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by Melanie Brown
Copyright © 2022 Melanie Brown
“I’m not surprised he said that,” commented Nova after I told her what Bobby said about the cheerleaders in general and me specifically. “He’s an asshole who thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”
I was laying on my back on my bed wearing my peach satin camisole and shorts while talking to Nova on my cell phone. Actually, the camisole and shorts belonged to Janet, but hey, she’s off at college. “You have to admit he’s kinda cute.”
Nova exclaimed, “I can’t believe you’d say that after he lied like that about Jeff having sex with you and that he plans to have sex with you!”
I giggled. “That doesn’t stop him being cute. Besides, boys talk shit like that all the time. Even some girls. Take Olivia for example.”
Nova grunted a laugh. “Yeah. When boys talk like that it makes seem like big bad asses. When girls do it, they just come off as sluts.”
I laughed. “That’s why I mentioned Olivia. But yes, it’s totally unfair. But as they say, those that talk about it the most do it the least.”
“Regardless… Stay as far away as possible from that asshole Bobby,” scolded Nova. “I’m serious, girl.”
Laughing, I said, “Well, it’s not like I’m going to be flirting with anyone in the boy’s health class. Honestly, I don’t want a boyfriend. Besides, after the Christmas break, I won’t be a cheerleader anymore and I can go back to normal.”
Nova said, “Don’t be silly. Being a cheerleader is normal for you.”
I sighed. “I’m not a girl, remember?”
Sounding sarcastic, Nova said, “Yeah, right. What are you wearing right now?”
I frowned at the phone, “None of your business!”
“Aha!” shouted Nova. “Something girly and feminine I bet. At least tell me what color you’re wearing.”
I slid my hand down the smooth silky camisole. “It’s peach.”
Nova let out a huge laugh. “What boy would say ‘peach’? Just admit you’re a girl, Ronnie.”
“I am not,” I whined.
Nova huffed. “Well, it’s not like there’s anything wrong with being a girl, you know. And what do you mean you’re not going to be a cheerleader after Christmas break? We’re still going to be needing you as a cheerleader. And then there’s next year. You’ll be a senior cheerleader and I’m going to need your help. Don’t forget. Three girls graduate this year. And this summer you’re going to cheer camp, right?”
I frowned at my phone. “I don’t see how. I can’t really hide certain body parts at camp.”
“We’ll have time to figure something out. That’s like months away. But hey girl. I gotta go. Try to control yourself being in a room with all those cute boys tomorrow. See ya.”
“Not a problem!” I laughed. Nova disconnected.
I sighed. One more day of Boys’ Health to go through. That was really silly of Nova to warn me away from that Bobby guy. I’m not going to date a boy, no matter how cute he is. Jeff doesn’t really count. It’s not like I had a choice, right? Too bad Gary is out of the picture.
I suddenly sat bolt upright and hissed, “Why am I thinking about boys? Nova does this to me all the damn time!” I pouted at my image in the mirror across my room. The image in the mirror silently said, “I don’t like boys!” I got up and walked to my dresser and looked into the big mirror. I picked up a picture of Jeff that was lying on top of the dresser. “You hear that, Jeff?!” I set the picture back down.
Mom stuck her head through my door. She looked around and then asked, “Is Jeff in here?”
My face suddenly reddened. “Did I say that out loud?”
Mom chuckled. “Yes, you did. What was that about? I thought you were going to bed.”
I shook my head. “It’s nothing. I shouldn’t let Nova work me up about stuff.”
Mom continued to stand in my door frame with her arms folded. “No you shouldn’t. What was she saying about Jeff? That camisole looks cute on you by the way.”
“Thanks,” I said with a smile. “But no. She was telling me to stay away from Bobby.”
Mom raised her eyebrows. “Now who is Bobby?”
I sighed. “Nobody really. Just a boy in my health class. He was bragging to other boys in the class that he could… um… date me – me the cheerleader. He didn’t know I was that same person as the cheerleader.”
Mom chuckled again. “That would have been embarrassing if he had. So. Are you going to follow Nova’s advice to stay away?”
I frowned at Mom. “Of course! He’s a boy. I don’t date boys!”
Mom looked at me funny. She asked, “You don’t?”
I shook my head. “Jeff doesn’t count. And Bobby is an asshole. A cute asshole, but still an asshole.”
Mom gave me a wry smile. “You sound interested.”
“Well I’m not. Seriously.”
Mom laughed. “Good night, honey.”
I waved to Gary as we both approached the class for Boys’ Health. As he caught up with me, I waited a moment until no one was within earshot of us.
“Thank you for the flowers, Gary! They were very pretty.”
Gary grinned. “I hoped they brightened your day. You seemed kinda down.”
Smiling, I said, “It did. It was very nice of you. I’m curious though. How did you know I liked carnations?”
Gary smirked. “A little birdie told me.”
I rolled my eyes. “Seriously.”
“Nova told me,” said Gary with a grin. “I ran into her in the hall just when classes were over.”
“Ah,” I sighed. “It was a little dirty birdie. Anyway, I really appreciated them.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed them.”
We entered the class and showed the instructor our cards so we could be counted. It looked like everyone was sitting pretty much where they were yesterday. I just took the desk in front of the boy who I had had PE with before becoming a cheerleader. He didn’t say hi or anything. It’s not like we’re buds. I watched Gary take his seat across the room.
And then my eyes fell on Bobby. Too bad someone so cute had to be such a jerk as well. I turned my eyes from him. Who cares if he’s a jerk? Not my problem.
