, need him to shave his face; I just hadn’t seen him without his trademark light beard for years. I’d been thinking he was going to look so silly, I’d not thought about his beard, nor had I braced myself for the chances of him looking good.

“How on earth is your makeup so good?” I asked, “Some of my normal models would be proud of what you’ve done. Are you wearing false eye lashes?” I was confused, and my mind was running so fast with questions, I struggled to stop my mouth from saying them aloud. I didn’t want to give Luke an inquisition; he was doing me a favour, after all.

Luke explained how he had been looking at lots of YouTube videos, and if I had popped into his room over the last couple of days, I’d probably have found him practicing applying makeup; albeit still with his beard until this morning. He’d gone to such great lengths, and I was so grateful. I was trying to think if I’d have been so grateful if his efforts hadn’t been so successful. This was going to save me hours and hours of Photoshop time. I couldn’t get over how good he looked. I started to feel a bit weird about how I was staring at him.

“Okay, let’s make a start. Let’s stay in the kitchen for this first outfit. The bright colour will work okay with the relatively dim lighting in here.”


I started to get back into the swing of things, and went into autopilot as I started to give Luke instructions of where to stand, how to pose, and whether to smile, or look away, or whatever. When I was looking through the camera lens, I was fine. As soon as I put the camera down, I struggled to maintain eye contact with Luke.

“Did his smile always look like that, or is that what a bit of lipstick does?” I thought to myself.

We stayed in the kitchen for the second outfit, with me asking Luke if he could have a go at tying his hair up in a bun. When he came back downstairs after changing, I was just as shocked as when I saw him for the first time, as I caught myself watching him strut into the room with my mouth wide open. He was literally a dead ringer for the kind of girls you see in the gym that are more likely there to show off their bodies and latest figure-hugging outfits, than to workout. Helping him release a few strands of hair to hang down at the side of his face, I was all fingers and thumbs. My mouth dropped again when he posed a kissy-face as he pretended to blow on his coffee, to cool it down. I hoped that my face was obscured by the camera.


We had moved outside for some photos of the final outfit. “The clients don’t mind all the shots being in the house? They don’t expect you to fork out for proper studios?” Luke asked

“No. We usually sneak around posh hotels, for the fancy backdrops. Right now, because people can’t go to those places, they’re trying to sell the idea of still spending money on their clothes whilst at home. So, photos at home are what they want,” I advised.

“But who would wear this, to workout at home,” Luke asked, looking down at the blue-grey set that he was wearing, and rubbing his hands over his thighs.

I smiled, “Probably no one. But that’s not the point. If these photos are used, the girls looking at them will just want to look as good as you do. They won’t be thinking about working out,” I paused, hoping that Luke hadn’t picked up me saying other girls would want to be as good looking as him.


Luke was suddenly distracted by the sound of a car door slamming shut further up the street; spinning his head around like a startled meerkat, before practically throwing himself further into the cover of the interior of the car he was leaning against. Luke had initially been a bit nervous heading outside, and had needed lots of reassurance and compliments to get him to be as relaxed as he was for the first couple of outfits. He was clearly still more on edge, than his posing for photos had suggested.

“Don’t worry, they can’t see you. I don’t think we even know them, anyway. And I moved my car to that weird angle so we’d not be seen from the road. You look great though; I think that’s my favourite of the outfits,” I suggested.

I wasn’t lying. This was my favourite outfit, and as Luke has spun around to look up the street, I captured what I thought was my favourite shot of the day so far. It looked athletic, sexy and a bit more candid than some of the other more posed photos. I dwelt for one moment on what I was thinking. This was my housemate, Luke, that I thought was looking athletic and sexy.

“What do you want done with these? Do they need to be sent back?” Luke asked, as he placed a pile of packages on the kitchen table, where I had started uploading the photos I had just taken, immediately after finishing the shoot.

“Well, the models usually keep them. They don’t go back. Do you want them?” I asked, without looking up to make eye contact with Luke. I have no idea why, but I wanted him to say that he did. He looked so good, and I wouldn’t have minded if he wanted to wear them again. He didn’t immediately answer, and I sensed that I’d made him feel a bit uncomfortable, “I can just add them to my stockpile in the garage. All those outfits that were sent out and then had their shoots cancelled.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I don’t like stuff being thrown away,” Luke said, looking down at the packages on the table.


“Well, that was easy,” I thought to myself, as I added the finishing touches to the editing of the fifty-or-so photos I had decided would form the response that I’d be sending to my client. It had only taken me about three hours to work through the selection process, and then the editing.

“Hey, Luke, you want to see the photos?” I called from my bedroom down to the lounge

“Are you done? That was quick,” said the voice that was making its way up the stairs.

“Yeah, I’m done. Made good progress. And no distractions; this week’s sample deliveries all arrived,” I smiled, allowing myself a moment of optimism, hoping that this was the turning of a corner.

“Do you want to grab a seat from your room?” I added, before Luke had reached up the top of the stairs.

“Right. These are the finished, edited versions,” I explained, as I started clicking around my computer screen, “I’ll drop them into an email later, but won’t send until Wednesday. I don’t want the client thinking I can deliver two days ahead of schedule; even if I am trying to keep them sweet.”

I started clicking through the selected images in the order that they had been shot, Luke feeding back a series of murmurs of acknowledgement to the pictures shown on the screen. However, from where I sat I couldn’t see what his reactions to the shots were.

I tried to keep myself honest by describing the photos how I would have done to any of my other models, or to my clients. I don’t know if I’d been able to use words like sexy, hot and cute, if I had to look at Luke whilst saying them. We both stared straight ahead, with me pretending it was just the photos I was appraising, and not how gorgeous a girl my housemate had made.

“Well done, John. They’re really good. Do you have the originals? Just out of curiosity?” Luke asked, after I shared that he’d seen all of the photos.

“Yes, of course. They’re not as edited as you may think,” I advised, turning to face Luke.

Luke slowly turned away from staring at the computer screen, “How do you mean?”

“Well, with you taking care of your boobs, your, erm, downstairs and your makeup, I erm, you were very pretty,” I was embarrassed to say it, so spun it around to focus more on the business side of things, “It’s really good, because it has saved me hours of work.”

“Bullshit! I bet the editing is practically a deep fake,” Luke said with a laugh.

“Okay, let me show you,” as I nodded and turned back to face the computer screen, “In all the photos I edited the lighting. A few highlights here and there. Here’s the first photo; all I did here was add a necklace.”

