
'The Robson Lasses' - The Date

Living as Lexie was now becoming normal for me, wearing skirts, dresses, and the occasional leggings or women’s trousers was just an accepted part of my daily life, and I rarely thought that I was doing anything out of the ordinary. Was this what I really wanted, to live my life like any other woman, or was I just playing at it, I really needed to seriously consider my future.

Marty's New 'Do'

Looking back, I guess I should have just kept my mouth shut. But that's what happens when I get nervous or flustered. I start talking, just to break up the awkward silence and I can't stop, and that usually makes things worse. No one knows that better than Rina, my best friend.

'The Robson Lasses' - New Experiences

Back at home, I sat in the garden with a bottle of wine, thinking about what Jeanette and Kelvin had said about me still dressing as a woman, As I had said to Jeanette, it was just becoming automatic for me. Obviously with the breast forms still fixed in place, putting on a bra just seemed the right thing to do, and everything else just followed on from that. I still felt that my guiding spirit, whether it was something buried in my genes and sub-conscious, or whether it was a ghostly influence on me, still had work for me to do as Lexie. I was comfortable and enjoying life, and seemed to be accepted by everyone I met as a young woman.

'The Robson Lasses' - Charlotte's Story

Back at home I felt an urge to get into my studioand do some painting. Once again my artistic muse took over and images seemed to flow from my brain to my hand and onto the canvas. I didn’t remember falling asleep or know how long for, but on waking up I felt strangely refreshed. I looked over at the easel and instead of seeing a landscape as I previously painted for my earlier work, it was just a head and shoulders image of a worried-looking young man turning to glance back over his shoulder seeing a young woman disappearing into the distance.

Always Gets What She Wants

A trope as old as fiction, in order to gain ownership of an abandoned mansion, a young man must spend one night inside. However, the resident ghost, the spirit of a teenage heiress, has other plans. (Written as a request for a fan over on DeviantArt)

Genesis of a Contented Housewife

Genesis of a Contented Housewife

Sylvia sat in a hardback folding chair with her face towards the bright sun, enjoying the warm spring afternoon. She was generally at peace with the world as she had just enjoyed a delightful lunch and had had the opportunity to renew her friendship with an old and dear friend. She was feeling mellow, aided by three glasses of a gold medal-winning California Chardonnay.

Life Cycle of a Unicorn Part 6 of 7

Chapter 6

As the term progressed so did all the groups’ confidence. Everyone was helping each other and the teachers were really enjoying being part of a session that they had trained for. The four boys were becoming able to talk to, and with, the girls in the study group and they all grew up more as time went on.

Life Cycle of a Unicorn Part 5 of 7

Chapter 5

The parents all nodded and Sharon said that she didn’t mind looking after an extra one, there was room and it did give her an extra interest, being able to use her teaching skills. She told the other parents that she had given up teaching when she married so was only helping out as a teachers’ aide for the moment.

Lost Faith

Eric Dunning was only twelve and in the last six months had watched his mother Erica waste away with cancer, eight years after the death of his father Jack in the early months of fighting in Afghanistan. Torn away from everything he has ever known, a happy southern California life with his mother and his best friend April, he is sent to the complete opposite side of the country to live with an aunt and cousin he has never met. Enduring one trauma after another, circumstances alter the way he sees life, God, and himself in ways he could never have imagined.

Set against the backdrop of rural northern New Hampshire in the 2010s, Lost Faith combines elements of coming-of-age, transformation, self-discovery, and romance, interwoven with a potential answer to the question, "Why does a loving God allow good people to suffer?" It is written as a companion story to the novel, Every Day is Your Last.

Mousy Trap

I had worked from home all day in case I’d have to go to my children’s school urgently so when the school bus stopped on the street I could see my son running to our house, sweep up the door and dash up the stairs with his modest skirt flapping and tears ruining his makeup. Then I heard his bedroom door bang shut.

