Team Player - Chapter 13

“Mmm. That feels good.”

We continued for at least another hour, just like we had been before we went to sleep last night. Kissing, cuddling, holding and continuing to explore each other’s bodies.

James was tenderly stroking and teasing my body, his fingers gently brushing against me. “That’s so soft,” he murmured as he caressed the inside of my forearm. “God, that feels so good; you have an amazing arse,” as he clutched and squeezed one of my bum cheeks. “I had never noticed how beautiful and blue your eyes were, or thought how good it could be to kiss your full, plump lips.”

“Had you ever thought about kissing my lips, at all?” I paused. “Is this starting to feel weird, now? Or has that ship sailed?” I teased.

James paused his fondling off my body. “I don’t think it’s weird, at all, stated James, with no hesitation. “You’re beautiful, and I love it. I love you, Sam.” He gave me a quick kiss, me kissing back.

I smiled, partly to myself at the thought of a boy telling me that he loved me, and for what I was going to say back to him. “I love you, too. And I’m not saying I’m not happy, but...” I paused.

James raised one eye brow, “What is it they say about anything said before a ‘but’? Are you regretting something?”

I rushed to assure James. “No, no, not at all. It’s just, well, you know me; I’m just worrying about things, I guess. I really don’t want to be anywhere else right now though.” I snuggled up to James.

“Well, I think I know you better, than I ever did before. So, come on, what are you worrying about, Babe?” James asked.

“Well, not sure I’m worrying about that many things. Maybe I am. I don’t know.” I replied. “I think it’s more that I can’t reconcile how we got here. I mean, we’ve just had sex, and it was absolutely unbelievable. I just don’t understand these feelings. Stronger feelings than I’ve ever known, and I feel happier than I can remember.”

James smiled proudly. “Well? I think I’m ready to go again, if you are?”

I laughed, “Erm, not right now. I’m a little sore, to be honest.”

“Aww, sorry Babe. Come here.” said James, him now sitting up more in bed. I leant over and rested my head on his abdomen, my arm draped around his waist. Him putting one of his large arms around my body.

“I don’t understand how these feelings, and this behaviour, is all coming so naturally, James. I don’t get how this suddenly feels so right, when I’d think that even the thought of us holding hands a week ago would have made me feel a bit odd. And now,” I paused again.

“And now, what?” James asked

“And now, I am feeling your cock touch against my arm, and I’m wondering what it would feel like in my mouth.”

Without even looking up, I could hear James’s broad smile in the tone of his voice. “Well, Babe. I don’t like to think of you worrying. We can take care of that right now.”

I fake punched James, not engaging with his comment. “From your perspective, James, I’m here looking like a girl, right?”

James nodded. “Yeah, a beautiful girl. I don’t see how anyone could think you’re anything else.”

“And you’ve said that you’ve previously found some girls attractive, even though they were really men?” James shifted slightly in the bed. “But for me, from a complete standing start, I now look at you and think you’re so hot. I have no idea what switch got flicked. Is it what happens when you put on girls clothes? Or start being treated like a girl?”

James shook his head, “I don’t know, Sam. I’m just glad the button was pressed,” stroking my back, to reassure me.

“Right,” I said, “we need to think about getting up. It’s nearly ten.”

“Okay. Do you have any plans today? asked James, neither of us yet moving out of bed.

I thought for one moment. I had to sort out my wardrobe, do some school coursework, I also needed to think about doing some exercise, too. “No, why?”

“We could do something? I don’t know, we could take Dad’s car somewhere nice, get some lunch, and maybe do some shopping?”

I smiled. “Shopping? Oh, how we have changed!” I didn’t want to say goodbye to James yet. “Yeah, that sounds nice,” I nodded my agreement to James’s suggestion.

“How about you do what you need to get ready, I go home for a shower and a change, then come back here? Once you’ve convinced your Dad to let you keep his Range Rover for the day. Say, in about an hour?” James suggested.

“Perfect. Works for me. What’s this?” I paused as I stepped out of the bed, and onto something sticky. “Eww! James, it’s your condom. Or at least it was!”

“Sorry, Babe. Yeah, sorry. It tore,” said James, sheepishly.

“Hmm, I had thought as much. Maybe not so rough, next time?” I winked at James.