I twisted my neck to see Luke frowning at the image, “Hmm, okay. What about the others?” he asked.

I started clicking through the images that we’d just finished running through, “Well, nothing really in the second set. Just tidied up your hair a bit. I mean, there’s a messy bun, and then there’s a messy bun,” joking to try and ease what had suddenly become a more tense atmosphere.

“Right, okay. Keep going. What about the outfit that they don’t promote?” Luke instructed.

“Erm, I kept the necklace in, and changed the colour of your nails,” before clicking through onto the next set, “I just kept the necklace, in the outfit that wasn’t gym wear. Everything else is you.”

I turned to briefly face Luke, he just stared ahead at the screen, “Okay,” he said.

“And for the outdoor ones. My favourites. A bit of jewellery. Nothing else,” I went on, looking back towards the screen. I really liked these photos, and found myself staring at them. I was still confused how Luke could have got his crotch area looking like that.

“Oh,” was all Luke added.

“So, Luke, how does it feel to learn you make a pretty damn hot gym bunny?” I paused briefly for a laugh, but none came, “Sorry, mate, I couldn’t resist. Anyway, the going rate is £600 for a half day shoot. I’ll probably get that to you next Wednesday, okay?”

“Yeah, okay,” said Luke as he stood up, and walked out of the room.


Less than ten minutes after sending across the images to Amy, she had sent her reply.

“Wow!!!” read the first line of the email. “Where have you been hiding her? She’s hot! I’m still yet to go through the images properly. I’ll give you a call later this afternoon. Amy. X”

“Okay,” I thought to myself, “That’s pretty promising,” I allowed myself a smile, before getting back to my other work.

Amy called me about an hour later. She loved photos that covered all of the outfits. As I had suspected, they weren’t going to promote one of the outfits we’d shot, but that doesn’t really impact me, at all. It was quite unusual when Amy told me the campaign would be live within the next couple of hours; there were usually at least a couple of days before what I sent across was published. The commercial team at her company wanted to lunch the range, and its accompanying online promotion, as soon as possible. Amy had to end the call abruptly when she was distracted by something going on in her house; she promised to call be back.

About an hour and a half later I checked my clients Instagram page. A few images from my favourite outfit had been published, with descriptions of the outfit, prices and links about how to buy them. I saw that the story was published twenty minutes ago, and already had thousands of likes and hundreds of comments. About half of which were from men, many of which would be deleted by their social media team. I sent the link to Luke, as I was sure he’d like to see his images go live.

It was long after the end of the standard working day, when Amy called me back. I looked at my watch as I took the call, and saw it was nearly 7pm.

“Hey hun,” Amy said, “Not too late for a call, is it?”

“No, not at all. So, where were we earlier? Everything okay there?” I asked

“Oh, don’t John; the joys of working at home and home schooling. From the racket my two were making in the other room, I thought the house was on fire. Sorry about that!” Amy apologised.

“Don’t be silly! We’re all making the best of these circumstances; no need to apologise.”

“Thanks John, that’s kind of you to say, “Amy offered, “So then, where have you been hiding her? What’s her name? We all loved her.”

“Ha! Nowhere, I promise. I’d have tried to use her a long time ago, if I’d have known she was going to be so good. And it’s Lucy. Lucy Davies. She’ll be thrilled to hear the feedback.”

“And John, care to explain to me how you got the indoor shots? You’re not breaking lockdown rules, are you?” Amy asked, with a sense of playfulness in her voice.

I was slightly panicked, “No, not at all. Of course not, it’s just,” I paused.

“It’s just that, what? Lucy is your girlfriend, isn’t she?” Amy asked.

“No, it’s not that,” I objected, “I’ll be straight with you. Lucy is my housemate. We’re not, you know, like that, though,” I explained.

“Oh,” Amy replied with a bit of disappointment, “I kind of hoped there was something juicier than that,” we both laughed.

“Sorry to disappoint you!” I said with a laugh.

“Oh well, you never know, you might get lucky one day. Anyway, do you know if Lucy would be up for another job, or was this a onetime thing for her?”

“I don’t know, Amy. I’d have to ask.”

The call ended, and I got back to my work. About an hour later, I received a text message from Georgie, my contact at my largest client, Pretty Little Thing.

“Hi. Is it your work I’m seeing with blondie on the Shein IG? Looks like your quality of work, but a new face. We’d be interested in working with you and her. I’ll email you some deets. X”


Once again I logged off at around 10pm, and joined Luke in the lounge. “You know how I said that the clients loved the photos? Well, so did my other client.”

“Yeah?” Luke replied, without taking his eyes off whatever crap he was watching on TV.

“Yeah. They were wondering whether she was available for an assignment. It’s quite unusual that a specific model is asked for. I guess it’s quite a compliment,” I went on.

Luke turned to look across at me, “Quite the compliment that I’m this hot gym bunny, is it? You know I’ve seen some of the comments on those adverts,” he said, with a cheeky smile.

“I’ve apologised for that; and those comments were very complimentary too. You up for another couple of hours work?” I asked.

Luke became much more animated, “Complimentary? I thought they should have been deleted! I never wanted to know what those sad horny guys wanted to do, let alone to me!”

He’d obviously looked at the comments section before the administrators had been able to delete some of the more inappropriate comments. It was a rather sad reality that almost about half of the engaged followers of most of my client’s pages were men, only interested in seeing the models, rather than the clothes.

Luke went on, “Look, I’m not sure. It’s not that I don’t want to help. It’s just that I’m worried who sees the photos. I know we don’t have that many shared friends, and that my friends won’t be looking out for me doing this, but it’s quite a big risk.”

I smiled and nodded, “I understand. Not sure I’d want people seeing me dressed up like a hot,” I caught myself a split second too late, “Sorry. You know what I mean.”

We both laughed.

I was starting to follow what I think was going on with the TV show that Luke was well into. From what I could tell it was a spin off from Star Wars, or Star Trek. I don’t know; they all seemed the same to me. There must have been a back story that I wasn’t getting, but by the time I was half way through the second episode I had twigged who we were meant to be rooting for.

“Is it more of the same? You know, like gym wear?” Luke asked, breaking a long silence.

I turned to look at him sat on the sofa, “Erm, I don’t know. I didn’t get that far. It’s casual wear. Two ranges. Only four outfits in total,” I read from the email that I had been sent. “Same as last time; just in and around the house. That should be about an hour.”

“What’s casual wear? Like jeans and tops?” he asked.

