
Diane's ballet costume - part 2


When Danny’s mom give him the green velvet and blue bottom ballerina costume, he wanted to jump through the ceiling. After trying it on, he was in heaven. It was soft, pretty and hid his boy parts. All he could think of was dancing like the other girls and being with them on the dance floor.

Rhodri - The Saga of Rhod and Phillipa part one

Rhod title.jpg
*Another Fine Mess*

"You are serious aren’t you”
“Of course we are”

Drew turned a funny shade of pink

“Look guys, it will be fun, once you are dressed up no one will know”
“Like you can make us disappear! Everyone will know who we are straight off”
“No they wont!”
“I’m not saying I’m in” I said, “but what’s in it for us?”

Diane's first ballet costume


Danny always remembered when his sisters went to ballet class. They were so excited, they said, getting to dance all the steps and being able to wear such pretty costumes. But it was also hard work, and they practiced every day, hoping to star in the recitals. And Danny loved to watch them, fascinated by the moves and also loving the ballet costumes, which were so pretty. Plus, the tights were gorgeous.

My first bra fitting


From a captioned image by an unknown author, I dream of my first bra fitting, what should have happened to me and many others.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Here we were, mom and me, finally!

I was getting my first bra of my own. God answered my prayers.

The newest assistant, Alli


Based on a captioned image from an unknown creator, this is the story of how Alan's mom and a female friend conspired to lead Alan to his destiny as a woman, serving women and becoming his true self.
Men are so weak. That's why I married Alan, he was precious and worshipped me like a puppy dog. Plus, he didn't know the story behind how we met or how he became Allison. Now look at Allison, she's what I - and her mom - always wanted.

Andi's First Kiss

Andi's Summer.jpg

Based on a captioned image by Courtney, this story tells how Andi let his hair down and eventually discovered Mark and his first kiss.

I still can't believe how the summer went. I was so stupid.

Becky's First Date


"Hold still Brian while i fix your lipstick"

"Mom i'm kind of nervous, this is my first date as 8ecky, what if Josh just see's me as a boy in a dress?"

"Honey he knows you're a boy becoming a girl and he still asked you out, you've been on hrt for two years now, you've become very pretty, trust me in that dress all he's going to see is what i see, a pretty girl named Becky, now let me finish your makeup, i have a feeling Josh will be wanting to kiss these lips by the end of the night"

The story:

Chapter 4 - Cut Off

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description

CAUTION - emotional pain/open emotional wounds


Awaking slowly in a dark room, his mind was groggy and dull. The satin pillow and distinctive sweet smell that screamed 'girl' told him he wasn't in his room at the Stone's house. That room still stank of teenage boy from its occupant before he'd taken it. Unable to remember where he was, he had a vague notion of going to sleep in someone else's bed and there being a storm. He reasoned that he must have sneaked into April's bedroom last night like he'd done a few times after his mother's hospitalization when he'd been especially scared. April would soothe away his fears and he would sleep on her floor, returning to his own room in the early morning. That's when he remembered he was in a bed and noticed he wasn't sleeping alone.

Chapter 3 - Dinner by Gaslight

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description

CAUTION - emotional pain/open emotional wounds


The three exited out into the hallway after Heather turned down the lights in Faith's bed and bath, showing Eric how to do it with a long stick made for that purpose for people not tall enough to reach them.

Chapter 2 - The Storm

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description

CAUTION - emotional pain/open emotional wounds


Gasping as the room was plunged into darkness, a crack of thunder rolling over the house several seconds later, Eric thought he heard someone squeal in fear. After it passed, he found himself wrapped in his aunt Heather's arms and he could finally hear the sobs of fright escaping his own lips.

Amy's Day Off - part 5

“Can I ask you something?” I say to him. “Sure, what do you want to ask?” he replies. I pause for a bit, do I really want to say this and spoil the moment, is the fantasy better that what might go wrong? “It was something Jo said.” I say, I didn’t want to mention her name in case it broke the spell, but Jo is my friend and I know I am flirting with her boyfriend, but I also need to know this. “She said that we both gave you an erection and I wanted to know if I had caused some of it?” I look away, embarrassed.