In my robe, and James back in his clothes from last night, I led him all the way to the front door, saying goodbye for now with a long kiss.

“Do we need to have a chat?” said my Mum, popping out of the lounge as soon as she heard the front door close.

“Erm, morning Mum! Yeah, I think we do.” I replied, somewhat embarrassed by her hearing me show James out.

“I’ll make you a coffee,” my Mum smiled, “looks like you didn’t get much sleep.”

“So, it would appear you had a good night?” my Mum went on, placing a coffee onto the table next to the end of the sofa I sat at, as she lowered herself into one of the lounges arm chairs.

I smiled, and enthusiastically launched into a somewhat redacted run-through of the nights highlights. How gentlemanly James had behaved and now sweet he had been, how nice the bar had been decorated, how entertaining the staff were, how nice the cocktails tasted, and how amazing it had felt when James had kissed me. I also proudly informed her that we were now officially an item.

“And is that what you’ve been doing since you got home, until just now?” she asked, pausing to look at her watch. “Kissing and agreeing to become a couple?”

I felt myself go red.

“By the colour of your cheeks, I guess not just that?” my Mum teased. “Look, Sam, I’m happy to hear anything you’re comfortable sharing with me. However, all that I need to know is whether you agreed to everything that happened, and...”

“Oh yes, I wanted it. I asked James to...” I interrupted my Mum, before realising I was probably starting to share something that I didn’t really want to.

My Mum half-laughed, “Well, at least it would appear that both my daughters know what they want! What I was going to go on to ask was how you’re feeling about things now? Any regrets? Anything you need to chat through?”

“Mum, I’m still a bit confused about things, to be honest.” I fed back

My Mum nodded, “Not sure if this is really what you want?”

I shook my head, “No, it’s not that. I feel so happy,” my Mum smiled widely. “It’s just I don’t understand where these feelings came from; and almost overnight, too.”

“Well,” my Mum replied, “that’s less important, isn’t it? I mean, and don’t get me wrong, you’ve had some quite surprising and significant developments recently, but perhaps it’s just a case of it is what it is?”

“Yeah, I get that. And I know Claire would tell me that being happy is much more importantly than worrying about why you’re happy, but...”

My pause triggered my Mum to lean forwards in her armchair and place her hand on top of mine, as it rested on the arm of the sofa. “Go on,” she encouraged.

“Well, if I can feel so differently about such huge things, so quickly, how do I know I won’t feel differently again next week? I mean, how do I know I haven’t got some sort of mental illness?” I finished

My Mum got up out of the armchair, and sat down next to me on the sofa. Putting her arm around me, “Right. There are two things there. If you think differently next week, you tell James ‘thanks’ and move on. Would that be awkward? Embarrassing? Maybe. Probably. Would that pass? Yes. Definitely.”

I nodded. “I don’t think I will feel differently, though. He told me that he loves me, and I told him I loved him too,” looking down into my lap. I suddenly remembered I’d not yet freshened up, and hoped my Mum wasn’t able to tell that.

“Just like your sister,” my Mum teased. “Falling in love after every first date!”

We both laughed. “It’s not like that,” I said.

“It never was with your sister, either,” my Mum continued her teasing. “And the second point, you’re not mentally ill, Sam. I applaud everything the schools are now doing to promote mental health; just like what we’ve been doing at work. And this isn’t me offering advice as a mental health first aider as we’re not trained like that, but, I don’t think you have that sort of mental health problems.”

“Those sort?” I frowned. “Do I have other sorts, then?”

“Well, Sam, I think your unnecessary worrying could be seen as a bit of an anxiety thing. But, if your Mum isn’t worrying about you, then trust me; I don’t think you need to worry. Basically, what would Claire say?” my Mum asked.

“Chill out!” I answered without hesitation.

My Mum shook her head, “That’s what she used to say. These days, it’d definitely be ‘chill out and stop stealing my clothes!’ And if your sister can happily bounce from one drama to another, resolving each crisis as calmly as the rest of us eat breakfast, I think we could all learn a bit from her!”

We both laughed again.

“I’m just glad you’re happy. Keep doing that and keep yourself safe, and we won’t have anything to worry about. Deal?” my Mum suggested

I nodded. “Yeah. Deal.”