I blew my cheeks out, “It’s anything between loungewear and going out outfits. I mean, you’d not wear it around the house, but probably wouldn’t wear it if you were going out-out. You interested?”

“Maybe,” Luke nodded. “I do want to help. It wouldn’t be dresses and high heels though, would it?”

“Erm. Maybe, yeah. It’s just photos. You don’t need to walk anywhere in them,” I tried to reassure.

Luke nodded, albeit with a slight frown now appearing, “Yeah, I know. It’s just, well, there’s something so much more feminine about dresses and high heels. Not sure I want to be prancing about in that kind of stuff.”

“Don’t prance then. It’s just an outfit for a modelling gig. It doesn’t mean anything. Does it?” I asked, actually wondering if there was something a bit more going on here. I wasn’t sure I followed Luke’s reluctance about wearing dresses and high heels, after the sexy, skin tight gym wear he had already worn.

“Okay. I’m in,” Luke announced.

“That’s great!” I announced, “They’re sending the product sample in the next couple of days; shall we do it as soon as they arrive?” I asked, wanting to give Luke as little time as possible, to change his mind.

“Yeah, fine with me. Just one thing,” Luke paused, “Last time you said you saved lots of editing time because I’d done a decent enough job with the makeup and given myself boobs?”

“Yeah, you did. And?” I replied, still unsure as to how Luke had done as good a job as he had done.

“Well, I only got the boobs by filing the bras that were built into the gym tops. I’m guessing that whatever they send this time won’t be like that. Should I wear one of those tops like a bra?” he asked.

I know that I had asked my housemate to dress up in women’s clothes. Twice. I know that I’d been amazed just how brilliant a job he had done; and that my clients and their followers had agreed. But, I still felt like I needed to pinch myself when he asked me how he should get boobs.

“That’s an idea, yeah. It would be trickier to edit these kinds of clothes to add tits. You could also have a look what’s in the garage. I’ve got a list of which suppliers sent what package, and what kind of stuff should be in there,” I suggested.

Luke picked up his phone to look at the information I’d just sent him. “Cheers mate; I’ll have a look tomorrow.”


“John! You’ve just had a delivery,” Luke called up the stairs from the hallway.

“Cheers mate, I’ll be down in a minute.”

Luke was still stood in the hallway, holding a large brown box. “John Tay Limited, for the attention of Lucy?” read Luke from the top of the parcel “Who is Lucy?”

“Ah,” I said, “That’s you,” before rushing to explain what was going on. “It’s just because they asked for you specifically, they asked who you were. They also put the models name under the ads; you know ‘Lucy is wearing blah blah.’ It’s nothing to worry about. It’s me that’s pays you; you won’t get cheques made out to Lucy Davies.”

Luckily Luke didn’t think anything weird was going on, “Okay. We doing this then?”

I was surprised just how keen Luke was. “Yeah, I’m nearly ready to go. Just a few emails I need to send. How long do you need to get ready?” I found myself looking forward to seeing Lucy again, so let him carry the parcel upstairs to get ready.

“Looking good,” I said to Lucy, as she stood in the doorway to my bedroom in a figure hugging sweatshirt and joggers, “Shall we get started?”

This time, I wasn’t planning on running Lucy through the photos at the end of the day. I thought she might want to see some as we went, so I found myself occasionally stopping, so she could follow what progress we were making.

“Here, hold this,” I said to Lucy, passing her an empty used coffee cup.

“What’s this for?” she asked, looking confused.

“It’s just to make it look like you’re out and about. You know? Maybe you’ve been at home, or some local shopping, you’ve got your loungewear on, and are just popping out for a coffee, before picking your boyfriend up from football practice, or something?” I suggested.

“Whoa! Easy Tiger! I’m not a method actor, I don’t need to know my motivation”, we both laughed.


“How about we shoot the next couple of outfits out front? Maybe with the front door in the background? Like, erm you’re heading out for a lunch date, or meeting some girlfriends?” I suggested.

“Er? Do we have to?” Lucy replied, clearly reluctant to head out of the house.

“Come on, it’ll be fine. I doubt there’s going to be anyone about; and even if there is, they’re just going to think it’s someone dropping by.”

“Hmm, okay. But if our neighbours think I’ve taken to cross-dressing, you can explain it to them!” Lucy laughed.

“Believe me, Lucy, I doubt they’d believe it was you,” I shot back, noticing that I wasn’t admonished for using Lucy for the first time.

“Hang on,” asked Lucy, as she reached the bottom of the stairs and looked in the hall mirror, after making the latest outfit change. “I don’t think my bra straps should be sticking out like this with this playsuit” she added, before slipping her arms out of the straps, and tucking them into her top.

“Wow. You look gorgeous,” I said, as Lucy entered the lounge. Lucy looked down towards her high heeled sandals, and pretended to smooth out the front of her outlet, clearly embarrassed by the compliment. “You okay to make it outside in those heeled sandals?”

“Yeah. I made it down the stairs okay,” she fed back, as I guided her out of the front door, with my hand gently resting in the small of her back.

“Oh, I nearly forgot. I got this for you,” as I held up a small pendant. “It’s just one thing that I’d not need to edit in later, if you put it on now. Can I?”

Lucy smiled and nodded, before turning away from me, and moving her hair from her back. As I put the necklace around her neck, my fingers brushed against the top of Lucy’s back, as I struggled to close the small clasp. Her skin was so soft, that my fingers almost flinched with the light contact. It had been a while, but I couldn’t remember girls having softer skin. I had the strangest feelings going on.


I already had a favourite pose to shoot Lucy in. I loved the shots where she was playing with her hair, and looking away, over my left shoulder. I found myself just looking at her and smiling.

“Just one more to go, Lucy,” I said, as we made our way back into the house.

“Well, there are two more packages. It was meant to be four outfits, wasn’t it?” Lucy asked.

I was confused for a moment, “Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot to mention. The first outfit, the sweatshirt was added in last minute. They were let down by a model they work with directly. They also said they’ve thrown something in for you. It’s from a new secret range. I don’t even know what it is yet.” I explained, “It’s a gift.”

I looked up to see Lucy coming back into the kitchen, “What are you smiling at?” I asked, smiling back.

“Nothing. Do you like my dress? I think it’s cute,” Lucy asked, with a spin to show off the dress.

“Glad you’re enjoying yourself,” I replied, “Maybe as much as I am,” I added, under my voice.


“Great stuff! We’re done,” I announced, “Thanks Lucy, you’re easily my favourite model”

Lucy giggled, “And you’re my favourite photographer! Do you want to see that other thing they sent; the one supposedly for me?”