Mr. Slovenski rapped on his podium to get everyone’s attention. “Okay guys. We have a lot to cover today. I’ll admit some of it is a bit boring. But if we finish early this afternoon, you’ll be dismissed to go home. So the more you interrupt, the longer it will take.”
The guy behind me said in a serious tone, “Okay. Everyone shut up.” Some people laughed.
Mr. Slovenski was right. The stuff he started with was a real snooze fest. Everyone in the class was getting restless and ready for a break after about an hour and a half. He looked up from the material he was reading from and shook his head. “Okay. I think I’ve lost about half the class. Go take a break, wake up and be back here in twenty minutes. Next break will be for lunch.”
Everyone got up and started crowding through the door to get out. This time I didn’t rush to the restroom since I didn’t have to hide from Gary. The restroom was a bit more crowded this time, but it take long to get my business done. Boys’ rooms are not the social space that the girls’ room is. And boys don’t check their make-up.
Just before I finished, Bobby stepped up to the urinal next to me. For some reason the school didn’t put panels between the urinals and his presence made me nervous. Because of his bragging, I had to fight the urge to take a peek. I mean, standing right next to me was a boy who had publically expressed a desire to have sex with me, with his wang out. This was definitely awkward.
As I turned around, Gary looked over from washing his hands and smirked at me. As I was washing my hands, Bobby stepped to the sink next to me and combed his hair. I was really nervous with him next to me. Of course, ordinarily, any boy standing next to me wouldn’t be a problem. He doesn’t know it’s me, so I shouldn’t let it bother me. But I couldn’t help it.
I followed Bobby out of the restroom. Gary was in the hall waiting for me with a wide grin. He chuckled. “I noticed you checking Bobby out.”
I scowled at Gary. “What? Are you crazy?” He just laughed.
Like the previous day, a group was forming by the hall window near the class room. Bobby fist bumped several of the boys.
Some boy I didn’t know asked in a loud voice, “So Bobby. Did you make your conquest yet?”
Bobby shook his head and laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not going to rape her. This is why all you losers are still virgins. You have to be delicate with the ladies. They’re into romance and all that shit so you have to do it right. I’m going to take her to the homecoming dance. I’ll put her in a romantic mood and then I’ll nail her after the dance.”
The blond kid from yesterday laughed. “My man Bobby’s got it all figured out.”
Another boy sneered. “What makes you think you can get inside her panties? I know a lot of guys she’s turned down for dates.” I wondered who those boys were because no one has asked me out for me to turn down.
Bobby chuckled. “After being fucked by the football team, I’m sure she’s ready to be romanced and treated right. You peasants take your girl out for Taco Bueno. My first date with a girl is always to Gladstone’s” I was furious over his comment about the football team. I hoped nobody saw my face turn red.
Someone asked, “How can you afford that?” Gladstone’s was the ritziest place in town.
Grinning, Bobby said, “Hey. My old man always comes through for me. Like I said, I’ll have her eating out of my hand.”
Mr. Slovenski stepped out of the classroom. “Okay guys. Time to come back to class.”
Gary leaned over and said, “I’ve heard the food at Gladstone’s is pretty good.”
I frowned. “Oh shut up.” He laughed.
The class up until lunch went somewhat quickly. No one interrupted Mr. Slovenski today because everyone wanted to leave early. I sat down at a table by myself. A few moments later, Gary sat next to me.
Nodding his head in the direction of where Bobby and the mob of boys from the class were sitting, Gary asked, “Why aren’t you with your boyfriend?”
I sighed heavily and scowled at Gary. “Give it a rest, okay?”
Gary chuckled. “Okay, okay. Sorry. It is funny though. He’s laying out all these plans for you while you’re standing right next to him.”
I took a bite of my mystery meat burger and looked over at Gary. “You know he’s lying, right? About the football team and me?”
Gary shrugged. “It’s none of my business.”
I punched Gary in the shoulder, although I’m sure I hit like a girl. “None of that is true. It’s not even true for Jeff. I need for you to believe me.”
Gary scratched some gristle from his teeth before looking over at me. “I believe you. You seem much too nice for that. Those guys believe Bobby because they don’t know you. And they see how the football team acts around you girls.”
I scowled in Bobby’s general direction. “Look at him. All smug. He thinks he’s such hot shit, that he can have me eating out of his hand.”
Gary finished off his soda. “Well, be careful, girl. He’s already won round one.”
I glared at Gary. “What are you talking about?”
Gary chuckled. “Without knowing it, he’s already cast his spell over you. You’re curious. You’re interested.”
Gary gave me a wry grin. “You can’t stop thinking about him.”
I started to call Gary an idiot, but then it hit me. He’s right. Since this morning, I’ve been obsessed with Bobby.
Well shit.
To be continued…
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Poor Ronnie, he's so far down the yellow brick road and doesn't even realize it. Oh well. If Ronnie looks like a girl, acts like a girl, and obsesses like a girl, he must be... :D
I’ve been obsessed with Bobby.
poor girl!
Not the one...
Bobby is dangerous... For so many reasons, but mostly for counting his chickens before they've hatched.
Rachel M. Moore...
I'm starting to wonder ...
... if Gary might be interested in dating Ronnie. I mean, you can send flowers to someone as a friend, but it also kinda feels like a romantic gesture. Am I reading too much into that? Anyway, it's nice seeing him not being as much of a jerk to Ronnie as he had been earlier. If nothing else, maybe they can be friends?