“Oh,” my Mum added, “don’t think your sister will let you off this easy. She’ll want all the juicy details! Is there anything else you need to discuss now?”

I shook my head, “Not now, Mum. I would, however, like to discuss something with you later though. If you’re free?”

“I can be free whenever you need. I do have a call with the Asia-Pacific team based in Sydney at 10pm, but can move things around for you. I’d just need some notice,” my Mum offered.

“Oh, it’ll be before that. I’d do it now, but James is picking me up in a bit.”

My Mum smiled, “A second date? So soon? Should I start looking for a hat?”

We both laughed, before Mum gave me a hug.

“Oh, Sam? There was one more thing,” as Mum released me from her tight grip, “Is he a good kisser?”

After sharing an edited overview of just how magnificent James’s kisses had been, I headed off to clean myself up, and to get ready for him to pick me up. I had a quick shower, and brushed some dry shampoo through my hair. I’d have wanted to wash my hair, but didn’t have the time before James was due to pick me up.

“Beep! Beep!” went my phone, a few moments after leaving the en-suite.

“Dad’s okay with me having the car for the day. See you in a bit. XXX” read James’s message, followed immediately by another, “Love you, Babe! XXX”

I smiled at James’s messages, whilst deciding what clothes to wear. I think I was starting to get a bit quicker at choosing outfits, but it was a steep learning curve after previously being so used to just throwing on the nearest hoodie. Once that was sorted, I started to put on some makeup.

“Beep! Beep!”

“I’m never going to be ready by the time he arrives,” I thought to myself, thinking James had sent me another message. I was wrong, it was my sister.

“Sorry I missed your call last night. You looked stunning in the pic! So? How did it go? X” her message read.

“Amazing. Had a brilliant time! How was your night? X” I replied

“So, did your fishing for a kiss go better this time? Get a goodnight kiss? ;) X” teased Claire’s reply in reference to when she saw James drop me off at home on Wednesday, ignoring my question about her night out in Manchester.

“Yes :) A few goodnight, and a few good morning kisses. X” I sent back.

“Ring! Ring!” went my phone, “Ring! Ring!”

It had started ringing the moment Claire read my message. It didn’t stop, until I had to manually divert the call to voicemail, after at least a minute of it ringing.

“Beep! Beep!”

“Call me!!! X” messaged Claire.

“I can’t speak right now. I’m getting ready to go out. James is picking me up in a bit. X”

“Aargh! You can’t tease me like this! X” Claire’s reply read.

“I’ll call you later. I do need a chat. X”

“Okay. You had better, you tart! ;) X”

I heard James pull up on the road, at the end of our driveway. I thought I’d need to remember to tell him he can park on the drive, it was a large in-out shape, and he couldn’t block anyone in. Knowing my Mum was doing some work in her study, I rushed downstairs to answer the front door, before she was potentially distracted by James knocking on it.


“Bye Mum!” I called, when I was about half way down the stairs, not waiting to hear her response.

When I opened the front door, James was still a few steps away from the front door. I stepped outside and flung my arms around his neck, him grabbing my waist and lifting me up into a kiss.

“Well, I think that’s easily the best welcome I’ve ever had!” James beamed, putting me back down on the door step. “You must have missed me!” he teased.

“Well, I think I just about survived without you,” I teased back. “Let’s go,” as I shut the door behind me. “Oh, you didn’t want to use the loo, or anything, did you?”

“Ha! No, I’m alright, thanks,” said James. “You know, if you’re in a rush or don’t want me loitering outside your house, I could just sound the car horn at the end of the road, and you jump in when I pass your drive. I’d not even need to slow down, if we got our timing right!”

“Sorry. I’m just, well, I’m just excited. That’s not a bad thing, is it?” I asked.

“Well, as we seem as keen as each other, that’s just fine,” he smiled back, taking my hand and walking me up the driveway.

“I’ll get it,” I said to James, pausing to place my hand on his chest, sensing that he was going towards the passenger side of the car. “It’s very sweet, but you don’t need to open my door every time.”

“Okay,” James smiled. “Just looking after my lady.”

Once in the car, I couldn’t resist giving James another quick kiss, “So, what’s the plan? What have you been cooking up in that big brain of yours?”