“Oh, yes, please. I’d forgotten about that. If it’s so secret, it might be a new area for them; I might need to think how I can make sure they give the shoot to me, and who would be the best model,” I said

“Hey, mister! I thought I’m your best girl?” Lucy pouted

“Yes, sorry babe. You’re my number one,” I recovered, adding a wink.

I started uploading some of the photos that I had taken so far, and put the kettle on for a break.

“I’ve made you a cup of tea; don’t let it go cold,” I called through the house.

“Well, what do you think?” Lucy asked, as I looked up from the laptop screen.

“Wow! You look great. Very sexy,” forgetting if it made Lucy feel awkward, but not really caring about my own potential embarrassment. She looked incredible in the short silken nightie that she was wearing.

“I think that’s just your cabin fever speaking; too long without female company,” she said, walking towards the table to pick up her coffee, and tapping my nose gently with her finger to reinforce her point. “It’s really soft though, I think it’s real silk. Here, look.”


Lucy was stood over me, as I sat at the kitchen table. Looking up at her to make sure I had understood what she meant. She just tilted her head and smiled down at me. She then bent down, and took my hand and placed it on her hip; my hand staying there after she had removed hers.

“Yeah, really nice,” I said, as I became excited at the caressing of my housemates hip and upper thigh, through the silk dress. “You want to see some of these photos?”

“Sure,” she said, as she sat alongside me on the kitchen bench seat, her half covered thigh up against mine.

As soon as I had gone through the photos, I had to excuse myself, “I’ll be busy for a bit; I’ve got a conference call with one of the clients.”

“Oh? I thought you had freed up the afternoon for the shoot?” she asked, as she stayed at the kitchen table, drinking her coffee.

I looked back at Lucy sitting there in the night dress, “I’ll see you in a bit,” as I hurried off.


“I thought you’d want to know. My client loved the photos. They expect to feature all of the outfits in their campaign next week.”

“That’s great. Do you get any more cash when they use them? Luke asked.

“Nah, it doesn’t work like that. I have to provide a number of photos against a brief. If I hit their brief, they use them. If I miss the brief, they can complain. They’re happy, so nothing to worry about,” I explained, “Thanks again for all your help. I know I was maybe spreading myself a bit thin with all the new clients, but I don’t think I’d be so on top of things, if it weren’t for you. You’d been a lifesaver”

“That’s okay. I’m happy to help,” Luke smiled.

I smiled back. “They both want to work with Lucy again, you know. Would you be up for that?” I asked, hopefully. I think I was developing a bit of a crush on Lucy.

“Yeah, of course. I mean, it’s not so bad. At the end of the day, it’s a shave, and a couple of hours of my time. Oh, and a free nightie thrown in,” he joked.

“Ha, yeah,” I couldn’t help but think how it felt to touch Lucy in that nightie, “Well, one of my clients is thinking about trying to push some evening wear; going out clothes.”

“Why would they do that? People can’t go out anywhere?” Luke was clearly a bit confused

I kind of agreed with Luke’s point. “They explained they think there will be loads of pent up demand to get dolled up, and go out-out, as soon as we can. They want their products to be the ones women are looking forward to wearing. Buy them now, and then buy them again whenever lockdown ends, when they find they’ve put on weight!”

“So, what does your other client want you to promote?” Luke asked

“Well, it’s really Lucy’s help that they want. I don’t, however, think you’ll be up for it. So, it’s not a problem if you’re not. No pressure, whatsoever. It’s not a product range that’s detailed in my contract with them, so it would be incremental business,” I explained, not wanting to force Lucy into doing something she wasn’t comfortable with.

“Go on,” Luke encouraged.

“Well, it’s the folks that sent the nightie. They’re launching an underwear and nightwear range.”

“I’d be okay with that,” Luke shot back, without a moment’s hesitation.

“Really? Bras, panties, and well, I’ve seen the stock photos, it’s pretty sexy lingerie,” I checked.

“Yeah. Happy to give it a try,” Luke replied

“You’re a star!” and I could hardly wait to see Lucy in some of the things they’d be sending over. I had never thought of any of my models in anything other than a professional sense, and I was a bit confused as to why my housemate was having this effect on me.


“Here you go,” I said to Luke, handing over a parcel that I had just checked, after it had arrived earlier that morning.

“Okay, thanks,” replied Luke, “Which one is this? The evening wear or the lingerie?”

“This is the evening wear. It should be three dresses.”

“When are we doing these?” asked Luke, as he took out the dresses in their transparent plastic covers, and held them up against his body.

“Tonight? It might not be dark, but if we leave it a bit later, the lighting from outside will hopefully give a night-time vibe. I hate it when I see photos out of context.”

“Yeah, cool. I’ll be ready for what, about 9pm?” Luke suggested.

“Oh Lucy, you look absolutely stunning,” I said, not really caring how that would be taken; it was the truth. “Have you done something different with your make up?”

Lucy smiled, “Yeah. I thought that as it was evening wear, it should be a bit heavier. I’ve copied a YouTube tutorial from Pixiwoo; I think they’re my favourite so far. They titled the video ‘date night look.’”

“Well, I think any guy would be pretty happy if his date looked like that. Let’s get going. It’s been a while since I’ve shot evening wear, and it can be a bit trickier in the house.”


“Sorry Lucy, but I need to reformat this memory card; it’s getting full with just one photo.” That was little white lie number eight, I think. “I need to go and download the photos. I’ll be about five minutes. Okay?”

“Yeah, fine. Let me know if I can help,” Lucy added with a smile.

Did Lucy know what was going on? I needed to release myself, or I was going to mess my pants. I don’t think either our friendship or new business relationship would have been able to recover from that. I had been hard since seeing Lucy in the first black dress; she looked stunningly beautiful and so sexy. The more she posed and smiled, the more uncomfortable I had become. When she came down in the polka dot dress, my mind was filled with thoughts of how feminine and pretty she looked, how soft and gentle she would have felt to touch. Dirty as it made me feel, it was the right thing to do. By the time Lucy was in the red dress, coquettishly looking over her shoulder at me, wiggling her backside, I was hard all over again.

“I’m knackered!” Lucy moaned, “I never could have guessed that getting dressed and posing for photos could be so tiring.”

“Sorry, Lucy. You were great; it was my entire fault. Really happy with what I’ve got though. Thanks.”

“Well, show how sorry you are, and get me a drink. I’ll be in the lounge,” she said, before strutting off in her red high heels into the other room

“You not getting changed, first?” I called after her.