Amy's Day Off - part 4

When the film finished, she asked me if I was going to audition for the play and I pointed out I don’t really look like a T Bird. She looked at me and said, “No, I was thinking a Pink Lady.” She hit pause and said, “That one.”

I looked at her and was a bit confused and just said, “Huh?”

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.37

Chapter 42

“Get up my pretty little sissy. Let me show you how to give someone a good lay, although I guess that’s nothing you will ever have any use for.” Linda taunted as she helped Marcy up only to sit the sissy on top of her desk. Pushing down on her shoulders Linda made Marcy lay back with a swift movement she pulled the sissy’s panties off then wasting no time she put Marcy’s legs over her own shoulders, lining up the dildo with Marcy’s bottom.

The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 6

Reel Six

She walked leisurely towards the dining room, this time taking a lot of interest in the positioning of the wandering heavies. When she entered the dining room Gonzales left the bar and came over to greet her, taking her hand and kissing it.

The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 5

Reel Flve

“So” Sydney mused “I have been asked to recover something from myself and I am expendable but there will be someone out there watching for the pick up to kill me. A very strange state of affairs, I must say.” He sent a message back saying that no jobs were being taken at the moment.

The Order of Eve - The Guardianship Inspector Calls

The story continues with the dreaded Guardianship Inspector calling on Mary and Mike. The cracks are starting to show in the new regime.
This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

The Order Of Eve - Tony's Life In The Labor Camp

This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

The Order of Eve - A Visit From Sally

This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 4

Reel Four

There was not much else he could do now until things filtered through the system and that didn’t bother him. He had a look at his website and saw that there was a message for him. When he opened it he had to laugh as it said that he was a thieving bastardo who had stolen the cash he had been employed to recover.

The Order of Eve - A Loving Wife

This is a light hearted story. Not like the first part.

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

Women are encouraged by the Order of Eve, to punish and humiliate their men. If the men fight back or refuse orders they are arrested
and sent to the camps. There are random inspections on the homes of women who are men's guardians. The government want to make sure
they are kept in line as prescribed in the guardianship guide books.

The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 3

Reel Three

The next morning Sydney checked out the news feed on his computer. The story about the gunfight in the railway station was prominent. The word was that a couple of armed transit guards had seen a couple of guys trying to rob a lad who had just opened a locker. When approached they had drawn guns and so a short fusillade had erupted, the two men now dead and both guards only wounded thanks to their bullet-proof vests. The CCTV showed the lad leaving an envelope and taking a bag before disappearing into the crowd.

The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 2

Reel Two

Being almost Sunday morning he did not have to go to the shop. In fact, the way business was these days he only went there a few days in the month to collect any cash takings for banking anyway. This gave him more time for any ‘recovery’ work that came up and most of the shop trade was now done on-line.

The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 1

Reel One

Samantha was not happy. Something felt wrong. It was one of those times that something in your head said “STOP!!!” Samantha had felt it a couple of times before, and both times it had saved her life.

'The Robson Lasses' - Commitment

I was still living and working permanently as Lexie, regularly going out with Jim, and it was becoming a strain trying to avoid a physical relationship. I still had not told him that I was still a man, despite my appearance and the way I acted, and was not inclined to test him with a proposal for a gay relationship, but my life as a man was becoming a distant memory.

Cross Dressing can be a Killer

“To me you seem to be a useless self serving member of the elite whose feet are well and truly on the necks of the oppressed poor. I am no bigot, so I reluctantly admit yes I have loved you for a long time. I say reluctantly because as things stand I find that shameful. You would have to convince me, and I shall give you every opportunity to so do, that you serve some useful purpose to the ordinary folk, or you become a part of my foolish past. A past I shall remember with fondness, but also with embarrassment.”


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