“I thought we’d have a drive out to the country. Maybe grab a coffee, and stretch our legs in one of the cute little villages? Then swing back around into the city. See if there’s anything going on, maybe a late lunch?” James suggested

I’d not really heard everything that he said. I’d just smiled and nodded along, and when I realised he had finished, “Sounds great. Let’s go.”

The drive into the country was short, with my house being on the edge of the country. James had, however, wanted to drive a bit further, to visit a specific village.

“So, did you see your Mum this morning?” James asked whilst we were driving, “Or is she away with work?”

“Yeah, she was in the lounge when you left earlier,” I said, in a very matter of fact manner.

“And, what did you talk about? What did she have to say about, you know?” James enquired

I smiled to myself, “About? About you bringing me home late at night, and taking advantage of me?”

“Ha! Ha!” James let out a short burst of loud laughter. “Yeah, I suppose that’s it, if you like. What did she have to say?”

“Sorry, just teasing.” I rubbed James’s thigh, as we glanced a look at each other. “We didn’t talk much. Not yet, anyway. She’s not daft enough to think we were playing computer games all night. She’s cool though.”

“Why do you say ‘not yet’?” James asked

“Like what I said last night. I’m not going to school tomorrow, and need to discuss some options with her. Last few weeks of teaching the balance of the material, where I’ll sit exams, you know?”

James nodded, “Yeah, I remember. Was just checking you’d not changed your mind about that. I don’t think it would be as bad as you’re thinking, and I’d be there to look after you.”

I smiled, “Thanks. But, well, I’m not going to school dressed as a girl. So, I’ll see what Mum has to say.”

“Oh!” said James, “The sat nav is taking me the other way to that road sign. Hmm...” he paused. “Think I’ll follow the road sign. The sat nav in this car tries to go some really funny routes.”

“Is that where we’re going?” I asked

“Yeah. Googled some ideas earlier and it suggested this was a really pretty place. Very romantic.”

I blushed, “Aww, how sweet. When did you get all about the planning? This and booking the table last night.”

“Guess I just didn’t want to mess anything up!” smiled James

Interlocking my fingers in James, as his arm rested on the large centre armrest, “Trust me. You’re a million miles from messing anything up.”

We pulled into the small car park in the centre of the village. “You’re right, this is very pretty.” I smiled to James, who had walked around to my side of the car.

After taking my hand, he leant in to give me a kiss. Having just touched up my lip gloss, I showed him my cheek, and he kissed that. “You spurned me!” he teased, “I love how you smell, though.”

We walked off, hand in hand, down the village’s high street. We popped into nearly all of the small shops. Knowing that the village attracts lots of day visitors, many of the shops were selling trinkets, soft furnishings and house decorations. We didn’t buy anything, but enjoyed browsing together.

Once we’d walked up and down the length of the high street, James got us both a couple of takeaway coffees, “Come this way, I think it leads to the river”, passing me a cup and taking my free hand.

He led me down a small alley way, between two of the shops. It didn’t look like it was going to lead anywhere, so I was surprised that it opened up into a small park, which sat on the banks of the tree-lined river.

“Over there,” suggested James, pointing towards a wooden bench, positioned on the water’s edge. “This is nice, isn’t it?”

“Yes. It’s very romantic,” as I first placed my coffee cup on the floor next to my feet, before taking James’s cup from his hands and placing it down next to mine. With my legs crossed, and my thigh rubbing against James’s, he put one arm behind my back and wedged his other in between my two crossed legs. I reached up to tenderly hold his face in my hands, as our lips touched. It would be my tongue that slipped into James’s mouth, and he happily sucked on it.

Our lips parted, and we just smiled at each other. James raising his hand from my leg, and gently touching his fingers to my lips. “So beautiful,” he said. I allowed my hands to fall, one onto my thigh, and the other onto my own.

“I think I could stay here forever,” James said.

“I doubt we could afford the house prices!” I joked

James half-laughed, “Can you imagine? It’d be great living somewhere like this. Shops, a couple of nice pubs, a few cafes the river. We’d be very happy, I reckon.”

“Oh, do you now? Sounds like you’ve got it all planned out for us, as an old couple. And I’m very happy right now.” I smiled.

“Me too. I love you so much, Sam,” as we kissed again.

After a few moments of watching the water flow by, as we finished our coffees, I suggested we should make a move. We headed back to the car, before driving off back towards home.