“Can’t be arsed,” she shouted back, “I’d fall asleep if I went upstairs. Unless it makes you uncomfortable?” I ignored her question.

“Here you go,” I said, as I passed her a glass of white wine.

“Cheers babe, you’re a lifesaver,” she said with a smile, beckoning me to take a seat next to her on the sofa.

“Ha! Babe?” I laughed

“Yes, babe?” she teased back with a killer smile.

“That was my favourite one, I think. The red really suits you. You looked amazing in all of them, though,” I said

“Thanks. I think it’s my favourite too. With all three having their own shoes and handbags, I am building quite the collection,” Lucy stated

“You’re keeping them?” I asked, intrigued where this was going.

“Well, if I’m to believe all the compliments you keep giving me, I’d be silly to throw them away,” she advised, briefly placing her hand on my thigh.


“Morning,” I called from my desk, as Luke passed the doorway to my bedroom.

“Hey, good morning!” he replied cheerily.

“You’re in a good mood. Still up for the shoot this afternoon, now you’ve seen the product?” I asked.


“You ever just wake up in a good mood, for no reason? And yeah, I’ve checked out all the stuff we need to get through. There are quite a few sets that we need to shoot,” he replied.

“Sorry about that. They are paying for a full day’s shoot. The deadline also isn’t for a few days though; so no worries if we don’t get it all covered today. Nothing too skimpy that we’re going to struggle with, and need a bit more Photoshop?” I asked.

“I don’t think so. I’ve tried it all on, and I think I have a few tricks,” he replied with a wink, as I headed downstairs.

“So, where do you want me?” Lucy asked, stood in my doorway.


“Holy shit! How on earth are you doing that?” she looked absolutely incredible.

Lucy shook my head, “You don’t want to know! Like what you see though? Think I’ll do?”

“Lucy, I don’t want to make things awkward, but you look stunning. So incredibly sexy. I can hardly believe it. My clients are going to love the shots we’re about to take,” I said

“That’s just the lingerie and that cabin fever again, “Lucy said, stepping into my room, and gently touching my chest, “I’ll see you downstairs,” before turning and wiggling her pantied backside out of my room. It was going to be another uncomfortable day.

“Are they all like that?” I asked, as we finished shooting the first set of lingerie.

“You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” she replied, before adding, “I think the next set is cute, but it’s not as in your face sexy as this one.”


“I think you were wrong, Lucy.”

“Oh yeah?” she replied with a frown.

“Yeah. This set is just as sexy as the last one,” I said, “And you’re just as sexy in it. You’re amazing me.”

“Ha!” Lucy laughed, “Well, how about getting your sexy girl a cup of coffee, whilst I get changed,” as she raised her now empty cup up for me to take.


“Well, that’s some fluffy slippers for the collection!” she joked, as she got up off the lounge floor.

“Yeah, and a lot more,” I suggested, “We going to be seeing these items making an appearance around the house, now? Or you just building your own stock pile?”

“You want to see more of Lucy, do you?” she asked, as she leant against the door frame on her way out.

“I wasn’t saying that, I mean, it’s up to you. I’m cool,”

“Oh, well, if you don’t want me to. I wouldn’t want to force you to see me, in these things,” she replied, with an exaggerated sad face. “I think there’s just one more set. Where do you want me?”

“Is it one of the sexier ones?” I asked, in eager anticipation.

“Yes. It’s my favourite set,” she replied.

“On the bed. Your place or mine?” I asked with a smile, before we agreed to use my room again.

“It’s a long time since I’ve had a beautiful woman in my bedroom,” I said, as Lucy climbed back onto my bed.

“Oh, don’t be silly. Get a move on, it’s freezing in here. Thanks for leaving the window open!”

“Well, I can warm you up, whenever you want,” I joked

“Ha. Ha. Come on, let’s get this done. I need the loo.”

“Yes, you’re right. Probably a good idea. I can’t go on much longer like this,” I suggested

“How do you mean?” Lucy asked, with a raise of her eyebrows.

I took a deep breath, “Erm,” I paused, “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I’ve got some serious blue balls going on here. Sorry.”

Lucy looked down at my crotch, “Well, you can tell your client that the lingerie has the desired effect!” she joked, “And if you think you’ve been doing a job of hiding that lump in your trousers, you’re kidding yourself,” she added with a wink.


“Well? What do you expect? It’s not everyday you realise you’re living with a bona fide lingerie model,” I suggested.

“Aww, you’re too sweet,” said Lucy, standing to lean into my body, and giving me a kiss on the cheek, before leaving to get changed.

“She must have known that she was rubbing up against my dick?” I thought to myself. “No,” I convinved myself, “She was just trying to tease me.”


“Do you think Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk take breaks in the middle of the afternoon, mister?” Lucy asked as I walked from the kitchen, out onto the garden patio, where she was sat with a drink.

“Sorry, Lucy. This particular tycoon needs a drink, and five minutes,” I replied.

“Sorry, just teasing. I think you need more breaks. You’re working far too hard” she smiled.

“So, what’s this? You been raiding the garage stock room again?” I asked, gesturing towards what Lucy was wearing.


“Yeah. You don’t mind, do you? Just playing a bit of dress up. You know, to break the boredom,” she suggested.

How could I mind? I wanted to stare into her eyes for the rest of the afternoon. If I didn’t know otherwise, I’d have sworn that she was giving me the come to bed eyes. “No, of course not. You help yourself. Consider it all yours,” I smiled.

“Thanks. There’s some really nice stuff in there. I’m looking forward to trying it on.”

“Maybe you can show me, sometime?” I offered.

“You sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” she suggested.

“Not at all. It’s lovely having a bit of feminine company around here; the fact you’re not half bad to look at, is just a bonus,” I smiled.

“Aww, you are sweetie, aren’t you,” said Lucy, getting up, and running her fingers across the top of my shoulders as she walked back towards the house, “Let me get you a drink,” as she went back into the kitchen.

“So,” she started when she returned with my drink, “When’s the next shoot? Or am I surplus to requirements now?”

“Not a chance. You’re my number one girl, remember?” I smiled, with Lucy flashing me her amazing smile back, “I think something is going to be confirmed tomorrow. It’s more evening wear. I’m not sure it’s for you; or for me at all.”

“Oh yeah? Why so?” Lucy asked with a frown, leaning forward in the seat shed just retaken.