I turned to my daughter who had traversed the distance to the house in a more leisurely pace.

”The experiment was not a success?”
”You could say that.”

Life Cycle of a Unicorn Part 4 of 7

Chapter 4

Wednesday morning both his brother and father ignored him so he and his mother made the running until they both left the house. At school the three boys walked in with a new purpose again. The classes went as expected and at the lunch break Timothy got to where the seating was and saw Geoff sitting alone again and looking very sad.

The Robson Lasses

this story is a bit of a change for me, I hope you like it. TG elements only come in towards the end of this chapter, which is really just scene-setting.
When Leckie Robson moved back to his ancestral home area to start a new life, little did he realise how much would change.

Life Cycle of a Unicorn Part 3 of 7

Chapter 3

Timothy and his mother dressed warmly and went to the park where other boys were playing soccer. Timothy was content just to look on for a while and then they walked. His mother commented on how she missed walking in the park and wondered if they could do this again another time.

Zephyr's Dream Dress

Zephyr’s Dream Dress
by Giselle Little

Young Marigold gets her two big brothers to model dresses for her friend, Zephyr. Two years later, she’s planning a much bigger surprise.

dedicated to my friend Colette, who created the character Toto and wrote many stories of his adventures with his Momma Samantha and his Poppa Tranko

We Are Made of Stardust Chapter 3

Dave Penkula was feeling as good as a person with their first hangover. Jordan's ex was also like a person who had way too many the night before because he was the only one to blame for how he felt. Even with protesting about how Jordan should be wearing a tux to the prom, Dave knew it was his fault they were not going together. Worse, they broke up because he was too bullheaded to give in.

Zoom Doom

Zoom Doom.
Ben Crayshaw's eyes lit up, he was in social isolation, someone in his class had tested positive for Covid and they were all pinged to stay home and use the online app for continuing their education. The school had invested in new technology, so in theory, Ben could do his schoolwork on Zoom. He wasn't sure about the latter but a week or two off school would be good, at least in the short term views of a fourteen- year-old, it was.

Bored and Blackmailed

When the internet goes out, leaving siblings Dennis and Kylie bored out of their skulls, Kylie comes up with a plan to share some of her favorite girly activities with her brother... whether he wants it or not.

We Are Made of Stardust Chapter 2

Ross Herweg was standing by the classroom door in his trademark pink and black. The senior who was waiting on a friend, Jordan Kerr, had always worn those two colors when he could. If those colors were good enough for the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be in wrestling then they had to be good enough for him. Those colors were great on him because they brought out his confidence. He was assured of himself since kindergarten to wear his favorite wrestler's colors that fact made his stardust shine from him.

Life Cycle of a Unicorn Part 2 of 7

Chapter 2

He had some time before dinner and decided that he could finish his homework to give him the weekend off. He usually left it to Sunday morning. When he went down for dinner neither his father nor his brother were at the table and he asked his mother where they were. His mother looked very unhappy and tried to palm him off but he pressed on.

We Are Made of Stardust Chapter 1

"We are not bound by the Earth. We are all radiant beings made of stardust. Once you know this truth you will be forced to reach for your true potential."
Some drunk fool at a bar.

We Are Made of Stardust Chapter 1

"We are not bound by the Earth. We are all radiant beings made of stardust. Once you know this truth you will be forced to reach for your true potential."
Some drunk fool at a bar.

We Are Made of Stardust Chapter 1

"We are not bound by the Earth. We are all radiant beings made of stardust. Once you know this truth you will be forced to reach for your true potential."
Some drunk fool at a bar.

Life Cycle of a Unicorn Part 1 of 7

Chapter 1

Timothy Mark Ibbotson had a problem. At the tender age of ten he had lost the will to live. There just did not seem to be a point to it anymore and his only concept of a future was making it home every evening after school. It was an effort of will that took him away from home in the mornings and he was getting tired of it all.