“Do you want to head into the city, or should we just go somewhere in town?” asked James, after we’d been driving for about ten minutes.

“I don’t really mind. Either. As long as I’m with you,” I said, before realising how corny that sounded.

James turned to me and smiled. “Let’s just head back to town then. See if the Greenhouse can squeeze us in for a late lunch?”

After the Sunday lunch peak and the upcoming smaller evening service, the staff at the Greenhouse bar and restaurant easily found us a table. The clientele were mostly a bit more mature than James and me. In part, probably because of their high prices and dress code.

It wasn’t, however, a surprise to see people we knew. Although I had half-expected it, it still made me anxious. Serving behind the bar was a guy from our year at school, serving one corner in the restaurant was a girl from St Joe’s that I know James had dated last year. There were a few faces I knew from around town, either through rugby or from friends of friends. There was also a Mum and Dad of one of the lads that James and I played rugby with. Had played rugby with? I hadn’t thought about that before.

We had been in the bar area, for probably about 30 minutes, laughing and joking about nothing in particular. We had each finished about half of the drinks that we had ordered, and were waiting for our food to be served. We’d decided not to eat in the restaurant, and had chosen a few tapas style dishes to share.

“I thought it was you!” shouted a voice from too far a distance to be shouting indoors a nice bar. I looked over my shoulder, and it was Dave, the dad of one of the rugby team. He’d spotted James, and had left his wife at their table in the restaurant to come and say hello.

“Alright son, how the devil are you? Not seen you for weeks,” Dave boomed

James stood, and as the older man got close, reached out his arm for a firm handshake. “Hey, Mr Abbott. Good to see you.”

“It’s Dave, please. How are you keeping? Keeping in shape over the summer, with no rugby?”

“Yeah, Dave. Looking forward to the new season, though.” James replied

“Know where you’re going to be playing yet? Will it be at university?” Dave went on.

“I’m sure yet. Anyway...” James paused, hoping Dave would get the hint that he was now intruding and that the conversation was over.”

“Are you not going to introduce me to your friend, James?” Dave teased, “Don’t forget your manners, son.”

“Dave, it’s Sam.” James pointed out

Dave turned down to look at me, still seated, “It’s nice to meet you, Sam. Hang on, Sam?” realising after a second that he already knew me, “What on earth are you doing dressed up like that?” he asked, too loudly for the room.

“She’s not doing anything, Dave,” James pointed out, lowering his voice to add, “And don’t speak to her like that.”

“She? Her? What’s the matter with you two?” Dave asked, in the same volume and tone.

James took a half step forwards, and calmly said, “Don’t forget your manners, Dave. I think that’s the end of this conversation. Goodbye.”

Dave frowned, looked up towards James, then turned and walked back to his table, muttering under his breath as he went.

“Are you okay, Sam?” asked James

“Of course. Thanks. He always was a prick!” We both laughed.

After about 15 minutes later, still laughing and joking, and now slowly eating our bar food, we heard a bit of commotion. Dave and his wife Eve were leaving the restaurant.

“Don’t be even more daft Dave; as if you could stop me!” said Eve, as Dave left for the car park, leaving Eve walking towards James and me.

“Hi Sam, Hi James,” said Eve cheerily, “Sorry to interrupt you. I just wanted to apologise for Dave’s behaviour earlier; I hope it hasn’t ruined your date.” James and I both smiled. “You make such a lovely couple, and Sam, oh Sam, you look so beautiful. James here is a very lucky boy. Anyway, see you both soon. Sorry again,” and she was gone.

After we’d finished our drinks and food, we stayed for another drink, and then left.

“Home, James!” I joked, once we were in the car. Not entirely sure why, but I think it might be off an old TV show. James smiled, whether he got the joke, or not.

“I’ve had a lovely day. Thank you, James,” as I leant over, and kissed him.

“You’re welcome. I had a brilliant time, too. I love being with you. Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked

“Yeah, sure. You can come over after school; my Mum’s got an overnight work function. You can keep me company,” I smiled, before realising how that sounded.

James must have sensed by embarrassment, and just laughed. “Netflix and chill, eh?” he winked at me, “I’m looking forward to it already,” before he kissed me again.

“Hi Mum! I’m home!”

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