“Well, the client wants some outdoor photos. They’re worried that all the shots online are starting to look quite similar. I’ve had no joy to date in arguing with the authorities that I am travelling around on business, so that restricts me to models that I can meet during the one trip out of the house that we’re allowed for exercise,” I replied with a resigned shrug.

“Yeah, and? What’s wrong with me?” Lucy asked.

“You’d be willing to do this outdoors. In public?” I asked.

“What? You ashamed to be seen with me?” Lucy teased, “And anyway, didn’t you tell me that the adverts my photos are used for are seen by hundreds of thousands of people online? I practically am doing this in public,” she rationalised.

“Sorry, I’d love you to do it,” I beamed, perhaps too enthusiastically, “Brilliant! So, how would we do it? We’re allowed out of the house once a day, and we have three maybe four outfits to shoot.”

Lucy thought for a moment, “Well, depends on the outfits, the locations and how long you have. If we’re walking there, it won’t be far. Assuming the outfits are similar dresses to last time, I don’t want to be changing behind trees. If the timeline allows, how about three or four walks, over a few days. No need to change en route, then. It will be good to get you some fresh air, too. I worry how long you work each day.”

“Ha! Don’t worry about me. I’d be much worse off, if it weren’t for you,” I suggested, “And yeah, that sounds a good idea. If I get them to send out the products now, I can free up some more time. How about you start thinking of some possible locations? Bars that we can make it look like we’re visiting might be a good start.”

“I’m on it!” she smiled.


We walked for about 20 minutes to get to the first location Lucy had found. She had been scouting for possible places on her daily walks around the neighbourhood. It’s not that we didn’t know our local area well, we did; especially the bars. We just weren’t sure what the status was of all the places we knew from about six-months ago. During the lockdown, were these venues being maintained, or perhaps they may have shutdown already.

Once there, I gave Lucy her heels that I’d been carrying in my rucksack, and she gave me the trainers that she had been walking in. I’d carried my camera kit already set-up, rather than wanting to linger any longer than we needed.

“Will this do?” Lucy asked, as she started to pose for shots.


“Yes. Perfect. You just do your thing, and I’ll snap away,” I suggested, as Lucy got into her usual routine of poses.

“You look incredible, Lucy. You have such a great figure, and cracking legs; that smile is so beautiful” I encouraged, as I continued to shoot. “Okay, I think we have enough. Good job.”

Lucy started to slowly walk back in the direction that we had come from just a few minutes ago.

“Aren’t you going to change back into your trainers?” I asked, taking the rucksack they were contained within off my back.

Lucy walked back towards me, “No, I’m okay. I’ll just hold your arm, to keep me safe”, as she looped her arm under mine with a smile, before we started walking towards our home.

It was a similar routine for the next few days. It was great being out of the house, and also with Lucy. Her smile made me feel so good; I couldn’t help but smile back at her, whenever she smiled towards me off camera. She had taken to wearing heels on our walks, rather than changing from trainers. I thought that must have been a little bit uncomfortable; but she was okay as long as she was holding my hand to steady her, on the walk to our location and back.


Lucy had shared a great idea for the location that the last outfit was going to be shot in. Rather than just standing outside closed bars and restaurants, she’d thought about taking some props into a beer garden area. It definitely made a more realistic shot; although we were just waiting for someone to come and tell us to ‘bugger off’, so we were in and out pretty quickly.

“That’s such a pretty photo. You look so beautiful, so happy. I think we should keep that one for ourselves,” I suggested with a smile.

“Yeah, it’s nice. If I had any social media as Lucy, that would make a great profile picture.”

“Yeah, beautiful,” I emphasised.

“Not so bad yourself,” smiled Lucy, as she took a hold of my hand for our walk home.



“So, what exactly does this mean?” I asked Luke, as I entered the lounge, catching the last few minutes of the latest government announcement.

“Well, it’s complicated. Basically, hospitality can open with restrictions. And we’re not limited to only leaving the house once a day,” Luke explained, after following the briefing from start to end.

“I often don’t leave the house at all,” I joked, “So what about pubs, and bars and restaurants? What are these restrictions? It seems to vary around the country, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right. For us, it’s seated only; so no ordering or drinking at the bar. Venues have to close by 10pm. Masks must be worn when not sat at a table. And it’s a maximum of six, with no mixing of households. So, you’re basically still stuck with me!” Luke headlined.

I smiled to myself, thinking that things could be a lot worse. “Fancy going to the pub then? When they open?”

“Yeah, sure,” Luke smiled back.

“So, is this the end of you needing me?” Luke asked, taking a sip of his first drink in a pub for many months. “Things should start to get back to how things were before now.”

I paused, to make sure I knew what I was saying, “Maybe I don’t want things to get back to being how they were before? As I’ve told you, you’re my number one girl. Not only do I need you, I’d miss you too much. I have kind of got used to Lucy being around.”

Luke swallowed hard, “Ha! Let’s see if you’re still saying that when the girls are back out and about in their skimpy little outfits, and you feel like you’ve got six months to be catching up on!” he laughed.

I shook my head with a cheeky smile, “How about we see if I am still saying that when you’re out in your skimpy little outfits. Can I take Lucy out for a drink tomorrow? As a thank you.” I don’t know why I added the last part. It wasn’t that I didn’t have a lot to be grateful for, but I wanted to be with Lucy out of choice; not because I thought owed it.

“Ha! There’s no need for that. But yeah, sure. Why not.”


We walked to the bar hand in hand, our fingers intertwined. Lucy tottering along beside me, her black high heel pumps clicking along the pavement. I led her into the bar, before we were both then guided to our pre-booked table outside. It was a sunny, warm evening, and we didn’t want to be cooped up indoors.

“Is this okay for you?” I asked, as I pulled out Lucy’s chair for her.

“Yeah, it’s lovely,” she half giggled, as she lowered herself into the chair, taking her handbag off her shoulder, and placing it on the table. “I’ve never had anyone pull my chair out for me.”

Time was flying. We had not stopped smiling and laughing since we had arrived; with the table service bringing us our drinks, we’d not spotted we’d already been there for over an hour.

“I know I’m sounding like a broken record, but you look so pretty. I don’t remember that outfit though. Is it from the stash in the garage?” I asked, once we’d both composed ourselves from the last laughing fit.


“No. I got it from town this morning. You like it?” she asked.

“Yeah, it looks great. You look gorgeous in everything though. You buying more clothes then?”

“Well, I can’t be relying on whatever briefs land on your desk. I could have a wardrobe of just sexy little dresses, bras and panties,” Lucy laughed.