The Offer Part 1

Part 1 The Offer, Regrets?

I apologize for any spelling mistakes or incorrect grammar.
It has been checked quickly, but may not be perfect.

A lifelong crossdressers is offered the chance to move in with a man as a full
time housewife. Does he regret it.?
This is an ongoing work. I have 3 more parts to upload.

She lay on her side, in their queen size bed. She gazed at the clock,
5.30 A.M. She would have 30 minutes to relax before she got up and made
Ron's breakfast.

“Touch of Grey’ Chapter 1 “I Will Get By”

I felt I was growing old by the time I reached thirty-five. By then, any music after the 70’s was crap; I had to turn the radio down to see where I was going while driving; and my kids assumed I knew absolutely nothing about how “things are these days”. I knew how things were, I just didn’t like it. I didn’t like the phoniness of life. The carefully crafted picture of life that we all want to present to the world—I wanted to rip it to shreds and show the hidden truth underneath it.

Carl's Summer School Uniform 6/6

After a relaxing day at the beach, there were three major events that week which drew Carla even further into girlhood, acceptance by the girls, learning more about what it means to be a girl, and a showdown with the Headmistress. All in all, a busy week for Carla.

Headspin Chapter 12 of 12

Chapter 12 And then You Will Rise…

To say the video was a hit was an understatement. The ‘Osaka Bananas’ were written on a lot of lists for when public shows would be opening again. Once we got out from the virus we all had secure futures for a while to come.

Carl's Summer School Uniform 5/6

Zoë and I soon got through her homework, once I explained a few things to her it didn’t take her long. “Thanks again Carla, you’ve been a big help and a good friend, It will be a shame when all this is over and you go back to being a boy, skirts and dresses suit you.”

Idol - 1970 - Age 1



This is the story of Dakota Sullivan. We all know him... a child star that had so much talent and his struggles to be accepted as an adult star. His life as an adult star in movies and music has made him a legend.
We have heard rumours and allegations about him, but his personal life was always hidden from us.
"Idol" is the true story of Dakota, where nothing is hidden. This will shock you and you will have a new view of who this Idol really is!




This is the story of Dakota Sullivan. We all know him... a child star that had so much talent and his struggles to be accepted as an adult star. His life as an adult star in movies and music has made him a legend.
We have heard rumours and allegations about him, but his personal life was always hidden from us.
"Idol" is the true story of Dakota, where nothing is hidden. This will shock you and you will have a new view of who this Idol really is!

Headspin Chapter 11 of 12

Chapter 11 Even When You’re Weak…

The long term finally came to an end and we prepared for Christmas. The school social was a much quieter affair this time around and they had booked a normal band. Okemia and her parents had gone away for a few days and didn’t attend and Aiko and I ended up dancing with several boys from the fifth year that she had made friends with and I had a good time.

Headspin Chapter 10 of 12

Chapter 10 You Have to be Strong…

Just before the end of the term I had a text from Naozumi asking if I could come to Tokyo for a meeting or two, in regard to my choreographic work. One Monday I was back on the bullet train, with Aiko and my mother who were not missing out this time. With me now at fifteen and my sister sixteen, my mother intended to hit the shops with us and spend some of the money I had earned last year.

Carl's Summer School Uniform 4/6

“ What on earth do you think you are doing Carl?” Dad growled at me as he caught sight of me for the first time dressed in girls’ clothes.

“ I am trying to get the school to change its dress code, I wore a skirt as a protest and it all just snowballed. The school insisted that if I wanted to look like a girl, I needed to do it properly and Mum had the same idea, both of them trying to embarrass me into giving up

Headspin Chapter 9 of 12

Chapter 9 And Back’s to the Wall…

It is said that nothing happens in a vacuum. So the opposite should be that if you don’t have a vacuum everything happens. It was certainly the case with our second term. The sewing classes were hard at work producing outfits like ours that could be sold in the school shop to pay for the materials they used during the year.


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