“And I’d not be complaining,” winked John.

“John?” Lucy paused, “Is this like, a date? I mean, it feels like a date.”

“Yes, I was kind of hoping so,” I replied with a smile, “I guess I was just too big a coward to ask you out properly.”

“Well, that’s good. I can now look forward to my goodnight kiss, and you asking if you can take me out again,” Lucy stated with a wink, as she took a sip of her drink through the straw, not losing eye contact the entire time.

“Yes, you definitely can!” I laughed.

“So, why didn’t you ask me out properly then?” she asked as she put her drink down, clearly not going to let me off that easily.

“Well, I didn’t know if you’d have said yes. I didn’t want to screw anything up. It could have got pretty awkward.”

Lucy shook her head, “What more should I have done? I’ve been flirting with you like crazy for weeks. I mean, during the lingerie shoot, would it have taken me dropping to my knees and unzipping your flies, to give you a clearer signal? I rubbed up against your hard on, for Christ’s sake!”

I spat my beer onto the table, before us both bursting out laughing.

“Sorry babe, guess I’m just a bit slow,” as I wiped up the split beer with a paper napkin.

We only had the table booked for two hours, and all too soon, I was leading Lucy back out of the bar.

“I know it’s not goodnight just yet, but,” as I stopped outside the bar, and took Lucy in my arms. I bent down and kissed her gently, as she wrapped her hands around my neck, before teasing her hands through the hair at the back of my head. My hands slipped from her waist, to massage her backside through the skin tight trousers that she was wearing, pulling her into me.

“Oh, there he is again,” she teased, releasing her arms from around my neck and reaching to massage my erect cock through my jeans, “You could take someone’s eye out with that. Most likely mine!” she winked, before taking my hand, and leading us home.

Once back inside our house, I was led into the lounge, and was pushed down onto the sofa. Lucy lowered herself down onto me, her knees straddling my legs, as our crotches rubbed together, me pulling Lucy into my body, by cupping her arse. We made out for what felt like hours; our tongues aggressively exploring each other’s mouths. After not having any intimate contact for over six-months, to have her hands exploring my body, squeezing and stroking me, and her mouth kissing, nibbling, and sucking at me felt absolutely incredible. I wanted her so badly.

“So, what was that you were saying earlier about dropping to your knees?” I whispered.

“What kind of girl do you take me for?” Lucy teased, “Not on a first date.”

“So? Let me take you out for dinner? Tomorrow?” I asked.

“I can hardly wait,” she replied with a smile. “In the meantime, you’ll just have to use photos of me to wank yourself off again,” she winked, before landing a tender kiss on my lips, and heading off to bed.

“How did she know?” I thought to myself with a smile, not really caring.


“You look incredible, Lucy. I’ve never seen you look more beautiful,” I told her, as I took both her hands and kissed her cheek. “Come on babe, our Uber is already here, as I kept a hold of one of her hands, and led her from the kitchen and out of the front door.


“That was amazing! You looked like you enjoyed yours too,” said Lucy, just after the waitress took away the plates after we had finished our starters.

“Yes, it was great,” I confirmed, before deciding to up the conversation a little.

“So, Lucy, have you got your head around what’s going on? I mean, is this just playing around with dressing up, or do you think you’re, what, transgender?”

“Wow, you’re not messing around, are you?” Lucy laughed. “However, I honestly don’t know. I think there’s something going on here though; this is more than dressing up to avoid the boredom. That was genuinely how it started; I didn’t want to be all girly then. I really don’t know; I’m not sure I’ve got the words to describe it. Maybe I’m, what do they call it, gender fluid. I’m really enjoying looking like this, behaving like this, I’m enjoying being treated like a girl, enjoying being with you now, and I have,“ Lucy stopped herself.

“Go on,” I encouraged, “You can tell me.”

“Okay,” Lucy paused, “I have what has become a bit of an obsession with sucking your cock. It’s all I’ve been thinking about, when I’ve been playing with myself.”

I was lucky that I hadn’t taken a sip of my beer, or it would have been deposited on the table again.

“That’s really strange,” I replied, “Because I’ve developed a bit of an obsession with you sucking me off, too!” we both laughed.

“Well, I hope to be able to help you out with that later,” Lucy winked, before taking a sip of wine.

I think we were quite pleased that the main courses came out quite quickly, and before we knew it, I was paying the bill, and wrapping an arm around Lucy’s waist to lead her out of the restaurant. She gave me a quick kiss, and thanked me for dinner, before we got into the Uber that we had booked. Having to wear face masks in the taxi meant that is was a pretty reserved drive home.

I followed Lucy into the house, and through into the kitchen, where we kissed passionately; me pushing her up against the worktop, our bodies writhing together, and my hands exploring her slender body. Lucy broke off the kiss, and asked me to follow her upstairs in five minutes. Entering her bedroom, she had clearly spent the day tidying it up. It looked, felt and smelled like a more feminine space. There were candles lit, illuminating Lucy lying on the bed in some of her sexy lingerie.


“Come here,” she said, raising herself to her knees, taking my hands and guiding me onto the bed, where she started to undress me. We passionately kissed as she removed my clothes, until I was fully naked. Lucy’s slender body, in her skimpy lingerie was irresistible, and I could stop touching and squeezing her. She wriggled down my body, kissing it as she went, until her head was in my crotch.

She tipped her head back, to make eye contact with me; I just smiled back in anticipation. She gave a cheeky wink, and slowly licked her lips. Breaking eye contact to lean into my crotch, she grabbed hold of my hips.

My cock was upright in front of her, and she started licking my shaft slowly, from bottom to top. Tickling my balls with her tongue when she got to the bottom, and encircling it around the tip. She was clearly taking the sounds I was making as a sign that I was enjoying what she was doing.

From her tongue running circles around its tip, she widened her mouth to accept my cock, as her saliva ran down the length of my shaft. Her lips went further down my cock, until she couldn’t fit any more in her mouth. She slowly sucked on me, as I groaned, using this as a sign to go a bit faster, swallowing as much cock as she could, and trying to french kiss it. I lowered both of my hands to hold the side of her head. She raised one of her arms to rest on my bare stomach, the other on my hip, before slowing once again and rhythmically bobbing up and down, slobbering over my cock. “I’m going to cum” I said breathlessly, before my cock started to spasm. She eased off, and played with the tip of my cock with her tongue, her lips still around his cock as I exploded into her mouth. Instinctively, she swallowed the thick, warm load that I had just deposited, before she licked my cock clean, maintaining eye contact as she went.

“Lucy, that was incredible. That’s the best blowjob I’ve ever had!” I said, as Lucy made her way back up to the pillow.

“It was pretty good for me, too,” she replied, before kissing my forehead and darting out of the bedroom, returning a minute later having brushed her teeth and changed into the silk nightie, “You can allow yourself a proper feel, this time,” as she lay on top of me, and kissed me.


I was awake, as usual, in the early hours. Lucy was still fast asleep, and still looking absolutely gorgeous. I lightly kissed her forehead a good morning, and headed to my own bedroom to start work.

“Where did you go?” asked Lucy, as she entered my room a couple of hours later. “I woke up, and my man wasn’t there,” as she lowered herself onto my lap, where I sat at my desk; her kissing me and my cock immediately springing up to poke into her bum.

“John, you’re insatiable!” she teased as she slid off my lap, and onto her knees.

We next saw each other at breakfast. I didn’t usually eat breakfast, but I was a couple of days ahead of where my schedule needed to be, and I wanted to see Lucy. She was casually dressed, but made up to look as beautiful as ever.

“So, are you a girl full time now then? I asked

“Yes, I have decided to, for now,” she nodded, “I want to be your girl, not your pretty little boyfriend. I mean, if you’d have me as your girlfriend?”

“Are you joking?” I asked, as I paused from making myself a coffee, “That’s all I want right now,” as I bent down to where Lucy was sat, and gave her a tender kiss. “I love you, Lucy”

Lucy smiled one of her beautiful smiles, “I love you, too. Wow,” Lucy said, “I have a boyfriend. What an interesting few weeks!” she winked up to me. “Do you want to keep this a secret from our friends, and our family?”

“I’m okay with whatever you are. I’m not ashamed to have a beautiful girlfriend that loves sucking my dick,” I laughed.

“Yeah, I’m going to suggest that’s not how you announce us to your Mum!” we both laughed. “About your dick, I don’t want you doing anything to mine. Or to even see it. Okay?”

“Erm, yeah, okay. Why?” I asked.

“I don’t really know. I’m still getting my head around a few things,” she said, “I’ll let a few folks know about what’s going on then, if that’s okay? I mean us, not my dick!” we both laughed, “I’ve not yet worked out what I’m doing with work, but whilst we’re on furlough, that’s not coming to a head.”

“Well, we’re in this together. Me and my girl. Let me know what you need from me,” I offered.

Lucy got up and started to head out of the kitchen, stopping to whisper into my ear, “Right, now I need you to figure out how your cock can explore my arse, without you seeing my dick,”

I was shocked, as Lucy started to back towards the door with a wicked look on her face, I started to slowly walk towards her, before she squealed and ran out of the kitchen and upstairs; me running after her, and into what I suppose had become our bedroom.


“So, that’s most of our close friends and family that know we’re a couple now?” I asked.

“Yeah, pretty much,” Lucy replied, “I think.”

“How did they react?” I wondered.

“I think everyone’s pretty cool with it. Hope we’re happy together, and all that,” Lucy fed back, “I think it’s the neighbours that are more confused than anyone else!”

“So, they know you’re living as a girl full time, too?” I asked, “I don’t mean our neighbours!”

“Well, yeah, wrapped it all up together. So, I guess only those stuck in the past think you’re gay!” she teased.

“I don’t care what people think; I just love you,” as I kissed Lucy. “Anyway, I need to get back to work, and you need to sort out those three parcels that arrived this morning. Two are for you to model, and the one needs to be sent out to Lucinda.”

Business had turned a corner. The easing of the lockdown restrictions, coupled with the couriers finally getting their act together, had removed much of the hassle that had been created previously. Lucy was modelling almost half of the briefs that came into me.

After repeated requests from some of my clients, she had set up an Instagram account, and her sharing of photos on there had already seen her attract almost twenty thousand followers in an incredibly short amount of time. This meant she was sometimes also paid to promote the clothes that she was wearing, and she had decided to legally change her name to avoid unnecessary questions around names on bank accounts.

Lucy being a man occasionally came up in her Instagram comments; we weren’t bothered by this. In fact, the people making these comments – clearly people we must have known from somewhere – were often ridiculed by other followers. Lucy never deleted anything, and didn’t respond to comments, either. I had been acting as a business manager for her, and then for several other of the models, fielding the emails that came in from brand owners.

Yes, business was going pretty well. I’d cut down the working day to a more manageable length; and was even taking regular breaks.


“What do you think?” asked Lucy, as she returned from a trip into town.

“Something’s different, isn’t it? Is it your lips?” I asked

“Yeah. Good boy for spotting it. I’ve had fillers put in. What do you think?”

“They look good. Do they hurt?” I asked

“No, they’re fine,” Lucy responded.

“Good,” as I took her in my arms, and gave her a long kiss. “So, considering any other changes?”

“Is this the boob job, again?” Lucy asked.

“What do you mean, again? I only mentioned it once; and that was to ask whether you were ever thinking about it. I’d not try and get you to anything. Especially about your own body.” I argued.

“I know, just teasing. Maybe. Maybe a possible Christmas present?” Lucy asked.

“I’m glad you said Christmas, and not your birthday; business isn’t doing that well. Not just yet.” I joked.


Lucy’s birthday was the following week. I had already sorted out her presents. A few bits, and one larger present. I think I’d picked up on the hints over the past couple of months. They hadn’t exactly been subtle.

“Oh, John! She’s beautiful! It is a she, isn’t it? It can be hard to sometimes tell,” she said, with a wink.


“Yes, she is. And don’t worry, she’s a rescue dog. I know how you feel about that.”

The rest of the day was spent with Lucy playing with her new friend, and posting pictures onto her Instagram. I wish I’d changed out of my gym kit, if I knew she was going to publish one of me.


Business continued to do well. Really well. I had about fifteen regular clients, and tens that would reach out to me regularly for little pieces of work. Lucy hadn’t gone back to work, and was working full time with me. A bit of modelling, but mostly as some kind of operations manager.

It became time for us to stop renting our house, and decided to get a house together. We’d gone fifty-fifty on the deposit, and had filled the mortgage paperwork in as ‘common law partners'. We were so excited when we got the keys to our first real house together.



I don’t know if Lucy will ever forgive me, for proposing to her whilst we were so badly dressed. It was probably the first time I’d done something in years, without bothering to think what the photos would look like; I just wanted Lucy to be my wife. We’d have a lifetime to make photos together.





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